White House takes on Boehner
by Joan McCarter
Thu Aug 12, 2010 at 07:00:04 PM PDT
Good job, Jared Bernstein, Chief Economic Advisor to the Vice President.
John Boehner wants a lot of people to lose their jobs.
We were awfully surprised to hear Rep. Boehner come out for killing jobs en masse in his own state and district by stopping the Recovery Act on last Sunday’s news shows.
Though we’re sure he didn’t know it, the Congressman is advocating to kill the expansion of the Butler County Community Health Center and bring some of the twenty-five highway projects across the district to a grinding halt. Across the state of Ohio, he said that approximately 4 million working families should get an unexpected cut in their paycheck as the Making Work Pay tax credit disappears, unemployed workers should go without unemployment benefits, and major Ohio road projects like the US-33 Nelsonville Bypass project and the Cleveland Innerbelt Modernization project should be stalled or stopped. Oh, and some of the more than 100 clean energy Recovery projects employing workers across the state should be shut down....
[W]when critics like Rep. Boehner talk about stopping the spending, they’re essentially talking about taking away middle class tax cuts, leaving unemployed workers unexpectedly high and dry without an unemployment check, halting road and bridge projects and leaving them unfinished, leaving contractors unpaid for the work they’ve already done and more.
So when it comes right down to, is Rep. Boehner really ready to tell Ohioans they’d better off if we stopped the Recovery Act?
Of course, Boehner doesn't particularly care about Ohio at this point. His, and his colleagues', constituents have long since been the K Street and Wall Street. This is the guy who just spent a week railing about teachers and firefighters as special interests and aid to states as a bailout.
Good for the White House for pointing that out.