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  1. @TalkieToaster2 well, John is s recovered conservative
  2. @Rose828 she's been on this summer
  3. @tx_buckeye_nut The warmed end of a glacier doesn't last long enough to melt - it thins, snaps. Akin to metal fatigue
  4. @bhayes5 you're right. It's 98.77 percent
  5. @SamBronkowitz yes it is HA!
  6. RT @RightBloggerPat At least O'Reilly allows dissenting opinions, you do not /Those are his Washington Generals, picked for their vapidity
  7. @JamesReyes Cilizza hasn't been on in months, Alter since early July.
  8. @jerees Feel better. Hate that illness myself
  9. @joshturneruu I know. I'm being generous.
  10. RT @MarkInOhio agree u spend too much time with the haters. You respond to them and they laugh with all their friends /they have no friends
  11. RT @ravgames "Because 99% of them are full of crap" || Very open-minded / big tent / tolerant of you /saying 1% aren't, IS open-minded
  12. RT @RightBloggerPat bull You won't have them on, because you will allow dissenting opinions on your show. /Hey, Freud, u left out a key word
  13. @RandyEconomy never been there, sorry
  14. RT @Shiner_Man @KeithOlbermann New liberal guests? Why don't you ever have conservatives on your show? /Because 99% of them are full of crap
  15. @HReginaldG not true - part of my job is to correct (or at least figuratively slap) the evildoers
  16. @red2303 I've done the story about a dozen times including an interview with his mother
  17. @DCDawg you mean one of those staged fights like on Fix?
  18. @buythebookcvcom do you have a flag?
  19. @ladykayaker it isn't a question of who gives one. It's a question of how many Republican politicians the 2% OWN.
  20. RT @JamesReyes I'm a fan but why the same 4 (guests) all the time? /2 of 5 tonight were 1st timers. Another was a 3rd timer