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The MTA has agreed to run these ugly ads opposing the Cordoba House (or, in the ad's words, "WTC Mega Mosque") on its buses. Luckily, there are no buses left in New York, thanks to the MTA's service cuts. [NYP]
Levi Johnston, the ex-fiancé of former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol, will run for office in Wasilla, the town where Palin served as mayor. Which office? Um, he hasn't filed yet. And the deadline was July 30.
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[Two container ships collided near Mumbai on Monday, placing the Arabian sea in danger of an oil spill from the MSC Chitra, the ship seen tilting dangerously here. Pic via AP]
The cover of Weezer's new album is a photo of Jorge Garcia, the actor who plays Hurley on Lost. Why? Weezer frontman Rivers Cuomo explains, "This photo of Jorge Garcia... just had this amazing vibe." Oh.
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Attractive women are discriminated against in certain professions, according to a recent study that asked participants to sort photographs of job applicants based on their "suitability for the job." But what kind of jobs aren't suitable for a total babe?
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So, the Teen Choice Awards are airing right now, and this year's watercooler moment just happened: Shaquille O'Neal presented Justin Bieber with his four awards, they flirted a bit, and then Bieber gave an awkward performace of "Smile." Video inside.
Seven hundred people are dying in Moscow every day, according to a Russian health official, as the sweltering city is choked by smog from hundreds of peat bog fires. Depressing quote from a morgue worker: "The refrigerators are full." [Guardian]
Anchors/reporters are the celebrities of the news business: a bunch of familiar faces that sometimes won't stop talking. But can you name the newscasters before they became famous? Test your knowledge of these TV mainstays with their yearbook photos, inside.
There's seems to be a nerdy arms race under way over who can propose to their fiancée the most ridiculously networked fashion. Digg's Matt Van Horn, who just live-streamed video of his proposal, is the winner. For now.
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[President Obama looked like he was about to start headbanging to a Judas Priest song when showing the crowd the "hook 'em horns" at the University of Texas in Austin today. Image via AP]
Google announced a much-anticipated deal with Verizon that calls on the Federal Communications Commission to enforce an open and equal internet — except when it comes to wireless networks and new types of services. Confused hand-wringing has already begun.
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[Costumed as the battered victim of a violent crime, Jennifer Love Hewitt sits with Mariska Hargitay on the set of Law & Order: SVU. Image via Splash.]
Sarah Palin saw the media's interpretation of her hilarious, awkward encounter with an Alaskan teacher and immediately put her Facebook ghostwriter to work. She would never "roll her eyes" at a teacher. She loves teachers! They comprise her entire family.
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Today science told us that the way you were in first grade is the way you're gonna be forever. This got commenters talking about their own experiences with personality and youth. But one commenter deftly debunked the whole study.
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Today's most provocative message wheat-pasted onto a Manhattan building: why does Che get all the good endorsements? Mussolini just needs a better graphic designer. This is 100% true. Kids don't know who either of them are. Click to enlarge. [Copyranter]
Fallen Hewlett Packard CEO Mark Hurd was charged with "misusing company assets" after steering company money to his alleged love interest. But deploying corporate resources for personal interests is commonplace in Silicon Valley—even, it turns out, at HP. More »
The ladies of the Foxhole, an Ohio gentleman's club, are so fed up with protesters from the nearby New Beginnings Ministries church picketing and writing down their patrons' license plate numbers, they've begun a bikini'd protest of their own. [Consumerist]
Manhunt, the top gay hookup site, is about to undergo a Facebook-style privacy rollback. But while there are plenty of other places to cruise for sex online, be careful: the gay dating site you use says a lot about you. More »
It's only Monday, but Senate Republicans have already found a new part of the Constitution they want to amend. Sen. Jim DeMint and others plan to introduce a balanced budget amendment in September, just to wow their base before November.
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Everyone thinks that fast food joints and chain restaurants in New York must be disgusting while five-star eateries are as spotless as their white tablecloths. New York City's Department of Healthy has found the exact opposite to be true.
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Rock star adman Alex Bogusky abruptly retired from advertising this summer, saying he wanted to pursue other, more righteous initiatives. Has Burger King's greatest pitchman really had a change of heart? Or is his narcissistic personality disorder acting up again?
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A JetBlue flight attendant argued with a passenger on the tarmac at JFK today. In a fit of rage, he activated the plane's inflatable emergency slide, slid out, and stormed off the job. [Updated with photos and his curse-strewn rant!]
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Today at Gawker.TV, the Kids in the Hall warn us of the dangers of child pageantry, Jason Bateman talks about the time he kissed Dustin Hoffman, and a Today Show anchor reports the weather while stuck inside of an elevator.
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She's shameless!! Also today: Keep Marcia Gay Harden away from your kids, some great news about the death of an HBO show, and news of man of the moment Will Ferrell.
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Mel isn't the only ranting Gibson. His Holocaust-denying father Hutton—who belongs to a fringe Catholic group—recently went on a radio rant, calling Pope Benedict "homosexual" and half the Vatican "queer." Hutton's so far right, he's almost a leftist.
As the Battle of the Cheetos moves into its sixth week, there is no end in site. Every day, more armies are created, and more battles are waged. With every passing moment, new battalions take command of websites while others are overthrown. Will you be victorious, or just another name in the long line of the defeated?
There's a melodramatic "war" brewing between Facebook and Google, and Facebook's CEO is seizing the opportunity to squeeze more work from his engineers, declaring a "lockdown," keeping the office open on weekends, and putting a neon sign on his door.
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[To raise money for a breast cancer charity, 102 British nudists make a bouncy attempt to break the World Record for naked rollercoaster riding at Essex's Adventure Island amusement park. Image via Splash.]
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