Who can we blame for job losses?
1 minute ago
A founder of the "tea party" movement said Wednesday he had a warning for Republican state leaders: Back conservative candidates or else other states will suffer the same backlash that toppled Florida's Republican Party chairman this week.We've been wondering: Is Missouri on the list?
"We are turning our guns on anyone who doesn't support constitutional conservative candidates," said Dale Robertson, who operates TeaParty.org out of Houston and helped start the movement nearly two years ago.
He declined to say which states are next on the tea party's hit list. He said party leaders in those states would be warned privately, but the movement's wrath "will be very clear publicly" if they don't listen.
VINCENT JERICHO: “But I’ve also made my career here by challenging Baby Blunt [former Gov. Matt Blunt] and how he just absolutely, ah, betrayed every single Missourian that who worked so hard to get him elected on the ridiculous stand he took where he redefined what cloning is. And this is supposed to be a Republican governor. He’s not governor anymore for good reason.Those teabaggers want the first crack at cleaning out the crapper. Read More......
“His [Matt Blunt’s] daddy [Roy] screwed around with a tobacco lobbyist. Then slips language into the homeland security bill favorable to the tobacco lobbyist. I mean here is a guy that has committed adultery multiple times. Yet he had a senior position, and still does, in the Republican Party. Guys like Papa Blunt make us sick to our stomach. They aren’t conservatives, and they sure don’t reflect moral absolute the way that we expect the Republican Party to stand up. You had the page boy scandal, you had all of that crap, and nobody stands up to it and says, ‘This is crap! What are you doing? [Steele tries to cut in; unintelligible] Behave like a man – not like, not like little boys who are running around with their little toy and can’t behave themselves.”
MICHAEL STEELE: Look, now don’t, don’t – I mean, I agree with you. And when stuff gets in the crapper, you gotta clean it out."
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Maine has proposed a 22.9 percent rate increase for two health insurance plans targeting individuals.Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, both of whom have spent most of their adult lives getting benefits paid for by taxpayers, were vociferous opponents of the public option. Over the summer, Barack Obama told us that self-employed individuals would be "primary beneficiaries of the potential public option." Well, that didn't work out so well. Now, Olympia and Susan's self-employed constituents are going to get hit hard by the rate increases. Nice work.
The filing comes as Anthem awaits a judge's ruling on an earlier rate case. Maine Insurance Superintendent Mila Koffman last spring denied Anthem's proposed 18 percent rate hike for its individual insurance plans. Instead, she approved a revised request for a 10.9 percent increase, which provided for a zero percent profit margin.
Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), a leading House progressive says if the White House can throw its weight behind a controversial tax in the Senate health care bill, it can stand up for some of the House's priorities, too....UPDATE: Grijalva had more to say in another story:
Noting that the President stands foursquare behind the Senate's proposal to tax so-called "Cadillac" insurance policies to raise money, Grijalva put it to him to weigh in on some of the House's priorities. "How do you weigh in on a national exchange? How do you weigh in on a public option? How do you weigh in on the anti-trust exemption?"...
"Watching the fight is not enough," Grijalva said. "The pressure shifts to the White House now."
House Progressive Caucus Co-Chair Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) has a number of issues with President Obama. But chief among them seems to be that, though they've stayed silent on a whole host of health care issues, they've thrown their weight behind a controversial tax in the Senate bill--one that Grijalva says violates Obama's solemn campaign pledge not to raise taxes on the middle class.This is very dangerous territory for the White House. When you have a Democratic congressman saying that the President is advocating raising taxes on the middle class, that's fodder for campaign commercials against every member of Congress who votes for the health care bill, and against the President himself. Read More......
I asked Grijalva whether the White House's support for the Senate health care bill's excise tax on so-called "Cadillac" insurance policies is compatible with his promise on the campaign.
"No, it's not," Grijalva said.
4:34 PM: The review is complete. Our government failed to connect the dots in a way that would have prevented the incident.Okay, now the punditry begins. And, at 5:15 PM, there will be a press briefing by the Secretary of Homeland Security and the President's Assistant for Counterterrorism and Homeland Security John Brennan Robert Gibbs. Then, at 6:00 PM, Dennis Blair, who serves as Deputy Assistant to the President and National Security Council Chief of Staff, will be taking questions here. Read More......
4:36 PM: Our first line of defense is accurate info. Did not happen in lead up to Christmas Day. 1) Although we knew a lot about Al Qaeda in Yemen, the intel. community did not aggressively follow up on info. about attack on homeland; 2) there was a failure to connect the dots; 3) fed into shortcomings in watch list system.
4:38 PM: This was a failure to connect the information we had. Directing series of corrective steps: 1) Intel. community assign leads, assign clear lines of responsibility; 2) Can't sit on info. about attacks on U.S.; 3) Will improve day-to-day efforts of getting info. and 4) strengthening criteria for getting people on no-fly list.
These reforms will allow us to act on intel. quickly.
4:41 PM: Need to increase security at airports. More baggage screening. More passenger screening. More intense explosive screening. Directing DHS to take steps to increase security at airports -- working on next generation of screening.
4:43 PM: We have to stay one step ahead of nimble adversary...we will leave no stone unturned when it comes to protecting U.S. It appears this incident was not the fault of one individual or org. It was systemic.
4:44 PM: All agency heads will be held accountable for implementing new policy.
"Ultimately, the buck stops with me...When the system fails, it is my responsibility."
We are at war. We are at war with Al Qaeda..and they are plotting to strike us again.
4:47 PM: Directed national security team to address issue of "lone recruits." Here at home, we will strengthen our defenses. We won't sacrifice open society or hunker down, that's what the enemy wants. "We will define the character of our country"...not the terrorists...
"I'm telling them and I'm looking them in the eye and say I've had enough of it. If you don't want me in the job, fire me. But until then, shut up. Get with the program or get out of the way."We should expect an apology shortly. Read More......
Read More......If you're going to use Buffy as a model to help Obama, then you really should know what you're talking about. First of all, Buffy didn't kill Darla, Angel did, as he helped thwart Darla's plan to win Angel's heart again and bring him back to "The Master."
"The Master," was an ancient Vampire with incredible powers, but was stuck in a mystical force field after he failed in his attempt to open up the Hell Mouth many years ago. He was the Big Bad in the first season. Buffy was already the Slayer before she went to Sunnydale when the series started.
I know Joss Wheedon might differ with my take, but it wasn't until she confronted The Master in the final episode to fulfill a prophesy that she was able to conquer her crippling fear of him. And it was that fear that was holding her back from truly blossoming into the most powerful Slayer of all. At one point she was so terrified of the Master that she wanted to quit being a Slayer altogether, but she finally accepted her fate and decided to face the Master in the end.
If Obama were truly a liberal transformative hero, but fear was holding him back from becoming the ultimate progressive warrior, then I could sort of buy the comparison. I don't see that, do you?
Sarah Palin is standing by her claim that Democratic-authored health care legislation includes the infamous "death panels" - even after the assertion was labeled the "lie of the year" by a prize-winning fact checking organization.And, she's the GOP's best hope for 2012. Read More......
The former Alaska governor told Sean Hannity, in a taping of the conservative firebrand's radio program on Wednesday, that she was "not gonna back off" the criticism that the health care bill would pursue cost saving measures by rationing end of life care.
President Obama told top Democratic House members on Wednesday that he favored a tax on insurance companies offering more expensive healthcare plans as a means of extending insurance to millions of people who are not covered, according to a person familiar with the meeting.Today, the Washington Post examined this tax, which Obama now supports, and finds that it has many detractors:
The "Cadillac tax" is a feature of a healthcare bill that cleared the Senate before the Christmas holiday. But the House has chosen another financing method -- a tax hike on the wealthy.
Powerful labor unions at the core of the Democratic base are opposed to the Cadillac tax, saying that in some cases union members gave up wage increases in return for richer healthcare benefits.
"It's a very blunt instrument," said former labor secretary Robert Reich. "It makes far more sense on policy and political grounds to tax the top 1 percent rather than sweep in so many people that are paying more for health care, not because they are getting more health care but because they're older or working for small businesses."Read More......
Rep. Joe Courtney (D-Conn.) notes that Obama pledged not to raise taxes on anyone earning under $250,000 and that he attacked Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on the campaign trail in 2008 over his plan to do away with the tax-free treatment of employer-provided benefits. Pro-Republican groups are already turning the tables by running ads accusing Democrats of wanting to tax benefits.
"It's a plan that has great political risk for the Democrats," Courtney said.
The researchers, led by Professor Gary Arendash, said that if the phone exposure was started when the Alzheimer's mice were young adults, before signs of memory impairment were apparent, their cognitive ability was protected.Read More......
In fact, the Alzheimer's mice performed as well on tests measuring memory and thinking skills as aged mice without dementia.
If older Alzheimer's mice already showing memory problems were exposed to the electro-magnetic waves, their memory impairment disappeared.
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