I got an action alert today from Jay Sekulow, of the ACLJ - it's an organization that Pat Robertson set up to counter the ACLU. Like every other religious right activist group, the ACLJ tends to parrot whatever the Republican talking point is of the day. To wit: Today it's health care.
Of course, check out what the ACLJ is saying about health care reform. Not surprising from a people who believe that the earth is only 6,000 years old, and that modern man walked alongside Dinosaurs, a la the Flintstones, the ACLJ's take is typical GOP lie:
Brace yourself - the health care game on Capitol Hill just took a dangerous turn.
It appears the President and Democrat leadership in the House and Senate have decided to change the rules ... disregard the U.S. Constitution ... and ram their flawed health care through at any cost.
Congress has now vowed to utilize a one-sided, Democrat-controlled legislative maneuver called "reconciliation" to get the votes they desperately need on health care.
And that's not all. President Obama has released his own pro-abortion version of the bill ... also side-stepping the legislative process - a move that raises serious constitutional concerns. Our nation's legislative branch writes our laws, NOT the President.
Here's the problem. How do you negotiate with people who are either liars, crazy, or both? The reason some people are so upset in this country that they're yelling and screaming at health care meetings, and even storming planes into IRS offices, is because they've been spoon fed a heaping helping of crazy by the right-wing noise machine for several decades. When you tell your followers that by proposing his own health care plan, the President is making an end-run around the Constitution, is it any wonder they start storming the gates?
The Teabaggers, and the remaining rag-tag followers that make up today's Republican party, have been lied to so much by FOX, the religious right, and the leadership of the GOP, it's no wonder they think health care reform is all about death panels. The question is: How do you negotiate in good faith with someone who's either dishonest, stupid, crazy, or a little bit of all three?
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