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Fri Feb 11, 2011 at 08:05 PM PST

Open Thread and Diary Rescue

by Diary Rescue

Tonight's Rescue Rangers are Alfonso Nevarez, jlms qkw, Hoosier Deb, ybruti, srkp23 and Got a Grip.

As we bid adieu to DK3 on this, our final rescue in this format, the Rescue Rangers wish each and every one of you bon voyage as you make your way to DK4.  We'll see you at our shiny new venue, Community Spotlight.

Tonight's diaries for your edification are:

Rights Gone Wrong

Stupid Government Tricks

The Times, They Are A'Changin'

  • jotter has yesterday's High Impact Diaries: February 10, 2011.(ybruti)
  • sardonyx has Top Comments: Ultimate Pre-Launch Edition.

    Please use this open thread to promote your own diaries and your favorites of the day.  And don't get lost on the path to DK4.  Those tubez can be confusing. :D


    Thu Feb 10, 2011 at 08:16 PM PST

    Open Thread and Diary Rescue

    by Diary Rescue

    Welcome to possibly the last Diary Rescue of DK3. Your guides this evening are jlms qkw, claude, dopper0189, vcmvo2, ybruti and Purple Priestess. At the helm are claude and Purple Priestess.

    Tonight we offer an excellent selection for your perusal:

    We also offer jotter's High Impact Diaries and brillig has the Top Comments.

    Please use the Open Thread to discuss and feel free to share other diaries you enjoyed today.

    Thank you and see you on the new site!


    Wed Feb 09, 2011 at 08:16 PM PST

    Open Thread and Diary Rescue

    by Diary Rescue

    Rescue Rangers for tonight's edition of Diary Rescue are jlms qkw, Louisians 1976, claude, sunspark says, ybruti and vcmvo2, with claude also in the Control Room

    Tonight's selection of Fine Fare offers:

    Current Events

    Personal History

    Penetrating Philosophy

    Garnished with a sprinkling of American History

    • Another relevant slice of American history from our resident popular historian KAMuston. COXEY'S ARMY PART FIVE. (claude)

    and some Dessert

    jotter has today's High Impact Diaries, AND sardonyx has tonight's Top Comments: Post and Run Edition.

    Please use this Open Thread wisely.


    Tue Feb 08, 2011 at 08:16 PM PST

    Open Thread and Diary Rescue

    by Diary Rescue

    Tonight's Rescue is brought to you by Got a Grip, ItsJessMe, watercarrier4diogenes, srkp23, grog and pico.

    Diary Rescue is all about promoting good writers, so remember to subscribe to diarists whose work you enjoy reading.

    jotter has High Impact Diaries: February 7, 2011.

    brillig has Top Comments - One Hour Edition.

    Please suggest your own and use as an open thread.


    Mon Feb 07, 2011 at 08:18 PM PST

    Open Thread and Diary Rescue

    by Diary Rescue

    Tonight's Rescue Rangers are claude, Hoosier Deb, ItsJessMe, grog, vcmvo2, and Got a Grip.

    For those approaching the frightening end to their unemployment benefits, freelancewoman has re-posted 99 weeks? Get Unemployment Insurance Extension w/JOB TRAINING, an informative guide that may help some of you navigate your way to job training and an extension of benefits.  We offer this in the hope that it helps those who need it.

    And now, for your edification, tonight's rescued diaries are:

    The Greatest President That Ever Wasn't

    • As the media and the right work diligently to canonize our 40th president, pale cold points out that he was much more sinner than saint in Revisionist Reagan. (Got a Grip)
    • The quintessential anti-eulogy for Reagan's Toxic Legacy from slangist. (claude)

    Perverted Pride and Pernicious Prejudice

    Superbowl Themes and Political Memes

    To Cleanse the Palate and Broaden your Horizons

    jotter has yesterday's High Impact Diaries: February 6, 2011.

    emeraldmaiden has Top Comments 2/7/11 - Insert Topic Here.

    As we wind down the old DK3 Wurlitzer, please use this open thread to promote your own diaries or your favorites of the day.


    Sun Feb 06, 2011 at 08:30 PM PST

    Open Thread and Diary Rescue

    by Diary Rescue

    Tonight's Rescue Rangers are ItsJessMe, rexymeteorite, jlms qkw, BentLiberal, claude, Got a Grip, and vcmvo2 as editor.

    The rescued diaries are:

    jotter has the day's High Impact Diaries: February 5, 2011, and the Week's High Impact Diaries: January 30 - February 4, 2011.

    sardonyx brings tonight's Top Comments: Got DK4 Questions We Got Answers!

    Enjoy and please feel free to promote your favorite diaries from the last twenty-four hours in this Open Thread!


    Sat Feb 05, 2011 at 08:16 PM PST

    Open Thread and Diary Rescue

    by Diary Rescue

    Tonight's Rescue Rangers are jlms qkw, vcmvo2, Purple Priestess, YatPundit, watercarrier4diogenes, ybruti and grog.

    jotter gives us the day's High Impact Diaries: February 5, 2011, while carolita has Top Comments – 2-5-11 – Fire and Ice Edition.

    Shamelessly self promote your diary or pimp for a friend in this Open Thread!


    Fri Feb 04, 2011 at 08:16 PM PST

    Open Thread and Diary Rescue

    by Diary Rescue

    Tonight's Rescue Rangers are Alfonso Nevarez, ybruti, HoosierDeb, BentLiberal, claude, and vcmvo2 as reader and editor.

    The rescued diaries are:

    jotter has today's High Impact Diaries: February 3, 2011.

    sardonyx brings tonight's Top Comments: DK4 FAQ Forum, Countdown Reset Edition.

    Enjoy and please feel free to promote your favorite diaries from the last twenty-four hours in this Open Thread!


    Thu Feb 03, 2011 at 08:18 PM PST

    Open Thread and Diary Rescue

    by Diary Rescue

    Good evening and welcome to what, with the impending switch to DK4, may well be the last ever Thirst Day Edition of Diary Rescue. Tonight's Rescue Rangers are grog, claude, Purple Priestess, vcmvo2, YatPundit, and ybruti, with sunspark says feeling a little buzz from the boat drinks as she tipples her way through her editing duties.

    It's February 3, 2011. We're digging out from a massive blizzard here in Illinois, a state that was created as a territory on this date in 1809. Also on this date, in 1918, the Twin Peaks streetcar tunnel began service in San Francisco. At nearly two miles the longest tunnel in the world, rumor has it there is a diner at the end where you can find a slice of cherry pie and a damn good cup a joe. And now please enjoy tonight's underappreciated treasures found for you by the rescue rangers:

    In the Fruit Flavored Schnapps category:

    In the Boat Drinks category:

    In the Whiskey, Straight Up category:

    In the Fine Wine Category:

    And finally, in the Dom Perignon Category:

    jotter brings us High Impact Diaries: February 2, 2011.

    Ed Tracey has Top Comments: Ernest Shackleton & Mrs. Chippy the Cat edition.

    One more note about February 3:

    It was on this day in 1874 that Gertrude Stein was born in Allegheny, PA, where a baby is a baby is a baby.

    Don't hesitate even for a microsecond to promote your favorite diaries (even your own) in the Open Thread. Pimp away!


    Wed Feb 02, 2011 at 08:15 PM PST

    Open Thread and Diary Rescue

    by Diary Rescue

    Tonight's Rescue Rangers are shayera, ItsJessMe, Got a Grip, Purple Priestess, ybruti, and vcmvo2 as editor.

    The rescued diaries are:

    jotter has High Impact Diaries: February 1, 2011.

    emeraldmaiden brings tonight's Top Comments 2/2/11 - Groundhog Day!

    Enjoy and please feel free to promote your favorite diaries from the last twenty-four hours in this Open Thread!


    Tue Feb 01, 2011 at 08:16 PM PST

    Open Thread and Diary Rescue

    by Diary Rescue

    Tonight's Rescue is brought to you by HoosierDeb, ItsJessMe, sunspark says, srkp23, vcmvo2, claude, and pico.

    Diary Rescue is all about promoting good writers, so remember to subscribe to diarists whose work you enjoy reading.

    jotter has High Impact Diaries: January 31, 2011.

    brillig has Top Comments - Spam Edition.

    Please suggest your own and use as an open thread.


    Mon Jan 31, 2011 at 08:16 PM PST

    Open Thread and Diary Rescue

    by Diary Rescue

    Tonight's Rescue Rangers are dopper0189, Got a Grip, grog, Louisiana1976, vcmvo2, YatPundit and ybruti. They have found some gems, so be sure to read, tip, and rec!

    jotter has High Impact Diaries: January 30, 2011.

    sardonyx has tonight's Top Comments: DK4 FAQ Forum: Four More Days.

    Please use this as an Open Thread, and also promote your favorite diaries of the day, including your own. Keep in mind that Diary Rescue's daily purview extends from 3pm PST yesterday to 3pm PST today.

    You can add a private note to this diary when hotlisting it:
    Are you sure you want to remove this diary from your hotlist?
    Are you sure you want to remove your recommendation? You can only recommend a diary once, so you will not be able to re-recommend it afterwards.


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