Shirley Sherrod Revisited
RACE AND THE LEFT 7/21 9:44 A.M.
> > > The Sherrod episode is appalling from all angles and every side. ► SHANNEN COFFIN
■ LOWRY: Politics Aside
■ GOLDBERG: My Take on Sherrod
■ SPRUIELL: The Full Sherrod Video
THE RIGHT 07/21 4:00 A.M.
Not Obama Is Not Enough
We need a new Contract with America as much to keep Republican politicians honest as to defeat Obama. ► VICTOR DAVIS HANSON
■ BLANKLEY: Is It Enough for the GOP to Just Say No?
THE U.S. 7/21 4:00 A.M.
Exceptional Down to the Bone
The first place to look for American exceptionalism is in the underlying culture of the United States. ► JAMES C. BENNETT
THE POTUS. 7/20 5:00 P.M.
A Year and a Half of Obama
Team Obama marks 18 surprisingly incompetent months in office. ► DEROY MURDOCK
LABOR WATCH 7/21 4:00 A.M.
Becker’s Conflict
NLRB member Craig Becker is voting on cases related to his former organization. ► KEVIN WILLIAMSON
Boundless Beneficence of Big Brother
Comparing government to a wealthy brother or sister is simply a category error. ► JONAH GOLDBERG
Share Sacrifice, Destroy Jobs
Dealergate exposes the nightmare of government-controlled businesses. ► MICHELLE MALKIN
THE MIDDLE EAST 07/21 4:00 A.M.
Turkey in Cyprus vs. Israel in Gaza
Turkey should end its illegal and disruptive occupation of Cyprus. ► DANIEL PIPES
THE U.N. 07/21 4:00 A.M.
Insider: ‘There Is No Transparency’
The latest charges of mismanagement, corruption, and fraud come from the U.N.’s own bureaucracy. ► BRETT D. SCHAEFER
HEALTH CARE 07/20 5:59 P.M.
Mass. and Provider Consolidation
Many on the right are concerned about recent developments in Massachusetts’s health sector. ► REIHAN SALAM
SCOTUS 07/20 9:37 A.M.
Recuse Me
The idea that Elena Kagan never
discussed any issues surrounding health
care is implausible. ► CARRIE SEVERINO
She Will Violate Her Oath
Based on her own testimony, Kagan
will violate her oath as soon as she’s
sworn in. ► SEN. TOM COBURN
Government Borrows, Corporations Save
For a Keynesian, it’s always 1933. But it may very well be 1973. ► KEVIN WILLIAMSON
HEALTH CARE 07/20 3:38 P.M.
Health Politics & Immigration
The politics of immigration could actively hurt Democrats with respect to health policy. ► TEVI TROY
RACE & POLITICS 7/20 4:00 A.M.
Contra Thernstrom
Abigail Thernstrom is wrong about the New Black Panther case. ► ANDREW C. McCARTHY
Black President Made No Difference
The NAACP harms black America far more than imaginary tea-party racism. ► DENNIS PRAGER
Race-Card Fraud
Supporters of President Obama consider any criticism of him to be racism. ► THOMAS SOWELL
Conrad Black: Wrong on FDR
Conrad Black’s rhetoric is so eloquent that some facts have escaped his attention. ► AMITY SHLAES
Forgotten Man, Forgotten Once Again
The hidden costs of feel-good
economic policies are always borne
by someone. ► RICH LOWRY
Grand Strategy with Charles Hill
Charles Hill explains why the grand strategist must always match substance with style. ► GO
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