Sadly, it looks as if we’re going to have to fight the Social Security fight all over again, with the same old disingenuous arguments making the rounds. So let me return to an oldie but baddie: the there-is-no-trust-fund nonsense.
How should we think about Social Security? It’s a government program supported by a dedicated tax; like other such programs, like the highway fund, it can bank surpluses in years when the dedicated tax yields more revenue than the program’s costs, and use those banked funds to cover shortfalls in other years.
Of course, it’s also part of the general federal budget. This means that Congress always has the option either of undedicating the revenue from the payroll tax (or seizing the trust fund, which is basically undedicating past revenues), or of topping up Social Security by adding more funds. However, either of these options would amount to a political earthquake; so the program’s independent financing has real significance as a practical matter.
So there are two ways to look at Social Security. You can view it as a stand alone program, in which case payroll tax revenues and the trust fund accumulated out of those revenues are at the center of the story; or you can view it as just part of the federal budget, in which case the relative size of retirement benefits and payroll tax receipts has no special significance — benefits are just one federal expenditure, payroll taxes just one source of federal revenue.
These views aren’t contradictory; which one you want to emphasize depends on what question you’re trying to answer. If you want to know when Social Security, per se, will have a crisis, requiring either benefit cuts or new funding, you want to take the standalone view. If you want to think about the broad direction of the federal budget, you want to just fold Social Security into the total.
But here’s what you can’t legitimately do: you can’t switch views in midstream. You can’t say that Social Security is just part of the federal budget, so the trust fund is meaningless — then say that because there’s no real trust fund, Social Security is in crisis when payroll receipts fall short of benefits. Either you adopt the integrated-budget view, in which payroll taxes and retirement benefits have nothing to do with each other, or you focus on dedicated financing, in which case the trust fund has to count too.
Or to put it a bit differently: there’s no valid approach under which Social Security surpluses don’t count but Social Security deficits do.
All of which makes it alarming that the co-chair of the deficit commission is making that very claim.
Update: One more point worth making: what would we say about the financial implications of a plan to reduce Social Security outlays, say by killing off old people raising the retirement age? From the standalone point of view, it would improve the prospects of the trust fund. From the integrated view, it would reduce the prospective budget deficit. Saying that it does both things isn’t double-counting; it’s just acknowledges that there are two different criteria here. And you can be sure that if and when the deficit commission unveils its proposal to make old people eat catfood reduce future Social Security benefits, it will make precisely that claim.
Somehow, though, when it comes to Medicare cost savings under the new health reform, making that completely reasonable statement is outrageous double-counting.