Nice news. But, it's
Clinton, who signed DOMA, not Obama who called DOMA "abhorrent."
NOTE FROM JOHN: This is a huge paradigm shift, in my view. While we are hoping that the Obama administration and Democrats on the Hill abandon the 1990s and catch up with the repeal of DOMA, DOMA has itself been sidelined by marriage. Meaning, two years ago the repeal of DOMA would have been huge. Now, it's big, and certainly bigger than the passage of hate crimes (or even ENDA, I'd argue), but the real big enchilada has become marriage itself.
As early as a year ago, I, and I think Joe too, would have been able to pardon a Democratic politician who wasn't comfortable coming out publicly in favor of gay marriage. Our logic would have been: We know in their hearts many of them are probably okay with gay marriage, but to say so publicly would be their death politically - and we're not likely to get marriage in our lifetime anyway, so why force our friends to take a bullet for us needlessly?
No more.
I expect marriage equality in my lifetime, and demand it. And what's more, I expect it now. The repeal of DOMA is still huge, and necessary, but it's not enough. And by dragging their feet on their promises to our community, the White House and the Hill are putting themselves in the awful predicament of not just ignoring the top promises they've made to our community, but in the case of DOMA repeal, even if they ever get there, it won't be enough because the issue, and the community, has passed them by.
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