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Dear Penthouse, I’m just a Republican Candidate who went to a well-endowed private University…(hehe well-endowed)

By: Attaturk Thursday August 12, 2010 1:30 am

Of course, conservatives claim to hate affirmative action, so it’s a good thing their kids can trade in on their names later in life. Which brings us to Ben Quayle, son of Dan Quayle — who is to his father as George W. Bush is to his. So give Ben some credit for being able to chew his food.

Ben is running for Congress from Arizona’s Third District. When we last encountered him he had a lovely little commercial preaching family values next to his two little girls. Except, of course, they weren’t his girls. A few apologies and promises to stay 1000 yards away from schools later, we have some new info about this chip-off-the-old-blockhead.

Ben is one of the founding contributors to a website called “The Dirty” (NSFW) which specializes in putting up pictures of women in various stages of disrobing and, of course, later shame. When asked about this, he lied…then later admitted it but could not remember ever writing anything in particular.

Well, we better remind him then.

Quayle posted under the Web alias “Brock Landers” and documented his quest to find the “hottest chick in Scottsdale.”

Family values.

Late Nite FDL: Want People To Vote? Give Them Choices

By: Phoenix Woman Wednesday August 11, 2010 8:07 pm

As both Jon and David have noted today, this election year has seen a drop in enthusiasm from normal Democratic voting groups such as youthful voters — and a corresponding drop in voter turnout. The exception? Minnesota.

Per the Strib, the turnout was almost 590,000 voters, or 15.5%. That’s the highest since 2000, and included more than 31,000 absentee ballots.

Why the eagerness in Minnesota, when it’s been absent elsewhere?

One reason could be this, as Spotty mentions in his discussion of how Mark Dayton won last night’s primary:

“Oh dear!” say some; he’s fomenting [spell checker helpfully offers fermenting] class warfare! The class warfare, however, has been mounted by the wealthy on the rest of us, and they’ve been winning it.

It surprises me not at all that the candidate who seems to understand that essential truth, and said so directly, won the primary.

Want people to vote? Give them choices.

Pew: Dems, GOP Even on Generic Ballot; Highly Disengaged Youth Vote “Leads” Unenthused Electorate

By: Jon Walker Wednesday August 11, 2010 7:15 pm

According to a new Pew Research poll (PDF) of registered voters in the upcoming congressional election, 45 percent are leaning Democratic while 44 percent are leaning Republican. This does not bode well for Democrats, since they need to be have a significant lead in the generic ballot if they hope to hold onto their large majorities in the House and Senate. At the same time, these numbers don’t point to a massive Republican wave. By comparison, at about this same time in 2006, Democrats led Republicans 50 percent to 39 percent.

bin Laden Cook Sentenced to 14 Pretend Years, Reportedly 2 Secret Years

By: emptywheel Wednesday August 11, 2010 6:30 pm

Best as I can tell, the fake plea bargain Omar Khadr was offered–in which he would be sentenced publicly, but in which there was a secret agreement that he would serve just a fraction of that time–is what happened to Osama bin Laden cook Ibrahim al Qosi today. After making great show of picking a jury and directing them they could sentence Qosi to between 12 and 15 years, the military commission sentenced al Qosi to 14 years.

But everyone knows that 14 year sentence doesn’t represent Qosi’s real sentence. Instead, he is reported to be serving 2 more years–though there is a bit of a dispute because his plea promised he’d serve his time in communal quarters even though DOD regulations prohibit that.

Pomeroy: Social Security Benefit Cuts “Completely Unacceptable”

By: David Dayen Wednesday August 11, 2010 5:50 pm

Earl Pomeroy (D-ND), the chair of the Social Security Subcommittee on the House Ways and Means Committee, said that any benefit cuts to the program, including raising the retirement age, are “completely unacceptable” and should be taken off the table, contrasting many Democrats and even the House Majority Leader on the topic.

Progressives and Conservatives Agree: Single Payer Healthcare Is Inevitable

By: Rob Stone M.D. Wednesday August 11, 2010 4:30 pm

Everyone loves to pick on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and well they should, having been written by and for the health care industry. We must keep the pressure up on the health care industry as long as its fiduciary responsibility to investors requires finding ways to avoid caring for the sick while sucking billions out of taxpayers’ pockets.

Hispanic Media Turns Against President, Democrats

By: David Dayen Wednesday August 11, 2010 3:50 pm

Jorge Ramos, the anchor of Univision’s news program, and a trusted figure in the Hispanic community, has made a Cronkite-like statement about President Obama and his commitment to comprehensive immigration reform, and his sentiment is pretty universally held among Spanish-language media.

Glenn Greenwald, Dylan Ratigan and Me on the “Professional Left”

By: Jane Hamsher Wednesday August 11, 2010 3:00 pm

Gibbs, with his contempt for the “Canadian health care system,” is merely reflecting the attitude of a White House that marched into the health care debate committed to giving corporate “stakeholders” everything they wanted in exchange for campaign donations to Democrats.


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