SEIU - Service Employees International Union, CTW, CLC TAKE ACTION

TODAY in Atlanta: Rally and March Against Sodexo's Workplace Practices

Aug 11, 2010 - In Atlanta on Thursday, workers, students and local activists from five campuses (Emory, Georgia State, Clark-Atlanta, Morehouse and Georgia Tech) will come together in protest of food service giant Sodexo's low wages and allegations of workplace discrimination. Over a hundred rally participants will march to Morehouse College and Clark University, where they will deliver a letter to the Sodexo executive on campus. Read more...

Defining Desperate: Anti-Immigrant Republicans Take On The 14th Amendment

Aug 11, 2010 - When Arizona's anti-immigrant SB1070 became law in April 2010, State Rep. Russell Pearce was adamant the law didn't go far enough. So, like many irrational Republicans before him, Pearce made his best attempt to argue for the repeal of birthright citizenship. For nearly two months, his calls for repeal were ignored by Republicans and Democrats alike...until recently. Read more...

Seven Questions

Aug 11, 2010 - While candidates bicker over petty politics, our communities are still reeling from the economic crash caused by Wall Street's recklessness and greed. So the fundamental question is this: will candidates running for office take concrete steps to hold Wall Street's gigantic banks accountable? We don't want vague promises, we need commitments that we can hold them accountable to. Help us get answers. Read more...

Hartmarx: One Year Later

Aug 10, 2010 - This week marks the one-year anniversary for HMX Group, the firm that acquired famed clothier Hartmarx after it declared bankruptcy last spring. After marshaling support from powerful allies in politics and labor and fighting off liquidation, Workers United members at... Read more...

House Votes to Save 300,000 American Jobs

Aug 10, 2010 - This afternoon, the House passed a $26 billion package to save hundreds of thousands of jobs by giving funds to states for Medicaid and education. President Obama immediately signed the bill into law. Following today's vote in the House of Representatives, SEIU President Mary Kay Henry released a statement: Read more...

Calling on Wall Street to "Wake Up"

Aug 10, 2010 - In a new report released August 10th, research details how Wall Street owes California tax payers billions and continues to bilk the state in the foreclosure crisis, loss in lending to small businesses, unpaid property taxes and more. To illustrate the report's dramatic findings, community residents and education leaders delivered a giant itemized bill to Chase Bank Tuesday in downtown Los Angeles. Read more...

Temporary restraining order blocks furloughs for all CA state workers

Aug 10, 2010 - Good news! Late yesterday, an Alameda Superior Court Judge blocked Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's proposed furloughs of three working days a month on 150,000 California state workers. The TRO issued by Judge Steven Brick protects all SEIU Local 1000 employees that were at risk for reinstated furloughs. Read more...

New Jersey Legislators Call For Investigation Into Food Services Company Sodexo

Aug 09, 2010 - On Monday in New Jersey, Assemblywoman Greenstein and Assemblyman DeAngelo called for an investigation into the financial dealings of Sodexo with the state. The allegations are that Sodexo violated state and federal law by hiding vendor rebates in connection with services provided to 21 school districts and SUNY. Read more...

Healthcare Workers at Alle-Kiski Medical Center Unite!

Aug 09, 2010 - On August 5th, 375 support staff from Alle-Kiski Medical Center in Allegheny County, PA voted to unite with SEIU Healthcare PA. "I am proud to say that we have formed our healthcare workers' union," said Sandra Schrecengost, a unit secretary in the ICU/CCU. Read more...

Meet Member Lobbyist Teresa Law

Aug 06, 2010 - Teresa Law has been a home care worker in Ohio for 13 years. She became a proud member of SEIU Local 1199WOK three years ago, after an executive order gave her and her co-workers collective bargaining rights. Read more...

Arizona's Appeal of SB 1070 Injunction & Other Legal Challenges

Aug 05, 2010 - Less than 48 hours after a U.S. Court District Court Judge blocked certain provisions of Arizona's new anti-immigration law SB1070, the state of Arizona was already taking legal action to protest the decision. Gov. Jan Brewer wasted no time filing... Read more...

Emergency Session

Aug 05, 2010 - By now you've probably heard the news: after numerous failed efforts, the Senate overcame a Republican filibuster and passed critical funding for our states' budgets. It's now up to the House of Representatives to pass this bill so President Obama can sign it into law. Speaker Pelosi has called the House back from recess for an emergency session to vote on this legislation. Read more...

Deciphering Scott Brown

Aug 05, 2010 - Yesterday Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) voted to filibuster a critically important jobs bill that included state funding for Medicaid and teachers. The bill will protect or create hundreds of thousands of jobs around the country. Fortunately for America, two Republicans... Read more...

"Where are your papers?"...Watch. Think. Act.

Aug 04, 2010 - Watch our latest immigration reform campaign video, Not In My America. Read more...

If your elderly or disabled family member needed homecare, would you call your babysitter?

Aug 04, 2010 - If your elderly or disabled family member, who chooses to live at home, needed assistance with daily care, would you try to get the same babysitter you call on for date-night with your spouse? Of course you wouldn't. Read more...

FMAP & Congress: Cutting It Way Too Close

Aug 04, 2010 - At approximately 10:30am ET, the Senate is scheduled to hold another vote on FMAP funding for our states. This funding is critically important, and assists states in creating jobs and maintaining vital services. Our kids and those most vulnerable among us are taking the brunt of these cuts. UPDATE: The cloture vote passed 61-38. Read more...

What happened to America's middle class?

Aug 04, 2010 - The Financial Times & MSNBC delve into the debate of where the middle class has gone, interviewing two SEIU members who are struggling to support their families in hard times. Read more...

Quality of Care Matters in Early Education

Aug 03, 2010 - With 60 percent of mothers whose children are under three in the workforce, today's families need the services of our family child care, daycare center and Head Start members more than ever. Because these child care quality concerns are so important to us, we'd also like to announce the launch of a new early learning initiative and online campaign: Raising Kids, Raising Communities. Read more...

SEIU and CGT File Charges with the OECD against Sodexo for Violating Workers' Rights

Aug 02, 2010 - SEIU and CGT, one of France's largest unions, filed an official complaint on July 30th with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development on behalf of workers in Colombia and the United States. Read more...

SEIU Members Join Phoenix Protest as SB1070 Goes Into Effect

Aug 02, 2010 - Over 100 SEIU ULTCW members and staff traveled to Phoenix on July 29th to rally in support of immigration reform. After the SB1070 victory in federal court, SEIU members are even more committed to a national effort to fix our broken immigration laws. Comprehensive immigration reform is the only way to avoid more situations like Arizona's. Read more...

Having a baby? No house for you!

Aug 02, 2010 - As the New York Times revealed last week, real estate lenders commonly refuse to lend to new parents, or prospective parents with upcoming maternity leaves. It's hard to think of a time in a person's life when they're more likely to need a new home. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has responded by saying they'll be launching an investigation. Good. Read more...

New radio ad reminds Sen. Brown to "keep his promise" on jobs

Jul 30, 2010 - 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East has teamed up with AFSCME to launch a new radio commercial on an important jobs bill creating and protecting jobs in both the private and public sectors. The radio ad, beginning tonight, calls on Brown to "keep his promise" to create and protect jobs by bringing federal FMAP funding back to Massachusetts through this jobs bill. Read more...

Illinois Nursing Home Reform Signed into Law

Jul 30, 2010 - After months of trips to Illinois's capitol to talk with legislators, hearings and negotiations, the nursing reform legislation SEIU Healthcare Illinois nursing home members and their allies fought so hard for was signed into law by Governor Quinn on July 29th. This is a great first step in our fight for quality long term care. Read more...

When it isn't a disaster to lose your health coverage

Jul 30, 2010 - After facing double-digit premium increases three years in a row, the Early Learning Child Care center in New Bedford, MA, dropped their employee health coverage and started paying a mandated fine to the state under the Massachusetts universal coverage law. wasn't a total disaster, like it would be in most states. Read more...

Evelyn Coke: Her Cause Must Become Our Own

Jul 30, 2010 - Sometimes we learn about a fantastic person after his or her death and wish that we could've known that person while he or she was still alive. When an ordinary American makes a massive impact on society with a call for fairness and equality that makes it all the way to the Supreme Court, that person and their cause must be carried on. Their fight becomes our dream for change. Read more...

Happy 45th Birthday, Medicaid and Medicare!

Jul 29, 2010 - July 30 marks the 45th anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid, programs that have provided a lifeline and healthcare coverage to older Americans and people with disabilities who previously had none. On Thursday, supporters gathered on Capitol Hill to celebrate the 45th anniversary, with speakers including SEIU Local 26 member Keylá Kahl, a janitor from Minneapolis, MN. Read more...

VIDEO: If Republicans Had Their Way on SB1070...

Jul 29, 2010 - Over the past months, the so-called immigration 'solutions' that Republicans have suggested include micro-chipping illegal immigrants and putting landmines on the border. We think you'll get the picture once you watch this video, featuring an anti-immigration All-Star cast that includes Glenn Beck, AZ Gov. Jan Brewer, Sen. John McCain and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Read more...

Gov. Schwarzenegger orders furloughs for state workers AGAIN

Jul 29, 2010 - State workers in California had only been furlough-free for a month before Governor Schwarzenegger issued a new executive order on Wednesday to implement three furlough days per month. It will affect an estimated 200,000 state workers. SEIU Local 1000 President Yvonne Walker responded to the new furlough order, calling it another example of his failed leadership. Read more...

VIDEO: We doubt Mr. Clean would endorse this laundry process

Jul 29, 2010 - Supervisors often turn a blind eye to workers cutting corners in order to reach quotas, and sometimes even encourage it. As a production worker at a Cleveland laundry plant expected to meet quotas of up to 700 laundry pads per hour, Sodexo employee Billy Pippins knows about this from first hand experience. Read more...

Judge Blocks Racial Profiling Part of Arizona's Anti-Immigration Law

Jul 28, 2010 - A U.S. District Court Judge in Arizona has temporarily blocked key parts of Arizona's controversial anti-immigrant law SB1070 from taking effect tomorrow. This means that while the law will still take effect tomorrow, police will not be able to use racial profiling to inquire into a person's immigration status. This is a HUGE victory for SEIU members in Arizona and a victory for our efforts to re-focus on Washington's responsibility to fix our broken immigration system. Read more...

Will Securitas Keep Its Word to Officers?

Jul 27, 2010 - Across North America security industry standards--including wages, benefits, and regular training--are notoriously low. In this time of economic recession, the needs of our cities are at an all-time high. As a global giant--with $8.2 billion in sales and $278 million in profit in 2009--Securitas can do better by our communities. Read more...

The Right-Wing Smoke Screen: Dangerous to Everyone's Health

Jul 27, 2010 - When facts fail, the operatives for corporate America simply ramp up their efforts to build resentment against the public and private sector. It's classic divide-and-conquer politics: pitting one group of American workers against another, with the hope that you'll forget or ignore the corporations and Wall Street bankers who caused this mess. Read more...

News From Around the Union

Jul 26, 2010 - In case you missed it....recent news, contract victories and activism from SEIU Local unions in New York, Toronto, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Connecticut, Oregon, San Francisco and Colorado. Read more...

Sodexo Fined for Serious Safety Hazards in New Jersey

Jul 26, 2010 - In South Plainfield, New Jersey, the agency responsible for enforcing standards for workplace safety and health has cited Sodexo for violations of nine separate safety hazards involving building cleaning and maintenance services that endangered workers and could have harmed students. Read more...

Californians Demand End to Welfare for Big Oil

Jul 26, 2010 - Out of the 22 major oil-producing states in the United States, California is the only one that has a loophole allowing oil companies to extract oil tax-free. Hundreds of Californians--including SEIU child care providers, school employees and social workers--marched in Los Angeles on Thursday to demand elected leaders put an end to tax giveaways to large oil companies. Read more...

SEIU Members Join Phoenix Protest as SB1070 Goes Into Effect

Jul 25, 2010 - SEIU ULTCW members traveled to Phoenix, Arizona on July 29th and they documented their experiences on the ground. The day started out at 4:00 a.m. for over 100 ULTCW members and staff, as they boarded AZ-bound buses at Dodgers Stadium to caravan to Phoenix in support of immigration reform. Read more...

Summer Brigade Activists Working to Clean Up Sodexo

Jul 23, 2010 - Since kicking off the Summer Brigade program in June, Sodexo workers and students have been working hard in several U.S. cities to learn critical organizing skills and build momentum for the fall season in their fight for higher wages, affordable healthcare, and workers' legal right to form a union. Check out this short video of students and workers talking about the powerful reasons they're working together this summer. Read more...

Marcia Snell and the High Cost of Sodexo's Low Wages

Jul 23, 2010 - Dear Sodexo Managers, this is what happens when you chronically underpay your workers and fail to provide affordable health care coverage. Read more...

SEIU Arizona Member Fernando Villalobos Speaks Out Against SB1070

Jul 22, 2010 - One week before Arizona's extreme law SB1070 is slated to go into effect, SEIU Arizona member Fernando Villalobos shares his fears of the racial profiling and division that could ensue if the law is not stopped. Read more...

Washington Post Reviews A Sodexo Cafeteria's Food, Serves Them A "D"

Jul 21, 2010 - As Sodexo's corporate offices attempt to build public relations about their commitment to serving nutritious foods by heavily promoting the issue of healthy eating in the past month, The Washington Post has released a timely, scathing critique of the food... Read more...

Sodexo To Pay $20 Million For Illegally Overcharging NY Schools

Jul 21, 2010 - Today, New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo announced a $20 million settlement with Sodexo for overcharging 21 New York schools districts, the State University of New York (SUNY) system, and state facilities that include a center that provides services to abused, neglected and abandoned children. This settlement reveals how Sodexo both betrayed the trust of the clients it was supposed to serve and hurt taxpayers--all at the same time. Read more...

Grist Article Exposes "Kickback" System That Helps Put Unhealthy Foods Into Our School Cafeterias

Jul 20, 2010 - Last week, Ed Bruske at Grist wrote a startling article about the kickbacks contracted food service companies are earning by partnering with particular, large food manufacturers - which often leads to schools serving processed foods with high sugar and sodium contents. Food manufacturers like Kellogg's and Pepperidge Farm offer rebates as an incentive to purchasers to buy certain products over others for school meals. The rebates are often called "kickbacks" because the food service companies expect to be paid them in full, without benefiting school districts. While money changes hands, your child is eating Pop-Tarts and drinking sugary, flavored milk. Read more...

Reset the conversation on immmigration

Jul 20, 2010 - Instead of sparking a national conversation about the practical immigration solutions we need, Arizona's law has sparked talk about mass deportation, tent prisons, and machine guns and land mines on the U.S. Mexico border. These aren't solutions. It's time to start a new conversation with our family and friends about realistic immigration solutions that speak to our American values. Read more...

CA state employees mobilize as Gov. Schwarzenegger tries to force them to work for minimum wage

Jul 20, 2010 - Beyond sharing their moving stories, thousands of SEIU Local 1000 members have taken action to protest the governor's minimum wage order and urge CA lawmakers to pass to a continuous appropriations bill. More than 20,000 members have engaged in work actions, made phone calls, written letters, sent e-mails and contacted their elected state representatives. Read more...

Support for Equal Pay & Family-Friendly Work Policies

Jul 20, 2010 - Women are still treated unfairly in the workplace. Wage disparity persists, and women still earn, on average, only 77 cents for every dollar earned by men. Vice President Biden and members of the White House Middle Class Task Force and Council on Women and Girls are announcing the recommendations from the Equal Pay Enforcement Task Force this morning at the White House. Read more...

SEIU: Elizabeth Warren is the Right Person to Head the CFPB

Jul 20, 2010 - The Wall Street reform bill being signed into law this week creates a new consumer watchdog to end the predatory practices Wall Street used to plunge our country into economic misery. And Elizabeth Warren is the right person to be America's new consumer protector in chief. She's has spent her entire career fighting for the interests of working families. Read more...

DENIED: Gov. Schwarzenegger's proposal to pay CA state workers minimum wage

Jul 16, 2010 - On Friday, a Sacramento County Superior Court Judge temporarily denied Gov. Schwarzenegger's legal request to immediately impose the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour on California state workers. This means that the salaries of approximately 200,000 hourly state employees are safe--for now. Read more...

Wall Street Reform Passes (Because of You)

Jul 16, 2010 - President Obama will sign Wall Street reform into law. The big bank execs are all sitting around wondering how this happened. I know the answer. It was you. Read more...

Misguided members of Congress oppose unemployment benefits despite jobless rates

Jul 16, 2010 - By the end of this week, 2.5 million workers will be cut off jobless benefits since the provisions expired in June, causing states to lose millions per month in stimulus spending. A new analysis lists every U.S. Senator and Representative who voted against extending unemployment benefits last month - and the cost of this opposition on their state's economic recovery and out-of-work residents. Read more...

Working horses get paid sick days. Fifty million working Americans don't.

Jul 16, 2010 - New York City's Health Department allows 5 weeks of job-protected paid sick leave to horses hitched to carriages that carry tourists around town, should they fall ill or get injured. Yet more than 50 million two-legged U.S. workers get no paid sick time off at all. If horses can get it, why can't their bosses? Read more...

Sodexo Comes Under Fire From National Labor Relations Board In Pennsylvania

Jul 15, 2010 - Not long after Sodexo settled labor charges in West Orange, New Jersey, for interrogation and surveillance of their workers, the company has found itself in hot water once again. This month Sodexo settled with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, after it found merit in workers' charges that management coercively interrogated, threatened, spied on and unfairly disciplined cafeteria workers at Lafayette College. Read more...

Why are the people caring for our older parents and grandparents excluded from minimum wage and overtime pay?

Jul 15, 2010 - In-home caregivers: Most people don't realize that these hard workers are excluded from minimum wage and overtime protections. Today, we are calling on DOL Secretary Hilda Solis to end the companionship exemption. Find out how you can be a part of our online campaign to help these workers get the justice they deserve. Read more...

Meet the 2010 SEIU Honorees of Union Plus Scholarships

Jul 15, 2010 - Union Plus Scholarship awards are presented annually to union members or members of their families who are working hard to begin (or continue) their post-secondary education. This year, Union Plus has awarded $150,000 in scholarships to 121 students representing 42 unions, including three winners from SEIU. Read more...

WANTED: State to Hold Major League Baseball's 2011 All-Star Game

Jul 14, 2010 - As part of a growing movement to move the 2011 Major League Baseball All-Star game out of Arizona, SEIU joined immigrant rights allies to launch a new online "Want Ad" for eligible state candidates that "reject intolerance and discrimination" and "honor baseball's rich tradition of breaking racial barriers." The strong sentiment against SB1070 has now begun to spill into the dugout too... Read more...

Hip-Hop Artists Partner with SEIU for Socially Conscious Message

Jul 12, 2010 - Arizona's controversial immigration law has inspired a new round of hip-hop political activism. On Friday night, well-known emcee Talib Kweli performed at the SEIU co-sponsored 5th Annual J. Dilla Benefit Concert and Immigration Speak Out event, as part of the DC's annual Hip-Hop Theater Festival. While in town, NYC-based Kweli also spoke to the Washington Post about his new SB1070 protest song, "Papers Please," which describes Arizona's legislation as "Jim Crow-in Spanish." Read more...

U.S. Chamber: You've Got to Be Joking, Right?

Jul 12, 2010 - A 1960's Batman comic. That's how the Chamber of Commerce characterizes our current economic crisis. It's not surprising that the U.S. Chamber would liken our national debate on job creation to a Batman comic strip. To a lobbying powerhouse like the Chamber, this is a game, and they're priming the pump with tens of millions of dollars to make sure that in the end, they win. Read more...

Sodexo's Dirty Laundry: Workers Speak Out

Jul 12, 2010 - Since 2005, Sodexo laundry facilities in Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Buffalo have received citations from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration for serious or repeat violations that put their workers at risk of injury or death. We've created a new section of that gives a voice to the workers in Sodexo laundry plants who deserve better. More stories from Sodexo laundry workers here. Read more...

Sodexo's "Diverse" Workplace Doesn't Equal Increased Opportunity for Employees

Jul 11, 2010 - Diversity can definitely have a positive impact on how a company is perceived by the public. But Sodexo's value of diversity doesn't always result in improved treatment of its workers, accountability for discrimination, or opportunities for employees to rise in the company. Read more...

Cleveland Politicians and Workers Call For Safe Working Conditions at Sodexo Laundry Sites

Jul 09, 2010 - Yesterday in Cleveland, Sodexo laundry workers joined with community members, elected officials, and students for a press conference to highlight health and safety concerns at Sodexo facilities. Workers critiqued Sodexo's continued lack of compliance with the rules of the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and also urged Congress to pass the Miner Safety and Health Act to make working conditions safer across America. Read more...

DC's 5th Annual J Dilla Benefit Concert & Immigration Speak Out

Jul 09, 2010 - In the wake of Arizona's anti-immigrant law SB1070, artists from across the country have spoken out against intolerance and called for workable, humane solutions to our broken immigration system. Tonight, a group of hip-hop artists opposed to SB1070 will perform at the 5th Annual J Dilla Benefit Concert and Immigration Speak Out in Washington, D.C at the Black Cat. Read more...

The Legacy of Evelyn Coke: Honoring the Actions of a Quiet Heroine

Jul 09, 2010 - One year after Evelyn Coke's death, we continue to fight to ensure our nation's 1.5 million home care workers receive basic workplace protections the majority of private and public sector workers already enjoy under FLSA--overtime benefits and federal minimum wage. Read more...

Our Thoughts Go Out To Marcia Snell And Her Family

Jul 08, 2010 - Marcia Snell is having triple bypass surgery to save her life. A ten-year employee of Sodexo, Marcia has no health insurance and has never made enough money to afford her heart medication, despite working up to 60 hours a week for Sodexo. Did we also mention Marcia and her two kids--who are also Sodexo employees--are all on food stamps? Read more...

Sen. Brown & the Economy: Doin' a Heckuva Job

Jul 08, 2010 - Last month, Congress failed to pass a jobs bill and extend unemployment benefits. While members of Congress enjoy their two-week vacation this July, Americans are experiencing the dramatic consequences of this inaction. In MA, taxpayers lost $338,000,000 in relief funds when Republicans filibustered a vote on FMAP funding. Email your Senator this week and urge them to get back to work on creating jobs. Read more...

CBS News: "The Cuts Are Now Brutal"

Jul 07, 2010 - As predicted, Congressional inaction on jobs creation and extending unemployment insurance has resulted in a full-blown crisis in our states. CBS Evening News visited several states, including California, to survey the aftermath. Read more...

Why Matters to Workers

Jul 06, 2010 - Last week, SEIU members and working families won a symbolic victory against health insurers. That's because launched - a resource center for Americans researching and purchasing health insurance. Never before have consumers had access to an impartial, third party source for information on health insurance policies. Read more...

This July 4th, Declare Your Independence from the U.S. Chamber

Jul 03, 2010 - We've got the perfect way to start off your holiday weekend: Our friends over at US Chamber Watch are having some fun in a new video in which companies are "declaring their independence" from "King Tom" (Donohue) and the U.S. Chamber. Read more...

On Independence Day, SEIU Members Reflect on the Value of Being American Citizens

Jul 02, 2010 - As Americans celebrate our country's independence on July 4th, there is no greater way to honor our 'nation of immigrants' than with the stories of new citizens. Two members of 1199SEIU recently earned United States citizenship and spent time reflecting on what it means to be an American citizen - watch them tell their stories. Read more...

SEIU President Mary Kay Henry Addresses Obama's Fiscal Commission

Jul 02, 2010 - On June 30th, SEIU President Mary Kay Henry addressed the crisis that workers face and the real causes of the national deficit in her testimony before the President's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. Henry stated that "our first priority as a nation must be putting Americans back to work." Read more...

Better Than Feudalism?

Jul 02, 2010 - While bad in many ways, feudal societies were among history's most stable societies. Why, and how do today's masters of the universe stack up to feudal overlords? Read more...

Call the GOP to Support Immigration Solutions

Jul 02, 2010 - Republicans have refused to cross the aisle and work with President Obama to deliver the comprehensive immigration reform that a vast majority of Americans want. Click here to call the Republicans and tell them that it's time to stop playing politics, roll up their sleeves, and work with the President to deliver a federal fix to our broken immigration system. Read more...

Sodexo Under Scrutiny by Workers and Unions in Six Countries

Jul 02, 2010 - Workers and union leaders from six countries convened in Paris on July 1 to discuss reports of substandard working conditions in those countries -- and Sodexo's efforts in the U.S. and Colombia to stop workers from forming a union. The coalition of unions has repeatedly called on Sodexo to sign a global agreement that protects the rights of workers attempting to secure a voice at work. Read more...

Child Care In The Public Service

Jul 01, 2010 - When child care can cost $400 per week, parents who can't afford either the tuition or to take time off work to stay home with them can be left in the lurch. The public employees who help bridge that gap provide an invaluable service to families and their communities. Read more...

SEIU Statement on President Obama's Speech on Immigration

Jul 01, 2010 - In the face of GOP obstruction, President Obama re-committed himself to the immigration solutions America needs in a speech at American University today. Read more...

Los Angeles Hospital Service Workers Protest Sodexo For Better Jobs

Jun 30, 2010 - Housekeepers and food service workers in California have had enough of Sodexo's poor standards, calling for better pay and higher quality jobs. Today in Los Angeles, more than 150 workers and community supporters marched and rallied in front of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center to protest poor working conditions that they say lower the quality of service for patients. Read more...

Meet a Member: PCA Jacqueline O'Neal

Jun 30, 2010 - "Being a union member means I have a voice, that people care if I keep my job and get treated fairly," says Patient Care Assistant Jacqueline O'Neal, a District 1199 member who has been doing her hospital job at St. Vincent Charity for 34 years. In this video, Jacqueline discusses the importance of training union members to represent their coworkers. Read more...

Progressive State Legislators Work Toward Comprehensive Immigration Solutions

Jun 29, 2010 - While Republican state legislators continue to make matters worse by introducing anti-immigrant, enforcement-heavy state legislation, progressive Democrats in 28 states have introduced legislation that actually makes sense for our economy, makes sense for our families and avoids further complications to our broken immigration system. Read more...

Why are governors sitting on the sidelines?

Jun 29, 2010 - We just learned that state governors are considering a trip to Washington, DC this week to demand Congress reintroduce the jobs bill. This is great news - and one final opportunity to stop disastrous cuts in your state. Let's make it happen - send your governor to Washington now. Read more...

Abrogating Pension Contracts, Willy Nilly

Jun 29, 2010 - If you're one of the many American workers that can't afford a lawyer, contractual promises made to you don't matter as much as they might seem to. Worse, instead of raising the ire of business editors and politically prominent economists across the country, breaking promises made to ordinary workers of pay, benefits or future pensions will earn only praise from those same people. Breaking financial promises made to the working class, to the middle class, isn't considered offensive, but responsible. Read more...

In the Heartland, New Anti-Immigrant Law Passes

Jun 28, 2010 - Fremont, Nebraska-- another small meatpacking town whose immigrant population has swelled in recent decades--made headlines this week when it passed a controversial, anti-immigrant referendum. Read more...

Massachusetts Workers Demand Answers from Brown

Jun 28, 2010 - In Boston today, hundreds of people gathered in front of Sen. Scott Brown's office to demand answers on his failure to support federal funding for job creation in Massachusetts. Read more...

Stay in the fight

Jun 25, 2010 - Last week, Senate Republicans showed their true colors when they again blocked a fair up or down vote on the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes, a bill that would have done just what it's name says: create jobs here in the US and make sure the millionaire hedge fund managers on Wall Street pay their fair share in taxes. Read more...

Thanks to GOP Senators, 1 million Americans will lose their unemployment benefits tomorrow

Jun 24, 2010 - Republican Senators stood together today to block cloture on the jobs bill which would have advanced legislation to extend unemployment benefits through November. Hundreds of thousands of unemployed Americans will lose their benefits because of the GOP Senate. Once again, Republicans have decided that the hundreds of thousands of families suffering in this economic downturn don't matter. Read more...

The Recession is Over, Right?

Jun 24, 2010 - Some in Congress seem to think the recession is over, and that protecting Wall Street interests is more important. Right now, Republicans in the Senate are blocking passage of the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act. The jobs bill would fund improvements to public infrastructure (like parks and roads!), prevent the layoff of thousands of working people, and extend unemployment benefits for people out of work. Read more...

What Workers Want

Jun 24, 2010 - Too many families are living under the constant threat of foreclosure as Wall Street banks refuse to help them save their homes. American families can accept no excuse from members of Congress voting against common sense reforms that would protect our families from dangerous and deceptive financial products-- and prevent taxpayers from paying for Wall Street's future mistakes. Read more...

Nurse to Patient Ratios: The Lucky Few

Jun 23, 2010 - A recent NY Times editorial -- "Is there a nurse in the House?" -- hit a nerve with me, and probably many other registered nurses around the country. I rarely see a piece in the paper that is so on point about the challenges professional nurses face providing healthcare to our patients. Read more...

You've Got Nothing Coming

Jun 23, 2010 - Americans who worked hard and played by the rules have been punished with a bad economy, lost jobs and mountains of debt. Now the finance industry and their apologists want to shift the blame to police officers, teachers, firefighters and bus drivers for the crisis. Read more...

They Write Letters on Jobs

Jun 22, 2010 - Two SEIU local leaders have published letters to the editor in major papers in their communities, calling for the passage of a strong jobs bill and preserving FMAP funding. First, Gary Smith, president of State Employees' Association of New Hampshire,... Read more...

Mary Kay Henry: "100 Women We Love, Class of 2010"

Jun 21, 2010 - As part of a celebration of women fighting for justice, lifting up and bringing together our communities, SEIU President Mary Kay Henry is profiled in Go Magazine's feature "100 Women We Love, Class of 2010." Read more...

Rep. Steve King's "Sixth Sense" for Spotting Undocumented Immigrants

Jun 21, 2010 - Rep. Steve King (R-IA) shared his harrowing personal account of racial profiling he's experienced in DC at the hands of attentive taxi drivers on Capitol Hill. Taxi drivers who, according to King, automatically stop to offer him a ride before he has has a chance to them--all because he is a white man wearing a suit. (Oh, the injustice!) King suggests that AZ law enforcement can target illegal immigrants using similar appearance-based indicators. Read more...

Heart of Baltimore Radio Ad with Danny Glover

Jun 21, 2010 - Actor and labor activist Danny Glover joined with writer and performer Anna Deavere-Smith to record a radio ad in support of the June 24th Heart of Baltimore rally. On this day, healthcare workers from across Baltimore will join together with 1199SEIU members to rally for better care, better jobs and a better Baltimore. Read more...

Orange School Cafeteria Workers Avert Strike, Approve New Contract

Jun 21, 2010 - Over 50 food service workers in New Jersey's Orange Township school cafeterias have ratified a new three-year contract with the private cafeteria contractor Sodexo--and averted a strike that workers authorized last month. Under the life of the agreement, Sodexo workers will see an average wage increase of 14 percent, increased employer contributions to health care and other improvements to other benefits. Read more...

Sodexo Workers And Students Lobby Congress For Fair Worker Rights And Stronger Health And Safety Laws

Jun 18, 2010 - Nearly 200 students and Sodexo workers kicked off the Summer of Change program and made their voices heard on Capitol Hill. Students and workers met with members of Congress, discussing legislation that would address criticisms about food contractor giant Sodexo's labor and food safety record. Read more...

The Senate Voted No on Nancy Gerber Last Night

Jun 18, 2010 - Nancy Gerber, president of the Family Child Care chapter of SEIU local 925 sent this letter to Congress last week, in anticipation of the Senate's failed vote on a jobs, unemployment extension and state funding package. I am a family... Read more...

Are There No Prisons? Are There No Dumpsters?

Jun 18, 2010 - Wherein a conservative think tank spokesperson and a talk radio host do their best Ebenezer Scrooge impressions ... Read more...

The Right Wing Unleashed: Deport U.S. Citizen Children?

Jun 18, 2010 - In Rep. Pearce's world "order" there would be no place for Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, former Sen. Pete Domenici (R-NM), famous astronauts and Olympians Read more...

VIDEO: Vigil Outside Bank of America in NYC

Jun 18, 2010 - Dozens of clergy, community members and Americans facing foreclosure held a vigil outside the Bank of America Tower in New York to call on the bank to implement effective foreclosure prevention programs and help Americans save their homes. BofA refused to meet with homeowners, instead dispatching security to prevent them from entering the building. Read more...

The Child Development Deficit

Jun 17, 2010 - While many parents dread the high costs of college, new Department of Agriculture figures suggest that raising a child born in 2009 to the age of 18 has an average price tag of $222,360, driven largely by increased health care, child care and educational costs. Read more...

New U.S. Chamber Watchdog Website Launches

Jun 17, 2010 - Today, a new U.S. Chamber watchdog group has launched: The U.S. Chamber Watch is the result an outgrowth of several months of work by many progressive advocates who grew tired of battling the Chambers' cynical lobbying and shameless politics - not to mention their bottomless bank account spent in opposition of working people. Read more...

Statement by SEIU President Mary Kay Henry On the Death of John Delloro, APALA President ...And former SEIU Local Union Staff Leader

Jun 17, 2010 - Wherever John Delloro went, he not only made lasting impressions, he made lasting relationships. And because of who he was, countless people are struggling to come to grips with John's sudden passing at the age of 38. I am among them. Read more...

The 10-Mile March That Helped Launch A Social Justice Movement

Jun 16, 2010 - 2010 marks the 20-year anniversary of the movement that has helped more than 225,000 janitors in more than 30 cities raise industry standards and transform poverty wages into livable wages. Justice for Janitors Day was established after janitors in Los Angeles were beaten by police during a peaceful demonstration against the cleaning contractor ISS on June 15, 1990. Find out more about how the social and economic justice movement J4J got its start. Read more...

Vote Brings Dramatic New Future to Florida Healthcare Workers

Jun 16, 2010 - Can you imagine your union growing by 350,000...overnight? In a sense, this is what happened this week when 16,000 SEIU Healthcare Florida workers overwhelmingly voted to join 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East. With this vote comes the opportunity for healthcare workers to ensure that new policies are implemented with their voices front and center. Read more...

On Justice for Janitors Day, SEIU Members Continue to Push for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Jun 16, 2010 - On June 15, 2010, SEIU members and activists joined together at events in more than a dozen cities across the country to honor the legacy of the Justice for Janitors campaign. With a united voice, they called for comprehensive immigration reform and a fair, just voice on the job for all workers. Read more...


Jun 16, 2010 - The Senate is tired of spending money on unemployment benefits. Americans are tired of losing their homes. Please, ask your Senators to pass a jobs bill, for everyone's sake.... Read more...

Awesome Exchange Among Australian Unionists and SEIU1199ers in MD

Jun 16, 2010 - Though the weather was scorching on June 8th in Baltimore, the hottest ideas in the city were found right inside the air-conditioned offices of 1199SEIU. Eight union activists from Australia came to town to talk with the 1199 team that's been working on the Heart of Baltimore campaign, which is fighting to win free and fair union elections for every local caregiver. Read more...

Clean Up Sodexo Summer Brigade Program Kicks Off in DC

Jun 15, 2010 - The program kicked off yesterday with a conversation about our campaign so far. Workers from each state talked about the momentum, energy and victories in their area. Through break-out group discussions and workshops, all of the participants were able to see the scope of this now-global campaign to clean up Sodexo. Read more...

Not Strange Bedfellows: Jan Brewer and the Crusade for Intolerance

Jun 15, 2010 - Arizona Governor Jan Brewer managed to outdo herself again this week, revealing her latest target in a TV interview: Children of illegal immigrants. The fact that many of these children are legal, United States citizens - by order of the 14th amendment - seems to be rather irrelevant to Brewer. Read more...

Action: Give the Jobs Bill an Up or Down Vote

Jun 15, 2010 - Tomorrow the Senate will hold a key procedural vote to determine if the jobs bill will get the straight up-or-down vote it deserves. Passing the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act will ensure that jobs will be created and key services won't be cut. Will you call your senators and ask them to support an up-or-down vote? Read more...

Making Work Better

Jun 15, 2010 - When people raise concerns about dead-end jobs, someone will often say that the right thing to do is to get more people in college. College may be a great solution for some. Though it isn't always affordable, it doesn't always... Read more...

SEIU Member Organizers Make A Difference

Jun 15, 2010 - Watch this really inspiring video of SEIU members from West Virginia, Washington, Minnesota, and Colorado talk about their experience working on organizing campaigns in Texas. If you are an SEIU member and you want to be involved as a... Read more...

Justice for Janitors Campaign: Rooted in the Struggle for Immigrant Rights

Jun 14, 2010 - The Justice for Janitors campaign has come to symbolize the power of the poorest immigrants to take on the richest CEO's and win a fight that benefits the whole community. Over the last two decades, J4J successes have come to serve as the most powerful reminder that united we rise together; that united we can recreate the American dream for workers and deliver justice. Read more...

A Nurse's View of Health Reform

Jun 14, 2010 - Today, America has a new healthcare law that is already expanding care to 32 million Americans, beginning to curb insurance company abuses, and addressing critical factors behind our nation's skyrocketing healthcare costs. While some opponents of reform might be focused on seeing the new healthcare law fail, nurses will be doing what we've always done - getting to work to improve the health of our patients. Read more...

Dr. L. Toni Lewis: New Chair of SEIU's Healthcare Division

Jun 14, 2010 - Dr. L. Toni Lewis, Immediate Past President of the Committee of Interns and Residents (CIR/SEIU Healthcare), has been named chair of the union's healthcare division by SEIU President Mary Kay Henry. Dr. Lewis brings a great deal of experience as a voice for resident physician rights and improved patient care to her new role, where she'll will lead efforts of SEIU's 1.2 million nurses, doctors and other healthcare workers. Read more...

SEIU Ohio Calls on Voinovich to Show Leadership on Immigration Reform

Jun 14, 2010 - On June 10, dozens of SEIU 1199 and SEIU Local 1 members rallied and marched in downtown Columbus, Ohio to call on Republican Senator George Voinovich to take leadership on immigration reform and urge his party to stop pushing costly and ineffective enforcement-only policies. The workers also rejected Arizona's racial profiling copycat laws and chanted that the only solution to solve the current immigration and economic crisis is by passing comprehensive immigration reform. Read more...

Meet a Member: Scherhera Shearer

Jun 14, 2010 - SEIU District 1199 WV/KY/OH continues their Meet a Member series with a profile of Scherhera Shearer, a junior secretary in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District. Watch Scherhera talk about her work and the importance of the union in her... Read more...

Landslide Victory for St. Barnabas Hospital Residents

Jun 11, 2010 - Earlier this week the National Labor Relations Board issued a significant decision decreeing that St. Barnabas Hospital physicians and resident physicians have the right to organize and form a union. And oh boy, did they ever! Read more...

Unfinished Business: Fairness for Home Care Workers

Jun 11, 2010 - By the wages they are paid, you wouldn't think it was an important job--but home care workers are the last line of defense in helping people stay in their homes instead of nursing homes. In some cases, these workers are the closest thing to family those they care for have got. Regardless of the demands, most home care workers also receive no health insurance and no sick leave or vacation time--conditions that result in high turnover and make it difficult for home care consumers to find and keep caregivers. Read more...

San Diego: Regional Center Staff Uniting for Consumers

Jun 11, 2010 - A majority of San Diego Regional Center employees, who provide services for adults and children living with developmental disabilities in San Diego and Imperial Counties, voted June 9, 2010 to join SEIU Local 221. Read more...

SEIU Pennsylvania: "Dear Senator, Whose Side Are You On?"

Jun 10, 2010 - On Monday, June 7th, nearly two hundred nursing home caregivers and their allies from across the state gathered near the State Capitol and the headquarters of the Pennsylvania Oil and Gas Association and the Associated Petroleum Industries of Pennsylvania to demand that Pennsylvania require big energy corporations pay their fair share in taxes. Read more...

National Safety Month: A Reminder Of Sodexo's Failed Safety Standards

Jun 10, 2010 - June is National Safety Month in the U.S., and it's an opportunity for businesses and organizations to become more involved in the safety of their employees and members. It's also an opportunity for us to shed light on workers' experiences with Sodexo and the company's failed corporate responsibility to provide safe environments to those that are serving others. Read more...

The possibility of minimum wage in California

Jun 10, 2010 - In the event a state budget is not in place by June 30, the California Superior Court has granted the governor the authority to impose federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. The pay reduction, if ordered by the governor, would be reflected in the Aug. 1 paycheck for most state employees. The appeal of this ruling will be heard on June 21, in the 3rd District Court of Appeal. Read more...

SEIU Healthcare Nurses, Healthcare Workers Stand with Minnesota Nurses

Jun 10, 2010 - Since mid-March, more than 12,000 Minnesota nurses have been locked in contract negotiations with six different Twin Cities hospital systems representing 14 hospitals. After voting just eleven days ago to authorize a strike, these nurses are conducting a one-day strike today to stand up for better working conditions that will also help ensure patient safety. Read more...

Let's Create Jobs

Jun 09, 2010 - American workers are in a crisis. We're grappling with foreclosures, with layoffs and with worrying about what future we'll leave for our children. And now, the state and local services we rely on are being cut as states and cities cope with record budget crises. That's why the Senate must act by passing a strong jobs bill: the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act. Read more...

Two Healthcare Florida Members Named "Nurse of the Year!"

Jun 09, 2010 - SEIU Healthcare Florida is beaming with pride following the announcement of two of its members in two different counties being named RN of the Year. In Palm Beach County, Eithne Kadri, an RN for 36 years and, in Miami... Read more...

Florida Retirees Gather for Obama Tele-Town Hall

Jun 09, 2010 - Yesterday, I hosted 25 of my fellow SEIU retirees at my home in Royal Palm Beach, Florida to watch a tele-town hall meeting with President Obama about how the Affordable Care Act benefits and protects senior citizens. We all found... Read more...

Wage theft is not legal. Period.

Jun 09, 2010 - While Boston-based Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and the CareGroup, Inc. affiliates deny any wrongdoing or violation of federal or state law, they have nonetheless agreed to settle a class action lawsuit to the tune of $8.5 million. In this case, the settlement will include: payments to cover back wages for workers who claimed they were not paid overtime for working beyond their shift and workers who worked through their lunch without pay. Read more...

American Red Cross Worker, "It's their way or hit the highway."

Jun 09, 2010 - American Red Cross members in West Virginia took to the streets last week to make public their struggle with Red Cross management around safety concerns. The workers have tried to address these concerns with management for months to no avail. Read more...

Sodexo Interrogated and Spied on New Jersey Cafeteria Workers Seeking to Form a Union

Jun 09, 2010 - Anyone wondering whether Sodexo lives up to its lofty rhetoric about ethics and social responsibility should take a look at West Orange, New Jersey. Sodexo just settled with workers there after the National Labor Relations Board found "reasonable cause to believe" that the company violated labor law. Read more...

Unsure if you look like an illegal immigrant? Call the AZ travel advisory hotline

Jun 09, 2010 - "Working people come in many shapes and sizes. But, anyone who doesn't resemble a J.Crew or Ralph Lauren model should be very, very careful." That's the advice given by the recording on SEIU's parody of what an Arizona Travel Advisory Hotline could sound like today. Read more...

A Victory For Workers in New Jersey: Sodexo Settles Charges of Spying and Interrogation

Jun 08, 2010 - Today marks an important victory in the fight for fair worker treatment from giant service contractor Sodexo: the National Labor Relations Board has found "reasonable cause to believe" that Sodexo surveilled and interrogated workers. After the National Labor Relations Board found merit in West Orange, New Jersey, cafeteria workers' allegations of inappropriate surveillance and interrogation by management, the company was forced to settle charges to avoid being taken to trial by the government. Read more...

St. Barnabas Hospital Resident Physicians Have the Right to Organize

Jun 08, 2010 - The National Labor Relations Board issued a ruling this week affecting physicians and resident physicians at the Bronx's St. Barnabas Hospital. While significant, the NLRB's ruling confirmed what we already knew to be true: that residents physicians are employees who deserve to have a voice in the workplace through full collective bargaining rights. Read more...

1199SEIU participates in delegation to Haiti

Jun 08, 2010 - With 4,000 Haitian union members in Massachusetts, 1199SEIU was very proactive in providing aid to the victims of the earthquake. Within days of the natural disaster, 1199SEIU set up a resource center and commissioned grief counselors to console the families of victims of the earthquake. In early May, 1199SEIU administrative organizer Herbert Jean-Baptiste accompanied a Massachusetts delegation of five legislators to Haiti to assess the damage caused by the earthquake that devastated the country. Read more...

Tulane Parent Speaks Up For Sodexo Workers & Student Activism

Jun 08, 2010 - Following Tulane's active infringement of the rights and free speech of students fighting for social change on campus, a parent of a Tulane student recently wrote a letter sharing her thoughts with Tulane's President Scott Cowen. Read more...

SEIU Local 32BJ President Named One of the 12 Most Effective Labor Leaders in the Big Apple

Jun 07, 2010 - Mike Fishman, President of SEIU Local 32BJ in New York City, was recently named as one of the 12 most effective union leaders in the Big Apple. The recognition came from City Hall Newsafter consideration from political consultants and longtime observers of the labor movement. Read more...

Concordia Students Stand With Sodexo Workers

Jun 07, 2010 - Vance credits many of the opportunities he's had to the fact that his mother is part of union. So when the Sodexo food service workers at his college told him they were trying to form a union to win fair pay and health care, he wanted to help. Vance took the issue back to Concordia's Young Democrats. He made leaflets and distributed them on campus. According to Vance, that's when the trouble started. Read more...

Working two jobs...but still going hungry?

Jun 07, 2010 - Paul Williams has been working for Sodexo for more than nine years, at the Ohio State University stadiums preparing food, stocking, and receiving shipments. Paul is good at his job and he enjoys it. Yet despite his hard work and loyalty, Paul has no health insurance and even working two jobs, he barely makes enough to survive. Read more...

What the FMAP was Congress Thinking?!

Jun 07, 2010 - Last month, Congress broke for recess without addressing jobless benefits and the FMAP extension for states. More than 300,000 jobs are at risk - not to mention countless programs and benefits - if states don't receive these critical funds. The number climbs to a staggering 990,000 jobs when you factor in the loss of other federal assistance measures. Read more...

From New England to the Southwest, SEIU Members Continue Push for Immigration Reform

Jun 04, 2010 - SEIU members continued to demonstrate their support for comprehensive immigration reform this week, taking to the streets in Houston, Boston and Washington, DC to protest Arizona's anti-immigrant law SB1070 and urge Congress to take action on reform. Read more...

House Work is Real Work

Jun 04, 2010 - The New York State Senate passed a bill this week that will provide an estimated 200,000 domestic workers--regardless of immigration status--with basic workplace guarantees that most of us take for granted. Along with providing domestic workers with overtime and paid sick, holiday and vacation days, the NY Domestic Workers Bill of Rights will allow workers to organize. Read more...

SEIU Welcomes AZ Governor Jan Brewer to the White House With SB1070 Protest

Jun 03, 2010 - When Arizona Governor Jan Brewer met with President Obama at the White House this morning, she was greeted by hundreds of protestors - including SEIU members - rallying against Arizona's draconian and anti-immigrant bill, SB1070. Gov. Brewer's political gamesmanship will cost AZ state and local communities dearly in these difficult economic times---but does nothing to solve the immigration crisis. Read more...

American Red Cross Workers Strike for Safety

Jun 03, 2010 - American Red Cross workers went on strike across Southern California -- and the nation -- on June 2. The SEIU Local 721 workers are seeking a fair contract that protects our families and donor safety. U.S. Rep. Judy Chu, a former Red Cross board member, joined medical workers at a rally in front of the Red Cross's Pomona district office. Read more...

Sodexo Strike in Orange And Irvington Earns Statewide Press

Jun 02, 2010 - As we reported yesterday, 110 cafeteria workers of Local 2552 that serve the school districts of Orange and Irvington, New Jersey, voted to authorize a strike against Sodexo. The possible strike is now receiving statewide press, including an article in The New Jersey Star-Ledger. Read more...

Crusade Against Public Employees Masks Wall Street's Abuses

Jun 02, 2010 - As a direct result of Wall Street excesses and corporate abuses, pensions took big hits during the recent market crash that put the American dream of retiring with dignity and security at risk for public sector and private sector workers. For a healthy dose of reality, visit our fact check refuting attacks on public sector workers' pensions here. Read more...

SEIU-UHW Members at Kaiser Reach Tentative Agreement with Raises, Full Retention of All Benefits

Jun 02, 2010 - Concluding months of bargaining for a new national agreement covering 96,000 union members at Kaiser Permanente, SEIU UHW announced a tentative agreement on a new two-year contract that upholds high standards at the nation's largest not-for-profit healthcare provider. Read more...

AR-SEN: Two Choices

Jun 02, 2010 - SEIU's previous ads challenged Blanche Lincoln's record on jobs, trade, health care, and her ties to special interests. Lincoln faces Lt. Gov. Bill Halter in the June 8th election. Read more...

Will LA Dodgers Live Up to Their Civil Rights Legacy and Stand Against SB1070?

Jun 01, 2010 - On Memorial Day, nearly 200 SEIU United Service Workers West members rallied outside of the Los Angeles Dodger's stadium during a game with the Phoenix-based Diamondbacks. With signs reading "It Stops in Arizona," and "It's Time to Lead: Pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform NOW," SEIU janitors and security officers handed out leaflets, calling for the Dodgers to live up to their legacy of standing up against discrimination--as they did in 1947 when the then-Brooklyn Dodgers signed on Jackie Robinson and broke baseball's color barrier. Read more...

Orange And Irvington School Cafeteria Workers Vote To Strike

Jun 01, 2010 - In New Jersey, the 110 cafeteria workers that serve Orange and Irvington's school children hot, affordable food have voted to authorize a strike.Ā The workers, employed by private food service contractor Sodexo, are currently in union contract negotiations with the company and say Sodexo is refusing to negotiate the wages, health care and other benefits their families need. Read more...

Would you like to know if the doctor treating you has been working for 24-hours straight?

Jun 01, 2010 - Did you know that shifts of 24 hours or longer are required for resident physicians working at teaching hospitals? New findings, published in today's edition of the online journal BMC Medicine, indicates that Americans strongly favor tighter regulation of the... Read more...

Blanche Lincoln: Standing Firm with Special Interests

Jun 01, 2010 - SEIU's previous ads challenged Lincoln's record on jobs, trade, and health care. Read more...

National Resistance to SB 1070 Escalates; Thousands March in Phoenix on May 29th

Jun 01, 2010 - The Phoenix 5 mile march and rally held Saturday, May 29 in solidarity against SB1070 was quite a sight to see. Phoenix's march was one of over 60 actions planned across the nation to join efforts in demanding President Obama take Federal Action to stop racial profiling law, SB 1070. Read more...

Meet a Member: Sandra Forrester

Jun 01, 2010 - SEIU District 1199 WV/KY/OH continues their "Meet a Member" series with a piece on Sandra Forrester from Strongsville, Ohio, who works as a Behavioral Health Technician at Lutheran Hospital. Sandra makes a great case for members becoming involved in... Read more...

Anna Maria College Students Demonstrate at Sodexo-Sponsored Golf Event

May 29, 2010 - On Wednesday, May 26, community members and supporters of Sodexo food service workers made their mark at Anna Maria College's annual alum golf tournament in Boylston, MA. Dressed up like 1920's golfers, supporters passed out "" golf balls and flyers detailing the dispute workers have with Sodexo on the Anna Maria College campus. Read more...

Round-up: Organizing Victories & Recent News From Around the Union

May 28, 2010 - In case you missed it....organizing successes, contract victories and recent news from SEIU Local unions in New York, California, Missouri, Texas, New Hampshire, Oregon, Maine and Minnesota. Read more...

Going to Arizona? Beware of an important travel warning...

May 28, 2010 - An overly stringent law on immigration has made it difficult for anyone that looks remotely "suspicious" to travel to Arizona, resulting in detainment. If you're planning a trip to the "Show Me Your Papers" state anytime soon...beware of this important travel warning. And remember to carry your citizenship and immigration papers at all times! Read more...

SEIU Members to President Obama and Congress: Focus on Comprehensive Solutions, Not Costly Enforcement-Only Policies

May 28, 2010 - At a time when state and local governments are facing budget crises, enforcement-only policies like SB 1070 force municipalities to divert money away from key public services. When members of Congress return home next week for the Memorial Day recess, they will be greeted by thousands of SEIU members rallying for comprehensive immigration reform. Read more...

No Justice, No Tacos!

May 27, 2010 - Last Thursday, a group of concerned activists and SEIU Local 26 members visited a Baja Sol franchise in the Uptown section of Minneapolis to "feed" their hunger for justice and immigration reform. Tonight, these activists will be paying Baja Sol another visit... Read more...

Us or Wall Street: Who Wins This One?

May 27, 2010 - The good news: Congress is finally standing up to the big banks. First they passed a major Wall Street reform bill; now, they're preparing to vote on a jobs bill that closes a tax loophole for some of the richest Wall Street firms. The bad news: many Republicans want to kill this bill and some Democratic senators may help them do it. Read more...

Gov. Schwarzenegger's Latest Budget Proposal: 1/2 Empty

May 26, 2010 - Half. That's California Governor Schwarzenegger's latest offer. In his new budget, he proposed to cut roughly half the funding for In-home Supportive Services (IHSS), the program that provides vital lifeline services for California's elderly and disabled citizens. Read more...

30,000 NYC Apartment Building Workers Secure Four Year Contract

May 25, 2010 - SEIU 32BJ building service workers have come a long way since the threat of a strike loomed large on the horizon just one month ago. On Friday, a four-year agreement was reached between 32BJ and the Realty Advisory Board (RAB) that provides nearly 10% in wage increases, maintains fully employer-paid family health care coverage and keeps pension benefits secure. Read more...

Sodexo's Failure to Improve Service Industry Jobs

May 25, 2010 - Sodexo could be taking advantage of this shift in our economy by helping to make the service industry a rewarding career field for new and current employees. Instead, the company continues to contribute to the growing wage gap and provide inadequate pay and benefits. Read more...

SEIU's Medina: Will the Real Republican Party Please Stand Up...for something?

May 25, 2010 - Rather than offer real solutions to help put the United States back on track, Republicans have been pushing an extremist, anti-immigrant agenda to score cheap political points with their base. In a recent video, SEIU Executive Vice President Eliseo Medina... Read more...

Dispatches from the West: The Latest from Arizona

May 25, 2010 - Governor Jan Brewer has been really busy lately. In the last month alone, she's managed to legalize racial profiling, ban ethnic studies in public schools and inspire a national boycott of Arizona. Make a personal pledge to boycott intolerance by signing the pledge here. Read more...

Arrests in NYC to Demand Action on Immigration Reform

May 24, 2010 - Earlier today, thirty-seven New Yorkers--including 13 members of SEIU 1199 and 32BJ--were arrested in lower Manhattan during a second round of civil disobedience intended to escalate pressure on President Obama and Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform by the end of 2010. Read more...

What Really Happens When You "Google" Sodexo

May 24, 2010 - Recently, Sodexo created a video to promote the career benefits of working for their company. The ad is based on a Google search of Sodexo jobs, using carefully crafted phrases to highlight only positive search results and hide the full results of these searches. Read more...

Meet a Member: Robert Owens

May 24, 2010 - In the second installment of SEIU District 1199 WV/KY/OH's "Meet a Member" series, West Virginia nursing home LPN Robert Owens discusses why he sees his work as a calling, and how being united and empowered in the Union has led to concrete improvements at work, as well as on larger scales. Read more...

Early Learning Professionals Don't Sit

May 21, 2010 - When Mary Kay Henry came to meet child care workers at the first National Early Learning Lobby Day last week, she said, "For anyone who thinks that what you do is babysitting, we have another thing to tell them." Read more...

Sodexo Responds, Gets It Wrong

May 21, 2010 - Last week we wrote about the shortcomings of the corporate ethics award that Sodexo has been touting in press releases and on its websites. We pointed out the questionable methodology and conflicts of interest of Ethisphere, the for-profit company behind the list of the "World's Most Ethical Companies." We also included some excerpts from a article that cast significant doubt on the list. Sodexo was not pleased... Read more...

SEIU Members Vote for Real Leadership Across the Country

May 20, 2010 - In a year when hardworking women and men all around this country have spent countless nights worrying about their jobs, the economy and their families' futures, voters in Arkansas, Pennsylvania and Oregon made clear that they are looking for solutions. Read more...

Blanche Lincoln Tries to Cast Her Vote

May 20, 2010 - Here is Blanche Lincoln trying to cast her ballot...unfortunately, she forgot she'd already had her absentee ballot sent to her Virginia mansion (oops!). Hilarity Read more...

Al Marshall Responds to Nina Easton

May 19, 2010 - The banks won't negotiate with us. They just fight us. We went to Gregory Baer's house to share our stories and request that Bank of America and other banks help our families keep our homes. We were left with no other choice. I could see how angry and upset you were, but I wish that rather than making snap judgments, you actually asked us why we were there. I can only imagine what you wrote today might have been different if you took the time to learn why we would travel thousands of miles to make our voices heard. Read more...

Nina Easton & the Bank Lobbyists: Too Close for Comfort

May 19, 2010 - Why is Nina Easton so angry? One Google search answers that question pretty quickly. Her husband is Russell Schriefer, Republican strategist and consultant to several big corporate interest groups. In fact, her husband's firm represents the Business Roundtable, a special interest group that counts Bank of America and other Wall Street banks among its members. Read more...

Halter Forces Runoff: Proof Arkansas Families Want Real Leadership

May 19, 2010 - By forcing a run-off election against Senator Blanche Lincoln, Lt. Governor Bill Halter gave voice to the tens of thousands of Arkansas voters who are fed up with Senator Lincoln and special interests in Washington. Elected officials should take a lesson from this challenge that we're serious about accountability. Read more...

Young and Hungry

May 18, 2010 - While the injury done to children by hunger isn't as obvious as shrapnel wounds, hunger interferes with learning, cognitive development, attention and socialization--in short, with every ability young people need to succeed later in life. When several dozen early learning professionals came to an SEIU member lobbying day last week, several of them told me about hungry children in their care. These are some of the stories they shared. Read more...

VIDEO: CA Health Care Workers on How to Fix the System

May 18, 2010 - With health care reform finally a reality, Southern California health care providers are working hard to make sure their communities get the best services possible. In this video, they talk about adding enhancements to health care like new clinics, more emergency services and more bilingual services. Read more...

Who benefits from a broken immigration system - Part II

May 18, 2010 - On Monday, SEIU President Mary Kay Henry and SEIU's Immigration Campaign Director, Javier Morillo joined SEIU members and National People's Action (NPA) leaders at a rally outside of the DC Headquarters of Corrections Corporation of America, the largest private prison company in America. Janitors, home care workers, public employees and community allies called on CCA to stop profiting off our broken immigration system. Read more...

Who profits from a broken immigration system?

May 17, 2010 - We all know that Congress needs to get to work on immigration reform, but do you ever wonder who profits from today's broken, enforcement-heavy immigration policies? Private prison operators do. Read more...

Meet a Member: Sandy Winchell

May 17, 2010 - SEIU District 1199 WV/KY/OH has a new series promoting their members and the work they do. Their first video is of Sandy Winchell, a State Tested Nursing Assistant (STNA) in Ohio. In the video she talks about her work... Read more...

VIDEO: Tony Podesta, King of the Lobbyists

May 17, 2010 - Everybody who's anybody in DC knows the name Tony Podesta. He's one of the most prominent lobbyists in the city and his client list reads like a "who's who" of corporate greed. From big banks like Bank of America and Wells Fargo who are foreclosing on millions of American families to BP, who owns the massive oil spill off the Gulf Coast, Tony's clients have really done a number on this country. Read more...

Wash Away the Greed (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

May 17, 2010 - A little rain didn't stop thousands of people from gathering on K Street to call out the big bank lobbyists corrupting our democracy. Read more...

Canvasing K Street (PHOTO & VIDEO)

May 17, 2010 - Thousands of SEIU members, members of National People's Action and taxpayers from across the country are canvassing K Street and the surrounding lobbyist shops as we speak. They're focused on some of the biggest names in Wall Street and giant corporate lobbying - Nixon Peabody, Gephardt, Elmendorf, and Podesta. They've also made stops at the DC offices of Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase. Read more...

VIDEO: Visiting the Bank Lobbyists

May 17, 2010 - This week probably isn't going to be the best week to be a lobbyist for the big banks. Because this is the week thousands of taxpayers from across the country help pull back the curtain to show what's really going on in Washington. We're exposing how Wall Streets millions are poisoning our democracy and keeping our economy in the tank. Read more...

Letter to Tulane President Scott Cowen from a Tulane Parent

May 14, 2010 - Parents--along with students, workers and the greater community--are concerned by Tulane's role in the intimidation of workers who stood up to rebuild their lives, families, and community. Barbara Schulman is one such parent. Read her letter to Tulane President Scott Cowen here. Read more...

Tulane Demonstrates Their Commitment to Social Responsibility by Disciplining Students Fighting for Workers' Rights

May 14, 2010 - Tulane University is actively impeding on the rights and free speech of students working on its own campus who are standing up for Sodexo food service workers. Tell Tulane's president to drop all charges against students who stand with Sodexo workers as they fight for better workplace conditions. Tell Tulane's president to drop all charges against students who are working with Sodexo workers as they fight for worker's rights. Read more...

How Does a Company With Ethical Violations Win an "Ethics Award"?

May 14, 2010 - For the last year, workers and students have been detailing the large number of legal complaints and potential violations that Sodexo has committed. So, we're left with two very important questions: how does Sodexo win an "Ethics Award," and what, exactly, would it take for Sodexo not to be included on Ethisphere's list? Read more...

Arizona Polling Round Up

May 14, 2010 - Recent public opinion polling on SB1070 underscores the growing frustration of American voters who want the federal government to pass smart, workable immigration solutions. Today, SEIU and NCLR released new polling on Arizona Latinos voters' overwhelming opposition to SB 1070 and the resulting electoral implications. Read more...

New Report: Bank Lobbying As Bad As You Thought - And Worse

May 13, 2010 - According to a new report released on Tuesday, big banks and corporations have used close connections and hundreds of millions of dollars to blur the line where our government ends and their lobbying efforts begin. The report cites 243 government insiders turned lobbyists working for the industry. Of those, 202 used to work in Congress, and the rest served in the White House, Treasury Department or government agencies. Read more...

New TV Ad Holds Lincoln Accountable for Vote Against Health Care

May 13, 2010 - When Blanche Lincoln decided to side with big insurance companies with her vote against health insurance reform, she clearly didn't count on working people fighting back by supporting Bill Halter in the Democratic primary. Read more...

Today: Join Elizabeth Warren To Talk Wall Street Reform in DC

May 12, 2010 - Join Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren in DC tomorrow for a discussion on how policy leaders and everyday Americans must work to keep Wall Street recklessness in check and rebuild America's middle class. SEIU members and leaders and the National People's Action will be in attendance...will you? RSVP here to join us at SEIU HQ at 2 p.m. Read more...

Jan Brewer Bans Ethnic Studies in Public Schools?

May 12, 2010 - In case there was any confusion over Governor Brewer's motivations when signing Arizona's anti-immigrant SB1070, her most recent move to ban ethnic studies in Arizona public schools provides all the clarification. Read more...

Questions and Non-Answers from VA Governor on Home Care

May 12, 2010 - If you were a Governor looking to save money, why would you eliminate a program that helps save your state $1.1 billion a year? That's what SEIU members in the Virginia Association of Personal Care Assistants asked Governor Bob McDonnell at a Monday night forum sponsored by the Richmond Times Dispatch. Read more...

It's National Child Care Providers Day

May 11, 2010 - At least 70 family child care providers, center teachers and directors, and Head Start workers are in Washington, D.C., for a today's Hill lobby day. They're telling members of Congress why the federal government should match Obama's budget proposals for children's programs. Read more...

Sodexo Touts Ethically Challenged Ethics Award

May 11, 2010 - Today, Sodexo fired off a press release touting its recognition as one of the "World's Most Ethical Companies" by something called the Ethisphere Institute. According to Slate, the "institute" is actually a for-profit company which, along with its sister company Corpedia, "sell services to and collect fees from some of the same companies Ethisphere extols." Sodexo, it turns out, is one such company. Read more...

New Health Care Law Extends Coverage for Young Adults

May 11, 2010 - On May 10th, the Obama Administration issued regulations that will allow young adults to stay on their parents' health insurance plans until age 26. The Affordable Care Act is a boon for millions of twenty-something adults who are not established in the workforce enough to have access to employer-based health insurance--but in the past were considered "too old" by insurance companies to stay under their parents' plan. Read more...

VIDEO: Cleaning Up K Street

May 11, 2010 - Right now, K Street is the big bank's HQ in the battle to kill Wall Street reform and keep us under their thumb. But next Monday, the 17th, we're going to call them out and demand that they stop lobbying for the bank CEOs and against taxpayers. Read more...

Resistance in Minnesota: Republicans' Attempt to Push Anti-Immigrant Legislation is Foiled

May 11, 2010 - In the wake of a blatant attempt to copy the draconian, anti-immigrant legislation recently passed in Arizona, Minnesota Republicans have felt the backlash of fair-minded citizens and leaders unwilling to accept discriminatory laws. Read more...

Mary Kay Henry Tele-townhall with SEIU Members

May 11, 2010 - In case you missed it, on Monday night new SEIU President Mary Kay Henry participated in a live tele-townhall with members across the country. Almost 20,000 participated over the phones and can watch the recording here. Read more...

Back Pay Victory for Connecticut Workers - 10 Years Later

May 11, 2010 - Ten years after a strike by nursing home workers began, the United States Supreme Court has rejected the operator's appeal of lower court rulings that they must pay current and former employees millions in lost wages, interest and pension contributions.... Read more...

78 Professors 'Disturbed and Disappointed' by Emory University's Hands-Off Approach to Workers' Rights

May 10, 2010 - Seventy-eight professors at Emory University are not happy with the school's refusal to accept any responsibility for the lack of dignity and respect food service workers are receiving from their employer Sodexo and the university. Read more...

Update on 2010 - 2011 SEIU Scholarships

May 10, 2010 - The 2010-2011 SEIU Scholarship season is now closed. Members who completed applications for any of the scholarships will receive a letter in mid-June letting them know if their application was successful or not. Read more...

Mary Kay Henry's Blessing for SEIU

May 10, 2010 - Following her election as International President of our union, Mary Kay Henry gave this blessing to close out the International Executive Board meeting on Saturday, May 8th. Read more...

VIDEO: Your mother announced as "Mother of the Decade"

May 09, 2010 - Since SEIU represents more than 200,000 early learning providers and a significant portion of our 2.2 million members are parents or grandparents, we know that raising children is a hard job and takes a whole team of committed and passionate adults. The great folks at Moms Rising are joining with SEIU members to give us all the chance to thank the moms we know with a customizable video announcing them the "Mother of the Decade." Read more...

Accountability for Working People in Arkansas

May 07, 2010 - As you may know from previous posts on our blog, we're holding Blanche Lincoln accountable for her votes against working people by supporting Bill Halter in the Senate Democratic primary. Read more...


May 07, 2010 - In Minnesota yesterday, MN State Rep. Steve Drazkowski introduced legislation modeled on Arizona's SB 1070, which allows police to use racial profiling based on the suspicion of being an undocumented immigrant. Read more...

A Week in DC Video Blogging for Positive Change

May 07, 2010 - When I received an email from SEIU inviting me to Washington, DC to support the last phase of the Trail of Dreams, I didn't have to think twice about saying yes. I thought it would be a great opportunity for me to meet a lot of people face-to-face I'd been fortunate enough to have worked with virtually during the campaign to stop my deportation and pass the Dream Act. Read more...

5,500 Wisconsin Home Care Providers Unite in Wisconsin's Largest Healthcare Union

May 07, 2010 - Photo by Jeff Miller Photography In one of the state's largest union elections in decades, 5,500 home care providers overwhelmingly voted 'yes' to unite in SEIU. "I love my work and I put my clients first," said home care... Read more...

SEIU Announces AZ Boycott

May 06, 2010 - SEIU Executive VP Eliseo Medina joined labor and civil rights leaders to announce that SEIU will boycott conventions and meetings in Arizona in an effort to denounce the extremist, anti-immigrant law, SB1070. SEIU joins a growing list of organizations and municipalities who are boycotting Arizona, including some unlikely allies from the professional sports community as well. Read more...

Victory For 300 RNs at Alle-Kiski Medical Center

May 06, 2010 - When the final vote was counted, cheers rose up from the crowd. 300 registered nurses at Alle-Kiski Medical Center in Pittsburgh had voted to join our union, have a stronger voice in the future of the hospital, and to improve patient care. Read more...

Republicans: Determined for Intolerance

May 06, 2010 - It started in Arizona and it needs to stop in Arizona. Republicans in states across the country are embracing anti-immigrant legislation similar to Arizona's SB1070. And with all the outrage from Arizona's draconian law, it's almost impossible to understand why. Read more...

Reconciling the Bath Tub with the Oil Spill

May 05, 2010 - "You can't have government small enough to drown in a bathtub and big enough to pull your behind out of a flooded river." With or without spending cuts, Americans continue to require public services from their government. It's time to stop proposing senseless cuts to vital public services--and to start finding smarter, more efficient ways of serving our communities. Read more...

NSM Unlikely to Get Any Cinco De Mayo Invites

May 05, 2010 - In honor of Cinco De Mayo, today's addition to the Hater Hall of Fame is the National Socialist Movement for declaring May 5th "Report an Illegal Day". Read more...

May Day 2010 Highlights Video

May 05, 2010 - On May 1st, thousands of SEIU members from all across the country joined leaders from the faith, civil rights and business communities to protest Arizona's radical, anti-immigrant law and rally for comprehensive immigration reform. Check out the highlights in our newest video: Read more...

National Nurses Week

May 05, 2010 - Nurses Week is the perfect opportunity to review and celebrate our accomplishments, and more importantly, work toward ensuring nurses have the tools they need to improve the quality of care. Read more...

SEIU at the 2010 Green Jobs, Good Jobs Conference

May 04, 2010 - The Good Jobs, Green Jobs National Conference kicked off today in Washington, DC, bringing together many clean economy leaders from the world of politics, activism, labor, and business to brainstorm and collaborate on how we can best turn the idea of green jobs into reality. SEIU local and division leaders are presenting on several panels during the May 4th - 6th conference, organized annually by the Blue Green Alliance. Read more...

Monterey County Workers Block Benefit and Wage Takeaways

May 04, 2010 - No takeaways. This is what SEIU Local 521 Monterey County employees won at the negotiating table on Friday after they held press conferences, presented millions in budget solutions, and carried out a series of rolling unity demonstrations and rallies. Read more...

Health Care Reform Starts Now: Facts, Online Resources, Q&As;

May 04, 2010 - Many of us are still wondering how healthcare reform will impact the lives of SEIU members and all working families. Well, now there's a great resource to help with that - SEIU's Health Care Reform Central. Read more...

Sodexo Execs Receive Award at Posh Lunch While Working Mothers at Sodexo Receive Food Stamps

May 04, 2010 - While Sodexo executives prepare to be feted by Working Mother magazine and Corporate Voices for Working Families as one of the "Top Companies for Hourly Workers" today in DC, the food service giant pays its workers so little that many employees who work full-time would still qualify for food stamps. According to SEIU's analysis, many Sodexo could qualify for the three largest and most important federal anti-hunger programs. Read more...

1199SEIU Launches Mothers' Day Drive for Women of Haiti

May 04, 2010 - 1199SEIU's "We Care for Haiti" team has launched a drive to collect essential items for the women of Haiti, in the spirit of Mothers' Day and sisters-to-sisters coming together. Read more...

Sodexo Workers Expose Claims by Sodexo Executives

May 03, 2010 - Recently, Tom Mackall, Sodexo's Vice President for Employee & Corporate Relations, appeared on the FOX Business channel and newswire AFP to dismiss the voices of Sodexo's workers. But as Tom Mackall repeatedly hammers his talking points during media appearances such as these, he continues to turn a blind eye to the very real experiences his workforce is having while being employed by Sodexo. Read more...

Round-up: Who's Boycotting Arizona?

May 03, 2010 - Arizona Governor Jan Brewer set off a firestorm of condemnation when she signed the radical anti-immigrant SB 1070 into law. Not only did the law make Arizona a national - and international - embarrassment, it also inspired influential organizations and individuals to make it clear that Arizona would not be rewarded for legalizing hate. Read more...

Adjunct Faculty in Maine Community College System Vote Overwhelmingly to Form a Union with MSEA-SEIU

May 03, 2010 - In a landslide vote, part-time adjunct faculty members in the Maine Community College System have formed a union with the Maine State Employees Association, Local 1989 of SEIU. Adjuncts said they formed a union because they want to be involved in the discussion of how to best ensure a quality education for all students and continue to attract and retain quality educators. Read more...

Columbia University Security Officers Win New Contract

May 03, 2010 - With a new contract that will take effect this week, 160 security officers who work at Columbia University will see their wages and health care coverage improve dramatically. Under the new four-year contract between Summit Security and SEIU Local 32BJ, wages will rise by as much as 45 percent for many officers. Read more...

Round-up: May Day Rallies for Immigration Reform

May 03, 2010 - On May 1st, thousands of SEIU members joined leaders from the faith, civil rights and business communities in cities across the country to protest Arizona's radical, anti-immigrant law and rally for comprehensive immigration reform. At more than 80 events in 30 states across the country, more than 500,000 people prayed, rallied, marched, and participated in acts of civil disobedience to demand Congress fix our broken immigration system. Read more...

Debunking the Myth of the Wealthy State Worker

May 03, 2010 - The Grover Norquists of the world have waged a coordinated, decades-long war on public sector employees. Whether you're a teacher, fire fighter, social worker or engineer-- nobody has escaped the right's smear campaign. The misguided conclusion that lavish pay and benefits have become a way of life for public workers couldn't be farther from the truth. Read more...

16 Marches for Immigration Reform on May Day

Apr 30, 2010 - On May 1st, thousands of SEIU members will be joined by leaders from the faith, civil rights and business communities in cities across the country to rally for comprehensive immigration reform. Their message is simple: this is not an immigrant problem, this is an American problem. Check out the locations of the 16 May Day immigration rallies happening in AZ, CA, CO, DC, IL, IN, MA, MN, NM, NY, OH, TX and WI. Read more...

Why SEIU Arizona is Against the New Immigration Law

Apr 30, 2010 - Overburdened police departments, swamped justice systems, an unfunded re-deployment of resources at the expense of the residents of cities and counties who will continue to pay for services that fewer public service employees struggle to deliver--these are reasons enough for SEIU Arizona to be against SB 1070. Immigration reform is a complicated issue. It's also a federal issue. The state "solution" signed by Governor Brewer isn't a solution at all for working people and Arizona's local communities, and puts public services at risk. Read more...

The "Other 98 Percent" March on Wall Street in NYC

Apr 30, 2010 - More than 10,000 union members, community activists and progressives marched on Wall Street on April 29th, protesting the irresponsible behavior of big banks and demanding they stop getting rich at the expense of taxpayers. Read more...

Why Politics Matter to State Workers

Apr 30, 2010 - Every election season some members question why SEIU Local 1000 gets involved in politics. "It's up to us to be politically active," said Local 1000 member Robyn Herrera. "Some people don't see the direct link - but if you don't stand up and voice your opinion, it's as if you don't have one. One person really can make a difference." Read more...

Walter Lara: DREAM Act candidate

Apr 29, 2010 - The first memories I have are of my family enjoying the beaches in Miami when I was three years old. I remember feeling happy, my family always had a positive outlook on life and their optimism made me feel like I could accomplish anything. I remember all the friends and neighbors that I have made here, and the many stories that we share. I also remember the time I spent in school. My family always pushed me to take the honors and AP classes, so I would try my best to take harder classes. I looked up to them so much, all I wanted to do is to make them proud. Read more...

Online Ads Against Roy Blunt: "One hand washes the other."

Apr 29, 2010 - One hand washes the other. That's about what a top Republican Senator told a meeting of America's leading bankers last month, saying the best way to protect bank's profits and business as usual was to elect more Republican Senators--and then personally asked them for $10,000 apiece to elect Roy Blunt. SEIU today released online ads taking aim at the cozy relationship between Wall Street bankers and Missouri Senate hopeful Roy Blunt. Read more...

Can you help us get to a million?

Apr 29, 2010 - SEIU has just launched a Facebook group asking the Arizona Dept of Tourism to change the Arizona state slogan from the "Grand Canyon State," to the "Show Me Your Papers State" as a result of the passage of SB 1070. Read more...

VIDEO: Sodexo Still Struggles with Record on Diversity

Apr 29, 2010 - A number of frontline Sodexo workers have raised concerns about their ability to rise through the ranks and even basic issues like respect and dignity on the job when confronted with racially charged comments. Watch workers and students from universities around the Atlanta, GA area share their stories. Read more...

How many more workers will die because of lack of workplace safety?

Apr 29, 2010 - If you want to put a human face on the struggle families have with transparency and involvement in OSHA investigations, you should watch Tonya Ford's testimony--it is very powerful stuff. Tonya's uncle Uncle Robert Fitch ("Uncle Bobby") gave 32 years of his life to ADM, the company he was working for when a tragic lack of workplace safety led to his passing at the age of 51 years old. Read more...

Senate Republicans Have a Reality Problem

Apr 29, 2010 - This is more than just an image problem for the GOP, it's a reality problem. The reality is, Republicans in Congress have been carrying the water for Wall Street every step of the way. Now that we finally have a Wall Street reform bill before Senators, we get to see each and every Senator's true colors; are they with us or Wall Street? Read more...

Violent Assaults Against Staff at Bronx Hospital Tripled from 2008 - 2009

Apr 29, 2010 - Last year, patient assaults on St. Barnabas staff jumped more than 300 percent, from 14 assaults in 2008 to 44 in 2009, a WABC investigation revealed on the eve before Workers Memorial Day. Incidents at the Bronx hospital included a security officer "punched in face," another reports being " hit with a chair," and a doctor "punched in the eye." Read more...

Introducing Alonso Chehade

Apr 29, 2010 - My name is Alonso and I am alumni from the Michael G. Foster School of Business at the University of Washington. I am also an undocumented student who has been fighting deportation during the past year. Read more...

Today is Workers Memorial Day

Apr 28, 2010 - Every day, sixteen workers are killed in the U.S. because of reckless negligence on the part of their employers--a sad fact that is especially present in our thoughts this April 28th. This is because today marks Workers Memorial Day, the national day to honor the hundreds of thousands of workers killed and injured on the job every year. Read more...

Outrageous rhetoric continues on Arizona's draconian anti-immigration law

Apr 28, 2010 - When it comes to discussing immigration policy, Republican members of Congress and wanna-be GOPers can't seem to stop running their mouths about Arizona's draconian law, SB 1070. GOP candidate for Iowa's 3rd congressional district, Pat Bertroche, actually suggested "microchipping" suspected illegal immigrants. And Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-CA) argued last week that "trained professionals" can identify illegal immigrants based on their clothing. Read more...

President Obama: "I am a pro-union guy."

Apr 28, 2010 - President Obama held a town hall meeting in Iowa yesterday, during which he answered questions from audience members. He also reminded the public of his perspective and support for labor unions, saying "I've said this before publicly and I'll say it again, I make no apologies for it. I am a pro-union guy." Read more...

Massive Gender Discrimination Lawsuit Against Wal-Mart Moves Forward

Apr 28, 2010 - A federal appeals court ruled Monday that thousands of female Wal-Mart workers can sue the world's biggest retailer as a single class action. The lawsuit charges that Wal-Mart pays women less than men, and has a pattern of gender discrimination in promotions, training and job assignments. Wal-Mart has denied any discriminatory policies. Read more...

Dodge and Delay: Goldman Execs Testify on Capitol Hill

Apr 27, 2010 - Lloyd Blankfein and other top Goldman Sachs executives testified in front of the Senate Permanent Investigations Subcommittee about their role in creating the financial crisis. You can read a transcript of our live blog from the hearing. Read more...

SEIU Welcomes the Trail of Dreams & SEIU DREAMERS

Apr 27, 2010 - On January 1, 2010, four students from Florida - Felipe Matos, Gaby Pacheco, Carlos Roa, and Juan Rodriguez embarked on the Trail of Dreams--a 1,500-mile walk from their home in Miami, FL, to Washington, D.C. They're walking to share their stories, so that everyday Americans understand what it's like for the millions of young immigrants like them who are unable to fully participate in society. Read more...

Behind Sodexo's "Awards:" Sodexo and DiversityInc.

Apr 27, 2010 - Five years after the company settled its $80 million class action discrimination lawsuit brought against them by African American managers, we take a look at the "awards" Sodexo has won from DiversityInc. Are these awards for 'responsible business practices' really all they are cracked up to be, from truly independent organizations? Read more...

Arizona Declares War on Latinos and Immigrants

Apr 27, 2010 - If we don't stand up and support the people of Arizona right now, it's just a matter of time before racial profiling of anyone "suspected" of being undocumented becomes a law in your state. Show the people of Arizona that they are not alone and that you support them in their fight against SB 1070 by watching the video and taking action. Read more...

Five Years After Landmark Class Action Discrimination Suit, Sodexo Still Struggles with Record on Diversity

Apr 27, 2010 - On the five-year anniversary of the 2005 settlement of the class action discrimination lawsuit against Sodexo, community leaders and Sodexo workers released a new report scrutinizing Sodexo's progress on increasing opportunities for African Americans to advance within the company. Read more...

Behind-The-Scenes Of The Doormen Strike That Almost Was

Apr 27, 2010 - GritTV was on the ground documenting the mobilization that took place behind SEIU Local 32BJ's negotiations with the New York Realty Association Board recently, as the apartment building service workers fought for a new contract that would preserve benefits and allow them to make a livable wage. Read more...

200 Sodexo Cafeteria Workers at the UPitt Walk Off to Protest Intimidation & Unaffordable Health Care

Apr 27, 2010 - Joined by dozens of students and campus and community supporters, nearly 200 Sodexo cafeteria workers walked out on strike yesterday morning at the University of Pittsburgh. Disrupting Finals' Week, workers still saw a lot of support as they passed out over 15,00 leaflets to the campus community. Read more...

Sting, John Legend and Anna Burger Fight Climate Change

Apr 26, 2010 - On April 25th, SEIU's Anna Burger joined an all-star lineup on the National Mall to commemorate Earth Day and challenge people to step up efforts to save the planet. "The climate crisis is one of the greatest challenges of our time," said Burger to a crowd of over 100,000. "And inaction is unacceptable because we know that the health of our planet and the health of our economy are intertwined." Read more...

10 Days in Rwanda: Training Political Parties to Embrace Technology

Apr 26, 2010 - More and more, political parties in Rwanda are looking to embrace the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) to organize, educate and activate voters to build political strength. The hope is that by increasing the sharing of tactics, ideas, and resources among parties, we can ensure that the Rwandan political sphere of the future will never be the breeding ground for ethnic division and genocide that it once was. Read more...

Dutch cleaners victorious, as longest strike in 77 years ends

Apr 26, 2010 - longest strike in the Netherlands since 1933 has just ended, with a remarkable victory by more than 1,000 janitors who have been on strike for nine weeks. FNV Bondgenoten, one of SEIU's global partner unions, reports that the workers will receive a 3.5 percent wage increase over a two-year contract, and the strikers will receive a significant lump sum payment from their employers. Read more...

Submit Your Questions for Lloyd Blankfein

Apr 26, 2010 - What questions would you like to see Lloyd Blankfein answer? You can get them to us by texting 'GOLDMAN' and then your question, to 787753. We'll submit them to Senator Levin's office and run them live on our website during tomorrow's hearing. Read more...

Global Media Update: Around the World, Sodexo Workers' Voices Are Being Heard

Apr 25, 2010 - As Sodexo workers in the United States speak up against unlawful intimidation, poverty wages, and a lack of access to affordable health care, their voices are being heard around the world. The series of national actions by Sodexo workers have received coverage in some of the most prominent publications in France, including Le Monde, sometimes referred to as the "French newspaper of record." Read more...

What does an illegal immigrant look like? Don't ask Governor Jan Brewer

Apr 23, 2010 - As the large crowd of Arizona voters, youth, and community activists chanted "Shame on you" outside the bill signing announcement this afternoon, Gov. Brewer did her best to assuage widespread concern that this legislation gives racial profiling the force of law and institutionalizes racism. In response to a reporter asking for her to "please explain what criteria will be used to determine if someone is an illegal immigrant," Brewer admitted that she "[does] not know what an illegal immigrant looks like." Read more...

RIGHT NOW: The Lincoln/Halter Debate

Apr 23, 2010 - We live-blogged the Lincoln/Halter showdown, as things begin at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock on Friday night at 8 pm (EST). Read more...

Gov. Brewer Turns Her Back on Movement Against Draconian Arizona Anti-Immigration Law

Apr 23, 2010 - With the signing of SB 1070, draconian legislation that would force police officers to arrest anyone they "suspect" is an illegal immigrant, AZ Gov. Jan Brewer turns her back on the momentum and outrage that has built around the country in opposition to the bill. Send a message to Governor Brewer now. Read more...

Like a Page Out of a Richie Rich Comic Book

Apr 23, 2010 - It's Friday! That means payday for a good number of us. But, before you shuttle your money off for various bills and credit card payments, have I got a deal for you: Act now and get $1 million off Jamie Dimon's Chicago home! Read more...

Five Things to Watch For in Tonight's Lincoln/Halter Debate

Apr 23, 2010 - Ever since Blanche Lincoln realized she wasn't going to cruise to re-election, she's been caught saying some pretty unusual things -- and taking positions that go against her own record. Tonight, will Lincoln continue attacking the hardworking men and women of Arkansas as "outside" interests or worse? Tune in to tonight (8 pm EST, 7 pm CST) during the debate, where we'll be live-blogging the showdown. Read more...

Day 5 of SB1070 Vigils in Arizona

Apr 23, 2010 - With the Today marks the 5th day of vigils outside of the Arizona Statehouse in protest of the recent passage of the worst anti-immigrant state legislation in the country. Hundreds of Arizona voters, youth, and community activists are pushing for Governor Jan Brewer to veto the bill. Read more...

Sodexo Sued By Union-Busters for Distributing Union-Busting Materials

Apr 23, 2010 - Apparently feeling the heat from last week's actions, Sodexo continues to insist that the company "categorically...recognizes and respects [their] workers rights to join a union or not join a union." According to legal documents filed just last week, Sodexo is now being sued by a union-busting firm for unlawfully using their copyrighted anti-union materials and distributing them to managers without permission. Read more...

Rallying Against Cuts to Public Services in California & Illinois

Apr 22, 2010 - Dismal, rainy weather didn't deter thousands of people from gathering to protest against Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's drastic proposed cuts to public service programs. ULTCW_Sacramentorally_homecarecuts_Apr2010.jpg Culminating a 365-mile, 48-day "March for California's Future," members of SEIU 721 and ULTCW joined a diverse coalition of labor, business, education and faith groups to rally in front of the Sacramento State Capitol Building. On the same day, Illinois held a "Save Our State" rally of 15,000 in Springfield. Read more...

The Tipping Point: Join Us This Week

Apr 21, 2010 - Next week, we'll be at big bank shareholder meetings and offices across the country. Thousands of taxpayers will be calling on the banks to stop funding their billion dollar bonuses at our expense. RSVP for an event near you. Read more...

Immigration policy a GOP weak spot

Apr 21, 2010 - Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal reported that President Obama called MA Sen. Scott Brown to give him "a heads-up that immigration was coming down the pike and he should give it some serious thought." Sen. Brown should do this--and so should the Republican party as a whole, as SEIU Exec. Vice President Eliseo Medina explains in this op-ed for Read more...

Strike Averted for 30,000 NYC Apartment Building Workers

Apr 21, 2010 - GREAT news out of New York City for 30,000 of the city's doormen, security guards, bellhops, concierges, supervisors and handymen. It really came down to the wire, but at 12:10 a.m. Wednesday morning--just past the formal expiration of the previous contract--SEIU 32BJ apartment building workers won a tentative four-year agreement with the Realty Advisory Board that includes $547 million in wage and benefit increases. Read more...

New Immigration Bill Not Going to Fix What Ails Arizona

Apr 21, 2010 - On Monday, the Arizona State Legislature sent what CNN says is "being called the toughest crackdown on illegal immigration in the country." Unfortunately it won't solve the problem of our broken immigration system in our country. Read more...

The Clock is Ticking...Strike by 30,000 NYC Apartment Building Workers Could Begin At Midnight

Apr 20, 2010 - More than 1 million people throughout New York City could find their apartment buildings absent of the doormen, security guards, bellhops, concierges, supervisors and handymen whose services they rely on--and these aren't the only services they could be missing, come midnight tonight. Read more...

77 Cents On A Man's Dollar: Women Still Earn Less Than Men

Apr 20, 2010 - On Equal Pay Day - a full 110 days into the new year - American women have finally caught up to the same salary that American men earned by the end of 2009. It's a sad state of affairs that a gender pay gap persists almost 50 years after the passage of the Equal Pay Act. Find out what you can do to help put an end to this discrimination. Read more...

Stand for Securitas Workers

Apr 20, 2010 - SEIU's Stand for Security campaign is turning its attention towards the thousands of U.S. security officers employed by Securitas. Read more...

Stop "These F@#king Guys."

Apr 20, 2010 - Goldman Sachs charged with fraud. Five billion dollars in NEW bonuses and compensation set aside for their top brass. Senator Mitch McConnell and the GOP caucus trying to block legislation that would rein in the very behavior at the center of the fraud charges. I don't even know where to begin. So, I turn instead to Jon Stewart... Read more...

Sodexo Rally at University of Denver Includes Mock Funeral

Apr 19, 2010 - Brother David Garner, Prior of the Grey Robed Monks of St. Benedict in Denver, proceeded over a mock funeral for the "Death of Worker Justice at University of DU. A rally on the University of Denver's Driscoll Greens followed, with students, community members, local politicians, and Sodexo workers protesting Sodexo's unfair labor practices. Read more...

Labor Links: Checking in with SEIU Locals

Apr 19, 2010 - Stave off that case of the Monday blahs by checking out what's happening with SEIU members around the news, campaign updates and ways to take action from SEIU Locals in California, DC, New York, Arizona, Washington, Illinois, Missouri, Maryland and Illinois below. Read more...

Creative Union Campaign Spotlight: UNISON

Apr 19, 2010 - This "why join a union?" video from UK public services union and SEIU global partner, UNISON shows the importance of labor unions for people who work, thanks in large part to footage of President Obama. It's pretty powerful for a 60-second video. Read more...

Sodexo Protest Photos - "It's a beautiful day to get arrested"

Apr 16, 2010 - Sodexo pays its workers in the U.S. as little as $7.50 an hour...which is just one of the many reasons we spent the last week protesting their dismal treatment of workers. About 200 people attended Friday's protest outside Sodexo's HQ and 12 people--including Andy Stern and Danny Glover--were arrested. View photos here. Read more...

Andy Stern, Danny Glover + 10 Others Released From Jail Following Sodexo Protest

Apr 16, 2010 - SEIU President Andy Stern, actor Danny Glover, SEIU Executive VPs Bruce Raynor, Mitch Ackerman and eight others were arrested at today's Sodexo protest. At approximately 2:30 p.m., Stern and Glover were released from jail and we captured these videos of their quick thoughts on today and what went down at Sodexo's headquarters. Also, video of all 12 arrests taking place. Read more...

Live from Today's Action at Sodexo's HQ

Apr 16, 2010 - Check our live tweets and photos from the ground at today's protest of Sodexo, a food service contractor who has been attacking their employees for trying to form a union. (Did we mention they also pay their workers poverty-level wages?) We'll have many more photos and video of the event shortly... Read more...

International Visitors Meet with SEIU Leaders, Sodexo Workers, Danny Glover

Apr 16, 2010 - As their final day in the U.S. as part of the two-country delegation of Sodexo workers and unionists from Great Britain and France, our global guests gathered with Sodexo workers from Emory University, Loyola University, George Mason University in preparation for this afternoon's culminating action at Sodexo's U.S. headquarters. Read more...

Anna Burger at the White House to talk jobs at 1:30 Eastern - Watch it LIVE

Apr 16, 2010 - SEIU International Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger will join President Obama at 1:30 EDT today to discuss job creation and exports. On behalf of SEIU's 2.2 million members, Anna serves as a member of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board (PERAB) which... Read more...

Broomall Presbyterian Village Workers Join SEIU Healthcare PA

Apr 16, 2010 - Fueled by the desire for more respect and the need to make improvements in resident care, nearly 140 workers at the Broomall Presbyterian Village nursing home in Delaware County voted overwhelmingly to form a union with SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania on April 14th. Read more...

20 More Arrests as Sodexo Protests Spread to Ohio State University

Apr 15, 2010 - Twenty people were arrested at Ohio State University today as part of a rally protesting the mistreatment of campus Sodexo food service workers seeking to improve their conditions. The Columbus Dispatch reported on the protest, citing the "poverty wages" that Sodexo pays, and the fact that "most employees are part-time and don't receive health-care coverage." Read more...

What 5,000+ Letters of Support for Sodexo Workers Looks Like

Apr 15, 2010 - Since the week of Sodexo protests began, we've had the honor of receiving over 5,000 letters of support from people across the country. It's hard to demonstrate the scope of that--so we've taken all of the words and generated something called a word cloud. The larger the word, the more times it was used by those who wrote in...take a look and see. Read more...

Students Arrested In Support of Sodexo Workers at Clark University

Apr 15, 2010 - Thursday's event at Clark is one of several across the country this week intended to protest Sodexo's attacks on employees trying to form a union. Student support organized by the group Clark Unite! has been central to the workers' struggle at the university, a fact that the Sodexo worker acknowledged to the crowd. Read more...

California Hospital, University Workers Join Week of National Sodexo Actions to Protest Unfair Labor Practices

Apr 15, 2010 - National actions by Sodexo workers spread to California today as workers at Whittier College and Doctor's Hospital Manteca rallied today to protest rights violations by their employer in response to their efforts to improve working conditions and raise their families out of poverty by forming a union. Read more...

BREAKING NEWS: Sodexo Workers at George Mason University On Strike

Apr 15, 2010 - In response to rampant mistreatment by food service contractor Sodexo, around 75 cafeteria workers at George Mason University went on strike today. The one-day work stoppage is in protest of Sodexo's attack on workers' right to raise their families out of poverty by forming a union with 32BJ SEIU. Read more...

VIDEO: Sodexo Workers Strike in Pittsgrove to Protest Against Intimidation

Apr 15, 2010 - In response to rampant mistreatment by food service contractor Sodexo, school cafeteria workers in Pittsgrove Township went on strike today. Watch new video coverage of the one-day work stoppage happening right now in protest of Sodexo's attack on workers' exercise of their federal rights by forming a union with SEIU 32BJ. Read more...

Special Tax Day Edition...What Public Services Are YOU Thankful For?

Apr 15, 2010 - Every year, conservatives use April 15 to rally against taxes and government spending. We think it's time to get the public thinking of the services our tax dollars pay for that we often take for granted. "Collect taxes, but don't cut services" is the suggestion from SEIU members in LA, who are protesting service cuts and furloughs proposed by their city's mayor. Read more...

UPDATED: "We will take this back to France and the U.K."

Apr 15, 2010 - During their short lunch breaks, Sodexo workers at George Mason University talked with an 8-person delegation of French and British Sodexo workers visiting this week. What the visiting workers learned from these conversations about Sodexo's strong opposition to workers shocked them. Read more...

300 Students and State Union Delegates Hold Massive Sit-In at University of Pittsburgh

Apr 15, 2010 - In an unprecedented show of support for campus food service workers, University of Pittsburgh students, labor leaders and elected officials held a massive sit-in at the school's Market Central dining hall on Wednesday to protest contractor Sodexo's unlawful attacks on employees' rights. Read more...

Sodexo Worker Addresses Secretary of Labor at First-Ever OSHA Conference on Latino Workers

Apr 15, 2010 - When you think about health and safety issues that face working people, you might not immediately think about people who work in the service sector. But the fact is, janitors, food service workers, and laundry workers face potentially serious health and safety issues every day on the job. And yesterday at a conference yesterday focused on how health and safety issues affect Latino workers, Maria Isabel Grijalva--a custodian who works for Sodexo at Whittier College in California--had the opportunity to address Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis and a packed room of over 1,000 people about these issues. Read more...

Marta Zelaya, Sodexo Cook: "We Deserve Medical Attention When We Do Get Injured on the Job."

Apr 15, 2010 - My co-workers and I think Sodexo needs to do more. We need the necessary equipment to avoid acc Read more...

Personal Message to SEIU Members

Apr 14, 2010 - There's a time to learn, a time to lead, and then there's a time to leave. And shortly, it will be my time to retire...and end my SEIU journey. Thank you - my union family - who have shown me how to lead and stand up for change. Read more...

Help us keep up the pressure on ICE

Apr 14, 2010 - Here's the latest way you can help SEIU keep the pressure on ICE: Read more...

Global Delegation Arrives, Meeting with Sodexo Workers This Week

Apr 14, 2010 - A delegation of Sodexo food service workers from France and the U.K. landed last night in Washington, DC, in preparation for three days of activity in support of the campaign by Sodexo workers in the U.S. Let these workers know you stand by them in protesting Sodexo's unfair labor practices by adding your name to our letter of support. Read more...

How the DOL's Wage and Hour Division Can ↓ its Ineffectiveness to ↑ Fair Pay for Workers

Apr 14, 2010 - The National Employment Law Project (NELP) and the Just Pay Working Group--which SEIU is a member of--released a new report today based on members' recommended reform proposals to help the DOL do a better job of enforcing and strengthen wage laws for workers. One recommendation in the report that's long overdue: ending the exemption of home health care workers from basic minimum wage and overtime protections Read more...

SEIU's ICE Vigils

Apr 14, 2010 - Following last week's embarrassing news about abuse and mismanagement at the U.S. Immigration Customs and Enforcement Agency (ICE)--hundreds of SEIU members across the country held vigils in Boston, Los Angeles, Oakland, Sacramento, San Jose, and St. Paul to call on the agency to get its house in order. This week, vigils will continue to take place in California, Illinois, and New York. Read more...

Workers and Students Rally at Emory University

Apr 13, 2010 - Students and Sodexo food service workers from Emory University, Morehouse College, Georgia Tech, and Georgia State University, accompanied by elected officials and community leaders, rallied for workers' right to respect on the job\ and against Sodexo's efforts to interfere with workers' rights to form a union. Read more...

VIDEO: LA City Worker Takes NBC News on a Baywatch Stroll to Show How Cuts Affect Coastline

Apr 13, 2010 - Like other LA City professionals, Stacee Karnya is on a 10% furlough. She spent her furlough day with a TV crew from NBC Nightly News on the beach in Santa Monica, where LA City employees test the water to keep swimmers and surfers safe from toxic runoff. Read more...

In New Orleans, Workers Testify Before City Council About Sodexo's Illegal Practices and Failure to Help With the City's Recovery

Apr 13, 2010 - Sodexo workers in New Orleans testified today before the City Council to protest the disturbing pattern of illegal behavior at sites where they're fighting for the right to come together to raise standards in a city hungry for good jobs. At the hearing, workers presented a report on Sodexo's track record in New Orleans revealing that Sodexo Facilities management erased overtime from weekly time reports, stealing a total of $22,000 from workers over the course of last year. Read more...

It's Time for a "Spring Cleaning"

Apr 13, 2010 - Although Sodexo food service workers around the globe are taking the lead in improving their jobs and transforming the service sector, their employer is standing in the way. Let Sodexo's employees know that you stand by them in protesting Sodexo's unfair labor practices by adding your name to our letter of support. Read more...

Video: Delta Workers Vote to Join SEIU Local 509

Apr 13, 2010 - Last month 160 workers who provide support for people with developmental disabilities at Delta Projects, Inc. voted to join SEIU Local 509 in Boston, MA. Now we're pleased to share with you a powerful and energizing video of these... Read more...

Labor Links Round-up

Apr 13, 2010 - Around the union....links to news and campaign updates from SEIU Locals in Minnesota, Washington, New York, Canada, California, Texas, Maine, Ohio, Arizona and Michigan. Twin Cities window cleaners end their lock-out, we're fighting for a living wage in NYC, the LA Mayor backs down on his threat to shut down the city, and much more. Read more...

Sodexo "Spring Cleaning" Begins at CUBE Conference in Chicago

Apr 12, 2010 - Today, schools throughout the country are in a financial crisis that is unprecedented in recent history. On Friday, a delegation of activists and workers were at the Council of Urban Boards of Education (or CUBE, part of the National School Boards Association) conference in Chicago to deliver a report entitled "Profits First, School Kids Last: Exposing the High Cost of Sodexo." Read more...

Town Hall Meeting in PA Focuses on Violations of Worker Rights at Sodexo

Apr 12, 2010 - Pennsylvania Rep. Joe Brennan, Easton City Council Member Mike Fleck and Lehigh Valley Students for Workers joined Sodexo food service employees at a town hall meeting on Thursday to address poor working conditions and violations of workers' rights in the area. The town hall took place at the United Steelworkers Hall in Bethlehem, PA. Read more...

What Sodexo Workers Are Fighting For

Apr 12, 2010 - Over the course of the next two weeks, Sodexo cafeteria workers and janitors--joined by students, religious leaders, and elected officials in 10 states--will protest attacks on their efforts to form a union by participating in rallies and leading strikes in some locations, and some individuals may participate in civil disobedience. Events are planned in MA, NJ, PA, VA, MD, OH, CO, LA, GA, and CA. Read more...

Monday Moment of Silence, Donations & Candlelight Vigil Honor WV Miners

Apr 12, 2010 - Families, friends, and supporters of West Virginia's mining communities joined together on Saturday, April 10 for a candlelight prayer vigil in front of Marsh Fork Elementary School in Naoma, West Virginia -- just five miles away from the mine that claimed the lives of 29 people. Read more...

Sodexo's Stock Price Dips After Lawmaker Requests U.S. Marine Contract Probe

Apr 12, 2010 - A dip in Sodexo share prices over the last few days seemed to that investors were nervous as news emerged that a U.S. lawmaker has requested a probe of Sodexo's performance on a massive U.S. Marines food service contract. According to Reuters, Representative Loretta Sanchez "called on the Government Accountability Office" to "investigate key aspects" of an eight-year, $881 million Sodexo food service contract "at mess halls on Marine Corps bases throughout the continental United States." Read more...

Labor's Lens: Hundreds Rally to "Stop the ICE Raids!"

Apr 12, 2010 - In an effort to illustrate the ongoing, human cost of this agency's misguided immigration enforcement strategy, hundreds of SEIU cleaners held prayer vigils outside of local Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) offices across the country. Read more...

SEIU's Gerry Hudson Talks Labor and Progressives

Apr 12, 2010 - SEIU Executive VP Gerry Hudson has long dedicated himself to the cause of organized labor, such as nursing home employees like his own mother. Earlier this week, he joined several panelists at Georgetown's Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor to discuss how the current labor movement fits within the progressive movement and the importance of refocusing our work in the Obama era. Read more...

Candlelight Vigil to Honor West Virginia Miners this Saturday

Apr 09, 2010 - Families, friends, and supporters of West Virginia's mining communities will join together on Saturday, April 10, to honor the lives of those lost at Massey's Upper Big Branch coal mine. The candlelight prayer vigil will take place in front of Marsh Fork Elementary School in Naoma, West Virginia - just five miles away from the mine that claimed the lives of 29 people. Read more...

When Congress returns, Republicans may block unemployment...AGAIN

Apr 09, 2010 - The Senate is set for a cloture vote on a bill to extend unemployment insurance and COBRA health benefits through May 5th--but it's unclear whether Democrats will be able to break through a GOP filibuster to get the legislation passed. This is just the latest in a string of GOP demonstrations of refusal to cooperate on extending needed benefits to out-of-work Americans. Read more...

The Truth Comes Out: 16 Defendants & NUHW Ordered to Pay More than $1.5M in Damages

Apr 09, 2010 - A federal jury has found Sal Rosselli and 15 other former officials of SEIU-UHW liable for their scheme to sabotage the union and use the resources of SEIU-UHW members to start their own rival organization, NUHW. The evidence presented at the trial revealed a scheme to undermine the well-being of union members. Read more...

Taking Greed Global

Apr 09, 2010 - You already know big banks are screwing over taxpayers. And you know they screw their customers over again with massive fees and charges. But there's another group that gets it even worse: the banks' own front line employees. Not only are they often customers of their bank, they also have to push their banks' crummy services on other people - and get paid chump change to do it. Will you show your support for the front line bank employees - the ones who don't get million dollar bonuses? Read more...

New Report: Profits First, School Kids Last

Apr 09, 2010 - At a time when schools are facing unprecedented cuts in teachers, staff, and educational programs, school workers and supporters are protesting excessive profits of more than $1 billion by multinational food and facilities service operator Sodexo, a major sponsor of the National School Board Association Conference being held in downtown Chicago. Read more...

Celebrating the Progressive Community with Living Liberally

Apr 09, 2010 - Supporting the netroots and building a more progressive America is something our organization strives to do each and every day, and we're thrilled to be one of Living Liberally's honorees at their annual extravaganza and fundraiser this May Day in NYC. Read more...

Do Private Food Service Contractors Shortchange New Jersey?

Apr 09, 2010 - A report released by the Clarion Group, in conjunction with SEIU Local 32BJ, has found that during the 2008-09 school year ten New Jersey schools districts "overpaid more than $320,000 in payroll costs to private food service management companies," says the Newark Star-Ledger. Read more...

First day back at the bargaining table for Workers United and Hugo Boss

Apr 08, 2010 - Following a concession by Hugo Boss to back off from their staunch position to close their only U.S. clothing factory, the retailer agreed to resume negotiations with Workers United on behalf of the 350+ Cleveland suit makers whose jobs are at risk. Following their first bargaining session with Hugo Boss since December 2009 today, Workers United issued this statement... Read more...

DOL's New Campaign to Fight Wage Theft

Apr 08, 2010 - Did you know nursing home workers, home care workers, and janitors have some of the highest rates of wage theft in America? Thanks in part to the hard work of SEIU members, there is now a new, more vigorous sheriff on the job. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis has kicked off the new We Can Help campaign to better enforce wage and hour rules. Read more...

SEIU Members Hold ICE Vigils and Mass Immigration Rallies This Weekend

Apr 08, 2010 - On the heels of the massive 200,000 person march in Washington, D.C. March 21, a 15,000-person march in Los Angeles, and other large-scale marches that continue to take place across the country, this week SEIU members are rallying for Congress and DHS to roll up their sleeves and move comprehensive immigration reform forward. Read more...

End ICE's Ineffective 287g program

Apr 08, 2010 - The failure of the 287g ICE enforcement program exemplifies the kind of deeper and broader issues that DHS is facing today. That is why SEIU members across the country are turning out this week to hold vigils in front of ICE offices Read more...

West Virginia Mine Disaster Calls Attention to Need for Increased Worker Safety on the Job

Apr 07, 2010 - Lack of worker safety was a huge problem in this country long before 25 West Virginia mine workers died in a tragic mine explosion on Monday. American workers should not have to face unacceptable hazards at work, and we must make fight toward increasing protections to keep them safe on the job. To that end, SEIU is joining with the Obama Administration and Congressional leaders in calling for the passage of the Protecting America's Workers Act (PAWA). Read more...

Will 30,000 NYC Apartment Building Workers Go on Strike?

Apr 07, 2010 - Failure to reach a new contract by 12:01 am on April 21st could lead to a strike of apartment building workers at over 3,200 apartment buildings in New York City. The bottom line: Nobody wants a strike, but if the Realty Advisory Board (RAB) and SEIU Local 32BJ cannot not reach a new contract agreement before this time, it's likely going to be the outcome. Read more...

Labor Links Round-up

Apr 06, 2010 - April 6, 2010: A few interesting things happening around the union in DC, New York, Washington, Connecticut, Maryland, Canada, California and New Mexico.... Read more...

License plates with a pro-labor message

Apr 06, 2010 - We think the 'union difference' is definitely something that's worth celebrating, and we love to see people showcasing their union pride. So....if you spot a pro-union license plate or bumper sticker in your community or even at a stoplight in the near future, snap a photo of it. Then when you get home, submit the photo to us this easy upload sign-up form. Read more...

What We Did

Apr 06, 2010 - For more than 14 months, SEIU's online activists took action every day for health reform. We wanted to revisit the series of small victories that led up to a big win for America--because there's no doubt that health care reform represents the first major piece of legislation passed through a groundswell of online activism. Read more...

Unemployment Benefits Lapse for 212,000 Out-of-Work Americans

Apr 05, 2010 - Sadly, the glow from Friday's good news that the U.S. gained 162,000 jobs in March--the largest job gain in a single month in the past three years--dimmed greatly today with the expiration of unemployment benefits due to Congressional inaction and irresponsibility. Taking a page right out of KY Sen. Bunning's playbook, Senate Republicans led by Oklahoma's Tom Coburn blocked a $9 billion measure containing one-month extensions of unemployment insurance and COBRA health coverage on March 25. Read more...

How Much Does Your School Meal Cost?

Apr 05, 2010 - If you're a student, you may only stop and consider the cost of your Sodexo meal plan once in a while. This can be a problem, because there's not much that can be done about how much you spent after the fact. To help you help yourself, we've created a cost-per-meal calculator, which allows students to more effectively choose an affordable meal plan. Read more...

Embarrassing Week of ICE News Coverage Ends in Release of Haitian Earthquake Victims

Apr 05, 2010 - Last week, reports in the NY Times & the Washington Post unveiled shocking evidence of abuse and mismanagement at ICE. The embarrassing incidents are just two in a series of agency mishaps that have undermined the administration's credibility and shown a persistent on immigration enforcement policy. Read more...

SEIU Local 26 fights to prevent anymore window washers from plunging to their deaths

Apr 05, 2010 - Three window washers from the Minneapolis area have died from accidents while washing windows at work in the last few years. Most recently, this type of senseless tragedy took the life of SEIU Local 26 member Fidel Sanchez-Flores, who was killed when he fell while working at the IDS Center in downtown Minneapolis. When window washers and members of his union demanded increased safety standards regarding new ropes and rope attachment points, their employer locked them out of their jobs. Read more...

While GOP Flip Flops, Demonizes Immigrants, New Poll Foretells Backlash on Election Day

Apr 05, 2010 - While a majority of Americans--including independents and Republicans--continue to support comprehensive immigration reform, most Republican politicians don't seem to have gotten the memo. Instead of embracing smart policy solutions that would benefit all Americans, many in the GOP, such as senatorial candidates J.D. Hayworth in Arizona and Marco Rubio in Florida, are more and more overtly demonizing "illegal immigrants" on the campaign trail. Read more...

Do YOU Count?

Apr 01, 2010 - Happy National Census Day!2010 Census forms began making appearances in mailboxes around the country a few weeks ago, and so far the Census Bureau has reported an approximate 54 percent national participation rate. This year, a full count is more important than ever. Read more...

Hugo Boss Forced Back to Bargaining Table

Apr 01, 2010 - In a victory for Workers United members, retailer Hugo Boss has backed off from its staunch position to close its only U.S. clothing factory--and agreed to the return to the bargaining table with the 350+ Cleveland workers. Read more...

Industry Violence Bill Should Include ALL Healthcare Workers

Mar 31, 2010 - This morning, 1199SEIU delivered a letter to Massachusetts lawmakers advocating for the expansion of pending legislation regarding assault and battery against healthcare workers. According to BLS, workers in the healthcare industry suffer violent attacks and other incidents of workplace violence at almost twice the rate of all other private sector workers. Read more...

Mail in Your Census Forms Already!

Mar 31, 2010 - Tomorrow is National Census Day and thousands of U.S. Census workers will hit the streets to make sure you and yours are counted--particularly in traditionally hard to count areas. If you haven't mailed in your form yet, today's the day to do it. Read more...

Your Taxes vs. Their Taxes

Mar 31, 2010 - Death and taxes. For most of us, those are the two sure things in life. But not if you work on Wall Street. According to news reports this week, even though our tax dollars are still being funneled into their coffers, big Wall Street banks like Bank of America and Wells Fargo probably won't owe a dime of federal taxes this year. Help us get to the bottom of this, tell BofA CEO Brian Moynihan to publicly post his bank's tax returns online. Read more...

How Online Activists Ended Insurance Company Discrimination Against Women

Mar 30, 2010 - Thanks to thousands of online activists who rallied against insurance company discrimination, U.S. law will ban insurers from discriminating against women with higher fees, denial of coverage, and failure to provide coverage of critical procedures and services, like maternity care and c-sections. Read more...

SEIU ULTCW celebrates new officers

Mar 30, 2010 - On March 25th, SEIU ULTCW installed its new officers at a small ceremony in Los Angeles before holding its first Executive Board meeting on March 26th and 27th. Read more...

The largest Medicare fraud ever in the nursing home industry?

Mar 30, 2010 - According to SEIU's research, confirmed by the Washington Post, California-based nursing home company North American Health Care (NAHC) may be falsifying patient records and overcharging Medicare by tens of millions of dollars each year. Putting a stop to this kind of pattern of fraud could begin to fulfill President Obama's promise of cost savings in Medicare through the reduction of waste, fraud, and abuse. Read more...

JPMorgan Chase to Buy American Idol?

Mar 30, 2010 - Reuters is reporting that the private equity arm of JPMorgan Chase is in talks to purchase the company that owns American Idol. Since anything these Wall Street banks touch these days turns to ruin, we have serious concerns on behalf of Idol fans everywhere. We decided to help you prepare by coming up with a list of top ten likely changes we'll see if Chase goes forward with this deal... Read more...

UPDATE: Janet Long Wins Her Battle

Mar 29, 2010 - We have some amazing news to share today. Because of your work and the work of the OSU community, we are proud to report that Janet Long now has her job back. If you remember, Janet was fired on March 6th, just days after filing an official complaint alleging that Sodexo cut her hours in response to her involvement in the Clean Up Sodexo campaign. Read more...

Monday Labor Links Round-up

Mar 29, 2010 - A Monday morning round-up of news pertaining to labor unions, union campaigns, plus a scattering of news on health care and banks. Read more...

Frustrated Student? Do Something About it with our Action Toolkit

Mar 29, 2010 - Are you frustrated with Sodexo on your campus, but aren't quite sure where to start? Today, we're launching a downloadable toolkit designed to help you better understand your Sodexo meal plan and give you some ideas for taking action & raising concerns with your university administration. Read more...

Theresa Santos: In DC, Fighting for Jobs and Financial Reform

Mar 26, 2010 - In early February, I went to Washington D.C. to join SEIU activist and LACERA Investment Board Chair Herman Santos (no relation) to advocate for jobs and Financial Regulatory Reform legislation. Read more...

Glenn Beck and Republican Violence

Mar 26, 2010 - Tea Party protesters shouting the n-word at Congressman and civil rights icon John Lewis. Death threats left on the phones of Democrats who voted for health care reform. We've had enough--have you? Please sign our letter to Beck's advertisers asking them to stop supporting his dangerous brand of crazy. Read more...

SEIU Healthcare WI Members Lobbying for Change

Mar 25, 2010 - On March 24th, members of SEIU Healthcare WI gathered for message and logistic training before heading to the State House to lobby their representatives on issues on forced overtime, home care organizing, and immigration reform. Read more...

Bank Exec By Day, Whistleblower By Night

Mar 25, 2010 - On Tuesday, a Vice President at a prominent (but unnamed) bank for 20 years spoke out on ABC World News. The whistleblower, one of several bank employees working with SEIU to reform the big banks, told ABC that his branch has failed to make a single permanent mortgage modification and described ways the bank encourages employees to trap consumers in debt. Watch... Read more...

Senate Passes Reconciliation Package

Mar 25, 2010 - We just cleared another major hurdle in the almost-completed journey toward passing comprehensive health insurance reform. The U.S. Senate just passed the reconciliation package - 56 to 43 - after rejecting 24 hours worth of occasionally absurd Republican amendments to the bill. Read more...

Furloughs End for 50K+ California State Workers

Mar 25, 2010 - Yesterday morning in superior court, CA Judge Roesch issued a tentative ruling partially lifting the stay that Governor Schwarzenegger's attorneys sought. This means that furloughs will end immediately, which will restore a full work schedule and pay to 50,000+ SEIU Local 1000-represented workers who work for special fund agencies like the DMV and Cal-Trans. Read more...

Senator Mikulski: What Health Care Reform Will Do For Women

Mar 25, 2010 - Senator Mikulski took to the Senate floor this morning to deliver a passionate speech about her work to end the punitive practices of insurance companies towards women. "For too long, in too many ways, they treated simply being a woman as a pre-existing condition." Read more...

Mid-week Locals Round-up: In Case You Missed It

Mar 24, 2010 - Recent events, political action and news updates from SEIU Locals around the country in New York, Ohio, Maryland, California, New Hampshire, Washington, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Florida. Read more...

Haiti: Scenes from the Field

Mar 24, 2010 - When the country of Haiti was struck by a massive earthquake on January 12, 2010, hundreds of resident physicians volunteered to help with relief efforts, and dozens have been deployed over the past three months. Here are some of the images CIR/SEIU Healthcare doctors have shared with us from their time assisting with Haitian relief. Read more...

Open Letter to U.S. Senate from 180 Organizations - Vote for Health Care

Mar 24, 2010 - Today, SEIU joined hundreds of groups and organizations across the country in signing onto an open letter to the U.S. Senate. The message was simple: a "no" on amendments is a "yes" on health care reform. Read more...

VIDEO: WSJ Takes On Interest Rate Swaps

Mar 24, 2010 - Earlier this month, we launched a campaign calling on attorneys general across the country to investigate swaps deals in their states. We also put together a video to help you become an expert on these shady swaps in 90 seconds. Read more...

Six Districts, Six Ad Campaigns

Mar 24, 2010 - We just launched a series of television ads in six congressional districts this morning, in support of Representatives in Congress who stood up to insurance companies and other special interests. The ads will start today in the districts of Reps. Periello (VA-05), Titus (NV-03), Markey (CO-XX), Boccieri (OH-16), Dahlkemper (PA-03), and Pomeroy (ND-AL). Read more...

What She Said...In Honor of Women's History Month

Mar 24, 2010 - In honor of Women's History Month, SEIU Local 1000 has compiled a round-up of great quotes by notable women, sent in by members. Here's a selection: Read more...

Timeline of the Immediate Benefits Of Health Insurance Reform

Mar 23, 2010 - In his speech prior to the signing of the health care bill into law, Obama laid out the immediate benefits in the health care bill. To help answer the question that's likely on many folks' minds--how reform will affect every day Americans?--check out this very helpful table of when all of the major provisions go into effect. Read more...

JPMorgan Chase is Working Hard to Uncover Cause of Economic Unrest

Mar 23, 2010 - You remember JPMorgan Chase, right? They are the giant Wall Street bank that took $94.7 billion in bailouts and backstops? You know, one of the ones who helped wreck the global economy? Remember them? Well, they have just made a very important discovery: the real reason America's unemployment is so high is... unemployment insurance! Read more...

Health Care Bill Signing: A View From the Rope Line

Mar 23, 2010 - SEIU President Andy Stern spoke to President Obama briefly after he signed the health care bill into law at the White House today. He wanted to quickly share what the President said about SEIU members. Watch his video message here. Read more...

VIDEO: Landmark Health Care Bill Signed Into Law

Mar 23, 2010 - At 11:15 a.m. today at the White House, President Obama signed into law the historic health care reform legislation that passed the House of Representatives on Sunday night. "Today, after almost a century of trying, today, after over a year of debate, today, after all the votes have been tallied, health insurance reform becomes law in the United States of America," said Obama. Watch video of the signing and check out a table outlining when reforms will be implemented here. Read more...

Still Tracking Votes and Taking Names

Mar 23, 2010 - The insurance industry thought Congress would answer to them--but on Sunday night, Congress stood up for the people. Following the historic House vote to reform the nation's healthcare system, we're going to fight harder than ever to win every possible vote. Read more...

Health Professionals' Prescription for the Senate? Follow the House and Pass Real Health Reform

Mar 22, 2010 - On the heels of a historic vote on health care reform, more than 400 doctors, nurses and health care providers turned out today to march to Washington's Freedom Plaza. The high-energy marchers didn't let the rain dampen their spirits, chanting "2,4,6,8 time to re-con-ciliate!!" as they marched to Capitol Hill to praise reform efforts for our broken health care system. Read more...

More Big Name Organizations Split From U.S. Chamber

Mar 22, 2010 - Yesterday, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce issued a statement declaring passage of the health care bill "a wrong and unfortunate decision that ignores the will of the American people." Talk about a pot calling the kettle black...It's clear the U.S. Chamber ignored the will and position of one of its most significant members - the one that represents doctors and medical professionals, no less. Read more...

The Time Is Now: Take ACTION and Write Your Senator

Mar 22, 2010 - This is our time to, in President Obama's words, "overcome the numbing weight of our politics." We will not be deterred by the same cynics who have made Washington synonymous with inaction, partisan pettiness and self-interest. Write to your Senators and tell them to get to work on immigration reform now. Read more...

March for America: Change Takes Courage - SEIU Video Highlights

Mar 22, 2010 - As House members voted on health care reform yesterday, an estimated 200,000 people rallied on the National Mall--including more than 5,000 SEIU members--to urge Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform. Check out video highlights of SEIU at the March for America: Read more...

Innovation in Action

Mar 22, 2010 - Public service employees are often maligned, but in reality few people are as committed to their work or as frustrated by the obstacles that get in the way of their ability to provide quality service. A new video, Innovation in Action, produced by SEIU's Public Service Division, highlights three stories about members who are improving public services and building better communities Read more...

March for America: 200,000 Turn Out For Immigration Reform

Mar 22, 2010 - SEIU International leaders Andy Stern, Eliseo Medina and SEIU member leader Athena Jones stood shoulder-to-shoulder with 200,000 immigrants, union members and activists on Sunday in a rally on the National Mall to demand Congress pass immigration reform. March for America is being reported as the biggest political mobilization since President Obama's inauguration a year ago. Read more...

March for America: Change Takes Courage, SEIU, and YOU!

Mar 22, 2010 - Yesterday's March for America was historic with over 200,000 people rallying on the the National Mall for immigration reform. Now it's time to organize! Check out this video from SEIU Exec. Vice President Eliseo Medina for more information: Read more...

Universal Studios Janitors Win Higher Wages, Guaranteed Full Time Hours

Mar 22, 2010 - Following a raucous march through Universal City Walk and a rally in front of the iconic entrance to Universal Studios Hollywood, janitors who work for NBC Universal won a new contract with the Hollywood studio to end shortened work hours, raise wages for entry level workers, and protect high quality health care benefits. Read more...

Breaking: U.S. House Passes Health Care Reform

Mar 21, 2010 - We just witnessed history in the making. Moments ago, the U.S. House gaveled in its final vote on health insurance reform. The vote was 219 to 212. Tonight's vote is one of the most important achievements by the U.S. Congress in a generation. And you made it happen. Read more...

Keep the Calls Coming

Mar 21, 2010 - SEIU members and health care activists made thousands of calls to their Representatives in Congress this week. Most offices are open over the weekend, and are answering phones, so you can still call your Congressperson toll-free at 1-866-311-3405. Report back on your call, here. Read more...

Faces of March for America: Change Takes Courage

Mar 21, 2010 - Today, on Sunday, March 21 over 5,000 SEIU members from as far as California will descend on the National Mall for "March for America: Change Takes Courage" - an historic immigration rally where tens of thousands of labor, faith, civil rights and immigrant rights activists from across the country will urge Congress to step on the gas and pass comprehensive immigration reform. Read more...

Yes, We're Dead Serious

Mar 19, 2010 - "It appears SEIU is dead serious about this business about yanking support for House Dems who vote No on the health bill," writes Greg Sargent at the Plum Line. Read more...

Change takes Calls

Mar 19, 2010 - in advance of this Sunday's "Change Takes Courage" immigration reform rally - SEIU launched a 48 hour campaign to put calls into the Senate. We're reminding them that our members and supporters are coming to DC to demand forward movement on legislation this year. Read more...

CBO Scores Out, House Vote Sunday?

Mar 19, 2010 - The revised House bill was released yesterday. A vote in the U.S. House could happen as early as Sunday, with the Senate not far behind. Organizations across the country came together on Wednesday to show their support for health care reform. Small businesses, consumer organizations, faith, seniors, physicians, labor, and many more gathered to make the call for reform loud and clear. Read more...

Giumarra Vineyards, Stop the Abuse and Retaliation of Victims of Sexual Harassment

Mar 19, 2010 - Giumarra Vineyards, the world's largest table grape company, harvests approximately 1 out of every 10 bunches of grapes picked in the US. Because the company is so huge, their behavior helps set the industry standard---which makes sense, right? However, recent behavior by the grape company has been anything but right. After a female farm worker who works for the grape company was subjected to sexual harassment, fellow farm workers who witnessed the appalling incident came to the aid of the teenage victim and complained to Giumarra Vineyards. Read more...

2010's 800 Pound Spending Gorilla? The Chamber

Mar 18, 2010 - Move over, national political parties: this year, the spending powerhouse poised to make the most difference in the 2010 elections doesn't respond to the initials "RNC" or "DNC." Like our biggest stars - Madonna, Prince, Charo - that distinction falls to a group we know so well, they need but one name: Chamber. Read more...

This moment belongs to you

Mar 18, 2010 - "I'll vote the way my district wants me to vote," said Rep. Jason Altmire (D-PA) this week. If you don't think your voice matters, think again. There's more than 30 confirmed members of the U.S. House who remain undecided on health reform. These members of Congress are waiting to hear from you. Read more...

The Final Push for Health Care: Tracking Votes and Taking Names

Mar 17, 2010 - There's a ton of activity this week around health care reform, and more news is breaking every hour. Today, alone, we learned the Rep. Dennis Kucinich will now vote "YES" on the forthcoming House health care bill, that Republicans are now launching an effort to repeal the bill and that only 3% of progressives are against passing the Senate health bill. In addition, there's a new tool for tracking health care votes and just-released district-by-district analysis of the impact of health care legislation. Read more...

Tweet Your Senator: Change Takes Courage

Mar 17, 2010 - On Sunday, March 21 over 5,000 SEIU members from as far as California will descend on the National Mall for "March for America: Change Takes Courage." They will join an estimated 100,000 labor, faith, civil rights and immigrant rights activists from across the country to tell Congress to step on the gas and pass comprehensive immigration reform. Read more...

VIDEO: Explaining Reconciliation

Mar 17, 2010 - Many Republicans have been trying to define "reconciliation" as a radical alternative to the normal legislative procedure. This isn't true, and in fact, there have been 22 reconciliation bills between 1981 and 2009--14 of which were done by a Republican-controlled Congress. Watch this video explaining the reconciliation process. Read more...

SEIU Battleground Poll: What are Democrats' and Independents' Concerns Regarding Congress?

Mar 16, 2010 - On behalf of SEIU, the Benenson Strategy Group conducted 1,218 interviews with registered Democrats and Independents in CO, NH and NV in February. Three big takeaways from the poll and memo: 1. No one party is without blame 2. Voters need and demand change and 3. Dems control their own future. View more polling result insights here. Read more...

Dear Teabaggers, Here's The Right Way To Hold a Rally. Love, SEANC

Mar 16, 2010 - When SEANC/SEIU Local 2008 got wind that Tea Party activists were planning an anti-reform protest at Congressman Bob Etheridge's office, they quickly started organizing with allies to hold a counter protest across the street. The result? More than 200 pro-healthcare reform supporters turned out in the streets of Raleigh to the counter protest. Read more...

New Ads - Watch: It's Happening Everywhere...

Mar 16, 2010 - It's happening everywhere. Across America, we've seen our insurance premium rates go up 3x as fast as wages--crushing small businesses and working families. SEIU has launched a new barrage of TV ads in partnership with Health Care For America Now (HCAN). The ads urge constituents to call their congressman and push for a "yes" vote. They're running in the districts of Reps. Jason Altmire (PA), Jim Costa (CA), Brad Ellsworth (IN), Betsy Markey (CO) and Earl Pomeroy (ND). View them here. Read more...

LA City Workers Steal the Spotlight at Mayor's Pre-Oscar Party

Mar 15, 2010 - To spotlight the impact that 4,000 proposed layoffs and drastic service cuts will have on the entertainment industry, LA City workers held a mock red carpet event and an awards ceremony to honor the best in City services. Celebrity blogger Perez Hilton understands gets how the proposed cuts will make LA a bad place for the film industry to do business--it's too bad Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and the City Council can't get on his level. Read more...

Ensure dollars are fairly distributed to your district in 2010

Mar 15, 2010 - By next Wednesday, most U.S. households will have received their Census 2010 questionnaire. Now it's going to take a group effort to make sure everyone mail them in. In Census 2000, there were gross undercounts of African American and immigrant... Read more...

Help Maryland put big banks on notice

Mar 15, 2010 - On Wednesday, Maryland could become the very first state to change its bad relationship with the big banks. Already, the big banks and the Maryland Bankers Association are fighting this bill. They like things just the way they are. Help pass this bill into law--tell the legislature about your experience with the big banks: Read more...

House Hearing Tomorrow on Strengthening Workplace Health & Safety

Mar 15, 2010 - Tomorrow at 10am, the House Ed & Labor Committee will be holding a hearing on strengthening The Protecting America's Workers Act. Change to Win health & safety coordinator Eric Frumin, who will be testifying at the hearing, notes that "there appears to be a growing pattern of large corporations ignoring or avoiding their obligations to assure a safe workplace." The U.S. Chamber of Commerce will also be testifying tomorrow, although it's pretty unlikely they will be speaking in support of the bill. Read more...

Improving Public Services: Putting Ideas Into Action

Mar 15, 2010 - We all know government employees often get a bad rap. Not only are they a frequent target for those pushing for privatization, but the valuable services they provide everyday are usually completely ignored, even during the best of times. That's why SEIU's Public Division has developed a new video featuring three different projects started by SEIU members that have done exactly that. Read more...

1199SEIU RNs Report Back From Haiti

Mar 15, 2010 - On February 8, two 1199SEIU RNs flew from New York to the Dominican Republic and were then transported to Haiti to attend to the victims of the earthquake that hit the capital Port-Au-Prince on January 12. Claudia Warrington and Marie Fontaine were both born in Haiti, and both still have relatives residing in the most devasted areas. Both volunteered knowing they would have to stay two weeks on their own time and would receive no monetary compensation. Read more...

Debunking Anti-Reform Ads Paid For By Insurers

Mar 15, 2010 - This weekend, Progressive Media released a new video debunking the health insurer-funded, anti-reform TV ad released by the Chamber, titled "Afford." As Media Matters notes in their fact check, it's too bad the Chamber couldn't 'afford' to pony up the dough for any actual facts in the short spot. Watch... Read more...

The Week In Immigration Reform

Mar 12, 2010 - Yesterday, SEIU Executive Vice President Eliseo Medina joined other labor, faith and immigrant rights leaders for a meeting at the White House on next steps for comprehensive immigration reform legislation. President Obama spent over an hour with the group, carrying out a lively and open discussion about how to move immigration reform forward. Read more...

Ratings Firm Vigeo Downgrades Sodexo to "Negative"

Mar 12, 2010 - Vigeo, a leading European rating agency that scores companies for their social responsibility and fair treatment of workers, have downgraded Sodexo from an "average" company to "negative." The downgrade came in respect to the company's performance in the areas of prevention of human rights violations, and in particular the question of respect for union rights and rights to collective bargaining. Read more...

Sodexo Workers' Mistreated During Winter Olympics

Mar 12, 2010 - With the Winter Paralympics officially starting today, Sodexo has once again come under fire for mistreatment of its workers and inadequate training on food handling. Read more...

Sodexo Manager in Opinion Piece: "A Union is Not the Right Solution."

Mar 12, 2010 - In a huge blunder - worthy of the phrase "astroturfing" (pretending to be grassroots, but in the end, fake) - Sodexo has published an opinion piece in the student newspaper The Emory Wheel, made to look like it was written by Emory dining employees rather than management. Read more...

Paid Sick Leave Would Have Significant Impact On Women / Low-wage / Food service Workers

Mar 11, 2010 - We already knew that as a direct result of relying on voluntary employer policies to provide paid sick leave to employees, over fifty million U.S. workers have no paid sick days at all. A new study by the Joint Economic Committee reports that more than a third of working women who work for companies that have more than 15 employees have no paid sick leave. And overall, being forced to work while sick is bad for all workers--but the Healthy Families Act would change this. Read more...

State Superintendent Candidates "Walk a Day in the Shoes" of Public School Employees

Mar 11, 2010 - Recently, candidates Tom Torlakson, Gloria Romero and Larry Aceves learned firsthand the challenges district employees face given the limited resources schools have due to recent budget cuts. This series of "Walk a Day in My Shoes" events is part of a larger program of SEIU. Read more...

Misconceptions: Pushing Back on Retirement Security

Mar 11, 2010 - The recession hit baby boomers who put all all their retirement security eggs in the 401K basket especially hard. Even though millions have seen their risky individual accounts crash, retirement security has increasingly come under attack--and provided an excuse for... Read more...

It's Time for the Senate to Step on the Gas on Immigration Reform

Mar 11, 2010 - Today SEIU Executive Vice President Eliseo Medina will join other labor, faith, business and immigrant rights leaders for a meeting at the White House on next steps for comprehensive immigration reform legislation. In preparation, Medina issued the following statement: Read more...

Over 160 Delta Workers Who Support Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Vote 'Yes' for Union

Mar 10, 2010 - Overcoming intense employer opposition, 160 workers who provide support for people with developmental disabilities at Delta Projects, Inc. voted to join SEIU Local 509 in Boston, MA. Delta employees stuck together and won their union despite a concerted effort by management to intimidate them into voting no. Read more...

Put Your Name on Glenn Beck's Blackboard

Mar 10, 2010 - It is ridiculous that a man who cries - literally - about how Barack Obama and SEIU are destroying the country, barks into the camera, and made his name by scribbling conspiracy theories onto a chalkboard is considered one of the most important Republicans in America. Fight back against Glenn Beck's fear-mongering and smears by standing in solidarity with other progressives he's attacked. Put your name on "Beck's blackboard" and share this video with your friends. Read more...

VIDEO: 5,000 Activists Take the Fight for Reform Right to Insurance Companies' Doorstep

Mar 10, 2010 - In DC on March 9th, thousands of union members and health care activists from across the progressive movement took the fight for health care reform right to insurance companies' doorstep. The massive protest started with a march from Dupont Circle to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, led by more than 50 major labor organizations, health care reform activists, faith leaders, and 25 survivors of health insurance abuse. Watch the video recap here. Read more...

Even the police at yesterday's AHIP protest think we need health reform

Mar 10, 2010 - Yesterday outside AHIP's anti-reform conference at the Ritz-Carlton in DC, SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger stood up for the reform she believes in--literally. As law enforcement officials swarmed the Ritz to pull back those trying to enter the hotel, the policewoman who led Anna away was overheard remarking these words to her: "Thank you so much for doing this -- we really need health care reform." Read more...

Senator Baucus Profiles SEIU Member Pat DeJong in Roll Call Op-Ed

Mar 10, 2010 - SEIU Healthcare 775NW member and Montana home care worker Pat DeJong has stood alongside Senators in the Capitol calling for healthcare reform. Her story has inspired activists and leaders about why reform cannot wait--and now, Senator Baucus has formed a centerpiece around it for a Roll-Call op-ed. Her story has inspired activists and leaders about why reform cannot wait. And today, it formed the centerpiece for an op-ed in Roll Call by Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.), chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. Read more...

Photo Recap: Thousands Protest AHIP Insurance Company Conference

Mar 09, 2010 - If AHIP thinks they've been getting an incredible amount of heat lately for their stunning rate increases, they haven't seen anything yet. Today, thousands took a stand to show big insurers we're not going to allow AHIP and their lobbyists bully Congress into inaction. We kicked off today's rally this morning in DuPont Circle to hear from speakers including Anna Burger and Gov. Howard Dean. Health care activists spilled off of buses that traveled from DE, CT, MD, MN, VA, NJ, NC, NY, OH, PA, RI to be here today...check out a photo recap and more details here. Read more...

Stop the Swaps

Mar 09, 2010 - Sunday's New York Times ran an article blowing the lid off a Wall Street scheme called "interest rate swaps" that are sucking money from cities and states across the country. The swap deals were originally sold to communities as a way to shield against unpredictable interest rates. But, when the banks crashed the economy, the rules of the game changed. Now, all these swap deals are doing is generating pure profit for the big banks - and it's being paid for with our tax dollars. Read more...

Live Tweeting from DC Citizens' Arrest of Insurance Companies

Mar 09, 2010 - Together with partners across the progressive movement--HCAN, AFL-CIO, CREDO, AFSCME, True Majority, MoveOn, AFT, Democracy for America, Campaign for Community Change, Common Cause, US Action--and several thousand activists, today we're taking the fight for reform right to insurance companies' doorstep. We'll be live tweeting from the Dupont Circle rally and march to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, so you can follow all the action no matter where you are. Read more...

Puttin' On The Ritz

Mar 09, 2010 - Big insurance CEOs are holding a lavish retreat at DC's Ritz Carlton hotel today, March 9th, to push their agenda to destroy health care reform. While they're brainstorming how to continue propping up a broken system, thousands of people will be gathering outside to challenge the stranglehold these greedy companies have on the healthcare system. We know not everyone can be in DC to take to confront them at the Ritz-Carlton today. You can do your part by spreading the message, and performing a virtual demonstration across their Facebook pages and Twitter accounts. Read more...

Connecticut Members Tell Lawmakers: Don't Make Us Work While Sick

Mar 08, 2010 - As part of the "Everybody Benefits" coalition, workers recently joined legislators, physicians, and public health groups to urge passage of a paid sick days law this year. If you're still on the fence as to whether or not workers need and deserve paid sick days, consider the fact it's National Women's History Month--and take into account how the lack of access to sick leave disproportionately affects females in the workforce. Read more...

International Women's Day: Women in the Workforce & Unions

Mar 08, 2010 - March is National Women's History Month and today, people around the world are commemorating the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day. For the first time, women constitute the greatest portion of the labor force working inside and outside of the home. In another couple of years, the same will likely be said of women in unions. Read more...

Reports Show White House Pressuring Senators to Introduce a Bipartisan Framework for Immigration Reform

Mar 08, 2010 - The LA Times reported on Friday that President Obama and members of his team are working behind the scenes to push key Senators--Democrat Charles E. Schumer and Republican Lindsey Graham--to move forward with introducing bipartisan immigration legislation this spring. Read more...

WATCH LIVE: Who shuns Hugo Boss on the Red Carpet?

Mar 07, 2010 - What's the quickest way for a star to make Oscar's Worst Dressed List tonight? By wearing Hugo Boss. We need you to ask that each Hollywood star in attendance publicly refuse to wear Hugo Boss clothing, so long as the company continues to put its own greed over the interests of American workers. Watch the Red Carpet here live. Read more...

Memo to Hollywood: Hugo Boss Not Fashionable For This Year's Oscars

Mar 05, 2010 - Some of Hollywood's biggest stars and directors received a letter from Danny Glover this week, asking them to boycott Hugo Boss on the red carpet this Sunday. Hugo Boss says the company needs to shut down its only U.S. suit factory in Cleveland and send those jobs overseas--forcing nearly 400 workers onto the unemployment line. Tell Hollywood we need them to use their celebrity for good by saying no to Hugo Boss on March 7th. Read more...

VIDEO: Los Angeles Rally Kicks Off 48-Day "March for California's Future"

Mar 05, 2010 - In Los Angeles today, five hundred members of SEIU ULTCW joined a coalition of labor, business, education, and faith groups at a massive downtown rally to kick-off "March for California's Future". Along with home care workers, hundreds of nurses, students, police officers and fire fighters will be marching for parts of this 250-mile, 48-day trek to the state capitol in Sacramento. ULTCW also launched a campaign to fight Gov. Schwarzenegger's draconian cuts to the state's home care program today. Read more...

L.A. Votes to Move Its Money

Mar 05, 2010 - Just moments ago, the LA City Council voted to adopt the "big banks" bill into law. This is a huge blow to Wall Street banks that refuse to invest in our communities - and it only happened with your support. Thousands of you wrote letters to the Council that were adopted into the official record. And dozens more took our message directly to the banks in L.A., where City Councilmember Richard Alarcon joined us to speak out against their harmful practices. Read more...

Janitors' Solidarity Across the Pond (Hat Tip YouTube)

Mar 04, 2010 - Last week, SEIU sent a video message of support to janitors in the Netherlands who plan to strike at Amsterdam's busy Schiphol International Airport beginning March 8. The Dutch cleaners reciprocated in kind, making their own solidarity video for the SEIU janitors in Minnesota. Watch it here. Read more...

Stop Killer Profits

Mar 04, 2010 - On Tuesday, March 9th, big insurance lobbyists are going to be at the Washington, DC Ritz-Carlton for a retreat. And they have one item on the agenda: killing health care reform once and for all. But we've decided to go ahead and pencil ourselves into the itinerary. Because while the insurance lobbyists party it up at five star hotels, Americans are dying because they can't afford coverage. Read more...

Political Memo: Recent SEIU Endorsements and Election Results

Mar 04, 2010 - While the 2010 mid-term elections are nine months away, SEIU members are busy building a foundation for electing pro-worker candidates this November. Key endorsements and elections have happened in CA, CO, IL, FL, LA and OR. Today, Jon Youngdahl, SEIU's Political Director issued the following memo to political reporters covering the 2010 mid term elections that highlight the work that we've done thus far. Read more...

Students Step Up for Sodexo Workers

Mar 04, 2010 - Over the last few months, we've posted about the many struggles Sodexo workers are facing in their work environments. But now, students and faculty on campuses across the nation are uniting, taking action, and getting major attention. Read more...

Court Halts Gov. Schwarzenegger's Drastic Wage and Service Cuts to CA Home Care

Mar 03, 2010 - Could CA Governor Schwarzenegger's lengthy reign of fear over California in-home care givers--and those they care for--finally be coming to an end? In today's 9th Circuit Supreme Court of Appeals decision (Dominguez v. Schwarzenegger), SEIU Locals in California were successful in halting the Governor's budget cuts that would have put seniors and people with disabilities at risk of losing the home care services they rely on. Read more...

Solutions or Politics?

Mar 03, 2010 - Earlier today, our immigration reform team sent the following email to our supporters and urged them to write their Senators to focus on job legislation not get into a debate over immigration policy. Read more...

VIDEO: Cancer Doesn't Care If You Have A 'Real Job' Or Not

Mar 03, 2010 - When insurance reform advocate Regina Holliday shared her health insurance horror story following Melanie's March for health reform on Capitol Hill last Wednesday, it had a profound and moving effect on everyone in the room--health care activists, union members, several Senators and their staffers...even the media covering the event. I challenge viewers to not get choked up listening to Regina speak about losing the love of her life because they couldn't afford to pay for a $20,000 'elective surgery procedure that would've been "no big deal"....until it was. Read more...

President Obama: No Excuses on Health Insurance Reform

Mar 03, 2010 - On Wednesday, President Obama moved the health care reform fight forward, calling on the House and Senate to give legislation a quick, straight up-or-down vote. While covering his solution, which includes increased regulation of insurance, the President pushed hard against insurance companies who have abused working Americans with obscene costs for decades. Read more...

What 14,000 Voices Strong Looks Like

Mar 02, 2010 - On Monday, SEIU Healthcare 775NW home care workers delivered 14,000 petitions to legislative leaders and the Washington state Governor's office--all in support of new revenue to avoid devastating cuts to long term care. Read more...

Tell Hollywood: No Hugo Boss on the Red Carpet

Mar 02, 2010 - You would think that if you're selling high-end fashion like Hugo Boss does, you could afford to pay decent wages to the people who make them. And you'd be right. That's why actor Danny Glover is asking stars not to wear Hugo Boss on the red carpet at Sunday's Academy Awards. Read more...

U.S. Chamber & GOP Don't Want Living Wage for Federal Contract Workers

Mar 02, 2010 - The New York Times reported recently that nearly one in four U.S. workers is employed by companies that have contracts with the federal government. Now the White House wants to make sure those employers obey the law by changing how companies can win lucrative government contracts. Read more...

GOP Filibuster Kings "Taking A Stand" on Backs of Unemployed Americans

Mar 01, 2010 - Two Republican Senators have decided extending benefits programs for more than 1.1 million Americans is less important than getting their pet projects enacted. As a direct result of Sen. Bunning and Sen. Kyl "taking a stand" on the backs of the unemployed, the Senate recessed for the weekend without taking action to reauthorize UI and COBRA health benefits created by the Recovery Act. Read more...

Avast, mateys! 'Pirates' storm cruise ships at Vancouver Olympics

Mar 01, 2010 - The 'Pirates of Justice' flash mob donned girly blouses, eye patches and peg legs to raid Canada Place during the Vancouver Olympics on Saturday, in a protest designed to raise awareness of the poor treatment and working conditions of cruise ship employees. The majority of cruise ship workers don't have a union contract, and the harsh reality of life below the decks is enough to make anyone want to jump ship. Read more...

Stay Strong, The Battle Continues

Mar 01, 2010 - As of the writing of this column, it gives me great pleasure to state that our fellow SEIU Healthcare Minnesota members and the management of the Minnesota Epilepsy Group have reached an agreement on a new contract. This is wonderful news for those members that could have been affected by a potential work stoppage, but more importantly, the citizens and patients that our members serve will continue to receive the quality and dedicated care that they deserve. Read more...

VIDEO: Victory in the Twin Cities

Mar 01, 2010 - When the Twin Cities show up for work today, nothing will seem out of the ordinary. The more than 4,000 janitors in all the skyscrapers, office buildings, and airport terminals will be on the job - keeping the city running. And they may have a big smile on their faces. After 26 hours of last-minute bargaining, SEIU Local 26 janitors won a contract for good, green full-time jobs that include affordable health care. Read more...

Today is the Deadline for SEIU College Scholarships

Mar 01, 2010 - SEIU awards 52 scholarships through five different scholarship programs that enable members and their children to pursue their educational goals at accredited colleges, universities, and technical schools. The deadline for all applications is before midnight on March 1, 2010 (that's today!), so please check out the opportunities available and apply now so you don't miss out. Read more...

Huge Legislative Victories for Oregon Care Providers

Feb 27, 2010 - SEIU Local 503 members achieved two major victories for home care and child care providers this week, in the final days of the state legislative session. Read more...

Around the Union: Friday Wrap-up

Feb 26, 2010 - In case you missed's an end-of-the-week round-up of news, events and victories over the past few days from the International and SEIU Locals in Minnesota, California, DC, Pittsburgh, Virginia, Colorado and Boston. Read more...

Judge Stops Furloughs for 53,000 California State Workers

Feb 26, 2010 - Alameda County, CA Judge Frank Roesch has ordered back pay and an immediate end to furloughs for approximately 53,000 SEIU Local 1000-represented workers. This is a huge victory for state workers who've been fighting against Gov. Schwarzenegger's illegal 14% pay cut (via thrice-monthly furloughs) for close to a year. Read more...

How Women Are Hurt More By Rate Hikes

Feb 26, 2010 - Yesterday at the White House health care summit, Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) raised women's health issues in the context of reform. Specifically, she called attention to insurance companies' practices of denying coverage to women based on pre-existing conditions, calling the practice "cruel," "capricious" and "done only to enhance the bottom line." Rep. Slaughter's comments are particularly timely in light of the latest insurance premium hikes by Anthem Blue Cross. Read more...

SEIU's Andy Stern 'Honored' to Serve on Obama's National Debt Commission

Feb 26, 2010 - Today, SEIU President Andy Stern was chosen by President Obama as one of his six choices to serve on a bipartisan commission to recommend ways to reduce the national debt. Stern put out a statement today on his appointment to the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility. Read more...

VIDEO: Richard, Meet Rosalina

Feb 26, 2010 - In an incredible breakthrough, executives from U.S. Bank agreed to meet with Rosalina Gavilan Gomez, a janitor who cleans the office of U.S. Bank President and CEO Richard Davis, and whose home is being foreclosed on by the bank. Rosalina isn't alone--several other janitors who clean the big bank buildings in the Twin Cities face foreclosure, and they're standing up to the banks. Read more...

Insurer Anthem Blue Cross resents attempts to protect consumers from outrageous rate increases

Feb 25, 2010 - The Foundation for Patient's Rights has a new ad up, highlighting the recent news of the astronomical latest rate increases (39%!) by big insurer Anthem in California. Anthem, which is owned WellPoint--which insures more Americans than any other company--is pushing double-digit premium hikes in 11 states across the country. Read more...

The Misinformation Campaign Around Reconciliation

Feb 25, 2010 - Many Republicans - nervous over losing their long-fought campaign to kill health insurance reform - are attempting to define "reconciliation" as a radical alternative to the normal legislative procedure. What's worse, they're calling it "the nuclear option," which is just plain wrong. Read more...

How does the GOP spell 'bipartisan'? O-B-S-T-R-U-C-T

Feb 25, 2010 - Bipartisanship is thought to be the antidote to the obstructionism infecting Congress, but it's important to first remember that bipartisanship - and the political maneuvering to accommodate it - is already a part of health care debate. In fact, the Senate health care bill and the President's own proposal are bipartisan by design. Read more...

VIDEO: Senators, Activists Speak Out On Insurance Industry Abuses following Melanie's March

Feb 25, 2010 - It's unlikely that a Senate office building has ever been packed with such an energetic, passionate crowd. That was the scene yesterday at the Dirksen Office Building with key lawmakers Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA), Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), and Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH), who joined Melanie's March walkers, union members and health care activists to discuss the need for health reform and hear several participants' personal insurance industry horror stories. Read more...

Day shift and green cleaning good for workers, building owners & the environment

Feb 25, 2010 - A new report by SEIU Local 26 and the Blue Green Alliance looks at how a new approach to cleaning commercial buildings in the Twin Cities can set a standard in protecting our health and the environment--while also securing jobs and saving money. Read more...

PCAs and Consumers Answer the Call and Save VA Home Care from Elimination

Feb 24, 2010 - Last week, Governor McDonnell proposed the unthinkable. The Governor planned to eliminate consumer-directed home care in the Commonwealth. Forever. Under McDonnell's reckless plan, thousands of Virginians would've lost their current PCA services, and 14,000 Virginia home care providers would've lost their jobs. Thankfully, I've got some good news to share. Read more...

135 Mile March for Reform Ends in Washington

Feb 24, 2010 - Before the president's bipartisan health care summit, a rally of several hundred spirited activists, union members and community leaders descended upon Washington to demand Congress pass meaningful health insurance reform. It was an eye-catching procession, as hundreds of spirited marchers holding signs, balloons and carnations joined the last leg of Melanie's March, from Union Station to Capitol Hill. Read more...

Senator Bennet Earns Support of Colorado SEIU Members

Feb 24, 2010 - Dee Ann Blaine, a radiographer from Broomfield and member of the SEIU Local 105 Executive Board, today joined her fellow Local 105 members in endorsing Colorado Senator Michael Bennet for reelection saying: Read more...

Wells Fargo, Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect 25 Billion Dollars

Feb 24, 2010 - Yesterday, SEIU Local 26 janitors, students, and other community allies protested Wells Fargo's foreclosures and lending practices at the Wells Fargo Center in downtown Minneapolis. To highlight how Wells Fargo is "playing monopoly with lives," 'Minneapoly' money rained down on the lobby, and gamepiece houses littered the floor as people held up pieces of a "Minneapoly" board showing the number of homes foreclosed on in Twin Cities metropolitan counties during 2009. Read more...

Drumbeat for Health Reform: Today's Virtual March

Feb 24, 2010 - Today, progressive groups including SEIU, HCAN and MoveOn are aiming to inundate Congress with one million phone calls, email messages, blog posts, faxes, social networking updates, and in-person visits to their offices in a single day. We need as many voices as possible to push the message out to Congress that Americans can't wait any longer for health insurance reform. Read more...

VIDEO: Sun Sets on the Big Banks

Feb 23, 2010 - As we speak, taxpayers are meeting with representatives from Chase Bank to discuss the new demands the people of Los Angeles have for banks in this city. It's the culmination of an amazing day of action that started in City Hall and poured out into the streets, to the front doors of the big banks. Taxpayers, community activists, and L.A. workers stood together to demand that the city's tax dollars stop going to the big banks that are hurting their communities. Read more...

VIDEO: Melanie's March in Baltimore, MD

Feb 23, 2010 - Today, Melanie's March completed the second-to-last leg of a 135-mile journey - walking from Baltimore to College Park, Maryland. We caught up with the marchers yesterday at an afternoon rally in Baltimore. The crowd of local supporters gave them a standing ovation when they approached the stage. Read more...

California Candidates Lining Up to Walk a Day in SEIU Members' Shoes

Feb 23, 2010 - Walk a Day in My Shoes is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for candidates to experience firsthand what it's like to work and raise a family today by spending time with SEIU members on the job and with their families. Read more...

Community to Big Banks: "You Can't Play Monopoly With Our Lives"

Feb 23, 2010 - Today, students, workers, clergy, and other members of the community demonstrated at the Wells Fargo Center in downtown Minneapolis, to protest Wells Fargo's lending practices while tens of thousands of Minnesota homes have been foreclosed on in recent years. To symbolize this loss, 14,000 little monopoly houses were dropped by "Mr. Moneybags" at the action site. Read more...

Live from Los Angeles

Feb 23, 2010 - Here are the stacks of testimonies you wrote online. Not very exciting, I know. But it will be much more exciting when we present them to the L.A. City Councilmembers in about an hour. We're headed to City Hall right now where we'll be submitting them during a hearing on moving L.A. tax dollars out of the big banks. We'll have live updates here at with photos and video during the next few hours. We'll also be updating live on our Twitter feed. Read more...

House Financial Services Committee Hearing: Is Additional Stimulus Needed?

Feb 23, 2010 - "The question being asked here today is should additional stimulus be adopted by the Congress, given the state of the economy," said Barney Frank today at the opening of the House Financial Services Committee hearing. Then he continued, saying, "The relevant question is, what would things have been like in its absence?" Much more to come in today's 2:00 p.m. hearing on the prospects for employment growth and the need for additional economic stimulus, including testimony from SEIU's Andy Stern. Read more...

Doing Nothing Is Not An Option

Feb 22, 2010 - With this Thursday's White House health reform summit, Congress has an opportunity to break the gridlock that has denied American families the health insurance reform they so desperately need. Today, several advocacy organizations, including SEIU, sent a joint letter to Senate and House leaders this morning encouraging them to make this healthcare summit really count--by enacting comprehensive health reform legislation. Read more...

Finish Reform Right: Columbus, OH Health Care Rally

Feb 22, 2010 - Due to the persistence of many Americans and SEIU members, our historic campaign to end abusive health insurance practices, expand coverage, and rein in runaway costs for all Americans is regaining momentum in Washington. In a Saturday rally in Columbus, Ohio, SEIU District 1199 President Becky Williams was joined by activists and a powerhouse lineup of Ohio officeholders urging Congress to "finish healthcare reform right." Read more...

VIDEO: Melanie's March for Health Insurance Reform

Feb 22, 2010 - It's day six of Melanie's March. A group of people began walking last week from Philadelphia to Washington, DC (that's 135 miles in total!) and are set to arrive in Washington this Wednesday. It certainly hasn't been easy, but they're doing it because they know that we cannot fail - we must finish reform, and finish it right. Read more...

Around the union: In case you missed it

Feb 22, 2010 - As temperatures have plummeted around the country, SEIU Locals have not let their level of engagement fighting for their members freeze--not even a little. Here's a rundown on what's been going on across the country this past week with members in California, Ohio, Oregon, Minnesota, Washington, New York, Massachusetts and Michigan. Read more...

Hundreds Turn Out for Immigration Reform at SEIU ULTCW

Feb 22, 2010 - On Saturday, over 400 community members, clergy, students and SEIU members crammed into the offices of SEIU ULTCW for a Community Accountability and Planning Session on Immigration Reform. Read more...

How can 1,000 carnations illustrate the need for health insurance reform?

Feb 22, 2010 - Quite effectively, actually. For the past six days, carnations have been handed out to walkers participating in March to the Finish Line for Melanie, a 135-mile walk from Philadelphia to Washington, DC. They are being given carnations to carry with them to DC at the same rate lives are lost each week for lack of health care coverage--approximately 1,000 deaths every 8 days. Read more...

VIDEO: Sen. Sherrod Brown stands up for Hugo Boss workers on Senate floor

Feb 19, 2010 - The 350+ Hugo Boss factory workers from Cleveland are not taking the corporation's attempts to close their factory permanently and move their jobs overseas lying down. And now they've got Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown on the front lines with them, fighting to keep the Hugo Boss factory open and keep alive a tradition of suit manufacturing in Cleveland that goes back to the 1840's. Read more...

We're Marching

Feb 19, 2010 - Surround-sound. That's what we're aiming for this Wednesday, February 24th. Imagine Congress inundated with one million phone calls, email messages, blog posts, faxes, social networking updates, and in-person visits to their offices in a single day. Pretty hard to ignore, right? As we march online and on the phones, hundreds of people will also be marching through the streets of Washington to Capitol Hill in honor of Melanie Shouse. Read more...

Is Bipartisanship a Means or an End?

Feb 19, 2010 - On Huffington Post today, SEIU International Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger discusses what working people really want from our elected lawmakers--and what (or who) is standing in the way. Read more...

Go on Record

Feb 19, 2010 - On Tuesday, Los Angeles City Councilmember Richard Alarcon is moving a bill that would set high standards for banks to meet in order to do business with the city of L.A. The message to bankers is clear: if your bank continues to ravage our communities, you don't get a dime of taxpayers' money. Period. Los Angeles is the second biggest city in the country. If this bill passes, it will send a message so loud, they'll hear it all the way on Wall Street. Make sure this bill passes. Read more...

Taking It To The Streets for Health Reform in IL, RI, CT, CA & PA

Feb 19, 2010 - On the heels of the news that the insurance industry posted record profits last year while simultaneously cutting millions of Americans' coverage off entirely, hundreds of health care supporters are taking to the streets to rallies, vigils and marches in multiple states across the country. Here's a look at some of the many events that have taken place so far to demonstrate the dire need for reform. Read more...

How are SEIU Locals celebrating Black History Month?

Feb 19, 2010 - February is an opportunity for all Americans to remember and learn about our ongoing legacy of struggles for equal rights and justice for all--something Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for up until his death. Dr. King knew that without economic justice, there could be no legal equality. There could be no social justice. He realized how hard and how long this struggle would be. Read more...

Sodexo Fires Haitian Worker at Ramapo College

Feb 18, 2010 - Meet Lyonel Dieujuste. He's an immigrant from Haiti, and he's been a beloved Sodexo cook at Ramapo College of New Jersey for seven years. Sodexo's actions are hurting Lyonel, and by extension, his family. So why won't Sodexo commit to reinstating Lyonel when he receives Temporary Protected Status (TPS)? Read more...

SEIU Black History Month events: WaPo's Michelle Singletary

Feb 18, 2010 - At yesterday's event for Black History Month, SEIU invited Michelle Singletary, a nationally syndicated columnist for The Washington Post and author of "The Power to Prosper: 21 Days to Financial Freedom," to speak at a lunch time lecture at SEIU headquarters. Read more...

Melanie's March Kick-Off: A Journey of 135 Miles

Feb 18, 2010 - More than one hundred people gathered at the historic Mother Bethel Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania yesterday to send off health care advocates who are walking 135 miles this week and next to Washington, D.C. The walk is being made in memory of health care activist Melanie Shouse. Read more...

VIDEO: Janitors and community members in St. Paul march on banksters meeting

Feb 17, 2010 - Over the past two days, thousands of you have sent letters to the bailed out banksters of Wells Fargo and U.S. Bank, demanding they commit to good-paying jobs and stop the reckless policies that threw our communities into severe financial disarray. Well, I think it's safe to say they got the message... Read more...

Deadline Approaching for College Scholarships for SEIU Members

Feb 17, 2010 - If you're an SEIU member and you read our blog, a) we're glad you're here, and we're thrilled to have you as readers! and b) this reminder may apply to you--so please take a look at the opportunities below, and feel free to forward this info to other members you know who might be interested. More on scholarship opportunities here. Read more...

Yes, This is a Student Issue

Feb 17, 2010 - Over the last few weeks, students throughout the country have started mobilizing in support of the people who take care of them when they're away from home. Sodexo workers across university campuses are gaining more and more support for all the hard work they do. Read more...

REPORT: The Recovery Act, Unsung Hero of the Year

Feb 17, 2010 - Marking the first anniversary of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), the SEIU is releasing a new report today analyzing the social and economic impact of the Recovery Act. This report explains what the aggregate numbers on economic growth and job creation fail to illustrate--how the Recovery Act helped counter the recession by protecting human services and the workers employed to deliver those services at a local level. Read more...

The Faces of Health Reform: When Caregivers Can't Get Care

Feb 16, 2010 - As a nursing aide at Oak Pavilion Nursing Center in Cincinnati for almost 25 years, Willa Crew has seen coworkers and colleagues across the healthcare field increasingly struggle to afford health insurance for themselves and their families. "It's ridiculous that we even have to argue that healthcare workers should be able to afford their own healthcare. How could anyone be against that?" Read more...

SEIU sponsoring WIN's Annual Young Women of Achievement Awards

Feb 16, 2010 - SEIU is the presenting sponsor of the 17th Annual Young Women of Achievement Awards, which are being held by the Women's Information Network (WIN) this week at the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Several of this year's nominees have--or currently do--work for a labor union, and the majority have grassroots organizing experience. Read more...

Cleaning Up the Bankers' Messes

Feb 16, 2010 - For Wells Fargo and US Bank alone, the combined bonus and compensation pool for 2009 was more than $30 billion. But, these same banks refuse to help the workers in their own buildings that are struggling to support their families. Instead of putting money back into their communities, the bankers are putting it into their own pockets. Read more...

Walking A Day In The Shoes Of An SEIU Child Care Provider

Feb 15, 2010 - On February 11, child care provider Tonia McMillian had an extra hand to assist her with nurturing, teaching and feeding the kids she cares for every day--Luis Marquez<, the Democratic candidate for the California State Assembly in District 50. Marquez spent time with Tonia as part of SEIU's "Walk a Day in My Shoes" campaign to get every elected official to experience firsthand what life is like for working people. Read more...

Krystal Johnson: "I want respect at work."

Feb 12, 2010 - I enjoy my job as a food service worker helping feed the students of Emory University every day. The one thing that really gets me down about my job though, is a simple thing every worker deserves but my Sodexo co-workers and I don't get--respect on the job. Read more...

Concerns of Food Safety at the Winter Olympics

Feb 12, 2010 - With the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games upon us today, our eyes are not only pointed toward the many great international athletes that have descended on Vancouver, but also toward the food that they will be consuming over the next few weeks. These athletes train for years for an opportunity to show their prowess in their sport, and they deserve to know what kinds of food they're ingesting every day. Read more...

CA Court Blocks Quick Access to Financial Documents

Feb 12, 2010 - The state Judicial Council recently passed new rules that give the judiciary, like the executive branch of California government, generally ten days to determine if a request for public records will be honored. But this week, folks at the Council's administrative arm told us our request will take 56 days. And that's just to determine if it will be honored. Not when. Read more...

Everyone gets sick, but many workers don't get time to get better

Feb 11, 2010 - The U.S. may pride itself on having family-friendly workplace policies, but we are actually one of the only rich nations in the world that fails to guarantee their workers any form of paid sick leave. And as is the case with many social and economic problems, being forced to work while sick disproportionately affects women. There is, however, a rising recognition that employers need to recognize the changing dynamics of families, and institute guaranteed paid sick days for employees. Read more...

While Congress Talked, Americans Grappled with a Broken System

Feb 10, 2010 - In the past year, while Congress has debated health insurance reform, millions of Americans have lost their jobs, and with it, their employer-provided health insurance. Millions more have fallen ill and fought with insurance companies over treatments, reimbursements and so-called pre-existing conditions. Read more...

Labor History Snapshot: Taking a Stand by Sitting Down

Feb 10, 2010 - One of the most famous and heroic strikes in the American labor movement took place in Flint, Michigan in 1937. After and after 44 days of striking, the workers had won an enormous victory--by sitting down. Read more...

The Faces of Health Reform: Insurance Crisis Hits Home

Feb 10, 2010 - SEIU District 1199 WV/KY/OH is spotlighting member stories on the need to finish healthcare reform right. This is Barbara Montgomery's story: Read more...

Update: Coca-Cola workers end strike

Feb 09, 2010 - On Monday, we reported on the strike Food and Allied Workers' Union (Fawu) members in South Africa had been carrying out, protesting Coca-Cola ABI's ongoing practice of eroding workers' conditions and benefits through labor-broking and the use of short-term contracts. Today, the seven week strike comes to an end! The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) recaps what led to the agreement: Read more...

Wyclef Jean stops by Konbit for Haiti relief center

Feb 09, 2010 - On Saturday, musician and social justice advocate Wyclef Jean visited the Konbit for Haiti community center in Miami, Florida. The center serves as a gathering place and information hub for relief and rebuilding activities happening here and in Haiti. Read more...

The difference between a Tea Party convention and a Chamber meeting? Hard to tell...

Feb 09, 2010 - On Monday, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce blog highlighted a Friday luncheon featuring U.S. Chamber spokespersons, noting, Read more...

Critical Bedtime Reading

Feb 09, 2010 - Yesterday afternoon, SEIU Exec. Vice President Eliseo Medina participated in a telephonic press briefing regarding a new report that details how the Latino vote will shape the 2010 mid-term elections - critical bedtime reading for anyone who is interested in the Latino vote. Read more...

The U.S. Chamber Revises History, Hides the Gun Powder

Feb 09, 2010 - Yesterday, R. Bruce Josten, a U.S. Chamber of Commerce official, penned an op-ed in the Onion The Hill newspaper, ostensibly attempting to salvage what's left of the U.S. Chamber's fading credibility on health care reform. To read Josten's take on it, the U.S. Chamber sounds like a well-meaning peace broker for health reform. Read more...

Saving Long Term Care in Washington State

Feb 09, 2010 - Washington state is facing a $2.6 billion deficit. Urging lawmakers to raise revenue, save long term care and stop the cuts, over 270 SEIU Healthcare 775NW members participated in a Save Long-Term Care Day at the end of January in Olympia. This past Thursday, health care workers met with 29 legislators to discuss how lawmakers can avoid devastating cuts to long term care. Read more...

"Gotta Have it" -- NOT if Coca-Cola refuses to treat its workers fairly

Feb 08, 2010 - The "Coke side of life" is not paradise for thousands of workers on their 48th day of strike without pay at Coca-Cola Amalgamated Beverages Industries (ABI) in South Africa. SEIU is lending its support to the striking Food and Allied Workers' Union (Fawu) members. "We stand together with our brothers and sisters of the Fawu in South Africa who, for five weeks, have been on strike protesting Coca-Cola ABI's ongoing practice of eroding workers' conditions..." Read more...

Unemployment numbers' devastating impact on local communities

Feb 06, 2010 - Although the small decrease in the number of unemployed in BLS's job report can only be seen as good news, a worrisome statistic lies underneath: the loss of 41,000 jobs of teachers, social workers, cops and other state and local employees. SEIU's Anna Burger comments on the hidden impact of the millions of jobs lost during this recession. Read more...

WI Home Care Providers Deliver A Message, "We Want a Union"

Feb 05, 2010 - Home care workers and consumers gathered at The Brink Lounge to share stories and strengthen their message before heading to the State of Wisconsin: Employment Relations Commission to file a petition to hold an election to form a union. Read more...

ICE and Big Business: Too Close for Comfort

Feb 05, 2010 - This week the New York Times broke a shocking story about collusion between ICE and a Mississippi contractor caught trafficking Indian guestworkers in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. New evidence alleges that high level executives at Signal International worked closely... Read more...

Caught on tape: Home care agency using funding for union-busting meetings

Feb 04, 2010 - A home care agency in Tacoma, WA is forcing workers to attend union-busting meetings. During the mandatory meeting billed by the Korean Women's Association as "workers' compensation trainings" on Monday, this footage was taken by KWA home care workers... Read more...

Haiti Still Needs Your Help

Feb 04, 2010 - As lightning-fast and generous as Americans proved themselves to be during the short-term emergency phase, Haiti needs us to be there for the long haul. The island is still desperately in need of funds, as they begin to pick up the pieces and begin the reconstruction phase of recovery. Read more...

Bank of America, Ken Lewis Charged with Fraud

Feb 04, 2010 - Bank of America, its former CEO Ken Lewis, and its former CFO Joseph Price, have been charged with fraud by the New York Attorney General's office. From the Attorney General's statement: Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo, joined by Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program Neil Barofsky, today announced a lawsuit against Bank of America, its former CEO Kenneth D. Lewis, and its former CFO Joseph L. Price for duping shareholders and the federal government in order to complete a merger with Merrill Lynch. Read more...

The Health Crisis Gets Personal

Feb 04, 2010 - While Congress has debated and re-debated, drafted and re-drafted (and don't forget, threatened to filibuster) health insurance reform, America's health care crisis has only worsened. But to understand the whole story, you've got to meet the ordinary, working Americans who've been hit hard by a double-whammy: a broken health care system and a tanking U.S. economy. Read more...

Groundhog Day: The Infinite Loop of Wall Street Bonuses

Feb 03, 2010 - If you thought the long winter of Wall Street bonuses was over, think again. Americans will likely weather much more than the six weeks of additional bleakness Punxsutawney Phil predicted, as failed Wall Street firm AIG announced plans to pay out $100 million in bonuses yesterday. Read more...

Today's Free Clinic in Hartford, CT

Feb 03, 2010 - Today, SEIU visited with people attending a free clinic in Hartford, Connecticut. The clinic is put on by the National Association of Free Clinics, and provides free medical services to thousands of people in need of care. According to, the clinic expected more than 1,000 doctors, nurses, dentists and other volunteers to be on staff today to care for patients. Read more...

Fact Check on Rep. John Kline's Opening Statement at Today's House Education and Labor Committee Hearing with Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis

Feb 03, 2010 - During his opening statement at today's House Education and Labor Committee Hearing with Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, Rep. John Kline (R-Minn.) underscored how out of touch he is with the needs of working families in his Minnesota district and across the country. "We certainly expected his opening statement to be long on anti-worker rhetoric, but we were shocked on how wrong he was on the facts," said SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger. Read our fact check here. Read more...

Labor Secretary Solis's first-ever testimony before House Ed & Labor Committee

Feb 03, 2010 - This morning, U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis is testifying before the House Education and Labor Committee on her first year at the DOL and the Obama administration's priorities in 2010. After eight years of the GOP undermining the Labor Department during the Bush Administration, it is so good to hear our Labor Secretary speak out on how she and the Dept. of Labor plan to actively work to improve the lives of American workers...instead of just looking out for CEOs and corporate interests. Note this excerpt from Solis's testimony, where she endorses good union jobs, and restates her unequivocal endorsement for the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

U.S. Chamber's "Card Check Compromise" Poll Compromises the Facts

Feb 02, 2010 - Yesterday, the U.S. Chamber released a "nationwide poll" which claimed to reveal the public's fears about how the "Employee Free Choice Act" would hurt job growth. If the Chamber really wanted to stir up some press on their reinvigorated anti-worker campaign, perhaps they should have picked a less-obviously right wing polling company to make their intentions appear less transparent. Read more...

Some messages to SEIU members deployed in Haiti

Feb 02, 2010 - About a week ago we asked people to send along their thoughts and prayers for the SEIU health care professionals who have already deployed, and are getting ready to deploy, to Haiti. We've received hundreds. Here's a sampling. Read more...

Lige English: "The Community Always Benefits When its People are Paid a Fair Price."

Feb 02, 2010 - I support the union for Sodexo workers. Unions have proven benefits, not only in raising standards for workers. Improved labor-management relations are a result that typically follows organization in short order. Improved efficiency would benefit both the university and the student body. And the community always benefits as a whole when its people are paid a fair price for their labor. Read more...

GOP operatives pen talking points most likely to scare American public away from reform

Feb 02, 2010 - Should the "Party of No" want to spin the news about happenings on Capitol Hill away from what's good for working people to what's good for the GOP and Wall Street, Frank Luntz is not the only go-to right winger to consider. GOPers took part in a similarly dishonest, distasteful anti-reform brainstorm back in 2005, as word of the Employee Free Choice Act legislation to reform broken labor law emerged from Congress. Read more...

The 40 Apocalyptic Seconds

Feb 01, 2010 - On January 21st, I boarded a jet with seven other SEIU Healthcare members, a group of about 100 other relief workers, many boxes of medical supplies, suitcases, food and water and flew to Haiti. Finally, we landed in Haiti--and were greeted by the smell of death, gun powder and misery. Read more...

Around the Union: Labor Links & Locals Update

Feb 01, 2010 - Good afternoon and Happy Monday, everybody! Here's a quick round-up of what's been going on around the union over the past week. This labor update includes news highlights from the International and SEIU Local 26, Local 1000, SEIU Healthcare Minnesota, 32BJ and UHW. Read more...

Twin Cities Janitors Authorize Strike Over Unfair Labor Practices; Fighting for Green Jobs With Good Health Care

Feb 01, 2010 - More than 4,000 janitors who clean the majority of commercial office buildings in the Twin Cities metro area have been working without a new labor agreement since Jan. 8. So, over the weekend, hundreds of janitors voted almost unanimously to authorize a strike if necessary. Read more...

Lloyd Blankfein "Thumbs His Nose" at Us

Feb 01, 2010 - In the wake of last week's report that banks were using loopholes and tricks to skirt the rules on executive compensation, we asked taxpayers to call on the FCIC to investigate the bankers' pay. In less than 24 hours, more than 5,000 people had submitted requests to the Commission. Now, it appears, our call for an investigation couldn't come a moment too soon. Read more...

Minimum Wage Threat Looming for State Workers?

Jan 29, 2010 - Governor Schwarzenegger has once again released a state budget that will prove difficult for California state workers. If there is no state budget in place by the June 30, 2010 constitutional deadline, the Governor may try to withhold most state workers' pay to the federal minimum wage--$7.25 an hour. We can't let this happen. Read more...

Eliseo Medina: Can't Fix Economy Without Fixing Immigration System

Jan 29, 2010 - In today's Huffington Post, SEIU Executive VP Eliseo Medina called for bold action to pass comprehensive immigration reform. "Simply put: we can't build a strong economy on top of a broken immigration system. We cannot restore fairness to U.S. workers or build stability in the labor market until we eliminate today's underground economy of undocumented workers..." Read more...

Celebrate Lilly Ledbetter by keeping up the fight against wage disparity

Jan 29, 2010 - History was made when President Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into law to strengthen the rights of women and all workers to pursue justice for wage discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, national origin, age or disability. While this anniversary marks a victory for pay equity, there is still much work to be done. Read more...

Whipping Votes and Making Gains in Congress

Jan 29, 2010 - This week, SEIU launched a click-to-call campaign in an effort to connect our online community with members of Congress, in favor of passing comprehensive reform. After thousands of conversations with House and Senate offices, we're making some gains--and members of Congress are beginning to show some political courage. Read more...

Rule #1 on Wall Street: There Are No Rules

Jan 29, 2010 - As President Obama joins taxpayers in bearing down on the big banks' reckless behavior, the bankers are striking back - already hard at work on ways to sidestep any new rules that might be put in their way. Bloomberg reports that the the leaders of some of the world's biggest banks "met during the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, to plot how to reassert their influence with regulators and governments." Instead of figuring out ways to reform their banks, they're figuring out ways to prevent reform from happening. Read more...

Our Support in Haiti is Critical

Jan 29, 2010 - As Haiti continues picking up the pieces in Port-au-Prince and the surrounding areas, our continued support in Haiti will be critical. Just ask Roberson Louis Jeune, one of our members from near Pittsburgh... Read more...

1199SEIU Donates $1M for Haiti Relief

Jan 28, 2010 - The volume of support from SEIU members inquiring how they can help, volunteering their time, money and services following the tragedy in Haiti has been truly remarkable. In recent days, a truly humbling outpouring of monetary support from 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, who announced they were donating $1 million to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF for Haiti relief. Read more...

Tell the Bankers: We Want the Straight Story

Jan 28, 2010 - Apparently $150 billion just isn't enough for Wall Street bankers. Today, WSJ is reporting that big banks are breaking their own rules, easing pay restrictions and offering "forgivable loans" to bankers who need a little extra cash. This news comes just two weeks from when the bank CEOs sat on Capitol Hill and said - under oath - that they had placed new, tough restrictions on executive compensation. Read more...

In Video: Key Policy Moments from Obama's State of the Union

Jan 28, 2010 - Obama touched on many issues in his SOTU address that matter deeply to the members of our union -- creating new jobs, health reform and holding accountable the parties that crashed our economy (to name a few). Here are some of the best policy moments from his speech last night. Read more...

Wish Them Well - SEIU Healthcare Members Go To Haiti

Jan 28, 2010 - In the aftermath of the tragic earthquake, more than 1,200 SEIU health care professionals have volunteered be part of SEIU's Help Haiti Initiative. We've created an online card where you can share your thoughts and prayers for those traveling to Haiti. Read more...

State of the Union: Obama Calls For Change Working Families Are Still Waiting For

Jan 27, 2010 - Following the conclusion of President Obama's State of the Union address, SEIU's Anna Burger issued this statement: One year into his presidency, President Obama has acted quickly to move us out of the Dark Ages of the Bush administration. But today, we need even bolder solutions to address the solutions that America's working families need. President Obama should heed the call he gave each of us long ago: We are the ones we've been waiting for. Read more...

Obama's First State of the Union: Watch Live Right Here

Jan 27, 2010 - Catch the President's first State of the Union address from the comfort of your computer right here. Read more...

Haitian RN Joins Crisis Care Volunteers in Port-au-Prince

Jan 27, 2010 - Originally from Haiti, NAGE/SEIU member Simone Adelugba is a registered nurse in the Critical Care Unit (CCU) at the Baltimore Veterans Administration Hospital. She's volunteered to travel to Haiti to assist with disaster relief in the wake of the earthquake, joining other health care professionals from the union already on the ground. Read more...

Jon Stewart to Elizabeth Warren: 'I Want to Make Out with You.'

Jan 27, 2010 - And I can't say I blame him. Elizabeth Warren is the chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel - the body responsible for overseeing the Treasury's management of the TARP program. It's definitely worth taking eight minutes to hear Warren describe the state of Wall Street and our economy. Read more...

Victory in Oregon: Voters approve tax measures to hold corporations & rich accountable

Jan 27, 2010 - As eyes are fixed on Washington waiting for the President's first State of the Union address, the pundits should take a look at Oregon. Yesterday, Oregon voters made a clear statement of their priorities: the government's top job must be to preserve vital services and infrastructure and stimulate the economy. Measures 66 & 67 will preserve $733 million in funding for human services, education and community safety. Read more...

2010 Social Justice Calendar, featuring work of Manifest Hope artists

Jan 27, 2010 - Throughout 2008 and 2009, SEIU worked closely on the Manifest Hope exhibits in Denver at the Democratic National Convention, and at the historic Obama Inauguration activities in Washington, D.C. This year, we're proud to have collaborated with Evolutionary Media Group and 12 of the artists who participated in Manifest Hope exhibits to produce a 2010 Social Justice Calendar. The work of these artists fosters an inspiring visual call to action, and magnifies the culture, passions and desires of union members across the country. Below is a preview of all 12 months of the calendar out now. Read more...

VIDEO: Health Care Advocates Rally Against U.S. Chamber & Corporate Interests

Jan 27, 2010 - Around 250 health care supporters rallied on the steps of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's headquarters in Washington, DC today to send a clear message to Congress: if we allow corporate lobbyists to win, the people will lose. Watch what unfolded on the steps of the U.S. Chamber across from the White House in today's protest... Read more...

Congress: Stop Letting Insurance Companies Act as Death Panels

Jan 26, 2010 - Stacie Ritter attended today's march and rally outside the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on behalf of her "special interests" -- her twin daughters, both of whom are cancer survivors. "We cannot make our children pre-existing conditions," she said, speaking to the crowd of 200+ health care advocates gathered before her today. Read more...

Obama's State of the Union Address: How to Watch It Live From Just About Anywhere

Jan 26, 2010 - Don't forget to tune in to President Obama delivering the State of the Union address on Wednesday, January 27th at 9:00 p.m. EST. With the plethora of options now enabling you to watch from basically anywhere (your house, a computer, your phone...), there's really no good reason not to tune in to the President's speech outlining his legislative agenda and national priorities to Congress. Read more...

DC Rally at Noon: Mobilization against U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Jan 26, 2010 - In the wake of the election in Massachusetts, congressional leaders are weighing how to fulfill their commitment to fix our broken health care system. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has spent millions -- and used millions from the nation's biggest health insurers -- to kill health care reform. But health care reform is not all the only issue Chamber lobbied against in 2009. Read more...

Supreme Court Ruling Equals Big Win for U.S. Chamber

Jan 25, 2010 - Corks are still popping on H Street, as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce won its Supreme Court case and now has the green light to legally spend unlimited and undisclosed corporate contributions on direct advocacy in federal elections. While experts might disagree whether the Citizens United decision helps Republicans or Democrats more, the consensus is that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the big winner emerging from this major overhaul of the nation's campaign finance rules. Read more...

Genevieve Repsher: "It is My Dream That My Son Makes it to College."

Jan 25, 2010 - When I shared my story, I was overcome by the support from the French and English Sodexo workers who jumped up to hug me. Now, I know that when I return home I am not alone, and they will support me every step of the way as Sodexo workers across the globe unite. Read more...

The clock has started

Jan 25, 2010 - We're at a critical moment. SEIU members have fought for nearly a decade on health care. The fight in Washington is sometimes hard to follow, but in the past six months, we've made huge strides. All along, we've held firm on our belief that no one should go broke because they get sick, and no one should die because they lack insurance. Read more...

Workers, Meet the Press. Press, Meet the Workers.

Jan 25, 2010 - As our campaign to improve the lives of Sodexo's workers gains coverage in major news outlets like the New York Times,BusinessWeek and the AP, Sodexo's workers from all around the world gathered today in Paris for a press conference to demonstrate how they're united to improve standards, form collective agreements and earn respect for workers' rights. Read more...

Major Media Outlets Cover Our Sodexo Campaign

Jan 25, 2010 - As our workers begin to make waves in Paris, some major news outlets in the U.S. have already started listening. Over the weekend, both the New York Times and BusinessWeek have written articles on the campaign, meaning that the voices of our workers are clearly being heard. Read more...

SEIU's Gerry Hudson on the shared economic, political plight of African Americans & Afro-Immigrants

Jan 23, 2010 - In an op-ed yesterday on The Huffington Post, SEIU's International Executive VP Gerry Hudson asked the African-American community to remember the struggles that bring Afro-immigrants to America. Read more...

Meanwhile, a Few Thousand Blocks Off Wall Street

Jan 22, 2010 - The Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement, affiliates of National People's Action, are bringing hundreds of taxpayers together in Des Moines, IA to stand up to Wells Fargo, one of the banks that has ravaged Iowans with hidden fees and rampant foreclosures. Taxpayers are headed to Wells Fargo's Des Moines office with a simple message: use the billions of dollars you've set aside for bonuses to fill the budget gaps that are hurting families in Iowa and across the country. Read more...

Andy Stern to Congress: This is "fear masquerading as a strategy"

Jan 22, 2010 - Greg Sargent of the Plumline posted an interview this afternoon with SEIU President Andy Stern. In the interview, President Stern flatly rejected the idea that Democrats should scale back their approach to reform. Read more...

Juan Salazar: "I want Sodexo to see the whole picture"

Jan 22, 2010 - I'm going to France to raise these issues with Sodexo. I'm representing my coworkers, who are afraid of getting fired. I've been both a manager and an employee so I can see the whole picture. I want Sodexo to see the whole picture too Read more...

VIDEO: The Basics of Job Creation

Jan 22, 2010 - The Center for American Progress has proposed a set of three main policy steps they believe Congress and Obama could take to contribute substantially to putting our nation's labor market back on track. To accompany their proposals, CAP has created this informative video explaining why unemployment in the U.S. is still so high--and how a more aggressive jobs plan (like SEIU's) could be enacted to tunnel us out of the recession. Read more...

And They're Off to Paris!

Jan 22, 2010 - Fresh off of a rally outside Sodexo's U.S. headquarters, more than a dozen Sodexo workers from the United States are off to take their message to the company's annual shareholder meeting in Paris, France. The mood was right and the excitement was in the air yesterday as the workers arrived in Gaithersburg, MD, holding home-made signs and banners, and advocated on behalf of their coworkers at home and other Sodexo workers throughout the country. Read more...

Calling Congress - Demand Comprehensive Reform

Jan 22, 2010 - The headlines are ominous. "Large scale health care reform is dead," reads one newspaper. "Time for Democrats to cut their losses?" reads another. Even some progressive bloggers are advocating for Congress to jettison health care, in favor of a scaled-back, incremental approach. But now is not the time for political cowardice. Americans crave real leadership in Washington, and the only path forward is with comprehensive health reform. Read more...

First Team Arrives Safely in Haiti

Jan 22, 2010 - SEIU's first team of volunteers arrived safely in Haiti today. Five registered nurses from Allegheny General Hospital are part of the team. Some of them will be working in Port au Prince at St. Damien's Hospital, Haiti's only free pediatric hospital. Read more...

SCOTUS Citizens United Ruling = The Drowning of American Politics in Corporate Dollars

Jan 22, 2010 - The First Amendment was never intended to protect corporations...until now? Thanks to SCOTUS's Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission ruling yesterday, if you are a 'corporate person' (aka a CEO or corporate official), you are now free to hit the corporate ATM and spend whatever amount of your shareholders' money it takes to elect the candidates of your choice. Read more...

Labor's Lens: Haitian Members in Boston Call Home

Jan 21, 2010 - SEIU member Gina Etiene (on right) consoles Marie St. Louis at the Haitian Crisis Referral and Support Center set up at the SEIU Local 1199 offices in Boston, MA on January 14, 2010. SEIU provided free phones to people trying to call relatives in Haiti. Read more...

Cece in Haiti

Jan 21, 2010 - Health care professional and SEIU Healthcare PA member Cece Peterson signed up at to go to Haiti to help those devastated by last week's earthquake. Today, her personal blog lets us know that she has arrived safely. Read more...

Montgomery part-time professors no longer paid poverty-level income

Jan 21, 2010 - In a 213-70 vote, SEIU Local 500 part-time professors at Montgomery College approved their first-ever collective bargaining agreement. The vote followed more than a year of negotiations with the college for a pay increase, improved benefits and better job security. Read more...

4636: How four little digits are saving lives & reconnecting loved ones in Haiti

Jan 21, 2010 - A new online crisis-mapping tool could very well be the future of crisis response. Using the SMS short code 4636, Haiti earthquake survivors, aid workers and others can text their info and location to #4636, which allows Ushahihi to map out where there are Haitians in need of medical assistance and make sure that there is action being taken on the emergencies/needs reported into the system. SEIU is in collaboration with our friends at MIT and Ushahidi to publicize and recruit translators to transcribe data for the emergency text message service, which groups like FEMA and the U.S. Coast Guard task force (amongst others) are using on the ground. Read more...

What We'd Lose With Market-Only Reform

Jan 21, 2010 - With the election of Scott Brown to the U.S. Senate, many in Washington are debating how to proceed on health insurance reform. Some have floated the idea that passing an entirely new bill - one that contains only insurance market reforms - is the best way forward. While there is a case to be made for expediency (yes, we're all ready for Congress to finish the job), market-only reform is not just politically timid, it's borderline reckless. Read more...

Interviews: Aftershocks of Haiti Earthquake Shake SEIU Communities

Jan 21, 2010 - Yesterday we interviewed two SEIU Healthcare Florida members--a CNA and an organizer--who have been personally affected by the tragedy in Haiti. One of the interviewees is stuck in the agony of not knowing what has happened to her loved ones, while the other knows all too well the heart-wrenching toll such a disaster can have on one's family. These are their stories. Read more...

SEIU Continues to Mobilize to Help Haitian Relief Efforts

Jan 21, 2010 - Over 1,000 SEIU health care professionals have already volunteered to go to Haiti and give care to the sick and suffering from physical and psychological ailments. As SEIU mobilizes to bring relief and support to the people of Haiti and our members affected by the disaster, we've widened the scope of these efforts in several ways. Read more...

Checking in with SEIU Locals on Twitter

Jan 20, 2010 - In the past couple of months, we've seen more and more SEIU Locals embracing free social networking and microblogging service Twitter to help get out their message. Check out what some of those Locals have been tweeting in the last 24 hours in our Twitter round-up, below. And while you're at it, subscribe to the @SEIU/seiu-locals list list, which pulls in Tweets from every SEIU Local that's on Twitter (that we know of...) Read more...

SEIU EVP Eliseo Medina on Moving Immigration Reform Forward in 2010

Jan 20, 2010 - Following the special election victory of Senator Scott Brown in Massachusetts last night, SEIU Executive Vice President Eliseo Medina issued the following statement on continued prospects for passing comprehensive immigration reform in 2010... Read more...

A Message to SEIU Members on the Massachusetts Election

Jan 20, 2010 - SEIU members are pledging to stay involved in this critical phase of the fight. Join us in pledging to take part in 72 Hours of SEIU Voices. Read more...

UK Sodexo workers' 3-year battle results in better wages & benefits

Jan 20, 2010 - On Friday, Sodexo workers employed by UK hospital North Devon NHS Trust finally won their three-year battle for wage raises, sick pay and overtime. The hard-fought victory includes a lump sum of up to $5,880 for each worker, wage increases from the 1st of January 2010 and other benefits including sick pay. It will cover over 200 UK Sodexo hospital cleaners, cook and porters--some of the lowest-paid workers employed by contractors in the public sector. UNISON's victory over Sodexo in North Devon is an important step in bringing privatized workers the benefits negotiated for the core workforce, and fighting Sodexo's efforts to grow profits made at the expense of low-wage workers. Read more...

The Faces of Health Reform: Fixing Our Broken System Will Help Small Businesses

Jan 20, 2010 - Like many small business owners taking it on the chin with the skyrocketing cost of health insurance, home-based child care provider Melanie Collins' premiums to cover herself and her two kids have more than doubled in the last year. Small businesses are disproportionately hurt by the health care status quo, but health insurance reform would change this by allowing small businesses to negotiate the cost of coverage on a more even playing field, and ensuring that premiums are set fairly and consistently. Read more...

How Sodexo Contributes to Poverty in the United States

Jan 20, 2010 - This week, the National Conference of Mayors (USCM) will be standing with Sodexo to release a report assessing economic recovery and job growth. But what they won't say, and what the Mayor's report will fail to reveal, is that Sodexo's own employee practices are huge causes of poverty in America today, and shift costs to taxpayers. Read more...

From D.C. to Paris: Clean Up Sodexo Campaign Heats Up

Jan 19, 2010 - We've got some big plans for our campaign this week: starting today, a delegation of Sodexo cafeteria and food service workers from across the country are arriving in Washington, D.C. to kick off a two-country tour. The goal is to garner support for their struggle with Sodexo to raise standards for themselves as well as nutritional standards for the children they serve. Read more...

GOTV Tool: Be all that you can be for Martha Coakley

Jan 19, 2010 - I don't need to remind you how important it is to vote for Martha Coakley today. But just voting is not enough. Too much is on the line to "just vote." We need you MA voters to get at least 10 people to join you. Use our tool to Get Out the Vote to help all your friends and family in MA find their polling place. Read more...

CHART: Coakley vs. Brown on Working Family Issues

Jan 19, 2010 - As a union, it's our job to inform and represent our members on issues that affect working people. We've identified Martha Coakley and Scott Brown's positions on four key issues that don't seem to get a lot coverage in the media, but which we believe all SEIU members and working people in Massachusetts should know. Check out our comparison chart here. Read more...

Citigroup FAIL

Jan 19, 2010 - Citigroup, the nation's third largest bank and one of the largest recipients of taxpayer-funded bailout money, announced a $7.6 billion loss during the final quarter of 2009 this morning. And, yet, the Wall Street bank still set aside more than $6 billion in bonuses and compensation for the fourth quarter, bringing their total pay pool for 2009 to more than $25 billion. This morning's report begs the question: how badly does a Wall Street bank have to screw up before they don't shower themselves in billions of dollars of bonus pay? Read more...

Living up to Dr. King's dream?

Jan 18, 2010 - Towards the end of Martin Luther King's life, his civil rights message focused on issues of economic justice. Today, Dr. King's legacy and work to address wealth disparities and economic justice continues at SEIU. Today, we're shining a light on three companies - food service company Sodexo, Andrews International security, and men's clothing manufacturer Hugo Boss--who aren't living up to Dr. King's dream. Read more...

SEIU Locals to Commemorate MLK's Legacy

Jan 17, 2010 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. dedicated his life to building a stronger and fairer America, where prosperity was shared by all and discrimination was suffered by none. As union members, it is important to remember Dr. King's commitment to the labor movement, and the efforts of generations of workers to organize for the strength needed to achieve the American Dream. To commemorate the civil rights leader's life and honor his legacy, SEIU Locals are organizing events on Monday, January 18th--the national holiday dedicated to the work Dr. King lived and died for: civil rights and social justice. Read more...

SEIU Commends White House for Granting TPS for Haitians Living in the U.S.

Jan 15, 2010 - Earlier today, SEIU's New Media and Immigration teams launched an online action calling on DHS and the Administration to grant TPS to Haitians living in the U.S. This evening, the Obama administration granted TPS to Haitian nationals who were in the U.S. at the time of Tuesday's earthquake--giving them permission to over-stay their visa for the next 18 months. As the U.S. Haitian community watches with shock and horror at the jarring pictures of their homeland tonight, this critical moral victory offers a much needed sigh of relief. Read more...

The Real Story on the Excise Tax Framework

Jan 15, 2010 - For the past 24 hours, the beltway press has been weaving together scraps of quotes and hearsay for stories about the excise tax. It resulted in a lot of rumors - some true, some not - but most of which was decidedly premature. That was until yesterday afternoon, when labor leaders hosted a call with reporters describing exactly what framework had emerged from their talks with the White House. Because of Labor's commitment to improving this bill, America's middle class will get a fairer shake from insurers, and will no longer be at risk of losing dental or vision coverage due to a tax on benefits. To be clear, this applies to everyone. Not just union members. Read more...

Take Action: TPS for Haitians Now

Jan 15, 2010 - SEIU's Immigration Reform team sent out an email today, urging activists to sign a letter to President Obama to grant temporary protective status (TPS) to Haitians living in the U.S. Check out the email here. Read more...

VIDEO: Health Care Tales from the Trenches

Jan 15, 2010 - At the January 13 Health Care Affordability Summit on Capitol Hill, panel speakers including Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) and SEIU Int'l Executive VP Mary Kay Henry called for improving subsidies for low- and moderate-income families in the final reform bill. SEIU members who were interviewed during the day of national action spoke about why they and their families need affordable, comprehensive coverage as a part of reform. Their personal accounts are truly moving--watch here. Read more...

It's Official: JPMorgan Chase's 2009 Bonus Pool is...

Jan 15, 2010 - JPMorgan Chase has become the first of the big banks to release its complete financial statement for 2009, including their total pay and bonus pool for the year. There are no surprises here - assuming you are no longer surprised by Wall Street bankers paying themselves billions of dollars in bonuses. Read more...

Diversity Experts? More Smoke and Mirrors at Sodexo

Jan 14, 2010 - In a recent NPR interview, Sodexo's senior vice president and global chief diversity officer, Rohini Anand, waxes poetic about the company's deep commitment to improving diversity. Yet behind the smoke and mirrors, the actual number of minorities in management has not changed since Sodexo paid $80 million to settle a race-bias suit filed by thousands of black employees over five years ago. Read more...

The Time Is NOW for Temporary Protective Status (TPS) for Haitians

Jan 14, 2010 - SEIU has joined countless advocacy groups, Senators, and community leaders to send letters and make calls urging the Administration to finally do right for the Haitian people and grant temporary protective status. Despite misleading criticism of TPS, it would only be available to Haitians living in the U.S. It's time to end the deportation of Haitians who have escaped countless miseries in order to care for their families and loves ones. Read more...

Anna Burger: We Need Bold Action on Jobs

Jan 14, 2010 - The hardworking 2.2 million members of SEIU and their families know that the Recovery Act worked, and is working, to create and save jobs across the country. But while the recovery program has succeeded in stabilizing our economy, we are a long way from the kind of sustained recovery we need to replace the 8.1 million jobs we've lost since the recession began. If we are going to come out of this crisis stronger and better prepared for the challenges of a 21st century economy, we need an intensive, 24/7 focus on job creation until we emerge from the deep hole left by the previous Administration. Read more...

SEIU Immigration Reform Kicks Off Week of Action

Jan 14, 2010 - Immigration reform is a critical part of that road to recovery for American workers and this week--as part of more than 100 events taking place in 28 states--SEIU has begun a major escalation of its efforts to pass comprehensive immigration reform in 2010. Read more...

Affordability 'Key' in Final Health Bill: Jan. 13 National Day of Action

Jan 14, 2010 - Fifty 50 SEIU members attended a Health Care Affordability Summit in Washington, DC today, as part of a nation-wide day of action sponsored by SEIU and other grassroots, faith, labor, consumer and civil rights organizations. Check out photos from the event here. Read more...

Insurers Funnel Cash to U.S. Chamber

Jan 13, 2010 - The insurance industry has been funding attack ads by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce against health insurance reform. That's right - insurers, who at the time claimed to be standing with the President in support of reform, were secretly funding a campaign to kill it. Read more...

Haiti Relief Initiative--How You Can Help

Jan 13, 2010 - The Red Cross estimates that about 3 million people were affected by the quake, with an untold number of people injured and killed by collapsed buildings and homes. A catastrophe of this magnitude requires everybody's help. SEIU is developing a relief initiative, Help Haiti, to direct donations from our members, our locals and the general public, as well as recruiting healthcare workers for possible deployment once more information is known. Read more...

Around the Union: Noon Round-up

Jan 13, 2010 - In case you missed from around the International and SEIU Locals 521, 1000, 2001, 1199, SEIU Healthcare IL, CIR and District 1199. Read more...

SEIU Members Expose the Real Scott Brown

Jan 13, 2010 - Scott Brown supported both George Bush and his tax cuts for the rich, he opposes a woman's right to choose, he denies the facts on global warming, and he enjoys the support of extremist Tea Party backers. Today, SEIU took to the airwaves with a new statewide ad to educate Bay State voters about how out of step Scott Brown is with the Commonwealth's values. Read more...

Wall Street CEOs on Capitol Hill

Jan 13, 2010 - We're live blogging the first hearing of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission in Washington, DC. This morning, CEOs from many of the nation's largest bailed out banks will be answering questions under oath. We'll be providing more information about what's being said during the hearing. Read more...

Florida Immigrants Fast for Families

Jan 13, 2010 - During this immigration week of action--while labor, faith and immigrant rights activists hold vigils, rallies, and press events across the country--one small group in Homestead, Florida is raising the stakes. Today marks the 13th day of a fast by six courageous activists, who are risking their lives to raise awareness about the hardship for communities and families when the government removes productive and peaceful loved ones from their midst. Current detentions and deportations, the group says, are not only devastating for immigrant communities but are also wasting limited resources when the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) needs to focus on serious criminals and U.S. security risks. Read more...

Live Blog: Wall Street CEOs to Testify on Capitol Hill

Jan 12, 2010 - Tomorrow at 9am ET, the CEOs of America's largest banks (and the pit bosses of our casino economy) will be here in Washington, DC to testify for the first hearing of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC). This will be a rare opportunity to have the very architects of our economy's collapse facing tough questions - under oath. So, starting right at 9am ET, we'll be live blogging the event here on the blog. Saqib Bhatti, a researcher on the banks and financial reform team, will be posting live updates on the hearing during the CEOs' appearance. He'll have additional info on the topics being discussed, try to answer any questions you have in the comments section, and - of course - set the record straight should any of the CEOs try to rewrite history. Read more...

Number of the Day: 98

Jan 12, 2010 - According to the most recent data from the Treasury Department, Bank of America holds more than 1 million troubled mortgages. But guess how many of those homeowners the banking giant helped by permanently modifying the terms of their loan? 98. Not 98,000. Not 9,800. Just 98. Read more...

Origins of a Scab

Jan 12, 2010 - Ever wonder where the labor term "scab" comes from? For those who might not know, a scab is also sometimes called a "strikebreaker:" a person who returns to the job without permission from the union or the striking workers during a strike action. One of the most powerful weapons a labor union has is a strike--and by crossing the picket line, a scab can render a strike useless. Did you know there have been scabs in professional sports too, not just on the picket line? In 1987, National Football League (NFL) players went on strike when owners refused to loosen the free agency rules in their contracts. For three weeks, the owners fielded scab players who earned $4,000 a game. The fans reacted with disgust, re-naming some of the new squads to reflect their use of temporary players: The Washington Scab-Skins, the Chicago Spare Bears, the San Francisco Phony-Niners and the Miami Dol-Finks. Read more...

Recovery Act Grants Help SEIU Grow Green Training Programs

Jan 12, 2010 - Last week, the U.S. Department of Labor announced $7.4 million in green jobs training grants to SEIU Local 32BJ and H-Cap, a national partnership of SEIU healthcare unions and major employers. These two grants are part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and will provide essential green training to help 5,200 Americans get jobs in expanding green industries over the next two years. Read more...

Top 10 Things You Can See From Your Front Porch: Sarah Palin on Fox News!

Jan 11, 2010 - Given her allegiance to Glenn Beck and penchant for fear-mongering, I guess the announcement Sarah Palin has signed on as a contributor to the Fox News Channel isn't too surprising. Read more...

Labor leaders meeting with Obama to discuss excise tax

Jan 11, 2010 - Late this afternoon, labor leaders from SEIU, AFL-CIO, CWA, AFSCME and other unions were scheduled to meet with President Obama to foster a discussion on the excise tax on health benefits (also known as the tax on "Cadillac" health plans). With over 60 percent of Americans still receiving their insurance through employer-provided plans, strengthening and protecting this coverage remains a central mechanism towards ensuring all Americans quality, affordable health care. Read more...

What Will You Say to BofA?

Jan 11, 2010 - Top BofA officials have agreed to meet with us when thousands of taxpayers gather in Antioch, CA tomorrow. But we need to show them the damage their bank has done can't fit into one room. That's why I'm asking you to submit your story online; Let them know how Wall Street's greedy behavior has hurt you and your community. Read more...

Sodexo workers at UK hospital go on strike

Jan 11, 2010 - A fair wage, overtime and sick pay: These are the fundamental workplace conditions that nearly 200 UK Sodexo hospital cleaners, porters and cooks employed by the North Devon Healthcare NHS Trust went on a 48-hour strike this past week to stand up for. Sodexo workers all over the globe are facing the same struggle to to make ends meet, due to low wages and a lack of access to affordable healthcare. Read more...

January 12-15: Reform Immigration FOR America Week of Action in 50 States

Jan 10, 2010 - Next week, from Des Moines, Iowa to Charlotte, North Carolina, thousands of faith, labor and other immigrant rights advocates will launch the largest and most coordinated field operation in the history of the immigration reform movement. Holding nearly 100 rallies at district offices, vigils, watch parties and press events across the country, activists will make clear that this is the year get comprehensive immigration reform passed through Congress and signed into law. Read more...

U.S. Chamber hides from the truth on climate change & health reform

Jan 08, 2010 - This week, Rolling Stone has an article profiling some of the most powerful polluters and climate change deniers working day and night to derail efforts to scale back global warming. Not surprisingly, U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue made the list of climate killers, dubbing him "The Know Nothing." Read more...

Six of the top 10 fastest-growing jobs are low-wage

Jan 07, 2010 - Economists forecast that over the next decade, roughly 15 million more jobs will be added to the economy. The question then that arises is, what will these jobs be? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), this is the list of the top 10 fastest-growing occupations they predict will supply the greatest number of new jobs over the next decade... Read more...

Comprehensive Immigration Reform Would Increase U.S. GDP by $1.5 Trillion Over 10 Years, According to New CAP Report

Jan 07, 2010 - Adding to a growing list of data, the Center for American Progress put out a report today confirming the huge gains we would see to the U.S. economy and to U.S. workers if comprehensive immigration reform passed in 2010. But there is one trick: the immigration bill has to be comprehensive. Read more...

A Burgeoning Consensus on Fixing Affordability

Jan 07, 2010 - Today, SEIU and more than 750 national and state-based organizations sent an open letter to the White House and Congress urging a strengthening and expansion of affordability and coverage provisions in the final health care bill. What are these groups asking for? What are these groups asking for? It's simple: The two bills should be combined. Read more...

Locals Snapshot: SEIU-UHW 2009 by the numbers

Jan 06, 2010 - For California healthcare local UHW-West, a look back over the past 12 months reveals that in spite of a downturn economy, 2009 proved to be a successful year of re-engaging members, settling contracts, and improving jobs, wages, and healthcare. UHW-West settled contracts at 68 facilities, with an average wage increase of 4.3 percent--far above the 2.3 percent average first-year wage increase, according to an analysis by the Bureau of National Affairs. Read more...

Biting the Bugs on Campuses

Jan 06, 2010 - As students return for their holiday breaks, college campuses nationwide are bracing for the germs that the students will bring back. But as colleges consider and implement new policies and practices designed to stop the spread of such germs, they may be overlooking a very important fact...that the very same people tasked with actually disinfecting the dorms and the dining halls may not have the ability to take paid sick days when they're sick themselves. Read more...

Blowing the Whistle

Jan 06, 2010 - Shortly after the attacks of September 11, 2001 on the World Trade Center in New York City, Colleen Rowley of the Twin Cities office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation told of evidence that she had uncovered prior to the attacks that had gone unheeded. She was a whistleblower. Read more...

Minnesota: 10,000 Lakes, Countless Good Jobs, One Green Future (Video)

Jan 06, 2010 - Twin Cities janitors and members of SEIU Local 26 are continuing their campaign for good jobs that protect the environment in 2010. Members kicked off the campaign at their 2009 convention and continued it last week, when hundreds of janitors held a rally just before Christmas and marched through downtown Minneapolis skyways demanding a fair settlement with cleaning contractors. Read more...

The Faces of Health Reform: CNN spends time in SEIU's War Room

Jan 05, 2010 - This morning, CNN's "American Morning" took a look at how SEIU is leading the fight for meaningful healthcare reform that protects workers' benefits. In the segment, CNN profiles SEIU member lobbyist and home care worker Loretta Johnson. Read more...

2009: Remembering the Year That Was...

Jan 05, 2010 - We started the year on a high note: The Inauguration of President Barack Obama, for whom our union worked day and night to elect. As we usher in 2010, we took a closer look back at the legislation, people, stories and campaigns that made an impact on our members and all working people in 2009. Check out our timeline of the year's highlights for working families and SEIU members here. More on the SEIU campaigns that drew a lot of attention this year in our review of the top 10 SEIU Blog stories of 2009. Read more...

Gov. Schwarzenegger's furlough days for thousands of state workers ruled 'illegal'

Jan 04, 2010 - California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger acted illegally by placing tens of thousands of state employees on unpaid furloughs, a Superior Court judge ruled on SEIU Local 1000's lawsuit to overturn the furlough scheme. The ruling to halt thrice-monthly furloughs marks a much-improved start to 2010 for the state workers, who had seen their salaries slashed roughly 15 percent as a result of the mandated unpaid days off. Read more...

Hell Freezes Over: Rush Limbaugh Loves Union Hospitals and Socialized Medicine

Jan 04, 2010 - Over the past year of Obama's presidency, conservative blow-hard Rush Limbaugh has routinely mocked, distorted and even invented various health insurance reform proposals before Congress. It's hard to take Limbaugh's incessant fear-mongering seriously--or even tune in it at all. That was the case, however, until Limbaugh used his recent emergency hospital visit to show that the U.S. health care system is "working just fine." Read more...

Hugo Boss says "Happy New Year!" by laying off 300 Cleveland workers

Dec 30, 2009 - Yesterday, Hugo Boss announced it would be closing its Cleveland factory and putting more than 300 American workers out of work. Of the layoffs, Hugo Boss said, "The production plant in Cleveland makes only two styles of standard men's suits and does not produce any fashion pieces." I don't know about you, but last time I checked, it was the DESIGNER'S job to DESIGN the clothing their line creates, not the worker who's on the manufacturing line mass producing it. Read more...

Top 10 SEIU Blog Stories of 2009

Dec 30, 2009 - A little over a year after its launch, more than 1,400 posts have appeared on the SEIU Blog. As the end of 2009 drew closer in sight, we decided to look through our records to find the most popular stories on the blog this year. The list of 'top 10' may surprise you--find out the top-read SEIU Blog posts of 2009 here. Read more...

Wall Street bonuses could cover 2 out of every 3 uninsured American

Dec 30, 2009 - Instead of ramping up risk-taking and lavishing bankers with excessive bonuses and compensation, the banks could be contributing to a real economic recovery. Even a small portion of the bankers' total bonuses and compensation could make a huge impact at the national, state, and local levels. Providing the funds to insure 31 million Americans or stopping every foreclosure in America through 2012, for starters. Read more...

The Faces of Health Reform: Employer-Provided Insurance Falls Short in Senate Bill

Dec 29, 2009 - Illinois food service worker Cathy Gaul knows how quickly workers can go from having insurance to joining the ranks of 47 million Americans who live without it. As an employee of food service conglomerate Sodexo, Cathy is paid just $8.50 an hour and she can't afford the cost of coverage through her employer. Should Cathy's husband lose his job again, would Cathy and he have access to affordable coverage under the healthcare bills being debated in Congress? Read more...

Glenn Beck Crowned America's #1 "Fearmonger in Chief"

Dec 28, 2009 - Fox News' Glenn Beck was a no-brainer for Media Matters' 2009 Misinformer of the Year. Beck especially loves scaring the American public with baseless conspiracy theories and outlandish accusations towards our President and other public figures, as well as organizations and policies that attempt to stand up for working people. Read more...

Wake up call for unorganized workers & the labor movement

Dec 28, 2009 - Today in an interview on The Real News Network, journalist Phil Dine had a message for unorganized workers, on why all working Americans should be in a labor union. Interviewer Paul Jay and Dine also discussed unions needing to be able to say to the Democratic party, "you're either with us...or you're with the Chamber of Commerce." Read more...

Talking Health Care Over the Holidays

Dec 28, 2009 - This holiday season, many of you will discuss health care with loved ones. That's because health care is a family issue. Families struggle together, we care for one another when we're sick, and we face down financial hardship as one. Join us in sharing your story and helping us push for the strongest bill possible. Read more...

Cute Kids at Christmastime

Dec 28, 2009 - Posting here on is going to continue to be light for the next week or so, due to the holiday. Much of our staff is enjoying well-deserved time off to rest, recharge and hopefully spend time with their families and loved ones. In keeping with the Christmas/Holiday season spirit here at, we thought you might enjoy this slide-show featuring some of our members' adorable children. Read more...

Senate Passes Health Care Bill, 60-39

Dec 24, 2009 - The Senate just passed their health care bill on a 60-39 party line vote. With just one exception, Republican members of Congress uniformly voted "no" on every single procedural and general vote on health insurance reform since July. This was a coordinated effort by the GOP to kill this legislation for political gain, and guess what? They failed. Read more...

Highly profitable companies laying off workers?

Dec 23, 2009 - A review of the corporate layoffs of 2009 shows many were carried out at highly profitable businesses. As millions of families are struggling just to hang onto their homes and get through the next month's bills, shareholders from companies that were not struggling financially in 2009--including Wal-Mart, Aetna, IBM, Verizon and Microsoft--made bigger bank by cutting back their workforce. Read more...

The Faces of Health Reform: How Reform Will Impact SEIU Members

Dec 23, 2009 - At both bargaining tables and kitchen tables across the nation, SEIU members have faced increasingly tough decisions about their health care--often sacrificing wage increases for benefits, or going without health insurance entirely. In recent months, members have shared their personal stories with us about their struggles with accessing affordable, stable, quality health insurance. Read more...

Liberal bloggers: what they think of the healthcare bill

Dec 22, 2009 - TechPresident has a breakdown of the varying opinions on the left of the Senate healthcare bill on their blog today. If you haven't been glued to progressive blogs Firedoglake, AmericaBlog, DailyKos, and other blogs including Wash Post's Ezra Klein and The New Republic's Jonathan Cohn the way the way we's your chance to play catch-up. Read more...

1199SEIU's anniversary: 50 years of organizing hospital workers

Dec 22, 2009 - Healthcare union powerhouse 1199SEIU is celebrating its 50th anniversary this month. Founded as a drugstore union in 1932, the Local union had just 5,000 members when it launched its crusade to organize the then-forgotten hospital workers half a century ago. Today, over fifty years spent on the frontlines for justice and peace has resulted in 1199SEIU being one of the country's strongest and most effective political forces--not to mention the largest Local union in the world. Read more...

2009 Scrooge of the Year goes to....U.S. Chamber of Commerce!

Dec 21, 2009 - In his acclaimed novella "A Christmas Carol," English author Charles Dickens wrote that Ebenezer Scrooge was "a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner!" Over the past couple of weeks, thousands of people voted in agreement that this Scrooge description fits the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to a t and today, Jobs with Justice announced the corporate front group as the winner of the 2009 Scrooge of the Year. Read more...

SEIU's Andy Stern vows to fight to improve health bill

Dec 21, 2009 - After the vote passing the major hurdle to bring the American people one step closer to making health insurance reform a reality, SEIU President Andy Stern had much to say on behalf of our 2.2 million members--including calling out GOP for "rooting for America to fail." Read the statement here. Read more...

First cloture vote on health reform passes

Dec 21, 2009 - Moments ago, sixty U.S. Senators voted to move forward with health insurance reform - clearing the first of three procedural hurdles before a final vote can take place on the Senate health care bill. Read more...

Update: Senate bill moves forward

Dec 19, 2009 - On Saturday morning, Sen. Ben Nelson announced at a press conference that he plans to vote for cloture on the current Senate health care bill. His announcement secured Sen. Harry Reid's long sought after 60th vote to end a Republican filibuster against health insurance reform. Read more...

Calling on Congress: No More Empty Chairs at Christmas

Dec 18, 2009 - SEIU Healthcare PA member Georgeanne Koehler delivered close to 1,000 holiday healthcare postcards urging the Senate's swift passage of healthcare reform to members of Congress yesterday. The holiday cards were collected sent from people across the state, asking Congress to pass health care reform before the holidays. Read more...

Q&A; on the Senate's Excise Tax on High Cost (so-called Cadillac) Health Insurance

Dec 18, 2009 - Over the past few weeks, we've received many questions from members and activists about the excise tax on health benefits (also known as the tax on "Cadillac" health plans), and how it will impact everyone. It's our job to educate ourselves about this tax and understand how each of us will be affected. This Q&A; also looks at the differences between the Senate bill vs. the House bill. Read more...

Spread The Word, Not The Flu

Dec 18, 2009 - School cafeteria workers in some of Sodexo's districts are being disciplined for staying home while they're sick, even though they prepare & serve food to children for a living. For a huge multi-national corporation like Sodexo not to afford their workers sick days to care for themselves and their families is simply unacceptable. Every worker should have paid sick days - it's a matter of right vs. wrong, of values and principles. Read more...

Delaware Janitors Clean Up: 800 Win Higher Wages, Health Benefits

Dec 18, 2009 - After more than 9 months of fighting, 800 janitors who keep Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase offices' clean in Delaware have won wage increases, health insurance, paid vacation and other benefits. The historic area-wide contract was negotiated with at least seven cleaning companies and applies to three-quarters of the commercial office buildings in Wilmington and New Castle County. Read more...

Huge Living Wage Victory for Cintas Laundry Workers in Los Angeles

Dec 17, 2009 - Workers United/SEIU announced today that industrial launderer Cintas has agreed to pay $6.5 million to settle a class action lawsuit alleging that it violated the City of Los Angeles Living Wage Ordinance. The settlement provides $3.3 million in back wages and interest for more than 500 Southern California Cintas laundry workers at the company's Ontario, Pico Rivera, and Whittier locations. Read more...

Shocker: Super, Super Rich Want to Stay That Way

Dec 17, 2009 - Members of United for A Fair Economy are calling on the Senate to act to extend the current estate tax before the holiday recess. If the Senate does not act to either pass a one-year extension or a permanent estate tax before January 1, 2010, it will mean that the folks who inherit huge fortunes -- $3.5 million and above -- no longer have to pay taxes on their gains. Read more...

New report: Working caregivers as a protected class?

Dec 17, 2009 - Family Responsibilities Discrimination for working caregivers can occur in any number of unfortunate--but very real--workplace circumstances. A new report from the Center for WorkLife Law finds that while no federal law (and only a few state laws) expressly prohibit discrimination against working caregivers, at least 63 local governments in 22 states do. Read more... Blog comments working again

Dec 17, 2009 - Just a quick note that comments are working again. We welcome your opinions, so please feel free to weigh in on the thread with Andy Stern's letter to SEIU members, laying out concerns with--and expectations for--healthcare reform legislation currently moving through Congress. Read more...

Letter from President Andy Stern to SEIU members: Where do we go from here?

Dec 17, 2009 - SEIU members will continue to stand with President Obama, but he must fight for the reform we all know is possible. Now, more than ever, all of us must stand up, remember what health insurance reform is all about, and fight like hell to deliver real and meaningful reform to the American people. Read more...

Highlights Reel: SEIU 2009 Organizing Successes

Dec 16, 2009 - Watch highlights from some of SEIU's successful organizing campaigns of 2009. Campaigns highlighted include Missouri in-home caregivers, 1199SEIU Boston healthcare workers, Local 721 LA city engineers and professionals, child care workers in Illinois and Cleveland, OH 1199WV/KY/OH nursing home workers. Read more...

Tell DHS: We Need Smarter Enforcement

Dec 16, 2009 - With the filing of Congressman Luis Guteirrez's "Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security Act and Prosperity" (CIR A.S.A.P.) in the U.S. House of Representatives, the immigration reform debate has just begun. As we move forward, it's important that we develop an immigration enforcement structure that differs in substance, not just form, from the failures of the Bush administration. Read more...

Gov. Rell's "Edward Scissorhands" approach to the budget

Dec 16, 2009 - At a press conference yesterday organized by District 1199/SEIU on the steps of the Capitol, members of the State Employee Bargaining Agent Coalition (SEBAC) joined business, labor & education leaders and activists to decry Republican Governor Jodi M. Rell's proposed budget cuts. Read more...

Smarter Enforcement: A Critical Part of Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Dec 15, 2009 - Today, SEIU Exec. Vice President Eliseo Medina became the first Labor leader to join the Department of Homeland Security's social networking site, Our Border. Read more...

Sick Sodexo Workers Forced to Suck it Up at Work

Dec 15, 2009 - When they get sick, there is a significant portion of the American workforce that faces a tough choice about whether to call in sick--or face serious consequences when it comes to retaining their jobs & feeding their families. "I pretty much have to be at death's door before I'll call in sick," says SEIU Local 1 member Veronica Mendoza, a cafeteria worker who's employed with Sodexo in Chicago. Read more...

SEIU Urges Coordination with Dept. of Labor to Target Most Egregious Employers

Dec 14, 2009 - SEIU has sent a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano expressing deep concerns about the Department's recently announced decision to send I-9 audit notices to 1,000 additional employers--notices that are off target because they will result in the dismissal of thousands of workers but will let the worst employers off the hook. Read more...

Update: Harkin Suggests He May Reintroduce Cloture Reform

Dec 14, 2009 - In 1995, Sen. Joe Lieberman co-sponsored legislation with Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) to abolish the filibuster. Today, nearly 10,000 people have signed the petition to urge Sen. Lieberman to heed the words of his former Senate self, and quit threatening to filibuster health insurance reform. Sen. Tom Harkin told reporters this weekend he's considering re-introducing the same legislation he co-sponsored with Lieberman in 1995--creating a bill that would reform the cloture vote. Read more...

U.S. Chamber Armed with Hyperbole, Bad Metaphors to Defeat Employee Free Choice Act

Dec 14, 2009 - Fresh off their quixotic campaigns to kill health care reform, climate change legislation, consumer financial protection, and pretty much anything else that their small group of backers dislike, the U.S. Chamber will renew its pledge to defeat labor law reform. Read more...

Sodexo's Diversity and Inclusion? Let's Look at the Facts

Dec 14, 2009 - It's highly insulting that Sodexo trumpets its commitment to diversity, while it continues to be the target of discrimination lawsuits by company employees. After Sodexo paid $80 million to settle a race-bias suit filed by thousands of black employees in 2005, there continue to be a number of discrimination suits against Sodexo. Some of these have involved the company paying nearly $1 million to plaintiffs. Read more...

Your $1 Million Share

Dec 14, 2009 - When you hear a number like $150 billion going into the pockets of the very bankers who crashed our economy, you can't help but think of all the better uses for that money. So, we decided to let taxpayers decide how the cash should be spent. In the next few weeks, taxpayers across the country will be holding actions at the big banks. While they announce their record bonus packages, we'll be there to show them your demands for how that money should be spend to get our economy moving again. Show Wall Street how far $150 billion could go on Main Street by grabbing your $1 million share. Read more...

Parker as Mayor offers HOPE for Keeping Houston Moving Forward

Dec 14, 2009 - Members of the Houston Organization of Public Employees (HOPE) and SEIU Local 1 are celebrating Annise Parker's historic election as Houston's next mayor. More than 100 members volunteered their time to knock on doors for Parker, and HOPE and SEIU Local 1 also sent seven mail pieces to their members and made two rounds of phone calls. Read more...

Congress tightens Wall Streets' financial belt

Dec 14, 2009 - The House voted to approve the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (HR. 4173) by a measure of 223 to 202 on Friday. SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger welcomed the passage of the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 in the House as an "important milestone in reversing the decades-long strangle hold Wall Street and big banks have had over our economy." Read more...

Home care worker is Sen. Dodd's 'designated hitter' on long term care

Dec 11, 2009 - Virginia home care aid Athena Jones spoke at a Capitol Hill press conference today held by Democratic Senators Chris Dodd (D-Conn), Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), Robert Casey (D-Pa) and Paul Kirk (D-Mass) to discuss the importance of including long term care provisions in health care reform. Read more...

The "Tweak" that Gives You a Twitch

Dec 11, 2009 - This morning, some seriously disturbing news came out about the Senate health care bill. The AP reports: A loophole in the Senate health care bill would let insurers place annual dollar limits on medical care for people struggling with costly illnesses such as cancer, prompting a rebuke from patient advocates. Read more...

Is Sodexo "Learning" From Its Mistakes?

Dec 11, 2009 - While Sodexo's corporate staff may believe that their employees are trained and developed as a workforce, we've seen otherwise - simply because we've talked to the workers about it. Today we're unveiling a video based on these conversations. Watch as Sodexo's workers discuss the type of training and the quality of training that they receive. Read more...

SEIU and Blue Green Alliance at Copenhagen Climate Change Summit

Dec 11, 2009 - As world leaders gather in Copenhagen this week and next, the Blue Green Alliance and its partner organizations, which includes SEIU, will have a prominent delegation of labor and environmental leaders traveling to the COP 15 meetings. Read more...

Spotlight on SEIU Locals: December 10th Round-up

Dec 10, 2009 - Checking in with SEIU Locals around the country in California, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Massachusetts, Florida, Tennessee and Connecticut. Read more...

Kentuckians to Mitch: "You surely jest, sir."

Dec 10, 2009 - SEIU activists joined with Health Care for America Now (HCAN) in challenging Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on his recent claim that he "has not met one" person from Kentucky in support of health insurance reform. Watch the video of Sen. McConnell's remarks. Read more...

Childcare for low-income working families on the chopping block

Dec 10, 2009 - Washington state family child care providers Laura Tansy and Dora Herrera (the governor's own former child care provider), members of SEIU Local 925, are speaking out for the need to protect child care services as Gov. Christine Gregoire introduces her constitutionally-required balanced budget. Read more...

Fighting for Workers?

Dec 10, 2009 - f there is one thing that the movement for comprehensive immigration reform can learn from the congressional fight for health care reform, it's that Republicans will distort the facts and delay in order to block the change Americans need. They'll even resort to feigning support for policies and programs that they've historically opposed -- like Medicare -- and then reverse course and file amendments to privatize it. Read more...

Insurers Hire Mafia to Spam Congress

Dec 10, 2009 - It was bad enough when insurers were peddling misinformation and distortions to convince people to support a filibuster, but now they've gone to new lows: paying gamers virtual currency for their emails to Congress. The groups that make up the "Get Health Reform Right" campaign are now paying to have their campaign run on popular Facebook applications Mafia Wars and FarmVille. Read more...

VIDEO: Anna Burger discusses jobs creation on C-SPAN

Dec 09, 2009 - On C-SPAN's Washington Journal this morning, Anna Burger discusses SEIU's jobs plan and reacts to the President's speech on job creation yesterday. Read more...

Janitors making green cleaning a reality in the Twin Cities

Dec 09, 2009 - SEIU Local 26 janitors held a great convention on Saturday to kick off their campaign to make green cleaning a reality by reducing waste, saving energy, and reducing the use of toxic chemicals. "We're happy to have an opportunity to make our jobs green, but we also want to make sure they are stable, 8-hour full-time jobs that can support our families," said Marie Flores, a janitor at Travelers in Saint Paul. Read more...

U.S. Chamber & GOP leaders hold 11th hour press conference to scrap healthcare bill

Dec 09, 2009 - The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and GOP leaders are using every trick in the book to kill healthcare reform. Politico reports that today, the Chamber and 70 business leaders from across the country joined Republican leaders in a press conference to call on Congress to scrap their current healthcare bill and start over. Read more...

Did a Sodexo Manager Really Just Say That?

Dec 09, 2009 - Buried within a recent this week, Sodexo manager Lisa Farrell unintentionally admits that Sodexo does not pay a living wage, as defined by the City of Los Angeles's living wage law. She also says that meals are "valued at 1.25." Explain that to the students spending $10 for that meal? Read more...

Joe vs. the American People

Dec 09, 2009 - In the past few weeks, Sen. Joe Lieberman has stood between a nation and its future. Despite support by a majority in the Senate, Sen. Lieberman used his power as a single U.S. Senator to delay, and ultimately decide, a critical piece of legislation - health insurance reform. Watch our new video and sign the petition here. Read more...

Goldman Sachs Says You and I are Wrong. (We're Not)

Dec 09, 2009 - Goldman Sachs has a response on their website to the calls we made to Lloyd Blankfein about the Stella D'Oro factory closing in the Bronx. Shockingly, they say you and I have it all wrong. They even posted a helpful list of facts to bolster their case. Let's review those facts one-by-one... Read more...

Coakley wins Democratic nomination for Ted Kennedy's Senate seat

Dec 09, 2009 - Last night, Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley took one giant step closer to becoming the state's first woman senator. She won the Democratic nomination in the campaign to replace the late Sen. Edward Kennedy by a large margin. Read more...

EPA findings recognize threat of human-induced climate change

Dec 07, 2009 - Coinciding with the beginning of the UN conference on climate change in Copenhagen, the U.S. government has officially recognized that greenhouse gases are dangerous pollutants that threaten public health. Read more...

New Orleans Times-Picayune Covers Plight of Sodexo Workers

Dec 07, 2009 - Last week, more than 70 school custodial workers in New Orleans signed a petition protesting their working conditions at Sodexo. Sodexo has fired about 80 public school custodians in recent months. Dozens of employees have filed grievances with the company in the past year, complaining about everything from unfair firings to threats of job loss. Read more...

Fox News et al: Climate Change Fairytales & the Salem Witch Trials

Dec 07, 2009 - Stolen global warming emails between scientists at the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia (CRU) have resulted in climate change deniers raising their voices in proclaiming global warming is not real, and has no human causes. As the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit begins, Fox News and other media enablers are piling on the fear-mongering wagon that they're calling "Climate-gate." Read more...

Ask Goldman Sachs: How Deep Does It Go?

Dec 07, 2009 - Our request for Lloyd Blankfein and the Goldman Sachs Board of Directors is simple: tell us more. Open your books and show us all the ways you're holding back economic growth. We gave Goldman Sachs $63.6 billion in taxpayer-funded bailouts. That's 63.6 billion reasons for them to use their board meeting to answer our straightforward questions about how our money is being spent. Help us shed some light on Goldman's books - send your email to the board. Read more...

Workers' productivity rises...their wages don't

Dec 07, 2009 - Workers' productivity has increased at a negative costs to employers. Companies are keeping a bigger share of profits, and their labor costs are falling--all while workers' wages remain relatively stagnant. So even as people that work for a living work work harder and become even more productive, they are not sharing in the wealth they create. Read more...

Georgeanne's Holiday Wish for Health Care

Dec 04, 2009 - This holiday season, Georgeanne Koehler and her family will be facing an empty chair at their Christmas dinner table. Georgeanne's brother Bill died of a heart attack in March 2009. What's even sadder is that Bill's death might have been prevented--had he not been lost through the cracks of our broken health care system. Read more...

DREAM Act Student Update: Alonso Chehade

Dec 04, 2009 - Earlier this year, SEIU helped lead the organizing efforts on behalf of Alonso Chehade, a Dream Act student who was facing deportation. Alonso received a deferral from the Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) in part due to the pressure that people like you put on DHS and ICE. Read more...

SEIU Jobs Plan

Dec 03, 2009 - At today's White House jobs summit, the President stressed the willingness of his administration to hear fresh perspectives and new ideas to directly confront the continuing jobs crisis. Yesterday, Burger called for an ambitious and multi-faceted jobs plan for the 21st century to immediately start putting paychecks back into the hands of America's workers. Read more...

Christmas is saved for "needy" Bank of America execs

Dec 03, 2009 - Bank of America announced late Wednesday that it will return $45 million in TARP funds just in time to avoid those pesky regulations limiting executive bonuses for TARP fund recipients -- clearing the way for 3 top BofA execs to get a combined $1 billion in bonuses. Read more...

A Health Care Busting Memo

Dec 03, 2009 - Ask any member of a union if they're familiar with with union-busting tactics by employers, and you'll not only get an affirmative answer, you'll also understand why their union is so important to them. Read more...

What Would You Do?

Dec 03, 2009 - Sodexo's workers have children in the same school districts and live in the same communities as the people they serve. They're there for our kids, serving them each day, cooking and cleaning for them, but some aren't allowed to be there for their own children. Read more...

Watch White House Jobs Summit Live

Dec 03, 2009 - President Barack Obama is bringing together labor, business, and economic leaders today, including SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger, to brainstorm and discuss how we can get our economy to start creating jobs for working people again. The White House is streaming today's jobs forum live. Watch it here. Read more...

The Insurance Industry-Sponsored Filibuster

Dec 03, 2009 - The insurance industry has publicly endorsed the Republican filibuster against health insurance reform. That's right - insurance industry lobbyists want you to filibuster reform. (That's a ringing endorsement if I've ever heard one.) Oh, but it gets better... Read more...

The Big Medicare Lie: Send in the Clowns

Dec 03, 2009 - Since Republicans don't have a real strategy on health care (e.g. Republican Senators don't even have an alternative health care bill), they've hedged their bets on grandma. They're betting that America's seniors will believe their distortions - and frighten easily. Read more...

Putting people back to work and Obama's jobs summit

Dec 02, 2009 - On the eve of President Obama's Jobs Summit at the White House, SEIU Secretary-Treasurer and Change to Win Chair Anna Burger has a piece on Huffington Post outlining a bold jobs plan to meet the demands of a 21st century economy. Read more...

Ridgefield "lunch ladies" win a fair deal

Dec 02, 2009 - After five months of negotiations with new employer Chartwells, the hardworking "lunch ladies" of Ridgefield, CT public schools finally have a deal!. The food service workers reached a three-year contract agreement with the food service company that allows them five... Read more...

VIDEO: BofA's Ken Lewis wins "Turkey of the Year" award

Dec 02, 2009 - On November 23rd, security officers McKallen and Gittens were joined by local clergy leaders and fellow 32BJ SEIU members to deliver the "Turkey of the Year" award to ousted BofA chairman Ken Lewis for his role in allowing the banks' workers to be treated so horribly. Watch video of the magnificent turkey hand-off here. Read more...

Sen. Mikulski's Amendment for Women's Health

Dec 01, 2009 - Sen. Mikulski, who's played a lead role in bringing women's health care to the forefront in the Senate, has introduced an amendment ensuring that all health plans cover women's preventative care - at no additional cost to women. Read more...

God, Guns, and Goldman

Dec 01, 2009 - Bloomberg is reporting that Goldman Sachs execs are loading up on firearms "and are now equipped to defend themselves if there is a populist uprising against the bank." So, let's get this straight. Goldman Sachs orchestrates a financial ruse of global proportions, crashes the U.S. economy, takes billions of our tax dollars--and now they're scared of us because we're calling for reform? Read more...

1199SEIU Retirees Meet With Michelle Obama on Healthcare Reform

Dec 01, 2009 - 1199SEIU retirees joined other seniors recently at a White House meeting on healthcare reform with First Lady Michelle Obama. The meeting of senior and retired women, held in the East Room of the White House, discussed issues that particularly hurt older women such as the high cost of medical prescriptions and improving the Medicare program, while providing quality care for all. Read more...

New report shows immigrants more than pull their economic weight

Nov 30, 2009 - We've all heard the myth before--that immigration is a drain on the economy and a threat to the wages of native-born workers. A new research report funded by SEIU 32BJ debunks the myth yet again, demonstrating the vital force immigrants have played in boosting the American economy. Read more...

Former SEIU Organizing Director elected to Iowa State House

Nov 30, 2009 - Congrats to former SEIU organizer Kirsten Running-Marquardt, who was elected to the Iowa State House last week. Read more...

No sick leave for H1N1?

Nov 30, 2009 - You'd think the threat of H1N1 flu would be reason enough for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to stop its incessant lobbying. Think again. The Chamber is actually lobbying Congress to not give paid sick time for workers sick with H1N1, saying that "the problem is not nearly as great as some people say." The facts say otherwise. Read more...

Quick hits: November 30th

Nov 30, 2009 - Now that we're all back to work this Monday post-Thanksgiving, here are some quick hits on what's cropping up in the news this AM. Some hits: House expenditures go online today, debate on health care reform opens on the Senate floor today, and how Wal-Mart is doing its part to spread the swine flu (and shut down unionizing efforts). Read more...

Long term care workers chart new path in LA

Nov 25, 2009 - On November 22nd and 23rd, 2,000 members of SEIU United Long Term Care Workers (ULTCW) joined together in Los Angeles to chart a new direction for the home care and nursing home workers union. Speaking in English, Spanish, Armenian, Cantonese, Mandarin and many other languages, members presented their own ideas and vision for the union, captured in a report called "Reflect, Rebuild, Renew." Read more...

As for the Chamber's "we speak for 3 million members" tagline...

Nov 25, 2009 - If the Chamber isn't representing the interests of the members of their Local Chambers, whose interests are they representing? A New York Times article published on Monday helps shed some light. Read more...

Big business's skewed view on paid sick leave

Nov 25, 2009 - As Congress deliberates over a bill to expand paid sick leave as Americans suffer through a pandemic of the H1N1 virus, big business groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce appear to be completely in denial over the importance of the issue. Tell THAT to the 57 million working Americans who currently have no paid sick days at all. Read more...

PHOTOS: Ken Lewis's "Turkey of the Year" award

Nov 25, 2009 - To recognize Ken Lewis for his role in allowing the bank's security contractor to treat workers so terribly right before the Thanksgiving holiday, the laid-off BofA guards presented him with a "Turkey of the Year" award yesterday. On a silver platter, no less. Check out a few photos here. Read more...

Even the Chamber doesn't want to sit next to the Chamber

Nov 24, 2009 - The U.S Chamber of Commerce is fast becoming the smelly kid at school no one wants to sit next to. Yesterday, the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce publicly distanced itself from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, becoming the second Local Chamber group in less than a week to speak out against the parent organization for their out-of-touch views and lobbying against paid sick leave and climate change. Read more...

Laid-off Security Officers Crown Ken Lewis: 'Turkey of the Year"

Nov 24, 2009 - Seeing as how the end of Lewis's profit-driven rein as CEO of BofA is finally in sight, SEIU 32BJ members have decided it's high time to recognize Mr. Lewis...with a "Turkey of the Year" Award. Bank of America security officers will deliver a frozen turkey to the ousted CEO for his role in allowing the bank's security contractor to fire some 40 security officers working at BofA buildings in NYC right before the holidays. Read more...

Back on the job: National Archives cleaners rehired

Nov 24, 2009 - Seven SEIU Local 32BJ members finally got their jobs back with the National Archives in Washington, DC, this week, after a federal agency cleaning contractor, LB&B; Associates Inc., fired them without cause last summer. The workers who clean around some of the most important national records in the world, such as the Declaration of Independence, maintained that they lost their jobs for doing exactly what their supervisor ordered them to do: clock out early. Read more...

I'm thankful that with health insurance reform...

Nov 23, 2009 - This Thanksgiving, SEIU is advocating a show of online support for why you're thankful for health insurance reform. Please join OFA , MN SEIU and many others in posting messages on Twitter and Facebook about why you're thankful for healthcare reform, and don't forget to tack #hcr to the end of your tweets. Read more...

Latinos to Re-Shape Political Landscape after 2010

Nov 23, 2009 - According to a new report released by America's Voice and NDN, U.S. Latinos are poised to shake up the political landscape. Thanks largely to new Latino constituents, eight states will likely gain Congressional seats after the 2010 Census. Read more...

The U.S. Chamber wants you to take a flu vacation

Nov 23, 2009 - Approximately one-third of all workers don't get any sick leave. The U.S. Chamber's reaction to this? Quit complaining -- because according to them, 83 percent of private sector workers can simply use vacation time if they get H1N1. After all, who needs a sunny trip to the Carribean this winter when you've got body aches, a hacking cough and a high fever to keep you warm? Read more...

Senate Approves Motion to Proceed

Nov 21, 2009 - On Saturday, The U.S. Senate voted 60-39 along party lines to proceed to begin debate on the Democratic health insurance reform bill, "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act." This is a major step forward in moving health insurance reform through a series of procedural hurdles in the Senate - with the ultimate goal being a full Senate vote. Read more...

Quick hits from around the union: Nov. 20

Nov 20, 2009 - In case you missed it... Ads give thanks to (some) members of the House: Today, SEIU released new television ads thanking members in eight Congressional Districts for standing up to big insurance and taking real action for healthcare reform through... Read more...

Solis and DOL ramp up efforts to cut down wage theft

Nov 20, 2009 - On the the National Day of Action to Stop Wage Theft (yesterday), Solis announced she's increasing staff by one-third, hiring an additional 250 new wage and hour investigators to look into unpaid wage claims and undertake more targeted enforcement. There will also be a new public awareness campaign launched in 2010 called "We Can Help" to inform workers about their rights. Read more...

Confirmed: Immigration does not cause U.S. unemployment

Nov 20, 2009 - This week IPC released a new report that squarely refutes misleading claims by anti-immigrant (and anti-labor) groups who believe that spending over $200 billion to deport unauthorized immigrants will solve our nation's serious economic challenges. Confirming earlier data, the Economic Blame Game: U.S. Unemployment is Not Caused by Immigration shows that swapping out the 8.3 million unauthorized immigrants working in the U.S. today WILL NOT improve job prospects for the 15.7 million Americans currently unemployed. Read more...

Tell the U.S. Chamber: Let people with H1N1 use paid sick time

Nov 19, 2009 - We already knew the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's extremism on issues such as financial reform, labor law, climate change and health care reform have left them out of touch with the mainstream. However, their recent opposition to a bill proposing paid sick leave for workers who contract flu-like symptoms in light of this year's H1N1 epidemic is simply unconscionable. Read more...

60,000+ Activists from 45 States join call to action for immigration reform w/ Rep. Luis Gutierrez

Nov 19, 2009 - On Wednesday, the Reform Immigration FOR America Campaign and an enormous coalition of faith, law enforcement, labor, civil rights, and immigrant advocacy groups brought tens of thousands of activists together for an immigration call to action with Congressman Luis Gutierrez, Congressman Raul Grijalva, and Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez. Read more...

U.S. Senators, meet Loretta Johnson

Nov 19, 2009 - There was only one speaker at Sen. Harry Reid's press conference today who was NOT a member of the U.S. Senate. Her name? Loretta Johnson, a home health care worker & SEIU member who lost her own coverage when her husband became ill and she was forced to quit her job. Read more...

VIDEO: Putting a face on the immigration debate

Nov 19, 2009 - At SEIU, we're making a renewed effort to put a human face on immigration--and put a face on the SEIU members who are fighting to overhaul our broken immigration system. One of those members is Micheline Charles, a nursing assistant and member of SEIU Healthcare Florida. Read more...

Reform: What's in the Senate Health Care Bill

Nov 19, 2009 - There's a lot of talk today about what the Senate health care bill will do in the immediate future--and you may be wondering how this bill effect your healthcare. Check out a list of reforms that go into affect immediately after the bill becomes law. Read more...

Apology Not Accepted

Nov 19, 2009 - Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein feels bad about crashing our economy. To make up for it, he's decided to give back $500 million of the money he's made to a handful of small businesses. It's a gesture so empty, it's insulting. Never mind that $500m is one good day of trading for Goldman Sachs. Read more...

The Last (But Very Long) Leg of the Journey

Nov 19, 2009 - Sen. Harry Reid publicly unveils the Senate health care bill today. Reid's announcement is preceded by promising news for Democrats and health care reform supporters. The first breakthrough came on Wednesday, when news leaked that the CBO had scored the Senate--and it kept costs down & covered 94% of Americans. Read more...

Levi's jeans better for workers; fall into The GAP

Nov 18, 2009 - Distribution workers at Levi Strauss & Co. facilities in the U.S. and Canada voted overwhelmingly in favor of a three-year, North America-wide contract providing wage increases, defined benefit pensions and health insurance. Other union-made jeans include The GAP's 1969 "Real Straight" jeans sporting the "Made in Canada" label--they're made by Workers United/SEIU members. Read more...

A clean house ≠ putting your family's health at risk

Nov 18, 2009 - Anna Burger said this today in support for H.R. 3057, the Household Product Labeling Act of 2009: "If we have the right to know about the potential side effects of our prescription drugs, we have the right to know what's in our chemical cleaning supplies." Read more...

81 87 advertisers pull their money from Glenn Beck show

Nov 18, 2009 - Hundreds of thousands of Americans angered and offended by Glenn Beck's hate-mongering rhetoric have stepped up to hold Glenn Beck accountable. More than 285,000 people have called on the Fox News program's sponsors to pull their support from Beck's show. And 87 corporations have discontinued their ads from airing during Beck's show. Read more...

Big banks + drug companies = bedfellows in fighting reform

Nov 18, 2009 - The financial industry isn't the only industry engaged in a race to empty consumers' pockets as much as possible in advance of new laws that will rein in their abuses. While credit card lenders have been increasing fees and interest rates, raising minimum payments and lowering credit limits, drug companies have been busy jacking up their prescription prices too. Read more...

Joe Lieberman will hate this

Nov 18, 2009 - Sens. Joe Lieberman (I-CT), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) and Ben Nelson (D-NE) have each been targeted by the opposition to join a Republican filibuster. If that happens, health insurance reform will not move forward--but you can have an impact if you adopt a health care "swing state" as your own. Read more...

Insurers Fighting Hard to Keep "Gender Rating," Avoid Maternity Care

Nov 17, 2009 - The Colorado State Association of Health Underwriters plans to lobby against efforts to include maternity care in individual plans, in addition their efforts to keep "gender rating" legal, and you won't believe why. Insurers are actually telling legislators that they're concerned about how this all might affect men. Read more...

Right-Wingers Have it Wrong Re: Recent Attacks on Andy Stern

Nov 17, 2009 - You may have seen attacks from usual suspects like Grover Norquist, "Field Marshall of the Bush Plan," who are trying to block health insurance reform. They claim Andy should be registered as a lobbyist and are taking to the right-wing... Read more...

Getting By on $16,438 a Day

Nov 17, 2009 -

Bank of America has a new excuse for why they haven't found someone to replace ousted CEO Ken Lewis. Nobody will take the job because it doesn't pay enough! They're claiming that they can't find talented candidates because of the pay restrictions put into place by Kenneth Feinberg. Read more...

Local Faith Community Gathers Outside Sen. Lieberman's Connecticut Home

Nov 16, 2009 - On Sunday, members of the Connecticut faith community staged a candelight vigil outside Sen. Joe Lieberman's home in Connecticut. The Stamford Advocate reported, clergy from several religious dominations prayed in three languages outside the fourth-term senator's home, surrounded by a crowd the Fire Marshal's Office estimated to number nearly 500. Read more...

Visual Recap: DC Goldman Sachs Protest

Nov 16, 2009 - One of our favorite images from today's protest was a fabulous visual representation of Goldman Sachs, depicted as writer Matt Taibbi so accurately described the financial giant in Rolling Stone: "The world's most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money." More photos here. Read more...

U.S. Chamber: Lobbying Against the American People Since 1935

Nov 16, 2009 - News broke today that the U.S. Chamber has been fishing around for an economist willing to file a "report" on health care reform (translation: they're offering to pay $50,000 to someone willing to say health care reform is bad for the economy - which is exactly what they did against the Employee Free Choice Act earlier this year). Sadly, this latest gaffe is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the Chamber's decades-long campaign against the American people, and in the last few months, they've gone into overdrive. Read more...

Andy Stern: Time to Put Country Over Company

Nov 16, 2009 - Goldman Sachs is starting to figure it out - we're not going away. Today, on the heels of a massive mobilization in Chicago, hundreds of taxpayers rallied outside Goldman's DC office to deliver a letter for their CEO, Lloyd Blankfein. The letter asked that Goldman Sachs forgo paying out its multi-billion dollar bonus pool and instead use that money to help the millions of families facing foreclosure due to Wall Street's risky behavior. Read more...

Dear Mr. Blankfein...
Hundreds of Taxpayers Deliver Letter to Goldman Sachs in DC

Nov 16, 2009 - Hundreds of taxpayers from across the country are gathered outside the Goldman Sachs office in DC right now to speak out against the financial giant's Wall Street greed. We'll be delivering a letter to Goldman CEO Lloyd Blanfein asking him, once again, to stop paying himself and his cronies big bonuses and to start helping the millions of families losing their homes because of Wall Street's risky behavior. Read more...

No More Ken Lewises

Nov 16, 2009 - The papers are reporting that the scene inside BofA right now is chaotic. Lewis' sudden ousting caught them off guard - and the man responsible for finding a new CEO cannot be reached because he's "on vacation on a ship" until the end of the month. Since it's our tax dollars being pumped into BofA, we decided to help with the hiring process. Read more...

Ocean's 14: SEIU members take over Mayor Newsom's Office in undercover operation

Nov 16, 2009 - "What does it take to get the mayor's attention in this town?" was the question on their purple lips Thursday night (it was cold) after several dozen SEIU 1021 members and staff occupied Mayor Gavin Newsom's office, while hundreds more cheered them on inside and outside City Hall. It was a two-pronged tactic of escalating the San Francisco campaign through civil disobedience on top of public rallies. Read more...

NY's Caregivers to the Governor and Legislature: "Enough is Enough"

Nov 15, 2009 - Purple hats and gold thunder sticks carrying the message, "Enough is Enough," filled Albany's West Capitol Park on Thursday as some 5,000 1199SEIU caregivers rallied to protest another round of healthcare budget cuts proposed by New York's Governor David Paterson. $2.2 billion has been cut over the past two years, resulting in the loss of several hospitals and nursing homes in distressed areas. Read more...

Thanks, Terminator: CA workers lost pay for no economic benefit

Nov 13, 2009 - Gov. Schwarzenegger's private lawyers admitted yesterday in court papers that more than 1,000 workers at five state agencies were furloughed, despite achieving no economic gains for the state - a clear abuse of power. Read more...

What, Exactly, is Going On at 85 Broad Street?

Nov 13, 2009 - Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein said in an interview that he and the team at Goldman are "doing God's work." It isn't God's work to kick families out of their homes when they're struggling most. It isn't God's work to use other people's money to pay themselves obscene bonuses. And it isn't God's work to oppose health insurance reform because it's bad for the bottom line. Read more...

UnitedHealth Group pleas for its employees to help stop the public option

Nov 13, 2009 - Yesterday the Washington Post reported that UnitedHealth Group--the nation's biggest health insurance company--is urging its employees to lobby the Senate against health care reform proposals that would hurt the firm's bottom line: profits. UnitedHealth Group reportedly sent 75,000 of its workers an email alleging that "government-run health care" will force "millions of Americans" to drop their current coverage--and asked recipients to take action to put a stop the public option. Read more...

Workers demand Resident Commissioner Pierluisi reject anti-worker policies of FortuƱo administration

Nov 13, 2009 - RIght now, SPT-SEIU members and leaders are holding a sit-in in Pedro Pierluisi's office, the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico. Members of SPT-SEIU took charge of the Resident Commissioner's office in San Juan earlier this morning, demanding that Pierluisi, as a Democrat, reject the Republican policies of Governor Luis FortuƱo. Read more...

Now if we could just stop Republicans from hating on women...

Nov 12, 2009 - In a Huffington Post piece today, Anna Burger rails on Republicans for what appears to be a "single-minded campaign to destroy women's health." "They've voted against protecting domestic violence victims from being denied health insurance," writes Burger. "If you've been in Washington, D.C. long enough, you start to expect this kind of behavior from a party whose caucus is 90% male...but when one Party's caucus can't stop screaming at women long enough to hear what we have to say, one has to wonder if that's a Party with room for us." Read more...

Banks issuing credit cards still up to dirty tricks; predatory practices

Nov 12, 2009 - In May 2009, a bill that would stop the abuses of the credit card industry passed. According to a new report by the Pew Health Group, predatory practices by credit card companies haven't abated since then -- they've actually increased. Read more...

Lou Dobbs out at CNN

Nov 12, 2009 - If you're used to tuning in to CNN between 7 and 8 pm - tonight you may notice the absence of the Lou Dobbs Tonight show. That's because last night was Lou Dobbs last show after announcing - in his opening monologue - that he was leaving CNN at the conclusion of his show. Read more...

The Changing Face of Labor: More Women, More Diversity

Nov 12, 2009 - A new study from CEPR analyzes the demographic trends of the union workforce and finds it to be more diverse than just 25 years ago. The report shows that women now make up 45 percent of union workers and that union workers are more educated now, among other findings. Read more...

Andy Stern to Senate: "You will be judged on what you deliver."

Nov 10, 2009 - With a historic victory in the U.S. House at our backs, we head into the Senate--where we could face an uphill battle against insurance industry interests. In a Washington Post op-ed, SEIU President Andy Stern speaks on how far our Senate leaders should go to achieve their top health care priorities, and finding a balance between pragmatic compromise vs. selling out. Read more...

Tuesday morning round-up

Nov 10, 2009 - In case you missed highlights from yesterday and this morning on banks, union heroes, health insurance reform, voter turnout and fighting budget cuts [and the swine flu]. Read more...

"Infamy Day:" November 6 Layoffs go into effect in Puerto Rico

Nov 09, 2009 - Protests and tears marked "Infamy Day" in Puerto Rico, as thousands stood up for the nearly 3,000 public employees laid off as of November 6. Despite delaying layoffs until after the holidays, Puerto Rican government officials continue to state that "there is no way back" and that by January, 2010, there will be nearly 30,000 fewer public employees on the books. Read more...

Here's What We Won

Nov 09, 2009 - Last November, our members helped elect President Barack Obama on a pledge that health care reform would be a top priority for his administration. After ten years of focused work on this issue, the November 6th passage of the House health care bill is a moment we should celebrate. Take a look at some of the highlights in this historic legislation. Read more...

Andy Stern sits down with Maria Bartiromo

Nov 09, 2009 - In wide-ranging interview, SEIU President Andy Stern sat down with Maria Bartiromo this weekend on the Wall Street Journal Report. Topics included in their discussion include the current state of the economy, H1N1, healthcare reform, the White House visitors list, the state of the Employee Free Choice Act, and the role of unions in an increasingly globalized economy. Read more...

Setting the record straight on how health care reform is good for seniors

Nov 08, 2009 - In recent months, Republicans have refused to back away from the cynical politics of scaring seniors and claiming reform will make premiums skyrocket for traditional Medicare recipients. A new coalition - Seniors to Seniors -- seeks to provide a clear and concise overview of health reform and what it means for you. Read more...

Victory in U.S. House

Nov 07, 2009 - Moments ago, the House gaveled in a vote on health care reform. The vote was 220 to 215, with not a single Republican brave enough to break with his party's blockade. Today, we conquered the special interests of "No We Can't," and won a victory for our country.

Click here to see how your Representative voted, and write to them. Read more...

Republican Congressmen Repeatedly Interrupt Women Colleagues

Nov 07, 2009 - You might be wondering if it's normal for members of Congress to show such disrespect to one another by repeatedly shouting "I OBJECT" over their colleagues. You might also be wondering why Republican Congressmen are so adamantly opposed to allowing women in Congress to speak about gender discrimination in health care. Read more...

SEIU nurses likely caregivers of Glenn Beck

Nov 06, 2009 - Alternet's Alexander Zaitchik noted this week that during Glenn Beck's recent hospital stay for appendicitis, Beck tweeted in praise of his "AMAZING drs/nurses:" Little did Beck know that the top-notch care he was receiving came at the hands of those "radical Marxists" represented by 1199SEIU. Read more...

Martha Coakley Walk A Day

Nov 06, 2009 - On November 2, 2009, Attorney General Martha Coakley walked a day in the shoes of 1199SEIU home care worker Monica. Coakley worked with Monica to care for Maureen, a consumer with MS. Read more...

Update: Whipping Votes for Health Care

Nov 06, 2009 - Thousands of activists have been whipping votes in Congress today in preparation for tomorrow's scheduled vote on health insurance reform. You've contacted 272 members of the U.S. House, but many still haven't gone on the record, and163 members still need to be called. Read more...

King of Beers Cutting Costs on the Backs of Workers

Nov 06, 2009 - Cleaners at Anheuser-Busch breweries in Newark and Rochester recently found themselves without jobs, despite years of loyal service to the "King of Beers." The brewing behemoth has brought in cleaning contractors who seem bent on cutting costs for the $23 billion dollar multinational on the backs of the working people who keep their plants running and profitable. Read more...

Put a Stop to Blue Cross Blue Shield's Stranglehold on NC's Health Insurance Industry

Nov 06, 2009 - Recently, Blue Cross Blue Shield sent out a mass mailing asking NC recipients to send a pre-paid postcard to Democratic Senator Kay Hagan to pressure her into opposing health care reform, which includes a public option to make insurance companies compete. SEANC is calling on Blue Cross to stop using health care dollars to fund their political machine and protect their bottom line. Read more...

Victory! Vitter-Bennett amendment defeated

Nov 06, 2009 - David Vitter apparently likes to wreck things..and that's where we came in. After weeks of organizing against the Vitter-Bennett amendment with the Don't Wreck the Census campaign, today the Senate voted for cloture, 60-39, on the Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations bill--putting to rest a divisive amendment proposed by Senators David Vitter (LA-R) and Bob Bennett (UT-R). Read more...

Whipping votes for health care reform

Nov 05, 2009 - You can bet that insurance companies like UnitedHealth, Humana and CIGNA have a legion of lobbyists talking to Congressional offices right now. We've got to make sure they remember who they were elected to represent - the American people. Help hold politicians accountable by whipping the vote for health care reform today. Read more...

Dallas Members Celebrate 2% Raise, No Layoffs of SEIU Members

Nov 05, 2009 - Eight months of members advocating for a base pay increase has paid off in a big way for SEIU Texas members in Dallas. In the worst economy since the Great Depression and one of the City's worst budget years ever, employees within the following SEIU job classifications received a 2% base pay increase on October 1st: Crew Leaders, Equipment Operators, Laborers, and Truck Drivers. Read more...

Lowe's employee breakroom signs (and other Employee Free Choice goodies)

Nov 05, 2009 - After Lowe's Home Improvement settled a class action suit last month for requiring workers to work "off the clock," workers were greeted with this sign in their workplace breakroom--a not-so-subtle reminder of the company's position on giving workers a voice on the job. Read more...

URGENT ALERT: Call your Senator and stop the Vitter-Bennet amendment

Nov 05, 2009 - We just learned that the Senate is scheduled to vote on the Vitter-Bennett amendment today at noon. It's time to make our voices heard on Capitol Hill. Can you join us in calling your senators right now? Read more...

One year anniversary of the day we changed America forever

Nov 04, 2009 - There's an old saying that goes, 'We make the road by walking.' Today, even in the face of historic opposition to change, there's no question that Barack Obama and the pro-worker members of Congress we elected last November have taken every step with working families at their side. Read more...

And on the Eighth Day, God Created Bonuses

Nov 04, 2009 - Bloomberg reports that, last night, executives from the big banks went to churches across London to spread the word that their billion dollar bonuses are actually inspired by biblical teachings. According to Goldman Sachs bigwig Brian Griffiths, Jesus' teachings were an "endorsement of self-interest." He went on to say, "we have to tolerate the inequality as a way to achieving greater prosperity and opportunity for all. I don't pretend to be an expert on biblical teachings; and I wouldn't dare presume to know what Jesus thinks of Wall Street's behavior. I want, instead, to post a few Bible passages that address this subject directly. Read more...

Wall Street banksters want their bonuses, and they want them now!

Nov 04, 2009 - Recent data from shows that financial professionals still think that the middle class should still be taking it on the chin to pad their pockets. According to a recent survey, 83 percent of Wall Street professionals expect to receive bonuses this year, and one-third expect to receive even bigger bonuses than they did in 2008. Read more...

Remember those who wait for health care reform

Nov 04, 2009 - Over the past year, SEIU has partnered with a wide variety of organizations in the fight for health care reform. On such group are the Sojourners, a Christian inter-faith group who believe that health care reform is a social justice issue. Read more...

VA-Gov: Divining meaning that isn't there

Nov 04, 2009 - An email this morning from Jason McBride of the humorously named "Workplace Fairness Institute" read, "Bob McDonnell made EFCA a central issue in his campaign and as a result, small businesses and workers from across the state decided to stand with him." We did a fact check on this point we think you might be interested in. Read more...

BREAKING: Layoffs for unionized Puerto Rican workers postponed until January 8

Nov 03, 2009 - Members of SPT-SEIU Local 1996 in Puerto Rico scored a victory when Superior Judge Carlos DƔvila VƩlez granted their petition to stop the Department of Education's (DE) plans to lay-off 6,000 workers on Friday, giving them an additional 30 days on the job. SEIU's petition claimed the DE failed to follow proper notification procedures requiring notice to workers 30 days prior to letters of dismissal. Read more...

Around the union: November 3rd quick hits

Nov 03, 2009 - Why being in a union makes you more likely to have health insurance; H1N1 sick leave bill introduced, and news from SEIU locals in Michigan, California and New York. Read more... to Dispel Shroud of My$tery Surrounding Conservatives' AstroTurf Groups

Nov 03, 2009 - We could be looking at the beginning of the end of astroturfing (aka fake grassroots activism). A new database by Media Matters tracks the financial and political ties of conservative think tanks, nonprofit activist groups, and foundations for the public to see: Read more...

Republican Bill Ignores Women's Health Care Issues

Nov 03, 2009 - A version of the Republican health care bill was leaked today, and it's underwhelming, to say the least. For starters, the draft bill completely ignores women's health care issues. Read more...

McClatchy Newspapers Investigates Goldman Sachs

Nov 02, 2009 - McClatchy Newspapers has launched a multi-part exposƩ on financial giant Goldman Sachs and their role in the economic collapse. For the millions of Americans who - until recently - had never heard of Goldman Sachs, let alone done business with them, it's a sobering look at how the banking leviathan has managed to take our money from us six ways to Sunday. Read more...

The Path to Sustainable Economic Recovery

Nov 02, 2009 - Last week, we learned that the swift action by the President and Congress to pass an economic recovery package earlier this year helped stave off a global economic recession, put our economy back on the path of growth, and helped save hundreds of thousands of jobs. Read more...

Make Yourself Heard in Washington: Tweet Your Senator!

Nov 02, 2009 - In our continued efforts to stop an amendment introduced by Senator David Vitter (R-LA) and Bob Bennett (UT-R) that would stop the 2010 Census dead in its tracks, this week SEIU launched a new Twitter tool broadening our online capacity to reach our elected officials. Read more...

Shopping you can feel good about: Buying the union label

Nov 02, 2009 - while shopping can feel more like a forbidden past time or guilty pleasure in this economy, buying the Union label is something you can feel good about. Because you're not just getting a high-quality product--you're also supporting local economies, helping maintain middle class manufacturing jobs, and propping up responsible companies that employ workers at fair wages. Read more...

White House List Demonstrates Desire to Hear From Working People

Oct 31, 2009 - Coming off an eight-year period when the voice of workers fell on deaf ears, the list demonstrates the White House desire to hear from working people. Andy Stern has tweeted about some of his White House visits, and you can follow him here. Read more...

LA Security Officers Win Their Union

Oct 30, 2009 - After several months of organizing to demand livable wages, health insurance, training and better working conditions, 850 Securitas workers at Los Angeles County and other public facilities will be officially recognized as members of SEIU SOULA. Read more...

What's Next?

Oct 30, 2009 - What happened outside the bankers' conference on Tuesday was a reminder of the power of our voices together. For three days, thousands of us from every corner of the country and all walks of life came together to demand change from the Wall Street banks. Together we stood up to the big banks that have done so much harm to our communities; Together we marched through the streets of Chicago, 5,000 strong, forcing the bankers to answer for their actions; Together we showed the world through stories and pictures and words that our voices united can make a difference. Read more...

In Pictures: Taxpayers protest for 3 days straight during "Showdown in Chicago"

Oct 30, 2009 - The protests at the American Bankers Association Conference in Chicago may have finished on Tuesday, but the campaign to demand that big banks stop using our tax dollars to lobby against financial reform is far from over. Big banks took $17.8 trillion in taxpayer bailouts and then turned around and spent $35 million of the taxpayers' money fighting reform and lobbying against the most basic measures to protect consumers. Read more...

The Affordable Health Care for America Act: What's in it for women

Oct 30, 2009 - The historic House health insurance reform bill was released yesterday, moving us ever closer to passing legislation guaranteeing quality, affordable health care for all Americans. The Affordable Health Care for America Act, which you can download and peruse at your leisure, lays out a lot of changes benefiting Americans across the board. But, one group that stands to gain the most from this reform is American women. Read more...

Bank Workers in Brazil Celebrate Victory

Oct 30, 2009 - Following a ten-day strike, Brazilian bank workers have won an increase in wage and improvements in their working conditions, as a result of a wage accord between union leaders and banks October 9. The workers are members of ConfederaƧao Nacional dos Trabalhadores no Ramo Financeiro (CONTRAF). Read more...

Schwarzenegger administration botches implementation of home care cuts affecting 800,000+ residents

Oct 29, 2009 - ollowing a federal court order by Judge Claudia Wilken halting the implementation of severe cuts to home care for 130,000 Californians, new information presented during a Capitol hearing yesterday demonstrates that the Schwarzenegger Administration is unprepared to meet its own Nov. 1 deadline to implement new restrictions on In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program providers. Read more...

"Yes We Can" Win Health Insurance Reform

Oct 29, 2009 - What do Senators Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Ben Nelson (D-NE), Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) and Joe Lieberman (D-CT) all have in common? They all caucus with the Democratic party, but they alone could decide whether the Senate gets to vote on health care reform! Read more...

Meanwhile, Back in DC...

Oct 29, 2009 - While thousands of Americans were delivering a letter to Goldman Sachs on Sunday demanding they stop using our tax dollars to lobby against financial reform, Goldman Sachs was ...using our tax dollars to lobby against financial reform. Read more...

Understanding the Senate cloture process

Oct 29, 2009 - As we near the time when we expect the Senate to take up a bill and vote on reform, questions about what exactly will be happening from a procedural standpoint arise--foremost among them are cloture and the filibuster. First, filibusters really don't happen the way they did when Mr. Smith went to Washington. Read more...

Domestic violence as a pre-existing condition outlawed in House bill

Oct 29, 2009 - Back in September, we began a month-long campaign publicizing the fact that in eight states and Washington, DC, insurance companies could deny coverage to a victim of domestic violence, citing it as a "pre-existing condition." Since that time, you've blogged, posted on Facebook, and tweeted about women's health care. You've written over 10,000 letters to your members of Congress demanding gender equity in health care reform. You've worn t-shirts and handed out information outside Congressional offices. And now, that work has paid off: the House health care bill language, released today, includes a clause specifically outlawing the practice of treating domestic violence as a "pre-existing condition." Read more...

Speaker Pelosi Announces House Health Care Bill

Oct 29, 2009 - "Today, we are about to deliver on the promise of making affordable, quality health care available for all americans," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in her statement, announcing the House health care bill. The bill is based on the ideas of opportunity, choice and innovation. Read more...

Cloture: Procedural or Substantive Vote?

Oct 28, 2009 - There are a lot of questions about whether or not a "cloture vote" in the Senate is actually a measure of a Senator's position one way or another on a piece of legislation. According to, a cloture vote does... Read more...

Tell your Senator "Don't Wreck the Census"

Oct 28, 2009 - Some politicians come up with dumb ideas. Some come up with impractical ideas that would cost taxpayers millions of dollars. And then there are those lawmakers with crazy proposals that would violate the United States Constitution. Rep. Senators Vitter & Bennett hit the trifecta by trying to wreck the US Census. Read more...

More than 5,000 Taxpayers March on the ABA

Oct 27, 2009 - It was an intense and often emotional conclusion to three days of action against the ABA in Chicago; and a powerful beginning to a taxpayer-led campaign to bring an end to Wall Street greed. More than 5,000 taxpayers marched over the Chicago River and to the front door of the American Bankers Association this morning. Read more...

Anna Burger: "Call Them Out"

Oct 27, 2009 - Standing in front of the American Bankers Association conference in Chicago, Anna Burger led more than 5,000 taxpayers in demanding an end to the greedy Wall Street practices that led to economic meltdown. Watch video of Anna's speech as well as taxpayers delivering a past due invoice to the big banks for the money they've taken from us. Read more...

VIDEO: The First Steps Toward Change

Oct 27, 2009 - The marchers just took the first steps towards the ABA conference to protest what Andy Stern just called "the people who put company before country." They're being led by people from across America that have been directly impacted by the greedy actions of the Wall Street bankers gathered at the ABA conference. People who have worked all their lives, but were kicked out of their homes, watched their life savings dry up, and seen their interest rates skyrocket. Read more...

SEIU Retiree on roundtable with Speaker Pelosi

Oct 27, 2009 - Yesterday, Yvonne Richardson, an 1199 SEIU Retiree, President of the West Palm Beach Chapter and SEIU Retiree Advisory Council Member, participated in a Roundtable on Reforming Medicare hosted by Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz at the Sunrise Senior Center in Sunrise, Florida. Speaker Nancy Pelosi joined Congresswoman Schultz and heard from a panel of 15 invited guests that work with Seniors in a variety of capacities. Read more...

Public option victory, but questions still remain

Oct 27, 2009 - Today, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced that he will include a public option in the health reform bill to be voted on in the Senate (as opposed to breaking it off in a separate amendment). Sen. Reid also confirmed that the Senate version will give states the authority to deny their residents the choice of a public option. Following Reid's announcement, the bill now heads to the Congressional Budget Office for scoring. Read more...

Seeing Purple

Oct 27, 2009 - The crowd is starting to gather along the Chicago River for the largest protest against bank greed since the economic crisis began. We're about 30 minutes out from taking the first steps toward the ABA conference - and the first steps in our campaign to end Wall Street greed. Read more...

Big Banks: Making a Killing

Oct 26, 2009 - The working people taking to the streets this week in the Showdown of Chicago think the amount of money the ABA is spending to lobby against the Consumer Financial Protection Agency is downright scary. To drive their point home, some protesters donned their "Scary Movie"-like costumes a week before Halloween. Read more...

VIDEO: The Faces of the Showdown

Oct 26, 2009 - Another amazing day in Chicago. Americans are fired up to put an end to Wall Street greed. Everybody is excited for tomorrow; it's going to be the largest protest against bank greed since the financial crisis began - over 5,000 people. Here's a wrap up of today with a few faces of the Showdown in Chicago. Read more...

Insurance industry diagnosed with "Goldilocks syndrome"

Oct 26, 2009 - The insurance industry is sick. After studying the symptoms, we've diagnosed them with "Goldilocks syndrome," named after the little blonde heroine of the popular children's story. Read more...

VIDEO: Meet Mary from Cincinnati

Oct 26, 2009 - Outside the ABA conference today are more than 1,000 people with more than 1,000 stories of bank greed hurting families and small businesses. I wanted to share one in particular that grabbed me. Meet Mary from Cincinnati. Read more...

VIDEO: Two for Two

Oct 26, 2009 - More than 1,000 taxpayers decided to take a walk down Wacker Drive to see how their money is being used by America's bailed out banks - and to ask for a few changes to prevent another financial meltdown. Having tried to deliver our letter to the ABA last night and being kicked out, we went directly to the banks today - Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo. The demand, as always, is a simple one: stop using our tax dollars for toxic loans, big bonuses, and anti-consumer lobbying campaigns. Read more...

VIDEO: Tom Balanoff at Showdown in Chicago

Oct 26, 2009 - Here's a new video up from Tom Balanoff's speech at the Showdown in Chicago. He kept the crowd on their feet the entire time. Definitely worth checking out. Read more...

VIDEO: "An End to the Too Big to Fail Doctrine"

Oct 26, 2009 - Sheila Bair is an exceptional speaker - I know because she just spoke at the Showdown in Chicago. She talked about the importance of stopping the greedy Wall Street practices like predatory lending, sub-prime mortgages, and lack of regulation that led us into financial crisis. She also took something from us to give to the ABA. It's the letter that we tried to give them ourselves yesterday, but they kicked us out. Will the kick Chairwoman Bair out, too? Read more...

"Shame, Shame, Shame on You"

Oct 25, 2009 - It's Day 2 of the annual meet-up of the American Bankers Association, and nearly a thousand taxpayers decided to facilitate a little meet-and-greet between the people that created the financial crisis (and got rich from it), and the people who paid the price for Wall Street's greed--and footed the bill to bail the banks out. Unfortunately, the banksters letting loose in the Sheraton's lavish ballroom couldn't be convinced to leave their posh party to attend our rally....but 40+ policemen and numerous onlookers did turn out. Read more...

VIDEO: You Weren't on the Guest List

Oct 25, 2009 - Today was an amazing beginning for us. Not just the beginning of the three day protest against the American Bankers Association (ABA) conference, but the beginning of the end for business as usual on Wall Street. The big banks heard loud and clear tonight that taxpayers are fed up with them taking our money and using it to pay themselves outrageous profits and lobby against financial reform. Read more...

I Think They Know We're Here

Oct 25, 2009 - The bankers were just trying to have a nice, roaring 1920s party (paid for with our tax dollars) to celebrate the trillions of dollars they've made in the past year. So, can you imagine how frustrating it is for them... Read more...

Senator Durbin at the Showdown in Chicago

Oct 25, 2009 - Senator Dick Durbin came out to the Showdown in Chicago and talked about one Chicagoan, Netty McGee, and her run-in with big banks. Read more...

Bankers Fix Up One House this Weekend, Foreclose 23,000 Others

Oct 25, 2009 - The Wall Street bankers are in Chicago this weekend for the American Bankers Association conference - and they've decided to do one good deed for the people of Chicago while they're here. They are helping to renovate a house that had been foreclosed... by them. It's a nice gesture on the bankers' part, but a completely empty one. In the time it took them to help fix up that one house, banks were kicking 1,440 families out of homes across the country; that's one foreclosed home every 7.5 seconds. Read more...

Marching Toward Change
More than 5,000 march on the ABA

Oct 25, 2009 -

New clash between Puerto Rican police & protestors

Oct 25, 2009 - A scuffle erupted between protesters and the police on Thursday, after several hundred union members and activists finished a rally against Governor Luis FortuƱo outside El Conquistador hotel, where the Governor held a conference with business companies on public-private partnerships. Read more...

No trick to union treats for Halloween

Oct 23, 2009 - When those little ghosts and goblins (or, we're predicting, Michael Jacksons) come collecting on Halloween, make sure you have a full supply of union-made goodies to hand out. No, not our latest flyers on the economic crisis. We mean candies made by union workers. Read more...

Crash the Bankers' Party in Chicago

Oct 23, 2009 - If you could get all the architects of the banks/bailout scam together in one place, what would you say to them? Hurry up and decide, because they're all getting together in Chicago this weekend-- and we're headed there to meet them. The big bank execs are gathering in the Windy City for the American Bankers Association conference, for a 4 day celebration of wealth and opulence paid for by our tax dollars. Read more...

AHIP's Ignagni refuses to meet with insurance company victims

Oct 23, 2009 - AHIP lobbyists descended on Washington DC yesterday for a meeting. While they would like everyone to believe that they were working on ways to make health care more affordable, the truth is they were trying to come up with ways to kill reform. That's not speculation: earlier this week, an AHIP lobbyists told Republicans not to "comfort the enemy" and support health care reform. After months of pretending to support reform, AHIP is finally showing it's true intentions (which were never to pass real reform in the first place!) now that a new health insurance system, including a public option, seems closer than ever. Read more...

Michelle Obama discusses women and health care

Oct 23, 2009 - Over the past few weeks, the White House released videos from doctors, seniors and small business owners explaining why health care reform is necessary. Today, they took is one step further, releasing a video from a women (the First Lady to be exact) talking about why women need health care reform. Read more...

'80s Flashback: Average Workers' Pay > Average Financial Industry Employee Bonus

Oct 23, 2009 - In 1985, the average annual salary for all workers across the country was several thousand dollars higher than the average bonus: $19,000 to $13,970. Over twenty-five years later, the average Wall Street bonus has soared almost 14 times higher. Yesterday the Federal Reserve announced a plan to help lessen this wage disparity between Main Street vs. Wall Street, cutting executive pay by as much as 90 percent for CEOs at the seven biggest TARP recipients. Read more...

Big Banks & U.S. Chamber, There's a New Cop in Town

Oct 23, 2009 - Yesterday the House voted 39 to 29 to move forward with the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Agency, to help put a stop to the dangerous and deceptive products and practices that got us into this mess. It was a sad day for corporations in the financial, insurance, and real estate sector--like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce & the Financial Services Roundtable--who spent a combined total of $321 million lobbying against federal reforms such as limits on bonuses and the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA). Read more...

Stephen Lerner on CNBC: America Wants Wall Street to Quit Whining

Oct 22, 2009 - Wall Street has a message for Americans who think it's unfair that they take our tax dollars and pay themselves huge bonuses: they need that money for all their hard work. SEIU's Stephen Lerner went on CNBC today to debate a representative of Wall Street over the Obama administration's decision to cap exec pay at seven bailed out firms. Read more...

All of Puerto Rico: Much More than a March

Oct 22, 2009 - In a Huffington Post piece today, SEIU Healthcare Chair Dennis Rivera warns that "what started as a march in protest to the impending firings of public sector workers has turned into a movement to hold Governor FortuƱo accountable for solving [Puerto Rico's] financial nightmare." Read more...

Wrong for NJ: New ad calls out Gubernatorial candidate Chris Christie

Oct 22, 2009 - Today SEIU launched a new television ad ("What Do We Know?") calling attention to Republican Gubernatorial candidate and former Bush appointee Chris Christie's dismal record on women and families. The ad will air on local cable across southern New Jersey during the critical closing days of the Gubernatorial campaign. Read more...

Top 5 Worst Insurance Company Denials

Oct 22, 2009 - So many stories have come out in the past few weeks about insurance company abuses that it's hard to keep them all straight. Given all the reasons insurance companies have given for denying people coverage, it seems like a miracle they have any customers at all. Read more...

Obama Administration Begins Crackdown on Bank CEO Salaries

Oct 22, 2009 - The Obama administration has gone and done something that might put a bit of a damper on the bankers' big party in Chicago this weekend. They're drafting a plan, to be announced in the coming days, that will dramatically cut CEO salaries for the companies that took the most taxpayer money during the financial collapse. Read more...

Think your retirement is secure? Think again

Oct 21, 2009 - SEIU member Willie Lucas has been an electrician at Howard University for three decades. He was planning to retire in two years but the economic crisis wiped out nearly $50,000 from his 401(k) and he's had to put his retirement off another 10 years. The outrageous thing is that Willie is one of the lucky ones. Read more...

Will eggs fly at Governor FortuƱo's head tomorrow?

Oct 21, 2009 - Workers to picket FortuƱo meeting: Tomorrow, coalition Todo Puerto Rico Por Puerto Rico will picket outside the meeting Governor FortuƱo is having with business companies to discuss the privatization of public projects and agencies. Read more...

Don't Wreck the Census

Oct 21, 2009 - Last week, Senators David Vitter (R-LA) and Bob Bennett (R-UT) introduced an amendment to the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010 (HR 2847) which would require that the 2010 Census include a question about immigration or citizenship status. Read more...

Warning: This story is going to make you angry

Oct 21, 2009 - From not covering maternity care to calling domestic violence a pre-existing condition, insurance companies seem to have written the book on how to turn a buck at the expense of millions of women in America. Now add "rape victim" to the long list of ways in which insurance companies discriminate against women. Read more...

Crash the Big Banks' Party

Oct 21, 2009 - Did you know you're throwing a party this weekend? Well, you're paying for it but you're not invited. It's the American Bankers Association (ABA) conference in Chicago. The ABA is the lobbying group that gets millions of our tax dollars from America's bailed out banks. Read more...

In case you missed it...Oct. 21 round-up

Oct 21, 2009 - In case you missed round-up on upcoming Chicago banks actions, unemployment benefits, how an SEIU member became a Ugandan king, SEIU's recent online healthcare campaign waves, and a recent meeting of international labor leaders to discuss Mexico's broken labor laws. Read more...

You've taken a ticket. Now what?

Oct 20, 2009 -

Thousands of people have taken a ticket for gender equity in health care. (We're currently at 2,689 people in line.)

Want to play a bigger role in fighting insurance co. discrimination against women? We rigged our toll-free phone line to direct calls to male members of Congress. Read more...

"Can I see YOUR business card?" The Chamber gets punk'd

Oct 20, 2009 - Editors and fact checkers at several major news outlets were having a seriously bad case of "the Mondays" yesterday, as The Washington Post, CNBC, NY Times, Fox News and other major newspapers were duped by a Chamber of Commerce hoax perpetrated by the Yes Men at the National Press Club. Read more...

Top Bank Lobbyist Receives High Honor

Oct 20, 2009 - If only they gave out awards for helping bank CEOs get rich and using tax dollars to lobby against financial reform; ABA president and CEO Edward Yingling would win them all. Well, exciting news for fans of Wall Street greed. Now, there is such an honor: the Golden Throne Award. And the first one is going to none other than Edward Yingling. Read more...

Link Round-Up on Gender Equity in Health Care

Oct 20, 2009 - Have you gotten in line for gender equity yet? If not, stop reading this post and go to to get it now! Read more...

CA Judge's ruling blocks cuts for 130,000 in-home care recipients

Oct 20, 2009 - Home care providers, seniors, and people with disabilities prevailed in federal court yesterday, securing a preliminary injunction to stop cuts to essential home care for 130,000 Californians. We've been following this fight for several months now, and it's such amazing news for home care workers and those they care for that this ruling will put a stop to these devastating cuts. Read more...

Get in line for gender equity

Oct 20, 2009 - We sent more than 10,000 letters to Congress in response to Peggy Robertson's story. Her insurance company had required that she get sterilized if she wanted to receive health insurance. Read more...

It's time to deliver

Oct 20, 2009 - Right now, everyone is paying for the cost of our broken health care system. People with "pre-existing conditions" are being denied coverage by insurers. Women are being charged 30-51% more than men for the same health insurance policies. Read more...

Around the Union: Locals Round-up

Oct 19, 2009 - Quick hits around the union from ULTCW, SEIU Massachusetts, SEIU District 1199, CSEA, Local 5-Virginia, SEANC, Local 721 and 32BJ. Read more...

Must See TV: Workers United in HBO Documentary Schmatta

Oct 19, 2009 - Did you know that in 1965, 95 percent of American clothing was made in USA? Times have changed since then. Just a few decades later, only 5 percent of the clothing worn by Americans is manufactured here in this country. Don't miss tonight's HBO premier of Schmatta: Rags to Riches to Rags -- a documentary that tells the unexpected history behind New York's Garment District and a "must see" for anyone who cares about our union and the workers who built it. Read more...

Krugman: 'We Desperately Need to Pass Effective Financial Reform'

Oct 19, 2009 - Paul Krugman gives a sobering report on the state of banks in today's New York Times. We already know that while giant financial institutions are paying out record bonuses and salaries, they aren't lending to small businesses or helping families that are struggling with their mortgages. But, now, it seems the risky deals Wall Street has been making with our tax dollars are catching up to them - and they're starting to generate losses instead of profits. All of this combined, says Krugman, is having serious negative effects on the economy. Read more...

SEIU members join thousands for immigration rally & lobby day on Capitol Hill

Oct 19, 2009 - Over 400 SEIU members joined fellow activists and religious leaders for an immigration lobby day and rally to urge Congress to move immigration reform legislation forward. The Capitol Hill rally featured Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Immigration Task Force, who outlined specifics of immigration reform legislation. Read more...

The greatest public demonstration in Puerto Rican history

Oct 18, 2009 - The one day General Strike that mobilized around 150,000 workers and citizens to protest Governor FortuƱo's massive layoffs took place in Puerto Rico on October 15. Chair of SEIU Healthcare Dennis Rivera, Executive Vice President Eliseo Medina and Local 1966 President Roberto Pagan joined the historic protest along with hundreds of thousands of Puerto Rican workers, SEIU members, faith leaders, students and citizens in what's being called 'the greatest public demonstration in Puerto Rico's history.' Read more...

Under Growing Pressure, Dobbs Considers Move to FOX

Oct 16, 2009 - The massive outcry from immigration and human rights activists, media insiders, advertisers and online activists about Lou Dobb's sensational and prejudiced immigration reporting has broken through! This week, the New York Times reported that CNN anchor Lou Dobbs is considering moving his 7:00 p.m. "Lou Dobbs Tonight" nightly show to the FOX news network. Read more...

Insurance company: "Get sterilized"

Oct 15, 2009 - After having a c-section, Peggy Robertson received a letter. It was from her insurance company, a subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group, and it basically said this: get sterilized, or you won't receive coverage. Read more...

Peggy Robertson featured on ABC Nightly News

Oct 15, 2009 - After her moving testimony earlier today, Peggy Robertson was featured on ABC Nightly News tonight, sharing her story with over 27 million viewers of the program. In case you missed it, watch Peggy talk about her experience: Read more...

SEIU Members Show Boehner His Constituents Back the Public Option

Oct 15, 2009 - Today, members of SEIU District 1199 visited the West Chester, Ohio district office of Rep. John Boehner to let him know loud and clear that they support a public health insurance option. Frazzled under the pressure, a staffer tried to back off Boehner's earlier public comments claiming that "the citizens of the 8th district are overwhelmingly opposed to a public option." Read more...

Pay Czar: Ken Lewis to Receive No Salary, Bonus for 2009

Oct 15, 2009 - More than 11,000 of you signed a letter to Obama administration's pay czar, demanding a halt to CEO bonuses until banks stopped using our tax dollars to lobby against financial reform. On Thursday, the pay czar announced that he is taking action on Ken Lewis' outrageous compensation, asking for a stop to any salary or bonuses for 2009. Read more...

It's not just Ken Lewis...

Oct 15, 2009 - Last week, we sent a letter to the Obama pay czar, signed by over 11,000 taxpayers. We told him to stop payment on Ken Lewis' $53.3 million bailout. But it's not just Ken Lewis getting rich with our money. The papers are all leading today with headlines about America's banks on track to earn record profits and pay out record amounts of bonuses to their top brass. America is still reeling from the financial crisis, but it's business as usual on Wall Street. Next weekend, thousands of taxpayers are going to confront big banks and hold them accountable to us - will you demand they meet with us? Read more...

Photos from today's massive demonstration in Puerto Rico

Oct 15, 2009 - Enjoy the slideshow from today's strike by workers to protest Gov. FortuƱo's layoffs--the largest demonstration in Puerto Rico's history. We'll keep the site and photostream updated as we get more from the ground in Puerto Rico. Updates on all things Puerto Rico on SEIU's Blog here. You can also follow SEIU on Twitter for updates. Read more...

Peggy Robertson's son: Too small to insure

Oct 15, 2009 - Today, at Sen. Mikulski's HELP Committee hearing "What Women Want: Equal Benefits for Equal Premiums," we met Peggy Robertson. Peggy is a mother of two young boys, living in Colorado with her husband. Over the past few years, Peggy and her family have faced not one but two shocking cases of insurance company abuse. Read more...

Watch live: Puerto Rican workers' strike

Oct 15, 2009 - Watch today's general strike unfolding live in Puerto Rico right now, being streamed by Claridad. Also check out a summary of recent events in Puerto Rico. Read more...

Defeat of fear well underway in Puerto Rican general strike

Oct 15, 2009 - Two successful events that have already taken place today in the strike include the closing of Plaza Las Americas and more significantly, the defeat of fear. Hundreds of thousands of workers are now marching for justice, overcoming the campaign of media terror launched by the Puerto Rican Government during the last days. Protesters are marching from seven different locations of the Banks Zone in San Juan today, heading towards the southern side of Plaza Las Americas--which is expected to largest public gathering in Puerto Rican history. Read more...

Attention male members of Congress

Oct 15, 2009 - In preparation for Sen. Mikulski's hearings today, we decided to pay a little visit to various male members of Congress yesterday. Armed with information about women's health care, we distributed the flyer to male, Republican Representatives in the Cannon office building. Check out our video... Read more...

On the Eve of the General Strike in Puerto Rico

Oct 14, 2009 - It's a very tense evening in Puerto Rico tonight--you can feel it in the streets and towns around the Island. Tomorrow the workers' movement and its allies will face a showdown with the Government police and paramilitary forces, as the general strike called to protest massive layoffs in the public service will begin in the early hours of the day. Read more...

Stop Puerto Rico's George Bush

Oct 14, 2009 - Tomorrow, over 200,000 people are preparing to take to the streets in a general strike, and Puerto Rican Governor Luis Fortuño is threatening to charge the protesters with terrorism. Not even Karl Rove and George Bush tried that. Violating the civil rights of your own citizens is unacceptable--ask Congress to hold hearings on Fortuño's anti-American behavior. Read more...

Andy Stern one of GQ's "50 Most Powerful People in DC"

Oct 14, 2009 - Congratulations to SEIU President Andy Stern, who was named one of GQ's "50 Most Powerful People in D.C." yesterday. Read more...

Senate Finance Committee Passes Health Care Bill

Oct 13, 2009 - Over two years, 500 amendments and hours of deliberation later, the Senate Finance Committee has passed the fifth and last of the health care bills that will be brought to the House and Senate floors. The committee voted 14-9, with Senator Olympia Snowe of Maine joining the Democrats to pass the legislation. Read more...

Standing up for good jobs and fair treatment = terrorism, according to Puerto Rican government

Oct 13, 2009 - During Puerto Rico's 2008 political debates leading up to the election of a new Governor, ex-governor Acevedo VilƔ would repeatedly accuse his opposition, Luis Fortuno, of plans to shrink the government budget by eliminating 30,000 public employees. Fortuno would scoff and always repeat the same line: "Si Vota por FortuƱo, FortuƱo te Bota a ti," he would reply ["The only public employee that I am going to fire is Acevedo VilƔ!"]. Read more...

Turning the Big Apple into the Big Green Apple

Oct 11, 2009 - The energy consumption of our nation's large buildings is inextricably linked to the talent, training, and hard work of building operators. Teaching our building operators to maintain our large structures is the highest-impact way to address the climate crisis, at the lowest cost. The Urban Green Council (United States Green Building Council of New York) and SEIU Local 32BJ have released a report detailing the essential role that building workers play in improving energy efficiency and discuss how 32BJ's training initiative will help New York City's building superintendents go green. Read more...

October 13th: National Day of Immigrant Rights Action

Oct 11, 2009 - Next week, 10 buses originating from ten cities from across the U.S., will make their way to Washington, D.C. for an historic rally October 13 at the U.S. Capitol to demand urgent Congressional action on immigration reform. In one of the buses, over 30 members of SEIU Local 26--cleaning service workers who have experienced first-hand the fallout from aggressive enforcement of broken immigration laws--will travel from Minneapolis for the event. Read more...

Celebs use their star status to support laid-off Puerto Rican workers

Oct 10, 2009 - Puerto Rican Grammy award winning group Calle 13 announced they will speak out against Governor FortuƱo's massive layoffs of nearly 17K public service workers live at the Latin MTV Awards on October 15th. The award show is scheduled to take place in Los Angeles, CA on the same day the national workers' strike will be taking place in Puerto Rico. Read more...

SEIU's Michael Kerr sworn in at Department of Labor

Oct 09, 2009 - Congratulations are in order for Michael Kerr, who was sworn in today as Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management at the Department of Labor. This will be Kerr's second tour at Labor, as he previously spent eight years in the Clinton administration, eventually running the department's Wage and Hour Division. Before taking his position at the DOL, Kerr oversaw Finance and Administration at SEIU as an Assistant to the Secretary-Treasurer. Read more...

In the Pursuit of Truth: Protecting the U.S. Census

Oct 09, 2009 - Yesterday, in yet another attempt to marginalize U.S. immigrants and inject hate into politics, Senator David Vitter (LA-R) introduced an amendment to the Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations bill that would require questions in the 2010 census on immigration status. If passed, Vitter's amendment would throw a monkey wrench into the U.S. Census, making it completely unreliable as the one document that is supposed to paint an accurate picture of who we are as a nation. Read more...

This week in health care reform

Oct 09, 2009 - While no votes were cast on health care reform this week, there wasn't a dull moment on the Hill. In case you missed it, here's a list of this week's major developments... Read more...

Female Senators continue crusade for women's health care on Larry King

Oct 09, 2009 - Following up on their rousing back-to-back speeches on the Senate floor, the "women of the Senate" took their message into America's living rooms last night when they appeared on Larry King live. Read more...

More Than 10,000 Taxpayers Sign Letter to Stop the Ken Lewis Bailout

Oct 09, 2009 - It's been a little over a day since we invited people to sign on to Anna Burger's letter to the Obama pay czar, asking him to stop payment on Ken Lewis' bailout until Bank of America agrees to clean up its act. Already, more than 10,000 taxpayers have signed the letter, demanding accountability from America's bailed out banks. Read more...

Sen. Specter joins 29 other Senators in support of a public option

Oct 08, 2009 - The House won't pass a bill without a public option, and the Senate won't pass one with it. That statement, which has almost become a truism on Capitol Hill, was splashed with a healthy dose of reality by 30 Senators today, including Sen. Specter, who laid out their strong support for a public option. Read more...

New video: Break up with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Oct 08, 2009 - Five major companies have recently joined the growing list of groups ditching the U.S. Chamber of Commerce over their out-of-touch policies on climate change. Companies like Nike and Apple are serious about their break-ups with the Chamber -- but if it's any consolation, they still totally want to be friends. Watch our new video to find out why the Chamber keeps getting dumped. Read more...

Apple to Chamber: It's Not Us, It's You

Oct 08, 2009 - In the aftermath of Apple's recent break-up with the U.S. Chamber, the corporate front group couldn't seem to accept that their actions have consequences and take the split from Apple like a man. U.S. Chamber President Thomas J. Donohue shot back a letter to Apple chief Steve Jobs that was written in a less-than-mature tone. Read more...

Women and Insurance: Paying More, Getting Less

Oct 08, 2009 - Today, nine female Senators stood on the floor of the US Senate and gave a powerful voice to the thousands of women in this country who are continually and systematically discriminated against by the insurance industry. Read more...

Free and Fair Elections in Charm City

Oct 08, 2009 - Baltimore's City Council unanimously approved a resolution Monday endorsing "free and fair union elections for all hospital and nursing home workers in every facility throughout the city." In a city where only nine percent of health care workers are currently unionized (but one in five Baltimore jobs are in health care), this is big news! Read more...

The Onion reviews the Ken Lewis record

Oct 08, 2009 - The Onion, America's Finest News Source, has nicely summed up the various mistakes that caused Ken Lewis to step down as CEO of Bank of America. Chiefly, that whole "worldwide economic collapse" thing. Read more...

Domestic violence is STILL a pre-existing condition

Oct 07, 2009 - One in four women will experience some form of domestic violence in her lifetime, and 20 to 35 percent of emergency room visits are made by women as result of domestic violence. With unfortunate statistics like these, it's not hard to see why citing the injuries sustained through abuse as a "pre-existing condition" is a practice insurers are motivated to take part in to protect their bottom line--profits. Read more...

Stop the Ken Lewis Bailout

Oct 07, 2009 - Despite helping to drive us into one of the worst financial meltdowns in history, it's been revealed that Bank of America plans to send Ken Lewis out the door with a $53.3 million pension on top of the hundreds of millions he's already made during his failed tenure as CEO. The Obama administration has appointed a 'pay czar,' Kenneth Feinberg, to make sure our tax dollars aren't being used to pay outrageous earnings to bank CEOs. Will you tell the pay czar to stop payment on the Ken Lewis bailout? Read more...

CA Local stages a "die-in" outside WellPoint's office

Oct 07, 2009 - For thousands of Americans, health care reform is literally a life and death decision. To help highlight that point, 30 members of Local 1877 joined 40 other protestors outside the Sacramento headquarters of Anthem Blue Cross, which is owned by WellPoint, for a "die in." As protestors lay down on the ground, their actions were meant to symbolize the 45,000 Americans dying each year for lack of affordable insurance. Read more...

Two SEIU nurses featured in Senate Democrats ad

Oct 07, 2009 - Two SEIU members were featured in an ad put out by the Senate Democratic Communications Center showing the overwhelming support for health care reform in the medical community. SEIU nurses Debbie Wilkes, a member of local 1199 from Maryland, and Linda Bock, a member of United Healthcare Workers East also from Maryland, shared stories about their own experience working in our broken health care system. Read more...

SEIU Doctors out in full force on Capitol Hill to support health care reform

Oct 07, 2009 - CIR/SEIU president Dr. Toni Lewis joined 149 other doctors for an event in the Rose Garden with President Barack Obama on Monday, October 5. The President re-iterated that doctors are some of our strongest supporters of reform, because they see first-hand the damage caused by our broken system. Concurrently, 20 CIR/SEIU doctors from MA, NY, FL and CA descended on Capitol Hill to thank their members of Congress for supporting comprehensive reform. Read more...

Nearly 600 MA Norwood Hosital workers vote to join 1199SEIU

Oct 06, 2009 - On the heels of several historic election victories at hospitals throughout the Greater Boston area, workers at Norwood Hospital in Norwood, Massachusetts announced this evening that they have voted overwhelmingly (74% YES) to join 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East. Read more...

You can choose only one: your health or your job

Oct 06, 2009 - We already knew that nearly 50 percent of workers who get sick are forced to choose between their health and their paycheck. For millions of workers, losing a day's wages if they stay home sick is not even the worst-case scenario--many workers are actually forced to choose between their health and their job. Read more...

Watch CNN's panel debate on H1N1 flu vaccines & health care workers

Oct 06, 2009 - Be sure to watch the Lou Dobbs Tonight show on CNN as SEIU's own Jemma-Marie Hanson, RN, a member of the Public Employees Federation of New York (an SEIU affiliate) will discuss flu vaccines and why voluntary programs work. Read more...

Appreciation for the workers who help your children make healthy food choices

Oct 06, 2009 - Two new "trends" are helping to make over school lunches in many schools across the nation--nutritional awareness and the local foods movement. As a kid, you don't make meal choices yourself and unfortunately, not all adults care to prepare healthy snacks and lunches for their children, or have the means necessary to do so. Thankfully, there are men and women out there who are encouraging your children to make healthy foods choices at lunch time: food service workers. Read more...

Speaker Pelosi speaks out against "domestic violence as a pre-existing condition"

Oct 06, 2009 - Earlier today, Speaker Pelosi spoke forcefully against the fact that in some states, insurance companies can actually deny coverage to victims of domestic violence on the grounds that they have a pre-existing condition. Will you join Speaker Pelosi in calling for an end of all "pre-existing conditions," including domestic violence, once and for all? Read more...

Potential home care cuts could be a humanitarian disaster

Oct 06, 2009 - SEIU members, disability, senior-citizen rights groups filed a lawsuit in San Francisco federal court Friday to stop 130,000 people from either being dropped or cut from California's In-Home Supportive Services program as of Nov. 1. Nearly one hundred thousand people would be part of the group only having 'some' of their services cut--which sounds almost positive compared to those that will lose all of their in-home care, right? Except when you consider the actual breakdown of these services to be lost... Read more...

Women's health care in the news

Oct 06, 2009 - If Republicans and right-wing talking heads had their way, the only "women's issue" up for discussion in relation to health care reform would be how to best circumvent a woman's right to choose. While that has gotten a great deal of attention, more and more news outlets are picking up on the myriad of other problems associated with women's health care today. Read more...

Apple wants to fall far from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's tree

Oct 05, 2009 - Mac users out there are feeling very "green" right now, if word has reached them that Apple has become the newest company to join the hasty exodus from corporate front group U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The computer software company announced their exit from the corporate front group today over their differing climate change policies, joining Nike and an ever-growling list of companies who don't share out-of-touch viewpoints on lobbying on behalf of the interests of Wall Street instead of working people. Read more...

SEIU Local 1000 family among victims of Typhoon in Philippines

Oct 05, 2009 - On Saturday, September 26, Typhoon Ondoy struck the Philippines with the heaviest rainfall recorded, followed by the worst flooding in 40 years. "This has had a significant impact on the families of some of our members, including Ramon Alcantara, whose family has lost many of their possessions, and almost lost Ramon's son," says SEIU Local 1000 president Yvonne Walker in a message on the Local's website. Read more...

UPDATE: SEIU Healthcare Minnesota President arrested at peaceful protest

Oct 05, 2009 - Over 100 SEIU members and HCAN supporters engaged in an act of peaceful civil disobedience this morning outside the headquarters of UnitedHealthcare Group. SEIU Healthcare Minnesota president, Julie Schnell, and several other SEIU members were among the six protestors arrested for engaging in a sit-in in front of the UHG office in Minnetonka, Minnesota. Read more...

Taking Congressmen back to school

Oct 05, 2009 - Last week, we covered the many ways in which women are discriminated against in our current health care system. From not covering maternity care to calling domestic violence a pre-existing condition, insurance companies seem to have written the book on how to turn a buck at the expense of millions of women in America. Read more...

1199SEIU campaign results in elimination of "late-night" ER fees at five MA hospitals

Oct 05, 2009 - Until last week, patients being treated by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center's physician group, Harvard Medical Faculty Physicians (HMFP), were charged extra fees, simply for going to the emergency room after 10 p.m. But thanks to a public advocacy campaign launched by 1199SEIU, the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and several other Massachusetts hospitals have ended the practice of charging "late-night" emergency room fees for care required after 10 p.m. Read more...

Snapshot of recent worker actions protesting Puerto Rican Governor's mass layoffs

Oct 03, 2009 - he temperature is rising fast in the labor climate in Puerto Rico as a result of the 16,970 public employees laid off by Governor FortuƱo on one stroke last Friday. Several scenarios accounted for the increased tension yesterday between government and workers, both organized and unorganized, and leaders from SEIU-affiliated locals SPT (Local 1996) and UGT continued their peaceful protests across Puerto Rico. to demand a roll back of the layoffs. Read more...

Bet Gov. FortuƱo isn't eating scrambled eggs for breakfast this week

Oct 02, 2009 - According to reports, Governor FortuƱo's personal security detail has been significantly beefed up since an incident on Tuesday when a protester threw an egg at him. The governor was holding a press conference in Fajardo to tout his new project for the improvement of the boats that carry passengers to the islands of Vieques and Culebrain. As the governor announced that the boats would be repaired in Fajardo, praising it as initiative to create jobs, one of the workers affected by the Gov.'s mass layoffs hurled an egg at the Governor's head, shouting "Hypocrite, how dare you talk about jobs when you're getting rid of them!" Read more...

VIDEO: Female Senators talk women's health care

Oct 02, 2009 - On Tuesday, four female Senators held a press conference to discuss the many issues women face in our broken health care system. Watch for yourself as these four passionate women discuss why women need reform so badly: Read more...

GOP Obstructionism vs. Saving Lives

Oct 02, 2009 - This week, Rep. Alan Grayson stepped onto the U.S. House floor and distilled the Republican strategy on health care reform into three simple parts:

1. Don't get sick
2. If you do get sick...
3. Die quickly.

What the Republican Party continues to ignore is that their refusal to work toward reform amounts in people getting sicker, and people dying. Period. Read more...

Tell Congress: Get It Right on Child Nutrition!

Oct 02, 2009 - On September 30th, the Child Nutrition Act expired. The Congressional Committee on Education and Labor, which oversees the Act, had the opportunity to improve the lives of our children and those that feed them. But rather than pass a bill that would create a program that works far better, they simply decided to simply take a pass for the next few months. Read more...

If we do nothing, states pay the price

Oct 02, 2009 - Over the past few months, we've been reminding folks that the "the cost of doing nothing is too high." How high, exactly? Glad you asked. Read more...

Bankrupt mother of two seeks room in insurance CEO mansion

Oct 02, 2009 - CIGNA CEO Ed Hanway owns a beach home valued at $13.6 million. Stacie Ritter, mother of twin girls who were diagnosed with cancer, does not. Ed Hanway made $120.5 million between 2003 and 2008. During the same period, Stacie Ritter was driven into bankruptcy by the cost of her daughters' medical bills, all while being covered by CIGNA. Ed also has $28,881,000 in unexercised stock options. That's enough to pay for 65,638 shots of the human growth hormone that Stacie's twins need to grow properly. Read more...

Victory: Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis to Resign after SEIU Campaign

Oct 01, 2009 - Yesterday, Americans were given one more reason to look forward to ringing in the New Year: Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis announced he will be be stepping down from the bank, effective Jan. 1, 2010. As a part of the Take Back the Economy coalition, SEIU and partners have been calling (loudly and persistently) for Lewis' ouster for several months. Read more...

Insurance CEOs: "We're moving in!"

Oct 01, 2009 - Let's bring the campaign against insurance company abuse to Craigslist - one of the most popular sites on the internet. The idea is simple: post a free ad on Craigslist looking for a room in a CEO mansion and help expose the rampant greed that's forcing families like Stacie's into medical bankruptcy. Read more...

Six Months from Census, Ya Es Hora Launches

Oct 01, 2009 - The 2000 Census, despite producing a net over-count of the total population, produced an undercount of Latinos of around 3 percent (or one million people,) which cost billions in lost federal funding. The ya es hora, Ā”HAGASE CONTAR! campaign will enhance the Bureau's efforts to count Latinos through a sustained and aggressive community education initiative to mobilize hundreds of local organizations. Read more...

Labor Leaders Pronounce Puerto Rican Labor Secretary's Position "Vacant"

Oct 01, 2009 - The second civil act of disobedience in three days protesting the Fortuno administration's massive lay-offs ended a little over an hour ago, when Puerto Rican labor leaders pronounced the Labor Secretary's position "vacant" after Secretary Miguel Romero failed to show up at his office for a meeting. The leaders from the labor coalition All of Puerto Rico For Puerto Rico and union members from SEIU-affiliated locals SPT and UGT who carried out the action narrowly missed the police anti-riot unit that entered the building, positioning itself in the 20th floor to reach the 21st floor where the labor leaders had carried out their sit-in to demand to have their voices heard by Secretary Romero. Read more...

Polls show Republicans just don't get it (but we already knew that)

Oct 01, 2009 - Sometimes, doesn't it just seem like Republicans are out of touch with the American people? Yesterday, Sen. Orrin Hatch proposed an amendment focusing on ensuring that abortions are not paid for with taxpayer money. While it was voted down 13-10, the Senate Finance Committee spent precious time debating an amendment that was frankly irrelevant. Read more...

Can you call your Senator?

Oct 01, 2009 - This week, the Senate Finance Committee has been debating health care reform and today it will debate a series of mean spirited amendments that require the government to discriminate against lawful immigrants, causing many of them to lose access to affordable health care. Read more...

Humana executive slams door on concerns of West Palm Beach Medicare recipients

Sep 30, 2009 - On Tuesday, members of SEIU Healthcare Florida joined senior citizens from the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans to try to speak to a local Humana executive at the West Palm Beach office of the insurance company. As the area seniors rallied to deliver a letter addressed to the local Humana executive and Humana CEO, they were instead greeted by the scampering of little feet, as the fearful insurance company executive hightailed it to his office in the wake of their arrival--practically slamming his office door in their faces. Read more...

Puerto Rican Governor sicks SWAT team and police brutality on laid-off workers holding peaceful protest

Sep 30, 2009 - On Tuesday in San Juan, peaceful demonstrators outside of the official estate of Puerto Rican Governor Luis FortuƱo were violently removed by SWAT team agents and arrested, despite assurances that they would leave peacefully and not resist arrest. Labor leaders and other demonstrators protesting the massive 16K+ firing of Puerto Rican state employees are shoved and billyclubbed by SWAT team ordered by Governor FortuƱo. Read more...

Four Senators stand up for women's health care rights

Sep 30, 2009 - A few weeks ago, we wrote about research from the National Women's Law Center that uncovered the existence of domestic violence as a pre-existing condition in eight states and DC. We were horrified, as well many other bloggers and reporters. Apparently, so were at least four female Senators. Read more...

Turn off the Lights at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Sep 30, 2009 - The last one to leave the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, please turn off the lights. The exodus from the corporate front group is taking place because of its extreme views on issues like climate change, health care reform, financial regulations, and labor law reform. We must use this opportunity to further isolate the U.S. Chamber as an out-of-touch outfit that only serves the interest of a handful of greedy CEOs. Sign the petition to your senators: listen to working people, not the greedy CEOs at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Read more...

Rachel Maddow Takes on the Extremists

Sep 30, 2009 - Last night, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow took on the radical right-wingers seeking to silence working families by attacking progressive community organizations. As part of that segment, she discussed with Peter Dreier, professor of politics at Occidental College in Los Angeles, why they're trying to target the SEIU next. Watch the segment here. Read more...

What yesterday's vote really means

Sep 30, 2009 - On Monday, the Senate Finance Committee voted down the public option amendments introduced by Senators Rockefeller and Schumer. Sen. Schumer's public option amendment picked up moderate Democratic votes by Sen. Carper (D-DE) and Sen. Nelson (D-FL)--both of whom received hundreds of phone calls from people across the country in support of a public option. Read more...

Watch Anna Burger's testimony at hearing on Consumer Financial Protection Agency

Sep 30, 2009 - SEIU International Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger is testifying before the House Financial Services Committee this morning at a hearing on the Consumer Financial Protection Agency. You can watch online starting now here Anna should be speaking shortly before 11:00 a.m. Read more...

County Employees Rally for Better LA as Contract Clock Runs Out

Sep 30, 2009 - With contracts between LA County and its largest employee union set to expire at midnight on September 30, more than 2,000 LA County employees called on the Board of Supervisors to support an agreement that protects services in the economic downturn. Read more...

Puerto Rican Workers Chain Themselves to Gates of Governor's Mansion

Sep 29, 2009 - Puerto Rican union leaders instituted Camp of Dignity and Shame today in front of La Fortalez, the San Juan home of the Governor of Puerto Rico, Luis FortuƱo. ""This is Camp Dignity and we will not move from here," said Robert PagƔn, president of SEIU Local 1996SPT , who is one of four union leaders who chained themselves to the gates of the Governor's home in an act of civil disobedience to stand up against the announcement from the government dismissing thousands of public sector employees. Read more...

Where Does Your Senator Stand?

Sep 29, 2009 - the Senate Finance Committee is scheduled to vote on an amendment to include a public option in their health care bill. Guess what - one of your Senators sits on the committee. We can't lose this debate. Will you call your Senator? Dial 1-866-311-3405 and urge your Senator to support a public option. Read more...

Pregnant? Don't look to your insurance company for help

Sep 29, 2009 - Last week, during debate in the Senate Finance Committee, Sen. Jon Kyl publicly declared "I don't need maternity care" and thus insurers should not be required to cover it. While Sen. Debbie Stabenow quickly countered with "I think you mom probably did," the exchange does bring up an important issue about maternal care. Read more...

Pennsylvania health care workers show spirited support for health care reform

Sep 28, 2009 - Sometimes, all you really need to get your point across is a giant puppet or two. No, seriously: last week, members of SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania staged a march and rally outside the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce. To better illustrate their point, they brought along two giant puppets and acted out a short skit illustrating the ongoing battle between Chamber of Commerce greed and health insurance reform. Read more...

Fun Video: Students Want Better Food

Sep 28, 2009 - When food comes to you wrapped in plastic, you just know it's going to be delicious, right? Students in San Francisco are begging to differ. Assisted by the SFUSD Student Nutrition and Physical Activity Committee, these students have produced a short film about the state of school lunches and what's being served to them as "food." Read more...

Women vs. insurance companies

Sep 28, 2009 - Earlier this month, we covered the fact that in eight states it is actually legal for insurance companies to deny coverage to victims of domestic violence because they have a "pre-existing condition." But, the outrage doesn't stop there: research has clearly shown that insurance companies are systematically discriminating against women. And this is just the tip of the iceberg... Read more...

What's the Big Deal with the 2010 U.S. Census?

Sep 28, 2009 - With less than a week to go before the launch of SEIU's ya es hora !HAGASE CONTAR! campaign for a full count of U.S. Latinos in the 2010 Census, we thought you might want to know why we think this is such a big deal. The U.S. Census, held every 10 years, is the single most powerful indicator of who we are as a nation. It not only dictates the story we tell about our demographic makeup-but it also determines the allocation of our federal purse string and the seats of our political power. Read more...

Update: Filling Sen. Ted Kennedy's seat, Banks, Protests for Corporate Reform, Employee Free Choice

Sep 28, 2009 - This past week, while much of D.C. has been focused on the healthcare mark-up (us included), we've also been tracking a few other stories that we wanted to bring to your attention. First--the encouraging news that Massachusetts will return to full representation and the Democrats in Congress to a cloture-proof majority. Also, don't miss two stories on SEIU's calls for financial reform and a questionable award choice from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Read more...

DREAM students hold over 120 "Back to School" events nationwide

Sep 26, 2009 - On Wednesday, thousands of immigrant students held over 120 events in 28 states to support legislation that would allow talented DREAM students who view this country as their own to attend college, serve their nation, and earn a path to U.S. citizenship. States with the most "Back to School" events included Illinois (7 actions statewide), Texas (11 actions), Florida (15 actions) and California (almost 30 actions). Read more...

Republicans defend seniors insurance company profits

Sep 25, 2009 - On Thursday, as the Republicans continued to wage war on reform by attempting to defend the status quo, they decided to turn their attention to Americans over 65. In an attempt to scare seniors (and pander to their buddies in the insurance industry), the Republicans rose to the "defense" of Medicare, claiming that 10 million senior citizens who have Medicare Advantage would see a loss in their extra benefits under the new bill. The other side's solution? The option of 'doing nothing'...which will lead to a projected bankruptcy of Medicare by 2019. Read more...

With Only Days Left, Tell Senators to Stop Deportation of Jorge-Alonso Chehade

Sep 24, 2009 - As of today, Alonso's only remaining hope to stay in the United States - the country where he spent his childhood, excelled in school, volunteered, and became a college graduate - is for one of the Senators from his home state of Washington to introduce a private bill immediately. Read more...

The U.S. Chamber's Puzzling Definition of "Corporate Citizenship"

Sep 24, 2009 - Each fall, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce awards member organizations with its "Corporate Citizenship Award" as a way of recognizing contributions to communities. Unfortunately for the U.S. Chamber, the award is blind to a multitude of misdeeds committed by honorees. Indeed, for two years running, the U.S. Chamber has selected companies rife with problems. Read more...

Insurance Industry 101: Deny coverage to keep profits high

Sep 24, 2009 - Congressman Stupak and insurance industry whistle-blower Wendell Potter co-hosted a telephone press conference today to further discuss insurance industry abuses. While various Congressional subcommittees have held hearings on the topic, it's clear that we are only beginning to scratch the tip of the iceberg. Read more...

Humana's History of Exploiting Seniors, and the Right Wing's New "Death Panel" Myth about Medicare

Sep 24, 2009 - In the last 24 hours, conservatives from Mitch McConnell to John Boehner have rushed to defend Humana, an insurance company with a pattern of exploiting their elderly customers. According to reports, Humana is using false information to scare older Americans... Read more...

Rep. Joe "You Lie!" Wilson: New Face of Corporate Opposition to the Employee Free Choice Act

Sep 24, 2009 - South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson is really embracing his newfound stardom as Heckler-in-Chief. So what's Wilson's latest outburst? Slamming the Employee Free Choice Act to a corporate group fighting the bill. Read more...

Missed the scrubs delivery rally? Watch what happened

Sep 24, 2009 - At yesterday's Scrubs delivery rally, health care workers described how they see our broken health care system fail patients every day. Their heart breaking stories, coupled with strong support statements from Labor Secretary Hilda Solis and Sen. Harry Reid, are just the latest in an endless series of reasons why we must pass real health care reform soon. Read more...

Senate Finance Committee: 14 amendments down, 550 to go

Sep 24, 2009 - At the rate the Senate Finance Committee is moving through amendments, they will be finished with the markup in about 40 days. During those 40 days, 353,840 more will lose their insurance and 3,384 more people will die because they lack coverage, all because of Republican committee members' stall tactics. Read more...

How Poverty Jobs Are Created

Sep 23, 2009 - In this month's American Prospect, David Moberg writes an exposƩ on how government contracts are creating poverty-wage jobs. Through the story of New Jersey school cafeteria worker Ada Iglesias, Moberg personalized the connection between the federal dollars and a struggling family. Read more...

The Latest from HAARM - Singing Health Care!

Sep 23, 2009 - HAARM, Healthy Americans Against Reforming Medicine, presents an alternate proposal for the health care crisis: a singing fish. This product is not actually going to be given away to those living within the United States. Or anywhere else. Read more...

Scrubs campaign returns to Washington

Sep 23, 2009 - Nurses, doctors and other health care workers spend their days providing life-saving medical care. But, as they a busy providing care at hospitals across the nation, the fight over health insurance reform rages on, often without them. Read more...

New SEIU Report: Wall Street's $18 Trillion Fleecing of the World Economy

Sep 23, 2009 - On the eve of the first G-20 summit since the global financial collapse, SEIU has a new report measuring the severe impact the economic crisis has had on working families. The report breaks down not just the cost of the bailouts, but also the (much, much bigger) associated costs that came along with them. Download the report here: The Trillion Dollar Bank Job: How Wall Street and the Big Banks Are Holding Up America's Economic Recovery. Read more...

Affordability rules discussion on first day of Senate Finanace markup

Sep 22, 2009 - Affordability was the word of the day during the Senate Finance Committee's first markup session yesterday. In order to prepare for today's voting, committee members made their opening statements and reviewed the Chairman's Mark presented by Sen. Baucus. Read more...

Doctors' groups unveil health care reform ad

Sep 22, 2009 - As the health care debate heats up, doctors are joining the fight on behalf of their patients. Monday, doctors' groups representing more than 500,000 physicians nationwide, including the SEIU Healthcare's Committee of Interns and Residents, Doctors Council and National Doctors Alliance, convened in Washington, DC to announce their new ad campaign. Read more...

Around the country, local members are sick of big insurance

Sep 22, 2009 - In August, we took our message of health care reform to our elected officials during town halls all across the country, and they listened. But, now that they are back in Washington, they are again under the influence of the insurance industry, which is fighting hard to defeat real reform. Read more...

Baucus Hearing Fact-Check: Sen. Cornyn Misses the Point

Sep 22, 2009 - We're watching closely the Senate Finance Committee mark-up its health care bill this week. Today, Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) in his opening statement declared that many Texans' plans don't fit within the benefit outline of the Baucus bill. Read more...

Upcoming Rally and Scrubs Delivery on Capitol Hill to Support Healthcare Reform

Sep 22, 2009 - On Wednesday, September 23, nurses, doctors, and SEIU healthcare workers will join Dennis Rivera, Dr. Toni Lewis and activists in a rally on Capitol Hill to deliver the hand-signed scrubs to members of Congress. Read more...

Finance Committee begins voting on amendments

Sep 22, 2009 - Last week, Sen. Max Baucus and the Senate Fiance Committee finally produced their long-awaited version of the health care reform bill. The introduction of this bill brings us closer then we've ever been to passing comprehensive health care reform. But, there is still a lot of work ahead. Read more...

Watch: Andy Stern on the Ed Show

Sep 21, 2009 - [Update: Watch Andy's appearance last night here] Tonight, on MSNBC's "The Ed Show" at 6:45 PM ET, watch SEIU President Andy Stern give the latest on healthcare reform and some of the outrageous political rhetoric from the other side. Read more...

Washington Post Editorial: "School Lunch Punch"

Sep 21, 2009 - The Washington Post has published an excellent editorial piece on the Child Nutrition Act. In it, the newspaper's editorial board preaches the "wisdom of spending more money to provide healthier meals." Read more...

Last Days to Stop the Deportation of Jorge-Alonso Chehade

Sep 21, 2009 - Jorge-Alonso Chehade came to the U.S. from Peru as a child and is now facing deportation on Friday, Sept. 25. Alonso is the embodiment of the American Dream, but our broken immigration system has prevented him from continuing down his career path after graduation. Alonso has earned the chance to live and work here and call America home--and ICE needs to hear from us that he should be allowed to stay. Sign the petition here. Read more...

Immigration advocates working to silence FAIR, a known anti-immigrant hate group

Sep 20, 2009 - This week anti-immigrant extremists from FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform)--a known hate group--were silenced by vigils and pro-immigrant rallies demanding an end to the hate. To counter FAIR's "Hold Your Feet to the Fire" week of lobby activities in Washington, hundreds of activists held vigils at the Capitol to condemn the hateful rhetoric. In the beginning of the week, SEIU joined America's Voice, Center for New Community, and the Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM) to launch a Roll Call print ad denouncing FAIR for poisoning the immigration debate with bigoted, xenophobic hate speech. Read more...

Michelle Obama joins Echo Chamber on Domestic Violence as a "Pre-Existing Condition"

Sep 18, 2009 - Thanks to all of you who took action this week to raise the issue of domestic violence as a "pre-existing condition" in eight states and Washington, DC. You emailed and called, and people are taking notice--including Michelle Obama. The First Lady mentioned the issue of domestic violence as a "pre-existing condition" in her speech on women and health care today. Watch it here. Read more...

National Citizenship Day - Can you Pass the Test?

Sep 17, 2009 - In honor of National Citizenship Day and as part of the ya es hora !CIUDADANIA! (Citizenship: It's Time) campaign, SEIU Local 615 in Boston will join groups across the country this weekend to hold an all-day workshop to help eligible immigrants apply for U.S. citizenship. Read more...

Rep. Watson questions insurance execs on why domestic violence is a pre-existing condition

Sep 17, 2009 - You emailed and called, and it looks like one lawmaker took notice. Rep. Diane Watson was so horrified to learn about the possibility of coverage denial to domestic violence victims that she both noted it in her written statement and included it as a large part of her questions to the insurance executives who testified before the Domestic Policy Subcommittee. Read more...

Insurance companies go before Kucinich panel

Sep 17, 2009 - In a room filled almost to capacity with K street lobbyists and company lawyers, executives from the nations top six insurance providers testified before the Domestic Policy subcommittee during day two of the subcommittee's hearings. Read more...

Insurance Companies Consider C-section Birth "Pre-Existing Condition"

Sep 17, 2009 - Did you know that most insurance companies on the individual market consider pregnancy "optional"? The fetus is viewed as an uncovered "pre-existing condition," and therefore not something that's necessary for insurance companies to insure. Many insurers also consider a Cesarean section pregnancy a "pre-existing condition"--and refuse to provide health coverage for women who have had the procedure. Read more...

The Senate Finance Committee Bill, Where We Go From Here

Sep 17, 2009 - Next week, the Senate Finance Committee will take us one step closer to passing health care reform, when it begins mark-up of the America's Healthy Future Act. Like the Senate HELP bill and the House bill, the Senate Finance bill takes some positive steps toward ending the insurance industry's stranglehold on our health care system in the following ways Read more...

Live Tweeting from Domestic Policy Subcommittee hearings
Health Insurance Execs Testifying on Limiting Care

Sep 17, 2009 - Insurance industry executives from UnitedHealthOne, Wellpoint, Aetna, Humana and CIGNA Healthcare are on Capitol Hill this week to testify before Rep. Kucinich's subcommittee on domestic policy. We'll be live tweeting from the hearing--stay tuned! Read more...

Part of insurance industry's money-making plan: Denying coverage to victims of spousal abuse

Sep 17, 2009 - If you're shaking your head at disbelief at the discovery that insurance companies can--and do--deny coverage to victims of spousal abuse by citing the abuse as a "pre-existing condition," you're not alone. On Air America's "The Ron Reagan Show" last night, host Reagan and SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger discussed this outrageous practice "This is outrageous that women who are victims of domestic violence can't have health coverage," said Anna Burger on Air America's "The Ron Reagan Show" last night. Tell members of Congress to step up and get this done--because no one should be denied health care coverage, least of all women who have already endured so much. Read more...

Kucinich panel witness pleas: "Let me be a Daddy"

Sep 17, 2009 - Yesterday, we reported about the first day of the Domestic Policy Subcommittee hearings on how insurance companies are getting in between patients and their care providers. Two of the witnesses who testified shared their personal stories of delayed care and abuse in the hands of their insurance companies. Read more...

Kucinich committee witnesses present testimony on insurance company abuse

Sep 16, 2009 - "Patients are not mere anecdotes," said Dr. Linda Peeno, former review physician for Humana, during her testimony before Rep. Kucinich's Domestic Policy Subcommittee. But many insurance companies claim just that - that people who've managed to get their story before Congress and the media are exceptions, not the rule. Moving from the suffering of patients to the bloated profits of insurance companies, the panel clearly proved that vast reforms are needed now, before the situation gets any more out of control. Read more...

Panel witnesses speak out against denial of coverage for victims of domestic violence

Sep 16, 2009 - We just got back from day one of the Domestic Policy Subcommittee hearings on how insurance company bureaucracy is getting in the way of quality care for all Americans. The witnesses testifying presented their powerful stories: some heartbreaking, some infuriating. Check out these videos of committee witnesses Wendell Potter and Karen Pollitz talking about the insurance companies' practice of denying coverage to victims of domestic violence. Read more...

Wall Street Reform Must Not Be Stalled or Stopped

Sep 15, 2009 - "When Lehman Brothers fell, they took not just the rest of Wall Street, but all of Main Street, down with them. Yet, one year later, the greedy CEOs who caused the collapse are unremorseful, unrepentant, and virtually unchanged," said SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger, following President Obama's speech yesterday on the anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers. While the economy continues to recover, President Obama warned, "normalcy cannot lead to complacency." Read more...

Rep. Kucinich has opportunity to question insurance

Sep 15, 2009 - As the health care debate unfurled over the past few months, we've seen the great lengths that insurance companies will go to in order to ensure that their profit margins remain high. In some cases, these companies have gone so far as to deny coverage to victims of domestic violence by classifying their experience as a "pre-existing condition." As more of these practices come to light, members of Congress are sitting up and taking notice. Read more...

Drumbeat for Health care steady on Twitter, Facebook

Sep 15, 2009 - Last week, we asked you to demonstrate your support online for the President's efforts to fix health care by changing your profile picture on Twitter and Facebook to an image of the "Uniquely American Solution" health care poster by artist Derek Gores. The response was amazing. Not only did we have a lot of people posting the Derek Gores piece as their avatar, many took one more step in making it their own by adapting the image. Read more...

SEIU Healthcare 775NW bring reform to CIGNA's front yard

Sep 15, 2009 - How do you make the insurance companies sit up and take notice? They've shown that they clearly have no qualms ignoring outcries over their practice of raising premiums to levels few can afford, or denying coverage for a wide variety of "pre-existing conditions." Read more...

Remember The Lunch Ladies?

Sep 15, 2009 - In a few weeks, the Child Nutrition Act is set to expire. Now is the time to get the word out. Today, we're releasing a new video that explains the Child Nutrition Act and why it's important - in a retro style that you might remember from your own days at school. Read more...

Anniversary Reminder: No Coercion in Majority Sign-up

Sep 15, 2009 - September 15th marks the second anniversary of New Hampshire's majority sign-up law, which allows public sector workers to form collective bargaining units by signing petitions rather than through an election process. Read more...

Crystal Lee Sutton, the real "Norma Rae," was a fighter to the end

Sep 14, 2009 - Our nation has lost a great hero and champion of working people. Crystal Lee Sutton was a courageous woman who stood up for herself and her coworkers under the most difficult circumstances. She was an inspiration to organizers in this union and beyond, particularly Southern women who went on to lead their own campaigns after learning from her example. It's well-known that Crystal's story was the inspiration for the academy award-winning 1979 film Norma Rae, but I wish more people knew the real story of Crystal Lee Sutton and her co-workers, and the strength and honor they showed as they fought to organize the textile giant JP Stevens. Read more...

Like Two Vitriolic Peas in a Pod: Glenn Beck and the US Chamber of Commerce

Sep 14, 2009 - Two of America's most favorite right-wing institutions will converge in East Lansing, Michigan at an event ironically titled the "Future Forum." FOX News' Glenn Beck and US Chamber of Commerce CEO Tom Donohue will both keynote an event hosted by the Michigan Chamber that is sure to tickle the free market fancies of those in attendance. Read more...

SEIU nurses stand strong with the President

Sep 14, 2009 - Following up on his address to Congress on Wednesday, President Obama spoke to a group of nurses gathered in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. The participating SEIU nurses, who came to DC on very short notice from all over the country, said they felt honored to represent SEIU at an event focused on such an important issue and thrilled to be involved in such an intimate gathering with the President. Read more...

Republican Senators Vetoed Insurance Protection for Domestic Violence Victims

Sep 14, 2009 - In DC and eight other states, health insurance companies can deny coverage to victims of domestic violence because they have a "pre-existing condition." While that statement alone is gasp-worthy, the story gets even more appalling: this issue had a chance to be ended - once and for all - in the Senate HELP Committee in 2006. Ten Republican Senators voted against it, including Senators Alexander, Burr, Ensign, Enzi, Frist, Gregg, Hatch, Isakson, Roberts and Sessions. Read more...

Religious leaders come together for health care reform

Sep 14, 2009 - September 12th was an ugly day in the nations capital. Tea party protestors spent the day hurling insults at the President and anyone else working to support the President's "socialist agenda." Read more...

Thanking John Sweeney for his years of service to workers

Sep 14, 2009 - Today, SEIU President Andy Stern thanked outgoing AFL-CIO president John Sweeney for his 50+ years of service to working families, and congratulated his successor, Richard Trumka. Read more...

Budget cuts coincide with "Back to School"

Sep 14, 2009 - Public school staff employees in LA and many other districts across California and across the U.S. are dealing with searing budget cuts, furlough days, crowded classrooms and worst of all, layoffs. In an LA Sentinel op-ed, SEIU Local 99's Executive Director Bill Lloyd considers the predicament of Bell High School night custodian Theresa Aguilar, who is facing a situation all too familiar to the thousand custodial, cafeteria, playground, and other essential classified positions were cut over the summer. Read more...

Watch LIVE: President Obama's speech on the financial crisis

Sep 14, 2009 - A year after the collapse at Lehman Brothers and the worldwide financial collapse, the President will speak from Wall Street's Federal Hall in New York about the government's role in moving the economy forward after the financial crisis that peaked one year ago, focusing on how to protect consumer's money by preventing another financial collapse. He is expected to speak on stricter regulations of the financial and banking industry. The livestream from the speech at Federal Hall begins at 12:10 p.m. ET and 9:10 a.m. PT. Read more...

Senator Harkin on Employee Free Choice: "It's personal to me"

Sep 14, 2009 - More than 300 activists from 15 states converged on Capitol Hill on September 10, 2009 to tell their elected leaders that workers need and deserve meaningful labor law reform. Senator Tom Harkin kicked off the lobby day at a morning press conference with a moving speech to the state delegations. Read more...

Watch: Andy Stern on "Fox News Sunday"

Sep 11, 2009 - Andy Stern was featured on Fox News Sunday, where host Chris Wallace named him a Fox Power Player for SEIU's leading role in health insurance reform. Chris Wallace interviewed Stern at SEIU International Headquarters. Check out pictures and videos from Wallace's visit to SEIU. Read more...

Citizenship push gears up as National Citizenship Day approaches

Sep 11, 2009 - With less than a week before National Citizenship Day on September 17--ya es hora Ā”Ciudadania! (Citizenship: It's Time!), national community partners and the National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC) announced that more than 25 citizenship events are being held across the country this month to help thousands of eligible immigrants apply for U.S. citizenship. Read more...

14 Year-Old Activist Gives up Birthday to Fight for Reform

Sep 11, 2009 - Here in New Hampshire, even our youngest activists are fighting for reform. Meet 14 year-old Doug Marino. Last Friday, at his request, Doug's father drove him 45 minutes from their house to Concord to phone bank for reform. Although he was only supposed to stay two hours, Doug asked to stay for the entire six hour phone bank. Read more...

SEIU Local 721 Launches

Sep 11, 2009 - SEIU Local 721 in southern California has launched a new website dedicated to exposing waste in government spending and improving the delivery of public services. The site is a part of the local's new Center for Public Accountability project, which also promotes protections for whistleblowers. Read more...

Domestic violence is a "pre-existing condition"?

Sep 11, 2009 - Insurance companies have used the excuse of "pre-existing conditions" to deny coverage to countless Americans. From cancer patients to the elderly suffering from arthritis, these organizations have padded their profit margins by limiting coverage to patients deemed "high risk" because of their medical condition. Words cannot describe the sheer inhumanity of this claim. Call on Congress to take action now. Read more...

SEIU Remembers September 11 Victims

Sep 11, 2009 - On Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, 61 SEIU members were killed. Eight years after this tragedy, we remember their lives as seen through the eyes of their friends, relatives, and co-workers. Read more...

Stop the lies: Set the record straight on immigrant access to healthcare

Sep 10, 2009 - Last night, during President Obama's speech, one Republican Congressman tried to turn a Joint Session of Congress into an August town hall meeting by calling the President a liar [Rep. Joe Wilson: "You Lie!"] Just like immigration reform, some Republicans will stop at nothing to poison the debate on health care. Read more...

Labor Day 2009, SEIU Local style

Sep 10, 2009 - Here's a compilation of a few of the many events and rallies SEIU members attended in Ohio, Michigan, Massachusetts, Illinois, Michigan, Montana and California this Labor Day to show their support for health reform and honor American workers. Read more...

Senate study blasts furloughs 'penny saved, a dollar lost'

Sep 10, 2009 - A new study by the California state Senate says that furloughs are "costing the state money and further hurting the economy" and Senate President pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg called for immediate passage of the SEIU Local 1000 contract contract bill, AB 88. Read more...

Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid?

Sep 10, 2009 - Each and every day, security officers go to work and put themselves on the frontline protecting the safety of others and the nation's key resources, and serve as first responders when needed. Yet despite their hard work to ensure the health and safety of others, they and their families might not be insured. Read more...

Andy Stern on the Ed Show: 'Let em' take a vote.'

Sep 10, 2009 - SEIU President Andy Stern appeared on MSNBC's The Ed Show last night to discuss health insurance reform and the politics in play in Washington. In the interview, Andy said, "In the end, it's time to take a vote. Leadership is just about making choices....The President says he wants a public option. The House is going to vote for a public option. Where are these Senators? Let em' take a vote." Read more...

Obama: This moment calls us to do great things

Sep 09, 2009 - With the President's speech just now, and the movement in Congress over the past 48 hours, it's clear we now have all the pieces in place to move on real health insurance reform. Let's go. We've talked about this for years, we've been debating it for months - now let's get it done. Read more...

Tomorrow: Employee Free Choice Lobby Day

Sep 09, 2009 - On Thursday, September 10th, a coalition of around 300 progressives from 15 states--including small business owners, faith leaders, farmers, students and veterans--will be in Washington, DC to lobby for major labor law reform. Read more...

New Energy vs. Old Energy: Some members of Congress may not be smarter than cavemen

Sep 09, 2009 - A new coalition unveiled yesterday called "Clean Energy Works" is calling out members of Congress who voted "no" on the American Clean Energy and Security Act. Clean Energy Works brings together environmental and religious organizations, business groups, grassroots activists, SEIU and other labor unions--63 groups in all--to push for legislative action on global warming this year and combat the attacks against climate action. Read more...

Tonight at 8 PM ET: Watch President Obama's Historic Healthcare Address to Congress

Sep 09, 2009 - The President will address to a joint session of Congress tonight at 8:00 p.m. (EST) and detail his proposal for a healthcare system overhaul. You don't want to miss this pivotal moment for healthcare, so be sure to tune in. Read more...

US Chamber of Commerce at the Root of Financial Crisis

Sep 09, 2009 - As Americans continue to face furloughs, layoffs, and dwindling savings, as millions find themselves unable to afford the homes that banks enticed them to buy with tricky mortgages, and as states and cities cut services as a result of declining tax revenue, CEOs and the US Chamber of Commerce remain unrepentant, unremorseful, and if they get their way, unregulated. Read more...

Massachusetts health workers urge legislative action to allow interim Senate appointment

Sep 09, 2009 - Amidst national dialogue on healthcare reform, healthcare workers from 1199SEIU sent a letter today to all Massachusetts legislators to honor the request of the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy to allow an interim appointment by the Governor to fill his seat in the U.S. Senate. The letter stresses that MA "must have two voices and two votes" in upcoming Congressional debates and is signed by 1199SEIU Executive VP Mike Fadel and Political Director Tim Foley on behalf of the 34,000 Massachusetts members of 1199SEIU. Read more...

Andy Stern participating in bipartisan healthcare forum w/ Senators Dole and Daschle; Walmart VP Leslie Datch

Sep 09, 2009 - Hours before President Obama gives a special address on healthcare to Congress, SEIU President Andy Stern will join Senators Bob Dole and Tom Daschle and Wal-Mart VP Leslie Datch in a bipartisan health care forum hosted by the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) and Better Health Care Together. Read more...

Academy Award Actors are against Canadian death panels & socialist medicine too

Sep 09, 2009 - Since the current health care system in this country is a joke, decided to have a little fun poking at the Republicans. In this witty video sent to us by the humor website, Academy Award nominee Thomas Haden Church stars as Gus Porter, a rugged, American mountain man who treks into Canada while hunting bear. Unfortunately for Gus, the bear strikes first. Alone and mauled in a foreign land, Gus must confront his beliefs about health care when rescued by those 'socialist' Canadians. Read more...

Andy Stern: Labor Can Play a Role in "Making Government Cool Again"

Sep 08, 2009 - In honor of Labor Day, a new website from the Ash Institute at Harvard's Kennedy School that highlights the best innovations from across the public sector published a column by SEIU President Andy Stern. In his piece, Stern shares his view on how those working in the public-sector can make a positive difference in promoting transparency and cost effectiveness. Read more...

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Reinvigorates Ad Campaign to Stomp out Consumer Protections

Sep 08, 2009 - As Congress returns from recess and gets back to work to pass legislation to bring access to quality, affordable healthcare to everyone, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is wasting no time working hard to hang onto the same reckless business practices that got us in this hot financial mess in the first place. The Chamber is launching a new $2 million ad campaign attacking the Consumer Financial Protection Agency. Read more...

Forward this Message

Sep 08, 2009 - This week we're stepping up the fight for the Employee Free Choice Act. Hundreds of people will meet with their Members of Congress, and we'll make thousands of calls to their offices to show the broad public support for the Employee Free Choice Act. But we need to bring in more people to help support out efforts. Read more...

Recent union contract victories benefit more than 12,500 workers

Sep 08, 2009 - Over the last week and a half, SEIU Locals in California, New York and Oregon have reached new or tentative contract agreements that will benefit nearly 13,000 workers. Locals and their bargaining teams worked hard to reach agreements that serve as victories for members by lessening the impact of budget cuts on their jobs and pocketbooks or increasing wages. Read more...

School Food Service Workers = Superheroes?

Sep 08, 2009 - In both the worlds of fiction and reality, "lunch ladies" (or as they're professionally known as, school food service workers) are taking a stand to create a better tomorrow. Read more...

Progress towards protecting American workers

Sep 08, 2009 - Labor Day is a time to reflect on the achievements of the American worker and our nation's commitment to helping all families pursue the American Dream--especially now that many are facing difficult times, as the result of the recession and the anti-worker agenda carried out by the previous administration. In a short period of time, President Obama and the 111th Congress have been working hard to undo many of the policies that have harmed our nation's workers; showing time and time again that they stand on the side of working families. Read more...

Share your Labor Day photos and video

Sep 08, 2009 - One hundred and twenty-seven years after the first Labor Day parade, we still take a day to honor America's workers. Did you attend a Labor Day celebration, march or rally with SEIU members or any of our coalition partners? We want to know! Use this form to upload your photos, audio and video capturing your Labor Day experience. Read more...

Change Your Pic for Health Care

Sep 08, 2009 - Late last week, a simple message began spreading like wildfire on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. It read: "No one should die because they cannot afford health care, and no one should go broke because they get sick." As a more lasting way to demonstrate your support of health insurance reform online, download our healthcare avatar and change your profile picture in support of health insurance reform. Read more...

President Obama's Labor Day Message

Sep 07, 2009 - As working Americans take the day off from work, attend healthcare send-off rallies or parades, and spend time with family and friends this Labor Day weekend, many of us will be thinking about the state of working America. In his prepared 2009 Labor Day message, President Obama explains his proposal to help ensure a lifetime of hard work leads to a comfortable retirement. Read more...

This Labor Day, Pledge to Bring Affordable Healthcare to Working Families

Sep 04, 2009 - This Labor Day, nothing is more critical to working families than seeing real progress on healthcare reform. Click here for a listing of events being held on Labor Day, Monday, September 7th. No one knows better than working families and healthcare providers the mounting cost of inaction--and the stakes just keep getting higher. Read more...

The week in review: Local's actions on health care

Sep 04, 2009 - With Labor Day just around the corner and only six days left of Congressional recess, locals across the country are gearing up for a busy weekend. But, amidst the upcoming Labor Day celebrations, SEIU members are still working hard for health care reform. Check out recent actions in Ohio, Maine, Rhode Island, Florida and California. Read more...

Surgical masks not enough to protect healthcare workers against H1N1 influenza virus

Sep 04, 2009 - SEIU has backed the first and only comprehensive, scientific review that offers guidelines to protect healthcare workers caring for patients with a suspected or confirmed case of the pandemic H1N1 influenza virus (Swine Flu). The union is calling on state and local Health Departments to adopt preventive measures to protect healthcare workers from H1N1. Read more...

SEIU 1021 to Senator Feinstein: Have a Heart for Health Care Reform

Sep 04, 2009 - Over 200 members of SEIU Local 1021 paid California Senator Dianne Feinstein a personal house call on Monday. While their message was strong--demanding that the Senator stand up and support real health care reform--they also came carrying hearts and roses to show their support for the Senator. Read more...

Honoring the Worker: What are you doing this Labor Day?

Sep 04, 2009 - On Labor Day, it's important not to forget the sacrifices of our brothers and sisters whose brave acts earned us the working rights we now possess. As Congressional recess comes to close, let's remind members of Congress just how many working families are still struggling to make ends meet under the strain of skyrocketing health care costs. Join events being held by SEIU and HCAN across the country on Monday, September 7th. Read more...

Happy Labor Day! Employee Free Choice Recess Round-up

Sep 03, 2009 - With Labor Day right around the corner, we wanted to catch you up on what SEIU and our allies have been up to over the last few weeks. From opposition groups confusing their Congressmen to new studies and reports from the states, keep reading for a full recess round-up on Employee Free Choice Read more...

Video: Healthcare workers send their message to Congress

Sep 03, 2009 - Doctors, nurses and other health care workers provide comfort and care to some of the sickest Americans, rarely able to leave their posts for any period of time because lives are at stake. As a result, their voices have been largely absent from the debate around health care reform. But, through the Scrubs campaign "Every Patient Matters," healthcare workers around the country have been able to send their message to Congress. Read more...

Vote Now: Greatest Hits of the August Recess

Sep 03, 2009 - Last month, members of Congress returned to their home districts to discuss health care reform with their constituents. Unfortunately, many of them were met by individuals intent of finding out why they supported socialized medicine, wanted to "pull the plug on grandma," and believed that we should ration care. Several members of Congress rose to the occasion, debunked the lies and ran their town hall meetings in a calm and collected manner. Check out some of our greatest healthcare town hall hits and then vote for your favorite. Read more...

US Chamber's Death-By-Waiting Strategy on Health Care

Sep 02, 2009 - The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has a clear strategy in the fight for heath care reform: delay, delay, delay. In a new ad released this week, the U.S. Chamber showed its true colors with the improbable claim that health insurance reform is moving "too fast." Read more...

"Scrubbing in" around the country

Sep 02, 2009 - During a town hall meeting on Monday, Senator Harry Reid showed his support for health care for all Americans by donning a scrub top from the Scrubs project. SEIU District 1199 also got in on the Scrubs action when the OFA bus tour rolled into Columbus, OH, as did medical students a Brown University in Providence, RI, who also joined the Scrubs campaign by writing their stories on scrub tops as well. Read more...

New report shows executive compensation at bailed-out banks is 40% higher than peers

Sep 02, 2009 - A new study out today from the Institute of Policy Studies shows the extent to which Wall Street's continued practice of paying out big figure bonuses to the architects of our economic collapse continues. The study found that the CEOs of the 20 financial firms that have received the largest bailouts were paid nearly 40 percent more last year than other CEOs--and the average CEO pay was 430 times larger than for the pay received by the average workers. Read more...

New Report: Young Workers Fall Behind, Blame Wall Street for Economy

Sep 02, 2009 - A new report from the AFL-CIO shows some stunning statistics about young workers. Read more...

San Francisco Home Care Workers Describe Lies, Coercion, and Fraud in Union Signature Drive

Sep 02, 2009 - San Francisco home care workers called for a hand-examination of each signed card submitted by Sal Rosselli and other ousted union officials seeking to decertify SEIU-UHW, saying they had been subjected to lies, coercion, and fraud. Read more...

Judge tentatively rules that state fund furloughs for 6,000 California workers are illegal

Sep 02, 2009 - Yesterday, a Superior Court judge issued a tentative ruling that State Compensation Insurance Fund employees are exempt from Governor Schwarzenegger's furloughs. The lawsuit affects over 6,000 clerical and professional SEIU Local 1000 workers who work for the fund, which provides worker's compensation insurance to employers. Read more...

The moral imperative of health care reform

Sep 01, 2009 - Last Saturday, I attended a large health care reform rally in Fargo, North Dakota. The rally was attended by over 800 people, and featured a rousing speech by former state Attorney General Heidi Heitkamp and music by the popular regional band Low. Read more...

Miami Beach Security Officer Loses His Job for Speaking Out About Forming a Union

Sep 01, 2009 - Security guards employed by Security Alliance in the Miami Beach area have been experiencing intimidation, scare tactics and harassment at the hands of their employer for exercising their rights to organize. And when one officer went on the record to express frustration over he and his coworkers' unsuccessful efforts to form a union in their workplace, his reward for having the courage to speak up was...losing his job. Read more...

Obama and DOL look out for workers' health and safety

Sep 01, 2009 - Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Labor formally made good on a promise to kill a proposal introduced by President Bush in his final days of administration that would have made it more difficult for the government to write new worker protection rules. OMB Watchreports that the controversial proposal was, essentially, "an attempt to regulate regulations" by creating an "additional mandatory step to an already complicated rulemaking process." Read more...

Labor Day 2009 Challenge: Wal-Mart Must Reflect America's Values

Sep 01, 2009 - With 1.4 million Americans working in its stores, Wal-Mart bears a unique responsibility to its workers and our communities--which is why as Labor Day approaches, SEIU is part of a coalition of labor, environmental, consumer protection, and community groups led by UFCW that are challenging Wal-Mart to start practicing common-sense core American values like workers' rights, corporate responsibility, equal opportunity, quality jobs and environmental stewardship. Read more...

Health Insurance Reform Bus rolls through Des Moines

Aug 31, 2009 - As the Organizing for America Health Insurance Reform Bus Tour rolled through Des Moines, they were greeted by a welcome sight: hundreds of Iowans with "Thank You" signs waiting to greet those driving the bus for health insurance reform. With around 500 people in attendance, including members of SEIU Local 199, our activists proved their dedication by showing up to support the cause. Read more...

Ad Campaign Explains "Eight Ways Reform Matters to You"

Aug 31, 2009 - The ad, "Eight Ways Reform Matters to You" is the second in a series supported by the American Medical Association (AMA), FamiliesUSA, the Federation of American Hospitals, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) and the SEIU. Read more...

In Case you Missed it: August 31st Round-up

Aug 31, 2009 - In case you missed from around the union on remembering Ted Kennedy, MassVOTE's new petition to change state law, demanding action on immigration reform, the FDIC's new rules to try to protect taxpayers from another economic calamity, setting the record straight on Glenn Beck's lies about Van Jones and buying union made. Read more...

Local 1199SEIU and 615 Members Remember Senator Kennedy

Aug 31, 2009 - Throughout his storied career, Sen. Kennedy stood with members of SEIU to fight for dignity and respect for working people everywhere. The Senator could always be counted on to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with 1199SEIU members in Massachusetts. As a testament to this, stories continue to pour in on the work the Senator championed alongside our members. Read more...

Google Map: Snapshot of Healthcare Events Across the Country

Aug 31, 2009 - Check out our Google Map snapshot of healthcare campaign events held all across the U.S. these past couple of months. Read more...

Video: Nurses Reflect on Senator Kennedy's Legacy

Aug 28, 2009 - On Wednesday, as the nation mourned the passing of Sen. Ted Kennedy, nurses from Local 1199 at Prince George's Hospital Center in Maryland took a moment out of their day to reflect on the Senator's legacy. The PGHC nurses expressed both their sadness over the Senator's death, but also the need to carry on his dream and renew our efforts in fighting for what Kennedy called the "cause of my life": healthcare reform. Read more...

Senator Grassley on Healthcare: A Study in Contradiction

Aug 28, 2009 - Iowa's senior senator Charles Grassley is rapidly becoming the Republican Party's chief obstructionist in the health care debate. The ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee is going on the offensive against President Obama and members of Congress who support comprehensive reform. In a conference call Tuesday, Senator Grassley told Iowa reporters, "I don't think it's going to be possible to work it out with the administration because they're all over the field - all over the ball park." Read more...

Bruce Raynor Debates Healthcare Public Option on CNN

Aug 28, 2009 - Last night, Workers United President Bruce Raynor appeared on CNN to debate the healthcare public option. "If we don't have a government option in the program, then we are not going to have an affordable program that will cover every man, woman, and child in this country," said Raynor. Read more...

LA Times: "Congress May Bolster School Lunch Nutrition"

Aug 28, 2009 - First Lady Michelle Obama's White House garden, says the LA Times, is giving nutrition advocates "increased hope that Congress would bolster the school lunch program" when "it takes up renewing the Child Nutrition Act." Read more...

SEIU Members in New Jersey Endorse Governor Corzine

Aug 28, 2009 - SEIU members in New Jersey today announced their strong support for Governor Jon Corzine as the clear choice for working families this fall. Members from SEIU New Jersey State Council, 1199SEIU, 32BJ, Local 518, Local 617 and the Committee of Interns and Residents (CIR) cited Governor Corzine's strong record of expanding healthcare for New Jersey families and his continued leadership to help families recover from the greatest crisis since the Great Depression as reasons for their support. Read more...

1199SEIU pays respect to Sen. Kennedy on his final motorcade trip through Boston

Aug 28, 2009 - Yesterday in Massachusetts, hundreds of tearful SEIU members in lined the streets of Boston clutching purple signs with a simple message: "Thank You Teddy." 1199SEIU joined other labor organizations and tens of thousands of grateful citizens who lined the route from Kennedy's home on Cape Cod to the JFK Presidential Library - saluting the Senator as he made one final trip through his beloved city of Boston. Read more...

Woman's Son Denied Coverage Because of Acne

Aug 27, 2009 - Yes, you read that right. Take a moment. Collect the pieces of your shattered brain. And let me repeat: This woman's son was denied health care coverage because her insurance company said his acne was a pre-existing condition. We need reform this year. It's time to wake up. Read more...

SEIU Locals & Change That Works in action on healthcare

Aug 27, 2009 - SEIU members around the country have spent the month of August meeting with their members of Congress and engaging in meaningful conversation about healthcare reform. Read about reform events held in Iowa, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oregon, Viriginia and Washington in just the last week. Read more...

RNC: If you can't convince them, confuse them

Aug 27, 2009 - This week, some registered Republican voters in Colorado received a survey from the RNC entitled "2009 Future of American Health Care." The authors of this survey, however, seem completely unconcerned with what Republican voters actually think about healthcare. Read more...

Across America: Rally for Health Insurance Reform

Aug 27, 2009 - The teabag protesters make a lot of noise - but they don't speak for the majority of Americans. And they certainly don't speak for the 47 million Americans who can't afford health care; or the millions more who are one paycheck away from losing it. Fixing health care is too important to let those Americans get lost in all this back-and-forth. Help us send congress back to Washington with a clear directive on health care reform. Join us at send-off rallies across the country. Read more...

Video of Senator Kennedy: "We are a Nation of Immigrants"

Aug 27, 2009 - For over 40 years, Senator Ted Kennedy was a tireless advocate and voice for immigrant rights. On April 10, 2006, Sen. Ted Kennedy joined 200,000 people on the National Mall in Washington, D.C for a rally supporting his plan for comprehensive immigration reform. Watch his speech to the crowd of 200,000 rally-goers here. Read more...

Rep. Moran Brings Dr. Dean to Dispel Health Reform Myths

Aug 27, 2009 - Earlier this week, Congressman Jim Moran hosted a town hall at South Lakes High School in Reston, VA with special guest, Dr. Howard Dean. The contentious town hall was a big target but Change that Works Virginia and pro-health care activists outnumbered the opposition by 2,000 persons! Volunteers and Change that Works team members filled the pro-health care question box that Rep. Moran had designated but unfortunately 85% of the questions were from the anti-reform box. Read more...

Signing Scrubs to Support Reform

Aug 26, 2009 - This weekend, Iowa saw a different kind of town hall forum. At the Macbride hall, on the University of Iowa campus, dozens of signed scrubs were displayed with messages of support for health insurance reform--and painful stories of hardship because of our current health care system. Signed by health care providers from the various University of Iowa hospitals and clinics, these messages are from people on the front lines: people who deal with sick patients and their families every day. Patients who, under our current system, do not get better, but worse. Read more...

Activist Speaks About Change that Works on Wake Up AMerica Radio Show

Aug 26, 2009 - Activist Judy Stadtman Tucker took to the radio waves this week to talk about her work with Change that Works, Health Care for America Now, and Organizing for America for the cause of health insurance reform for the radio show 'Wake Up AMerica.' Read more...

Boycotting Fox News' Glenn Beck

Aug 26, 2009 - Glenn Beck is doing his best to usher in a new era of fear mongering and histrionics every weeknight on his self-titled Fox News show--and it's up to us to push back. If you haven't already, join the call to hold Glenn Beck and Fox News accountable for Beck's race-baiting and hateful rhetoric. Read more...

Remembering Senator Kennedy

Aug 26, 2009 - Today we lost, to borrow the words of President Obama, "one of the most accomplished Americans ever to serve our democracy." The weeks ahead will still require our hard work and determination to see through his vision for health insurance reform. Today, though, I hope you'll take a moment to reflect on Senator Kennedy's legacy and share your thoughts on his remarkable career. Read more...

Making Kennedy's Vision for America a Reality

Aug 26, 2009 - For five decades, Senator Kennedy stood with working families to fight for our shared vision of America where every family has access to affordable healthcare, every worker has a paycheck that supports a family, and every child is guaranteed a brighter future. Let's continue to make Kennedy's vision for America a reality by taking action this year to pass healthcare reform. Read more...

Video: Danny Glover supports workers as Bemis strike continues

Aug 25, 2009 - Workers United members of Local 1426 in Terre Haute, Indiana recently rejected a contract offer by their employer and voted to continue to strike. Earlier this month, actor and activist Danny Glover traveled to Terre Haute to show his support for the workers who make the flexible food packaging you see on your grocery store's shelves. Read more...

The Hidden Healthcare Tax

Aug 25, 2009 - Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office has put up an online ticker showing the amount paid by America's businesses and workers to subsidize the uncompensated healthcare costs of the uninsured--a hidden healthcare tax paid directly to the insurance companies. Read more...

Congresswoman Maxine Waters Speaks Truth To Power

Aug 25, 2009 - Deep in the heart of south Los Angeles, Rep. Maxine Waters hosted a health care town hall at Southwest College. The well-attended town hall was packed to the gills well before its scheduled start time of 1 PM and the primarily pro- health care reform crowd consisted of SEIU members, Organizing for America activists and other concerned citizens and organizers. A festive atmosphere met the town hall attendees as they gathered in the warm breeze and signed pledge forms to support health care reform. Two orderly lines were formed by Rep. Waters Congressional staffers and each person signed in before they entered the Southwest College Town Center. Read more...

SEIU Locals 615 & 1199 Partner to Sign Scrubs

Aug 25, 2009 - Since the launch of "Every Patient Matters" campaign with the Partnership for Quality Care last week, numerous SEIU Locals with members working in health care facilities have already held scrub signing actions at health care facilities their members work at. Yesterday at Whidden Hospital, SEIU Local 615 and Local 1199 teamed up to sign scrubs. Read more...

SEIU's Andy Stern Named in Top Ten Most Powerful People in Healthcare

Aug 24, 2009 - SEIU President Andy Stern has been named in the top ten of Modern Healthcare's ranking of the 100 Most Powerful People in Healthcare, released today. It's an honor to make Modern Healthcare's listing of the 'Top 100' most influential "movers and shakers in healthcare"--and this year marks the fifth year in a row Stern has been named in the annual rankings. Read more...

President Obama commits to public option during national healthcare forum

Aug 24, 2009 - "I continue to support a public option; I think it is important," said President Obama during last week's national healthcare forum, which was viewed online by thousands of SEIU members and millions of concerned Americans from across the country. He described the public option as setting a benchmark for private insurers, who would then respond by shaping their own plans to be competitive. Read more...

"Back To School" Puts Focus on Healthy School Meals

Aug 24, 2009 - With young students and their parents fully in "Back To School" mode, local papers have started to swirl around the topic of school lunches and the Child Nutrition Act, which is set to expire at the end of September. Read more...

Every Patient Matters: Will You Share Your Story?

Aug 24, 2009 - SEIU, as part of the Partnership for Quality Care, is sending surgical scrubs to nurses and health care workers across the country. Read more...

1199SEIU gears up for Labor Day Carnival Parade

Aug 24, 2009 - The 1199SEIU Social Cultural Committee has been hard at work for months to prepare for Working Its Way to the Parkway--the annual Labor Day Parade on Eastern Parkway that showcases Caribbean cultural heritage in NYC and brings millions of participants... Read more...

Workers United wins settlement for failure to pay overtime

Aug 24, 2009 - San Jose, Calif.-based Cintas settled a lawsuit over wage-and-labor hour laws in order to avoid paying workers for overtime. Read more...

Recap: Positive press for pro-reform activists at President Obama's visit to Montana

Aug 21, 2009 - Last week, thanks to the support of hundreds of activists, the cause of health care reform was advanced across Montana thanks to the passionate protests reform's advocates. Read more...

MSNBC: SEIU's Anna Burger speaks on reform & the public option

Aug 21, 2009 - Today on MSNBC, reporter Andrea Mitchell spoke with SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger about health care reform--and why successful reform to contain health costs needs to include a public option. Hear what Anna has to say about moving reform forward in this country, and why co-ops are not a viable substitute for a public health plan option. Read more...

Health insurance premiums have increased 119% over the last decade

Aug 21, 2009 - With health spending projected to double if we don't enact real reform, middle and lower income families are at high risk of losing their health coverage--or facing an impending future of stagnant incomes. A new report by Commonwealth Fund determined health care rates could jump 94% in the coming decade if cost growth continues on its current course. Read more...

Update on Herta: Thank You and Next Steps

Aug 21, 2009 - I'm Herta Llushlo, and thank you - for all of the calls made and all the letters written to DHS and ICE on my behalf, I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I also want to give you an update on next steps. Read more...

Economy Causing More Kids to Enroll in School Meal Plans

Aug 21, 2009 - Record job losses and high unemployment will "push thousands more children into poverty," many for the first time. The change could amount to a record number of children in the United States that will rely on free and reduced-price meals at school. Read more...

140,000 people of faith attend healthcare call with President Obama

Aug 21, 2009 - With sponsorship by more than thirty religious denominations and organizations, an estimated 140,000 people of faith from across the country joined President Obama's healthcare call on Wednesday and committed to press Congress to finish work on health care reform when they return after Labor Day Recess. Read more...

Reminder: No coercion in majority sign-up

Aug 20, 2009 - EPI posted a recent study that shows literally no coercion in majority sign-up. You can read the survey here, but the graph says it all. So when the U.S. Chamber of Commerce tries its scare tactics, remember: it's corporations that coerce and intimidate workers who want to join unions. Anything else is just simply not true. Read more...

We Don't Need Fear, We Need Solutions

Aug 20, 2009 - Nebraskans: Let's stand up on August 25 and show that we're not afraid of change; that we're not afraid to guarantee a gentler world for our grandchildren, one that's free from the threat of devastating health costs. Read more...

Republican Admits We May Have 40 Million Uninsured

Aug 20, 2009 - Members of Change that Works Louisiana are on the stomp, throughout the state of Louisiana during this August recess, working to dispel the myths of health insurance reform and expressing their health care stories and concerns. President Obama set out to make the cause of health reform a truly bi-partisan issue. Unfortunately, despite the fact that Louisianans have tremendous health issues, the campaign for reform is split along party lines. In an effort to reach across the aisle and make sure that our Republican lawmakers also know our concerns about health care in Louisiana, the Change that Works team attended a health care townhall, hosted by Congressman Rodney Alexander. Read more...

Foundation Laid for Needed Immigration Reform

Aug 20, 2009 - Yesterday, joined by other labor, advocacy, faith and business leaders, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Executive Vice President Eliseo Medina met with Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano to lay the groundwork on immigration reform. Read more...

Supporters of health care reform rally in Massachusetts & Arizona

Aug 19, 2009 - SEIU members marched on the Massachusetts Republican Party this week, calling on the GOP to stop its campaign to kill healthcare reform. In Arizona, SEIU along with the NEA, the Teamsters and the UFCW helped turn out thousands of supporters of healthcare reform to a welcome rally and march in advance of President Obama's speech to veterans yesterday in Phoenix. Read more...

Update on Herta - and some good news

Aug 19, 2009 - Today, after days of activism by Senator Carl Levin, Representative Carolyn Kilpatrick and thousands of grassroots activists, Herta was granted and extension on her deportation to Albania until November 9, 2009. While this is certainly a step in the right direction, Herta will still have to report back to ICE on November 9th--and that's not good enough. Read more...

Massachusetts Mental Health Workers Vote to Join SEIU Local 509

Aug 19, 2009 - Mental health care workers at the Brien Center in western Massachusetts voted overwhelmingly on August 18 to unite together in SEIU Local 509. The local will now represent 350 workers throughout Berkshire County who provide outpatient services to 9,000 people with mental health challenges, including substance abuse and sexual abuse. Read more...

TODAY: Join the Call with President Obama

Aug 19, 2009 - I'm getting on a call with President Obama on Thursday, August 20 and I want you to join me. The President is holding a live health care reform strategy meeting at 2:30 pm EST. He'll lay out our strategy and message going forward, and he'll answer questions from SEIU members and supporters like you. Read more...

Final Push for Herta

Aug 19, 2009 - At this point, The Department of Homeland Security and ICE, have still not made a decision on Herta's application for deferred action. Today Herta will present herself to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) field office in Detroit - where she will learn if she stays or if she will be deported. Secretary Janet Napolitano, Assistant Secretary for ICE John Morton, and ICE field officer Vincent Clausen need to hear from you - right now. Read more...

Ending Support for Glenn Beck's Hate Speech on the Airwaves

Aug 18, 2009 - Yesterday, Wal-Mart and 7 other advertisers confirmed they were pulling their support from Glenn Beck's show. But while Wal-Mart may have pulled its ad dollars from the Glenn Beck Program, the retail giant still advertises on his parent station. We need to keep the pressure on Wal-Mart to commit to keeping the airwaves free from offensive hate-mongering. Read more...

Robin Holland: My Brain Tumor Won't Wait for Reform

Aug 18, 2009 - Robin Holland's story is sadly, not unusual. Diagnosed with brain cancer after a car accident in 1993, Robin had no health insurance at the time. She waited for 5 weeks, wrapped in bandages, while her doctor decided whether he would operate on her for free, and while she waited to be approved for Medicaid. Read more...

Striking Bemis Workers Want Respect

Aug 18, 2009 - What if your employer told you that in order to keep your health coverage you and your spouse must submit to invasive health screenings from your insurer? If you refused you'd lose the health coverage you've always counted on. That's the situation we're dealing with--will you take a stand with us? Tell our employer, Bemis, that workers aren't lab rats. Read more...

Herta's Bags Are Packed

Aug 18, 2009 - Tomorrow, 19 year-old Herta Llushlo will be removed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from the only place she knows as home and deported to Albania - her bags are already packed. You can make sure that doesn't happen. Can you write Secretary Napolitano in support of Herta Llushlo? Help renew the promise of the American Dream for Herta, so that together we can work renew the promise of the American Dream for everyone. Read more...

In case you missed it....August 17th round-up

Aug 17, 2009 - In union news this week...Hear both sides of the story surrounding the St. Louis health care town hall; read about SEIU's Anna Burger's speech at the Netroots Nation convention; help stop a Detroit college freshman's deportation; counter "death panel" noise with real facts about healthcare and tell Wal-Mart to end their financial support of Glenn Beck's televised hate. Read more...

Howard Dean, SEIU on the doors in PA

Aug 17, 2009 - The fight for health care is hotter than ever. With myths and lies entering the public conversation, it's time to bring in the big guns. Enter Howard Dean. In Aliquippa, PA this Saturday, Howard Dean and SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger joined with SEIU Healthcare PA to kick off a canvass for healthcare reform. Read more...

Be the first to know...Sign-up for mobile alerts from SEIU

Aug 17, 2009 - When our members require support at the workplace, the state capitol, or in the streets, we need immediate coordination--and being a part of our mobile alert list is a critical piece of our rapid response infrastructure. Text 'SEIU' to 787753 (PURPLE) right now, or sign-up online for SEIU's new mobile alerts program: Read more...

Judy Lanza, RN, Speaks out for Health Care Reform

Aug 17, 2009 - Judy Lanza, a labor and delivery nurse for 25 years, knows firsthand the damage that our current health care system has caused. Our system is so broken that even pregnant women are not guaranteed quality, affordable health care. Read more...

Grist Magazine: Let's (Re)do School Lunch

Aug 17, 2009 - Published today in Grist is a fantastic commentary by Kurt Michael Friese, a chef in Iowa City and a member of the board of directors for an organization called Slow Food USA. His article discusses how, in the last 50-75 years, we've moved from an "understanding of foods, of cooking, and of the pleasures of the kitchen" and replaced it with "the language of the drive-thru, the shopping mall, and the convenience store." Read more...

Does Bank of America's Ken Lewis Deserve a Bonus this Year?

Aug 17, 2009 - As Obama's pay czar Kenneth Feinberg is weighing how and whether to use his power of broad and "binding" authority over executive compensation, including the ability to "claw back" money already paid, we're hoping he takes into account the laundry list of reasons why Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis and other top banking executives don't deserve bonuses this year. We've laid out our "Top Ten" here. Read more...

Anna Burger addresses Netroots Nation

Aug 15, 2009 - SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger took the main stage at Netroots Nation to talk about what it's going to take to build a 21st century economy that works for all Americans. Joined by New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine and economist Dean Baker, the panel discussed the problems and opportunities we face as we find our place in a global, service-oriented economy. Read more...

Dr. L. Toni Lewis discusses town hall violence on MSNBC's "The Ed Show"

Aug 14, 2009 - Last week, Democratic Rep. Russ Carnahan's health care town hall in St. Louis, Missouri turned violent after conservative right-wing protesters clashed with pro-reform union workers. On MSNBC's "The Ed Show," Dr. L Toni Lewis, President of the Committee of Interns and Residents (CIR), discusses SEIU's ongoing efforts to keep the focus of town halls on the need for health care reform. Read more...

Meet Herta - DREAM Act student facing deportation

Aug 13, 2009 - You saw what we were able to do for immigrant students Walter Lara and Taha Mowla. Now, Herta needs our help - please use the click-to-call tool now to call DHS and ask them to defer Herta's deportation. Read more...

Death Panels? Cut Through the Lies About Health Care Reform

Aug 13, 2009 - There's been a lot of info flying around about health care reform from a lot of different sources. It's gotten so ridiculous, some people are even claiming that the President wants to create 'death panels' that would decide whether sick or elderly Americans live or die. Here's the truth about death panels: they're completely made-up. Read more...

As big banks' bonuses continue to flourish, consumer protections reform hangs in the balance

Aug 13, 2009 - USA Today dishes out a scathing critique of Wall Street's continued practice of paying out big figure bonuses to the architects of our economic collapse. Read more...

New Coalition Campaign, Ads to Debunk Anti-Reform Myths

Aug 13, 2009 - To help debunk the misinformation being spread about what health care reform actually means for Americans, a new coalition called Americans for Stable Quality Care--which includes the SEIU, American Medical Association (AMA), PhRMA, the Federation of American Hospitals and FamiliesUSA--will launch their first ad today as part of an August recess campaign for health care reform. Read more...

Calling all Internet Aficionados: Netroots Nation Kicks off

Aug 13, 2009 - The Netroots Nation convention kicks off today in Pittsburgh, PA, drawing together thousands of the country's best and brightest online organizers, political bloggers and progressive activists. See what panels SEIU and Workers United staffers are leading over the course of the weekend. Tune in to the live stream here. Read more...

Little Rock Healthcare Townhall

Aug 13, 2009 - Congressmen Mike Ross and Vic Snyder hosted a health care townhall at the Arkansas Children's Hospital last week. Change that Works Arkansas was there along with many passionate community members. Representatives Ross and Snyder explained many of the health care reform misconceptions. Read more...

Caregivers to Congress: Every Patient Matters

Aug 12, 2009 - Nurses, doctors, and other healthcare workers across the country have launched the Every Patient Matters campaign with the Partnership for Quality Care to ensure the voices of frontline caregivers and the stories of their patients are heard in the debate over healthcare reform. As part of the campaign, providers are partnering with their hospitals and healthcare facilities to sign surgical scrubs with stories and messages about why healthcare reform is needed. Read more...

A Lesson in Free Speech and the Law for Corporations

Aug 12, 2009 - This week we criticized a NAM adviser who defended corporate lawlessness on the pages of the Wall Street Journal. The adviser found virtually no fault with intimidating threats, and complained that corporations wouldn't be able to stop employees from joining unions without punishment. NAM responded to our criticism, raising the false specter of corporations "who express their opinions [being] punished for that expression." Read more...

Keeping town halls focused on healthcare reform details

Aug 11, 2009 - CIR/SEIU Healthcare President Dr. L Toni Lewis is live on the Ed Show on MSNBC to discuss the ongoing healthcare town halls--and why SEIU members are pledging to keep the focus on the need for reform. Read more...

August 11: International Day of Solidarity with Honduras

Aug 11, 2009 - To support the courage of the Honduran people living in limbo and fight back against attacks against democracy and human rights, hundreds of organizations throughout the U.S. and abroad have responded to the call that today be International Day of Solidarity with Honduras. Read more...

The Daily Show Takes on Teabaggers (Video)

Aug 11, 2009 - Leave it to John Stewart to bring a little clarity on the opponents of health care reform. Read more...

Why is the Chamber outsourcing American jobs?

Aug 11, 2009 - Last week, SEIU President Andy Stern called on U.S. Chamber President Tom Donohue to explain why his organization supports outsourcing of American jobs. "It's unconscionable that, at a time when most Americans are consumed with fear of losing their jobs, their healthcare and their homes, the nation's top advocate for corporate lobbyists is actively working to make those fears become reality," said Stern. Read more...

SEIU's Anna Burger (and Bill Clinton) to keynote at Netroots Nation

Aug 10, 2009 - We're pretty excited that SEIU Secretary-Treasurer and Change to Win chair Anna Burger is set to keynote at the fourth annual Netroots Nation conference (formerly known as the YearlyKos Convention) this weekend in Pittsburgh, PA. Read more...

Around the union: Quick hits

Aug 10, 2009 - In union news this week...disability service workers at NY's Ulster-Greene ARC vote to join a union, SEIU hosts a conference call with HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and 32BJ launches the first-ever Green Buildings Initiative to train building superintendents in energy efficiency, plus much more. Read more...

The Vanguard of an American Clean Energy Revolution

Aug 10, 2009 - The benefits of green buildings cannot be overstated--and one of the most cost-effective ways to "green" a building is to ensure that it has a knowledgeable and well-trained workforce. SEIU 32BJ's Training Fund has developed the first-ever Green Buildings Initiative to train building superintendents in the latest, state-of-the-art, best practices in energy efficiency. Read more...

Shock: Corporate Advocates Who Break the Law Don't Want to Be Punished

Aug 10, 2009 - Corporate groups are expanding their attack on working people and the Employee Free Choice Act. The latest volley? Defending the status quo of ineffective penalties for when corporations break the law. Yeah, they went there. In a WSJ editorial, NAM adviser John Irving advocates for the current toothless system that allows corporations to get off scot-free when they break the law. Read more...

Violent tactics at last night's St. Louis town hall meeting

Aug 07, 2009 - Last night, the Teabaggers' violent tactics broke and dislocated the shoulder of the Reverend during the health care town hall in St. Louis. The Reverend, a St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter, and others who attended in hopes of a peaceful dialogue about our nation's healthcare crisis, endured the latest attempt by right-wing fringe groups to hijack the democratic process through violence if necessary. Read more...

Stop the violence at health care town halls

Aug 07, 2009 - Last night in St. Louis, Missouri, a reverend and staff member of SEIU was assaulted at a town hall. The incident, along with a town hall in Tampa, Florida, has been all over the radio and cable news shows. GOP operatives are rushing to paint it as SEIU "thug" violence. That couldn't be further from the truth. Read more...

@SEIU Twitter following surpasses 2,000

Aug 07, 2009 - In the wild and wonderful world of Twitter, the Twitter following of SEIU recently surpassed 2,000--in fact, as of today we're up to nearly 2,300! Thanks to all of the friends and progressive organizations who've "followed" us along the way and inspired us with their work, engaged us in conversation and helped us get our message out via retweet on Employee Free Choice, health care reform, corporate accountability and much more. Read more...

Change that Works Spreads the Message for urgent healthcare reform

Aug 07, 2009 - SEIU members and activists continue to stand tall to ensure healthcare reform happens this year. As members of the U.S. House and Senate turn their sights from committee hearings and floor votes to barbecues and luncheons back home, SEIU's Change That Works team is planning hundreds of events to ensure elected leaders don't forget the promises they made on the campaign trail. Read more...

Your Guide to Corporate Astroturfing: Lobbyist-Run Groups Orchestrating...

Aug 07, 2009 - For several days now, radical-fringe right-wing opponents bent on blocking any reform legislation have disrupted town hall meetings conducted by members of Congress. Conservative lobbyist-run groups FreedomWorks, Conservatives for Patients' Rights, Americans for Prosperity, Club for Growth and Americans for Tax Reform are leading the way orchestrating these town hall mobs. Read more...

A more perfect union: Senate confirms Sotomayor for Supreme Court

Aug 06, 2009 - What a unifying moment for so many in our country today, as the U.S. Senate voted 68-31 to confirm Sonia Sotomayor as the nation's 111th Supreme Court justice. She will be the Court's third woman and its first ever Latina. Read more...

Friday: Talk with HHS Secretary Sebelius

Aug 06, 2009 - This Friday, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is hosting a call with health care activists and SEIU members to discuss what needs to happen in order to win health care reform, and to directly respond to accusations and distortions from opponents. Read more...

New Hampshire Tea Partiers Keep it Classy

Aug 05, 2009 - Attacking a staffer? Harassing a pregnant woman? All in a day's work for the opposition to health care reform. Hey Tea Party, it's called activism, not intimidation. As we say on the internets, "Ure doing it wrong." Read more...

Standing up for Justice - Rally in Support of Judge Sotomayor

Aug 05, 2009 - On the eve of an expected final vote to confirm Sonia Sotomayor, hundreds of the judge's supporters, SEIU members and partners within the progressive community gathered at Upper Senate Park on Capitol Hill to call for the confirmation of Judge Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. Read more...

Local Paper: "Lunch Ladies Go To D.C."

Aug 05, 2009 - The SouthtownStar, a local newspaper in Chicago, has an excellent article about our "lobby day" from a few weeks back, where we told our members of Congress that an improved Child Nutrition Act is needed to ensure that millions of children get the type of food that they need. Read more...

CA State Budget: Kindergarten Cop turns on kids

Aug 05, 2009 - Gov. Schwarzenegger signed the state budget into law last week, but not before chopping another half billion dollars from services for women, children, the sick and the elderly - services that just days before he'd agreed not to cut any further. Read more...

Bank of America's One Percent Solution

Aug 05, 2009 - On Monday, the SEC slapped Bank of America with a $33 million fine for misleading investors on plans to award multi-billion dollar bonuses to Merrill Lynch executives during BofA's purchase of the failed bank. Read more...

Wall Street: Contracts for Me, Not for Thee

Aug 05, 2009 - Citigroup - recipient of $45 billion in bailout funds - apparently isn't feeling the economic crunch. In fact, it's considering paying a $100 million bonus to one of its employees, protesting that it can't tear up a contract. Tell that to California state employees. SEIU's Stephen Lerner compares the two vastly different situations in a segment on CNBC. Read more...

Own a piece of the movement

Aug 04, 2009 - SEIU has partnered with Florida-based artist Derek Gores to create an original piece of art for those closest to the movement to fix health care. Using words, photographs, and symbols of our movement as inspiration, Mr. Gores has captured this unique moment in our nation's history. Read more...

Unrestricted Executive Compensation Exists in Wall Street's "Bizarro World"

Aug 04, 2009 - Late Friday afternoon, SEIU's Stephen Lerner debated the new executive compensation regulations approved by the House of Representatives on CNBC. Lerner argued that the insatiable desire for limitless pay and bonuses amounted to a Wall Street "Bizarro World." Read more...

Pushing Back on Right-Wing Lies on Reform

Aug 04, 2009 - A video surfaced from an SEIU/CAP event in 2007 featuring Obama discussing how health insurance could transition away from primarily "employer coverage." Cut to Drudge & Fox Nation announcing an "uncovered video" where Obama "Explains How His Health Care Plan Will 'Eliminate' Private Insurance." When all else fails (i.e. the facts), the right-wing always resorts to what it knows best. Read more...

Childhood Obesity Rates Triple

Aug 04, 2009 - Childhood obesity rates in the United States have tripled,according to a new study by the Academic Pediatrics journal. Using data collected by the National Health and Nutrition Survey, researchers looked at 12,384 children aged from 2 to 19 years, and were able to conclude that found that 3.8 percent of the children within the sample meet the criteria for "severe obesity." Read more...

95,000 CA state workers vote to strike if necessary

Aug 04, 2009 - By a 74 percent margin, SEIU Local 1000 state workers in California voted to step up pressure on Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to ensure that the contract signed with the governor's representatives this past February is ratified. Read more...

Financial Wolves: Private Equity and the Banks

Aug 04, 2009 - Private equity firms are some of the most secretive, unregulated financial firms - and they want to buy up failed banks with taxpayers' money while keeping most of the profits for themselves. SEIU President Andy Stern wrote about these firms' plans on the opinion pages of the Wall Street Journal this morning. Read more...

Hundreds of workers striking Bemis Plant for being treated like lab rats

Aug 03, 2009 - More than 700 Local 1426 workers of Workers United in Indiana continue to be on strike against Bemis for its proposal to subject workers to invasive medical testing to keep their health insurance coverage. Read more...

Women Stand Up for the Employee Free Choice Act

Aug 03, 2009 - Following the announcement last month from over a dozen national women's organizations in support of the Employee Free Choice Act, women across the country are standing up for the legislation. Women want to see our labor laws updated so that workers can freely and fairly form their own organization and their rights are protected. Read more...

The Penthouse View vs. Main Street Reality

Jul 31, 2009 - Congress took a step towards cracking down on corporate and big bank CEO pay today, as the House passed the Corporate and Financial Institution Compensation Fairness Act of 2009 by a 237-to-185 vote. The House passage of the bill is an important step to correct the enormous disparity between those at the top and regular working Americans, but much more needs to be done to help Main Street recover. Read more...

Republican Misinformation about Health Care

Jul 31, 2009 - As the House leaves for August recess, the Republican party is pulling out all stops as they misinform the public about the true cost of health care reform. With H.R. 3200, America's Affordable Health Choices Act--which should be exempt from the usual political machinations-- the health and welfare of Hoosiers and folks throughout the country is at stake. Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana continues to spread false information about the cost of the bill. In an interview on MSNBC, Rep. Pence incorrectly states that the health reform bill would result in one trillion dollars in new taxes. Even the news anchor knows something is wrong with Pence's calculations. Read more...

Wal-Mart wants to stop others from using anything that's round

Jul 31, 2009 - Wal-Mart has a longtime record of harassing and intimidating workers who have called for union representation; the giant corporation has even gone so far as to shut down stores where workers voted for a voice on the job. It's bad enough Wal-Mart fights workers' efforts to they're trying to stifle freedom of speech too? Read more...

Educating on the Employee Free Choice Act

Jul 31, 2009 - Paul Begala has an incredibly powerful and persuasive op-ed in Politicotoday making the case for the Employee Free Choice Act. After introducing nightmare hypothetical scenarios of workers getting fired for trying to organize, Begala pulls back the curtain and reveals the stories are about real workers who were fighting for better jobs. Read more...

Bank of America to Close 10% of its Branches?

Jul 31, 2009 - If reports that BofA intends to close 10% of the bank's branches are true, that means the jobs of up to 5,000 bank employees at hundreds of BofA branches are at risk. If you are a BofA employee, we need you to add your initials to our letter to Ken Lewis. Read more...

Lifestyles of the Rich and Bailed Out

Jul 30, 2009 - It appears that big bonuses are back on Wall rather, maybe they never really left. The WSJ reported last week that "Executives and other highly compensated employees now receive more than one-third of all pay in the US." Which begs the question: Are wealthy Americans truly turning back to pre-crisis habits, even as most of the country remains in deep economic stress? Read more...

Heritage Phones It In, We Tweet the Truth

Jul 30, 2009 - The Heritage Foundation responded yesterday to our campaign exposing the Lewin Group's conflict of interest on health insurance reform by saying, um, the blog version of NUH UHHH! What Heritage declines to address is the very point of our campaign - the fact that in 2007, the Lewin Group was purchased by UnitedHealth - a health insurance company with a track record of breaking the law and defrauding customers. Read more...

Change That Works demands reform from elected officials: August Congressional recess events

Jul 30, 2009 - As members of the U.S. House and Senate turn their sights from committee hearings and floor votes in D.C., to barbecues and luncheons back home, SEIU's Change That Works team is ready to ensure they don't forget the promises they made on the campaign trail to fix our broken healthcare system and support hardworking families. Read more...

Video: 18,836 people tell Congress, "We support majority sign-up"

Jul 30, 2009 - Yesterday we delivered a petition in support of majority sign-up and the Employee Free Choice Act to the Senate. A grand total of 18,836 people signed our petition in just a week! That's really amazing. Watch this video of SEIU members delivering the petition to the Senate yesterday. Read more...

Faith Coalition highlighted for work on healthcare reform

Jul 29, 2009 - In case you missed it, the Washington Post recently highlighted the Believe Together Coalition, a coalition SEIU helped form with a multitude of faith groups earlier this year. The Post writes that "the group originally grew out of frustration that conservative Christian groups were dominating the national faith conversation on social issues. The coalition is speaking out on such issues as healthcare reform and comprehensive immigration reform." Read more...

Do you think they're getting the message?

Jul 29, 2009 - Attacking Reform with Insurance Company-Owned Research? So far hundreds of you have watched this video and used Twitter to call out the people trying to pass off the Lewin Group as "independent." I just took a screen shot of all the @replies to Senator Grassley's Twitter feed - take a look... Read more...

Pet owners forced to choose between feeding their pets or families

Jul 29, 2009 - Pat Bryan, Ventura County Steward and Animal Control Officer knows first-hand the impact of job loss, foreclosures and a weak economy. The animal kennels in his California region are filled to capacity, and shelter officials say they are seeing more and more pets being brought in by their owners because they can't afford to care for their pets, or they have lost their homes and have to move to apartments or mobile homes that don't allow dogs or cats. Read more...

Lewin Group FAIL

Jul 29, 2009 - Imagine you're an insurance company making billions of dollars by charging people tons of money for health care. Now, imagine there's a reform bill in Congress that could end your stranglehold on the market, forcing you to lower your prices and improve your services. Read more...

Hey Big Banks: Want some better ways to spend that $74 billion?

Jul 29, 2009 - According to the Washington Post, the top six U.S. banks set aside $74 billion in 2009 for bonuses and other compensation--up $14 billion from last year alone. In response, SEIU released its own "Top 5 Ways We'd Spend The $74 Billion." Included in the list were: covering the budget shortfalls of 16 states, including California; paying one year's worth of mortgage for over 6 million families, and giving over $5,000 to every single American that's currently unemployed. Read more...

Alliance for Worker Freedom kicks out workers

Jul 28, 2009 - Today, several workers went to Capitol Hill to attend a panel discussion about the Employee Free Choice Act sponsored by the Alliance for Worker Freedom. Much to their dismay, the workers were escorted out of the event after its organizers complained to the Capitol Police. Read more...

Montana Small Town Business Owner Speaks Out Against U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Jul 28, 2009 - In Chester, pop. 730, on the broad northern grasslands of the Montana Hi-Line, local business owner and Chamber of Commerce member Margaret Novak says she's ready to speak out for health care and labor law reform. "The middle class is stuck footing the bill without the means to pay it," Novak said. "Any economist will tell you that you need a strong middle class to make the economy work." Novak and her husband, Mike, own Mike's Thriftway, a supermarket and gas station along U.S. Highway 2 at the edge of town. The two have more than two dozen employees and offer health insurance and family-friendly scheduling to employees. Read more...

Health Care: Cheaper in India

Jul 28, 2009 - When Karlyn Zimbelman, a farmer's wife from the tiny Montana town of Conrad, found out she needed hip-replacement surgery, she looked into the cost of the operation -- about $40,000. For years, Karlyn and her husband have saved money but cutting out health insurance. The cost would sink their small farm. So, Karlyn did some research. She read in AARP's magazine about a medical tourist who got major surgery in India. The news story described great care at a reasonable price. Read more...

Meet Leslie Williams, a School Food Service Worker

Jul 28, 2009 - Leslie Williams, a school food service worker, has been at the job for 20 years. When she talks about her job, she lovingly refers to the children as "her babies." They rely on her to take care of them and cook them a wholesome meal during lunch. Sometimes, it's the only hot meal that they get that day. Read more...

Why call Congress for healthcare reform?

Jul 28, 2009 - Still looking for more reasons why you should tell your representative we need to pass health reform now? Here's one:

  • Because those of us with insurance have seem our premiums rise three times faster than wages
  • .

    Calling on Congress to Fix Health Care - Have You Sent Your Message?

    Jul 28, 2009 - If you're one of the 98% of Americans who make less than $250,000 every year, you stand to save a lot of money through the health care reform bill in Congress. Click here to tell Congress it's time everyone - even millionaires - did their part to fix health care. Read more...

    As Gov. Rell refuses to raise taxes on corporations....her approval rating plummets

    Jul 28, 2009 - A new poll for CT Gov. M. Jodi Rell shows her approval rating has dropped to her lowest level ever, amid a severe economic downturn and months of criticism and ad campaigns from SEBAC, a coalition that represents Connecticut State public service workers. Read more...

    Court slaps former SEIU-UHW officials with preliminary injunction

    Jul 28, 2009 - A U.S. District Court judge for the Northern District of California last night granted SEIU-UHW members a preliminary injunction against the local union's former officers (including former president Sal Rosselli) and agents, finding that they "filched" and "sabotaged" files, records, and union property as part of their plan to form a new union. Read more...

    CA budget outcome declares its winners: Corporations. The losers: Everyone Else.

    Jul 27, 2009 - Even though the new California state budget approved by legislators on Friday puts an end to the endless "debate" that's been causing debilitating migraines even in those who don't suffer them, the pain is far from over. Governor Schwarzenegger and lawmakers proved they're no 'girlie-men' with California's budget cuts by taking healthcare from the sick and frail and every kind of care from the elderly; by closing schools so kids have nowhere to learn, and after-school programs so they have nowhere else to go. Read more...

    First-ever national union contract for security officers

    Jul 27, 2009 - On Saturday, 2,000 security officers who guard Kaiser Permanente facilities in five states ratified a three-year contract with security contractor Securitas that includes family healthcare and a 40-cent per hour wage increase each year of the contract. The victory by officers at Kaiser holds historic national significance--it is the first-ever national contract for private security officers. Read more...

    Health Care Supporters Take Over Tea Party in "Red Tennessee"

    Jul 27, 2009 - With less than 24 hours notice, Change That Works Tennessee and its coalition partners staged a massive counter-demonstration at a Tea Party in front of Rep. Bart Gordon's office in Rutherford County. Our action, turned the Tea Party into a health care reform party. Read more...

    Taha will not be deported!

    Jul 24, 2009 - Thanks to 24 hours of your calls and faxes, the Department of Homeland Security has done the right thing and deferred action on Taha's deportation. Read more...

    Attacking Reform with Insurance Company-Owned Research?

    Jul 24, 2009 - This week, the Washington Post revealed that the Lewin Group -- a firm commonly cited by Republican lawmakers as an independent and nonpartisan think tank -- is owned by a health insurance company--and a badly behaving one, at that. Playing politics with health reform is simply unacceptable - and using insurance company-provided "statistics" to do it is just plain wrong. Read more...

    'Slowing' the decline in living standards for low-wage workers is not enough

    Jul 24, 2009 - Today's increase means a full-time minimum wage earner will receive $28 more a week. This raise is badly needed. It is also categorically insufficient. While our nation's plunge into recession has forced many working families to tighten their belts, low-wage workers have fared even worse. Read more...

    17,000 tell Congress: We support majority sign-up and the Employee Free Choice Act

    Jul 24, 2009 - In response to New York Times reports that Senate Democrats were dropping the "majority sign-up" provision of the Employee Free Choice Act, over 17,000 people signed petitions for Congress showing their support of the provision. The petitions will be hand-delivered to Congressional offices next week by SEIU members. Read more...

    Tell the Democrat-Gazette that Employee Free Choice is not Nazism

    Jul 24, 2009 - This week, Arkansas' biggest paper, the Democrat-Gazette, made an outrageous and unbelievable statement, "unequivocally" equating the Employee Free Choice Act to....Nazis. The paper's statement is offensive on so many levels that it is difficult to know if it should even be dignified with a response. However, we believe such an outrageous claim demands a strong rebuttal. Read more...

    Vacation or health care?

    Jul 24, 2009 - What would you choose - taking a vacation or fixing health care? Some Members of Congress want three weeks of vacation before they tackle health care reform. But there is a real human cost for going on vacation...and we don't think fixing health care can wait. Do you? Read more...

    Meet Taha - a DREAM Act Student who is facing deportation

    Jul 24, 2009 - SEIU is teaming up with to help stop the deportation of another Dream Act student, Taha. On July 29, 2009, Taha will be deported to Bangladesh - a country that he has no memory of or connection to. Read more...

    July 24th: Minimum wage inches up to $7.25/hour

    Jul 23, 2009 - Starting tomorrow, the Federal minimum wage is increasing from $6.55 to $7.25 per hour, the last part of the 2007 minimum wage legislation passed by Congress. Read more...

    Obama: "This [healthcare] debate is not a game; [Americans] are counting on us to get this done"

    Jul 23, 2009 - Last night, President Obama urged members of Congress to come to the aid of the millions of Americans who "are being clobbered by health care costs." In a statement, SEIU President Andy Stern said, "Too many people, like [home care... Read more...

    Rescue 911: Middle Class in Crisis

    Jul 23, 2009 - That's why we're hitting the road for 11 days in an ambulance to save Montana's middle class with our Emergency Drive. We'll be touring 22 towns, including rural areas, to connect with local Montanans about two important issues: affordable heath care and labor law reform. Our system is failing, and we need rescue now. Read more...

    The clock is ticking for consumer protections

    Jul 23, 2009 - Congress is reportedly delaying action on President Obama's consumer protection reforms. Why? Because the U.S. Chamber and big bank lobbyists complained for a delay. Click here to fax your Representatives and tell them the U.S. Chamber and big banks shouldn't set the agenda on financial reform. Read more...

    Goal: 15,000 people for Majority Signup and the Employee Free Choice Act

    Jul 23, 2009 - Since Andy Stern kicked off our campaign this week, more than 10,000 people signed our petition in support of majority signup - but we still need to hear from you. Next week SEIU members will deliver our petition to the senators working on the Employee Free Choice Act. We want at least 15,000 people to show support for majority signup before we go to Congress. Read more...

    Do corporate front groups think the Employee Free Choice Act is similar to Nazis?

    Jul 23, 2009 - With the fight for the Employee Free Choice Act still going and going, it was bound to break Godwin's Law: yesterday the Arkansas Democrat Gazette editorial board "unequivocally" equated the Employee Free Choice Act to.... Nazis. Read more...

    13,000 Missouri home care attendants vote union YES!

    Jul 22, 2009 - It's not often we get to bring you news of workers organizing to have a voice at work on such a large scale -- but today is one of those days! 13,00 home care attendants in Missouri's consumer directed home care program have voted to join the Missouri Home Care Union. Read more...

    Obama on primetime to urge action, not politics, on healthcare

    Jul 22, 2009 - For millions of Americans, real hope for changing the status quo of the 46 million Americans who don't have health insurance or can't afford the plan they have now is closer than ever. Tonight at 8:00 p.m. ET, President Obama is holding a primetime news conference on health care. He's going to lay it all out there: where we are, where we're going, and why health insurance reform matters. Read more...

    US Senator Gillibrand: Increase Reimbursement Rate for School Lunches

    Jul 22, 2009 - Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, is using her clout to back legislation to make school lunches healthier. Among her ideas is to increase the federal reimbursement rate for the National School Lunch Program, which currently stands at $2.68 for a free lunch. Read more...

    Ad check: U.S. Chamber of Commerce pushes phony numbers in new offensive against health care reform

    Jul 22, 2009 - The Chamber of Commerce continues their "Just Say No!" strategy against health care reform with a new ad this week that flaunts a series of misleading numbers to make the case (or rather, their lack thereof) against legislation that will guarantee Americans access to quality, affordable healthcare. Here are the real facts on how small businesses and taxpayers would actually be affected by the latest proposals for fixing our broken system. Read more...

    GRITtv Live Now: Bank of America workers on Bank of America

    Jul 22, 2009 - Watch this live broadcast now of Bank of America workers and SEIU's Stephen Lerner on GRITtv discussing how the bank's practices hurt consumers, employees, and our economy. Read more...

    SEIU members & healthcare allies get serious about reform in Illinois

    Jul 22, 2009 - Last week, elected officials left Springfield without doing their job--again. So SEIU Healthcare Indiana and Illinois took their fight to protect home and childcare workers from budget cuts to the scene of the crime. Read more...

    Bank of America Takes Billions of Bailout Money, Only to Cut Lending for Struggling Small Businesses

    Jul 22, 2009 - A new report released by SEIU today shows that Bank of America has cut small business loans - despite taking billions in taxpayer-funded bailouts meant to stimulate the economy. Instead of lending money to small businesses through SBA loans, BofA appears to be moving its small business clients to higher-interest credit card loans. Read more...

    California budget deal missing actual solution

    Jul 21, 2009 - In spite of the fact that months of debate between CA lawmakers on how to resolve the state's $26 billion budget deficit may be finally coming to an end, there can be no cause for celebration when the 'solution' does not reflect the priorities of a vast majority of California voters. Read more...

    Big banks and the Chamber do their best to stop economic recovery--AGAIN

    Jul 21, 2009 - Today, reports hit saying Congress is delaying action on the Consumer Financial Protection Agency after a series of lobbying efforts and a letter from the U.S. Chamber and big banks. When it comes to fixing our economy, Congress must not buckle under the pressure of the U.S. Chamber and big banks. Read more...

    The verdict is IN: 75% of Americans support majority signup as part of Employee Free Choice

    Jul 21, 2009 - Majority signup is based on a simple idea: if a majority of workers say they want a union, they should get a union. And the public agrees: three-quarters (75%) of adults favor allowing workers to have a union once a majority of the employees in a workplace sign authorization cards indicating that they want to form a union, including 44% who strongly support the idea. Read more...

    TODAY: Dr. Dean's Emergency Call with Nurses and Doctors

    Jul 21, 2009 - Health care legislation passed huge hurdles in the House and Senate last week, but threats to this legislation appear to be growing with each day. Because of this, Dr. Howard Dean has issued an emergency conference call on Wednesday, July 22 with nurses and doctors to discuss elements of the House and Senate bills, and how they will impact health care professionals. Read more...

    Al Franken raises the SEIU roof

    Jul 21, 2009 - Al Franken, like many ex-performers, knows when to arrive at stage right at the critical moment of a new play. Six months into the new Obama administration as we now get ready to pass for the first time in 223 years, a healthcare bill and in the coming months, the Employee Free Choice Act, Sen. Al Franken's presence and strong leadership in the Senate couldn't have come at a better time. Read more...

    Tell Congress: We support Majority Signup and the Employee Free Choice Act

    Jul 21, 2009 - I wanted to write you about the recent news about the Employee Free Choice Act. The New York Times reported on Friday that the Senate is considering dropping majority signup from the Employee Free Choice Act. I created a petition to Congress for you to show support for majority signup. Can you please add you name? Read more...

    California state workers will vote to strike; protest Governor Schwarzenegger

    Jul 20, 2009 - As the governor and legislators continue to battle over the budget in California, leaders of SEIU Local 1000 have issued a strike authorization vote to the union's 95,000 members beginning today, July 20. SEIU Local 1000 President Yvonne Walker sent a letter to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger last week , declaring the union "will fight" his latest proposal to pile on a fourth furloughed work day for more than 230,000 state workers. Read more...

    Demint's Slip-Up

    Jul 20, 2009 - Republicans have pledged to be working in good faith with Democrats, despite their nonstop battering ram of rhetoric (re: "socialized medicine," "rationing of care" and blaming Canada), and have left the dirty work of killing health care to pundits and Fox News anchors. But now, there's been a slip-up. And not just by any Republican - but by a very prominent Republican leader... Read more...

    Defense of the status quo is not acceptable

    Jul 20, 2009 - SEIU Local 21LA member Eula Williams thinks back on her younger years and remembers when her family was forced to use homemade 'remedies' including "fatback" and "cod oil" because they couldn't afford traditional medicines for ailments such as a sore throat or pneumonia. "I know what it is like to be without healthcare," said Williams, explaining why she didn't hesitate to come to Washington, DC to promote healthcare reform as a Grassroots Lobbyist for SEIU earlier this summer. Read more...

    Questioning millionaire compensation: Doctors put the Bronx's St. Barnabas Hospital under the microscope

    Jul 20, 2009 - "With so much of our economy in flux, now more than ever, the people of New York need to be reassured that the institutions we rely on are worthy of the trust that we put into them," said Dr. L. Toni Lewis, president of the Committee of Interns and Residents. Visit Read more...

    If you're one of millions of Americans without adequate coverage, this bill is for you

    Jul 17, 2009 - Yesterday on Capitol Hill, SEIU Healthcare 775NW member and Montana home care worker Pat DeJong stood alongside Senators Dodd, Mikulski, and Harkin to celebrate the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee's passage of healthcare reform bill, the first of the Congressional panels to approve the health legislation. Read more...

    Momentum keeps building for Health Care Reform

    Jul 17, 2009 - Not a single workday passed this week without major health care news spilling onto cable news networks, blogs and newspapers. Read more...

    Senator Bingaman gets a health care check-up

    Jul 17, 2009 - On Wednesday as Senator Jeff Bingaman joined his colleagues on the Senate HELP Committee to vote for sending a comprehensive health care bill to the Senate Floor, he was joined by dozens of New Mexico doctors, nurses, and health care providers assembled to show support for a robust public health insurance option in 2009. Read more...

    Video: Janitors protesting Cisco Systems end hunger strike

    Jul 17, 2009 - On June 9, dozens of janitors laid off from Cisco Systems in San Jose, CA ended a 7-day hunger fast protesting the company's corporate greed, unfair treatment and laying-off of 40 percent of its total janitorial workforce. Check out this new video SEIU United Service Workers West created documenting the breaking of the fast. Read more...

    Statement by SEIU President Andy Stern on the Employee Free Choice Act

    Jul 17, 2009 - In response to today's New York Times piece on the Employee Free Choice Act, SEIU President Andy Stern issued the following statement: "As we have said from day one, majority sign-up is the best way for workers to have the right to choose a voice at their workplace..." Read more...

    Unions make for a much more family-friendly workplace

    Jul 16, 2009 - A new report authored by the UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education and the Labor Project for Working Families found that companies with more unionized workers are more likely to pay for family health insurance premiums, embrace paid leave, and allow the use of personal leave to care for a sick child. In case you needed more evidence as to why we need to restore workers' freedom to form unions and bargain through the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    Recognize the important role food service workers play in your kids' health

    Jul 16, 2009 - Yesterday, Service Workers United cafeteria workers from across the country went to Capitol Hill to lobby members of Congress for stronger USDA Child Nutrition Programs. Watch Illinois food service worker Marlon Taylor discuss why he loves his job working with kids and why it's important to improve the Child Nutrition Act. Read more...

    Miami Nurse Touts the Value of Reform

    Jul 16, 2009 - In the debate over health care reform, it is important to listen to the people at the forefront of the crisis: our country's nurses. Even President Obama speaks to the importance of nurses as health care providers, noting that in some rural areas, nurses are the only providers of health care. Read more...

    HELP is on the way! Healthcare reform advances in Congress

    Jul 15, 2009 - Last week nearly 5,000 SEIU members and activists from across the country called their Members of Congress to say: "Healthcare won't be fixed until it's affordable for everyone." Well, these hours and hours of phone calls, door knocks, letters, and visits to Congress demanding real healthcare reform is paying off. Last night, House Democrats unveiled a healthcare bill that provides comprehensive reform that is both fiscally responsible and legislatively achievable this year and today the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pension Committee passed their version of a bill, the Affordable Health Choices Act. Read more...

    SEIU Member-Endorsed Judy Chu Candidate Wins in California

    Jul 15, 2009 - Yesterday, California Democrat Judy Chu won a special election in District 32 with almost 62% of the vote to become the newest member of Congress. "She's a dynamic leader and a woman of action, who stands up and fights for her beliefs, whether outside on a picket line with workers or inside the corridors of power," said Courtni Pugh, Executive Director of SEIU California State Council. Read more...

    School Food Workers to Members of Congress: We're Hungry for Change

    Jul 15, 2009 - For the first time in the 63-year history of our nation's School Lunch Program, front-line food service workers are on Capitol Hill today to petition their government to strengthen the program that serves food to more than 30 million children every day. Read more...

    32BJ Endorses Mayor Bloomberg for Re-election

    Jul 15, 2009 - Yesterday, SEIU Local 32BJ endorsed Michael Bloomberg for re-election. Why? Because Bloomberg has proven his commitment to working families, raising security industry standards and taking action to make sure out-of-work New Yorkers have the resources necessary to find employment. Read more...

    Bruce Raynor on FOX Business: "American workers and American business cannot afford the current [healthcare] system"

    Jul 15, 2009 - This year it's going to cost $18,000 per family for medical coverage--and that's just not affordable, says Workers United President Bruce Raynor on Fox Business News, making a case for why reform needs to happen now--and why he thinks an employer mandate should be part of the solution. Read more...

    CSEA/SEIU Local 2001 to Protest Scheme to Outsource Students' Health and Safety

    Jul 14, 2009 - Members of the CSEA/SEIU Local 2001 chapter that represents the Connecticut Windham Public Schools' food service workers will speak out against outsourcing food services at Board of Education public forum tonight. Read more...

    House Releases Health Care Reform Bill

    Jul 14, 2009 - Leaders in the House of Representatives have released their comprehensive plan for reforming health care today. It's a complete, thorough bill that will take some time to comb through and examine all the details. But, the preliminary analyses conclude that it's a huge step toward fixing health care and a major victory for all of us who have been working for quality, affordable health care. Read more...

    Ahem, Governor Schwarzenegger - You can't ignore the law, no matter who you are

    Jul 14, 2009 - The Governor and CA state officials have refused to abide by the U.S. District Court's preliminary injunction preventing the slashing of salaries for California home care workers. In light of this outrageous defiance, the ruling Judge has amended her original injunction: rescind approval of all IHSS wage reductions by July 14 that were scheduled to take place on July 1 by COB today. Read more...

    Celebrating J Dilla's music and legacy: 4th annual tribute & fundraiser recap

    Jul 14, 2009 - Last week, SEIU co-sponsored the 4th Annual J Dilla Tribute & Fundraiser show at DC's Liv Niteclub to celebrate Dilla's legacy and raise awareness about the medical condition that cut his life short and left his family with mounting bills of over 1 million dollars after he lost his health coverage. Read more...

    Small Business Owners Support Change in Health Care

    Jul 14, 2009 - Ah the good ole days, when organizations like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce could get away with advocating policies that actually hurt small business owners. The times, they are a changin'. Read more...

    Letter to Gov. Schwarzenegger: Trail of broken campaign promises must end

    Jul 14, 2009 - "Governor, we've sacrificed. And we've now reached our limit. We cannot, and will not, allow you to use us as pawns in your political power game," writes SEIU Local 1000 President Yvonne Walker in a letter to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger concerning the California union's contract deal and latest budget proposal. The Governor's proposal seeks to pile on an additional 5 percent pay reduction or fourth furloughed work day for more than 230,000 state workers. Read more...

    Straight From The Doctor's Mouth

    Jul 14, 2009 - We hear everyday from folks who want healthcare reform and those who don't. We hear facts, figures and we hear information that can't be backed up by facts and figures. Read more...

    Maryland child care providers vote to ratify first contract

    Jul 13, 2009 - 5,000 Kids First Maryland/SEIU Local 500 child care providers have voted by a margin of more than 30-to-1 to ratify their first contract. Read more...

    Unacceptable: Governor Schwarzenegger ignores court order to stop home care cuts

    Jul 13, 2009 - strong>Last week, SEIU was forced to file a motion with U.S. District Court to hold the state of California in contempt for illegally cutting the wages of (IHSS) workers by $2 per hour in defiance of an earlier court order. Read more...

    Free Summer Lunch Program A Rousing Success in NJ

    Jul 13, 2009 - During the school year in New Jersey, school lunch is provided at a reduced cost or for free to thousands of poor students to help eliminate at least one significant and widely recognized barrier to an education: hunger. Read more...

    Sotomayor confirmation hearings reminder America is still the land of opportunity

    Jul 13, 2009 - The life story of Judge Sonia Sotomayor is, quite literally, a remarkable retelling of the American Dream. Her personal story of achievement has given her a rare insight into the lives of people who get up and go to work each day to make a better life for their families. Watch the Sotomayor confirmation hearings live here. Read more...

    Call Congress: Support a Strong Consumer Financial Protection Agency

    Jul 13, 2009 - In the same way that we keep stores from selling exploding toasters, the Consumer Financial Protection Agency will have the power to keep lenders from offering "exploding" loans. Congress has already held a first hearing on the new agency, and it is on the agenda now. It is also already on Wall Street's agenda to stop it. Read more...

    Congressional praise for SEIU's work on behalf of Walter Lara & the DREAM Act

    Jul 10, 2009 - Earlier today, Congressman Polis praised SEIU in his personal privilege floor speech for our work on behalf of Walter Lara and the DREAM Act. Read more...

    AIG bonus requests: Is this some kind of joke?

    Jul 10, 2009 - Upon hearing the news that bailed-out insurer AIG plans to reward top executives $2.4 million in bonuses next week, SEIU's first reaction was...sheer and utter disbelief. As in, YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING US. How is it possible that the same company that received the largest of all taxpayer bailouts, at a total cost of $173 billion to the American people, would decide it's a good idea to reward themselves for doing such a fantastic job of losing more money? Read more...

    What would happen if the U.S. Chamber of Commerce had its way?

    Jul 10, 2009 - When CEOs in Washington decide the agenda of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, they seem to forget all about real workers and business owners throughout America. We took a look at what would happen if the U.S. Chamber had its way, and how those policies would impact certain states. SEIU's activists in these states are faxing their senators asking them to stand with working people, not the greedy CEOs of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Read more...

    SEIU Demands Corporate Lobbyists Take Down Deceptive Ads On Employee Free Choice Act

    Jul 10, 2009 - Today the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) sent letters to television stations in Nebraska and Arkansas demanding that deceptive ads about the Employee Free Choice Act be taken down immediately. The ads are paid for by the Employee Freedom Action Committee (EFAC), the political action committee of anti-worker front group Center for Union Facts. Read more...

    Immigration Bill Ready by Labor Day, Says Schumer

    Jul 10, 2009 - Momentum is growing in Washington for comprehensive immigration reform. Just as the bipartisan Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) issued a sweeping report on the urgent need for comprehensive immigration reform, Senator Schumer announced yesterday that an immigration bill will be ready by Labor Day. Read more...

    NY Times: "Change is too slow coming for the nation's one million home care aides"

    Jul 09, 2009 - Citing the hard work and critical role they play with an aging boomer population, the NY Times editorial declares that "Home care aides should not have to wait any longer for the fair pay they have been denied for so long." Read more...

    Labor unions set to talk EFCA, healthcare & economic stimulus with President Obama

    Jul 09, 2009 - Labor unions SEIU, AFL-CIO, NEA, USW, CWA, IBT and UFCW are headed to the White House next week. On Monday, the united group of labor leaders--including SEIU's Andy Stern and Anna Burger--will meet with President Obama to discuss joint efforts to build an economy that works for all including passing healthcare reform, economic stimulus and the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    New Report: Nation's Buildings at Risk

    Jul 09, 2009 - A new government report released yesterday has dropped a bombshell on the state of private security and its ability to protect our nation's most important buildings. In a routine check on the state of private security for our nation's federal buildings, investigators were able to sneak explosive materials inside - get this - a total of 10 out of 10 times. Read more...

    Video: Hip-Hop Takes on the Health Care Crisis

    Jul 09, 2009 - Members of the healthcare, hip-hop and progressive community sat together on a "HealthCare Remix" panel on Wednesday, June 8 to discuss the state of healthcare reform and how to raise awareness of the urgency of the problem. Watch a video from the discussion--featuring Phife from Tribe Called Quest--here. Read more...

    Conservative obstructionists are not serious about reform

    Jul 09, 2009 - Conservative obstructionists are still not serious about reforming our broken health care system to rein in the costs that are crushing families and businesses, and exploding our deficit. Read more...

    Be a Part of the Largest March in Maine History

    Jul 09, 2009 - Saturday, July 18th, join SEIU Change that Works, Health Care for America Now, AFSCME, Maine People's Alliance, the League of Young Voters, and MSEA-SEIU 1989 as we all come together for a historic state-wide rally in support of health care reform. Read more...

    Pope Supports Principles of the Employee Free Choice Act

    Jul 08, 2009 - Yesterday, Pope Benedict released a bold new encyclical criticizing the current economic system and reaffirming the Church's longstanding commitment to protecting workers' freedom to form unions--the central principle of the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Jr: "Healthcare must be our lunch counter moment for the 21st century"

    Jul 08, 2009 - Today's hip-hop "Healthcare Remix" panel discussion at SEIU's headquarters in Washington, DC shed a bright light on the need for healthcare reform that does more than just expand insurance coverage--and why it is imperative that every community has a voice at the decision-making table. Read more...

    Higher Worker Wages on the Table in NJ

    Jul 08, 2009 - In a move that "could have a major effect on public school food service workers' wages," the New Jersey State Legislature is considering a new bill that would make sure that workers are paid the prevailing wage. Read more...

    Sarah Jones: A Right to Care

    Jul 08, 2009 - The Associated Press calls her "astounding." People Magazine calls her "amazing." We call her one of the most important and engaging messengers ever to tackle the issue of health care disparities in America. And she's performing in Washington, DC on Thursday, July 9th and St. Paul, MN on July 11th. Read more...

    DC Loves Dilla: Healthcare Roundtable & Tribute Event

    Jul 08, 2009 - James Yancy (aka J Dilla, aka Jay Dee) was an influential hip-hop MC and producer whose rising star was cut short by complications stemming from his battle with Lupus. Dilla emerged from the mid-1990s underground hip-hop scene in Detroit, Michigan, and was widely respected throughout the hip-hop community as a "producer's producer." Read more...

    Senator Al Franken's First Bill: Co-Sponsoring the Employee Free Choice Act

    Jul 08, 2009 - Within hours of being sworn in as Minnesota's 2nd senator, Senator Al Franken took action on his first bill: he co-sponsored the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    Big banks & U.S. Chamber of Commerce join forces to tank financial reform

    Jul 07, 2009 - Recognizing their parallel efforts to fund campaigns against working families, the unappetizing alliance of big bank executives, credit card and financial services companies is joining forces to intensify their lobbying efforts against financial reform. Read more...

    The U.S. Chamber v. Everyone

    Jul 07, 2009 - Progressive groups and individuals are targeting the U.S. Chamber for its opposition to pretty much anything that makes life even "a little better for working people." Read more...

    Standing in solidarity to protect Democracy in Honduras

    Jul 07, 2009 - SEIU is standing in solidarity with sister organizations in Honduras--the Unitary Central of Honduran Workers (CUTH), the Confederation of Honduran Workers (CTH), the General Workers Central (CGT), and the Trade Union Confederation of the Americas (TUCA), which represents over 45 million workers in the hemisphere--in condemning the military coup that resulted in the illegal ouster of democratically-elected President Manuel Zelaya. Read more...

    July 7th & 8th: National Healthcare Call-In Day

    Jul 07, 2009 - As SEIU members, our calls are especially important right now. Industry lobbyists may have deep pockets, but they can't talk about health care the same way we can. Call your member of Congress right now: 1-800-603-SEIU Read more...

    Stopping Walter Lara's deportation is just the beginning

    Jul 06, 2009 - Thanks to everyone who rallied around Walter's cause and took action, he's not being deported today. But personal interventions won't help the tens of thousands of other DREAMers who stand to benefit from passage of the DREAM Act--this is why we need Congress to pass the DREAM Act. Read more...

    Change that Works campaign turns up the heat for healthcare during recess

    Jul 06, 2009 - This year during the Congressional Fourth of July recess, SEIU & Change that Works activists created fireworks across the country. Here are a few highlights from the recess activities. Read more...

    Living wages are in Con Ed's Power

    Jul 06, 2009 - Con Ed employee Fernando Cruz is one of more than 28 million people--about a quarter of the working-age workforce--who work full time yet still earn less than the income that marks the federal poverty line for a family of four: $9.04 per hour, a full-time salary of $18,800 a year. Read more...

    Health Care and Hip-Hop in DC this Wednesday

    Jul 06, 2009 - J Dilla was a hip-hop producer whose promising life was cut short in 2005 by complications stemming from his battle with Lupus. This Wednesday, SEIU is hosting a discussion at our HQ on how health care reform can prevent the kind of financial stress and hardship J Dilla's family has endured due to the high cost of medical treatment. Read more...

    AP Covers Philly Schools' Pilot School Meals Program

    Jul 06, 2009 - Today, the Associated Press published an interesting profile on the Philadelphia, PA school district and its pilot program for feeding its hungry children through school meals. Key to the program is the reauthorization of the Child Nutrition Act later this year. An improved Child Nutrition Act is a top priority for the thousands of school food service workers that SEIU represents Read more...

    Change that Works Attends Obama Health Care Town Hall

    Jul 04, 2009 - President Barack Obama held a health care reform town hall at Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale campus on July 1-- questions were submitted online and from the live audience. Change that Works Virginia team member, Sheila Collier had the honor of asking the last question to the President. Read more...

    Nebraskans Greet Sen. Johanns...And His Staff Calls the Cops

    Jul 03, 2009 - One day before celebrating the birth of our great nation, Nebraskans gathered at a scheduled healthcare roundtable to call on Senator Johanns to support an American solution to our healthcare crisis--only to have the police called on them. Read more...

    Call Senator Grassley For Health Care Reform Today

    Jul 02, 2009 - Call Senator Grassley and tell him we need to reform our health care system: Washington Office: (202) 224-3744 Cedar Rapids Office: (319) 363-6832 Council Bluffs Office: (712) 322-7103 Davenport Office: (563) 322-4331 Des Moines Office: (515) 288-1145 Sioux City Office:... Read more...

    Breaking: DHS defers deportation of Walter Lara for one year

    Jul 02, 2009 - Today, Walter Lara was granted a one year stay of his deportation. "Today, words cannot express my gratitude to Secretary Janet Napolitano, Senator Bill Nelson, Representatives Corrine Brown, Lincoln Diaz-Balart, and the thousands of grassroots activists whose unified efforts have given me a second chance to live out my American Dream," said Walter. Read more...

    End the war on home care

    Jul 02, 2009 - A U.S. District Court judge issued a preliminary injunction last week ordering the state of California to halt pay cuts for the state's 400,000 home care workers. Now that a court has ruled against the Governor and his cuts, we need to ask him to reverse course on these short-sighted cuts. Read more...

    Workers to Out-of-State Corporate Lobbyists: Stop Lying about My Job

    Jul 02, 2009 - In response to new ads from out-of-state corporate lobbyists spreading lies about the Employee Free Choice Act, Nebraska Change that Works issued this statement from North Platte cafeteria worker Trish Meuhlenkamp. Read more...

    Governor Rell's veto stamps out dreams of working people

    Jul 02, 2009 - The unions in the State Employees Bargaining Agent Coalition (SEBAC), District 1199 launched their latest TV ad this week taking aim at Governor Jodi Rell for protecting the wealthy in a time of crisis. Read more...

    Senate HELP Committee Releases Complete Health Care Bill

    Jul 02, 2009 - For months, we've been standing firm on our call for Congress to deliver a health care bill that does a few, simple things. It has to lower health care costs for patients, businesses, and governments. It has to improve the quality of care for patients. And it has to make sure that every American, regardless of who they are or how much money that make, has access to affordable care. Today, we have that bill. Read more...

    For shame, Citigroup!

    Jul 02, 2009 - The Financial Times reported yesterday that Citigroup is raising credit card interest rates on 15 million customers. Read more...

    Mandatory overtime a thing of the past for PA direct care workers

    Jul 01, 2009 - Beginning today -- July 1st, 2009 -- mandatory overtime is a thing of the past for any healthcare worker in Pennsylvania providing direct patient care. This victory is the culmination of a 7-year struggle by nurses and other healthcare workers who repeatedly marched, called, emailed and lobbied their legislators to support this important patient safety legislation. Read more...

    At Victory Rally, Al Franken Shouts Out to Labor, Union Health Insurance

    Jul 01, 2009 - At his victory rally today in Minneapolis, Senator-Elect (finally!) Al Franken spoke to an enthusiastic crowd about the race and what he's expecting in Washington. According to The Hill, Franken gave two important shout-outs in his speech: one to his "brothers and sisters in labor," and the other to his union's health insurance plan. Read more...

    Time's up: SEIU members and Californians crank up the heat on Schwarzenegger

    Jul 01, 2009 - Governor Schwarzenegger has indicated that his idea of "shared sacrifice" is to force the entire budget burden on working families and those who can least afford it. He has refused to support a budget that contains his own previous proposals for modest oil extraction fees and insurance fees that would fund critical public safety services. SEIU Local 1000 is liveblogging from their rally at the Capitol in Sacramento. Read more...

    Stop the deportation of DREAM student Walter Lara

    Jul 01, 2009 - Walter Lara is an honor student who has lived in the U.S. since his parents brought him here from Argentina when he was just 3 years old. Almost 20 years later, Walter is set to be deported this July 4th weekend. Please call Sec. Napolitano and ask her to review Walter's case and defer action on his deportation. Read more...

    HAARM: Takin' It To The Streets

    Jul 01, 2009 - This weekend, the same groups that organized anti-Obama "tea parties" around the country are putting together another round of July 4th tea parties. This time, killing health care reform is at the top of their agenda. Naturally, HAARM wanted to get in on the fun. Check out the video of HAARM's anti-health care reform protest: Read more...

    Bank of America's Employees: The Other Side of the Financial Crisis

    Jul 01, 2009 - According to the Associated Press, Bank of America "encouraged" its employees to "burden consumers with debt and enroll them in high-fee programs." Fed up with these unsavory practices, Bank of America workers are speaking out. Sign our petition in support of protections for bank employees. We'll deliver your petition directly to Members of Congress working on financial reform. Read more...

    Hartmarx Workers Win with Court-Approved Sale

    Jun 30, 2009 - Nearly 4,000 jobs were saved with court approval of the sale of Chicago-based Hartmarx Corporation to the British firm Emerisque Brands late last week. Emerisque announced plans before the deal to keep many of Hartmarx's Workers United-represented workers. Read more...

    Sharing Responsibility, Ditching the Chamber

    Jun 30, 2009 - The Chamber of Commerce's veneer of unity on health care is beginning to fade. In the latest blow to the Chamber's "Just Say No!" strategy on health care reform, Wal-Mart joined with SEIU and the Center for American Progress today in announcing support for an employer mandate on health coverage. Read more...

    Working families need Al Franken in the U.S. Senate

    Jun 30, 2009 - The Minnesota Supreme Court ruled unanimously today that Al Franken won the state's U.S. Senate election last November against incumbent Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.). Read more...

    Bank of America Workers Speak Out About Anti-Consumer Practices

    Jun 30, 2009 - Today Bank of America workers are speaking out about BofA's anti-consumer sales practices and failed banking model. In articles from the LA Times and Associated Press today, current and former Bank of America employees talk about how Bank of America "encouraged" its employees to "burden consumers with debt and enroll them in high-fee programs." BofA employees also allege the bank targets low-income working people and Latinos who can't afford and don't need the products that bury them in debt. Read more...

    Wisconsin state budget gives home care workers breakthroughs to improve care

    Jun 30, 2009 - Home care aides in Wisconsin are celebrating a new state budget signed yesterday by Gov. Jim Doyle that includes breakthrough improvements for home care workers and their clients. The improvements give approximately 5,000 home care workers in Wisconsin the freedom to unite with SEIU. Read more...

    Rep. Keith Ellison, Consumer groups to join bank workers speaking out against predatory sales practices, failed banking model

    Jun 30, 2009 - Today, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the National Association of Consumer Advocates (NACA) and the U.S. Public Interest Research Group (U.S. PIRG) will join Bank of America workers to speak out against predatory sales practices and a failed banking model and call for reforms that protect frontline bank workers and consumers. Read more...

    House takes historic Leap toward clean energy economy; Obama touts new (sexier) light bulb standards

    Jun 29, 2009 - On Friday, Congress took an extraordinary step forward on efforts to curb global warming. The U.S. House of Representatives passed the first-ever bill designed to advance a clean energy economy that creates green jobs, boosts national security and protects our planet. Read more...

    You Ask, The President Answers

    Jun 29, 2009 - President Obama is hosting an online discussion this Wednesday, at 1:15 p.m. EDT, on health care reform. He's soliciting questions from people via Twitter, YouTube and Facebook. Get involved in the discussion by submitting your own question. Read more...

    Five Hundred LA City Employees Vote to Join SEIU

    Jun 29, 2009 - As the City of Los Angeles faces an unprecedented budget crisis, nearly 500 city engineers have just voted to unite in SEIU 721 to have a stronger voice at work and unite with the 22,000 other City employees in the Coalition of LA City Unions, of which SEIU 721 is a member. Read more...

    Canadian court rescinds Weyburn Wal-Mart workers' union certification

    Jun 29, 2009 - Workers at Weyburn first voted for union representation over four years ago, and Wal-Mart stalled and threw up every road block they could to keep the workers from getting a fair deal. And now, a Saskatchewan judge has essentially ruled that because labor laws have changed since the Weyburn Wal-Mart workers legally won union representation, these workers are no longer represented by a union. Read more...

    Top Five Worst U.S. Chamber Policies for Small Businesses

    Jun 29, 2009 - The U.S. Chamber of Commerce claims to defend the interests of small businesses, but even a quick examination of their legislative record shows them opposing bill after bill that may help small businesses--and consistently siding with big corporations. Read more...

    Farmers and Ranchers for Employee Free Choice

    Jun 28, 2009 - A new rural coalition to support the Employee Free Choice Act launched this week: Farmers and Ranchers for Employee Free Choice. Read more...

    DREAM Act Rally and Lobby Day

    Jun 26, 2009 - Students file in wearing colors mixed like an unsolved Rubik's cube--some wearing chords representing achievement and honors. Friends straighten each other's caps. The rainbow of the march is accompanied by a violin and the pomp and circumstances of cameras flashing. Read more...

    Health Care Providers Rally Outside NRSC

    Jun 26, 2009 - As part of the "Healthcare 09' - We Can't Wait" rally in Washington, DC, nearly 250 activists gathered today at the Republican Party's temple to Ronald Reagan - home of the National Republican Senatorial Committee - to demand quality, affordable health care for all. Read more...

    Health Care '09 Rally: Photo Slideshow

    Jun 25, 2009 - Joined by SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger, Actress Edie Falco, Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) and other leaders, more than 10,000 healthcare advocates from across the country kicked off the Health Care For America Now (HCAN)'s historic lobby day with a rally in upper Senate Park. Read more...

    Judge Orders State to Halt Wage Cut For California Home Care Workers

    Jun 25, 2009 - HUGE news for home care workers and those they care for: A U.S. District Court judge issued an injunction Thursday afternoon ordering the state of California to halt a proposed $2 cut in wages for the state's 400,000 home care workers. The injunction has the effect of stopping pay cuts in all California counties that were planning on passing the state cut through to their home care workers. Read more...

    Employee Free Choice Act Corporate Ad Fact Check: "Poison"

    Jun 25, 2009 - The U.S. Chamber of Commerce-backed corporate front group Coalition for a Democratic Workplace is out with a new video filled with falsehoods about the Employee Free Choice Act. Their new video, produced by GOP and corporate ad man Mike Murphy, peddles thoroughly debunked lies and misinformation about the bill. Watch our fact check. Read more...

    The dust in Fresno has what?

    Jun 25, 2009 - The Fresno members voted to keep SEIU UHW as their union in a record turnout for an election among home care workers. They made this choice after enduring an unprecedented two-year campaign of lies, distortions and false promises by the NUHW officials, who ran a management-style, anti-union campaign. Read more...

    SEIU Member Killed in DC Metro Tragedy

    Jun 25, 2009 - 32BJ member Ana Fernandez was one of the nine confirmed dead after the tragic Metro crash in Washington this week. To help make ends meet for her family of six children, Ana was on her way to her second job as a cleaner at a building downtown when the crash happened. Read more...

    Healthcare Equality 2009: Lighting up the Future

    Jun 25, 2009 - Last night, an impressive group of speakers and passionate activists gathered in Washington DC, in the appropriately named Freedom Plaza, to declare their commitment to advocacy and demand that Congressional reform efforts address systemic inequality in the American health care system. Punctuated throughout the evening by the rhythmic sounds of Rudy Gonzalez Y Su Lokura's Latin jazz band, the evening was a tribute to both the passion and diversity involved in the health care reform movement. Read more...

    Photos: National DREAM Act Graduation Day

    Jun 24, 2009 - With the U.S. Capitol's Statue of Freedom reaching to the sky behind them, more than 500 students from across the country took part in a symbolic graduation ceremony to urge Congress to pass a bill that would make it easier for them to become citizens and pursue higher education. Read more...

    SEIU Healthcare 1199NW members head to DC for Health Care '09 rally and lobby day

    Jun 24, 2009 - Now is the time for healthcare reform, and SEIU members from 1199NW are helping to lead the way. Delegations of community leaders from over 40 states are being flown into Washington for in order to meet with key Members of Congress, and four SEIU Healthcare 1199NW members will be among them. Read more...

    Liveblogging: Health Care Events on Capitol Hill

    Jun 24, 2009 - We live blogged the health care events taking place today at Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC. People of all religious, ethnic, and racial backgrounds came together to rally for health care equality across America! Read more...

    Round-Up of this Week's Health Care Events

    Jun 24, 2009 - You may have noticed there is a lot going on with healthcare over the next roughly 24 hours. Below is a Below is a snapshot of what's going on. Read more...

    350 New Bedford Factory Workers Fight to Save Their Jobs

    Jun 24, 2009 - Remember the infamous Bianco Factory raid in New Bedford, MA where hundreds of hard-working immigrants were rounded up, detained and separated from their families? Today, a horrible experience of dƩjƠ vu as workers at the same factory who make backpacks for the U.S. army face yet another tragedy, as new owner Alliant threatens to shut the factory down. Read more...

    Business Professors in Business Week: Anti-Union is Anti-Business

    Jun 24, 2009 - Business Week magazine goes right to the point: the hostility that Big Business has towards the Employee Free Choice Act is downright short-sighted and bad for business. Two business professors - Paul Adler of USC and Donald Palmer of UC Davis - lay out why businesses should support the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    Labor Secretary Hilda Solis "Absolutely" supports Employee Free Choice

    Jun 24, 2009 - While in LA, Solis spoke on worker-friendly measures she will be fighting to pass in her new role as the Secretary of Labor, giving her unequivocal endorsement for the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    SEIU to Citigroup: Ensure raises go to workers, not top execs

    Jun 24, 2009 - According to the New York Times, Citigroup is raising salaries by as much as 50 percent for investment bankers and other top executives, to accommodate for smaller annual bonuses. Anna Burger, Secretary-Treasurer of the Service Employees International Union released a statement in reaction to the news. Read more...

    SEIU Home Care Aide to discuss healthcare with President Obama on ABC's "Prescription for America"

    Jun 24, 2009 - Tonight, Obama will continue his health care push with a primetime nationally televised event in the White House called "Questions for the President: Prescription for America," which will be moderated with ABC's Charlie Gibson and Diane Sawyer. SEIU Healthcare 775NW member & home care aide Pat DeJong has been invited to participate in the ABC News special event--make sure to watch! Read more...

    Workers Denied Contracts by Their Employers: Arbitration Needed in Labor Law Reform

    Jun 23, 2009 - Workers join together and unionize to improve their wages, benefits, and working conditions. Yet a full year after voting to form a union, 52 percent of new unions still haven't been able to secure any improvements because their employers have used delay tactics to avoid signing a first contract. Read more...

    Join us in D.C. for Lighting the Night Healthcare Vigil

    Jun 23, 2009 - Don't forget to join us tomorrow night for a brilliant "Lighting the Night" healthcare vigil to demand healthcare equity for all. The event of nearly 2,000 healthcare advocates, Congressional, civil rights and labor leaders will take place just steps from the White House at Freedom Plaza, 14th & Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, starting at 7:00 p.m. Read more...

    Groups Launch Ads in Support of House Clean Energy Bill

    Jun 23, 2009 - As Congress marshals us closer to a clean energy economy that creates green jobs, boosts national security and protects our planet, SEIU and coalition groups including the Blue Green Alliance and Sierra Club launched a major advertising campaign last week, urging Congress to pass and strengthen the Waxman-Markey American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES). Read more...

    Jobs of today AND tomorrow are green jobs

    Jun 23, 2009 - Between 1998 and 2007, the number of jobs in our country's emerging clean energy economy grew nearly two and a half times faster than overall jobs, according to a study by The Pew Charitable Trusts. Study results show that the renewable energy industry is creating a diverse range of well-paying jobs in every single state, across all skill levels and educational backgrounds. Read more...

    Meet HAARM: Healthy Americans Against Reforming Medicine

    Jun 23, 2009 - Is it just me, or do our opponents sound crazier every day? Take opponents of health care reform; they're spending millions of dollars on TV ads that call the President's plan "socialism," "rationing," and "a government takeover." It sort of makes you wonder - where do these people come up with this stuff? Meet HAARM: Health Americans Against Reforming Medicine - Read more...

    Seeking Alpha seeking your thoughts on what to do with Ken Lewis

    Jun 22, 2009 - Financial website Seeking Alpha's instablogger Jim Van Meerton poses an open question: what to do with Bank of America's CEO Ken Lewis? Read more...

    Catholic Bishops and Labor Unions Announce Agreement on Respecting the Rights of Healthcare Workers

    Jun 22, 2009 - The new report, "Respecting the Just Rights of Workers: Guidance and Options for Catholic Healthcare and Unions," renews the Bishops' call to Catholic health care employers to support the rights of workers to choose to join a union free from intimidation or harassment. Read more...

    Maine small business owner: U.S. Chamber's attacks on healthcare hurt small businesses

    Jun 22, 2009 - In response to recent attacks from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Maine small business owner Lisa McSwain advocated for healthcare reform to help other small businesses struggling with growing healthcare costs. Read more...

    WashPost Opinion Piece: "Lessons From The Holocaust Museum Shooting"

    Jun 22, 2009 - Last week, the Washington Post published an opinion piece authored by Valarie Long, the Vice President of SEIU Local 32BJ. In the piece, Long recognizes the importance of the job that security officers perform each and every day, raises the need for improved standards on the job, and offers her condolences to the family of Officer Johns. Read more...

    Study Depicts Tough Times for Food Service Workers, Offers Recommendations

    Jun 22, 2009 - Thousands of school food service workers in New Jersey are living at or near poverty, according to a new study from Rutgers University's Center for Women and Work. The study, authored by Dr. Mary McCain, addresses the scope of the problem in general, and then offers recommendations to fix these problems. Read more...

    Victory in Fresno! Home Care Workers Vote to Stay with SEIU UHW

    Jun 22, 2009 - Fresno County home care workers voted to keep SEIU-UHW as their union by a vote of rejecting an attempt by a group of ousted union leaders to split the workers off into a new organization. Read more...

    What was your Dream?

    Jun 19, 2009 - Remember what it was like when you had a dream? For many immigrant students their dreams of pursuing higher education can't be realized because of their immigration status - even though they may have lived here most of their lives. Read more...

    U.S. Chamber to the Senate: Unions are right, we're total hypocrites

    Jun 18, 2009 - The U.S. Chamber of Commerce just released a letter to the Senate, detailing the corporate group's hypocrisy in opposing first contract arbitration in the Employee Free Choice Act. The U.S. Chamber was apparently reeling from recent newspaper ads highlighting their two-faced approach to the issue, and wanted to explain itself to the Senate. Read more...

    Documentary "The Philosopher Kings" portrays culture of janitors

    Jun 18, 2009 - In the new film "The Philosopher Kings," eight extraordinary janitors throw off the cloak of invisibility to give us an extraordinary look into their lives. Read more...

    Letter from the "Other" Washington: Meet SEIU Grassroots Lobbyist Susie Young

    Jun 18, 2009 - Nine SEIU members and workers from key states across the country have relocated to Washington, DC this spring for a three-month long stint as a Grassroots Lobbyist (GRLs) on Capitol Hill. Meet Susie Young, one of the amazing grassroots lobbyists who has spent the last few months fighting the good fight with SEIU here in D.C. "This has been one of the best experiences of my life," says Susie of her time spent as a GRL. Read more...

    CA lawmakers reject Schwarzenegger's pay cuts to state workers and reduce cuts to home care

    Jun 18, 2009 - On Tuesday, lawmakers on the California Legislature's joint budget committee refused to cut state worker pay and spared that state's In-Home Support Services the major cut that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger proposed as part of his plan to solve the state's $24.3 billion deficit. Read more...

    NBC/WSJ Poll: 76% of Americans Support Public Health Insurance Option

    Jun 18, 2009 - Congress can't seem to reach a consensus, but the American people have overwhelmingly made up their minds: we need a public health insurance option. A new poll conducted by NBC and the Wall Street Journal is the latest in a series of polls to show convincing support for a choice between a private or public health insurance plan among the American people. Read more...

    Justice for Janitors Day: 19 Years of Fighting for Justice

    Jun 17, 2009 - June 15th has been observed for 19 years in the U.S. as Justice for Janitors Day, a day when janitors and other workers who secure, clean, and maintain office buildings demonstrate for justice. Read more...

    Round One of U.S. Chamber's "Free Enterprise" Campaign? Opposing Consumer Protections.

    Jun 17, 2009 - We learn today that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is adamantly opposed to a consumer-friendly regulatory agency. Read more...

    White House Messaging on Health Care Worth Repeating

    Jun 17, 2009 - President Obama's speech to the American Medical Association earlier this week was filled with clarity, reason and vision, as he made his case for a health care system overhaul and proposed ways to fund reform. Here's a particularly great messaging point from the President's speech that's worth repeating (often). Read more...

    Top 10 Historical Chamber of Commerce Quotes Against Healthcare

    Jun 17, 2009 - When the US Chamber of Commerce opposed early versions of the healthcare bill Tuesday, we weren't surprised. This is, after all, the same group that colorfully told the Associated Press it was "time to unload the powder and fill the musket" in their fight against health care reform. Read more...

    State Legislators to the Hill: We Need Health Care Reform

    Jun 17, 2009 - 700 state legislators from every state have signed on to a letter to the President, HHS Secretary Sebelius, and leaders in Congress, asking them to support the key ingredients for real health care reform. And, today, a delegation of legislators from around the country will be on Capitol Hill to meet with the White House and deliver the letter. Read more...

    In Mexico, SEIU's Eliseo Medina Calls for Cross-Border Solutions to Fix Broken Immigration System

    Jun 17, 2009 - This week, SEIU Executive VP Eliseo Medina is in Mexico City meeting with key legislators and labor leaders on the importance of working together to improve labor rights and economic opportunities for workers on both sides of the border. And in other immigration reform news... Read more...

    Begging For Change

    Jun 16, 2009 - The Maine Change That Works campaign launched "Begging for Change," a multimedia effort to highlight Maine families' urgent need for comprehensive health care reform that includes an affordable public health insurance option. Read more...

    U.S. Chamber and Tyson Foods Fought Workplace Safety Measures

    Jun 16, 2009 - On Friday, a U.S. District Court in Arkansas ruled that Tyson Foods Inc. must pay a $500,000 fine for "willfully" violating workplace safety regulations that led to the 2003 death of Jason Kelley, a maintenance worker at its River Valley Animal Foods plant in Texarkana. Read more...

    Big Business' Two-Faced Approach to Arbitration

    Jun 16, 2009 - Many corporations--like the Chamber-- praise arbitration when it favors them, but oppose it in settling first contracts--and will use any tactic they can to avoid paying their employees better wages and benefits. Supporters of the freedom to form unions are fed up with delays that favor employees, and American Rights at Work has launched a campaign to point out the hypocrisy of Big Business on arbitration. Read more...

    We thought an elephant never forgot?

    Jun 16, 2009 - The National Republican Senatorial Committee is planning on going after Sens. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) and Michael Bennet (D-CO), according to a Roll Call article today. Yet the NRSC seems to have already forgotten the lessons of the 2008 campaigns, in which groups spent millions attacking Democrats on Employee Free Choice only to see those candidates go on to win--with voters approving Employee Free Choice by a considerable margin. Read more...

    CNBC Fail: Anchors compare Iran elections to Employee Free Choice Act

    Jun 16, 2009 - Yesterday, CNBC's Jim Cramer and Erin Burnett made a ridiculous, irresponsible statement. Cramer and Burnett compared the aftermath of Iran's recent election to what would happen under the Employee Free Choice Act. This is irresponsible journalism at its "finest." Jim Cramer and Erin Burnett need to hear from you now about their reckless reporting. Read more...

    Workers March in Portland: "What Do We Want? Fairness!"

    Jun 16, 2009 - After numerous songs, slogans, speeches and a march across Portland's Hawthorne Bridge, the message came down to a simple chant rising from Terry D. Schrunk Plaza and echoing off the Portland skyscrapers around it: "What do we want? Fairness! When do we want it? Now!" With that, about 2,500 SEIU Local 503 members and allies concluded the United for Oregon rally against state budget cuts and layoffs last Sunday. Read more...

    "Lighting the Night": Demand healthcare equity for all

    Jun 16, 2009 - Healthcare must go beyond simply expanding coverage to all the uninsured Americans, it must put us on a path towards healthcare equality. Every person, no matter the color of their skin deserves affordable, accessible healthcare of the highest quality. On June 24th, healthcare justice activists from all across the country are convening in Washington, DC to demand healthcare reform that truly works for everyone. Read more...

    President Obama Mentions Nashville Small Business Owners

    Jun 16, 2009 - President Obama in his health care reform address to the American Medical Association in Chicago, mentioned Becky and Chris Link, two small business owners and Change that Works Tennessee activists Read more...

    President Obama addresses the AMA; Doctors say public health insurance option must be part of health care reform solution

    Jun 15, 2009 - In his 50 minute address to the American Medical Association at the group's annual convention in Chicago, President Obama reiterated his strong support for a truly national public health insurance plan, calling the current state of the nation's health care system a "ticking time bomb." Read more...

    Chamber of Commerce Defends Bonuses, Bailouts, and the Broken Healthcare System on Fox News Sunday

    Jun 15, 2009 - Yesterday U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue appeared on Fox News Sunday, and in the course of a 15-minute interview, defended taxpayer-funded bonuses, championed a broken healthcare system, and brushed off concerns about bailed out companies. Read more...

    Stop Squeezing the Middle Class: Former Labor Secretaries Reich and Marshall on Employee Free Choice

    Jun 15, 2009 - In the past 50+ years that have passed since America's middle class was expanding and the economy was soaring, former labor secretaries Robert Reich and Ray Marshall have seen an economy weakened by a combination of personal greed, individual irresponsibility and unsustainable financial conditions. In Sunday's Chicago Tribune, Reich and Marshall explain why the Employee Free Choice Act is necessary if our economy is to succeed. Read more...

    SEIU's International Executive Board of SEIU Adopts Landmark Ethics & Standards Package

    Jun 15, 2009 - At the June 11-13 meeting of the International Executive Board (IEB) of SEIU, the highest governing body of the union between conventions, board members voted unanimously over the weekend to adopt a rigorous and sweeping package of ethical standards and practices to be applied union-wide. Read more...

    Coalition of Doctor Organizations: "Our Patients Deserve the Choice of a Public Health Insurance Option"

    Jun 15, 2009 - A coalition of 8 organizations representing over 200,000 physicians and physicians-in-training, including SEIU's Committee of Interns and Residents (CIR) and Doctors Council, issued a statement this morning in support of achieving health care reform this year, including the creation of a robust, high-quality public health insurance option. Read more...

    BofA & Merrill: "Who was holding the shotgun?"

    Jun 15, 2009 - There are two storylines that Bank of America has been pushing about its decision to go through with the Merrill Lynch acquisition, even after it became clear that Merrill was facing billions in losses. Did the Fed force BofA into a shotgun wedding, or is it possible that BofA put a shotgun to the head of the broader economy in order to get political and economic cover for a bailout that it needed anyway? Read more...

    SEIU Workers in Puerto Rico Lead March Against 30,000+ Layoffs

    Jun 15, 2009 - Led in part by SEIU Local 1996 in Puerto Rico, close to 100,000 union members, students, and other activists marched in front of the capitol building in San Juan last week to protest Governor Luis FortuƱo's plan to lay off more than 30,000 government employees and suspend public sector collective bargaining rights. Read more...

    Illinois home care worker on budget cuts: "When you take jobs away from poor people, it's only going to create more poor people."

    Jun 15, 2009 - As a home care worker in Chicago, Rebia currently receives a $9.85 an hour, her only source of income. Billions in budget cuts to critical human services programs are set to take effect on July 1st - leaving 80,000 working parents without child care, over 40,000 seniors and people with disabilities without home care and countless other families devastated by drastic cuts to the programs they depend on. Read more...

    Senators push for wage and hour protections for home care workers

    Jun 13, 2009 - A group of 15 Senators led by Senator Harkins (D-IA) have sent a letter to Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, urging the Department of Labor to expand federal wage and hour laws to an estimated 1.5 million home care workers in the U.S., one of the fastest-growing professions in the country today. Read more...

    Maryland Family Child Care Contract Victory!

    Jun 12, 2009 - 5,000 family care providers in Maryland won their first contract with the Department of Education and the Governor's Office yesterday. The historic contract includes a nearly three-percent increase in the state subsidy, access to decision-making committees, and the creation of a new Training Committee of state officials and child care providers to recommend future improvements. Read more...

    It's On Your Kitchen Table

    Jun 12, 2009 - President Obama last week indicated that we must provide Americans with the option of a public health insurance plan. Now it's time to convince Congress; and the strongest proof that our current health care system is broken is probably sitting on your kitchen table - your medical bills. Read more...

    Take Action In Arizona

    Jun 12, 2009 - From the SEIU Comprehenive Immigration Reform Campaign team: Dear Friend,Hi, I'm Joaquin Guerra and I'm an online organizer for Comprehensive Immigration Reform with the Service Employee's International Union (SEIU).Right now, Arizona is facing a $3 billion budget deficit, some legislators... Read more...

    Are healthcare workers on TV realistically depicted?

    Jun 12, 2009 - Two new TV dramas about registered nurses - "Nurse Jackie" on Showtime and "Hawthorne" on TNT - premiere during the month of June. They join a host of TV programs that are set in hospitals, such as Grey's Anatomy, House and Scrubs. Do you any of the programs accurately depict the lives of healthcare workers, and is your situation reflected in any of these programs? Read more...

    U.S. Chamber of Commerce Stands Up for its Constituents: Ken Lewis and Bank of America

    Jun 12, 2009 - Yesterday the U.S. Chamber of Commerce saw fit to stand up for Bank of America's disgraced ex-Chairman and current CEO Ken Lewis. Lewis testified to the House Oversight Committee about the bank's purchase and subsequent bleeding of Merrill Lynch. Read more...

    500 Workers at Boston's Caritas Carney Hospital Vote to Join 1199SEIU

    Jun 12, 2009 - Workers at Boston's Caritas Carney Hospital, part of Caritas Christi Health Care and the largest community-based hospital system in Massachusetts, voted overwhelmingly to join 1199SEIU. In April, more than 800 workers at Caritas St. Elizabeth's Medical Center in Boston also voted to join 1199SEIU. Read more...

    Change to Win Campaign Spotlight: "Cure CVS"

    Jun 11, 2009 - The plentiful number of CVS store locations is a high convenience factor most consumers appreciate--but the more you learn about the way the company is run, the less welcoming that development may seem. Read more...

    SEIU's Andy Stern--A Key Player in Healthcare Reform

    Jun 11, 2009 - The PBS NewsHour has identified SEIU President Andy Stern as a key player lobbying for healthcare reform. Read more...

    OSHA Offers $6.9 in Grants for Worker Safety and Health Training

    Jun 11, 2009 - The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) role is to promote the safety and health of America's working men and women. OSHA is now soliciting applications for nearly $7 million in Susan Harwood Training Grants available to nonprofit organizations, including labor unions and community-based and faith-based organizations that are not an agency of a State or local government. Read more...

    Officer Johns: A True Hero

    Jun 11, 2009 - No doubt, you've likely heard about yesterday's tragic shooting incident at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, where security officer Stephen T. Johns tragically lost his life. The event is a bitter reminder about the importance of these brave men and women who serve as the "first line of defense against a terrorist attack," and the methods that can be taken to ensure their safety while on the job. Read more...

    Public Employees Notch Two Victories in Keystone State

    Jun 11, 2009 - Workers in two counties on opposite sides of Pennsylvania-- Montgomery County and Westmoreland County--voted late last month to unite for a voice with SEIU Local 668--Pennsylvania's Social Services Union. Read more...

    10 Questions to Ask Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis at House Testimony on Disastrous Merrill Lynch Purchase

    Jun 11, 2009 - Ahead of Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis' testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, we put together the top ten questions that employees, consumers, taxpayers and shareholders would like reporters and legislators to ask Ken Lewis. Read more...

    Colorado Small Businesses Endorse Employee Free Choice Act

    Jun 11, 2009 - Today, 225 Colorado businesses released a "directory" featuring businesses that support the Employee Free Choice Act. In this economic crisis, we have a duty to support entrepreneurs and start-up companies in building sustainable, long-term successful businesses, rather than being forced to compete against irresponsible companies in an unwinnable, low-wage race to the bottom. Read more...

    Time for Answers: Bank of America's Ken Lewis to Testify on Capitol Hill

    Jun 10, 2009 - Tomorrow, Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis will face tough questioning in his testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. This will be Lewis' first trip to Capitol Hill since Bank of America failed the federal government's stress tests and a coalition led by SEIU delivered nearly 100,000 "Taxpayer Proxies" demanding that the Bank fire Ken Lewis. Read more...

    SEIU exposes U.S. Chamber of Commerce's record of fighting common-sense legislation

    Jun 10, 2009 - The very same day that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce announced a $100 million campaign to "defend the free market system," SEIU announced a campaign of its own: to expose the Chamber's record of opposing working families and common-sense legislation that would help our economy. Read more...

    New online campaign for Employee Free Choice: Stand with working people, not greedy CEOs

    Jun 10, 2009 - Yesterday SEIU launched an online campaign asking senators to stand with working people, not greedy CEOs, on the Employee Free Choice Act. In addition to putting out the four web videos, the SEIU is also launching email campaigns targeting the five senators, with much the same message and aim. Read more...

    What would you ask BofA CEO Ken Lewis?

    Jun 10, 2009 - This Thursday, Ken Lewis will be in front of Congress to answer questions about Bank of America's business practices. If you're an employee of Bank of America, here's an opportunity for you: What do you want to ask Ken Lewis? Submit your questions at Read more...

    Organizing for America unveils its "Health Care Action Center"

    Jun 10, 2009 - After holding its Health Care Organizing Kickoff this weekend with thousands of house parties across the country, Organizing for America unveiled its "Health Care Action Center." Read more...

    SEIU Study Reveals $34.7 billion in "The Hidden Branch of Government": Unfulfilled California Vendor Contracts Canceled

    Jun 10, 2009 - Yesterday, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger issued an executive order calling for all unfulfilled state department vendor contracts to be canceled. Schwarzenegger's recognition of the vendor waste is just the tip of the iceberg--SEIU Local 1000 believes the California government is hiding $34.7 billion in some 13,600 vendor contracts. Read more...

    Senate HELP Committee releases draft of Healthcare Reform legislation

    Jun 09, 2009 - It's been 15 years since Congress and our President last tried to fix the health care crisis in America. Today, the draft of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pension (HELP) Committee's bill of health care reform legislation was released: the Americans Health Choices Act. Read more...

    24 Hours of Twitter

    Jun 09, 2009 - Thanks to the hard work of the Iowa Change that Works, our 24 hours of health care stories campaign on Twitter was a tremendous success. Read more...

    New York State employees reach agreement with Gov. Paterson to preserve services, jobs

    Jun 09, 2009 - The Public Employees Federation of New York, an SEIU affiliate, reached an agreement with the state's governor that saves the state billions, avoids layoffs, preserves services and protects union contracts. Read more...

    Healthcare for Organizing Kickoff

    Jun 08, 2009 - On Saturday, SEIU's Change that Works campaign joined with Organizing for America and thousands of volunteers to host Health Care Organizing Kickoff events in their communities. Read more...

    When did layoffs become 'acceptable'? Put working families above Cisco profits

    Jun 08, 2009 - As janitors and community supporters continue their hunger strike outside of Cisco Systems corporate headquarters in San Jose, Mercury News columnist Mike Cassidy has written a thought-provoking column about the corporate strategy of treating layoffs as 'par-for-the-course' events that are the cost of doing business in this downtrodden economy. Read more...

    @ChuckGrassley: Who's Tweeting Whom?

    Jun 08, 2009 - While telling the President he "has some nerve" as well as asserting "I'm no NAIL" might raise some eyebrows, we're not here to school Senator Grassley on the finer points of inter-netiquette. Rather, SEIU's Change that Works campaign is taking advantage of the Senator's connectivity to reach out directly and influence him where it counts: to reform our country's health care. Read more...

    Quickening the Pace of Progress: Obama's Roadmap to Recovery

    Jun 08, 2009 - At a Cabinet meeting on Monday, President Barack Obama promised to speed federal money into hundreds of public works projects this summer, vowing that 600,000 jobs would be created or saved in the second hundred days--four times the number created or saved in the first 100 days. Read more...

    What Are You Going to Do About Health Care Reform? (Colorado)

    Jun 08, 2009 - This weekend, inspired by Chris Dodd & the hardworking volunteers in Organizing for America, I set out to document what ideas people had for reforming health care in America. Read more...

    24 Hours of Health Care Tweets to @ChuckGrassley

    Jun 08, 2009 - This weekend, Sen. Grassley made news on Twitter yet again with a controversial pair of "tweets" he sent early Sunday morning, criticizing President Obama's call for lawmakers to begin delivering on health care reform while overseas honoring D-Day in France. Read more...

    Gov. Dean Gets Fired Up in Delaware

    Jun 08, 2009 - On May 29th, SEIU hosted an event with Gov. Howard Dean to discuss health care reform with people in Wilmington, Delaware. Watch a clip of Howard Dean reacting to a story from a local resident who was forced to file for divorce in order to afford cancer treatment. Read more...

    Janitors in midst of 7-Day hunger strike protesting Cisco Systems

    Jun 05, 2009 - For two days now, dozens of janitors janitors, members of faith and community supporters have had absolutely nothing to eat, only drinking water as they determinedly camp out outside of Cisco's corporate headquarters in San Jose. The janitors at Cisco Systems first began protesting the corporation--which currently has more than $34 billion in cash assets on hand--when contractor ABM Industries Inc. laid off more than 40 percent of its total janitorial workforce in February. Read more...

    SEIU Endorses Feingold Bill To Help Displaced Workers Find Health Care Jobs

    Jun 05, 2009 - SEIU has endorsed Community-Based Health Care Retraining Act legislation reintroduced by Senator Russ Feingold (D-Wis.). The new version of the bill, formerly introduced in 2004, 2005 and 2007, would establish a program to distribute grants to colleges and other institution to retrain workers in areas of high unemployment to take jobs in healthcare. Read more...

    Nationwide Poll: Comprehensive Immigration Reform Enjoys Widespread Public Support

    Jun 05, 2009 - The American people want our country's broken immigration system to be fixed--and they want Congress to make it happen within the year. According to new polling, public support for comprehensive immigration support remains unwavering despite the country's economic downturn. Read more...

    LGBT Community Comes Out to Support SEIU UHW Home Care Members

    Jun 05, 2009 - Friends and allies of SEIU are celebrating Pride month in a special way this year: Joining with home care workers in Fresno to protect their union and to keep their union voice strong in SEIU UHW. Read more...

    Tell the Senate: Don't Listen to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

    Jun 05, 2009 - The U.S. Chamber of Commerce really stepped in it this week. The multi-million dollar corporate group flew in hundreds of CEOs and other businesspeople to pressure your senators into doing nothing to help working people. But boy, did it not go well for the U.S. Chamber. Write to your senators now. Read more...

    Conservatives for Patients' Rights "Bulldozer" Ad Check

    Jun 05, 2009 - Our health care activists have kept a watchful eye on ad buys by Rick Scott's "Conservatives for Patients' Rights," and with good reason. Scott's ads have contained demonstrably false material, misleading excerpts of interviews, and blatant fear-mongering in an attempt to swift-boat health care reform. Read more...

    Eliseo Medina: Why Immigration Reforms Matters

    Jun 04, 2009 - At the America's Future Now! conference in Washington, DC on Tuesday, Medina addressed attendees on why comprehensive immigration reform is an important issue to support. Watch the video of his speech. Read more...

    Momentum for comprehensive immigration reform continues to build with introduction of "Reuniting Families Act"

    Jun 04, 2009 - Today, Congressman Mike Honda (D-CA) introduced the "Reuniting Families Act," marking the first time in Congressional history that same-sex couples have been included as part of a multi-issue immigration bill. Read more...

    Really, Canada?

    Jun 04, 2009 - The right wing's bizarre attack on Canada's health care system continues. Why attack Canada? Because it's easier than defending the broken U.S. health care system. The recent media blitz on our neighbors to the north reminded us of the, ahem, sophisticated story line in South Park's 1999 feature film. (Watch our video) Read more...

    The Chamber of Commerce and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Lobbying Day

    Jun 04, 2009 - From the moment they flew people to Washington, DC to lobby against the Employee Free Choice Act, things were just not going the Chamber of Commerce's way...From bringing a major labor law violator to lobby on behalf of (wait for it...) labor law reform, to getting caught in a lie by Sen. Feinstein, this can't be how the Chamber wanted their lobbying week to go. Read more...

    Denied the Right to Bargain: Why We Need First Contract Arbitration

    Jun 04, 2009 - The goal of workers seeking to form a union is to sit at the table with the employer and bargain an agreement on their wages, benefits, and working conditions. Gaining union representation can be a long and arduous process for workers. Even when workers are able to form a union, the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) fails them because so many are denied the right to collectively bargain with their employer. Read more...

    Faces of the Employee Free Choice Act Gains Support from Shipyard in Kittery

    Jun 04, 2009 - Last week, the Faces of the Employee Free Choice Act billboard kicked off with style in the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, Maine. Covered in an article by Seacoast Online, the purpose of the tour is to urge Senators Snowe and Collins to support the Employee Free Choice Act by showing the real-life workers behind the movement against worker intimidation. Read more...

    Anna Burger Speaks Out on Excessive Corporate Pay

    Jun 03, 2009 - Yesterday, SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger addressed a conference sponsored by the Institutional Investor Education Foundation on retrieving the excessive pay and bonuses corporate CEOs received as they helped drive the nation's economy down. Read more...

    The Real Face of Schwarzenegger's Cuts to Home Care

    Jun 03, 2009 - Governor Schwarzenegger says he thinks every day about the people who will be affected by his proposed cuts to health care will affect. "I know the consequences of those cuts are not just dollars," said the Governor to lawmakers yesterday. "I see the faces behind those dollars." Fresno area home care provider Carlos Martinez and his wife Mikesha Martinez show the real face of those who would be impacted the most by these cuts. Read more...

    This Saturday, it begins

    Jun 03, 2009 - President Obama indicated this week that he wants a health care bill that provides quality, affordability, and accessibility--and that the key to achieving all three of those goals is the public health insurance option. Let's be clear - this is big news for health care reform. Read more...

    Industrial and Labor Relations Expert: The System Is Failing

    Jun 03, 2009 - In an opinion piece published by the Washington Post this morning, industrial and labor relations scholar Kate Bronfenbrenner writes about the obstacles facing workers today. The system itself, she states, is failing "to defend workers' rights in a timely manner" and creates "delays that favor employers." That, in itself, is a large reason to support the Employee Free Choice's "first contract arbitration" section. Read more...

    Stern: Unionized companies are a driving force in our economy

    Jun 03, 2009 - Today, SEIU International President Andy Stern made the following statement in response to comments by New York Times reporter Andrew Ross Sorkin and MSNBC's "Morning Joe" cast on the effectiveness of unionized companies. Read more...

    Video: Canvassing for Fresno Home Care

    Jun 03, 2009 - In this new YouTube video, SEIU UHW member and upcoming leader Frank Valdez canvasses for the first time with mentor May Santiago in Fresno. "It's very important to take care of these folks at home, and that's why I'm here," says Frank, on why he's fighting alongside his fellow union members in support of Fresno home care workers. Read more...

    How about now? Reform Immigration FOR America

    Jun 03, 2009 - Yesterday, a broad coalition of allies from labor, business, and community groups officially kicked off the national campaign Reform Immigration FOR America (RIFA)in Washington, DC. SEIU is a part of this exciting grassroots movement to reform immigration, and we invite you to join us. Read more...

    Morning Joe Team Wakes Up on Wrong Side of Bed, Goes on Anti-Union Tirade

    Jun 03, 2009 - This morning, the Morning Joe crew of MSNBC decided to go on an anti-union tirade. Clearly, they didn't drink the coffee handed to them by their unionized colleagues that help to get their show in the air. After a rant from "smart" money man Jim Cramer (who, in recent months, has admitted that he's "gotten a lot of things wrong" and that he "should do a better job") on the terribleness of unions, the entire on-air team decided to weigh in. Read more...

    "Campaign for America's Future" Prepares the Way for Healthcare Reform

    Jun 03, 2009 - More than 1,000 progressive leaders and activists have been in Washington, DC at the Omni Shoreham Hotel for the yearly America's Future Now! Conference, organized by Campaign for America's Future (CAF). The main 'event' of CAF's 2009 conference has been the launching of an $82 million campaign for healthcare reform, a collective effort involving more than 1,000 organizations that are part of Health Care for America Now behind President Obama's health care plan. Read more...

    SEIU Vows to Block Governor Schwarzenegger's Assault on Home Care

    Jun 02, 2009 - Governor Schwarzenegger gave a speech to the joint session of California legislatures this morning on the state's budget, pressing lawmakers to resolve the state's financial crisis, advocating a federal solution to do so that will devastate seniors, people with disabilities and the in-home care providers they depend on to survive. SEIU intends to fight the Governor's callous and immoral budget proposals and advance real solutions that enhance state and federal revenue, instead reducing funds for home care and other vital services Californians need. Read more...

    Delivering Your Petitions to NBC Washington on Rick Scott's Infomercial: Watch the Video

    Jun 02, 2009 - On Sunday, a group of DC residents delivered all 68,000 of your petitions to the NBC studios in Washington, demanding Rick Scott's phony infomercial be pulled. You should have seen the look on the producer's face when she saw the boxes of signatures waiting for her in the lobby. Read more...

    Small Business Owner: Chamber of Commerce Speaks for Me like Burger King Speaks for Cows

    Jun 02, 2009 - Today, Maine small business owner Ben Wootten spoke out on the congressional lobbying organized by the Chamber of Commerce against the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    "I'm too old to get rehired and too young for Social Security."

    Jun 02, 2009 - This weekend, about 100 union service employees, police and firefighters in Orlando, FL, met to discuss budget cuts which would force them from their jobs. "It's not the unions causing the crisis. Read more...

    Survey Results: The American Dream and the New Progressive Majority

    Jun 02, 2009 - Change to Win released the results of the seventh in its ongoing series of American Dream surveys today, measuring views on how strong majorities of working Americans view the economy, the role of government, the American Dream, and the action agenda that is at the heart of the new progressive majority. Read more...

    On June 6th, thousands of people are organizing for health care reform

    Jun 01, 2009 - On June 6th, thousands of people just like you are beginning to organize for healthcare reform by hosting or attending a Healthcare for Organizing Kickoff with Organizing for America. We can win healthcare reform in the same way we won the election: building support one block, one neighbor, one conversation at a time. Please join us by signing up today. Read more...

    155 Academics Urge Sen. Specter to Support the Employee Free Choice Act.

    Jun 01, 2009 - Everyone's jumping on the train. Today 155 Pennsylvania college & university professors signed a letter asking Sen. Arlen Specter to support the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    Fighting to Protect Fresno Home Care

    Jun 01, 2009 - They came from across Fresno County, California, the U.S. and Canada with one mission: to protect Fresno County home care. Between now and July 1st--the date the home care cuts are supposed to take effect--California home care workers, their families and supporters have much to fight for. Read more...

    Take Action: SEIU Steps Ups with Open Left to Support a Public Healthcare Option

    Jun 01, 2009 - SEIU has stepped up a campaign that allows Open Left readers a unique way to fight for the public option while simultaneously supporting Open Left: we will donate $1 to Open Left for every person who signs up for their healthcare campaign. Read more...

    SEIU Members and Organizers Fight for Reform During Memorial Day Recess

    Jun 01, 2009 - Across the country, SEIU members and Change that Works activists worked at a feverish pace to spotlight the value of reforming our broken healthcare system, with activities in Nebraska, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Montana, Ohio, Colorado and Delaware. Read more...

    Over 68,000 Petitions Signed to Tell NBC and Meet the Press Not to Air Rick Scott's Phony "Documentary"

    May 29, 2009 - This evening we received word that over 68,000 people (and counting!) have signed the petition calling for NBC not to air Rick Scott's "infomercial" attacking a public healthcare option that's set to air after Meet the Press on the network this Sunday. Read more...

    Wells Fargo Officially Opposes Bid to Save Hartmarx from Liquidation

    May 29, 2009 - The fight to keep creditor Wells Fargo from liquidating Hartmarx menswear factory appears to ramping up, as the bailed-out bank said today that it is opposing the $119 million bid by the British private equity firm Emerisque to save the bankrupt Chicago-based men's clothier...for the "good" of its workers. Read more...

    Calling all DC Residents: Can you call the General Manager?

    May 29, 2009 - Yesterday, we emailed about stopping Rick Scott's phony "documentary" from airing on Washington, DC's NBC4 after Meet the Press this weekend. Today, we're upping the ante. Read more...

    Senator Vitter: You Can Run (for Re-Election) but You Can't Hide (from Your Voting Record)

    May 29, 2009 - In a recent fundraising email, Senator Vitter attacked SEIU for exposing his votes against working families. But it's nothing compared to the hardships he's caused to middle and low-income Louisianans with his votes as the Junior Senator of Louisiana. Helene O'Brien, President of SEIU Local 21LA issued the following statement in response to Senator Vitter's most recent fundraising email. Read more...

    Governor Schwarzenegger: Home Healthcare Is Not A Throw-Away!

    May 28, 2009 - Today, SEIU home healthcare members closed their 48-hour vigil with a press conference on the steps of the California statehouse to protest drastic budget cuts which would drive home care workers into poverty and force seniors and people with disabilities into more restrictive and costly institutional settings Read more...

    Blinding Greed

    May 28, 2009 - An editorial in today's Wall Street Journal paints the current contract negotiation process as something that "works." Ask anyone who's been through the process, and they'll tell you that it works - but only for corporations. The employees, instead, tend to get the shaft. Nearly two-thirds (62%) of workers who form a union still don't have a contract after one year, and companies refuse to negotiate in good faith in over 28 percent of cases. Read more...

    Rick Scott's 30-Minute Lie

    May 28, 2009 - Rick Scott has a track record of deceit. Scott's previous ads contained blatantly false statements and misleading excerpts of interviews with health care professionals. Join us in telling NBC not to run this phony "documentary" this Sunday. Read more...

    Progressive Revenue Options to Pay for Healthcare Reform

    May 28, 2009 - Last week, SEIU Healthcare joined Citizens for Tax Justice and Health Care for America Now (HCAN) to release a report describing progressive revenue options to fund healthcare reform and the amount of revenue they are likely to raise. Read more...

    Wal-Mart Responsible for Black Friday Trampling Death

    May 28, 2009 - So what's the punishment for shocking corporate negligence that results in the death of a worker like in the case of Wal-Mart temporary employee Jdimytai Damour? OSHA hit them with the maximum fine allowable by law -- $7,000. Read more...

    Healthy Families Act Would Guarantee Paid Sick Time for Workers

    May 28, 2009 - Too many workers have jobs where they don't have any paid sick days for themselves, much less paid days off to care for a sick child or family members. to the introduction of The Healthy Families Act, introduced in Congress last week, to both sides of Congress last week by Senator Kennedy and Representative DeLauro. The legislation would allow workers to earn up to 7 days of paid sick time, with an accrual of one hour of paid sick time for every 30 hours worked. Read more...

    President Bartlett Pledges to Pass The Employee Free Choice Act

    May 27, 2009 - You may have heard of President Obama's support for the Employee Free Choice Act, but today, Catholics for Working Families is launching an ad with another president's endorsement: President Bartlett (or, as he's known in the real world, Martin Sheen). Read more...

    Stop Schwarzenegger's Cruel Cuts

    May 27, 2009 - Two years ago, President Barack Obama walked a day in the shoes of SEIU home care worker Pauline Beck. Today, Pauline and home care workers across California face pay cuts of up to 33% -- from $12.10 an hour down to $8. Please send a message to the Governor telling him you strongly disagree with his misguided priorities--we're not going to let this happen without a fight. Read more...

    24 Hours of Healthcare Stories in Nebraska

    May 27, 2009 - Change that Works Nebraska kicked off their Memorial Day recess activities yesterday morning with their innovative 24 hours of Healthcare Stories Youtube campaign. Read more...

    Sierra Club President Allison Chin: "An economy that treats workers fairly is fundamentally better for our planet"

    May 27, 2009 - To mark the occasion of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, Sierra Club President Allison Chin addressed a group of SEIU employees during a lunch lecture on the topics of grassroots activism, the Employee Free Choice Act and working together with labor in the Blue Green Alliance. Read more...

    Thousands Gather in LA to Protest Cuts to California Home Care: Flickr Photo Slideshow

    May 26, 2009 - Closing down streets, rally participants sent a clear message to Governor Schwarzenegger and Sacramento legislators that proposed cuts to the state's In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program, which delivers in-home care to more than 400,000 seniors and people with disabilities, will not be tolerated. Check out the Flickr photo slideshow from the rally here. Read more...

    Tonight in California: Thousands Begin 48-Hour Vigils to Protest Massive Cuts

    May 26, 2009 - SEIU members, seniors home care givers and community supporters from across the state will hold vigils tonight on the grounds of the State Capitol to protest Schwarzenegger's proposed cutbacks that would reduce vital services to seniors and people with disabilities. Read more...

    Joe the Plumber, now Jane the Patient?

    May 26, 2009 - First, it was Rick Scott's Conservatives for Patients' Rights--which was essentially a front group for, um, Rick Scott. Now we've got Patients United Now (PUN), a front group of Americans for Prosperity (reminder: sponsor of the Joe the Plumber tour and world-class climate change deniers). Seems you can't have too many groups crying "CANADA!" in a crowded cable market. Read more...

    Ruling of California Supreme Court to uphold Proposition 8 will not deter fight for marriage equality

    May 26, 2009 - In a disappointing decision, the California Supreme Court announced on Tuesday that they are upholding the ban on same-sex marriage enacted by 52.3 percent of voters in November. "This ruling merely delays the day of regaining an important aspect of equality in California. It does not diminish the dignity of our members...or our determination to win equality in this country," said SEIU's Mary Kay Henry. Read more...

    Baucus Embraces Insurance Option in Health Care Reform

    May 26, 2009 - Montana's time in the political sun continues, as Sen. Max Baucus' role in national health care reform takes shape. Late last week, Baucus told reporters that he was fairly certain that health care reform with a public insurance option was very likely to be signed into law this year. Read more...

    Judge Sotomayor's Nomination to the Supreme Court an Extraordinary Choice for Today and Tomorrow

    May 26, 2009 - President Obama said he would appoint people to our courts who not only had brilliant legal minds, but who also understand how the law impacts the everyday lives of working families. Today he has fulfilled that promise by nominating U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Sonia Sotomayor to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. Read more...

    Stop Starbucks: Coffee Conglomerate Blocks Baristas from Joining Unions

    May 26, 2009 - Our friends at Brave New Films are out with their latest campaign to expose corporate opponents of the Employee Free Choice Act. Next up: Starbucks. Read more...

    24/7: Nebraskans Testify to the Need for Healthcare Reform (UPDATED)

    May 26, 2009 - You hear it in the fields and the factories, from farmers and students and small business owners. It runs all the way from one end of our state to another, and cuts across all party lines. Nebraskans want real health care reform, and they're ready to demand action now. Read more...

    SEIU Healthcare Turns Up the Heat During Memorial Day Recess

    May 25, 2009 - While many will be enjoying BBQs and beach time this weekend, SEIU advocates of healthcare reform will be pushing their Members of Congress and neighbors to support measures like a public health insurance option that increases choice and reduces costs. Read more...

    Remembering the DC Labor Map

    May 22, 2009 - What's free and fun to do in DC over the holidays? A tour of current and historic labor sites! The brand new online DC Labor Map uses familiar Googlemaps technology to help you quickly and easily find dozens of fascinating labor art and historic labor sites, as well as union hotels and restaurants, international and local union organizations. Read more...

    SEIU California Members Help Defeat Ballot Measures with Dangerous Cuts to Public Services

    May 22, 2009 - By overwhelming margins, California voters rejected the false solutions on five ballot measures in the May 19th statewide special election, sending Gov. Schwarzenegger and the Legislature back to the drawing board. SEIU members helped defeat several propositions that would have hobbled the state's public services with devastating cuts to community-based mental health services, health care, education and child welfare. Read more...

    43 Members of Congress Write in Support of Hartmarx Workers

    May 22, 2009 - Yesterday, 43 Members of Congress issued a letter to Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, asking him to weigh in on Wells Fargo's attempt to liquidate nearly 4,000 jobs at Hartmarx, a unionized suit manufacturer whose customers include President Obama. Read more...

    Grassley Open to Public Health Care Plan Option

    May 22, 2009 - Senator Grassley has been working hard to craft a health care legislation bill that works for everyone, and we applaud his considerable effort in the cause for quality, affordable health care reform. However, now is not the time to sacrifice the public health plan option for the sake of political compromise. Read more...

    Big Interest Groups Throw a Hail Mary on Employee Free Choice

    May 22, 2009 - A newly-formed coalition of religious leaders and people of faith--Faith Leaders for Workplace Fairness--publicly announced their support for the labor reform bill on a conference call with press last week, calling the legislation a "moral imperative" and a civil and human right. Over the last few days, several conservative websites and corporate interests have decided that such a coalition is unacceptable, because they apparently own all the stock on religion. Read more...

    "Surviving the System" Lobby Day: Meet Amy Ingersoll

    May 22, 2009 - On Wednesday, SEIU member lobbyists and healthcare activists joined the American Cancer Society Action Network, the Consumers Union and AARP in visiting more than 35 members of Congress to share their stories and experiences and drive home the critical need for healthcare reform. One activist came to Washington, DC all the way from North Dakota to lend her voice on the healthcare issues that matter most to her--meet Amy Ingersoll. Read more...

    Job Loss Bad for Your Wallet AND Health (Employee Free Choice Act to the rescue!)

    May 21, 2009 - Adding injury to insult, it turns out losing your job isn't just detrimental to your bank account: it's also bad for your physical and physiological health, according to a study in the latest issue of Demography. Read more...

    No holiday for Health Care and Employee Free Choice campaigns

    May 21, 2009 - Harley riders. Pancake breakfasts. Governor Howard Dean. What do they all have in common? They're just a few of the unique ways that SEIU's keeping our campaigns for health care reform and Employee Free Choice moving during the Memorial Day recess. Read more...

    Sign Up and Tell Mark Fahelson: Walk A Day In Our Shoes

    May 21, 2009 - On May 18th, Mark Fahelson, the Nebraska Republican Party Chairman, wrote an op-ed in Midland Voices entitled "Opposition to Employee Free Choice Act Only Sensible." We keep hearing parroted talking points and rhetoric from corporate-backed Republicans, when what we need to hear are the facts behind a bill that will help working families who are struggling to have a voice in their workplace. Read more...

    Tell Governor Schwarzenegger: No more cuts to home care!

    May 21, 2009 - Caring for others. It's probably the most important thing your mother ever taught you. But it's a lesson Gov. Schwarzenegger seems to have forgotten, because on May 14th the governor released a preview of his revised budget, which seeks to implement deeper cuts to the in-home care program by slicing the state's contribution toward home care worker wages by a staggering 20 to 30 percent. Read more...

    Green jobs and energy are focus of President's first Economic Recovery Advisory Board meeting

    May 20, 2009 - During the first quarterly meeting of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board, SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger and fifteen other board members discussed green jobs and energy with the President, sharing their expertise on the creation of a comprehensive energy plan that will generate millions of clean energy jobs. Read more...

    People of Faith, Sen. Harkin Deliver Strong Message to Congress for Employee Free Choice

    May 20, 2009 - Over 50 religious leaders from a range of diverse faiths and denominations came to Washington, DC to lobby members of Congress on support of the Employee Free Choice Act. The lobbying day begin with an early a.m. prayer breakfast at the U.S. Capitol Visitors Center, followed a by press conference held with Sen. Tom Harkin. Check out our video of the event. Read more...

    Missoulian Endorses Free Choice to Rebuild Middle Class

    May 20, 2009 - Sociology professor Daisy Rooks of the University of Montana put the Employee Free Choice Act in its proper perspective with her glowing endorsement atop the editorial page of the Missoulian. Read more...

    New Research Shows Rise of Corporate Intimidation and Threats Towards Workers for Supporting a Union

    May 20, 2009 - The current system to form a union in the workplace is grossly slanted in favor of employers who too often use harassment and intimidation to stop unions and keep workers from getting a fair deal--and it's only gotten worse in recent years. A new EPI report reveals that employer tactics against workers' efforts to form unions have increased and become more punitive than in the past. Read more...

    The GOP Health Care Proposal: More of the Same

    May 20, 2009 - Republicans in Congress dusted off John McCain's health care proposal from the 2008 campaign and reintroduced it at a press conference in Washington today. The proposal, which serves as their counter to President Obama's plan for health care reform, replaces the coverage people have with an insufficient tax subsidy that doesn't even cover half of the average family's health care premiums. Read more...

    Boardroom Shakeup at BofA?

    May 20, 2009 - The Wall Street Journal reported last week that the feds are pressuring Bank of America to bring in directors that have more banking experience. What a novel idea! The folks in charge of overseeing the nation's largest bank should actually have some experience working with...banks. Read more...

    Senate Overwhelmingly Passes the Credit Cardholder Bill of Rights

    May 20, 2009 - Yesterday the Senate voted overwhelmingly to pass the Credit Cardholder Bill of Rights, which will strengthen consumers getting raw deals from the Big Banks. "Until we hold credit card companies accountable for intentionally trapping consumers into debt from which they cannot recover, we will continue to put the overall health of our economy at risk," said SEIU's Anna Burger after the vote. Read more...

    Victory for New York City Security Officers

    May 20, 2009 - After months of negotiations with national security contractors Allied Barton and FJC Security Services of Long Island, SEIU Local 32BJ security officers have won new union contracts that provide significant wage increases, employer-paid family health care and benefits for some 3,000 city-contracted security officers over the course of three years. Read more...

    Proposed OSHA Standard Would Prevent Injury for Nurses and Healthcare Workers

    May 19, 2009 - Last week, Reps. John Conyers (D-Mich.) and Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.) laid the first steps toward the Nurse and Health Care Worker Protection Act (H.R. 2381). This legislation will require that healthcare facilities provide safe patient handling using mechanical lifts and develop injury prevention plans for healthcare workers who move patients. Read more...

    The Party of No...Health Care? We Hope Not.

    May 19, 2009 - Last Sunday, RNC Chair Michael Steele revealed his party's intentions when it comes to fixing our broken health care system. Watch Chairman Steele demonstrate why his party is now referred to as the "Party of No". Read more...

    Hampton Worker Writes, "Level the Playing Field"

    May 19, 2009 - Billy Mason works at a manufacturing company in Hampton, Virginia. After 24 years of service, Mason saw a decrease in real wages; health and retirement benefits. Mason believed that the only recourse for him and his fellow workers was to organize. The company fought him and fellow organizers steadfastly with smear and fear campaign speeches by management before each shift. Read more...

    SEIU Local 721 members Turn Out to Support Mental Health Services

    May 18, 2009 - At a rally held at the downtown Los Angeles state building on May 13th, SEIU Local 721 members and community advocates gathered to show support for mental health services and oppose the May 19 ballot measure, Proposition 1E. Read more...

    Don't balance the budget on the backs of the mentally ill: Vote NO on Prop. 1E

    May 18, 2009 - In 2004, the citizens of California voted to pass legislation intended to take a new pro-active approach to improving community-based health services for the state's most historically marginalized and vulnerable population: people struggling with mental illness. Now Gov. Schwarzenegger and state legislators want to pass a ballot measure, Prop. 1E, which raids $230 million a year from funds voters intended to direct to mental health services. Read more...

    These Cuts Hurt

    May 18, 2009 - Security officers who protect hospitals, medical staff, and patients at one of the nation's premier healthcare organizations just had their health coverage cut by their employer Securitas. Read more...

    Making a House Call at Independence Hall

    May 16, 2009 - Nearly 100 doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals gathered Friday in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in support of quality, affordable health care for all. Read more...

    Dick Cheney: Wrong on Employee Free Choice (And Everything Else)

    May 15, 2009 - Dick Cheney is out from his undisclosed location, this time with his sights set on the Employee Free Choice Act. In an interview with FOX News this week, Cheney criticized the Employee Free Choice Act while claiming to not be against working people. Watch our video on Dick's "greatest hits" here. Read more...

    Why, What a Nice Plant You Have, Rick Berman

    May 15, 2009 - You may remember Rick Berman from such corporate farces as, "Pesticides: Kids Love 'Em!" and "Second Hand Smoke: You Have Two Lungs for a Reason." Now get ready for the latest episode in Rick Berman's corporate hackery: planting a former employee and Wal-Mart lobbyist as a "Democrat against the Employee Free Choice Act." Read more...

    Big Banks Liquidating Your Company? Let Us Know

    May 15, 2009 - Today, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) launched a toll-free hotline and website--Keep America Working--to support small business owners and workers facing job loss because of frozen credit and liquidation at the hands of bailed-out banks. Visit if your company is facing liquidation threats from big banks. Read more...

    Obama Administration Blocks Harmful Cuts to Homecare Workers

    May 15, 2009 - In a victory for struggling homecare workers, the Obama Administration ruled last week that California's proposed cuts to the In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program violates the terms of the federal stimulus aid going to the state under the terms of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Read more...

    Watch Andy Stern on the Charlie Rose Show

    May 14, 2009 - SEIU President Andy Stern appeared on Charlie Rose last night to discuss the economic crisis and its impact on American workers. Watch it here. Read more...

    Congress, Meet Your Partner in Health Care Reform: NURSES

    May 14, 2009 - This week, hundreds of RNs flooded our nation's capitol, many of us with several decades of experience in patient care. We left our families and communities because this year-2009-is the year that Congress can finally fix our broken health care system. And it can't happen without nurses. Read more...

    President Obama Reaffirms Support for the Employee Free Choice Act

    May 14, 2009 - In a town hall meeting today in New Mexico, President Obama reaffirmed his commitment to passing the Employee Free Choice Act, a bill that would allow workers to bargain with their employers for better job security, wages and benefits. Watch Read more...

    They Got the Message: CNN and Fox expose Rick Scott

    May 14, 2009 - Yesterday morning, both CNN and FOX News confronted Rick Scott about his miserable record in the health care industry. It seems the nearly 20,000 emails you sent to CNN and FOX News were enough to get the message across, and now they're passing that message on to viewers: Rick Scott can't be trusted when it comes to health care. Read more...

    Big Business Loves to Choose (When They Choose Themselves)

    May 14, 2009 - In today's Washington Post, political columnist Harold Meyerson explains the importance of first contract arbitration in the Employee Free Choice Act, which is the second main plank of the legislation. Read more...

    Artists Unite for Employee Free Choice

    May 14, 2009 - Forty seven artists from the following unions: Actor's Equity; AFM; AFTRA; DGA; IATSE; SAG; WGAE and WGAW joined together with the AFL-CIO to produce this video in support of the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    New Video: The Epic Battle for Employee Free Choice

    May 14, 2009 - Corporate lobbyists and executives are gearing up for their next round of attacks on the Employee Free Choice Act. But the next battle is bound to show them for who they are: greedy people who will do anything to hold onto their power. Watch our tongue-in-cheek video here. Read more...

    Newt takes page out of Kanye playbook; enraged over Twitterjacking

    May 14, 2009 - Lately a twitterer in the name of EFCANow has taken to trying to convert followers of Republicans Newt Gingrich and Saul Anuzis to sign a pro-Employee Free Choice petition--and Newt and Saul are so mad about it they're threatening to sue. Read more...

    Georgetown Hospital Food Service Workers Beat Back Subcontracting Effort

    May 14, 2009 - A proposal to subcontract out food service workers at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, DC was recently defeated by 1199SEIU members. Read more...

    TPM CafƩ hosting online forum on "the crime wave no one talks about"

    May 14, 2009 - This week, the TPM CafƩ Book Club is addressing the hosting a running discussion of Kim Bobo's book, Wage Theft in America: Why Millions of Working Americans Are Not Getting Paid --And What We Can Do About It. Read more...

    National RN Day of Action

    May 13, 2009 - Hundreds of nurses from SEIU, CNA and UAN convened in Washington, DC today for a national RN day of action. The day's activities included a morning nurses' conference, followed by a march to Upper Senate Park that grew in size along the way, gathering 500 nurses and another 500 patient advocates to rally for comprehensive health care reform. Read more...

    Video: The Fight to Save Hartmarx Workers' Jobs

    May 13, 2009 - On May 11, Workers United members at the Illinois Hartmarx facility voted unanimously to occupy their workplace if chief lender Wells Fargo moves to shut the factory down. Watch the short documentary released today on the events at the Hart Schaffner & Marx factory in Des Plaines, IL over the last week. Read more...

    Video: Anna Burger on Labor's Role in Democracy

    May 13, 2009 - "When workers had a voice on the job, when unionization was high and one in three workers had a union, not only was it good for those workers, it lifted up everybody," said SEIU's Anna Burger in an interview with the Brennan Center for Justice. "It raised the standards across America in terms of wages, healthcare, retirement security and the ability to give our kids a better life." Read more...

    The Latest Victims of the Broken Health Care System: Medicare Recipients

    May 13, 2009 - The big news out of Washington is that the Social Security and Medicare Trust funds are in worse shape than we thought. According to the Medicare Trustees' report released yesterday, we're going to exhaust Medicare by 2017 unless we take immediate action. Read more...

    VP Biden's renewed support for Employee Free Choice: "If a union is what you want, then a union is what you should get"

    May 13, 2009 - VP Joe Biden demonstrated once again today that he and the Obama administration stand firmly with working families in supporting passage of the Employee Free Choice Act. Biden reiterated his opinion that labor unions are a big part of the solution in rebuilding our economy, saying there is "no way" for the administration to "level the playing field" without strengthening organized labor. Read more...

    Maine's Veterans Support Employee Free Choice

    May 12, 2009 - Last week, a group of Maine veterans gathered together in Portland to voice their support for the Employee Free Choice Act--and it's not only Maine's veterans who support the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    Shreveport Interfaith Leaders Fellowship for Employee Free Choice

    May 12, 2009 - Faith leaders from Shreveport, LA and the surrounding areas gathered together today to rally around the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    Tell Wells Fargo: Save Jobs at Hartmarx

    May 12, 2009 - The public gave Wells Fargo $25 billion in bailout funds, but rather than investing that money in American jobs by keeping credit flowing, Wells Fargo is considering cutting the cord. oment to sign a letter to Wells Fargo Executive Vice President John Stumpf asking him to choose a bidder who will save these jobs. Read more...

    Is Bank of America Clueless?

    May 12, 2009 - The bank was "shocked" at the Treasury's initial figure and "negotiated" to have the number lowered by about $20 billion. Of course this begs a question as to just how healthy BofA actually is. I mean, I've heard of accounting tricks, but I didn't know you can knock off 30% of your capital shortfall through "negotiations". That's one hell of an accounting trick! Read more...

    Call the Senate: Support the Credit Cardholder Bill of Rights

    May 12, 2009 - President Obama said he wants to sign a bill that protects credit card holders, but Big Banks are twisting the arms of your senators to get them to oppose even the most basic reforms. Make the call now: tell your senators to support the Dodd-Shelby amendment to the Credit Cardholder Bill of Rights. Read more...

    SEIU Nurse Participates in White House Spanish-Language Town Hall on H1N1 Virus

    May 12, 2009 - On Friday, SEIU Florida Healthcare nurse Patricia Diaz joined U.S. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis and a team of Spanish-speaking Administration officials from DHS and the CDC for a White House Town Hall to discuss Government's safety and prevention plans for the H1N1 virus. Read more...

    New Hampshire Gathers for Mother's Day Delivery

    May 11, 2009 - This year, we here at Change that Works decided to celebrate Mother's Day by helping out where it counts: in the battle for quality, affordable health care. Our volunteers showed their commitment to the mothers and families of New Hampshire by taking the time to hand deliver flowers and unfilled prescriptions to the offices of Senator Judd Gregg and Senator Jeanne Shaheen. Read more...

    Hartmarx Workers Hold Rally with State Politicians & Labor Leaders After Sit-in Vote

    May 11, 2009 - Hartmarx workers were joined by Rep. Phil Hare, Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias and SEIU Illinois State Council president Tom Balanoff at a rally today at the Des Plaines, IL plant, following a unanimous vote by workers to stage a sit-in if Wells Fargo does not approve the sale of Hartmarx to a buyer that would keep it alive instead of liquidating it. Read more...

    Hartmarx Workers Vote to "Sit In" to Save Their Jobs as TARP Recipient Wells Fargo Threatens to Close Factory

    May 11, 2009 - Mirroring the six-day protest that helped save more than 250 Republic Windows and Doors workers from losing their jobs last December, Chicago-based Hartmarx factory workers voted unanimously this morning in favor of a "sit in" style action if chief lender Wells Fargo Bank or a new owner tries to begin liquidation or close the factory. Read more...

    Why Today is a Game Changer

    May 11, 2009 - SEIU is joining a diverse group of organizations at the White House today, unveiling a plan to reduce the cost of health care and jumpstart the drive toward real reform. The groups are teaming up with the Obama administration to curb health care costs through improved efficiency and higher quality of care. Read more...

    As part of President Obama's Job Creation Plan, SEIU Calls for Passage of Employee Free Choice Act

    May 11, 2009 - As President Obama laid out his latest plans to help the nation's unemployed millions, SEIU President Andy Stern called on Congress to implement the Employee Free Choice Act as a priority part of the President's job creation plan. Read more...

    Report shows NJ food service workers get low pay, few benefits

    May 08, 2009 - Thousands of school food service workers in New Jersey are living at or near poverty, according to a new report commissioned by SEIU Local 32BJ, which found that the average hourly wage for food preparation workers in educational services was only $8.15, and that most had no health benefits. Read more...

    US Chamber: We Hate Arbitration. Except For When We Love It.

    May 08, 2009 - In a post on the US Chamber of Commerce's blog, Brad Peck attempts to argue against our point that corporate lobby groups - such as the Chamber itself - were long for arbitration before they started assailing the process as a horrible, terrible, no good, very bad thing. Read more...

    Calling It What It Is: Frank Luntz's Hit Job on Health Care

    May 08, 2009 - Opponents of health care reform have been wringing their hands these last few months. Ever since America elected a president dedicated to fixing our broken system last November, it seems that no amount of spin can distract people from the fact that we're paying billions of dollars for a health care system that doesn't work. This week, as a last ditch effort, Republican spin-doctor Frank Luntz floated a confidential memo on how to scare Americans into believing health care reform is bad. The only problem: the memo was leaked. And, now, the media and members of Congress are calling his bluff. Read more...

    Mayor Bloomberg walks a day in the shoes of SEIU 32BJ security officer

    May 08, 2009 - "For me and for so many of my co-workers, the main issue is our healthcare," said Annie Davis, a 54-year-old New York security officer and SEIU Local 32BJ member during her day-long visit with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Read more...

    Contracts Re-opening for 140,000 NYC Healthcare Workers

    May 08, 2009 - Collective bargaining on behalf of some 140,000 hospital and nursing home workers are beginning this month in New York City. Representing 1199SEIU will be an elected Negotiating Committee of some 500 rank-and-file healthcare workers. They will be conducting parallel talks with representatives of the League of Voluntary Hospitals and Homes, and the Greater New York association of nursing homes. Read more...

    Watch Live: Can the Netroots help make the Employee Free Choice Act law?

    May 08, 2009 - SEIU's Michael Whitney is part of a round-table organized by Netroots Nation: "Can the Netroots help make the Employee Free Choice Act law?" It's on right now, from noon until 2pm ET, and you can watch it live. Read more...

    First-time jobless claims drop

    May 07, 2009 - The number of workers who filed for unemployment benefits for the first time last week fell unexpectedly---a possible sign that job losses in the U.S. could be moderating. Read more...

    Corporate Lobbyists: We Were for Arbitration Before We Were Against It

    May 07, 2009 - In a new round of attacks against the Employee Free Choice Act, corporate lobbyists and executives are showing their true, greedy selves. In recent weeks, corporate lobbyist groups such as the Center for Union Facts, the Chamber of Commerce, and conservatives like Newt Gingrich, have waged war to prevent workers from enjoying what CEOs take for granted: a contract. Read more...

    Bank of America Fails "Stress Tests," Needs $34 Billion and Accountability

    May 07, 2009 - Yesterday's federal government stress test results confirmed what concerned shareholders, taxpayers and bank employees have been saying all along--that Bank of America is failing taxpayers and our economy. Read more...

    SEIU, Allies Working to Protect Community Mental Health Services in CA

    May 07, 2009 - More than 200 community members joined elected officials, mental health advocacy organizations, and SEIU Local 1021 members at a forum last night to discuss the future of community mental health services in Sonoma County, CA. Read more...

    New HHS Report: Decline in Patient Safety "Disturbing"

    May 07, 2009 - The Department of Health and Human Services has released their National Healthcare Quality Report, which evaluates the quality of American health care based on data collected throughout 2008. This headline from the report sums it up: Health Care Quality Is Suboptimal and Continues To Improve at a Slow Pace Read more...

    SEIU Members in Florida Defeat Anti-Union Ballot Initiative Designed to Undercut Workers' Rights

    May 06, 2009 - SEIU members in Florida have helped beat an anti-union ballot initiative designed to undermine Employee Free Choice and deny workers their rights. Through a grassroots campaign, Florida members defeated the so-called "Save Our Secret Ballot" (SOSB) initiative, part of a national campaign led by big business and right-wing think tanks. Read more...

    Point of View: What Prop. 1A really means for California

    May 06, 2009 - The new rules under Prop. 1A would require massive savings even in bad years and would greatly reduce the funding available for public services. Prop. 1A won't reduce California's looming deficit for the 2009-10 budget by a single cent, and most of its provisions will not take effect for two years--years that should be spent hammering out real solutions to the state's budget and fiscal challenges. Read more...

    Fixing Health Care: Put Your Hand In

    May 06, 2009 - Sitting among the insurance executives, business leaders, and Washington lobbyists in the audience of yesterday's roundtable on health care reform were a handful of frontline caregivers from SEIU. They came from across the country to be on Capitol Hill yesterday, and they served as a powerful reminder of the people the debate over health care reform is really about - patients and their caregivers. Read more...

    YouTube Video Contest: Why the Employee Free Choice Act & being in a union is important to LGBT workers

    May 06, 2009 - To help give discrimination the "one two" punch, Stonewall Democrats and Pride At Work recently launched to build support for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act and the Employee Free Choice Act. Join this campaign by submitting a video that explains to Americans why we need to quickly pass both pieces of pro-equality legislation. Read more...

    Recap & Pics: May 1st Immigration Rallies in NYC and Chicago

    May 06, 2009 - Gray skies and rainy conditions in NYC and Chicago didn't deter thousands of community and labor activists from marching on May 1st to call on Congress and the Obama administration to reform the immigration system by providing a path to citizenship for 12 million undocumented workers. Read more...

    On National Nurses Week, We're Calling a Code On Our Healthcare System

    May 06, 2009 - We've decided today isn't going to be like any Nurses Day before it. This year, you can keep your flowers and candy because this year, RNs are demanding something real. We're calling a code on our broken health care system. Read more...

    Andy Stern's Testimony to Congress: The Face of the Health Care Crisis

    May 06, 2009 - SEIU President Andy Stern visited Capitol Hill Tuesday in one of the last official opportunities to provide input on health care reform before a final piece of legislation is drafted next month. Learn about the standards SEIU uses to measure the success of the healthcare system that works for America's working families. Read more...

    Politico labels SEIU's Dennis Rivera a key player in healthcare debate

    May 05, 2009 - This week, Politico dubbed SEIU Healthcare Chair Dennis Rivera "The Organizer" on their list of five people who could play a prime time role in affecting the course of health care reform. Read more...

    Go Chuck!

    May 05, 2009 - Today, SEIU President Andy Stern joined with a panel of health care advocates, insurance industry reps and other stakeholders at Sen. Baucus' second roundtable on health reform. The topic: reforming health care coverage. Read more...

    Our Letter to Bank of America's New Chairman

    May 05, 2009 - Last week, Bank of America's CEO, Ken Lewis, was ousted by the company's shareholders from his position as chairman of the board. At the same time, nearly 100,000 of you signed "taxpayer proxy cards" calling for Lewis' removal as CEO. Read more...

    How (Not) to Join a Union

    May 05, 2009 - Ever wonder how, exactly unions are formed? The Center for American Progress is out with a new video that explains the process step-by-step. Read more...

    Illinois Workers United Suit Makers' Jobs On the Cutting Table

    May 05, 2009 - Workers United members at the Hart Schaffner & Marx (known as Hartmarx) menswear factory in Des Plaines, IL, make suits for President Obama, but their jobs may not make the cut. Read more...

    "Kids Can't Wait" Campaign Launch: Free Healthcare on Wheels

    May 04, 2009 - Last weekend, SEIU Healthcare Michigan members and their families attended the Detroit launch of a national initiative called "Kids Can't Wait," a campaign which seeks to draw attention to the impact of the economic crisis on children's healthcare and expand health care services to disadvantaged children. Read more...

    Your Voices: What Sen. Specter's Announcement Means for Us

    May 04, 2009 - If you thought that Sen. Specter's party-affiliation change from a Republican to a Democrat meant an automatic endorsement from labor unions for his 2010 election...think again. In the memo Andy Stern sent to PA members late last week, he affirmed that we will maintain our ramped-up efforts to reach out to the Senator and let our concerns be known on the need for reform to our nation's labor laws. Read more...

    What a week for immigration reform!

    May 04, 2009 - This Friday, May 1, I joined SEIU Local 32BJ, SEIU members and thousands of immigration advocates from around the country to march from Malcolm X Park to the White House. What I saw was a group of workers standing up and standing together for better treatment. People who know that the labor they provide carries more value than they are receiving for it, and are raising their voices to call for real reforms now. Read more...

    Who is Rick Scott?

    May 04, 2009 - Recently, Rick Scott bought ads for his group "Conservatives for Patients' Rights" on CNN and FOX News networks. Join SEIU in calling on FOX News and CNN to adhere to their own policies and immediately cease running CPR's distortions. Read more...

    This has to stop

    May 03, 2009 - Next week, SEIU President Andy Stern will be going toCapitol Hill for a Senate roundtable on fixing health care and he wants to use your voice to tell the real story of this health care crisis. Will you take a moment to share your health care story? Read more...

    New video shows anti-worker tactics Wal-Mart uses against employees

    May 01, 2009 - A new documentary by UFCW that tells the story of Wal-Mart's war on their own workers. In the video, ten workers from coast-to-coast detail the company's response to their organizing efforts (hint: it's not exactly warm and fuzzy). Read more...

    California: Interfaith Leaders Support Employee Free Choice Act

    May 01, 2009 - Interfaith leaders gathered outside of Wal-Mart in Los Angeles to "renew a covenant with workers" and call for Congress to pass the Employee Free Choice Act. Wal-Mart has doggedly pursued anti-worker policies and is currently spending millions of dollars... Read more...

    CPR Responds With No Refutation of Our Case

    May 01, 2009 - Rick Scott's group, Conservatives for Patients' Rights (CPR), responded today to SEIU's written request to CNN and FOX News for removal of the group's ads. The ads, which were created by the same PR firm behind the now widely-discredited "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" ads in 2004, contain false statements and distortions that are intended to mislead the viewing public. Read more...

    Los Angeles City Council Votes 13 to 1 in favor of Employee Free Choice

    May 01, 2009 - Hours before the Bank of America: Enough action in Los Angeles April 28, the city council voted 13 to 1 for a resolution supporting the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    May 1st marches across the country signal "new day" for immigration reform

    Apr 30, 2009 - This May 1st, thousands of workers, labor leaders and community activists are taking it to the streets to demand justice for all workers and pressure Congress to pass humane reform that puts an end to the Bush administration's immigration policies. Read more...

    Today's Hearing on Immigration Reform is Big Step Forward

    Apr 30, 2009 - Today, SEIU Vice President Eliseo Medina testified before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security at a hearing on the need for passing comprehensive immigration reform in 2009. Read more...

    Home Care Workers Unite With SEIU in Ontario and Nevada

    Apr 30, 2009 - Home care workers from Ontario and Nevada are the latest workers to join SEIU in their growing campaign to raise standards and improve the quality of home care across North America and and set higher standards for thousands of home care aides. Read more...

    SEIU Calls on CNN and FOX News to Pull Ads

    Apr 30, 2009 - Yesterday, SEIU sent letters to FOX News and CNN requesting they pull a grossly misleading ad by Rick Scott's "Conservatives for Patients Rights." The ads, which contain false statements and misleading quotes from doctors, were produced by the same PR firm that created the now-widely discredited "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" ads against Sen. John Kerry in 2004. Read more...

    The Big News - And What You Can Do NOW

    Apr 30, 2009 - Senator Arlen Specter joined hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians who have left the Republican Party and announced that he would become a Democrat. In the past, he's risen above above partisanship to support working people - and we've worked with him on many important issues. Read more...

    Huge News at Bank of America: Watch the Video

    Apr 30, 2009 - Something remarkable happened yesterday. A majority of Bank of America's shareholders voted to oust Ken Lewis as Chairman of the company's board. This is huge. Shareholders cast an unprecedented vote of no confidence on Ken Lewis' leadership at Bank of America. It's the first step to real accountability at the financial giant. Read more...

    Sounds and Silence: Workers Memorial Day

    Apr 30, 2009 - Every April 28, the international labor movement stops to commemorate the lives and sacrifices of workers who never made it home, and to renew the struggle for safer and healthier workplaces. Read more...

    Obama's First 100 Days: What he's done for workers

    Apr 29, 2009 - Today marks the 100th day Obama has been in the Oval Office. "President Obama has made it clear from day one that we will not be able to rebuild our economy stronger than it was without a greater voice, and greater prosperity, for American workers," said SEIU's Anna Burger, highlighting workers' engagement during the Administration's first 100 days. Read more...

    Video: 90,000 "Taxpayer Proxy Cards" Delivered to Bank of America

    Apr 29, 2009 - Earlier, we delivered your 90,000 "Taxpayer Proxy Cards" to Bank of America, directly before the annual shareholder meeting. Read more...

    Pictures from San Francisco with Mary Kay Henry

    Apr 29, 2009 - SEIU Executive Vice President Mary Kay Henry led a rally and protest outside of Bank of America in San Francisco yesterday. It was a windy day, but 50+ activists gathered to call for reform at Bank of America. Read more...

    Pictures from Today's Rally in Charlotte

    Apr 29, 2009 - Fresh in from North Carolina, here are some picture's from today's event outside of the Bank of America annual shareholder's meeting, where we presented Bank of America with over 90,000 "Taxpayer's Proxy Cards." Read more...

    Breaking: Bank of America Delays Release of Vote Results to Fire Ken Lewis

    Apr 29, 2009 - It seems as though the vote to oust Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis and other board members is "too close to call," according to the Wall Street Journal. Read more...

    Bank of America: In The Doghouse?

    Apr 29, 2009 - For a while, we've been saying that people are a little ticked at Bank of America's practices. We apologize to our canine friends, who, it appears, are also joining the movement for real reform at Bank of America. Read more...

    Liveblogging Bank of America's Annual Shareholder Meeting

    Apr 29, 2009 - We liveblogged Bank of America's annual shareholder meeting starting at 10am EST until the very end when the meeting adjourned after 2pm. Read commentary and analysis on the meeting in which Ken Lewis' fate at Bank of America will be decided by shareholders. Read more...

    Grand Total: Over 90,000 "Taxpayer Proxy Cards" Signed and Delivered

    Apr 29, 2009 - Just moments ago, we delivered over 90,000 "Taxpayers Proxy Cards" to Bank of America. Who are these 90,000 people? They're an eclectic mix of those who signed on the Internet and those who joined one of 100 actions yesterday, out there in your community. Read more...

    The Billboard That Haunts Ken Lewis' Dreams

    Apr 29, 2009 - If you're in Charlotte, NC today, be on the lookout for this giant, moving billboard. Read more...

    Bank of America Blog Roundup, April 29th 2009

    Apr 29, 2009 - Our Take Back The Economy campaign is picking up some steam on the web, with a good number of blogs covering our events from yesterday and today. Read more...

    Live from Charlotte (via Twitter): "Bank of America's in a spiral, this greed's going viral!"

    Apr 29, 2009 - Dispatch just in from outside the Bank of America shareholder meeting in Charlotte - SEIU blogger Kate Thomas writes on Twitter... Read more...

    Video: SEIU President Andy Stern Speaks at Rally in NYC

    Apr 29, 2009 - We've just received video from the New York City's Take Back The Economy event, where SEIU President Andy Stern and event attendees delivered a "Taxpayer's Proxy" card to the Bank of America headquarters. Watch the video here. Read more...

    Bank of America Action in Palo Alto

    Apr 29, 2009 - A group of people, including members of SEIU Local 2007, went inside a BofA branch with a taxpayer proxy card to cast their votes for firing BofA CEO Ken Lewis whose failed policies have wreaked havoc on the economy and put taxpayers on the hook for as much as $200 far. Read more...

    Live from Charlotte: Momentum Building before BofA's Annual Shareholder Meeting

    Apr 29, 2009 - We're on the ground in Charlotte, NC for Bank of America's annual shareholder meeting, where I've just been told we've reached 90,000 signed "taxpayer proxy" cards calling for reform at Bank of America. BofA CEO Ken Lewis is reportedly losing... Read more...

    Sebelius confirmed, but why not sooner?

    Apr 29, 2009 - It took swine flu, and 13,000 petition signatures, to remind Republican Senators that cynical politicking can have real consequences for American lives. After weeks of Republican maneuvers to delay a floor vote, the Senate yesterday voted 65-31 to confirm Kathleen Sebelius as HHS Secretary. Read more...

    Live from Charlotte: Bank of America ATM Fees Begin off the Plane

    Apr 28, 2009 - I just landed in Charlotte for our Take Back the Economy action outside the Bank of America shareholder meeting. I needed to get cash, but the only ATM in sight is Bank of America. Read more...

    100 Turn Out in Portland BofA Action

    Apr 28, 2009 - Over 100 people turned out in Portland, Oregon today to demand taxpayer accountability at Bank of America. Members and staff of SEIU Locals 49 and 503 rallied in Pioneer Courthouse Square to demand that BofA CEO Ken Lewis be fired for the bank's policies that have devastated the economy. Read more...

    Video: Take Back The Economy Rally in Washington, DC

    Apr 28, 2009 - Today, SEIU's Executive Vice President, Eliseo Medina, led a rally in front of a Bank of America branch near the White House. Watch it here. Read more...

    Minneapolis Taxpayers Demand Change at BofA

    Apr 28, 2009 - More than 30 SEIU and UFCW members gathered with other community allies at a BofA-owned insurance office in Minneapolis to hold Ken Lewis accountable for wreaking havoc on the economy. They sent a group inside the branch, where they spoke with a representative from the bank, and then held a rally outside. Read more...

    Bank of America: "shortfall of billions of dollars." What you can do.

    Apr 28, 2009 - This morning the Wall Street Journal reports on the first look at those financial stress tests. The results? Bank of America has a "shortfall [that] amounts to billions of dollars." Bank of America is what the Wall Street Journal called... Read more...

    Andy Stern's Statement on Senator Arlen Specter

    Apr 28, 2009 - Statement from SEIU President Andy Stern on Sen. Specter's announcement that he is switching political parties to become a Democrat. Read more...

    Taxpayers Rally in Providence

    Apr 28, 2009 - Taxpayers are rallying in dozens of cities across the country today calling for Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis to go. Today's events are off to a great start. Here's a snapshot from the event in Providence. Read more...

    BofA Stressed Out?

    Apr 28, 2009 - The official stress test results don't come out until next week, but if BofA fails, the government may have to pour tens of billions more into the bank. Ken Lewis' mismanagement of the bank already has taxpayers on the hook for up to $199.2 billion. Read more...

    Fire Ken Lewis!

    Apr 28, 2009 - Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis' failed policies have wreaked havoc on the economy. Taxpayers are getting together all over the country today to say that enough is enough and it is time for Lewis to go! Read more...

    Today is Equal Pay Day for Women

    Apr 28, 2009 - Today, April 28, is Equal Pay Day, marking the point in 2009 when the average woman's wages finally catch up with what the average man earned in 2008. Read more...

    SURVEY: Over One-Third of Healthcare Facilities Not Prepared in Event of Pandemic Flu Outbreak

    Apr 27, 2009 - Only 4 percent of surveyed union leaders representing heatlh care workers reported their workplaces as "very ready" to respond sufficiently to an influenza pandemic like swine flu, according to a new report compiled by the SEIU and six other unions. Read more...

    VOTE for Limbaugh as Worst Media Moment of Obama's First 100 Days

    Apr 27, 2009 - Our friends over at Media Matters are asking online readers to watch a selection of the most outrageous media moments from the first 100 days, and vote for which you think is the worst. For us, the winner here is pretty clear: Rush Limbaugh's choice words on Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    US bailout for offshored jobs?

    Apr 27, 2009 - More than 20,000 people have already signed "taxpayer proxy cards" asking for CEO Ken Lewis to be fired and to reform Bank of America. Can you help us reach 30,000 in the next 48 hours? Read more...

    What's the HHS got to do with it?

    Apr 27, 2009 - The swine flu outbreak has prompted news outlets and bloggers to take a harder look at the Republican obstructionism that's blocked the confirmation of an HHS Secretary. Many noticed that on Sunday, when White House officials briefed the press on the spread of the virus, the official who spoke was not the Health and Human Services Secretary (whose confirmation is stalled in the Senate), but Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security. Read more...

    Bank of America: So, About that "America" Part of Our Name

    Apr 27, 2009 - While the US taxpayer has been more than generous towards Bank of America, giving the bank up to $199.2 billion in federal assistance, CEO Ken Lewis hasn't exactly returned the favor. Read more...

    Arkansas Worker Shown the Door for Talking About Workplace Safety

    Apr 27, 2009 - Rhonda Woods lives in Paris, Arkansas and until recently worked on a factory floor. When she brought up potentially unsafe working conditions to her boss, she was told: "If you don't like it, there's the door." Read more...

    Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis Blows off Retirees

    Apr 25, 2009 - When asked what he thinks about calls to resign, Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis appeared to care less about the lives of those who have invested his company, and more about his own bottom-line. Read more...

    SEIU Nurses In Florida Relay Healthcare Headaches to State Lawmakers

    Apr 24, 2009 - Nurses from across Florida gathered with State Representative Alan Williams and Leon County Commissioner Cliff Thaell in Tallahassee this week to ensure elected officials understand the dire state of our healthcare system. Read more...

    New Documentary Chronicles Union Workers Building "Green"

    Apr 24, 2009 - To promote green-collar jobs and clean energy manufacturing, a new film has been touring union halls as part of nationwide Earth Day celebrations taking place this week. "The Greening of Southie" tells the story of Boston's first residential green building from the perspective of blue collar union workers who are becoming our green collar workforce. Read more...

    TV Ad: America Wants Green Jobs

    Apr 24, 2009 - SEIU and coalition partners MoveOn Political Action, Blue Green Alliance, AFL-CIO, Environmental Defense Fund and the League of Conservation Voters launched an ad this week called "America Wants Green Jobs," to highlight good, green jobs in the clean energy economy. Read more...

    When $45 Billion is Really $199.2 Billion

    Apr 24, 2009 - If you've been following the news, you know by now that Bank of America is in debt to the American taxpayer in the amount of $45 billion - the amount of TARP funds (aka "bailout money") that they received since last year. But it turns out that a figure that you likely haven't heard - 199.2 billion - paints a bit more of an accurate number on how much Bank of America will most likely "borrow" from the American people. Read more...

    Missoula Turns Out to talk Health Care with Ezra Klein

    Apr 24, 2009 - This past week, blogger and policy wonk Ezra Klein, along with Change that Works and Forward Montana, came to Missoula to discuss the current state of health care in Montana. Thanks to your support, it was a raging success. We look forward to many more successful events to come! Read more...

    Is Your Union Going Green?

    Apr 23, 2009 - In the greening of the economy, workers and low-income people are not a liability or a line item--they are a part of the solution. SEIU members and their local unions across the country are leading the way in new green initiatives to promote energy efficiency and quality green jobs. Read more...

    Tell Bank of America It's Time for Reform

    Apr 23, 2009 - While Bank of America's CEO, Ken Lewis, is calling for business as usual, taxpayers are calling for change. On Tuesday, April 28, thousands of taxpayers will tell Bank of America it's time for reform - and for CEO Ken Lewis to be fired. Read more...

    Pennsylvania Workers Try to Meet with Arlen Specter

    Apr 23, 2009 - Last week, hundreds of workers gathered together on a blustery day to tell us why we need the Employee Free Choice Act now. Read more...

    Baucus Gets Things Moving on Health Care

    Apr 23, 2009 - The crowd spilled into the overflow room Monday, as the Senate Finance Committee, Chaired by Montana Senator Max Baucus, began the process of, at last, making health care reform a reality in this country. Monday's hearing was an encouraging sign that we're on the right track. Read more...

    Earth Day Means Clean Green Jobs for Working People

    Apr 22, 2009 - This Earth Day marks a turning point in the environmental movement, with union members speaking out more than ever before for "good jobs, green jobs" and a clean energy economy. Read more...

    Anna Burger joins Earth Day roundtable on role of women in the green economy

    Apr 22, 2009 - SEIU's Anna Burger joined women from labor, business, academic and advocacy organizations to shine a light on the important role that women will play in our green economy at an Earth Day roundtable today at the Department of Labor headquarters. Read more...

    Tweet-up Connects Senator Grassley to Change That Works Constituents

    Apr 22, 2009 - Change that Works is always looking for new ways to connect Iowans to our lawmakers in Washington. Which is why we were excited when Senator Chuck Grassley announced a tweet-up: a Des Moines town hall-style event for his constituents and followers on Twitter. Read more...

    Maine's Workers Travel To DC to Meet with Senators

    Apr 22, 2009 - This Wednesday, Maine's workers traveled to Washington, DC to meet with Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins. Our Maine workers are making the trip all the way down to our nation's capitol to personally urge the senators to support Maine's workers by saying YES to the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    SEIU Healthcare Illinois Ad: Don't cut home care and child care to the bone

    Apr 22, 2009 - SEIU Healthcare Illinois launched a hard-hitting advertising campaign this week, timed to coincide with the return of legislators to Springfield, calling on the General Assembly to stop deep cuts to child care and home care services in the FY10 budget. Read more...

    Alameda Hospital Workers Win 18% Raises

    Apr 22, 2009 - On April 17, SEIU UHW members at Alameda Hospital in Oakland ratified a new three-year contract, which is retroactive to April 2008 and covers nearly 130 workers. Read more...

    NY Times Editorial: Viewing Undocumented Workers as Invaders is Misguided

    Apr 21, 2009 - Unions see immigration reform as an issue of worker empowerment. Reform that allows immigrants to legalize and stand up against tolerating low pay and workplace would not only improve their lives, but all workers' lives. Read more...

    Wake-up Call: Abuse of Hispanics Workers Will Continue Without Immigration Reform

    Apr 21, 2009 - Under Siege: Life for Low-Income Latinos in the South, a report released today by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), surveys a mix of legal residents, undocumented immigrants and U.S. citizens in the southeast U.S. and finds Latinos routinely subject to racial profiling, harassment by law enforcement and workplace abuse. Read more...

    Yes, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis Supports the Employee Free Choice Act

    Apr 21, 2009 - Despite some unbalanced reporting, Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis's support for the Employee Free Choice Act is not remotely in question. Secretary Solis's labor record is beyond reproach, and her support for the Employee Free Choice Act has never wavered. Read more...

    Tell the Senate: Vote Immediately on Kathleen Sebelius

    Apr 21, 2009 - Remember when Republicans tried to block Hilda Solis? Read more...

    SEIU Master Trust Demands Investigation of Billions in Payouts for Executives in 29 of its Portfolio Companies

    Apr 21, 2009 - In letters addressed to the Boards of Directors of 29 major companies in its investment portfolio, the SEIU Master Trust--a consortium of pension funds with approximately $1.3 billion in assets--demand that the companies' boards overhaul their executive compensation structure so top executives do not reap bonuses and other incentivized pay rewards regardless of the companies' performance. Read more...

    The Sprint Toward the Finish Line?

    Apr 21, 2009 - News broke yesterday afternoon that Senators Kennedy and Baucus have pledged to have a health care bill ready for mark-up in early June. The Senators asserted that their respective Committee bills could be 'quickly merged into a single bill for consideration on the Senate floor.' For health care advocates, this ambitious timeline indicates that the next two months will be one of the most dynamic periods in recent Congressional history. Read more...

    SEIU on CNBC: Fire CEO Ken Lewis

    Apr 20, 2009 - [YouTube video]

    Mary Kay Henry Named Among "Top 25 Women in Healthcare"

    Apr 20, 2009 - The latest issue of Modern Healthcare lists the Top 25 Women in Healthcare, naming our very own Mary Kay Henry as one of those on the front lines to reforming our healthcare system to provide quality, affordable healthcare for all. Read more...

    WNYC Interviews SEIU's Eliseo Medina re: Comprehensive Immigration Reform Legislation

    Apr 17, 2009 - SEIU Executive Vice President Eliseo Medina joined President of the Department of Professional Employees Paul Almeida, both representing Change to Win unions and AFL-CIO unions, to discuss the groups' unified framework for comprehensive immigration reform legislation. Read more...

    Unions 1, Pirates 0

    Apr 17, 2009 - The American crew members of the Maersk Alabama - a ship recently hijacked by Somali pirates - fought back and won. They specifically cited their union membership as a reason for how they were able to beat the pirates. Read more...

    Public Workers Pay Taxes Too!
    New Hampshire Public Employees Protest Job Cuts

    Apr 17, 2009 - On Wednesday, over a hundred members of SEIU Local 1984 in New Hampshire joined state employees at the Concord State House for a Tax Day protest against possible public employee layoffs and cuts in pay and benefits. The state budget recently passed by the House would impose a mandatory 2 percent "tax" on 51,000 public workers, pulling $100 million out of the New Hampshire economy, even as local retailers are really struggling. Read more...

    In Case You Missed It: Rallies, Events Continue Across the Country in Support of Employee Free Choice Act

    Apr 17, 2009 - In Washington, they may have questioned whether the Employee Free Choice Act battle was drawing to a close. Good thing no one told the rest of the country, where rallies and activities in favor of the bill are going strong. From Maine to North Dakota, activists gathered to tell their Senators, the time for the Employee Free Choice Act is now. Read more...

    CIR/SEIU Members Discuss Healthcare Reform during Congressional Recess

    Apr 16, 2009 - Members of the Committee of Interns and Residents/SEIU Healthcare have been participating in in-district health care reform events during the Congressional spring recess. Several events took place over the past week in New Jersey, New York and New Mexico. Read more...

    First Wal-Mart Workers in North America Gain Union Representation

    Apr 16, 2009 - It took nearly four years, but unionized workers at a Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec Wal-Mart store have finally won their first collective agreement--the first of its kind in North America. Read more...

    Fire CEO Ken Lewis: Sign Your Taxpayer Proxy

    Apr 15, 2009 - While Bank of America's CEO, Ken Lewis, is calling for business as usual, taxpayers are calling for change. It's time for Bank of America to stop the policies and practices that helped crash our economy and hurts its customers with unfair fees and hidden costs. Read more...

    Senator Grassley Says Progress on Healthcare Depends Upon Bipartisanship

    Apr 15, 2009 - "The true test of this bipartisanship process will be how we handle the details," said Senator Charles E. Grassley, ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, last week in a Mason City, Iowa, health forum including panelists from AARP and SEIU. Speaking about competition between insurance companies, Local 199 member and RN Mary Burke commented, "I think competition would actually be meaningful if we have a public health care system. If you don't have everybody insured, we're still going to have the problem." Read more...

    Nebraska, not DC

    Apr 15, 2009 - Now, in my experience, there aren't that many cherry blossoms in Nebraska this time a year. Or statues of Civil War generals. Or, uh, White Houses. But for whatever reason, that's the backdrop the Chamber of Commerce has chosen for their new anti-Employee Free Choice Act attack ad in the state, an ad whose theme of is supposedly "You can't let Washington tell Nebraskans what to do." Read more...

    Labor Groups United to Unveil Unified Immigration Reform Framework

    Apr 14, 2009 - Today, the Change to Win federation and AFL-CIO unveiled a unified framework for comprehensive immigration reform legislation. The proposal endorses legalizing the status of tundocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. and opposes the adoption of employers' incentive to hire undocumented workers rather than U.S. workers. Read more...

    1199SEIU Wins Largest Union Victory in Boston-Area Hospital in Two Decades

    Apr 14, 2009 - More than 800 healthcare workers at St. Elizabeth's Medical Center, the largest medical center in the Caritas Christi Health Care chain, voted last Thursday to unite together with thousands of healthcare workers in 1199SEIU. Read more...

    Dennis Rivera and Michael Bloomberg: Health Care Reform is a Must

    Apr 14, 2009 - New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and SEIU Healthcare Chair Dennis Rivera have published a joint op-ed on the Huffington Post with a simple message: health care reform must happen this year, period. Read more...

    SEIU to Chamber of Commerce: Stop Using Taxpayer Bailout Funds to Undermine Working Families

    Apr 14, 2009 - On their blog yesterday afternoon, the Chamber of Commerce admitted to accepting dues from member companies who have received taxpayer bailout money. The Chamber of Commerce must stop accepting taxpayer funds to lobby against taxpayer interests that would improve the lives of hardworking Americans. Read more...

    "Faces of Employee Free Choice" come to Colorado

    Apr 14, 2009 - This past week, the Employee Free Choice Act came home to Colorado in a way that hadn't been seen before: with a traveling billboard featuring two people whose lives would have been better had the act been in place. Read more...

    Service-Sector Workers Increase Wages and Benefits with Unions

    Apr 14, 2009 - A new report from the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) shows that nationally, unionization raises service workers' pay 10.1 percent (about $2.00 per hour), compared to non-union service workers, and increases the likelihood that the worker will have health insurance and a pension. Read more...

    Video: Why Working Families Need the Employee Free Choice Act

    Apr 13, 2009 - In their own words, workers speak out about how the current system to form unions is broken--and why working families need the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    Chamber of Commerce's New Anti-worker TV Ads: More of the Same

    Apr 13, 2009 - The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is launching a $1 million television ad campaign this week against the Employee Free Choice Act--using the same, tired lines they've used in the past to defeat popular legislation like the Americans with Disabilities Act. Read more...

    Qvisory Online Community Offers Practical Life Tools for Young Adults

    Apr 12, 2009 - Qvisory, a non-profit organization, launched with the support of SEIU, combines advocacy with selected benefits focused on the needs of young workers. Qvisory relaunches tomorrow with an updated website and new services to help get young workers through the recession. Read more...

    Employee Free Choice Act: Paving the Road to Economic Recovery

    Apr 09, 2009 - The Center for American Progress Report (CAP) is out, and the results are definitive: labor unions are a crucial part of fixing our economy. Read more...


    Apr 09, 2009 - Getting rich is everything to Wall St. For years, greedy CEOs have done all they can to reward themselves while exploiting working people. Read more...

    Standing for Security

    Apr 09, 2009 - Today more than 30,000 private security officers nationwide have come together to form a union with SEIU and together have won wage increases, increased training, and affordable health benefits. Together we have built a strong voice to bring more professionalism... Read more...

    Spring is Heating Up!

    Apr 09, 2009 - Members of Congress are home for the April recess break, but Virginia Change that Works is hard at work - building momentum to pass the Employee Free Choice Act. Over the April recess, Change that Works plans actions across Virginia,... Read more...

    President Obama Creates Office of Health Reform

    Apr 08, 2009 - By executive order, President Obama established the White House Office of Health Reform today. According to the order, it "will provide leadership to the executive branch in establishing policies, priorities, and objectives for the Federal Government's comprehensive effort to improve access to health care, the quality of such care, and the sustainability of the health care system." Read more...

    Public Outrage Over Bank of America's Self-Serving, Predatory and Dangerous Practices Heats Up

    Apr 08, 2009 - In recent weeks, there's been a growing chorus of public outrage over the lavish bonuses paid to bank executives like Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis, whose self-serving profit schemes and risky financial deals led to today's economic collapse. Read more...

    NYT: We Should Have a Public Health Insurance Option

    Apr 08, 2009 - The New York Times is out in front with an early endorsement of a public health insurance option as part of any plan to fix health care: A new public plan - to offer consumers greater choice, keep the private... Read more...

    Watch MSNBC's "Ed Schultz Show"

    Apr 08, 2009 - Yesterday evening, MSNBC's The Ed Show featured SEIU's Stephen Lerner about the importance of employee free choice. Read more...

    Labor Leaders Form National Labor Coordinating Committee

    Apr 07, 2009 - The AFL-CIO, Change to Win and the National Education Association announced today the creation of a National Labor Coordinating Committee to consult among their affiliated unions and to act nationally on the critical issues facing working Americans. Read more...

    Ezra Klein: Fixing Health Care Shouldn't Mean Choosing Between Two Extremes

    Apr 07, 2009 - Rather than deciding as a society how much will be spent in the coming year and then figuring out how best to spend it, we abdicate collective responsibility and let individuals fend for themselves. So although Britain and Canada have decided that no one will go without, even if some must occasionally wait, the U.S. has decided that most of those who can't afford care simply won't get it. Read more...

    Any Time, Any Reason?

    Apr 07, 2009 - We play by the rules. We pay our credit card bills on time and we pay what we owe. But the big banks don't play by rules. They can jack up our interest rates at almost any time and for almost any reason on your balance. Read more...

    Senator Specter on the Employee Free Choice Act: Then and Now

    Apr 07, 2009 - This morning Senator Arlen Specter appeared on MSNBC's and spoke about his new position on the Employee Free Choice Act -- which he formerly co-sponsored and now announced he will not even allow for debate on the bill. Read more...

    Senator Schumer: Competition Works for Health Care

    Apr 06, 2009 - That's where Senator Schumer comes in. During the coming months, as the plans for health care reform unfold, his job is to make sure Congress is looking out for patients and not profits by including a public health insurance option into the mix. Backing him up will be President Obama and the soon-to-be-Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius. And, of course, all of us. Read more...

    Standing Up to Contracting-Out in Our Schools

    Apr 03, 2009 - When the Windham Board of Education announced its plan to outsource school foodservices out to a private, for-profit food services vendor, CSEA/SEIU Local 2001 members began mobilizing public support immediately to pressure school officials to reject it. Read more...

    New TV Ad for the Employee Free Choice Act: "Fabric of America"

    Apr 03, 2009 - Politico reports on a new ad for the Employee Free Choice Act that debuts this weekend. Read more...

    Free Sebelius!

    Apr 03, 2009 - It's with great disappointment that we received news this morning that an "unnamed Republican Senator" put a hold on Gov. Kathleen Sebelius' confirmation as Health and Human Services Secretary. At a time when the U.S. economy is collapsing under the elephantine costs of our broken health care system, how is it that one anonymous Senator can obstruct filling the leadership post of our nation's top health agency? Read more...

    St. Catharines Workers United Local 2347 Wins with Overwhelming Community Support

    Apr 03, 2009 - It's been a long time coming, but Diane and her co-workers finally have the union they wanted, said Alex Dagg, Canadian director of the new-formed Workers United yesterday. Read more...

    Moving Forward: Congress Passes President Obama's Budget

    Apr 03, 2009 - Today, we moved a little bit closer to fixing health care. Nothing about it was easy, but Congress has passed a budget that includes a historic commitment to health care reform. It follows the president's directive to establish a health reform reserve fund to cover the cost of health care without raising the deficit. Consider this a promise to the American people that real change is coming this year. Read more...

    "Remembering King, Realizing the Dream" March and Rally in LA April 4th

    Apr 02, 2009 - The 5,000 member SEIU-SOULA (Security Officers United in Los Angeles) Local 2006 will join community organizations in a three-mile march to commemorate the 41st anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr's death on April 4th in LA. Read more...

    Detroit Nurses Win Wage Collusion Settlement to Boost Recruitment

    Apr 02, 2009 - Nurses in the Detroit area are celebrating a $13.6 million settlement reached with St. John's Health System in a class action lawsuit brought to expose attempts by area hospitals to hold down wages for nurses despite an ongoing shortage of RNs willing to work in acute care hospitals. Read more...

    Depression in California's Inland Empire Shows Need for Employee Free Choice Act

    Apr 02, 2009 - Tom Woodruff, the director of Change to Win's Strategic Organizing Center and an Executive VP at SEIU, has a piece in the Huffington Post that paints a picture of just how hard the economic crisis has hit workers in California's Inland Empire, where unemployment is above 12 percent Read more...

    Budget Coming As Soon As Today

    Apr 02, 2009 - The AP is reporting that Congress is expected to take a final vote on a budget resolution as early as today. Both the House and Senate Budget Committees released their own proposals last week that protect the key investments President Obama had requested for fixing health care and restoring the economy. Read more...

    What happened when I talked about a union

    Apr 01, 2009 - In 2007 alone, more than 29,000 workers were fired or disciplined for union activity. Trisha Miechur, a Certified Nurse Assistant at a ManorCare nursing home in Easton, PA, is one of those workers. Read more...

    National campaign launches to ensure 2010 Census counts all Latinos

    Apr 01, 2009 - Today Ya Es Hora, a coalition of Spanish-language media and Latino organizations, briefed national media on the third phase of its historic civic engagement campaign, HAGASE CONTAR! (It's Time, Make Yourself Count!), which launch a grassroots media and education campaign to supplement Census Bureau efforts to reach the traditionally hard-to-count Latino community. Read more...

    SEIU's Andy Stern to be honored at 11th annual Keepers of the Dream Awards

    Apr 01, 2009 - Tonight, April 1st, SEIU President Andy Stern will be recognized for his social and political advocacy work by Reverend Al Sharpton and the National Action Network (NAN) at the 11th annual Keepers of the Dream awards. Read more...

    Joe the Plumber: Clueless on the Employee Free Choice Act

    Apr 01, 2009 - "Joe the Plumber" campaigned across Pennsylvania to oppose the Employee Free Choice Act - the only problem is, he has no clue what he's talking about. When asked a basic question about the bill - that majority signup currently exists as a way for workers to join unions - Joe the Plumber's mental pipes got clogged. Watch this great video Read more...

    Joe the Plumber Fights Employee Free Choice; Real Plumbers Fight Back

    Apr 01, 2009 - Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher is back, still missing a plumbing license. That's not stopping him from lecturing actual plumbers -- some of them, I believe, actually named Joe -- about how unions somehow are conspiring to destroy civilization as we know it. Read more...

    The Union Advantage for Women

    Mar 31, 2009 - In 2007, women made up 45 percent of union members--and by 2020, women will be the majority of the unionized workforce. Women have a great deal to gain from unionization, as union victories work to pave the way for workers to bargain for affordable family health care, fair wages, improved working conditions, and a better life for their families. Read more...

    'West Wing' actors join workers, members of Congress to unveil "Faces of the Employee Free Choice Act" campaign

    Mar 31, 2009 - On Tuesday, March 31, Hollywood "West Wing" stars Martin Sheen and Bradley Whitford descended upon the nation's Capitol to join workers, union leaders and members of Congress for the unveiling of a new ad and grassroots campaign. Read more...

    Jet-Setting CEOs

    Mar 31, 2009 - Right now, Colorado CEOs are flying to Washington, DC to march on the offices of Colorado Senators Michael Bennet & Mark Udall. The CEOs - accompanied by corporate lobbyists - will demand that our senators refuse to level the playing... Read more...

    Empowering Workers through Employee Free Choice

    Mar 31, 2009 - Today, the Politico debuted a special section online and in print about the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    Tell the Treasury: Fix Bank of America, Fire CEO Ken Lewis

    Mar 31, 2009 - Firing GM's CEO is a positive step towards restructuring this critical American industry. But the Obama Administration needs to apply the same lesson to the financial sector: replace failed leadership and shepherd the industry into a new era. Sign our petition to Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner calling for Ken Lewis to be replaced as Bank of America CEO. Read more...

    White House Report: The Costs of Inaction

    Mar 30, 2009 - The White House issued a report on health care this morning that serves as a sobering reminder of the urgent need for reform. Released online at, the report documents the widespread effects of the health care crisis across the United States. Read more...

    Bank Workers Worldwide Speak Out Against "Hard Sell" to Customers

    Mar 30, 2009 - In a teleconference briefing today, UNI Finance Global Union gathered bank employees from the U.S., UK, Brazil, and Denmark for a "special insider media briefing" on short-term, profit-driven banking procedures that put customers and economies at risk. Read more...

    Making Work Pay with the Employee Free Choice Act

    Mar 30, 2009 - Almost as soon as she begin her new job as a housekeeper at Jorgensen's motel, Amy Swanson knew that the workplace conditions she and her coworkers were subjected to were untenable. There was no access to affordable healthcare and her wages were pitifully low. She and the other employees of the Helena, Montana motel had no job security, and little to no say in what their schedules would be from week-to-week. Read more...

    SEIU, Blue Green Alliance Urge Climate Change Legislation in 2009

    Mar 30, 2009 - On Friday, four labor unions and two environmental organizations representing six million people announced their support for comprehensive cap-and-trade climate change legislation in 2009. The Blue Green Alliance's goal is nothing less than to transform the U.S. economy through global warming solutions and create millions of family-sustaining green jobs in the clean energy economy. Read more...

    Rep. Donna Edwards Answers Questions about the Employee Free Choice Act

    Mar 29, 2009 - Congresswoman Donna Edwards stopped by the blog Saturday afternoon to talk with supporters. The Employee Free Choice Act was the topic of many questions from commenters. Here's what Donna Edwards said. Read more...

    The DREAM is back!

    Mar 27, 2009 - Yesterday, the DREAM came alive again as S.729 and H.R.1751--the new DREAM Act--was introduced to Congress. The DREAM Act would correct a flaw in our immigration laws that currently provide no path to legal status for young people who were brought to the U.S. years ago as undocumented immigrant children. Read more...

    Bailout Watchdog Team Drops by "Secret" Financial Services Roundtable Meeting

    Mar 27, 2009 - Despite efforts by the Financial Services Roundtable (FSR)--the lobbying organization for banking and financial industries--to keep the location of their spring meeting secret, a group of spirited protesters found them yesterday in Washington, D.C. at the luxury hotel Read more...

    Really? Joe The Plumber? Really?

    Mar 27, 2009 - We've got some news that will leave you scratching your head and wondering, "when will he go away for good?" Joe the Plumber, who is neither Joe (his name is Sam) nor a licensed plumber has accepted an opportunity to become the new symbol and embodiment of the front groups campaigning against Employee Free Choice. Read more...

    SEIU COPE TV ad for Scott Murphy - NY-20

    Mar 27, 2009 - SEIU COPE (Committee on Public Education) released an ad today in support of Scott Murphy in New York's 20th Congressional District. Read more...

    Medical Outrage: Investigation of Boston's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

    Mar 27, 2009 - One of the founding principles at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston has been the quest to "treat patients compassionately" -- a commitment that caregivers have devoted their lives to fulfilling. Unfortunately, hospital administrators at BIDMC haven't always shared the same commitment to compassion, or to the "transparency and honesty" so often touted in glowing press releases and glossy pictures provided to the media. Read more...

    SEIU RN Linda Bock speaks at Obama's online town hall

    Mar 27, 2009 - At the White House's online town hall yesterday, SEIU nurse Linda Bock thanked President Obama for giving her the opportunity to be heard and offer a front line perspective of the health care crisis. Bock expressed the importance of nurses having a voice in the solution to fix health care, to create a system that puts caregivers in charge of the decisions that affect their patients. Read more...

    Landmark Nurse Wage Class Action Suit Moves Forward

    Mar 26, 2009 - The landmark lawsuit filed by Detroit nurses over efforts by hospitals in their area to collude to hold down wages for RNs is moving forward. Federal Judge Gerald Rosen rejected arguments from Mount Clemens General Hospital in Michigan that the landmark suit has no merit and ordered the case to proceed. Read more...

    Helping Laid-Off Workers Afford Health Coverage

    Mar 26, 2009 - Laid-off workers can get much of their healthcare insurance paid for through a new law that makes changes to the health benefit provisions of COBRA, under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Read more...

    Arlen Specter: Don't Cave to Big Business

    Mar 25, 2009 - We need Congress to act as swiftly on real economic recovery for working people in America as they did to bail out Wall Street. Senator Specter can bring this change - but he needs to hear from you now. Read more...

    Small Business Owners Weigh In on Free Choice

    Mar 25, 2009 - On Monday, the Senate Republican Conference held an Anti-Employee Free Choice hearing in Washington. The goal? Using the hearing as a mechanism to publicly trash components of Free Choice. Read more...

    Anna Burger on TPMtv

    Mar 25, 2009 - Talking Points Memo talks with Anna Burger, SEIU Secretary-Treasurer, about the economy and the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    Healthcare Equality Project Launches

    Mar 24, 2009 - More than 20 coalition partners in 13 states and Washington, DC, launched the Healthcare Equality Project on Tuesday. The coalition--which includes Congress members, physicians, nurses and community advocates--will urge Congress to pass healthcare reform that addresses the serious and pervasive inequalities in America's health care system. Read more...

    SEIU's Michael Kerr nominated for Department of Labor post

    Mar 24, 2009 - Last week, President Obama announced SEIU's Michael Kerr as his nominee for Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management (OASAM) with the Department of Labor. Read more...

    Don't Play Games with Atlantic City Casino Dealers

    Mar 24, 2009 - The new Gaming Workers Council brings together four of the nation's largest labor unions to put the combined force of 15 million union members behind casino unionization drives across the country. The Transport Workers Union (TWU) Gaming Division, SEIU, UAW and AFL-CIO are standing together on behalf of workers in the casino industry, concentrating on jump-starting stalled contract talks in Atlantic City, Las Vegas, Detroit and Connecticut. Read more...

    Top 5 Things to Know About Healthcare Equality

    Mar 24, 2009 - The healthcare system Americans deserve will deliver quality affordable health care to ALL no matter the color of their skin, the language they speak, economic status, or geographic location. The longer we wait, the worse it gets. Read more...

    Half of California's state workforce covered by new contract agreement

    Mar 23, 2009 - SEIU Local 1000 members voted overwhelmingly to ratify a new contract providing the strongest layoff protections and furlough limits state workers have ever had. The agreement affects 95,000 California workers and limits some of the emergency measures imposed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to bridge the state's $42 billion budget gap. Read more...

    Confirm Kathleen Sebelius

    Mar 23, 2009 - [YouTube video]

    Obama Says: 'I Will Help You' Find Health Care for Son

    Mar 23, 2009 - SEIU Local 721 member Robin Lewis, who works for the LA County Dept. of Children and Family Services, told President Obama directly how important health care reform is for her son, Kolin. Read more...

    Why Obama's Budget Matters

    Mar 23, 2009 - The first step is making sure the President's budget gets the support it needs from leaders in Congress. His budget makes a huge down-payment on reforming healthcare this year, and toward erasing the disparities that have resulted in unequal care. We need to show our strong and unequivocal support for the Presidents budget. Already, Obama has done more to reform health care than George Bush did in eight years. Read more...

    TN: Emergency Health Care Meetings Tomorrow

    Mar 20, 2009 - We're organizing four emergency meetings tomorrow, March 21, to make a plan of action for how we can urge Tennessee Congressmen Jim Cooper and Bart Gordon to help pass President Obama's budget. Read more...

    Taxpayer money shouldn't be used to lobby against working peoples' interests

    Mar 20, 2009 - Rather than focusing on paying the American people back, the recipients of TARP funds are instead using their resources to lobby against measures that would improve the lives of their new investors--us. Read more...

    Security Officers nationwide hitting the streets in support of the Employee Free Choice Act

    Mar 20, 2009 - After attending the National Worker Mobilization in Washington D.C. March 8-11, security officers returned to their home cities and spread out to talk to non-union security officers about the Employee Free Choice Act. Hundreds of security officers represented by SEIU spoke with more than 500 officers who currently don't have a union in 12 cities, signing them up to take action on the important worker legislation. Read more...

    President Obama Reiterates Support for Making it Easier for Workers to Organize

    Mar 20, 2009 - At the Costa Mesa town hall meeting this week, Obama reiterated his support for making it easier for workers to form unions to restore balance and improve millions of Americans' economic standing. Read more...

    Wall Street Journal: Employee Free Choice Act "does not remove the secret ballot"

    Mar 20, 2009 - Corporate front groups' one-line attack on the Employee Free Choice Act is the false claim that it somehow eliminates the secret ballot option for workers to join unions. But in this morning's Wall Street Journal, the paper's ed board admitted that argument just isn't true. Read more...

    SEIU, CNA/NNOC Announce Transformative Agreement

    Mar 19, 2009 - SEIU and the California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee (CNA/NNOC) today announced the signing of a transformative cooperation agreement. The two unions will work together to organize hospital workers throughout the country who don't yet have a union voice, with CNA/NNOC as the leading voice for RNs, and SEIU as the leading voice for all other hospital workers. Read more...

    We Want Justice, Not Blood

    Mar 19, 2009 - Yesterday, I sat for several hours in a House subcommittee meeting, waiting for a satisfying moment that never came. Scores of cameras, dozens of spectators, and the "Ladies in Pink" (who nearly got thrown out of the hearing for waving signs that said "Jail AIG") joined me as we waited for hours to hear from the CEO of AIG, Edward Liddy. Read more...

    A Reality Check for AIG

    Mar 19, 2009 - We've just returned from our local AIG headquarters here in D.C., where around 130 people stood in the rain to take part in our Take Back the Economy day of action. Demonstrators held signs, sang songs, and presented AIG with a "reality check" worth billions of dollars from the American people. Read more...

    Take Back the Economy Actions: AIG Building Management Reacts

    Mar 19, 2009 - Our action at the DC headquarters of "Bailout King" AIG just finished, but not before we obtained an internal email from building management in anticipation of our event. Read more...

    Take Back the Economy Actions: Arrests at Peaceful Protest in Rhode Island

    Mar 19, 2009 - We got word that our peaceful protest for in Rhode Island was stopped by police with 8 arrests. Read more...

    Putting Our Money Where Their Mouths Are

    Mar 19, 2009 - Rather than focusing on paying the American people back, America's biggest banks have, instead, used their resources to lobby against measures that would improve the lives of their new investors - us. Here's a quick look at a few of these groups. Read more...

    March 19 Day of Action Against Corporate Excess

    Mar 18, 2009 - As public anger erupts at over bonuses to AIG executives and almost daily revelations of abuses by Wall Street giants, we're channeling our frustration and anger into action that can make a difference. On Thursday, March 19, thousands of people nationwide will demonstrate outside major banks and demand real change. Read more...

    Surprise! Rush Gets It Wrong on Free Choice

    Mar 18, 2009 - The always-entertaining leader of the Republican Party, Rush Limbaugh, had these words to say about Employee Free Choice today: "One day, Tony Soprano will walk in with a lead pipe and he will start beating people upside the head to vote to unionize." Read more...

    Sometimes 'Sorry' just isn't enough: Fix CNBC Now!

    Mar 18, 2009 - Responsible journalism that holds Wall Street accountable has been sorely lacking from news giant CNBC, who in recent months has seemed to be doing PR for Wall Street--instead of investigating and debunking lies to report the behind-the-scenes facts the public needs to know. Read more...

    Congress Needs to Hear From Us

    Mar 18, 2009 - There are lots of lessons to be learned from previous attempts to fix health care - and a few critical mistakes that we cannot repeat. One of those mistakes is assuming that, just because a piece of legislation doesn't say "health care reform" in the title, it isn't critical to solving the crisis. Read more...

    From Reno to Capitol Hill

    Mar 18, 2009 - This week has been quite the whirlwind. I left my home in Reno to join coworkers from my hospital (and hundreds of other SEIU members from across the country) to talk to our elected officials in Washington, DC about the need for the Employee Free Choice Act, and why giving workers a voice will help get our country back on track. Read more...

    SEIU Workers on Why They Want a Union

    Mar 17, 2009 - With corporate interest groups going on the attack around the Employee Free Choice Act, workers are now speaking out about why they want to join a union and the employer resistance and intimidation they've encountered when trying to organize their workplace. Watch SEIU workers share their stories about why the Employee Free Choice Act matters to them. Read more...

    No economist needed to see the flaws in Secretary Geithner's latest TALF proposal

    Mar 17, 2009 - SEIU's Anna Burger issued a statement yesterday commenting on Treasury Secretary Geithner's latest TALF proposal to invite private equity and hedge fund investors to a fire sale of bank assets--a fundamentally flawed plan Burger says is no more than a "return to the very same policies and practices that triggered the financial crisis in the first place." Read more...

    Congressman Boren and Cintas Hanging You Out to Dry

    Mar 17, 2009 - Corporate special interests are spending *millions* of dollars on lies, propaganda and twisting arms -- all in a desperate, greedy bid to keep hard-working Oklahomans like you from sharing in the American Dream. And Rep. Dan Boren is more than happy to help those corporate interests. Read more...

    Gallup Poll: Majority of Americans Support the Employee Free Choice Act

    Mar 17, 2009 - In the first independent poll conducted this year on the issue, Americans are firmly and overwhelmingly in support of not only the Employee Free Choice Act, but of workers' rights and of labor in general. Read more...

    Had enough of corporate irresponsibility?

    Mar 16, 2009 - Word broke yesterday that despite being crowned the "Bailout King," AIG is going to pay out more than $400 million in bonuses. We've had enough. On Thursday, March 19, thousands of people nationwide will demonstrate outside major banks and demand real change. Read more...

    New Sheriff in Town: Labor Secretary Solis Takes Oath of Office

    Mar 16, 2009 - On Friday morning, former California Rep. Hilda Solis was officially sworn in as Secretary of Labor by Vice President Joe Biden at the U.S. Dept. of Labor headquarters. The confirmation of Hilda Solis as labor secretary is a momentous occasion that SEIU and organized labor had been anticipating--and fighting for--since Barack Obama first nominated her in mid-December for the position. Read more...

    America's Recession-Resistant Jobs

    Mar 16, 2009 - For the millions of Americans who have lost their jobs or feared for their job security in the past couple of months, one might think there are simply no jobs to be had in this current economic down spiral. Although no job is 100 percent secure, it's encouraging to know that there are job sectors that are still in need of educated employees right now. Read more...

    SEIU Leaders on Employee Free Choice

    Mar 13, 2009 - SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger and Executive VP Eliseo Medina both had shared their thoughts on Employee Free Choice Act this week. Listen to--and watch--the interviews here. Read more...

    About That New "Study" Funded by Front Groups that Oppose Free Choice...

    Mar 13, 2009 - This week, opponents of the Employee Free Choice Act have been pointing to a fundamentally flawed study, whose findings claim that the US will lose 600,000 jobs in the year 2010 if the Employee Free Choice Act passes. The findings of the study itself, we found, have no external validity. Read more...

    SEIU Supports New Bill to Ease Debt for Nursing Students

    Mar 13, 2009 - Iowa Congressman Tom Latham and Wisconsin Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin introduced a bill on Thursday aimed at easing the debt burden on nursing students and combating America's nursing shortage. Read more...

    O'Reilly Responds

    Mar 13, 2009 - Bill O'Reilly refused the challenge to come walk a day in our shoes, because he's already "been to those places." While he may have visited Billings, Montana, we seriously doubt he's spent a day there caring for a sick patient, or keeping an office building secure in Chicago. Read more...

    Missouri Home Care Workers Take Next Step to Form a Union

    Mar 12, 2009 - Following on their hard work last November passing ballot initiative Proposition B to create a statewide Quality Home Care Council, Missouri home care attendants today filed for a union election with the State Board of Mediation. The more-than-16,000 workers who care for people with disabilities and seniors in Missouri's consumer-directed independent provider program will unite to form a new SEIU-AFSCME local union. Read more...

    Recession reaching all the way to Sesame Street

    Mar 12, 2009 - It looks like even beloved Muppet characters Big Bert and Ernie aren't safe in this economic chaos, as Sesame Workshop, the non-profit producer of Sesame Street, announced Wednesday it is laying off one-fifth of its 355-member workforce. Read more...

    SEIU 32BJ Worker Testifies before Congress As Employee Free Choice Act is introduced

    Mar 11, 2009 - Testifying before Congress, SEIU 32BJ member Kelly Badillo related how his union helped him and his family get back on their feet in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 tragedy. "My story exemplifies that businesses and unions can work together for the benefit of hardworking Americans like me. My daughters are grown and have jobs of their own, but I can only hope they can enjoy a strong voice on the workplace like I have had," said Badillo. Read more...

    Ten Things You Should Know About the President's Budget

    Mar 11, 2009 - President Obama recently unveiled his budget for getting America back on track - and it includes a significant downpayment toward fixing health care. As usual, opponents of reform are on the attack, attempting to turn our national discussion on health care into an uninformed, schoolyard brawl. Just check out Rep. Zach Wamp's recent appearance on MSNBC: Read more...

    Level the Playing Field with Employee Free Choice Act

    Mar 11, 2009 - Last night, SEIU's Stephen Lerner was on MSNBC's Hardball and had a great exchange with Chris Matthews that explains our case for the Employee Free Choice Act. Lerner delves into the hypocrisy of business groups' new "campaign" of allegedly standing up for workers' rights. Read more...

    "Crackpot Economics" from Big Business

    Mar 11, 2009 - Corporate-backed opponents of the Employee Free Choice Act are out with their latest Big Lie. A coalition of industry groups commissioned a "study" that claims the unemployment increases as more workers join unions. Read more...

    SEIU, Coalition Partners Launch Retirement USA Initiative

    Mar 11, 2009 - SEIU partnered with The Economic Policy Institute (EPI), the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare and the Pensions Rights Center to launch Retirement USA, an initiative working for a new retirement system that, along with Social Security, will provide universal, secure, and adequate income for future retirees. Read more...

    What is the media saying about yesterday's Employee Free Choice rally?

    Mar 10, 2009 - Yesterday, hundreds of workers from across the country rallied at the offices of major corporate industry associations to expose the huge scope of their DC lobbying against measures that could help working people in today's economy. We've compiled a short round-up of the media coverage surrounding SEIU's demonstrations - here are a few highlights. Read more...

    Five Things to Know about the Employee Free Choice Act

    Mar 10, 2009 - The Employee Free Choice Act was introduced in Congress. Want some great reasons to support this bill that you've been hearing so much about? Here's five. (And if you already support it, please contact your Members of Congress and ask them to do the same.) Read more...

    Poll: Voters Want a Public Health Insurance Plan

    Mar 10, 2009 - The numbers are in. A recent poll conducted by Lake Research indicates that 73% of voters want to see a public health insurance option as part of health care reform in 2009. And guess what? It's smart fiscal policy, too. Read more...

    Today's the day

    Mar 10, 2009 - An important step toward restoring balance and fairness to our economy was taken today--the Employee Free Choice Act was introduced in the House of Representatives and the Senate. SEIU President Andy Stern and SEIU member Regina Schwartz recorded a video message for you about the Employee Free Choice Act. Please watch the video and ask your Members of Congress to actively support the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    Employee Free Choice Act Introduced

    Mar 10, 2009 - Today is the day. At 12:15 today, Congress officially introduced the Employee Free Choice Act. This much-needed bill will help our country's economic recovery and help restore the middle class. Watch SEIU President Andy Stern speaking about why America's middle class needs the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    New York Nurses Celebrate Landmark Legal Settlement

    Mar 09, 2009 - Nurses in Albany, NY reached a settlement in a class action case with Northeast Health, a network which has seven locations throughout the region and provides care for approximately 175,000 people each year. The $1.25 million deal is the first settlement of five national lawsuits aimed at stopping hospitals from allegedly conspiring to depress nurse wages, with similar class-action lawsuits are moving forward in Chicago, Detroit, Memphis, and San Antonio. Read more...

    Hundreds Demonstrate at Chamber of Commerce, Industry Trade Groups To Expose Massive Anti-Worker Lobbying

    Mar 09, 2009 - We've just returned from Lafayette Park - right across the street from both The White House and the Chamber of Commerce - where hundreds of workers from across the country joined with labor, religious and community leaders to stage one amazing rally. Read more...

    TONIGHT on MSNBC at 9 PM: Watch SEIU President Andy Stern

    Mar 09, 2009 - Tonight, SEIU President Andy Stern will be the first guest on MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show," airing at 9:00 PM (EST). He'll discuss why protecting unions is essential to protecting the economy and the current debates on state stimulus spending. Read more...

    Janitors Call On Banks to Use Taxpayer Money to Create Jobs, Not Reward CEOs

    Mar 09, 2009 - On Thursday, hundreds of Chicago janitors and supporters rallied at Fifth Third Bank in Schaumburg to call for good jobs and an economic recovery that works for everyone, not just the people at the top. Janitors marched from Woodfield Mall to the bank, chanting loudly and holding purple banners reading "Value Work." Read more...

    Employee Free Choice Act Introduced Tomorrow in House, Senate

    Mar 09, 2009 - The Politico reports that tomorrow both houses of Congress will introduce the Employee Free Choice Act, which allows workers to decide for themselves how they'd like to form a union rather than management making that decision for them. Read more...

    Can My Boss Do That?

    Mar 06, 2009 - When workers face job loss, they often don't know where to turn for answers. They may be improperly denied their last paycheck, not given the proper amount of notice, or told by their employer that they cannot collect unemployment benefits. New website "Can My Boss Do That" will act as an online clearinghouse to help people understand their rights and protections on a state-by-state basis. Read more...

    What a Week for SEIU's "Scary Movie"

    Mar 06, 2009 - Since "Scary Movie - The Horror of the Employee Free Choice Act" was unleashed, it's been watched on YouTube more than 100,000 times, with 350+ comments from viewers who wanted to share their thoughts and opinions. We wanted to share some of our favorite comments from YouTube with you - check them out. Read more...

    VIDEO: SEIU Attends White House Forum on Health Care Reform

    Mar 06, 2009 - President Obama made his commitment to quality, affordable health care crystal clear yesterday at his White House Forum. After attending the forum, SEIU President Andy Stern, Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger, and SEIU Healthcare Chair Dennis Rivera had this to say... Read more...

    Unemployment Climbs Further to Hit 25-Year High

    Mar 06, 2009 - There's no place to hide, as workers from coast to coast, in almost every sector, are being affected as companies forced to cut their costs slash jobs. As the economy shed 651,000 jobs during the month of February, all 50 states reported increased unemployment for the first time on record. Read more...

    Tell Bill O'Reilly: Walk a Day in Our Shoes

    Mar 06, 2009 - This week Bill O'Reilly launched a baseless attack on members of the Service Employees International Union. SEIU members responded to O'Reilly by inviting the "news" man to walk a day in their shoes and find out what it's like to work in a real job. Watch this video response to Bill O'Reilly, and then sign our petition to O'Reilly to walk a day in the shoes of an SEIU member. Read more...

    Let's Dance

    Mar 05, 2009 - Let's dance. That's what Vice President Joe Biden told union members today in Florida. What's got the Vice President ready to tango? The Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    SEIU's National Worker Mobilization for Employee Free Choice

    Mar 05, 2009 - On Monday, religious leaders, and community allies will join hundreds of workers for a 3 p.m. rally across from the Chamber of Commerce to tell corporate CEOs to stop standing in the way of an economy that works for everyone. Read more...

    White House Health Summit

    Mar 05, 2009 - Today, President Obama hosted a one-day health forum at the White House to officially launch a discussion on how we can bring about meaningful change in health care. The 120 participants - Republicans, Democrats, insurance companies, labor, doctors and patient advocates, including SEIU's President Andy Stern, Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger and SEIU Healthcare chair Dennis Rivera - will be working together to offer up ideas for the best way to make reform happen. Read more...

    Taking Cover: Analysis Shows Business Trade Groups Carrying Corporate Campaign Against Employee Free Choice While Companies Distance Themselves

    Mar 05, 2009 - New analysis of lobbying disclosures shows that the corporate lobbying effort against the Employee Free Choice Act is being waged largely by industry trade associations and front groups rather than by individual companies. Read more...

    Massachusetts Nursing Home Caregivers Overcome Union-Busting at Its Worst

    Mar 04, 2009 - When executives at Northern Berkshire Healthcare received word that the nursing home staff at Massachusetts Sweet Brook Care Centers petitioned to join 1199SEIU in January, they wasted no time before launching an anti-organizing campaign. Their thinly veiled effort to strip caregivers of their voting rights didn't fool anyone--including the National Labor Relations Board, who issued its decision in favor of workers at Sweet Brook Nursing Home , ruling that the long term care workers will be eligible to vote in an upcoming union election. Read more...

    New Report on Illegal Workplace Firings Shows Clear Need For Employee Free Choice

    Mar 04, 2009 - Today, a report issued by the Center for Economic and Policy Research points to a fairly disturbing (not to mention illegal) trend during the 2000s: if you looked at all of the campaigns to earn unions, you'd find that more than one-fourth of them have been "marred by an illegal firing" of at least one worker as he or she fought for representation in the workplace. Read more...

    "Our Vote is earned, not given:" Workers Drive Michigan's Mayoral Endorsement Process

    Mar 04, 2009 - Watch SEIU members talk about their involvement in the Detroit Mayoral election, unprecedented member involvement and the importance of political action in this video, produced by the SEIU Michigan State Council. Read more...

    Standing Up for Homecare Workers in Washington (Video)

    Mar 04, 2009 - I attended a hearing at the Rayburn building about "Family Friendly Policies". A very brave woman named Rebia Mixon Clay told a very compelling and powerful story about the vicissitudes of she faces every day as a home health care Worker. Ms. Mixon Clay, was succinct, on point and eloquent. In a very personal and uplifting way she brought home the plight of many people in this country. Read more...

    President Obama: "We will pass the Employee Free Choice Act"

    Mar 04, 2009 - President Obama demonstrated once again that he stands firmly with working families in supporting passage of the Employee Free Choice Act. Here's what he said yesterday to the AFL-CIO... Read more...

    SEIU Homecare Member Testifies for Family-Friendly Workplace Policies

    Mar 03, 2009 - For over a generation now, millions of working Americans have struggled to find a balance between work and family. "I know this hearing is about good family policies but everything comes back to money, something nobody seems to have enough of these days," said Rebia Mixon Clay, SEIU member and homecare worker from Chicago, in her testimony this morning before the House Education and Labor Subcommittee on Workforce Protections. Read more...

    Scary Movie - The Horror of the Employee Free Choice Act

    Mar 03, 2009 - In reality, the Employee Free Choice Act is a bipartisan, common sense economic recovery for working families that will pump billions into our nation's economy. Read more...

    More than 3,000 Chicago Janitors Rally for Good Jobs to Strengthen Our Economy

    Mar 02, 2009 - On Sunday afternoon, over 3,000 SEIU Local 1 janitors and community supporters crowded into the historic Chicago Theater and then marched to LaSalle Street in an effort to call attention to low-wage workers struggling to keep afloat in a time when corporate CEOs are still getting bonuses. Read more...

    Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Laureate in Economics, Backs Employee Free Choice Act

    Mar 02, 2009 - Make that three Nobel laureates in economics. Joseph Stiglitz, an American economist, professor at Columbia University and Nobel laureate in economics, has added his name to the growing list of now-40 economists who endorsed the Employee Free Choice Act via a full-page ad in the Washington Post last week. Read more...

    SEIU's 'Top Choice' is Nominee

    Mar 02, 2009 - Moments ago, President Obama announced his nomination of Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius as the new Secretary of Health and Human Services. SEIU has deployed unprecedented resources and staff toward winning health care reform this year--and we're excited to have a proven advocate for quality, affordable care at the helm of Health and Human Services. Read more...

    Los Angeles Healthcare Unity Rally

    Mar 02, 2009 - On Thursday, Feb. 26--the same day the president's budget was presented to Congress--several hundred SEIU members from around the Los Angeles area rallied to support the president's vision to fix healthcare. The workers gathered outside SEIU UHW-W's Commerce office and were joined by congressional candidate Judy Chu. Read more...

    What We've Been Waiting For: A Pro-Working Family Labor Secretary

    Mar 02, 2009 - During the course of the last few weeks, more than 30,000 people asked the United States Senate to support a pro-working family Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis. Thanks to all of your efforts, she was confirmed and sworn into office just a few days ago. You can check out all we've done to support Hilda Solis here. Read more...

    Watch SEIU President Andy Stern on C-Span

    Feb 28, 2009 - Don't miss Andy Stern this weekend on Washington Journal, C-Span's national public affairs show. Stern will discuss the American worker in the current economy, the Obama Administration, expectations of the Labor Department under new Secretary Hilda Solis, and what role labor plays in uplifting America's working families and communities. Read more...

    Green Jobs: "Clear Path to a Stronger Middle Class and a Stronger American Economy"

    Feb 27, 2009 - The world is facing a historic opportunity to rebuild our global economy through investments in sustainable projects that will create new jobs, reduce our dependence on oil and protect our planet after decades of mismanagement. Read more...

    Speaker Pelosi: We Will Fix Health Care This Year

    Feb 26, 2009 - Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was on the Rachel Maddow Show last night to discuss, among other things, the timeline for health care reform. Read more...

    Who Dares Mess With GOP Chairman Michael Steele?

    Feb 26, 2009 - The GOP's new chairman, Michael Steele, has been making the media circuit rounds over the last few days. One of his TV tactics has been to throw red meat at the conservative wing of the Republican Party. Take a look at this FOX News interview where Steele reveals he's open to retribution for Republicans who are brave enough to choose the best interests of their constituents over obstruction: Read more...

    Change to Win and AFL-CIO File Complaint Against Marcus Foundation, Center for Union Facts

    Feb 26, 2009 - Huffington Post's Sam Stein and AFL-CIO's Seth Michaels are both reporting on the latest news concerning the now-infamous Bank of America-sponsored conference call against the Employee Free Choice Act. In a joint complaint to the IRS, Change to Win and the AFL-CIO are alleging that the actions that took place on that call were illegal - under the tax code governing the tax-exempt status of the organizations that participated in the call. Read more...

    Andy Stern Interviews on USA Today and Huffington Post

    Feb 25, 2009 - Today, interviews with SEIU President Andy Stern have been published in both USA Today and the Huffington Post. In both, Stern talks about the Employee Free Choice Act, discussing timeline and strategy for the piece of legislation. Read more...

    White House Budget Suggests "Health Care is a Go"

    Feb 25, 2009 - Today, news reports suggest that the president intends to make a serious investment in fixing, once and for all, our broken health care system. According to the Associated Press, the White House budget includes $634 billion for health care over the course of 10 years. Read more...

    Many, Many Economists: We Like What the Employee Free Choice Act Does

    Feb 25, 2009 - Today, in a full page ad in the Washington Post, thirty-eight prominent American economists released a statement, entitled "Passage of the Employee Free Choice Act is critical to rebuilding our economy and strengthening our democracy." The economists - a group that includes two Nobel laureates in economics - argue that one of the main reasons for our economic slump is the "erosion of workers' ability to form unions and bargain collectively," that shifted the wealth of our country from "broadly-shared prosperity" to "growing inequality." Read more...

    LA's Homecare Movement Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary!

    Feb 25, 2009 - On February 25, 1999, the dream that started with a few became reality for all as workers voted overwhelmingly to join SEIU 434-B. Read more...

    Obama's Speech: A Health Care Milestone (Video)

    Feb 24, 2009 - I just finished watching Obama's address to Congress with a group of SEIU nurses. I won't name names, but some of us have tears in our eyes right now. For us, this is a moment more than a decade in the making. When our movement started, having a president who would speak so honestly and passionately about the need to fix health care was something we dreamt about, but it was hard to imagine. Read more...

    The Bold Leadership America Needs to Confront A Broken Healthcare System

    Feb 24, 2009 - Change to Win Chair and SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger issued the following statement after attending President Obama's address to Congress this evening: Read more...

    The President's Address to a Joint Meeting of Congress

    Feb 24, 2009 - Tonight, at 9pm ET/8pm CT, President Obama will address a joint session of Congress about his budget priorities and draw a blueprint for the year ahead. Read more...

    Congratulations, Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis!

    Feb 24, 2009 - Great news comes out of the Senate, where Hilda Solis was just confirmed as President Obama's Secretary of Labor. "For Secretary Solis this is not just another job, but the culmination of a lifetime of action serving as a voice for people who work," said SEIU President Andy Stern following today's bipartisan vote by the U.S. Senate to confirm Hilda Solis' as the next Secretary of Labor. Read more...

    Community Members, Advocates and 1199SEIU Members Fight Queens Hospital Closings; Cuts to NY Healthcare

    Feb 24, 2009 - Hundreds of healthcare workers, members of 1199SEIU and elected officials marched down Queens Boulevard on Saturday to rally against the imminent closures of two local hospitals: the Saint John's Queens Hospital in Elmhurst and Mary Immaculate Hospital in Jamaica. The two hospitals are in danger of shutting down after its operator, Caritas Healthcare, filed for bankruptcy and notified the two hospitals' 2,500 employees that both facilities would close their doors by the end of February. Read more...

    Anna Burger to Tim Geithner: No More TARP Funds for Businesses that Use Bailout to Lobby

    Feb 24, 2009 - As reported by Elana Schor at TPMDC, the labor federation Change to Win (of which SEIU is a part of) is "taking a major step today in the effort to restrict bailed-out bank lobbying." Of note is a letter to Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner from SEIU Secretary-Treasurer and CtW Chair Anna Burger, which calls for Principal Financial Group's $2 billion TARP application to be denied due to their lobbying against the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    What Residency Looks Like: Announcing the Winners of CIR/SEIU's Photo Contest

    Feb 24, 2009 - A picture is worth a thousand words, so CIR/SEIU Healthcare decided to hold their first-ever photo contest, asking for photos submissions taken by members representing what it's like to be a resident physician on any given day. Read more...

    Vote Today: Write to Your Senators

    Feb 24, 2009 - During our current economic crisis, it's important that we have a strong Secretary of Labor as the voice of working people. Hilda Solis will be responsible for unemployment benefits, enforcing the minimum wage, and managing job creation and training programs. Click here to send a note to your senators in support of Hilda Solis before today's vote. Read more...

    Why Healthcare Can't Wait

    Feb 23, 2009 - "Through the years, there have been many issues where labor and business don't see eye to eye. Here's one where we firmly agree: the need to fix healthcare, now, not in spite of the economic crisis, but because of it. For this reason, we are proud to stand together with President Obama as he reinforces the urgency of health care reform in the State of the Union speech before Congress," SEIU's Andy Stern and Pfizer CEO Jeff Kindler write on The Huffington Post. Read more...

    VIDEO: Health Care Dominates White House Fiscal Responsibility Summit

    Feb 23, 2009 - The first-ever Fiscal Responsibility Summit took place on Monday at the White House. Advisors at the highest levels of the Obama administration hosted members of Congress as well as leaders from a wide range of organizations to discuss solutions to long-term fiscal challenges facing the nation. SEIU President Andy Stern and Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger were among the attendees at the event. Read more...

    It was March 10, 1968: Listen to Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Speech at 1199SEIU

    Feb 23, 2009 - "I'm often disenchanted with some segments of the power structure of the labor movement but in those moments I begin to think of unions like Local 1199," said Dr. King in one of his last speeches at 1199SEIU to union members and supporters, before his assassination in 1968. Read more...

    Members Speak Out at Oscar-eve Protest of MPTF Seniors' Home Closure

    Feb 22, 2009 - More than 250 caregivers, members of the entertainment industry and family members of the facility's elderly residents gathered together outside an "The Night Before" Oscars' MPTF fund-raiser Saturday night at The Beverly Hills Hotel to protest the impending closure of the fund's long-term care facility. Read more...

    Burger King Backs off Opposition to Employee Free Choice Act

    Feb 20, 2009 - Under pressure from SEIU activists and allies like Brave New Films, Jobs with Justice, and the Coalition for Social Justice this week, Burger King scrambled to respond to allegations that it lobbied against the Employee Free Choice Act while paying its workers poverty wages. In a statement issued Friday, Burger King apparently backed off its opposition to the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    California Workers and Allies Rally for Easier Unionization

    Feb 20, 2009 - SEIU members, community leaders and supporters of the Employee Free Choice Act rallied in San Diego, San Jose, Sacramento and Santa Rosa yesterday, arguing that a real economic stimulus package for California should make it easier for workers who want a union at work to have one. Read more...

    VIDEO: My First Week in Washington DC with SEIU

    Feb 20, 2009 - I've always been impressed with our nation's capitol. The huge buildings, sweeping landscapes, and grand stone staircases - it's all so big, it makes me a little disoriented and, gulp, small. But all those buildings are filled with people. And if there's anything I've learned as a nurse - people are people. We all eat and sleep and want to make the world a better place. Read more...

    Thanking Members of Congress for SCHIP Support

    Feb 20, 2009 - SEIU joined with several groups to launch a $10 million ad campaign to applaud Members of Congress for voting to expand and strengthen the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Read more...

    New TV Ad Urges NY Gov. Paterson to Use Medicaid Stimulus Funds

    Feb 19, 2009 - The Healthcare Education Project (HEP), a joint initiative of 1199SEIU and the Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA) has begun airing two new television ads urging Governor David Paterson to use a portion of the nearly $11 billion in Medicaid funding New York State will receive under the federal economic stimulus package to avoid massive health care cuts to hospitals, nursing homes, and home care. Read more...

    In Blow to State's Working Families, CA Legislature Approves New Budget Plan

    Feb 19, 2009 - As the California Legislature passed a budget package today, Gov. Schwarzenegger applauded legislators as having the "courage to stand up and put the needs of Californians first." SEIU members have a different viewpoint of the budget plan, which includes $14 billion in budget cuts that will affect crucial social programs. Read more...

    Motion Picture Television Fund CEO named "World's Worst" as Silver Screen Seniors Face Eviction

    Feb 19, 2009 - MSNBC's Keith Olbermann gave the Motion Picture Television Fund's president and chief executive Dr. David Tillman the title of "World's Worst" person last night, for closing the retirement home for film-industry employees for no good reason. Read more...

    Sebelius Rumors Spur Buzz, Reactions

    Feb 19, 2009 - Last night, the New York Times broke news that Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius is President Obama's top pick for heading up the Health and Human Services agency. Gov. Sebelius brings significant experience to the role - serving for eight... Read more...

    New Report: Employee Free Choice Act Could Create A $49 Billion Stimulus Package for the American Worker

    Feb 18, 2009 - In a new report for the Center for American Progress Action Fund, researchers David Madland and Karla Walter argue that a more-unionized workforce would lead towards a stronger economy for the United States. According to the report, the key to a sustainable economy is to increase the purchasing power of hard-working Americans - and one way to do that is by passing the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    Pride in Black History Month

    Feb 18, 2009 - In this video, Gerry Hudson and SEIU staff talk about the significance of Black History Month and the role progressives can play in helping President Obama bring real change to this country. Read more...

    Change: The Next Steps

    Feb 18, 2009 - Thanks in part to your hard work, President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act into law yesterday afternoon. Read more...

    Employee Free Choice Act Gives Workers a Fair and Democratic Chance to Form Unions

    Feb 18, 2009 - The Employee Free Choice Act, the legislation supported by President Obama and large majorities of both houses of congress will not eliminate secret ballots in union representation (period). Read more...

    Editorial Highlights Health Care Reform as Top Priority for State Stimulus Funds

    Feb 18, 2009 - Keep Health Care Reform on Track is the title of a Boston Globe editorial that ran today urging the need to use economic stimulus funding to protect the state's healthcare safety net Read more...

    Tracking the Stimulus: money + media coverage

    Feb 17, 2009 - Keeping in line with his campaign's theme of accountability and transparency, the Obama administration has put up a new website to help people track how the economic stimulus money is spent. Read more...

    Hard-fought wins in new contract for for 95,000 California state workers

    Feb 17, 2009 - After more than nine months of hard-fought negotiations during dismal economic times, California's largest employee union SEIU Local 1000 has reached a tentative agreement with the state early on a new contract covering 95,000 state workers. This tentative agreement would increase job security for members, provides savings for the state and improve conditions for every state employee represented by Local 1000. Read more...

    SEIU's Anna Burger: Economic Stimulus and How it Will Work

    Feb 17, 2009 - "President Obama really wants to make sure the voice of people are heard in Washington and that as we develop economic policies, they work for people across our country: for workers, for business, for the economy as a whole," says SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger in a MarketWatch video interview on Friday. Read more...

    Why Health Care Reform Can't Wait

    Feb 17, 2009 - Fixing health care isn't just possible this year - it's absolutely necessary. Every day, people are losing their jobs and their health care. The swelling ranks of uninsured threaten to put more strain on state programs and push the entire system to the breaking point. Read more...

    Public Support for the Employee Free Choice Act

    Feb 17, 2009 - Want to get an idea of the public support of the Employee Free Choice Act? The latest public poll showed 73% support the bill while only 21% oppose it; that's not quite as stark as the contrast on the Hill earlier this month, but Congress should get the picture anyway. Read more...

    VIDEO: MSNBC Exposes Source of Health IT Smears

    Feb 13, 2009 - Your efforts to uncover the misinformation campaign against health IT are gaining major traction in the mainstream media. MSNBC dug further into the smear tactics being used against health IT on last night's "Countdown with Keith Olbermann." Read more...

    Hypocrisy Watch: Bank of America Uses Bailout to Fight Economic Recovery

    Feb 13, 2009 - Watch this video about Bank of America using taxpayer money to lobby against the Employee Free Choice Act, then encourage Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to set lobbying restrictions on bailed out banks. Read more...

    Video and Pics: Bank Bailout Hearing Action

    Feb 12, 2009 - Yesterday, as bailout bank CEOs entered the Rayburn House building to testify before Congress on how they used bailout funds, they were greeted by the playful chants and clever signs of SEIU members. Check out video and photo slideshow of the demonstration here. Read more...

    SEIU Members Deliver Petition Signed by 22,500 in Support of Hilda Solis for Secretary of Labor

    Feb 12, 2009 - Last week, SEIU President Andy Stern sent a video message out to the SEIU community via email, calling on Congress to confirm Hilda Solis as Secretary of Labor and urging people to sign on in support. Yesterday, we delivered the names of these signees to Senators Kennedy and Enzi. Read more...

    Ken Lewis, What's Really In Your Company's Best Interest?

    Feb 12, 2009 - Yesterday, in a congressional hearing about major banking institutions' use of TARP funds (a.k.a. the "bailout" funds approved by Congress last fall), something that can only be described as "enraging" occurred. When pressed by Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN), Bank of... Read more...

    Celebrating Black History: special edition computer desktop wallpapers

    Feb 12, 2009 - As part of SEIU's 12th annual celebration of Black History Month, our talented SEIU Creative Services team has designed four special-edition computer desktop wallpapers for use on your Mac or PC. Download them now and you can celebrate Black History Month all month at work or at home. Read more...

    Update: Health Care Provisions in the Economic Recovery Act

    Feb 12, 2009 - The Speaker of the House has released a report outlining the key points of the compromise the House and Senate have reached on the Economic Recovery Act. There's lots of good news for health care. Read more...

    How to get the change we need

    Feb 12, 2009 - Call Senators Susan Collins and Olympia J. Snowe of Maine, and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania and thank them for supporting the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on Tuesday and urge them to vote for it on final passage as part of an economic solution for America's families. Read more...

    Introducing SEIU's Member Lobbyists

    Feb 11, 2009 - Nine SEIU members and workers from key states across the country have relocated to Washington, DC for a three-month long stint as a grassroots lobbyist on Capitol Hill. Stay tuned for updates, as our members report to us on what they're hearing about health care, the Employee Free Choice Act and restoring economic strength to Main Street. Read more...

    SEIU Urges Full Senate Vote On Rep. Hilda Solis for Secretary of Labor

    Feb 11, 2009 - SEIU President Andy Stern issued the following statement on the importance of today's vote by the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee on Representative Hilda Solis' nomination as U.S. Secretary of Labor. Read more...

    SEIU's Mary Kay Henry: "Equality is a Labor Value"

    Feb 11, 2009 - "The fight for the freedom to marry is dear to me, for safeguarding my own partnership and for realizing the same goals of social and economic justice that we advance every day at SEIU and in the labor movement," writes SEIU's Mary Kay Henry today, in a blog post for Freedom to Marry Week. Read more...

    Caregivers Defend Health IT

    Feb 11, 2009 - Yesterday, we told you about Rush Limbaugh's rant against the measures to improve health IT in the Economic Recovery Act. Normally, Rush goes largely unnoticed by most of the general public. But his irresponsible comments about health IT have hit... Read more...

    Sign Our Petition in Support of Solis' Nomination for Labor Secretary

    Feb 11, 2009 - Can you believe it? President Obama nominated a pro-working family Secretary of Labor! How novel. But for some conservatives in the Senate, the prospect is too much to handle. Read more...

    Watch the Senate Banking Committee Hearing on TARP Oversight

    Feb 11, 2009 - A group of SEIU members are on the Hill this morning, calling on Congress to prevent companies that are receiving massive taxpayer subsidies from spending money on lobbying that may pit their corporate interests, and the interests of highly compensated CEOs, against taxpayers' interests. Watch the C-SPAN hearing live as these CEOS are called on by Congress to account for the taxpayer money they've received. Read more...

    Limbaugh Doesn't Get IT

    Feb 10, 2009 - Health care professionals nationwide are writing to their newspapers today to refute claims by Rush Limbaugh on two provisions in the stimulus package: comparative effectiveness research and health IT. Both are designed to provide health care professionals with objective, up-to-date information on treatments, tests and procedures available to them. Read more...

    Senate Approves Economic Stimulus Bill

    Feb 10, 2009 - As President Barack Obama neared the end of his FL town hall appearance today on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan, news broke that the economic stimulus bill had successfully cleared the Senate by a vote of 61 to 37. Read more...

    Senate Moves Forward On Stimulus Package

    Feb 10, 2009 - The Senate last night moved forward on the Stimulus Package, voting 61 to 36 to end debate and bring the measure on a vote today. Read more...

    Sen. John Kerry on Employee Free Choice & Small Businesses

    Feb 09, 2009 - Senator John Kerry has an op-ed published this weekend on the Employee Free Choice Act. He begins his opinion piece with a strong defense of unions and their value to the US economy, while adding in a full frontal assault on the Big Business interests that are actively trying to prevent American workers from having rights and prosperity. Read more...

    Andy Stern on Leadership: "Big Business, Big Failures"

    Feb 09, 2009 - "Too many leaders tried to justify their own or companies behavior rather than admit that the system they promoted that had made them wealthy, while creating gross inequities, and economic calamities was flawed," wrote SEIU President Andy Stern last week on the Washington Post's "On Leadership" online forum. Read more...

    Marching for Employee Free Choice Act in LA

    Feb 07, 2009 - On Thursday, hundreds of workers marched 10 miles in the rain from downtown Los Angeles to the Federal Building to call on Congress to rebuild America by passing the Employee Free Choice Act. All along the route, workers highlighted some of the issues facing working men and women all across the county -- from facing foreclosure to the struggles of workers fighting to earn a living wage and join a union Read more...

    Unemployed Americans stretch from sea to shining sea

    Feb 06, 2009 - The job loss numbers released on February 6 by the Labor Department show employers slashed 598,000 jobs in January--the deepest cut in payrolls in a single month since December 1974. Read more...

    SEIU's Andy Stern: Confirm Hilda Solis as Secretary of Labor

    Feb 06, 2009 - President Obama nominated Congresswoman Hilda Solis in December to be our next Secretary of Labor, but conservative Republicans are blocking her confirmation simply because she supports working people. SEIU is pushing hard for Hilda Solis to be confirmed as Secretary of Labor and taking action to urge others to join in. Read more...

    Anna Burger Named to President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board

    Feb 06, 2009 - Anna Burger, chair of the Change to Win labor coalition and International Secretary-Treasurer of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), today was named to President Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board in a ceremony at the White House with President Obama. Read more...

    U.S. Senate Should Move Forward with Solis Nomination for Secretary of Labor

    Feb 05, 2009 - "Hilda Solis is the right choice for Secretary because she understands personally the challenges workers face in a global economy and the need for a bold new agenda that expands healthcare for everyone and gives American workers a greater choice and a greater voice, said Andy Stern SEIU President Andy Stern, urging the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee to move ahead with a scheduled vote on the nomination of Hilda Solis for secretary of labor Read more...

    Good Jobs, Green Jobs: Help Wanted

    Feb 05, 2009 - Green job creation and training is happening right now, all over the country, fueled by the belief that it is possible to ease the intensity of our climate crisis and employ more people to work in better jobs (all at the same time). Read more...

    Member Testimony: It happened to me, and it can happen to you too

    Feb 05, 2009 - You never think that it could happen to you, but in today's economy it's getting harder and harder to know who's got your back. That's why today I'm in Washington D.C. lobbying my U.S. Senators and urging them to vote for the Economic Recovery Act, which will provide the emergency financial help our states need so they won't have to balance the budget on the backs of workers. Read more...

    What We Won for Kids' Health

    Feb 05, 2009 - Yesterday, health care advocates nationwide celebrated a major victory for our movement. President Obama signed the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) into law. President Obama characterized the bill as a "down payment" on winning quality, affordable health care for all Americans, not just our children. Read more...

    Flickr photo slideshow from Employee Free Choice petition delivery rally

    Feb 04, 2009 - To see photos from the Employee Free Choice petition delivery rally, watch SEIU's Flickr slideshow here. Read more...

    Contrast on the Hill: Country Club CEOs vs. Hardworking People on the Employee Free Choice Act

    Feb 04, 2009 - In the halls of Congress, CEOs having their "Executive Lobby Day" are spreading lies and misinformation in order to keep wages down and perpetuate inequality. How do we know this? Because we went into one of their presentations at a CA country club and captured video of how they talk about defeating the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    Thousands Rally on Capitol Hill to Turn Up the Heat on Employee Free Choice Act

    Feb 04, 2009 - Thousands of union members and allies gathered on Capitol Hill today for a rally to kick off the delivery of 1.5 million signatures in support of the Employee Free Choice Act to members of Congress, where union members gave first-hand testimony about their efforts to form a union. Read more...

    Union Leaders Around the Globe Call for Immediate Private Equity Reforms to Avoid Further Economic Crises

    Feb 04, 2009 - "For our global economy to thrive and grow again, corporations, governments, and non-state actors -- like labor unions -- must work together towards a system where competition is based on the quality and sustainability of goods and services provided, not... Read more...

    Corporate America's Chicken Little Strategy

    Feb 04, 2009 - The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) have adapted a Chicken Little strategy. When confronted with legislation to improve American workers' lives, the Chamber and NAM invariably threaten economic ruin and rampant government control. Read more...

    Thousands of Workers to Deliver 1.5 Million Petitions to Congress Supporting Employee Free Choice

    Feb 04, 2009 - SEIU members, workers from other unions, Rep. George Miller, and Sen. Tom Harkin will join workers today in delivering 1.5 million post cards supporting the Employee Free Choice Act to Senators and other lawmakers. Read more...

    Senator Daschle's Resignation

    Feb 03, 2009 - Sen. Tom Daschle withdrew his nomination today for Secretary of Health and Human Services. In a statement released by the White House, Sen. Daschle stated: "If 30 years of exposure to the challenges inherent in our system has taught me anything, it has taught me that this work will require a leader who can operate with the full faith of Congress and the American people, and without distraction. Right now, I am not that leader." Read more...

    Video: Tellers Make Change at Bank of America

    Feb 03, 2009 - Last week, as reported on our blog, , concerned citizens across the country participated in events where they talked directly to employees and Bank of America customers on what's happening with their company and why their CEO needs to be fired. We've put together a video from some of these events. Read more...

    Quoted: Labor-lovin' Presidents

    Feb 02, 2009 - Following Friday's unveiling of the Middle Class Working Families Task Force, Obama delivered his most emphatic public remarks on his support for labor unions, saying, "I don't see organized labor as part of the problem...To me, it's part of the solution," said President Obama following Friday's unveiling of the new administration's Middle Class Working Families Task Force. Read more...

    Celebrate Black History with SEIU!

    Feb 02, 2009 - For the 12th year, SEIU is set to celebrate Black History Month with a program of dynamic speakers, education and entertainment. This year's theme is "The Challenge of Change --A Look at the Course of Black History." Read more...

    HCAN Poll: Americans are Ready for Reform

    Feb 02, 2009 - Health Care for America Now, one of SEIU's partner coalitions released the results of a poll that shows broad public support for comprehensive health care reform. According to the poll, there is "intense and widespread voter support for the choice of a public health insurance plan as part of comprehensive, national health care reform." Read more...

    Vice President Biden on Employee Free Choice: "This Year"

    Feb 02, 2009 - Last week, in a CNBC interview with John Harwood, Vice President Joe Biden talked about the timeline for passing the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    Our Early Victory: By The Numbers

    Feb 02, 2009 - Last week's reauthorization of the Children's Health Insurance Program was touted by both Democratic and Republican lawmakers as an important first step to fix health care. It was our first glimpse of what happens when both parties come together around improving access to quality care. Read more...

    Republicans Choose Obstructionism Over Stimulus

    Jan 30, 2009 - "Many in the House Republican leadership talked a big game about hearing the message of change Americans so clearly delivered in November, but when it came time to vote they showed they care more about playing the old game of obstructionist opponents than fixing out economy," said SEIU's Anna Burger on The Hill's Congress Blog today. Read more...

    SEIU Ad Praising Sen. Reid's Work on Behalf of Nevada's Working Families

    Jan 30, 2009 - SEIU believes in rewarding work and in tune with motto, we're rolling out a new television ad campaign today in support of Senator Harry Reid's work on behalf of Nevada's working families. Read more...

    Obama Inauguration: We Were There!

    Jan 30, 2009 - Watch video highlights of SEIU members, leaders, and staff at the Inauguration of President Barack Obama. WE WERE THERE!... Read more...

    For the Truth on Arbitration, Look at Companies' Actions - Not Words

    Jan 30, 2009 - The corporations and their front groups that oppose the Employee Free Choice Act say that the use of arbitration to help workers and companies reach agreements will hurt business and put federal bureaucrats in charge. That's what they say...Now here's what they do: in fact, companies use arbitration all the time to resolve disputes because they like that it's fast, fair, and inexpensive. Read more...

    Obama and Biden Launch Middle Class Working Families Task Force

    Jan 30, 2009 - Today President Barack Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden announced the creation of the Middle Class Task Force, which the White House blog says is "targeted at raising the living standards of middle-class, working families in America." Read more...

    Quote of the Day: Joe Biden on the Middle Class

    Jan 30, 2009 - Vice-President Joe Biden, chair of the new Working Families Task Force, in an interview yesterday with CNBC: Read more...

    MSNBC Reports on Bank of America's Anti-Worker Conference Call

    Jan 30, 2009 - Reaction to Sam Stein's recent Huffington Post article on Bank of America's anti-Employee Free Choice conference call has been sweeping. Wednesday night, on MSNBC show 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., host David Shuster reported on the call during his "Hypocrisy Watch" segment. Airing some of the tape from the call, Shuster makes a special comment. Read more...

    Our Job Is Just Beginning

    Jan 29, 2009 - "Four Million Down, 40 Million to Go:" After three days of debate on a series of amendments to the bill, the Senate passed the bipartisan Children's Health Insurance Program on Jan. 29. This program will ensure that millions of children, many of whose parents have lost their employer-provided health care coverage through layoffs and cutbacks, will be able to receive doctor check-ups, dentist visits, and preventive care. Read more...

    Lilly Ledbetter and Working Women Finally Get Justice

    Jan 29, 2009 - In making pay equity the first bill he signed into law, President Obama took an essential first step at restoring protections eroded by the harmful U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Ledbetter v. Goodyear. Read more...

    In 2008, More Than 88,000 Workers United in SEIU

    Jan 29, 2009 - The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released its annual union membership report yesterday that showed an increase in union membership nationwide for 2008 -- the largest growth rate on record since 1983. Growth in SEIU -- 88,926 members -- accounted for nearly 21 percent of the national growth. Read more...

    New TV Ad Campaign Targets House Republicans Completely Out of Touch with Working People in America

    Jan 29, 2009 - SEIU and coalition groups Americans United for Change, Political Action and AFSCME unveiled a new television ad campaign that aims to to pressure key and potentially deciding votes in Congress and build momentum behind President Obama's "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act". Read more...

    Tellers Make Change: Go to Bank of America Today at Noon

    Jan 29, 2009 - Today, we're asking you to go to a Bank of America location to talk directly with employees about what's happening with their company - and why their CEO should be fired. Read more...

    Caring for the Caregivers - NY Times Editorial

    Jan 28, 2009 - Informed by SEIU research and experience, a New York Times editorial this morning unfortunately reveals that one of the fastest-growing areas within the health care field - home care for the elderly - is also one of the lowest paid and most exploitable. Read more...

    SEIU's Andy Stern: "Less social dialogue and more social change"

    Jan 28, 2009 - "Financial manipulation, greed and deregulation have led to economic havoc," writes SEIU President Andy Stern in a op-ed today on Reuters. Stern will join over 40 Heads of State and 1,600 of the world's most powerful CEOs at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Read more...

    Union Women, Labor Leaders & Online Activists Advocate for Solis Confirmation

    Jan 28, 2009 - Stop delaying confirmation of Rep. Solis as secretary of labor: As Obama said in his inaugural address, "let's put away childish things" and get on with the workings of government. Read more...

    1199SEIU and Boston-Area Allies Reach Historic New Accord to Improve Health Care for Community, Patients and Workers

    Jan 28, 2009 - 1199SEIU, the Area Trades Council and Caritas Christi Health Care, the largest community based health system in Massachusetts, yesterday announced a historic and groundbreaking new accord ensuring fair union voting conditions for the system's employees when they are deciding whether to form unions. Read more...

    Shortening the work week to stimulate the U.S. economy

    Jan 27, 2009 - On the commentary section of, Dean Baker discusses why Congress needs to approve a version of President Barack Obama's stimulus package as quickly as possible to further that all important first step toward stopping the downward slide of the economy. "However, the package is only a first step," says Baker. Read more...

    For Aliquippa Caregivers, Relief is On the Way

    Jan 27, 2009 - Earlier today, we reported on a group of caregivers in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania who were fighting for weeks worth of unpaid wages from their former employer, Commonwealth Medical Center. State media outlets covered the story throughout the week, including this report... Read more...

    Audio Leak: Bank of America Hosts Anti-Employee Free Choice Conference Call

    Jan 27, 2009 - Sam Stein, the political reporter for the Huffington Post, just published a vital article on corporate America's fight against the Employee Free Choice Act. Entitled "Bailout Recipients Hosted Call to Defeat Key Labor Bill," Stein writes about a conference call - hosted by Bank of America - and audio of the event that he's managed to obtain. Read more...

    Time to Go: Bank of America must fire CEO Ken Lewis

    Jan 27, 2009 - Over the last few months, it's become abundantly clear that Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis just doesn't get it. The era of greed and irresponsibility is over. Bank of America tellers make about $24,000 a year. That's less than what the CEO of a company bought by Bank of America paid for his curtains during the $1.2 million redecoration of his personal office. Enough is enough. Today, we're calling on Bank of America to fire CEO Ken Lewis. Read more...

    Nurses, Caregivers Left Out in the Cold

    Jan 27, 2009 - A story is brewing in southwestern Pennsylvania. There, in a little town called Aliquippa, PA, nurses, aides and other frontline caregivers have been denied weeks in backpay, after their employer--Commonwealth Medical Center--filed for bankruptcy and had its license revoked... Read more...

    Kids' Health on the Line

    Jan 26, 2009 - There is strong public support for SCHIP, and strong bipartisan consensus. Our kids are our future, and if there's one message that young voters and immigrant voters sent last November, it's that they are so over the tired appeals to categories and ideologies that divide us. SEIU President Andy Stern weighs in on the reauthorization and strengthening of the Children's Health Insurance Program on the National Journal - read it here. Read more...

    Stronger Economic Future for America Requires Long-range Vision

    Jan 26, 2009 - "The millions of working people reeling from the severe economic recession need a recovery package that not only addresses the crisis and relieves the pain, but also lays the groundwork for a stronger and fairer future," writes SEIU International Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger on Politico's The Arena, commenting on what kind of stimulus plan this country needs to get our economy back on track. Read more...

    Former US Secretary of Labor Robert B. Reich on the Employee Free Choice Act

    Jan 26, 2009 - In an editorial for the Los Angeles Times today, former US Secretary of Labor Robert B. Reich gives his advice on how we can reverse this deepening recession and give middle class Americans the greatest opportunity for a better life. Read more...

    Economist Paul Krugman's Open Letter to President Obama

    Jan 24, 2009 - Paul Krugman, a Nobel-prize laureate in Economics, professor at Princeton University, and a columnist for the New York Times has published an extraordinary piece in the latest edition of Rolling Stone magazine. In it, he writes an open letter to President Obama, giving his advice on some steps that he'd advise the new president to take in order to get our economy back on track. Read more...

    Tell Gov. Schwarzenegger We Need Real Budget Solutions in California Now

    Jan 23, 2009 - Today Executive Vice President Eliseo Medina spoke at a rally in Sacramento, California where over 1,000 SEIU members from across the State came together to speak out for real solutions to the state's budget crisis. Read more...

    CA Security Officers win historic victory as Kaiser Permanente replaces irresponsible contractor

    Jan 23, 2009 - Security officers who work for Kaiser Permanente medical facilities won a big victory over irresponsible security contractor Inter-Con. -- a company that used threats, intimidation and termination tactics for three years against struggling officers supporting efforts to join a union. Read more...

    Why Smart Investments Include Health IT

    Jan 22, 2009 - This week, the National Journal asked health care advocates and experts to weigh in on the issue of health IT as part of the larger economic recovery package. Read Andy Stern's response here. Read more...

    Obama Staffing Up, Calling Meetings for Health Care

    Jan 22, 2009 - Politico reports that President Barack Obama plans to convene a White House working meeting to address the nation's health care system sometime in the late winter or early spring--the latest signal from the Obama Administration that health care will be a top priority in 2009. Read more...

    President Obama on America's Workers in the Washington Post

    Jan 21, 2009 - Just prior to taking office, President Barack Obama gave an in-depth interview with the editorial board of the Washington Post, in which he reiterated his strong support for America's workers and the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    SEIU Executive Vice President Eliseo Medina on Supporting & Uniting Long Term Care Workers

    Jan 21, 2009 - "We have a new U.S. President who openly promotes unions and a nation poised for change. Will the labor movement be ready to seize the moment? We must be. In my own union, SEIU, the largest union in California and... Read more...

    Obama's Inaugural Address: A Moment to Define A Generation

    Jan 21, 2009 - Obama delivered his Inaugural Address in a decisive and inspiring manner, calling for no less than the remaking of America and summoning generations, new and old, to return "to a new era of responsibility." Read more...

    Inauguration of Barack Obama: "Yes, Workers Can"

    Jan 20, 2009 - "Words seem inadequate when I try to capture what the inauguration of Barack Obama means to working people. How can you describe what it feels like to a janitor or healthcare or childcare worker who has felt so powerless for so long to now feel so powerful," said Andy Stern on the eve of President-elect Barack Obama's Inauguration. Read more...

    Martin Luther King Jr. Day...A Day On, Not a Day Off

    Jan 18, 2009 - As a tribute to Dr. King's legacy and the very real needs of our nation, the President-elect and Vice President-elect have launched a national organizing effort on the eve of their Inauguration to engage Americans in service. Read more...

    Talking Health Care with Russell Simmons

    Jan 18, 2009 - SEIU is here at the Sundance film festival with playwright, poet, actor and activist Sarah Jones, who is camped out in the Variety Lounge to discuss health care with filmmakers and celebrities. On Friday, Jones sat down for a few minutes with hip hop pioneer and philanthropist Russell Simmons to talk about fixing our broken health care system. Read more...

    Pictures: Actions at Bank of America HQs Across the Country

    Jan 16, 2009 - Yesterday, activists descended on Bank of America headquarters in Los Angeles, Charlotte, New York City, and Boston to present our demands of the campaign. Read more...

    Momentum for the Employee Free Choice Act

    Jan 16, 2009 - Claims by corporate interest groups that the Employee Free Choice Act is losing support and won't be voted on simply ignore the facts. President Obama and Congress are committed to rebuilding America's middle class through quick passage of the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    Fixing COBRA Cannot Wait

    Jan 16, 2009 - With unemployment at a 16-year high, expect the ranks of the uninsured to swell, putting more strain on state programs that help those in need. COBRA - if made to work - can literally be a lifeline. Read more...

    Manifest Hope: DC Online Contest Winners Selected for Inauguration Art Gallery

    Jan 16, 2009 - SEIU partnered with Manifest Hope: DC, MoveOn PAC and Obey Giant to launch a nationwide online contest last month to gather the best artwork celebrating the grass roots campaign that helped elect Barack Obama as president. The 15 winning entries-- selected from a pool of over 1,000 submissions--have been announced. Read more...

    New TV Ads Renew Call to Action to Make Our Economy Work for Everyone

    Jan 15, 2009 - A new national TV campaign launched today by American Rights at Work in support of the Employee Free Choice Act continues the call to action that it's time our economy worked for everyone. The ads feature workers making their case for the legislation and focus on the fact that Employee Free Choice will grant working people the power to bargain for better wages, benefits and increased job security. Read more...

    Video & Campaign Launch: "Tell Bank of America: Help Your Workers or Give Back the Bailout"

    Jan 15, 2009 - When taxpayers gave Bank of America a $25 billion bailout, the country's largest bank was supposed to use the funds to help jumpstart the economy. Rather than using the loan to keep money flowing through the financial system to ensure that the bank continues lending to consumers, as was the original intent, Bank of America has instead misspent the money on foreign investments, executive salaries, and corporate jets. Read more...

    Online Activist Report: Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization

    Jan 15, 2009 - Yesterday, the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 passed by an overwhelming margin. If you want to see how your representative voted, click here to see the vote report by state, as well as a breakdown of your online efforts through to get connected to your representative. Read more...

    CEOs: We'll take our ball and ship it overseas

    Jan 15, 2009 - Business leaders and CEOs are developing a new strategy to combat the Employee Free Choice Act: threaten to take jobs overseas and divest from America. Failed Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney said as much this morning: It is an idea... Read more...

    CBS News: Where Did The Bailout Billions Really Go?

    Jan 15, 2009 - In October, the federal government gave Bank of America and Merrill Lynch a combined $25 billion in bailout funds. According to the Wall Street Journal, the move was designed "to keep money flowing through the financial system, ensuring that banks continue lending to companies, consumers and each other." Unfortunately for the taxpayers footing the bill, Bank of America appears to have had another agenda. Read more...

    Images of Hope: Art Exhibit at SEIU HQ Jan. 19 - 22

    Jan 14, 2009 - SEIU is hosting the Change That Works open art exhibit SEIU art exhibit at headquarters in Washington, DC from January 19 through January 22. The works of art to be displayed were commissioned by acclaimed street artist Shepard Fairey, who created the iconic Obama "HOPE" image. The exhibit shines a spotlight on artists across the country using their voices to amplify and motivate the grass roots movement for social justice and political action Read more...

    Andy Stern: "Let's Stay Focused on the Right Kind of Economic Recovery"

    Jan 14, 2009 - Even after the collapse of the myth of the market, conservatives are still waging class warfare on the rest of us. Read more...

    Obama Transition Team Member David Bonior: "Get a Hold of Inequality" with the Employee Free Choice Act

    Jan 14, 2009 - On this weekend's edition of Meet the Press, former Rep. David Bonior, a member of President-elect Barack Obama's economic transition team, talked about ways the next Administration can help get the economy back on track. One proposal sorted by President-elect Obama and 60 percent of the public is the Employee Free Choice Act, which will help employees bridge the gap of wage inequality in the country today. Read more...

    The First Step: House Passes Children's Health Insurance Plan

    Jan 14, 2009 - I don't often get emotional when I watch C-SPAN, but I just saw something I've been waiting to see for two years. The U.S. House of Representatives, after receiving hundreds of your phone calls, passed the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009. Read more...

    What's in a name? The Employee Free Choice Act

    Jan 13, 2009 - Under the Employee Free Choice Act, workers' freedom to choose to form a union would be restored. Read more...

    Unraveling the Arguments Against a Public Plan

    Jan 13, 2009 - USA Today dove head first today into the increasingly crowded pool of newspapers who are taking a stand for fixing our nation's broken health care system. The paper examines one key piece of Obama's health care proposal--: offering a public plan that would compete with private insurers to provide the best services and benefits at a competitive cost to consumers. Read more...

    The Economic Argument for the Employee Free Choice Act

    Jan 13, 2009 - As the new administration and Congress works to lift the U.S. economy out of the economic crisis, we've been working on some analyses on how our country has recovered economically since the 1940's. Economic success occurs when rising wages spur consumer spending, and new research makes a solid case as to why the Employee Free Choice Act would be a "stimulus" that gets our economy back on track. Read more...

    Act Today for Children's Health Insurance

    Jan 13, 2009 - Congress is getting ready to re-introduce a bill that would extend health insurance to more than 4 million children currently without coverage. Strengthening the children's health insurance program isn't just a victory for the 9 million kids who can't afford basic care; it's a huge win in the movement to fix health care for all Americans. Read more...

    Member Voices: "Giving workers a hand on the wheel"

    Jan 13, 2009 - Here's a great op-ed from an SEIU nurse about the free and fair election she and her coworkers had when they formed a union at Sunrise Hospital in Las Vegas thirteen years ago....and why their election process experience was a "special exception to a broken rule." Read more...

    Media Reports: Hilda Solis Headed Towards Confirmation, Has Bipartisan Support

    Jan 12, 2009 - Last Friday, President-elect Barack Obama's nominee for Secretary of Labor, Rep. Hilda Solis, appeared before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee to confirm her appointment. We've compiled a short round-up of the media coverage surrounding Secretary-designate Solis' confirmation hearings. From Washington-insider publications like the National Journal, to local papers like the San Gabriel Valley Tribune, the consensus is clear: Hilda Solis appears to be headed towards confirmation, and her eagerness to begin working on behalf of all the working people in our great nation has earned her bipartisan support. Read more...

    Yet Another Corporate Front Group: "Save Our Secret Ballots"

    Jan 12, 2009 - Meet the new Right-to-Work-for-less laws: state ballot initiatives to mandate "secret ballot" elections for union votes, trying to preempt the Employee Free Choice Act. On December 30, 2008, a new coalition calling itself the "Save Our Secret Ballot" (SOSB) coalition emerged onto the scene, announcing an under-the-radar state-level campaign to amend the state constitutions of Arizona, Arkansas, Missouri, Nevada and Utah to require a secret-ballot election for union representation. Read more...

    Twelve Union Presidents Hold Unity Meeting

    Jan 12, 2009 - Twelive union presidents held a "unity" meeting January 7 in Washington. They emerged pledging "broad participation" in the effort, but no specifics. In attendance at the session, called by former House Democratic Whip David Bonior, chair of American Rights at Work, were presidents of five of Change to Win's seven unions, six of the 56 AFL-CIO unions, and new National Education Association President Dennis Van Roekel. Read more...

    Facts Fact Roundup: Employee Free Choice Act

    Jan 09, 2009 - We're already hearing - and seeing - good things from Congress about their priorities for 2009. Read more...

    Unemployment Skyrockets, Making 2008 Worst Jobs Year since WWII Era

    Jan 09, 2009 - Economists were already braced for bad news in this morning's December 2008 employment report from the Department of Labor, but the numbers released were even worse than expected. Read more...

    SEIU's Unwavering Support of Workers' Rights Advocate Rep. Hilda Solis as U.S. Secretary of Labor

    Jan 09, 2009 - The success of the American worker is key to the success of the American economy - and few understand that better than President-elect Barack Obama's choice for Secretary of Labor, champion of working families Rep. Hilda Solis. Read more...

    Member Voices: "My Journey to Home Care as a Profession"

    Jan 09, 2009 - As a caregiver for someone with little income and a terminal illness, it's easy to see that our healthcare system is broken...The first step in healthcare for all is taking back control of our healthcare from the pharmaceutical and insurance companies that profit from keeping us all unwell. Read more...

    Watch Secretary of Labor-designee Hilda Solis Live

    Jan 09, 2009 - President-elect Barack Obama's nominee for Secretary of Labor, Rep. Hilda Solis, will appear before a Senate committee this morning to confirm her appointment. We'll be livestreaming her confirmation hearing here on You can watch it here starting at 9:30am EST. Read more...

    Change That Works: Video Chat with Andy Stern

    Jan 08, 2009 - This week, SEIU is launching our Change That Works campaign. This campaign will be a massive, grassroots movement to turn America's unprecedented hope into unparalleled progress. Read more...

    New SEIU Television Ad Promotes Health Care Reform as Top Domestic Priority

    Jan 08, 2009 - SEIU launched a new TV ad buy today about the importance of healthcare reform in regaining the economic prosperity of this nation. Read more...

    Andy Stern on 'Early Victories' in Fixing Health Care

    Jan 08, 2009 - This week, the National Journal invited key health care advocates and experts to respond to the following question: What early health care victories should President-elect Obama and Congress seek before Washington works on broad health care reform legislation? Read Andy Stern's response here. Read more...

    Tune In for Live Video Chat with Andy Stern

    Jan 08, 2009 - Join us for our Change That Works campaign roll-out today at 4:00 p.m. EST. It is an opportunity to answer any questions you have for SEIU President Andy Stern, in a live video chat that will air on You can submit your question right now by clicking here. [Read more] Read more...

    Obama To Give Economic Address Today at 11 a.m.

    Jan 08, 2009 - President-elect Barack Obama's office announced the details of his major speech on the economy Wednesday afternoon, advocating "urgent action" on his economic stimulus plan. Read more...

    Change That Works Campaign Kicks Off

    Jan 07, 2009 - Today, SEIU launched the "Change That Works" campaign to bring economic relief to millions across the country, help fix the nation's broken healthcare system, and guarantee workers can freely decide whether to join with their coworkers in a union. Read more...

    Reports From Your Health Care House Meetings

    Jan 07, 2009 - The reports are coming back from your health care meetings, and can't be more impressed. From everything you've said, it looks like your meetings were substantive, full of ideas and expertise, and were a rousing success. We thought we'd share a small sampling of the ideas that you've submitted to us from your group discussions. Read more...

    Take Action: Help Strengthen the Economy Today

    Jan 07, 2009 - As Congress reconvenes this week and the Obama administration prepares to step on to the world stage, strengthening our staggering economy sits at the top of everyone's agenda. Read more...

    The Only Way to Mass Prosperity

    Jan 07, 2009 - "There is no historic precedent for mass prosperity absent mass collective bargaining. The model cannot be constructed," writes Harold Meyerson, making the case Employee Free Choice in a Washington Post op-ed today. Read more...

    SEIU In The News: January 7, 2008

    Jan 07, 2009 - Here's a look at some of SEIU's press coverage over the past two days -- Read more...

    Congress Must Act Now to Provide Economic Relief for Working People

    Jan 07, 2009 - SEIU members are pressing for the economic recovery package as the first part of a wider campaign, Change That Works, designed to bring economic solutions to Main Street, including efforts to fix the nation's healthcare system and ensure workers have a voice on the job. Read more...

    New York Times: Employee Free Choice Act Is "Vital"

    Jan 06, 2009 - The New York Times hit the nail on the head when it called for swift passage of the Employee Free Choice Act. In thoughtful analysis of workers' role in an economic recovery, The Times wrote "The measure is vital legislation and should not be postponed." Read more...

    SEIU to Unveil Major National Campaign to Bring Economic Solutions to Main Street

    Jan 05, 2009 - Two million-member labor union to involve millions of Americans in an intensive state-by-state campaign to help President-Elect Obama enact Change That Works. Read more...

    Anna Burger: 2009 Will Be the "Year of the Middle Class"

    Jan 05, 2009 - "By rebuilding the American Dream for millions of families and rewarding work instead of one's wealth, greed or market manipulation, we can strengthen our economy for generations to come," says SEIU's Anna Burger, giving us her boldest political predictions for 2009 on Politico's The Arena. Read more...

    SEIU In The News: January 5, 2008

    Jan 05, 2009 - SEIU In The News - January 5, 2008: Coverage of the union in national and local press outlets and blogs Read more...

    The Employee Free Choice Act: What's At Stake

    Jan 05, 2009 - In 1980, the United Labor Unions set out to organize employees at Detroit fast food chains in the hopes of sparking a nationwide movement to unionize the workforce in this fast-growing industry. As a rookie organizer working on the campaign, I learned firsthand what is at stake when workers stand up for better wages, healthcare, and a voice on the job. Read more...

    New SEIU Ads Put Focus on Employee Free Choice Act

    Jan 05, 2009 - This morning SEIU unveiled online advertising to promote the New York Times' recent support of the early passage of the Employee Free Choice Act. The ads are running on the websites of The Hill, Roll Call, Politico, the Washington Post, and progressive blogs Read more...

    McScrooged Actions: Flickr Photo Slideshow & Video Clips

    Dec 30, 2008 - SEIU members and supporters went to almost 100 McDonald's locations around the country on December 18 to speak directly with employees about free choice. We wanted to share some photos and video with you all from McDonald's visits that took place in Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Detroit and Washington, DC. Read more...

    SEIU Partners with Manifest Hope for Inauguration Art Gallery

    Dec 30, 2008 - SEIU, MoveOn PAC, and Obey Giant are partnering with Manifest Hope:DC in launching a nationwide contest to gather the best work celebrating the grass roots campaign that helped elect Barack Obama as president. The contest is calling for entries of visual artwork that convey the urgency of encouraging a national dialogue focused on heathcare reform, the green economy and workers' rights. Read more...

    Wal-Mart Gets a Makeover So It Can Fight Economic Recovery

    Dec 29, 2008 - 'Twas the night before Christmas when Wal-Mart told the world it decided to settle 63 lawsuits to the tune of $640 million; most of those lawsuits alleged that Wal-Mart "underpaid its employees." So what prompted the usually greedy Grinch to give more than half a billion dollars to its employees? It must've been a passing wind of Christmas Cheer, right? Not quite. Read more...

    Your Health Care Meet-Ups: All Over The News

    Dec 29, 2008 - Despite the busy holiday season, Americans throughout the country - from caregivers like nurses, doctors and pharmacists to ordinary health care consumers - have been gathering to hold their own health care meetings. You've brought your friends, your family, like-minded individuals, and even those who have different points of view together to share their ideas and input on health care reform that comes from the ground up. News report after news report has been gracing our inboxes over the holiday season - from national papers like the New York Times to small, local papers from your areas. Read more...

    NY Times Endorses Employee Free Choice: "The Labor Agenda"

    Dec 29, 2008 - There's a great editorial today from the New York Times on unions and the Obama administration's commitment to labor - giving basically a full-throated endorsement of the Employee Free Choice Act and why it is such an important part of an economic recovery program. Read more...

    Reasons for Hope for the Uninsured

    Dec 29, 2008 - This morning, the Philadelphia Inquirer published an editorial focusing on the uninsured and the incoming Obama Administration. The editorial board's conclusion? That "a can-do spirit and sense of urgency from a president-elect who wants 'change' are the best things America's uninsured have going for them." Read more...

    SEIU would like to wish all of you and your families a Happy and Safe holiday season

    Dec 23, 2008 - Posting here on is going to be light for the next couple of weeks because of the holidays. A lot of our staff will be enjoying well-deserved time off from now through the New Year to rest, recharge... Read more...

    SEIU's Roundtable Health Care Discussion

    Dec 23, 2008 - This is a busy time of year for all of us -- making it all the more impressive that thousands of Americans are hosting health care discussions in their homes and communities this week. Last week, SEIU staff convened a health care discussion of our own. We decided to capture the meeting on video and wanted to share some highlights with you all. Read more...

    New Poll Shows Widespread Support for SCHIP Expansion to Cover Legal Immigrant Children

    Dec 23, 2008 - Encouraging news from a poll released yesterday, which shows that more than two-thirds of the public (82 percent) supports SCHIP renewal and for extending children's health benefits to legal immigrant children. Read more...

    Sen. Ben Nelson: Anti-Free Choice Ads are "Smear tactics that insult me and my fellow Nebraskans"

    Dec 22, 2008 - SEIU calls on "Americans for Job Security" to engage in an honest conversation with Nebraskans about their positions rather than trying to mislead Nebraskans. Read more...

    1199SEIU Website and Magazine Win National Labor Media Awards

    Dec 22, 2008 - SEIU1199's Our Life and Times magazine and local union website won a total of eight awards in this year's journalism contest of the International Labor Communications Association (ILCA). Read more...

    Andy Stern on The Future of Labor

    Dec 22, 2008 - Andy Stern appeared on Blogging Heads TV today to talk about why we need the Employee Free Choice Act and stimulating our economy. Watch clips from the appearance below or the entire thing over at Blogging Heads TV. Read more...

    SEIU In The News: Weekend Round-up

    Dec 22, 2008 - SEIU In The News: Dec. 19 - Dec. 22, 2008 Read more...

    Touring DC Labor Online

    Dec 22, 2008 - What's free and fun to do in DC over the holidays? A tour of current and historic labor sites! The brand new online DC Labor Map uses familiar Googlemaps technology to help you quickly and easily find dozens of fascinating labor art and historic labor sites, as well as union hotels and restaurants, international and local union organizations. Read more...

    A Labor Secretary Working Families Can Count On

    Dec 19, 2008 - "If jobs and incomes are our yardsticks, then the success of the American worker is key to the success of the American economy," said President-elect Barack Obama at a Chicago press conference earlier today as he announced the nomination of Rep. Hilda Solis for secretary of labor. Read more...

    ON LEADERSHIP: Andy Stern Explores Vision and Motivation with WaPo's Steven Pearlstein [Video]

    Dec 19, 2008 - SEIU President Andy Stern talks about Wal-Mart, Obama's many strengths and people skills and and changing the status quo in a Washington Post video interview with Steve Pearlstein, the 2008 Pulitzer Prize Winner for Commentary. Read more...

    Victory at McDonald's

    Dec 19, 2008 - Yesterday SEIU members and supporters went to almost 100 McDonald's locations around the country to speak directly with employees about free choice. And guess what: we won! McDonald's issued a statement backing down from their previous opposition to the Employee Free Choice Act because of your work...Please share with us your thoughts and comments on how your "McScrooged" action went yesterday, and upload photos and video. Read more...

    A New Year's Resolution for America's Working Families: Creating An Economy that Works for Everyone

    Dec 19, 2008 - Big Business is working overtime ... not to help get our troubled economy get back on track, but to prevent American workers from freely being able to join unions and bargain for better wages, health benefits and job security. And to those wondering about big business' alleged concerns about preserving workers' right to a secret ballot, rest easy: The Employee Free Choice Act does NOT eliminate the right to a secret ballot election. Read more...

    Arizona Gov. Signs Order to Give Over 25,000 State Employees a Voice

    Dec 18, 2008 - Breaking News for State Employees: Gov. Napolitano just issued an executive order that will give state employees in Arizona the same freedom to vote to form an employee organization that most Arizonans already possess. Read more...

    How did your McScrooged action go today at McDonalds?

    Dec 18, 2008 - We hope your action at McDonald's today went well! Please tell us any comments on how it went and upload photos and video here as well. Read more...

    SEIU President Andy Stern Hails Nomination of Hilda Solis to Lead Department of Labor

    Dec 18, 2008 - SEIU President Andy Stern issued the following statement in response to reports that President-elect Barack Obama will nominate Representative Hilda Solis as U.S. Secretary of Labor. Read more...

    Rep. Hilda Solis for Labor Secretary A Win For America's Workers and Employee Free Choice

    Dec 18, 2008 - The announcement of Representative Hilda Solis as President-elect Obama's Secretary of Labor is great news for America's workers. Solis comes from a union family and has never forgotten her roots in her public service career. [Visit SEIU's blog for more] Read more...

    Everyone Coming Together for Health Care House Meetings

    Dec 18, 2008 - In addition to the nearly-250 SEIU discussions that have been scheduled, over 4,200 meetings have been scheduled nationwide. It's clear that the Obama team is trying to build some consensus among all parties. This makes it more than vital that caregivers like you attend these events. We're in the trenches every day, and our expertise absolutely needs to be heard. Read more...

    SEIU Responds Bush's Proposed Changes to Guest Worker Program

    Dec 18, 2008 - The Bush Administration's proposed changes to the H2A guest worker program are the wrong policies at the wrong time by making it easier for big business to exploit some of the lowest-paid workers in the country. Read more...

    Take Action Now: McDonald's Today at Noon

    Dec 18, 2008 - Last week we told you that McDonald's wasn't lovin' free choice at work. Several thousand of you stood up and told the company what you think about their efforts to stop their employees' free choice. Read more...

    SEIU Janitors and Business Leaders Unveil New Model for Making Health Care More Accessible And Affordable for Thousands of Low-wage Workers

    Dec 17, 2008 - In a city where one in three residents live without health care, the unveiling today of a new clinic in Houston that will offer low-cost, quality care to over 5,300 of the area's commercial office janitors is an innovative step in the right direction. Read more...

    SEIU In The News: Dec. 16 - Dec. 17, 2008

    Dec 17, 2008 - SEIU In The News: Dec. 16 - Dec. 17, 2008 Read more...

    "Freezin' for a Reason" in West Hartford, CT

    Dec 17, 2008 - Public schools bus drivers in CT working without a contract since May protest employer's delays; demand higher wages and affordable health insurance Read more...

    Over 200 Health Care Meet-ups Scheduled And Counting

    Dec 16, 2008 - Last week, we wrote about the opportunity for you to become a health care leader in your community by hosting a health care meet-up near you. Thursday, December 18th at 3pm EST, we'll be hosting a conference call for people who have signed up to be hosts. Read more...

    Corporate Front Group Americans for Job Security Airs Misleading Ad on Employee Free Choice

    Dec 16, 2008 - The latest ad from Americans for Job Security, a corporate front group that has already spent millions to deny workers a voice on the job, attempts to mislead the public about the Employee Free Choice Act and the 2 million members of SEIU. Read more...

    Local Unions Team Up For Needy

    Dec 16, 2008 - Washington Gas workers and management from several unions in the DC area teamed up this year for a toy drive to benefit the Community Services Agency's (CSA) Holiday Basket program. Read more...

    Share Your Voice, Be a Health Care Leader in Your Community

    Dec 15, 2008 - Beginning this week, SEIU health care professionals, leaders and members will hold discussions with the Obama transition team about making comprehensive, affordable health care a reality for everyone in America. Read more...

    SEIU In The News: Weekend Clips Round-Up

    Dec 15, 2008 - SEIU In the News: Weekend Round-up Read more...

    Washington Hispanic Publishes Op-Ed by SEIU Local 32BJ Director: "Giving Workers the Choice on Unions"

    Dec 15, 2008 - "Although most workers would like to join a union, very few ever get the chance to vote. In fact, employers have been stifling the efforts of workers to lawfully organize a union through elections," writes Jaime Contreras, Director of the Capital Area of 32BJ. "The Employee Free Choice Act restores a fair and even balance between workers and their employers. The bill also creates a process for resolving contract disputes and cracks down on companies that punish workers for exercising their rights." Read the full op-ed. Read more...

    Long Island College Hospital Interns and Residents Win Vote to Join CIR/SEIU

    Dec 15, 2008 - Last week, interns and residents at Long Island College Hospital (LICH) in Brooklyn, NY unanimously voted to join the Committee of Interns and Residents (CIR) of SEIU Healthcare. Resident physicians at LICH will work with CIR to ensure that vital services like maternity and pediatric care remain open. Read more...

    Employee Free Choice Act Fast Facts Update: Spotlight on Mark McKinnon

    Dec 15, 2008 - On December 9th, the Washington Post quoted Mark McKinnon on the Employee Free Choice Act. What the Post failed to mention is that McKinnon is an advisor and spokesman for the Workforce Fairness Institute (WFI), a big business front group formed months ago solely to fight the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    Blue Green Alliance Expands to Include SEIU, CWA and National Resources Defense Council

    Dec 15, 2008 - The Blue Green Alliance press conference is the highest priority for a few of us this morning. This unique group formed initially by the United Steelworkers and the Sierra Club has recently grown to include the National Resources Defense Council, the Communications Workers of America and SEIU. Read more...

    Workers at Smithfield Meatpacking Plant Vote for Union

    Dec 15, 2008 - In an incredible piece of news that's been a long time coming, workers at Smithfield Tar Heel in North Carolina, the world's largest meatpacking plant, voted for union representation yesterday with the United Food and Commercial Workers Union. Read more...

    More than 400 March to Support Workers Struggling for a Voice on the Job

    Dec 12, 2008 - As a part of a nationwide campaign to restore the American middle class, more than 400 members of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) gathered yesterday at the University of Colorado-Aurora campus for a march to highlight the need for health care reform and legislation that will protect workers' rights to have a voice on the job. Read more...

    Employee Free Choice Act Fast Facts Update: Restoring the Middle Class

    Dec 12, 2008 - Did you hear about the corporate CEOs who just agreed that paying themselves 344 times more than their workers was hurting our economy by undermining consumer spending power - and have decided to reduce their pay and offer workers a raise and better benefits? Read more...

    Anna Burger: The Economic Recovery Program Our Nation Needs

    Dec 12, 2008 - Anna Burger has a piece in the Huffington Post today, making the point that the Employee Free Choice Act is key to any economic recovery program: Read more...

    Americans Working More, Playing Less

    Dec 12, 2008 - If you're feeling a little more worn out and weary at this time of year than usual, it could be because leisure time for American workers decreased by 20 percent this year, according to a new study released this week. Read more...

    Don't Overlook Dr. Lambrew, Today's "Other" Big Appointment

    Dec 11, 2008 - There was much excitement today over Obama's nomination of Tom Daschle as Secretary of Health and Human Services and Director of the White House Office on Health Reform (as there should have been), but it overshadowed another very encouraging appointment -- Dr. Jeanne Lambrew as Deputy Director of the White House Office on Health Reform. Read more...

    Daschle Officially Named as Next HHS Secretary

    Dec 11, 2008 - President-elect Obama today officially nominated former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle to be Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services and Director of the White House's new Office on Health Reform. Read more...

    Be a Health Care Leader in Your Community

    Dec 10, 2008 - Dr. L. Toni Lewis, an MD and leader from CIR/SEIU checks in from Denver, CO. She's there with other leaders from across the country to help build the game plan for fixing health care. Read more...

    JP Morgan Chase offers Laid-Off Chicago Factory Workers $400,000

    Dec 10, 2008 - Things appear to be looking up for the Chicago factory workers staging a sit-in since Friday to protest the closing of their workplace, the Republic Windows and Doors plant: JP Morgan Chase has stepped up and offered $400,000 to cover severance pay for the workers who are peacefully occupying the Chicago factory around the clock. Read more...

    Video: Fact Check on Anti-Free Choice Advertisement

    Dec 10, 2008 - "There have been many attacks on the Employee Free Choice Act by corporate-funded front-groups who are trying to spread myths and misrepresentations to confuse people," says SEIU staffer Ari Yampulsky. See the video fact check that addresses a recent anti-free choice advertisement. Read more...

    VIDEO: Former Senator Tom Daschle Gives Major Healthcare Speech

    Dec 10, 2008 - Sen. Tom Daschle, leader of President-Elect Obama's health policy team, is speaking live right now in Denver on fixing America's health care system, at the 2008 Colorado Health Care Summit. Watch and listen now. Read more...

    SEIU In The News: Dec. 10, 2008

    Dec 10, 2008 - The daily round-up of news coverage of SEIU (Dec. 10, 2008) Read more...

    Labor Tackles Tough Topics at UN Climate Change Conference

    Dec 10, 2008 - Earlier this morning at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, what is always the 800-pound guerilla in the room for labor and environment was introduced: coal. Coal miners, those employed in coal-related industries, entire towns and even states for which coal is the economic life blood all feel threatened by the movement for cleaner energy sources. Read more...

    Andy Stern: The Sensible Approach to Fixing Health Care

    Dec 10, 2008 - Andy Stern weighed in this morning on the National Journal's health care blog. He talked about cutting through the argument between two extremes that has halted progress on health care reform and finding a middle ground solution that addresses the crisis head-on. Read more...

    Employee Free Choice Act Fast Facts Update: The Facts on the Secret Ballot

    Dec 10, 2008 - Hardly. Most CEOs don't want to give workers the freedom to decide for themselves whether to join together for a voice at work. It's not surprising, especially when you consider that CEOs are now paying themselves an average of 344 times more than workers. Read more...

    SEIU Members to Hold March, Rally Supporting the Freedom to Join Unions and Emphasizing the Need to Fix the Broken Health Care System

    Dec 10, 2008 - This Thursday, more than 500 members of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) will hold a rally at the Denver Convention Center to highlight the urgent need for health care reform and legislation that will protect workers' rights to have a voice on the job. Read more...

    No Surprise Here: New Report Names Wal-Mart as One of the World's Five Worst Labor Rights Violators

    Dec 10, 2008 - As human rights advocates around the world celebrate International Human Rights Day, the International Labor Rights Forum (ILRF) has released "Working for Scrooge: 5 Worst Companies for the Right to Associate," a list of the five worst multinational corporations for union organizing. Find out which corporations top the list here. Read more...

    SEIU In The News: Dec. 9, 2008

    Dec 10, 2008 - SEIU In The News: December 9, 2008....find out what's going on in the union today. Read more...

    Join our Employee Free Choice Facebook Cause

    Dec 09, 2008 - We're stepping up on social networking efforts today, with our first Facebook Cause. It's to engage you in the effort to fight for the freedom to choose a union by passing the Employee Free Choice Act -- so that our economy can work for everyone. Read more...

    Reporter Wins Media Award for Coverage of Security Officers' Fight for Affordable Health Insurance and Fair Wages

    Dec 09, 2008 - At the first annual Minnesota Ethnic and Community Media Awards last week, a reporter won top honors in the Community Services division for her three-part series in the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder that covered the contract battle and groundbreaking one-day strike waged by SEIU Local 26 security officers in Minneapolis in early 2008. Read more...

    Stand with Chicago Workers of Republic Windows & Doors to Hold Bank of America Accountable

    Dec 09, 2008 - Scores of workers were laid-off with little notice from a Chicago factory last week when the factory closed down abruptly after Bank of America canceled the company's financing. The workers staged a "peaceful occupation" of the Republic Windows and Doors plant and in day five of an around-the-clock sit-in of the plant. Read more...

    Tell McDonald's: Don't Oppose the Employee Free Choice Act

    Dec 09, 2008 - Over the weekend news broke that the fast food giant is organizing its store owners to oppose the Employee Free Choice Act. McDonald's has reportedly even formed an "internal response actively participate in the opposition to the Employee Free Choice Act." Read more...

    SEIU In The News: Dec. 6 - Dec. 8, 2008

    Dec 08, 2008 - SEIU In The News: Dec. 6 - Dec. 8, 2008 Read more...

    ER Caregivers: We're A Little Concerned, Here

    Dec 08, 2008 - A new study funded by the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality sought to measure how truly widespread the problems that face our emergency rooms are, seeking to measure ER caregivers' opinions on physical environment, staffing, inpatient coordination, and "information coordination and consultation." The results were far from a surprise... Read more...

    Employee Free Choice Act Fast Facts Update: All About Majority Sign-up

    Dec 08, 2008 - The corporate misinformation campaign is already running strong--spreading lies and distortions about the Employee Free Choice Act. One blatant mischaracterization suggests that this common sense proposal is somehow a "radical" change to federal labor law. Read more...

    Labor's Place at the Table at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

    Dec 08, 2008 - For the second consecutive year, SEIU is participating in the Labor Delegation to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, taking place this week in Posnan, Poland. Union representatives from Mexico, India, the U.K., the U.S., Korea, Sierra Leone and elsewhere are making sure that the concerns of and effects on working people the world over are an essential part of every discussion at the conference. Read about their work and experiences on the SEIU blog. Read more...

    "Let's 'Share the Wealth'" - Wall Street Journal weekend interview with Andy Stern

    Dec 08, 2008 - America's most powerful union boss says Europe offers a good economic model...Read the Wall Street Journal's December 6 weekend interview with SEIU President Andy Stern. Read more...

    Join the Healthcare Debate at

    Dec 05, 2008 - Already, discussions have begun, including a growing health care debate at, the Obama transition team's website. You and I know that for any health care initiative to truly succeed, nurses need to be included - and the Gallup poll proves it. Now's the perfect time to put our credibility to use. Each of us needs to lend our much-needed caregiver expertise to the discussion Read more...

    Health Care Reform: We're Ready NOW

    Dec 05, 2008 - Today, I heard the incoming Secretary of Health and Human Services talk about "word clouds" in a major policy speech. I saw the next presidential administration organizing online discussions and house parties instead of lobbyist luncheons and corporate fundraisers to... Read more...

    SEIU In The News: Dec. 4 - Dec. 5, 2008

    Dec 05, 2008 - NATIONAL SEIU NEWS: Obama Policymakers Turn to Campaign Tools Washington Post, 12.4.2008 Andy Stern: Let's 'Share the Wealth' Wall Street Journal (Interview), 12.5.2008 Daschle: Fixing Health Care "Top Priority" In Fixing Economy TPM Election Central, 12.5.2008 New Documentary Released on... Read more...

    The Employment Situation? Not Good

    Dec 05, 2008 - The U.S. Department of Labor announced at 8:30 a.m. today that another 533,000 jobs were lost in November; catapulting the unemployment rate to 6.7 percent--and bringing the grand total number of jobs lost this year to a whopping 1.7 million. Read more...

    Employee Free Choice Act Fast Facts Update: It's the Economy

    Dec 05, 2008 - On Wednesday, December 3rd, Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm released a statement calling for the quick passage of the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    Enemies of Change: Refuting Arguments against the Employee Free Choice Act (Pt. 1)

    Dec 05, 2008 - You and I know that the same people and corporations who have destroyed our economy, shipped jobs overseas and created the largest gap in pay between workers and CEOs oppose the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    Andy Stern on Ed Schultz Show

    Dec 05, 2008 - SEIU President Andy Stern will be on the Ed Schultz show today, at 12:30 ET today. You can click here to listen to him live and discuss the nation's current economic crisis. Read more...

    SEIU Healthcare Launches Online Version of Newsletter

    Dec 04, 2008 - Current and past issues of SEIU Healthcare News are now available online. The newsletter is issued bi-weekly to keep SEIU, members, activists and friends informed of efforts around the country to deliver quality care to patients and give healthcare workers a voice on the job. Read more...

    Wal-Mart's Failure to Protect Its Workers: An Unfortunate Symbol

    Dec 04, 2008 - Jdimytai Damour, a temporary Wal-Mart worker, became a symbol to millions of low-wage workers last Friday when he died a needless death because Wal-Mart failed to take the necessary precautions to protect him. He became a symbol of those workers quietly yielding to unsafe working conditions because they have no voice. Read more...

    In Your Words: Fixing Health Care

    Dec 04, 2008 - Last week, I told you about our opponents' latest low-road tactics in their fight to stop health care reform; and I invited you to shine a little light on their ploy by writing letters to your local newspapers. The response was amazing. Read more...

    Award-Winning Video on SEIU Labor Leader Eliseo Medina Shows Evolution of Immigrant Rights Movement

    Dec 04, 2008 - Today, the Santa Fe Film Festival will screen Tribute to Eliseo Medina, a short film documenting SEIU Executive Vice President Eliseo Medina's remarkable career. From a 19-year-old grape picker to his leadership today as one of the most important labor and immigrant rights leaders in the country, Medina's story shows us the power of "yes we can" thinking and reminds us how grassroots campaigns can change the course of history. Read more...

    With 30-hour shifts, the doctor is ALWAYS in

    Dec 04, 2008 - SEIU Healthcare members understand that long hours and little sleep are a dangerous fact of life for RNs and physicians alike. For years, we've worked to shine a light on the dangers of long hours to patient care and to the well-being of health care workers. A recent study by the Institute for Medicine (IOM) is a welcome addition to the advocacy work being done by CIR/SEIU Healthcare members to limit extended shifts for residents. Read more...

    Addressing the Real Cost of Healthcare Reform

    Dec 03, 2008 - "The failures of our current system are already costing us billions. If we do nothing and let health care continue on its current course, the cost would be greater than the cure," writes SEIU President Andy Stern yesterday on's Health Care Expert Blog. Read more...

    Obama Restates Employee Free Choice Act Support

    Dec 03, 2008 - Barack Obama's transition team reiterated the president-elect's strong support for the Employee Free Choice Act late yesterday, the Huffington Post reports. Read more...

    SEIU Healthcare's Resident Physicians Comment on "Extended Shifts" Report

    Dec 03, 2008 - In response to the Institute of Medicine report, "Resident Duty Hours: Enhancing Sleep, Supervision, and Safety," SEIU's Committee of Interns and Residents (CIR) released a statement yesterday calling for stronger limits on extended resident work. Read more...

    Employee Free Choice Fast Facts Update

    Dec 03, 2008 - In the current economic climate, the American public is eager to see Congress take action to strengthen the middle class and restore our nation's economy. To help working families improve their standard of living and get our economy back on track, Congress should pass federal legislation known as the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    SEIU In The News: Dec. 3, 2008

    Dec 03, 2008 - SEIU In The News: Dec. 3, 2008 Read more...

    Gallup: Americans Remain Broadly in Support of Labor Unions

    Dec 03, 2008 - The question "Do you approve or disapprove of labor unions?" was first asked in 1936, a year after Congress passed the Wagner Act establishing the right of most private sector employees to join unions, to bargain collectively with their employers, and to strike. Seven decades later, Americans have maintained a generally favorable view of unions, with the most recent update from Gallup showing a 59 percent of those surveyed back unions, while only 29 percent disapprove of them. Read more...

    Fiscal Relief to State and Local Governments

    Dec 02, 2008 - Listen to some key comments on the need for immediate fiscal relief to state and local governments --- from leading experts on states budget and tax policy who met with SEIU local leaders recently. Read more...

    WaPo: 5 Myths About Our Ailing Health-Care System

    Dec 02, 2008 - There's a great opinion piece in last Sunday's Washington Post that dispels 5 myths about America's health care system. Written by Shannon Brownlee and Ezekiel Emanuel (incidentally, the brother of incoming Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel), the article debunks... Read more...

    SEIU In The News: Dec. 2, 2008

    Dec 02, 2008 - SEIU In The News: Dec. 2, 2008 Read more...

    For Women, Joining a Union is like Going to College

    Dec 02, 2008 - Some great news for working women came out today. A new study shows that joining a union raises a woman's wages and benefits on par with having a college education. Read more...

    SPECIAL REPORT: Haiti Stole My Heart

    Dec 01, 2008 - In light of the devastation in Haiti and the suffering of so many people in the aftermath of two hurricanes and two tropical storms, the Nurse Alliance of SEIU Healthcare leaders made a decision to offer support. Two SEIU Healthcare Florida members volunteered to travel to Haiti on a healthcare mission - their stories are truly inspiring. Read more...

    SEIU In The News: Nov. 27 - Dec. 1, 2008

    Dec 01, 2008 - SEIU In The News: Nov. 27 - Dec. 1, 2008 Read more...

    Security Officers Protecting Downtown Boston Towers and Office Buildings Reach Agreement

    Nov 26, 2008 - Over a thousand security officers represented by Service Employees International Union Local 615 in Boston announced a tentative agreement yesterday after opening negotiations last July with the three of the largest security companies in the area, Allied Barton, Securitas and Northeast Security. Read more...

    Add Your Voice for Change

    Nov 26, 2008 - You've probably seen that Obama's transition team has launched a website,, to stay in touch as they prepare to move into the White House. Yesterday evening, they launched a new section inviting citizens to weigh in on the state of health care in America. Read more...

    Day 2 of Unfair Labor Strike for SEIU Healthcare Minnesota Hospital Workers

    Nov 25, 2008 - SEIU Healthcare Minnesota hospital workers are uniting and taking a stand for their future. More than 200 members who work at Regina Medical Center begin a 2-day strike on Monday in the face of a proposed 50 percent cut to their pension and an increase in to overall healthcare costs. Read more...

    Historic New Deal for 25,000 Massachusetts Home Care Workers to Improve Jobs; Boost Care

    Nov 25, 2008 - Today, a new contract was finalized for 25,000 Massachusetts personal care attendants (PCAs) who will get a 15 percent pay raise, health insurance and paid sick time. Read more...

    SEIU In The News: Nov. 25, 2008

    Nov 25, 2008 - SEIU In The News: Nov. 25, 2008 Read more...

    Here We Go Again

    Nov 25, 2008 - You can hear the jaws dropping as people read James Pethokoukis' latest piece on health care in U.S. News' Capital Commerce blog. Pethokoukis takes partisan politics to a new level by urging Republicans to block any efforts by Obama (or any other Democrat) to fix health care. Read more...

    SEIU Staff News Update: New Division Director for Property Services

    Nov 24, 2008 - Laphonza Butler will become the Division Director for Property Services as of November 25, 2008. Read more...

    'Workers of the World, Unite': Case Study Recognizes SEIU's International Campaign Efforts

    Nov 21, 2008 - Today, the Journal of the International Centre for Trade Union Rights (ICTUR) called SEIU's global effort to organize private security officers in several African countries, the United Kingdom, and other locations "One of the most developed campaigns aimed at building a global union and raising standards for low wage service..." Read more...

    SEIU's Anna Burger Responds to Obama's Efforts to Fix Economy

    Nov 21, 2008 - In today's edition of Politico's The Arena, SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger comments on what can be done about the nation's economic policy. Read more...

    Former SEIU Political Leader Appointed as Obama's Political Director

    Nov 21, 2008 - This afternoon, Patrick Gaspard was named the White House political director for President-elect Barack Obama. Gaspard served as national political director for much of Obama's general election campaign and was named associate personnel director for the transition effort. Read more...

    Employee Free Choice Act News: "Re-establish the Middle Class" - November 21, 2008

    Nov 21, 2008 - SEIU Local 32BJ leader Jaime Contreras makes the case for why America's economy needs the Employee Free Choice Act: In this economic crisis caused by corporate greed, working Americans are in urgent need of the immediate relief that union wages... Read more...

    Watch Now: Andy Stern Brings Your Voice to Congress

    Nov 20, 2008 - Pointing to the combined impact of the health care and economic crises on the lives of working families nationwide, SEIU President Andy Stern called on President-Elect Barack Obama and key leaders in Washington yesterday to work together to address the nation's ailing health care system in the short-term. Read more...

    New Television Ad Highlights Need for Employee Free Choice Act

    Nov 20, 2008 - As the nation's current economic crisis continues and wages stagnate, the American public is hungry for measures to strengthen the middle class. A new nationwide television ad campaign serves as a reminder that we need the Employee Free Choice Act to level the playing field for America's workers by giving them a fair and direct path to form unions. Read more...

    Former Senator Daschle to be Nominated for HHS Secretary

    Nov 20, 2008 - Multiple news sources, including NBC News, are reporting that Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-ND) "has accepted President-elect Barack Obama's offer to be secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services," and will therefore be nominated to the position. In that role, Daschle would be in charge of the FDA, Medicare and Medicaid, among other programs. Read more...

    Wal-Mart Watch Joins Efforts to Give Workers a Voice on the Job

    Nov 19, 2008 - Wal-Mart Watch announced today that it is joining efforts to pass the Employee Free Choice Act so that Wal-Mart's employees and other workers around the country will have the choice to form a union to advocate for better wages and benefits. To martial all available resources toward this effort, Wal-Mart Watch is merging its operations into SEIU to share knowledge and expertise and best serve the efforts to pass the Employee Free Choice Act. Read more...

    SEIU In The News: Nov. 19, 2008

    Nov 19, 2008 - SEIU In The News: Nov. 19, 2008 Read more...

    Join the Conversation: Live Video Conference with SEIU President Andy Stern

    Nov 19, 2008 - SEIU President Andy Stern is talking with bloggers, members, and health care activists in a live video conference today at 2:30 p.m today. He'll be reporting back on the congressional testimony he gave this morning on the combined impact of the health care and economic crises on the lives of working families nationwide. Click here to join the conversation. Read more...

    Home Depot Founder to CEOs: You "Should Be Shot"

    Nov 19, 2008 - In the fight for the Employee Free Choice Act, a bill in Congress that would give workers the free choice to form unions, we've seen some crazy hyperbole from greedy CEOs and their front groups who oppose free choice for workers. Home Depot founder and ex-CEO Bernie Marcus, for example... Read more...

    Andy Stern Testifying Today on Economics Of Health Care Reform

    Nov 19, 2008 - SEIU President Andy Stern will be testifying at a congressional hearing on health care and the economy. HeĀ¹ll be using the comments submitted by members and activists to tell show Congress how deeply this is affecting people all across the country. Read more...

    SEIU Funding & Leadership Out-Ranks Dozens of Groups During Presidential, Senate Races

    Nov 18, 2008 - SEIU Financial Support & Leadership Out-Ranks Dozens of Groups During Presidential and Senate Races Read more...

    SEIU In The News: Nov. 18, 2008

    Nov 18, 2008 - SEIU In The News: Nov. 18, 2008 Read more...

    TONIGHT: Watch Andy Stern's Interview on NBC Nightly News

    Nov 18, 2008 - SEIU President Andy Stern will be featured in tonight's NBC Nightly News broadcast to talk about critical issues the Obama Administration must address for all working families. Tune in to NBC Nightly News tonight, November 17, beginning at 6:30 pm EST to watch. Read more...

    Help SEIU President Andy Stern Bring Your Story to Capitol Hill at Senate Hearing on Health Care Reform Tomorrow

    Nov 18, 2008 - Yesterday afternoon, SEIU International President Andy Stern sent out an email to healthcare activists asking for input on the testimony he will be offering on the combined impact of the health care and economic crisis on working families at a hearing before the Senate Committee on Finance at 10:00 a.m. tomrorow, November 19. Read more...

    "Now is the time to roll up our sleeves..." Letter to the Editor from SEIU Healthcare Member

    Nov 18, 2008 - "No matter if you voted for President-elect Barack Obama or Sen. John McCain, if you are a union member, small-business owner or retiree, we share one community. We need to play our part to help our elected leaders fulfill their campaign promises," writes SEIU Healthcare member Charlotte Anibas from Local 1199NW in a Seattle Times LTE. Read more...

    Leading Massachusetts Physicians Voice Support for Free and Fair Union

    Nov 17, 2008 - Free & Fair Elections = Quality Jobs, Quality Care Hospital workers across Boston are calling for free and fair union elections so they can have a voice in protecting patient care and improving jobs for working families. In an open... Read more...

    SEIU In The News: Nov. 15 - Nov. 17, 2008

    Nov 17, 2008 - SEIU In The News: Nov. 15 - Nov. 17, 2008 Read more...

    SEIU Healthcare Chair Dennis Rivera Addresses Links between Nation's Failing Economy, Ailing Healthcare System

    Nov 16, 2008 - "We have a president who has promised to prioritize health care and improve the lives of workers. We have a Congress that has committed to providing economic relief for families--including affordable health insurance," wrote Dennis Rivera, SEIU Healthcare chair in The Hill's Congress Blog. Read more...

    A Blueprint And A Call To Action For The Nation's Ailing Healthcare System

    Nov 15, 2008 - "One week since the historic election that brought a sea change of hope and energy to our country, we're already getting a clear picture of what to expect from new leadership in Washington in 2009," writes SEIU Healthcare Chairman Dennis Rivera today on The Hill's Congress blog. Read more...

    Anna Burger on Meet the Bloggers

    Nov 14, 2008 - Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger was on Meet the Bloggers today, talking about the Employee Free Choice Act. Watch it now: Read more...

    Why Employees Need Free Choice to Join Unions: Let's Cut to the Chase

    Nov 14, 2008 - The Saturday, Nov. 8th edition of The New York Times had a lengthy piece by Steven Greenhouse about the growing chorus for the Employee Free Choice Act, a bill that would restore free choice for people who want to join a union. Towards the end of the article is a simple sentence that bears further examination, because it gets to the heart of why we need Employee Free Choice... Read more...

    SEIU In The News: Nov. 14, 2008

    Nov 14, 2008 - SEIU In The News: Nov. 14, 2008 Read more...

    Anna Burger to Appear on Meet the Bloggers

    Nov 14, 2008 - Today on Meet the Bloggers watch Anna Burger, SEIU secretary-treasurer and Change to Win chair, discuss how the Employee Free Choice Act can revitalize our nation's middle class and why it's so important to give workers the right to form unions in the workplace. Read more...

    SEIU Canada: Comcare Home Care Workers Vote to Join Union

    Nov 13, 2008 - Sudbury area home caregivers employed by Comcare Health Services voted overwhelmingly on November 10 to form a union, becoming members of SEIU Local 1 Canada. Read more...

    PSA Campaign Aims to Address the Mental Health Consequences of Combat

    Nov 13, 2008 - PSA Campaign Aims to Address the Mental Health Consequences of Combat Read more...

    SEIU, Coalition Partners Urge Health Care Overhaul

    Nov 13, 2008 - SEIU and its Divided We Fail partners AARP, the Business Roundtable and the National Federation of Independent Businesses published an open letter to President-elect Barack Obama in USA Today this week, calling for comprehensive healthcare reform in the new administration's... Read more...

    SEIU In The News: Nov. 13, 2008

    Nov 13, 2008 - SEIU In The News: Nov. 13, 2008 Read more...

    SEIU Supports New Blueprint to Solve Health Care Crisis by Senator Max Baucus

    Nov 12, 2008 - SEIU issued a statement in support of the diagnosis of and prescription for mending our broken health care system released today by Senator Max Baucus (D-MT), the chairman of the Finance Committee. Read more...

    Passage of Proposition B for Quality Home Care Ensures Choice to Live at Home for Seniors, Disabled

    Nov 12, 2008 - Seniors, people with disabilities, attendants, and home care advocates celebrated the passage of Proposition B, the Quality Home Care Act, as a major victory in the effort to ensure quality home care services for Missouri's growing senior population and its citizens with disabilities. Read more...

    Gerry Hudson Shares Ideas with Alternet re: a Progressive Health Care Reform Agenda

    Nov 12, 2008 - This weekend, Alternet asked dozens of writers, experts and activists about priorities for President-elect Barack Obama's early days in office. SEIU Executive Vice President Gerry Hudson wrote, "Health care costs are rising at almost double the rate of wage increases for the average American worker. Read more...

    "How do you see the outcome of the presidential election changing the health care reform debate?"

    Nov 12, 2008 - "This election showed that American workers are struggling with the rising cost of everything -- from food to fuel to housing to health care. They know that skyrocketing health costs are shrinking their paychecks, and if they lose their jobs they lose their health care." Read more...

    Workers Recount Their GOTV Efforts for a New Economic Agenda

    Nov 11, 2008 - Union members from SEIU and the Change to Win federation gathered at a press conference Friday to tell their stories of hope and optimism to promote a new era for positive government and a progressive agenda for worker-driven economic growth. Read more...

    Putting Healthcare on the Map

    Nov 07, 2008 - This week, we're celebrating. SEIU members, local and International staff across the country knocked on doors and called voters to help get out the vote and move millions of Americans to the polls to bring home victory for Barack Obama. Read more...

    Fast Fact: In Just Five Months...

    Nov 04, 2008 - Through last night, SEIU members knocked on 2,435,645 doors in battleground states and key races across the country. Read more...

    Fast Fact: Millions Contacted Over the Phone

    Nov 04, 2008 - Through last night, SEIU members and staff made 16,137,541 phone calls in battleground states and key races across the country. Read more...

    Fast Fact: SEIU Expanded the Electorate

    Nov 04, 2008 - During the general election, SEIU's members registered 102,156 new voters in battleground states. Read more...

    SEIU Members Launch New Ohio Ad

    Oct 30, 2008 - Today, SEIU announced a new television ad, titled "Meghan," that will air on cable and broadcast TV as well as online across Ohio through the end of the election. The ad highlights John McCain's record of voting for tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas through the story of one Buckeye worker. Read more...

    Lynn and Barry Goldman, New Hampshire

    Oct 22, 2008 - Under Barack Obama's plan, self-employed people and small business owners like the Goldmans would get help getting access to health care in several ways: Read more...

    SEIU Launches New Ad

    Oct 15, 2008 - SEIU is going up with this latest ad, asking... What's the difference between Bush and McCain? Read more...

    SEIU Healthcare Illinois & Indiana: Homecare Workers Set National Standards for Help at Home Workers

    Oct 15, 2008 - Nearly 5,000 members of SEIU Healthcare Illinois & Indiana employed by Help At Home (HAH) will vote on a historic new contract that paves the way for thousands more Help At Home workers across the country to join the union. Read more...

    Pennsylvania RNs win mandatory overtime ban

    Oct 10, 2008 - It's been seven years in the making, but on Wednesday, Pennsylvania state legislation against mandatory overtime for nurses and healthcare workers passed its last hurdle on its way to the Governor's desk. Read more...

    Pennsylvania Nurses and Patients One Step Closer

    Oct 08, 2008 - It's been seven years in the making, but on Wednesday, state legislation against mandatory overtime for nurses and healthcare workers passed its last hurdle on its way to the Governor's desk. Read more...

    Vital Signs: Freda Blakerby, RN

    Oct 08, 2008 - I became an LPN in 1983 and an RN in 1993. In 2003, at the age of 55, I became disabled by a genetic disease and lost my job. Read more...

    SEIU Nursing Assistant Will Be At Tonight's 2nd Presidential Debate

    Oct 07, 2008 - Jean Ann Berg, a nursing assistant and member of SEIU Healthcare Florida, will be in the audience at tonight's 2nd Presidential debate, waiting to ask John McCain why he wants to tax healthcare benefits and make it harder for families to afford coverage. Read more...

    New Ad: SEIU Members Make Health Care Deciding Issue For Uncommitted Voters

    Oct 06, 2008 - Today, SEIU announced a new, multi-state television and field campaign aimed at targeting undecided voters in the final weeks of the presidential election with information on the difference between the Obama and McCain health care plans. Read more...

    So... Now What?

    Oct 03, 2008 - Written by SEIU International President Andy Stern Let's face it: the Bailout Bill doesn't get to the heart of what's wrong with our economy. Neither you, nor I, nor many of those who voted for it believe that this bill... Read more...

    Confused Sarah Palin Contradicts John McCain on Unions

    Oct 02, 2008 - Sarah Palin spoke with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt earlier this week and - surprise, surprise - completely contradicted John McCain's virulent opposition to unions and the Employeee Free Choice Act. Palin also credited "good union jobs" for why her family had health insurance in otherwise tough times. It's too bad Palin has done nothing to actually represent union interests. Read more...

    NEW SEIU TELEVISION AD: Thelma Drake Is "Wrong for Veterans, Wrong For Virginia"

    Sep 30, 2008 - A new television ad by SEIU details the multiple votes Congresswoman Thelma Drake has cast against improving health care for our nation's veterans, making the case that she is "Wrong for Veterans, Wrong for Virginia." Read more...

    Video: Mark Warner Walks a Day

    Sep 30, 2008 - Here's video from the Walk a Day in My Shoes 2008 with Former Governor Mark Warner and PCA Shareen Miller: Read more...

    Our Economic Recovery Plan

    Sep 29, 2008 - Now that the Bush Administration's $700 billion Wall St. bailout appears to be dead, we need to have a full discussion about how to solve our economic problems. Join me in calling for a New Era for Working Families that puts the government on the side of the people. Read more...

    $17,000 an Hour for CEO of Biggest Ever Bankruptcy

    Sep 25, 2008 - One of the reasons SEIU is organizing and mobilizing support for the Employee Free Choice Act is to restore balance in the workplace. While the imbalance of rights at work is a serious issue of its own, there's an astounding difference in compensation between workers and CEOs. Let's look at CEO pay: while the minimum wage for workers is just $6.55 an hour, the average pay of a CEO is $6,153 an hour. Read more...

    Watch Andy Stern on Meet the Bloggers

    Sep 25, 2008 - Earlier this month SEIU President Andy Stern appeared on the weekly online talk show Meet the Bloggers to discuss the Employee Free Choice Act. Watch the episode featuring Stern now: Read more...

    Be One in a Million for the Employee Free Choice Act

    Sep 25, 2008 - A robust middle class. Economic growth and shared prosperity. The American Dream. None are possible unless workers have the free choice to bargain for a better life--in their workplaces and in our nation. Read more...


    Service Employees International Union
    Change to Win Federation USA
    Canadian Labour Congress
    1800 Massachusetts Avenue NW
    Washington, DC 20036
    © SEIU | Privacy Policy


    Service Employees International Union
    Change to Win Federation USA | Canadian Labour Congress
    1800 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036
    © SEIU | Privacy Policy