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Well, Anderson Cooper managed to get Rep. Louie Gohmert on his show to talk about his latest "terror babies" conspiracy he was touting in the floor of the House and just one word for what happened here... meltdown. They couldn't get him on earlier in the week and settled for the wingnut Texas Representative who was happy to come on and fear monger in his place.

I feel sorry for whoever tries to transcribe this. It's going to look something like this.

Cooper: Congressman Gohmert do you have any proof that there are "terror babies" being born in the United States?


Gohmert: You can Jon Stewart can make fun of me all you want!!!...


Jebus... Gohmert screamed over Cooper for the entire interview if you want to call it that. Gohmert kept trying to conflate "birth tourism" to terrorism and never offered an ounce of proof that the two were related. As Cooper attempted to point out, terrorists don't need to attain American citizenship to come to the United States and attack us. Gohmert's fear mongering is just that, and ridiculous.

I guess Gohmert's not too happy about this segment from The Daily Show.

I'd like to see Gohmert go on there and watch Stewart tear him up to his face. I don't think he'd put up with the kind of treatment Anderson Cooper just got, but then I don't think Gohmert would dare to go on there in a million years either. I'm actually surprised he agreed to come on Cooper's show.

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that's all

Gomer should go back to working at the fillin' station in Mayberry.

What are they smokin down there in Texas. It must be the heat.



until someone on Daily Kos writes a diary with the word DESTROYS in the title.


This is what you get when you don't call an asshole an asshole from the get go.

When some fuck nut gomer like this guy starts in and won't back up anything, he should be called out as an asshole and then given 30 seconds to make fucking sense.
Then disconnect the feed from whatever world he's living in.

mushroom cloud
stay the course
mama grizzlies
anchor babies
terror babies

I'm sure I missed a few.

and, my favorite: compassionate conservativism

Bring It On!

This lying mother fucker Gohmert is a total disgrace.

described "compassionate conservatism" as using alcohol to swab the skin before the lethal injection.


We definitely have to look out for that terrorist baby sleeper cell! They're about to rise up and ask for a diaper change and a bottle before crawling out and/or toddling out to destroy America!

There's always this:

If (fill in the blank) then the terrorists have won.

It's fun! Watch this!

If you support the 14th amendment, the terrorists have won.

If you buy my competitor's product, the terrorists have won.

If you write, "the terrorists have won", the terrorists have won.

"the blame game" better known as accountability.

Is it just possible that this guy's job is to push the Overton window[1] as far into crazy-right territory as he possibly can?

I mean, after seeing this, everyone else who is not batshit crazy seems reasonable, even those with extreme views on immigration.

By the way, this guy alone should be reason for people to vote to keep the GOP from retaking either House. This kind of level of crazy should have consequences, and sensible voters, even conservatives, should not turn a blind eye.


Crazy is the new normal.

Only if you're a right winger.

"Anderson, you used to be cool, man!"

of inbreeding in the South.

I'm glad you called it breeding. It really is simply like cats and dogs.

ever seen Batshit Crazy Bachmann and Gomert together at the same time? Is it possible that she is really Gomert in drag?

He's just all pissed off that both Cooper and Stewart rightfully pointed out what an idiot he is. Be easy on this guy, he has a fragile ego. A big one, yet fragile.

50 miles wide and 1/32 of an inch deep

THE CHRISTIANITY of American fundamentalism is a faith for futurists, the sort of people who delight in imagining what is to come next, even if it's awful. World War II had changed the steady plod of Christian futurism, quickened it. Christendom had at times raced toward apocalypse before, but never with such technology as its disposal—no rockets, no bombers, no nuclear missiles. The stakes were higher in the new era, the enemy stronger.

Fundamentalism responded with great imagination, not just following the popular trend of spotting flying saucers and aliens among us, but driving it. The aliens among us were not green men from Mars; they were red, at least on the inside, and they could be your neighbors. On the outside, they looked just like good Christian Americans. Many of them were Christians, in fact, or so supposed the conservative mind. By the end of the decade, FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover would declare that communist stealth operatives, "schooled in atheistic perversity," had made Christian pulpits a main objective—and tool--of their propaganda. A "deadly radioactive cloud of Marxism-Leninism," he preached, was fogging America's liberal houses of worship. (The Family pp.183-184)
A Republican congressional candidate and RNC committee member has personally apologized for a tweet his campaign sent out promoting an article that called his opponent a "turban topper" who "could be a muslim, a hindu, a buddhist etc who knows."

...thing is this mess is that there are a bunch of people in Texas somewhere that actually vote for this idiot and are, apparently, proud of it. God help us.

The terrorists/RepubliBaggers also believe he won the debate with Cooper.

we did have a warning that the towers would be hit. Remember the PDBs that the president got and told the agent, "Now you've covered your ass, get out of here."

"Tiahrt was a short shot glass of a man, two parts flawless hair and one part teeth. He wanted to know the best way “for the Christian to win the race with the Muslim.” The Muslim, he said, has too many babies, while Americans kill too many of theirs."...

It's embarrassing to see people forget things like Iran/Contra.

Yes, conspiracy theories turn out to be facts all the time.

Look at RICO convictions.

Only limited imaginations use this stupid derogatory to describe people.

And the damage is that real loons can get away with real conspiracies and everybody can say, "Oh, I would never believe the President would burglarize the Democratic Headquarters."

"Conspiracy theories" become reality all the time.

Just look at the Iraq War Conspiracy.

Don't become reality until they're revealed by facts. So you're stating the obvious. Iran/Contra is no theory because evidence came forward. Paranoia is not always the best policy.

And now for something completely different?


you win 50$

There are an infinity of useless baseless conspiracy theories, involving thousands of conspiritors and dubious motivation. Let's not waste time on those, as they have no merit. Let's restrict ourselves to the plausible ones.

Having said that, all theories, even conspiracy theories, must be based on evidence, even if tenuous. "I heard it on a plane" really REALLY does not attain the bar of minimum quality of evidence...

This is what happens when you say something real freakin' crazy and another person hears you. You can either admit that you said something stupid or you can choose to defend what you said for the rest of your life. Seems Louie chose door number two.

lead pipes

And nobody's paying attention to it! They keep putting a microphone in front of his yammering and insane piehole! Oh, the humanity.

Gohmert is a fucking idiot and the only thing Louie was right about was that Anderson used to be cool - before he invited raving lunatics like Gohmert on his program and expected to get answers to reasonable questions.

well, Cooper can give some real creeps TV time, but this wasn't exactly two pals getting together this time.


Wow Remember when Coulterguist was the crazy on the right? You can't even use the term "batshit crazy" on this guy. We need a new name.

On opening day of the baseball season, Mark Buehrle of the Chicago White Sox made the defensive play of the year. His play was that good. Since it happened on the first day, all other great plays this year are scaled against the Buehrle Meter, a 1-10 scale of great defensive plays.

Louie has set the bar nice and high. I propose the Louie Meter is calibrated to this appearance on CNN.

to be getting more common, tracking the proliferation of toxic,right-wing radio which feeds this bullshit. Anderson Cooper had the same asinine discussion with Rep. Debbie Riddle. Paid liars and corporate whores like Limpballs, Hannity, the Savage Weiner, Beck,and all of the Limbaugh-lights and Faux News throw any and all bullshit conspiracy theory against the wall hoping that at least a few will stick. There's always some "low information voter" (a.k.a right-wing moron) that will buy into it.

No one has the right to challenge Gohmert, Riddle, or ANY republican on their talking points because they speak for the majority.

Yeah, riiight!

Dear Texas,

Please fucking secede.

pleeeeeeze . . . .



What about Dallas, Plano and Irving?


if you really love us, you'll secede...and then get reintroduced to Mexico. Fun will be had by all.

Conservative politics:

1. Create a "belief"
2. Promote belief despite all logical evidence to the contrary
3. Repeat

Looks to me that Conservatism is a religion. Except instead of worshiping an invisible something, they worship at the altar of the almighty trinity of Corporations, Money, and Greed.

And death.

Only for brown people, people who worship other false gods than are in fashion, and people making under $200,000 a year.

So basically 5,998,800,000 of 6,000,000,000 people on the planet (give or take).

Republicans are a money cult.

They use fear and religion to take our money.

We're witnessing the fall of the Republican scam.
The people of America are becoming aware.

I think Orwell was onto this game 70 years or so ago.

I'd be mildly encouraged if even one Republican called this sort of idiocy out. But that seems to be a fond hope.

Soon the Gohmerts of this world will be on the air, screaming about how the tairists are corrupting their precious bodily fluids, brainwashing them with drugs in their breakfast cereal and sending telepathic jihad messages to their dogs and cats.

. . . and if anyone questions their claims, well that just proves they're tairist/socialist/appeaser/Obama-lover Liberals.

He's rightfully angry. I mean, put yourself in his shoes. You and your friends just spent hundreds of billions of dollars to control the media for decades, and this snot nosed punk asks you a question. Doesn't he know that he's on TV and needs to lick my boot? Doesn't he see the R next to my name that means "roll over when you talk to me"? Didn't he get his talking points approved from his handlers? How dare he!

on Faux Noise last week? She said, and I quote, "We wanted them to ask the questions we want to answer, so that they report the news the way we want it reported."

Uh, Ms. Angle......I believe in most cultures that is known as....PROPAGANDA!

Her remarks clearly left Cameron flabbergasted, and prompted Fox Nation to run the headline, "Sharron Angle too honest in latest interview." National Review wrote up the appearance under the title, "Did she just say that out loud?"

She let them in on our whole game plan!! They're not supposed to know that!

Never gravitated toward his reporting, but I thought he did fine. Didn't bury Gohmert - but he did fine.

I'm not sure how many people are even aware of this, but what Gohmert is idiotically rambling on about is the exact same 'reasoning' that the ultra-conservative crowd was spewing about Russia in '91.

I'm not kidding, the theory, which I had to hear way too many times (and once was bad enough, thanks whackjob relatives!) was that Russia was only pretending to crumble.
Just the start of a 'long con'.
That ten, fifteen, twenty years later we'd all wake up and realize we've been infiltrated by Russians.
It's the same, stupid, laughable idea that Gohmert has merely recycled with the new enemy du jour.

Golleee! Gohmert's burial was entirely self-inflicted.

I like his use of a "source" Tony I think his name was) in the comment section of AC's blogpage.

Is it off color to say that Gohmert is a gaping a-hole?


forgot to take his chill pill.

I'm not sure a pill of any sort would have helped. Well, maybe a Quaalude or two. I wonder whether or not these folks at this level of batshitcrazy don't at some unconscious level realize they're way too far out there and when someone points it out they panic.It's sorta like the old Road Runner cartoons where one character or the other would run off a cliff but not fall until they looked down and realized there was nothing under their feet.They've created a new definition of sanity/insanity and they get just enough approval to maybe think their definition is valid.

I was thinking that same thing, hearing Goober bring that bit if revisionist history up again and again.

(Hmm, this was supposed to be a reply... oh well. Noob moment.)

Bachman, Angle, Gohmert...they've all been wackso most of their career.
And they're just the tip of the GOP iceberg in this regard.

What is it in the DNA of that party that gets these people elected?

Gohmert knows everything he says is true, cause he saw it on the internets.

Is to fund the creation of missiles that can take out LOOOOOOOOONNNNNGcat just in case it decides to invade

WTF was that. If this half-wit can be elected by the people, I fear for our country! I know there are some good people in Texas, but come on!. You elected this unstable gasbag?

pols from the South/Southwest? They ALL look and sound like escapees from the loony bin.


unstable gasbag

Was he dug up by BP?

Goober Gohmert is such an ass.

Another right winger with a lot of "blah blah blah" and not so much evidence. It is not surprising every position right wingers take is backed up by zero evidence. From "weapons of mass destruction in Iraq" to "tax cuts for the rich stimulate the economy." All lies.

This guy was a judge? WOW! I understand why our judicial system is so screwed up. There are too many mediocre minds in positions of authority. Hopefully this guy is bad as gets. But I doubt it.


Gohmert is living proof that blithering idiots can be elected to Congress. What district is this loony in and why do his constituents vote for him? He must be really good at bringing home the pork or something.

...Gohmert either needs to stop taking drugs of the recreational variety or start taking drugs of the psychotropic variety, because that's one one hell of a tinfoil ten-gallon he's wearing! Seriously...

The key word is change.
Get out of the Republican cult before it consumes what
's left of you, you, you Republican you.

All of them have the same disease.

"Gohmert and his syphilitic mind".

Clearly, Gohmerts psychotic hysterics were not good for my Grandmas blood pressure.

...Gohmert either needs to stop taking drugs of the recreational variety or start taking drugs of the psychotropic variety, because that's one one hell of a tinfoil ten-gallon he's wearing! Seriously...

obviously gohmert pyle is talking about the Grand nO Party plans to remake the charles bronson classic, telefon, about russian sleeper cell agents trained to create all sorts of mayhem and blow us up real good when awakened years later. i didn't realize it could happen again. this time of course it's gonna be terror babies, sleeper cell roofers and landscapers who do the dirty deeds. i'm not so sure that 10 or 15 years from now is a long enough time frame for the terror babies. i just don't fear no teenage terror baby. i could whup their asses without even a handgun carry permit myself. i would suggest changing the plot so that the terror babies spend 20 or more years growing up with teabagging, heavily armed, anti-government, racist, psychos in alabama or tennesee. that way the terror babies would not only be willing and able to blow us up real good, but they would have the hardware to follow through once they recieve the "miles to go before i sleep" phone call from charles bronsons adversary. what do y'all think, do we have a blockbuster remake on our hands?

... when a guy like this is on TV in the name of GOP.


The thing that most often causes partisanship in our three branches of government... is also the thing that causes the most bipartisanship. Across all party lines... the ebb & flow of our prosperity manifests by supernatural and natural ideologies by proxy.

freedom evolves...


Sounds like Gohmert, his loon pal from texas, Ms. Riddle, and his REAL close friend from Florida that proposed Detention centers be built yesterday at a pee-party get together have collectively reached a high point in combined IQ scores!!!

Z E R O !!!

That's right, collectively their scores add up to Z E R O !!! ZERO..0..nada..nothing...same as air....ZERO..

Have we got some great republican minds at work on this issue or what!! I'm excited about this a lot... Now all we need is for Newt to jump in and the ZERO BRAIN GROUP will be complete !! We already got Lindsey Graham so if we don't get Newt we're still at ZERO so we may be ok...

The real question is how can a guy like this get elected?? Who are the people who voted for this "goober?"

The herp derps from Texas.

Gomert's moronic "thinking" goes: we know it's true because it could be true! That is the entirety of what he has. That's all any delusional conspiracy theorists have.

All it proves is that Gomert is yet another conservative idiot who watches 24 and doesn't actually realize (in any meaningful way) that it's fiction. Sure - the "terrorist anchor baby" thing might make a good movie, who knows. But actual, elected Republican congressmen are now so batshit crazy that they think "good premise for a movie" is the same thing as reality? Good lord.

dontcha know Obama is the original "terror baby"...except ya know he was born in Kenya cuz his old lady wasn't smart enough to get back here to have him, so they had to "invent" all those newspaper birth announcements and falsify his birth certificate and all....

geez...its bone heads like Gohmert that make me embarrased to live in Texas

What is wrong with people to have them elect someone like this to Congress? The forefathers would weep.


What an asshat!

"Believe my opinions as fact because I said so!"

His opinion is his opinion. Fact is fact. Where is the evidence? How delusional.

A raving lunatic and blatant racist whose tinfoil hat is obviously too tight.

Either he has brlilliant campaign advertisers or the voters in his district are more ignorant/stupid than I thought.

Believe it or not...this clown represents thousands of clowns in his district. He also is a shining example of the millions of ignorant clowns across this land. We are a nation of morons. We haven't quite climbed out of the cave yet when it comes to common sense and basic intelligence.

Granted, we are being led by a poisonous media with fox and the radio choices across this land...but holy sh*t, are we that simple minded that we are going to cave in to such blatant ignorance?

Apparently, yes. Millions of us have. We are a nation of morons.

The only really stoopid person in this whole sorry episode is the one who gives Gohmert credit for still being alive, and not just some blow up doll for the White Supremacists and Arian Nation.

We really need to consider reopening a number of mental hospitals closed by Ronnie Raygun.

if morons like this Texas congressman are allowed to run our country.

And I don't believe he was a judge ever - maybe in small claims court. How anybody can condone someone who just makes up facts out of whole cloth to accomplish a Republican agenda is beyond me.

Texas, do you have ANY people living there who actually think and reason?

i'm more concerned about the terrorists babies indoctornated by white supremacists. why are they never mentioned?

up to two anchor babies now. Pink ones!!

This guy is a freak. Thanks Texas. (WTF do they put in the water there?)


Feces and pesticides

Which they insist won't hurt us...

has been asked to provide proof for a conspiracy that came out of his imagination. That's become a common Conservative practice. How can you expect someone to provide proof for an imaginary outcome?

to abort a terrorist fetus?

Evidence! You dare to ask for evidence? Only liberals demand facts! Don't you dare question my fantasy! We make crap up and expect you to prove us wrong. Stupid liberals and obsession with things like provable facts. Utter nonsense.

So vote for me! I like to make crap up to scare you!

As ridiculous as this Gohmert fool is, bullying anti-immigrant rhetoric has spread across the US and has convinced even self-described liberals that undocumented immigrants are problems. They aren't.

And if you wanna get rid of the prevalence of aggressive, right-wing dunderheadedness like Gohmert displays here, restore the Fairness Doctrine, which would likely result in Fox News' demise. And I'm serious.

...John Stewart to get a hold of this clip. He's gonna have fun.

Jesus, was this guy drunk? What kind of "former judges" do they have in Texas, anyway? And who would vote for a nutcase like Gomer in the first place?

What the hell is wrong with this people? Isn't it about time a reporter call them nuts in their face and make it clear it's something they will never apologize for?

Just another of the many verifiable reasons that prove its not bigotry to detest and denigrate everything associated with the republican party!

Its shocking and horrifying that this lunatic is a US Congressman. Hey America do you really want to vote republicans back into power?


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