Daily Kos

22 male suffering from "How do i get rid of me anger when the head of state commits treason in offical capacity" syndrome.

Healthcare debate drives man insane.

Thu Aug 20, 2009 at 10:22:10 PM PDT

I'm just a 23 year old man that wants to verbalize somewhere why this whole debate has finally driven me absolutely insane. I warn you that I will not talk much, Fact is i'll let other people do the vast majority of the talking via video clips.

call to action: know your enemy.

Mon Jan 26, 2009 at 11:33:48 PM PDT

I got a nasty letter sent to me today from a friend who wanted me to understand and compassionize with a CEO. it was effective, but i want to cue you into the problem. Keep in mind we're going to have to compromise with these people. The letter after the jump.

I'm not sure as to the authencity of this letter as it's disputed downthread by majorflaw (thanks for that contribution btw) but there's a talking point system begining to frame here and we should keep in mind who our enemy is and what tactics might be helpful in addressing them.

The circular movement of history and how to break the cycle. AKA: life after obama.

Fri Jan 23, 2009 at 01:54:55 AM PDT

I needed with a very vicious fashion to point out to any audience willing to listen to the whole thing i'm trying to point out. Our society is moving in circles. it's a sick sad one that works like this....

libertarian sentiment wins control of the government > the economy grows for awhile and everyone is ok > the wheels come off the bus because the poor and middle class have no money left and can't survive sot hey stop spending > Someone like FDR is elected and fixes the shit > it gets better > people grow complacent and stop caring about government, they also grow paranoid because they want to protect thier pocketbooks and all greviences are blamed on the governement so they grow distrusting > libertarian sentiment wins control of government > the cycle continues...

Let's end this. It has to end. we need to focus some of our attention here so this never happens again.

I was a rabble rouser.

Sun Jan 18, 2009 at 04:11:50 PM PDT

I'm just trying to say thank you and tell this community how personal kos has been to me and changed my life for the better.

most people have a childhood specked with wonderful beautiful memories, for me... when people say they were picked on, and try to relate to me, they don't know the first thing about it.

Don't panic about franken (Diary police :eyeroll: note: too short)

Tue Nov 04, 2008 at 10:28:36 PM PDT

I just wanted to say not to panic about Al Franken, to anyone else who wants him to win as passionately as I do, this is MY race this cycle.

I Hate kay hagan: but i'm voting for her.

Fri Sep 26, 2008 at 03:15:00 PM PDT

I'm just looking for someone to help get me excited about this race. It feels like all I'm doing is helping a candidate which I outright fully expect will immediately flock to the DLC and continue to be a part of the problem I've spent the last 4 years fighting.

I didn't really want to let it out but I don't know where else to go anymore.

Thu Sep 25, 2008 at 06:43:04 PM PDT

It's been a rough time, I can't take this shit anymore, I just want someone to listen.

I have an insanely hard question...

Fri Apr 25, 2008 at 12:13:00 AM PDT

Not that it will ever be relevent but...

Something is bothering me. Can I ask ya'll something?

Wed Apr 16, 2008 at 09:24:40 AM PDT

How do you feel about objectivism if it were to mean that you believed the left was objectively right, instead of ayn rand's view that the right was objectively right? Do you believe that open mindedness and liberalism go hand in hand? If so, what does that make me?


does an open mind and bieng a liberal necessarily go hand in hand?

45%56 votes
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Some asshole peeled my bumper sticker off my car.

Thu Mar 27, 2008 at 11:24:36 AM PDT

So I was coming out of the dentist the other day after getting my teeth cleaned when suddenly i noticed that some jackass has peeled a bumper sticker off my car that said "Enough is enough. Vote democratic" What do I do about this?

What should be the penalty for illegal abortions?

Fri Aug 03, 2007 at 04:54:00 PM PDT

Just an article I thought you guys might enjoy.

a stroke of genious on the impeachment front.

Thu Jun 28, 2007 at 06:10:05 AM PDT

Again, I have no doubt that there were crimes committed. But that by itself doesn't turn the Congress into a criminal court, or its investigation into a criminal investigation.

That's something that can only be done in court, and conducted by prosecutors. Congress isn't a court, and it doesn't prosecute anything (except inherent contempt).

I don't need any further proof of criminality. Neither do you. The point is that if you and I become convinced that crimes were committed, and you and I investigate them, that doesn't make our work a "criminal investigation" for the purposes of a federal court.

(more below the fold, well worth clicking.)


Best idea ever?

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A meme I feel NEEDS to get out there.

Fri Jun 22, 2007 at 10:56:27 PM PDT

The blogs have done some incredible things, so why are even the senators we're proud of scared to do the right thing?


does this strike you as a good idea?

91%21 votes
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Purgegate: How to get around the DOJ refusing to enforce subpoena

Wed Mar 21, 2007 at 09:28:43 PM PDT

X-posted at mydd.

It seems that the Bush administration has promised to fight any subpoena of White House advisors all the way to the Supreme Court. The inherent problem with this is that by the time it gets before the courts, it will be too late: Bush will have left office or his term will be so close to over that accountability will only come in the form of criminal charges in the normal sense. I am infuriated at this attempt to utterly obstruct justice and throw it upon the courts, which they hope they have biased in their favor. How unfair is that? Are we just going to sit here and take that kind of abuse of power used merely to firewall themselves from Justice? So I started to make some phone calls and at one point got reach of a staffer at the House Judiciary Committee to ask him about what I had heard about using the sergeat-at-arms to enforce the law if the DOJ refused. What I was told was that the committee was considering this option. This leads me to believe that they’ve beaten all of us to the punch on this idea. I'm pretty optimistic that this is the route that will be taken.


Does this sound like a good idea to you?

70%29 votes
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BREAKING: regarding the sergeant-at-arms method.

Wed Mar 21, 2007 at 01:17:49 PM PDT

regarding using the house sergeant-at-arms


Should the house use the sergeant at arms?

91%167 votes
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I was -only sort of- for impeachment. Then today happe

Tue Mar 20, 2007 at 06:33:42 PM PDT

with bush willing to utterly subvert the seperations of power and obstruct justice without any realistic definition, the time has come. It might have no realistic chance of passing, but the long term damage done to the republican establishment will ultimately prove worth it.

"But this is America!"- A short look on why things MUST change

Sun Jan 14, 2007 at 01:20:25 AM PDT

"But this is America!" Is a common argument I often have waged against me in the course of a debate. Whenever I try to make a statement for instance about why our economy needs regulation in interest of the consumers. I've found people often act like you're alienating their rights or that you're a communist if you aren't a pro-business zealot. I began to think that some questioning of the moral fabric of this deserved some looking into.
