Friday, April 24, 2009

Bethesda's Walt Whitman High School students far outnumber and way outclass the Phelps whackos from Westboro

The Phelps clan was in Bethesda today to protest Walt Whitman High School -- because it's named Walt Whitman High School. Not kidding. But, the students at Walt Whitman High were having none of it. And, when school let out, the kids lined up to form a counter-protest. There were seven Phelps compared to over 500 students. It actually sounds like the Phelps clan did a good job of uniting Whitman:
At the 2:10 p.m. dismissal, 500 students issued forth from the campus and lined up, several students deep, along the police tape, across Whittier Boulevard from the congregants. They alternately chanted the school name and "Go home!" -- drowning out voices from across the street.

Whitman, a 19th-century poet with major influence on American literature, is generally regarded as having been gay or bisexual, but his sexual identity remains enigmatic.

The Westboro Baptist Church has gained national notoriety for its anti-homosexuality demonstrations, staged provocatively outside military funerals and at schools that are putting on the musical "Rent." Before heading to Whitman, they showed up at the funeral of the Middletown, Md., family killed in a murder-suicide last week, claiming that those deaths, like the military casualties, were God's wrath toward a godless people. Police asked them to leave.

But at Whitman, the protesters arrived to palpable excitement. Faculty had spun the event into an interdisciplinary lesson. English teachers spent the day on Whitman's verse. Social studies teachers led a unit on tolerance. Math teachers fanned through the crowd, attempting a head count.

It was the first taste of protest for many Whitman students, and perhaps the first time they had paid much mind to their namesake.
The Phelps clan can't compete with students. Today, it was the high school kids at Walt Whitman High. Last month, it was college students at the University of Chicago.

Thank to my friend, Craig, who tipped me off about the possibility of these protests a couple weeks ago. He was very proud that his niece and nephew, who are students at Whitman, were on the front lines today. Read More......

Why does anyone care what Liz Cheney thinks?

Seriously. Why does anyone, besides the far-right wing crazies, care what Liz Cheney thinks? I mean, why is she even on MSNBC? It's one thing to have Dick back in the news. We like having him rear his ugly head and foist all his baggage on the GOP. But do we have to suffer through Liz again. The only thing worse would be to have Lynne back in the news (but, not talking about the book she wrote with lesbian love scenes...that's off-limits.)

And, while Liz jumped to the defense of her father, I don't think she's ever done the same thing when her sister, Mary, the lesbian, was under attack. But, that's probably because Mary gets attacked by Liz's far right-wing crazy friends. Read More......

No charges in Michigan hypothermia case

It would be nice to think that this terrible tragedy will have a positive impact on the state making changes to their laws. The Michigan Senate is still reviewing a potential law that will ban the installation of power limiters for the elderly.
Bay County Prosecutor Kurt Asbury, citing the results of a Michigan State Police investigation and a final autopsy report, called Marvin Schur's death a "terrible tragedy" but said no crimes were committed.

Neighbors discovered Schur's body on Jan. 17 in his house in Bay City, about 90 miles northwest of Detroit. The windows were frosted over, icicles hung from a faucet and the World War II veteran lay dead on the bedroom floor in a winter jacket over four layers of clothing.

The autopsy showed Schur, who lived alone, died of hypothermia, with heart disease as a contributing factor. Alzheimer's disease also was noted in the findings.
Of course Alzheimer's disease was listed. Businesses use technology to identify deviations such as strange purchases or more recently, to identify potential problem customers who may not be able to maintain payments. It should not be difficult for them to notice strange payment problems with someone who was a paying customer for decades. One would have thought the person who installed the limiting device could have noticed something though admittedly, that's not their job and even if they noticed there's little to suggest the power company would have listened. Hopefully the Michigan Senate is now listening. Read More......

Top Labor official (and out lesbian), Mary Beth Maxwell, named to top post at Labor Department

A great pick for the Labor Department today -- a very strong advocate working men and women:
Labor unions scored a victory today when the President Barack Obama named a top labor advocate to serve in a key position in the Labor Department.

Mary Beth Maxwell will join the administration as senior adviser after serving for years as the executive director of the labor coalition American Rights at Work. In the administration, Maxwell will work with the White House Task Force on Middle Class and Working Families, a group that is working to improve the lives and jobs of workers.
Mary Beth Maxwell is also openly gay. She was under consideration for Secretary of Labor earlier this year as we reported in December. Here's a profile from the WSJ:
For the rainbow cabinet of the nation’s first African American president, Mary Beth Maxwell is the perfect labor secretary you’ve probably never heard of: a gay woman, community organizer and labor leader with an adopted African American son. And this founding executive director of American Rights at Work is about to get the full-court press.
She's the perfect adviser to the labor secretary now, too. Read More......

Palin dumped by own fundraising firm

More evidence of Sarah Palin's falling star. Other than Karl Rove, Newt Gingrich, Dick Cheney, and Rush Limbaugh, who do the Republicans have? No one. They are quite literally being lead by an arch-right old guard, and even the new faces, Jindal, Palin and Joe-the-Plumber, are too conservative and kind of stupid. Barack Obama they ain't.

But, she did start raising money for her new legal defense fund:
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, facing a string of costly ethics complaints, formally unveiled a defense fund Friday to help pay her legal fees — now surging past the half-million dollar mark.
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Republican finally concedes in NY's 20th Cong. District

Here's some good political news for a late Friday afternoon: There's finally a winner in New York's 20th Congressional District. The Republican, Jim Tedisco, conceded this afternoon. Scott Murphy is the newest member of Congress. The Albany Project has all the latest including statements from the Democratic power structure -- and the statement from Scott Murphy. Election day was March 31st.

This seat became vacant when NY Governor David Paterson appointed the former occupant, Kirsten Gillibrand, to the Senate, filling the void left when Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State.

How long before we do this same post from Al Franken? Not until June at least. Ugh.

Just posted and already have an update @ 5:04 PM: The DNC just sent out this video titled, Broken Steele. RNC Chair Michael Steele virtually guaranteed a GOP Victory in NY-20:

One more update at 6:03 PM: A statement from the President:
I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Congressman-elect Scott Murphy for his victory in New York's 20th Congressional District. With this hard fought win, Scott has shown he is willing to fight the tough battles on behalf of the people in his district.

As a candidate, Scott courageously championed the economic plans we need to lift our nation and put it on a better path, and he will continue to do so in Congress. With his proven record of creating high paying jobs and standing up for Upstate New York, Scott will bring to the nation’s capitol the change New Yorkers need.
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100 Days of No

A new Web site from the DNC:

Let me just say, damn the DNC has been on fire lately. We loved Howard Dean, and can't even remember who the new guy is, but hot damn that organization has finally come to life. And we like it. When Meghan McCain is quoting your videos on The View, and agreeing with them, you're doing something right. Read More......

Meghan McCain tells Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, and Newt Gingrich to go away

Really starting to like her:
MEGHAN MCCAIN: I wrote a post about how Karl Rove following me on twitter was creepy and it was more of a metaphor for Karl Rove trying to be sort of the spokesperson for the Republican party right now and it was basically saying him twittering is not gonna make young people, you know, come to the Republican party and I don’t think any person my age is going to think that’s cool and the DNC actually just did an ad and it has Karl Rove and Newt Gringich and Dick Cheney as the new faces of the Republican party

JOY BEHAR: Oh my god how scary

MEGHAN MCCAIN: Well I mean it’s hard for people like me that really want new energy and new blood when they.... It’s very unprecedented for someone like Karl Rove or Dick Cheney to be criticizing the President. It’s very unprecedented for a former Vice-President, you obviously you know Karl Rove, and I just you know my big criticism is just you had your 8 years, go away.
More from the NY Daily News. Read More......

Another $1 trillion to the banks?

The stress test report will be enlightening. If nothing else it should help bring attention back to the pampered Wall Street crybabies who are only too willing to let normal people fund their exclusive lifestyle. Go ahead, scrimp and save and hope that you can muddle through a middle class salary while the big talkers on Wall Street play chicken with the economy. Sooner or later, Obama is going to have to stop being such a nice guy and play hardball with these people. The banks are dragging everyone down but heavens no, please don't ask them to sacrifice.
U.S. banks including Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo may need to raise $1 trillion of capital, Keefe, Bruyette and Woods analysts said in a report on Thursday, after they stress tested the industry.

The brokerage published results from its own stress tests a day before the government is due to brief banks on their performance in its test, which U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has said is designed to determine the capital needs of banks.

The government is testing 19 banks and KBW applied its own analysis to the 17 banks that it covers in this group.
Keep in mind that in addition to the TARP money, banks have been receiving billions upon billions of free money from the Fed that so far has been outside of the TARP pay restrictions. It's time to connect all of the pieces of the assistance and get tough. If the banksters all want to leave the country to whatever dreamland they think exists that's fine. Either way, it's time to get tough with the banks instead of only the crumbling US auto industry. Read More......

Arlen Specter is getting crushed by Pat Toomey in PA's GOP Senate primary

We haven't been paying much attention to early polls for the 2010 races, but this one really caught my eye. Wow. I knew it was going to be rough for Arlen Specter in the Republican primary in PA (which is still a year away), but it's looking really, really bad. He's getting crushed by former Congressman Pat Toomey. Just crushed according to the latest Rasmussen Poll:
Incumbent Senator Arlen Specter trails former Congressman Pat Toomey by 21 points in an early look at Pennsylvania’s 2010 Republican Primary. Fifty-one percent (51%) of Republican voters statewide say they’d vote for Toomey while just 30% would support Specter.

Specter is viewed favorably by 42% of Pennsylvania Republicans and unfavorably by 55%, according to a new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of voters in the state. Those are stunningly poor numbers for a long-term incumbent senator. Specter was first elected to the Senate in 1980.

Toomey, who served in the House from 1999 to 2005, earns positive reviews from 66% and negative comments from just 19%.
Republicans are really sick of Specter. He's in big trouble. This is a Republican primary re-match and Specter barely beat Toomey in 2004. Hard to see how Arlen recovers enough to keep his seat. Specter already tried veering right by flip-flopping on the Employee Free Choice Act. That strategy didn't help with the right wingers and caused him to lose support from labor. Arlen's got no friends. Maybe he should reconsider that offer to join the Democratic party after all. Read More......

GOP Congressman Aaron Schock wants you to know that he's really not gay. Really.

Freshman Illinois GOP Congressman Aaron Schock, who seems to be enjoying all the attention he's getting for his "abs of steel," and otherwise pretty appearance, recently did an interview with DETAILS magazine, in which he apparently divulged, again, that in spite of ongoing speculation to the contrary, he is not gay.

Perhaps. But if Schrock isn't gay, he needs to learn a few things about how not to be gay.

1. Don't obsess about your body and your abs (you do). It's kinda gay.
2. Don't do interviews with Details magazine (you did). We love them, but then again, we're kind of gay.
3. Don't go to dinner at gay diners where you're the only "straight" guy in the place. You did, and people noticed.
4. Don't make excuses for why you're 27, gorgeous, smart, successful, powerful, and just can't seem to find the right girl (you did, you are, and you can't). We've heard them all before, they're cliché as hell, and they just convince people even more that something isn't quite right.

Now, why should anyone care if you were gay? Because you represent the conservative wing of a political party that has made homophobia one of its two core pillars (the other being opposition to abortion). It would be the height of hypocrisy were you to spend your days in bed with the enemy, and your nights in bed with your community. Gay-supportive and closeted is one thing (in my book). Anti-gay and closeted, and supporting the most anti-gay elements of your own party, is quite another.

And if anyone thinks this post is mean, you should read what I'm not writing about. It's a small town, Aaron. People talk.

I'll leave you with this paragraph from the Details interview. Every gay man in America will recognize Schock's excuse for why he's still single. It doesn't mean he's gay. But boy does it set off alarm bells.
Schock is hoping his romantic prospects will improve too, once he settles in. He's the only one of his siblings not married with children, and is similarly an outlier among his friends. "I had a group of five or six guys, and we hung out and traveled—ski trips and stuff," he says. "They slowly got picked off—married, married, married." His pals try not to dog him about his love life. "I think he's got enough pressure as it is," says Shea Ledford, a concrete worker who's been Schock's good friend since high school. Indeed, there's been enough speculation about Schock's confirmed-bachelor status that, as far back as 2004, a Chicago newspaper asked him whether he was gay (his response: "No . . . I'm not."). But D.C. receptions and fund-raisers where the other attendees are, as Schock notes, "two and three times my age" hardly make for a ripe pickup scene. Neither do the baby-kissing events back in Illinois. "There's no line of young ladies at my door every morning," he says. "Maybe when they read my Details profile . . . "
Yeah, maybe. Read More......

If it's Tuesday, Michael Steele must be pro-life

Michael Steele, the pro-life pro-choice head of the Republican party, is trying to shore up his pro-life bona fides after admitting last month that he really think abortion is "an individual choice." This was the same interview in which Steele said he wasn't in favor of gay marriage, but wasn't going to get very upset about it either. Oops.

Now Steele is objecting to the appointment of Governor Kathleen Sebelius as HHS secretary because she's pro-choice. As if any Democrat or Independent cares that the 30% and shrinking Republican party is beholden to far right anti-abortion nuts. That's your party, that's not 70% of the rest of the country - or "real America" as we like to call it.

Of course, Steele is pro-choice, so he doesn't really care about Sebelius. Hell, he probably supports her appointment. But after his little run-in with Rush Limbaugh, and then the disastrous interview in which he admitted he was pro-choice and pro-gay, Steele now has to prove to Rush Limbaugh that he's just as captive to the far-right of the party as the rest of the party's leadership. Read More......

Democrats can avoid filibuster games on health care reform. The question is whether they will.

UPDATE 2:36 PM: Word leaking from the Hill, via The New Republic, is that a deal has been reached to push health care using the reconciliation process -- and even includes a firm date to complete the process: October 15.

For Christ sakes, Democratic Senators, you've won big in the past two elections because people want change -- and want an end to the GOP's obstructionist games. Use the reconciliation process to pass health care. If the situation were reversed, the Republicans wouldn't think twice about rolling over the Democrats. Reconciliation is what's in play. The success of health care reform is what's at stake:
Reconciliation instructions, included in the House budget but not in the Senate's version, would allow healthcare and education measures to move forward in the upper chamber with just a simple majority instead of the 60 votes needed for most contentious legislation.

Conrad told reporters that he doesn't want to use reconciliation rules to pass healthcare reform but that he is feeling pressure to include the option in the budget resolution from House members and the Obama administration.

There are "three prongs that are involved in any budget discussion -- Senate, House and the White House," Conrad said. "And the White House and the House are insisting on [reconciliation]."

Asked if it was impossible to resist them, Conrad said, "We'll see."

Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) also called for reconciliation rules for healthcare on Thursday, the first time he has done so publicly.

When asked by the New York Times whether reconciliation instructions would be included, Reid replied, "I hope so, but it's up to the conferees."
Note to Kent Conrad: The Democratic base, a lot of your allies and a whole lot of Americans are insisting on health care reform this year. Don't blow it. So, when you say "we'll see," you better see how to do it.

And, note to Harry Reid: Be a leader on this.

Part of this is probably gamesmanship and that whole Senate comity thing (which only Democrats seem to practice.) But, it could be a problem. This issue will be decided by a House-Senate conference working out differences in the budget. So, the Democrats fully control the process. It's all theirs.

I've said many times that my biggest concern about health care reform is the Democrats. This article shows why. Democrats have a very important tool, reconciliation, to move forward. Instead, Senate Democrats might not use that tool.

If the Democrats don't use the reconciliation rules, every effort to pass health care reform will face a filibuster. We'll never get anything done.

Meanwhile, everyone on Capitol Hill enjoys really good health care benefits. If they don't pass effective reform, they should all forfeit what they've got. Read More......

Friday Morning Open Thread

Good morning.

Almost every weekday morning for eight years, at right around 8:00 a.m., I'd hear Dick Cheney's motorcade roar down Connecticut Avenue. A lot of times, he would go by in the afternoon when I was out walking the dog. Cheney was a very ugly constant presence. After the inauguration, I really thought that of all of the Bush team, Cheney would be the one to fade into oblivion. He was so unpopular and despised, I figured he'd go off with his vile wife and just make more money -- out of the spotlight. Who knew we'd still have Dick Cheney to kick around? He's actually a gift to the Democrats. Every time Cheney opens his mouth, he brings back the bad old days for the GOP.

Because Cheney has put himself back into the news, Ed Schultz was able to go off on Cheney this week. It's good:

Okay... Read More......

Blairism to be dismantled by Blairism

How is Tony Blair getting such a free ride in the UK or Europe for that matter? The economic implosion in the UK is his implosion as much as it's Gordon Brown's implosion, if not more. It was Blair who like Democrats in the 1990s, thought that if only the left caved to business it would all magically work out. Yeah, not so much in retrospect. All of the positive social program change implemented by Labour is now going to be scrapped and thrown aside. The destruction will be even more extreme than the Thatcher years and that's saying something. The most sickening part of this story is the Blair now shuttles around the world raking in millions from the banksters and speaking about how wonderful he is.
John McDonnell, the Labour MP for Hayes and Harlington, said last night: "These cuts are catastrophic. People are worried by the combination of cuts and asset sales and privatisation. The chancellor announced £16bn in asset sales and the privatisation of British Waterways, the Royal Mint and the Land Registry. On top of that there will be massive cuts in public expenditure.

"This is more severe than anything Margaret Thatcher did. If you combine the cuts with privatisation this is on a scale that has never been seen before."

A spokesman for Mark Serwotka, the PCS general secretary, said he would be taking a lead in fighting the cuts. "Cutting public services at a time when people will need public services more and more just does not make sense. The government should be investing in public services rather than cutting them. They have admitted that you cannot cut your way out of a recession. But it is becoming evident that there is more to this budget than meets the eye.
Putting this in the context of the US, why are Democrats still listening to the Republicans who orchestrated this financial fiasco? The GOP crazies are the only people in America who fail to see the severity of the crisis. Voters aren't listening, so ignore them. Read More......

UK banking exec: economic problems for at least another year

This is about the most realistic assessment from a bankster to date. The banking crisis is now impacting the general population and will continue to do so. It may not be good news or encouraging news but this is the real world.
John Varley, the chief executive of Barclays Bank, believes the recession "feels deep and prolonged" and will last at least another year – a stark contrast with the more upbeat forecasts delivered by Alistair Darling in Wednesday's Budget.

The gloomy assessment, delivered at the bank's annual general meeting yesterday, was made as the CBI published new figures showing that British industry faces the most difficult conditions for three decades.

Mr Varley said that the UK economy was now facing a crisis that was "equally ugly" to that which the banking sector had suffered. "This recession feels deep and prolonged," he said. "We need to be realistic about when the inflection point will come... we're going to be living in difficult times, at least for another year."
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As the world Paraguay

In France many people knew about Francois Mitterrand and his daughter though the media never discussed it. The media never discussed it because they were told not to discuss it but on the street was another story. Locally people liked to scoff at the Clinton-Lewinsky affair and the prudishness of Americans despite there being limited evidence of an obsession outside of the Republican Party. Maybe neither side fits the mold that they so often project. There's something about high level politics and affairs but this one takes the cake. The former Catholic bishop turned politician and new President of Paraguay has been shocking the electorate, to say the least.
It was shocking enough when the first woman stepped forward asserting that she had had a child with President Lugo, 57, who assumed power on a wave of popularity just eight months ago. It is worth bearing in mind that before running for president he was a prominent Catholic bishop.

The President not only acknowledged the truth in the startling claims of Viviana Carrillo, 26. According to local media reports, he even opened his palace to her and the child, who is now almost two. Seemingly, they are settling in well. The child has even adopted his name.

But before the country knew how to react – it is at once overwhelmingly Catholic but is also a macho society that may consider the procreational activities of its leader a sign of fortitude – two more shoes or, rather, babies, dropped. A second purported mother of a Lugo child vowed to file a paternity suit against him on Monday. And yet another woman popped up on Wednesday with more Lugo offspring.
If true, his record is even more extreme than Newt Gingrich's record with wives. Read More......

Spanish unemployment up to 17.4%

And it is expected to become even worse. Ouch.
Unemployment in Spain jumped to 17.4% in the first quarter of 2009, bringing the total number of unemployed to 4,010,700, the National Statistics Institute reported on Friday.
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CNBC: TARP oversight is a dumb idea

Predictable for the media outlet that never saw a Wall Street boot they didn't want to lick. In a crowded field of stupidity, this is right up there. CNBC can't figure out why it's important to provide proper oversight for a trillion dollars yet they will be first in line to attack the stimulus. Boo hoo, Wall Street is being picked on and grilled by members of Congress and a union leader. Wall Street should consider itself lucky that the American public is as meek as it is after the way they've been ravaged by Wall Street. CNBC wants to label itself as the Obama/Democratic Party bashers which is fine but this only means they're even more tied to one of the most detested groups in America. More from CNBC's Media & Technology Editor:
A daunting litany of ills imperils U.S. banks, from toxic assets to rising loan defaults. After the irritating spectacle that played out in Washington yesterday, we can add a new threat: the Congressional Oversight Panel tracking TARP.

This became all too clear when the COP—as in, Bad Cop—summoned Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner for an update on the Troubled Assets Relief Plan. Moments after the session began, the real purpose became clear: Grandstanding enemies of the banks and Big Business were there to deliver a fingerwagging lecture to Geithner, interrupting him at will and telling him how to do his job.
Nobody finds the made-for-TV moments in Congress more annoying than I do but it's about time someone tells Geithner how to do his job because he's failing every day. From the CNBC perspective though, he's succeeding since he's continuing the Paulson plan of going easy on those who created the global economic recession. If these people can't stand the heat... Read More......

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