I announced yesterday afternoon that Jerame has taken a job with the National Stonewall Democrats and that means there will be some big changes in our lives. The biggest change for both of us is that we'll be moving out of state. We're leaving Indiana.
Dozens of you have e-mailed since that post went live asking what the big move will mean for Bilerico Project. One of our selling points has always been that we're not a blog from the East Coast or West Coast. We're based out of Indiana and, while we have contributors from all over the world, the site has kept its Midwestern common sense and pragmatism.
While there will obviously be some changes soon - including our about-to-launch redesign - put together all of the transformations will result in a much better site. Thankfully, my job can go anywhere and being able to be where the action is will be a big plus. It'll help with some of the more personal connections that only happen at conventions or by flying around the country currently.
One thing that won't change though is my criticism of the Democratic Party. More on that after the jump...
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