Gibbs. Dude.
Really. You need to quit talking smack, sit up and pay attention. You lost my vote last week and it won’t be the first time, either.
You see, Michigan had its primary last week, where the biggest fight on the ballot is for the governor’s office. The voters in this state had a choice between a large field of mostly social conservative wingnuts on the right, and two DINOs on the left — and from this spread voters were supposed to pick someone who would dig this state out of the depression it’s been in for years.
Oh, I voted — for all the nonpartisan races like judgeships and county commissioners. I voted for ballot initiatives. I even voted for myself as precinct delegate.
But I didn’t vote for either Democratic gubernatorial candidate because they are both dirtbag DINOs, just slightly different flavors of the same crap, the kind of over-promising spin masters of which we have too many in DC. The one who needs a haircut has a hideous perspective on women’s reproductive rights, and the other one has a very ugly temper and uglier mouth unsuited to the top job in the state. Don’t get me started on the fibs they’ve told along the duration of their careers and during their primary campaigns.
This is the best we can do? And one of these two campaigns has been trying to claim the approval of the White House for 6-plus months, suggesting this is the best the administration and the Democratic National Committee can muster.
Come November, I’m absolutely not voting for a Democratic gubernatorial candidate. I may even commit heresy as a Democratic precinct delegate and split my ticket; my vote is very much a toss between a Republican moderate or None-Of-The-Above.
Before you just roll your eyes and hit the back button, you need to know I’m not merely the base or the "professional left." I’m an elected party official, a chair of a Democratic committee at local level. I’m a co-founder of a local Democratic organization and I’ve spent days-weeks-months of time and a lot of resources on behalf of Democratic candidates.
In short, I AM the Democratic Party and I am finding it impossible to vote for a Democrat. . . .