I was recently talking to Joe and Chris about how
Reddit and
Digg really help to drive traffic to the blog, when I realized that I may never have explained these services to our own readers. So let me explain the services, with the goal of asking all of you to consider submitting particularly interesting content from from the liberal blogs - by doing so, you will help all of our traffic grow.
Basically, Reddit and Digg are services that permit readers to vote "for" a particular blog post, article, etc. that they find particularly interesting, and would like to recommend to other people. You'll note that under each of our posts, there are a series of small images. If you click on those images, you can submit that post to Reddit, to Digg, or even to your own Facebook page. I know, it doesn't say which image is which - if you hover your mouse over the image for a few seconds, it will tell you.
Now, the first time you visit Reddit or Digg you have to create an account. It's easy. The good thing is that you can tell Reddit and Digg to remember you, and it will the next time you visit (no need to log in - though I find Digg often forgets, which is annoying). After you create an account, the next time you click on a Reddit or Digg link beneath a particularly good post you like, it will take you to a page where you can fill in a small amount of information about that link - title, subject area, and for Digg also a quick explanation of the post - assign the post an issue area, usually "politics" or "political news" - and then you submit it. From then on, other visitors to the blog can click the Reddit and Digg links at the bottom of the post to add their vote for the post - thus increasing the Reddit or Digg number for that post. The higher the number, the higher the post rises on Reddit's and Digg's pages, and the more people come to read that particular post or article.
And the neat thing is, if all goes well, Reddit and Digg should prepopulate the link and the headline of the post - though you're always welcome to change it to something more interesting or more enticing. Here's an example of what pops up when you submit something to Reddit that hasn't been submitted before (oh, and don't submit Open Threads).
Why does this matter? First, you help drive traffic to your favorite blogs or news sites. Second, you help drive traffic to a particularly interesting or useful blog post or article - say a post or article that's really damaging to Republicans. By voting for it, you help ensure that more people online will see it.
Here's an example of a post of our that somebody else already submitted - you can see that 36 people have already voted in favor of that post, that they like it, which raises it higher up on Reddit's page.
It's difficult to explain well how this works, but once you click those links below the post, sign up for the two services, and then actually use them, it will be obvious how to use them. They really are easy (I think Reddit is absurdly easy, Digg a tad more work). And from then on, submit and vote for whatever posts on this blog, or other blogs, or even news articles on news sites that use these services, that you like. You'll be helping the site out a lot, but also helping to raise awareness of particular news items and blog items that you care about. It's pretty cool, try it. Please :-)
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