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Tomorrow belongs to (even more) of us

By: Attaturk Friday August 13, 2010 1:30 am

The trend on support for same-sex marriage from, it makes Ben Quayle giggle

While Republicans cravenly play to their base and the President and much of the Democratic Leadership cravenly stays quiet, there is some good news as pointed out at the Great Orange Satan, the social issues of the “professional left” are becoming the majority viewpoints of we mere amateurs.

Do you think gays and lesbians have a constitutional right to get married and have their marriage recognized by law as valid?
49% Yes, 51% No

Do you think gays and lesbians should have a constitutional right to get married and have their marriage recognized by law as valid?
52% Yes, 46% No

So, when the average person — a non-legal scholar — is asked what they think the Constitution says they are split, but support for the belief that same sex-marriages SHOULD be a Right grows.

And it’s growing all the time. The bulk of the support comes from people thirty-five and under who favor it overwhelmingly. So even if the Democratic establishment will not lead, they will still have to get out of the way.

But hey, in the long-run, as their base dies off, the Republicans will probably still have this guy:

Yeah, suck on that one every religious organization in the country.

Late Late Night FDL: Texola

By: Suzanne Thursday August 12, 2010 10:00 pm

Eric SardinasTexola, at Rockpalast.

What’s on your mind?

Late Night: Pouting Baby Doesn’t Understand Why Bobby Gibbs is Angry

By: Jim White Thursday August 12, 2010 8:00 pm

Pouting Baby doesn't understand Bobby Gibbs (photo courtesy of Jim White)

[The photo really is me as a baby.  I pulled it off the shelf today and was startled to learn that he has something to say to us, so what appears below are his words.   Or my words.   Well, I guess both... JW]

I saw Bobby Gibbs on television yesterday and I don’t understand what he was saying.  He was really mad at a lot of people who want to make things better for everyone.

People were asking him why he is mad at the nice doctors and nurses who took care of Mom-mom and Paw-paw when they were sick after they got really old.  They never went to Canada in their lives, so I don’t know what Canada has do with trying to make them feel better.  Why does Bobby Gibbs not want the nice doctors and nurses to help everyone instead of just helping old people?  Is that what Mr. O wants?

Then people asked him why he is mad at the people who want fighting to stop.  I get really scared when I see fights on the television, so I go to another room.  Why does Bobby Gibbs want the fighting not to stop?  Is that what Mr. O wants?

Bobby Gibbs had a funny look on his face when the people kept asking him more questions.  Sometimes I have that look, too.  Then I just squeeze my tummy muscles really hard and feel all better.  Especially after a nice change.  Is that what Mr. O wants?

Enviro Movement Trying to Take a Page From Town Hall Playbook

By: David Dayen Thursday August 12, 2010 7:20 pm

When the Senate came out with its underwhelming energy bill, which they then proceeded to fail to pass, I described it as a crossroads moment for the environmental movement. They would either accept what the Senate Democratic leadership handed them, or try to force some changes.

It’s worth a shot to pressure members of Congress on the issue. And Senators are the correct target. The House at least got a carbon cap through already.

Decision 2012: Obama Re-Election Threatened by Failure to Develop Solid Jobs Plan

By: Jon Walker Thursday August 12, 2010 6:40 pm

The economy is really bad right now, so it is no surprise that it is hurting President Barack Obama. While his job approval numbers are not yet terrible (47 percent approve and 48 percent disapprove), drilling further down into the results from the new NBC/WSJ poll (PDF), danger is lurking for Obama if the job market doesn’t turn around in the next year or two.

Meanwhile, Womb-Bearers Get Rights Too!

By: emptywheel Thursday August 12, 2010 6:00 pm

While everyone has been focused on the hope that gays and lesbians may soon get the rights straight people enjoy, in Florida a court ruled that womb-bearers have some rights too, specifically to decide their own medical treatment when pregnant.

And In A War Where Afghan Perceptions Are ‘Strategically Decisive’…

By: Spencer Ackerman Thursday August 12, 2010 5:24 pm

The argument that reducing U.S.-caused civilian casualties and contrasting their number with the Taliban’s brutality will contribute to a “strategically decisive” embrace of the U.S.’s allies in Afghanistan has been trumped.

This Week in FinReg Implementation

By: David Dayen Thursday August 12, 2010 4:40 pm

It’s very important to keep on top of the implementation of the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill, because Congress basically outsourced the writing of the bill to the regulators. There are 67 studies and 200 rules that regulators will have to conduct, enact and implement. And so it’s worth looking into their progress, which has already begun.

Gibbs, It’s Not About The “Professional Left”; You’re Losing Democrats

By: Rayne Thursday August 12, 2010 4:00 pm

Dude. Really. You need to quit talking smack, sit up and pay attention. You lost my vote last week and it won’t be the first time, either.

Yes on Prop 19 Up 50% to 40%; Support for Marijuana Initiative Holds Steady

By: Jon Walker Thursday August 12, 2010 2:45 pm

With most voters having already made up their minds about how they plan to vote on Prop 19, and with only about 50% certain to vote yes as of today, it looks like the initiative’s success or failure will come down to turnout.


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