"If you're gay, lesbian, or bisexual, would you sacrifice for your trans neighbors and siblings? If you're trans, would you sacrifice for your gay, lesbian, or bisexual neighbors and siblings? It's something worth knowing about yourself and those around you." --Autumn Sandeen, 4/19/2010, the night before GetEQUAL's DADT repeal protest at the White House
Public Calendar
Press/media, organizations, and individuals send your time-based event info to: calendar@phblend.net
The Christian Civic League of Maine's Mike Hein calls Pam's House Blend: "a leading source of radical homosexual propaganda, anti-Christian bigotry, and radical transgender advocacy."
He is "praying that Pam Spaulding will "turn away from her wicked and sinful promotion of homosexual behavior."
(CCLM's web site, 10/15/07)
Ex-gay "Christian" activist James Hartline on Pam:
"I have been mocked over and over again by ungodly and unprincipled anti-christian lesbians."
(from "Six Years In Sodom: From The Journal Of James Hartline," 9/4/2006, written from the "homosexual stronghold" of Hillcrest in San Diego).
"Pam is a 'twisted lesbian sister' and an 'embittered lesbian' of the 'self-imposed gutteral experiences of the gay ghetto.'" -- 9/5/2008
Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth Against Homosexuality heartily endorses the Blend, calling Pam:
A "vicious anti-Christian lesbian activist." (Concerned Women for America's radio show [9:15], 1/25/07)
"A nutty lesbian blogger." (MassResistance radio show [16:25], 2/3/07)
Pam's House Blend always seems to find these sick f*cks. The area of the country she is in? The home state of her wife? I know, they are everywhere. Pam just does such a great job of bringing them out into the light.
--Impeach Bush
who monitors yours Bevis ?? Just thought I would drop you a line,so the rest of your life is not wasted.
There is a lot of discussion going on about the recent decision in the Perry Vs. Schwarzenegger case, and the related issues surrounding it.
Let's take a moment and look at some facts, some of the arguments being used, and the realities of Law in America.
One of the current memes being circulated with a lot of fervor is, in the law, literally without any basis or merit. This is the idea that Judge Walker's sexual orientation (which Judge Walker has never publicly discussed, ever) has bearing on his decision.
If Judge Walker's sexual orientation had a bearing on the case, then the sexual orientation of any judge who would rule on the issue will equally have bearing on the matter. Which means one would have to find someone without any sexual orientation (ergo, no gay, not straight, and not bisexual) to decide the case -- and there are no publicly asexual judges currently sitting in the Northern Court that walker sits in.
People who use this argument are, therefore, essentially saying something that suggests that gay people are less than straight people -- less trustworthy. This is established by the fact that if you mention the above to the people saying this, they say no, that's not the case, a straight person wouldn't benefit or be biased, when the basis of the argument most widely spoken against allowing gay people to marry is that they are "protecting traditional marriage" which would be, logically, a benefit to a straight person.
One cannot have it both ways, and so that shows a logical, reasonable failure of understanding, and demonstrates an irrational ideation that gay people are something to be avoided, or intensely disliked, or fearful of (in this case, the fear involved is that they will cause damage to the idea of traditional marriage).
When one is irrationally driven to aversion (avoiding, disgust), intense dislike (literally, hate), or fearful reaction to something, that's called a phobia. IN this case, Homophobia, which makes the statement regarding Judge Walker homophobic.
Now, the statement being homophobic doesn't mean the person is -- they could, for example, merely be parroting the stuff said by the absolutely homophobic leadership of various organizations.
I know the GOP is bereft of ideas to run on for the midterms, but the idea that Mexican women are intent on engaging in slo-mo terror by crossing the border, giving birth to kids, who are then U.S. citizens and then take them off to train them to be future terrorists is beyond reason.
This appears to be the pet project of the deranged Rep. Louie Gohmert of TX, who goes into full live television combat mode with Anderson Cooper, further increasing the possibility that other colleagues fomenting this insane political football, like Sen. Lindsey Graham, are going to soon declare Gohmert radioactive.
Poor Anderson attempts to engage in a conversation with this Congressman, but alas, TEH CRAZY takes over.
I have to say that I didn't see this one coming at all. My gaydar must have short circuited! But as a strong supporter of LGBT equality, I was a fan of Stephanie Miller. That she's "family" and made her coming out in such a dramatic fashion, I have to wonder why she waited so long, since it wasn't a state secret in her camp. (After Ellen):
Miller's sexual orientation was not a secret among her friends and family, but she rarely talked about her private life on air - other than to make jokes about being single.
If you're not a radio fan, you still may have seen Miller. She had a brief stint on MSNBC before Rachel Maddow came on the scene and she frequently appears on TV talk shows, often sparring with conservative hosts or guests. Since her dad is a former running mate of Barry Goldwater, Stephanie is quite familiar with the GOP.
I've seen more than a few people opine that demonstrating, protesting and taking to the streets, or making our professed allies uncomfortable with our unapologetic demands are pointless, outdated, no longer effective, or counter productive.
In the past weeks, New York LGBT activists put that idea to a test, and pulled out a great symbolic win. In New York, battlelines are being sharply drawn between bigotry and equality. And leadership is losing the will to stand with bigotry, no matter how well entrenched its proponents are, or that they share a party. Last night, Democratic Senate Majority leader John Sampson ducked for cover rather than be the target of the raucous scene created by Queer Rising.
It's a big symbolic win for the LGBT community in New York state.
The full e-screed by Brian Brown is after the jump. I thought I'd spare you that above the fold. After a bizarre and poorly attended NOM visit to Raleigh this week, he sends out an e-blast that sounds like a victory lap (with the required begging for cash).
Where are all these angry Americans who want to "save marriage" with Brian and Maggie? All I saw in Raleigh were some bored seniors and one unhinged woman from NOM's The Ruth Institute.
Dear Friend of Marriage,
We've been busy. Our phone lines are flooded, and the emails are coming in loud and fast. As Rush Limbaugh said in his show on Prop 8, it is clear that "the American people are furious." Judge Walker's ruling has ignited a firestorm because it is the latest of a long string of insults and abuse directed at Americans whom the people with power in this country think they can abuse. They think they can ignore the voices and values of the American people, and boy, We the People are tired of it!
The media interviews are just one part of that story, but we have been determined to make sure that your voice and your values get heard in response to this ruling.
..."The American people are boiling. The American people are furious. My e-mails are unbelievable. This federal judge yesterday, this decision, Prop 8, California, has just put people over the edge, and all of these decisions are coming one after another from all corners of the federal government. It's as if we have absolutely no say in what is going on all around us. Decisions are being made for us, in lieu of us and imposed on us....
"But what is a more fundamental right--a fundamental civil right in our system of government in a supposed republic--than the right to have our voice heard, to have our vote respected? You want to talk about civil rights? It doesn't matter what the people of California vote. If the left doesn't like it, they will use the bastardization of power in this country to reverse it. What about our vote being respected? Without that right, we're no longer a republic."
This one is mind-blowing, with a hat tip to Blender Sebastian.
I thought you might be interested in a blog posting by Christian Broadcasting Network war correspondent Chuck Holton, in which he tells Pat Robertson's viewers why the military should keep DADT and why "homosexuals, by their own choices, disqualify themselves from military service" -- and that "for the pentagon to be even considering allowing them to serve openly only shows an appalling lack of common sense on the part of our elected leaders and military brass".
It's no lie. Pat's correspondent seems strangely preoccupied with a "gay subculture" that he seems to know a lot about that I'm unaware of. From his "Boots on the Ground" report...read and pick this shite apart.
1. The military is, by necessity, an environment where members are encouraged to be strong and healthy. The military strongly discourages smoking these days, because anything that hurts a soldier's health ultimately makes him a liability to his unit. The homosexual lifestyle has been proven to lower a man's life expectancy by as much as 20 years - why would we encourage this, then?
2. The Gay subculture is one of the most violent subcultures out there. Government studies show gays are 20 times more likely to be abusive or abused in their personal relationships. This reflects an inherent emotional instability that is not conducive to good order or discipline.
3. Giving Blood: US FDA regulations exclude "men who have had sex with another man even once since 1977" from giving blood at blood banks. In combat, any one of your buddies might be called upon to donate their blood to keep you alive if you get wounded. Gays should never donate blood. End of story.
4. Suicide: The military is already having problems with troop suicides these days. Gays commit suicide, or attempt it, six times more often than heterosexuals. Is this the kind of American we want to entrust with a weapon?
Bottom line: Homosexuals, by their own choices, disqualify themselves from military service. For the pentagon to be even considering allowing them to serve openly only shows an appalling lack of common sense on the part of our elected leaders and military brass.
More than a little tired today, Blenders, so a really quick post.
A very grateful shout-out to Keori, for posting the video of NOM's Brian Brown discussing "Perry", while Mamma was on her 200 plus mile errand of mercy yesterday- and for calling with the updates of Judge Walker's ruling while we were on the road.
Here is an important link to all video evidence, documentation and depositions in Perry vs. Scwarzenegger. Have fun pawing through it all!
I'm not aware of who David Hansell is but apparently some folks aren't exactly in his corner:
Conservative groups are expressing concern that David Hansell, an openly homosexual man and former AIDS activist, is currently serving as the acting head – the assistant secretary – of the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Hansell is the former director of legal services and deputy director for government and public affairs at the Gay Men’s Health Crisis, a homosexual activist group that has lobbied the federal government on HIV/AIDS.
“It is very troubling that someone with his background has such a high position in this particular agency,” Peter Sprigg, senior fellow for policy studies at the Family Research Council (FRC), told CNSNews.com.
. . . Sprigg claims that Hansell has already used the power of the position to cut funding to states that do not permit homosexual couples to adopt children.
In January, the Family Research Council learned that Hansell had conducted a series of meetings aimed at forcing Florida to lift its ban on same-sex adoption, Sprigg said.
Now, as acting assistant secretary, Hansell is lobbying to cut HHS financial assistance for all Florida adoptions if the state doesn't change its policy, Sprigg told CNSNews.com.
“We have heard from private sources,” Sprigg said, “that he has been pushing for a cutoff for funding to states like Florida, which have a ban on adoption by homosexuals. Now we have defended the Florida law -- their right to have that law -- both because of the legitimate preference for placing children with a married mother and father and because of the risks of placing children with people who engage in a lifestyle that is harmful to them as individuals and to society as a whole.
. . . Sprigg told CNSNews.com that he is not at liberty to divulge the identities of the private sources who informed him of the alleged meetings.
The funny thing about this story is you can see by this link that I pulled it from Free Republic. It originally came from the right-wing CNSNews.com but if you go there, you can see that the story was pulled.
Over the rails and through the woods to Maggie Gallagher's house we go...to read an untethered-from-reality call to arms to save marriage. Wait, hasn't she just been waging war all this time? Oh that's right, she's losing, so she has to rally the dwindling faithful. Protect thy keyboards.
Too many pols see the wind now at their backs and will succumb to the temptation to dodge the tough bullet -- to avoid the media hit and the gay rights' dollars. Who will have the courage to speak for the majority here and our constitutional system of government?
I suspect it will not be the GOP establishment. That will be a disappointment but no big surprise.
American politics are in a quasi-revolutionary phase.
The people, symbolized first in the eruptions of Tea Parties, are rebelling against elites who believe they can ignore our voices and our values.
...Rush Limbaugh had his finger on the truth. In the nearly half-hour speech he gave after the Proposition 8 ruling ("the American people are boiling over!"), Rush said that Walker "did not just slap down the will of 7 million voters.
Those 7 million voters were put on trial -- a kangaroo court where everything was stacked against them. ... Those of you who voted for Prop 8 in California are guilty of hate crimes. You were thinking discrimination. That's what this judge has said! Truly unprecedented."
Yes, it is. We are entering into a new phase in the battle not only for marriage, but for self-government, for the legitimacy of the views and values of the Ameircan people.
This is a fight we cannot dodge, and must and will win.
Buckle down, it's going to be a ride!
Is this what Maggie sees as rallying the troops? From NOM's stop in Maine (photo by Snooky), a sparse army for the ride:
NOTE FROM PAM: When I heard that dumb@ssery coming out of Schlessinger's piehole, the first thing I thought was that she must have missed some essential meds. What would possess her to go into a bigot eruption like this -- it's a Mel Gibson-worthy rant. Did she think this kind of "advice" would go over well with her sponsors? CNN's Rick Sanchez is running this story right now and tippy-toeing around the entire conversation; it's extremely apparent that he is trying hard to explain in a very intelligent way that is also politically correct/ societally acceptable/ sensitive a topic he is either incapable of explaining or simply very uncomfortable discussing- but the truth is, there is just NO WAY that this is even slightly acceptable.
Is it really so hard to call Laura Schlessinger out as a hateful racist, as well as a known and well documented bigot, CNN? REALLY?
It's not helping Sanchez that CNN's sound booth is messing up badly, playing the clips in higgledy-piggledy order...
She starts by talking the call, listening to the caller, then goes off- HARD, starting by asking for an example because "Sometimes people are hyper-sensitive"!
She listens, then interrupts to say the caller's example doesn't sound like racism to her, then slams people voting for Obama, a theme she elaborates upon in some detail after the break. Schlessinger also relates an inane story about basketball and how "white men can't jump".
Dr. Laura Schlessinger has apologized after a shocking rant on her radio show this week during which she said the n-word 10 times over the course of five minutes.
In conversation Tuesday with a black female caller who was complaining about her white husband's racist friends and their use of the word, Schlessinger said:
Black guys use it all the time. Turn on HBO and listen to a black comic, and all you hear is n****, n*****, n*****. I don't get it.
If anybody without enough melanin says it, it's a horrible thing. But when black people say it, it's affectionate. It's very confusing.
More below the fold, including the audio clips via Media Matters.
What is the purpose of the line of discussion? In what universe is the sexual orientation of any judge relevant to ANY case?
Should straight judges recuse themselves from a case involving sexual orientation? What about religious conflict of interest - is that on the table now as well?
It's yet another example of how the the MSM shouldn't assail the journalistic chops of new media when asinine matters like this come up.
Washington voters in the 8th Congressional District have a golden opportunity this fall to replace the anti-LGBT incumbent U.S. Representative Dave Reichert (R) with the highly-qualified, pro-equality challenger Suzan DelBene. Suzan DelBene, a champion of civil rights for all Washingtonians, has pledged"In Congress, I will work to ensure equal rights for all Americans at work, home and in their communities".
I firmly believe that medical decisions should be made between a woman and her doctor, and not by politicians.
Ensuring civil rights:
Every one of us has equal rights under the law. It's that simple. Therefore, we need to end "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. I support government-sanctioned civil marriage and believe that churches can decide for themselves whether to recognize same sex couples.
"I'm honored to have the support of these organizations," said DelBene. "I don't believe the government should be in the business of discrimination, and I will work to ensure equal rights for all Americans at work, home and in their communities."
The DelBene campaign's press release announcing these endorsements is below the fold. Here's what ERW's Executive Director Josh Friedes had to say:
Equal Rights Washington, the state's largest LGBT civil rights organization, is delighted that our first ever endorsement in a United States Congressional race is Suzan DelBene. Suzan exemplifies the commitment to civil rights that we know typifies the voters of Washington's 8th Congressional District. Congressman Reichert's vote against the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell is unacceptable and out of step with the people he represents. The people of the 8th Congressional District have long treated their LGBT family members, neighbors and co-workers with dignity and respect. The 8th Congressional District deserves a representative who will work to ensure that the civil rights of all Washingtonians are respected. DelBene, not Reichert, represents the values of the 8th Congressional District.
Suzan DelBene has also been endorsed by Governor Chris Gregoir, the Seattle Times, The News Tribune, a solid list of other press, labor, health and democratic and organizations and legislators.
Please join Suzan DelBene on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr. And of course if you live in CD-8, please cast your ballot for Suzan DelBene for U.S. Representative.
Note from Louise: This clip, taken July 14th prior to the NOM Summer Tour 2010 kick-off in Augusta ME, is one that we (Snooky and I) thought irretrievably lost to the computer gods- but found the other night that the files were indeed saved.
Altogether there are 21 clips from that event available on my YouTube account; Snooky was able to get essentially the entire NOM rally including interviews Brian Brown granted with press media and local CBS affiliate WGME.
Ultimately, the Perry case, which attempts to overturn Proposition 8 in California, would overturn ALL state marriage amendments, definitions of marriage. So it's a threat to ALL states, including Maine...I think everyone agrees that ultimately it's going to end up in the U.S. Supreme Court.
This isn't over. But it's a damn good start. Let those wedding bells ring!
I've been rewriting the headlines as the news pours in so you have accurate info on the scope of this decision, which trickled out on Twitter unconfirmed for some time.
CONFIRMATION! From the court:
The following transaction was received from entered on 8/12/2010 12:35 PM and filed on 8/12/2010
Case Name: Perry et al v. Schwarzenegger et al
Case Number: 3:09-cv-02292-VRW
Document Number: 727
Docket Text:
ORDER by Judge Walker denying [705] Motion to Stay. The clerk is DIRECTED to enter judgment forthwith. That judgment shall be STAYED until August 18, 2010 at 5 PM PDT at which time defendants and all persons under their control or supervision shall cease to apply or enforce Proposition 8. (vrwlc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/12/2010)
What does this mean? The delay is to give time for the opposition to file appeal to the Circuit Court of Appeals before marriages start. But on the 18th, if there is no appeal, the marriages will begin. Here is the document:
(Note: I deleted the release from Freedom to Marry, since it jumped the gun on the extent of the stay. I'm sure another will be forthcoming.)
Courage Campaign:
Moments ago, Federal District Court Judge Vaughn Walker ruled that the temporary stay of his ruling that California's Proposition 8 is unconstitutional will be lifted, effective August 18th. Today's order means that in less than one week, gay and lesbian couples can once again get married in California.
More than 18,000 California gay and lesbian couples were married prior to the passage of Proposition 8 in November of 2008.
In response to today's ruling, Courage Campaign Founder and Chairman Rick Jacobs issued the following statement:
"Today's ruling means that in less than one week, equality under the law will be restored for millions of loving families across California. Lifting the stay is ultimately consistent with both legal precedent and the findings in this case.
Specifically, that every American has a civil right to marriage, and that by depriving millions of families this right, Proposition 8 is unconstitutional. Judge Walker's ruling affirms that the purpose of our judicial system is to protect our constitutional rights, not to take away those rights.
All Americans agree that weddings matter and marriage is the foundation of strong families. Families and the institution of marriage itself can only be strengthened by the inclusion of more committed couples bound by unconditional love and enduring partnership."
In her own words, here is a video of Cadet Katie Miller discussing her decision to resign from West Point because of life under DADT.
A soldier's sexual orientation should never outweigh his or her record and performance. Congress must now act swiftly to repeal this shameful policy.
The segment of photos labeled LGBT Veterans was provided by Joann Santangelo. You can find her work and support her efforts to photograph LGBT veterans at www.joannsantangelo.com.
I kept busy by applying to other colleges and applying for LGBTQ scholarships. The one I pursued particularly aggressively required me to submit letters of recommendation within a week of being notified as a semifinalist. I saw the word "congratulations" in my inbox, confirmed my assumptions with a glance at the email, and picked up my hat and gloves before I headed out of my barracks room. I didn't even have to think about it; I couldn't pursue my activism any longer without help.
Five minutes later I rushed haphazardly into my professor's office. I was sweating in my shiny, plastic Chorofram shoes, and after feeling my pulse my throat I became aware of how tight my collar was around my neck. "Ma'am, do you have a second," as I closed her office door behind me, consciously worsening the stuffiness in the room and in my heavy wool uniform. Without waiting for a response, I seated myself. "Ma'am I'm transferring next semester. And I need a leader of recommendation in three days. For a scholarship for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students."
"So does that mean you're-?"
"And you're leaving because of Don't Ask, Don't-"
She studied me for a second, asked a series of questions for clarification, and agreed to write me a letter of recommendation.
As soon as I was out of her sight, I did a little Jersey Shore fist pump in the air.