BREAKING: No Same-Sex Marriages in California For Now, Court Says - Updated
By karoli Monday Aug 16, 2010 4:30pmSigh. Looks like this is going for the long haul.
The Courage Campaign has a good analysis and commentary about why this is really good news in many ways.
In a brief order, a three-judge panel agreed to an expedited review of U.S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker's Aug. 4 ruling that overturned Proposition 8 as a violation of the federal Constitution.
The panel agreed to hold a hearing on the case during the week of Dec. 6 and ordered both sides to present arguments on whether the campaign for Proposition 8 has legal authority to appeal Walker's order.
Update: California Attorney General (and candidate for Governor) Jerry Brown won't appeal court's ruling.
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They've outlawed masturbation?
I find it funny that "Christian" people send me emails all day long about how we need to kill Muslims to keep them from spreading Sharia law, while seeming to forget that all they're doing is spreading Christofacist laws.
I know, I know -- everyone's anxious to get married! But if this case gets to SCOTUS and stands, the entire "war" over gay rights is OVER. As in: legal marriage, worker protections, DADT, the works. ALL OF IT.
A little patience might just get the LBGT movement everything it wants in one big enchilada.
I'm not up for the marriage part but I am down for the big enchilada!
that didn't sound "gay" at all...
I prefer tacos
No lettuce, please...
When a higher court agrees to an EXPEDITED review of another court's decision...that stuff makes me nervous.
I remember another court which (if memory serves)...decided
to do one of these "expedited" decisions...
If I remember correctly---the result was CITIZENS UNITED.
By God...I hope I'm wrong...but I have my suspicions (as you already know)
fingers crossed....
In some ways, I'd be more comfortable if it came out that Prop 8 proponents were found to have standing, because I want this whole decision to be rock-solid, and out of the political football realm. I could see, for example, Meg Whitman running on a promise that she would gladly press the issue forward for the state where Arnold won't.
Let them have their say. The sooner appeals are done the sooner SCOTUS can rule.
we are in money trouble in this sate and we are going to piss-away how much on this non-issue.
Non-issue if you're straight and don't care.
The Bad News: No weddings now.
The Good News: The 9th Circuit will decide in December. That's REAL quick in legal terms.
Meanwhile in the real world NPH and David will have twins by October.
Not only did the Mexican Supreme Court rule last week that same-gender marriages performed in the Federal District have to be recognized throughout the Republic, today it upheld the rights of same gender couples to adopt children equal to the rights of opposite gender couples. Why is the United States so backwards?
have in telling adults who to love? I just don't get it. Why are they allowed to tell us who we can love and who we can't? Isn't that up to us? Nope, just don't get it.
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