Watching the flap with Robert Gibbs and his "inartful" comments that lashed out at the Left because of cable news talking points spewed by the Right made two words leap to my mind: displaced anger.
Psychology Definition Of The Week: Displaced Anger
Anger is often associated with suspicion and mistrust, and can manifest itself in feelings of hostility, frustration, exasperation and even fury. But what happens when you displace your anger?
Anger displacement occurs when you direct your angry thoughts and feelings at someone or something that is safe or convenient, rather than the actual source of your anger. For example your boss gives you a hard time at work, but you say nothing and take it out on your partner when you get home. Not only is this bad for your relationships, but it is also ineffective when dealing with the angry feelings – the anger you feel at your boss is still there.
Or, to pick another example closer to home for the White House, the GOP gives you a hard time at work, but you say nothing and take it out on your Democratic base when you get home. Not only is this bad for your relationships, but it is also ineffective when dealing with the angry feelings – the anger you feel at the GOP is still there.
And the GOP is laughing as they watch it all unfold.
In a way, this is similar to the point that KO made during his somewhat subdued “Special Comment” last night. The White House is mad at the “professional left” because it is afraid to get mad at the “professional right”.
Let me make an analogy:
8th grade bully intimidates 6th grader, so the 6th grader attempts to intimidate the 4th grader.
Only there’s a potential big problem, what if the 4th grader isn’t actually afraid of the 6th grader,and what if most of America is in the 4th grade?
And what if the
WH6th grader,and the political party it adheres to, needs those 4th grader’s votes in 3 months?It would kinda suck if all the 4th graders decided to go play pee wee football, or soccer,or nintendo, or guitar hero that day instead of voting.
Maybe the 6th grader ought to man up and stand up to the the 8th grader.
’inartful’? I’m sorry but that is NOT a recognized word in the English language. Oh, Bob – language is not supposed to be your strong suit? Well, how about these words?
Main Entry: awkward
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: clumsy, inelegant
Synonyms: all thumbs, amateurish, artless, blundering, bulky, bumbling, bungling, butterfingers, coarse, floundering, gawky, graceless, green*, having two left feet, having two left hands, incompetent, inept, inexpert, klutzy, lumbering, maladroit, oafish, rude, stiff, stumbling, uncoordinated, uncouth, unfit, ungainly, ungraceful, unhandy, unpolished, unrefined, unskilled, unskillful
Let’s see now – which of these perhaps might have been a better choice? Blundering? Incompetent? Inept? Rude?
All good but not exactly what we’re looking for. How about this?
Main Entry: betrayal
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: exhibition of disloyalty
Synonyms: Judas kiss, deception, dishonesty, double-crossing, double-dealing, duplicity, falseness, giveaway, let-down, perfidy, sellout, treachery, treason, trickery, unfaithfulness
“SELLOUT”! Yep, that’s the one.
I suspect Bo might want to hide in his kennel for a few days.
Time for Gibbs to resign, period………….
Sounds like Gomez, in the first Addams Family, when Fester returns and Dr. Pinderschloss has to counsel him….so they can get the money, of course.
“Displacement” is very unpleasant!
that was why Shirley Sherrod was fired,instead of Breitbart torn down…no gonads
I have a different two words for Gibbs: chilling effect.
It’s simply a ploy to make progressives be more reluctant to speak out because they will be yelled at if they do. No fancy psychology about it.
I also would have two words for Mr Gibbs (and President Obama and Mr Emanuel) but they would be nowhere near as polite as your words Peterr.
it voodent help,cause we are PROFFESIONAL LEFTIES teehee
It does seem to have backfired, doesn’t it.
Jane really hit it with VEAL PEN,havent eaten any since…a cowered bunch of money grubbers,
Corporate America is not only beating the hell out of middle class America, it (they) have also beaten the hell out of Obama. (race, name calling, distortion and lies). It reminds me of the domestic violence scenario…where a chronically beaten spouse begins to take on the behaviors of the abuser by abusing the children. The emotional and physical abuse have a “trickle down” effect.
It may be understandable…but it’s not effective…doesn’t solve problems and needs to be called out for what it is. Obama we want to see you fight back against corporate america…not “collude with abusers” hoping that if you do, it won’t hurt as bad!
Gibbs is such a slimeball,he was behind ,Dr. Dean SMEAR..
he and Rham are POND SCUM
yes but he loves the$$$,and Michele had a great vaycay with the King of Spain
Ding Ding Ding, we have a winner!
I have a friend whose favorite phrase is, “I got two words for you, and they ain’t ‘let’s dance’.”
I laugh everytime I think of that.
Well, I don’t generally eat veal, but have been thinking about it in the last couple of days. My yard guy gave me some vegies from his garden (made some delicious gazpacho), including eggplant, which tastes & has the consistently of cardboard, IMO. I was thinking that if I wanted to spend all the time & trouble to make something parmesan, I’d rather have something good in the middle like veal, not eggplant. *g*
The Democrats are like the Jews who served as the police force in the Warsaw Ghetto.
I think the Ds are much more in the decision role than you give them credit for. They are actively pursuing pro-corporatist policies, not merely carrying water for those who do.
Perfect analogy.
eggplant Parm is yummy….grew some last year,they didnt make it this year,too hot too dry
I don’t think any of us on the outside — and I used to consider myself an insider — really understood how totally corrupted our government has become since the Reagan victory. Gibb’s is saying in effect, that’s the way it is; we didn’t create this game; get used to it. I’m damned if I’m going to get used to it.
Government by Madison Avenue. That’s what we have now. What people think doesn’t matter. Only what they can be sold.
National security letter recipients who were gagged, but fought it, are on democracynow this morning. Kafka was more than prescient.
I’d send the eggplant your way, if I didn’t have neighbors to regift it to, who are coming to pick it up today.
We have to be willing to hand things over to the Right-Wingers for a few election cycles if we really want to change the political landscape. Markos Moulitsas argued in “Crashing the Gate” that by getting new people into the Democratic Party – it would change things. How naive.
Did Markos, fka Republican precinct captain, really believe that a few well-scrubbed, shining faces would alter the old boy network of the oldest political party in the world? Hah!
The Canadian example is illustrative. Right-wing conservatives there were extremely dissatisfied with the “Liberal-Lite” policies of the Progressive Conservatives. So they let the PCs swing in the wind in the 1993 election – from 169 to 2 seats – the greatest political defeat of a political party in a multiparty democracy ever.
But by allowing such a defeat and allowing the Liberals to govern for a decade, they created a far more ideological Conservative Party from the Western-dominated Reform Party and the Alliance – which ultimately merged with the remnants of the PCs to form today’s right-wing Conservative Party.
total coruption,populace on Prozac, no pushback cept from dirty fukkin hippies
Heh. FBI so poorly redacted their court filings that press was able to figure out who the plaintiffs were right away. Sounds just like the FBI I know & love.
lttle old me canned wunnerful pickled beets,im tired of housekeepin,i want a peach bellini,and a shrimp cocktail….g
Sounds good. I love beets, fixed any way; ditto peaches.
Coffee’s gone & so am I. Be well.
im goona go see LEVI,and feed,farmers kitteh,bbl….
Agree regarding Obama and crew. I’m referring to the Daily Kos types, the little d folk who make the magic happen, and who love to heap scorn upon the rest of us.
This is all about Obama proving to the corporate money guys that he can deliver what they want better than the Republicans without that pesky Left getting in the way. The Left has two choices: either shut up and continue to vote Democratic, or stay home on election day. If the Left stays home, Obama gets more Republicans to help pass his corporate giveaways in the name of “bipartisanship”.
Either way, Obama and the top 2% get their way.
I think 1 of the ironies is that what little there is of a “professional left” is a whole bunch of veal pen stooges in D.C., who are already on their backs or on their knees, groveling for the next rubber chicken photo op.
Why should Gibbs complain about them … those pathetic sacks of shit are gonna line up real quick and vote lessor of two evil!
At least we, once again, KNOW what we’re gonna get from 0’sell-0ut and his band of DLC scum – we’re gonna get blamed for their failures!
ha ha ha. go fuck yourself gibbs.
jamawami @ 26
This is so important. Even in 98% GOP voting states there is an entrenched Democratic establishment that controls the local and regional parties. I am among those who thought those bright faces and our ideas would be welcome. Certainly welcome to man phone banks and stuff envelopes. Just don’t mess with our corporate and Blue Dog polices. After some 5 years of trying to have my voice and that of the majority of the newbies heard I quit.
The establishment has to be thrown out or bypassed.
Well as a professional leftist, I’ve had it. Not only am I voting against these clowns, I’ll help support the Republicans impeaching this failure of a president.
Not quite pissed enough to donate money and time to get their Republican opponents elected, but hey, give it time! I’m sure O’Hopeandchange will attack the base again before 2012.
Yes, but the prime minister of Canada doesn’t have his finger on the button. Obama isn’t much of an improvement on Bush, but do we really want 8 yrs of Pres. Palin?
I made some Professional Left / Professional Leftist shirts over at cafepress, if anyone is interested:×4yAC
I’m thinking of another two words that I’ve got for Gibbs and the White House.
Three words. With both Sea and Bos in your screen name, I would expect considerably more creativity, anyways *g*
new post up top…
Appeasement doesn’t work.
Wouldn’t do any good AND this seems to pass the blame onto Gibbs alone for the attack. Gibbs is simply presenting the actual Obama Admin position on hippies (his base, the people that are the ENTIRE reason he is in the criminal house in DC.
C’mon…Rahm refers to us as “retarded” and Gibbs says we’re on drugs. This is just what slips out loud where people can hear it.
I plan to, and will, vote AGAINST Obama and any incumbent Democrap no matter who they are…if I vote at all (this year and in 2012).
WHy would you assume that a Palin would get 2 terms? She would swiftly take the mantle of “Worst President EVER” from Bush (earning his gratitude) and quickly be shuttled out in 4 years if not sooner (impeachment for gross incompetence and criminal stupidity).
All I can say is BRAVO. Spot on! Thanks, Peterr.
Me likee this one.
Mark my words: Gibbs will gone by Christmas.
I watched RM, KO & Tweety’s show (sans Tweety, thank god) last night just to see what the Veal Pen would say in response to the Gibbs slam. After all, in a way, I guess the MSNBC crew are the so-called “professional left.” Albeit I believe that Gibbs’ slam was aimed more at such as us out here in left blogistan.
RM said next to nothing.
KO had Michael Moore on to discuss it. I was disappointed (but unsurprised) that Moore basically waved the pom-poms for BHO and demanded that all “good” lefties GOTV come Nov for the D’s because: whatelsayagonna DO???? Plus Moore & KO spent time expressing their bromance with Gibbsy, who’s “such a great guy.” Barf.
KO’s “special comment” was alright; not fantastic, but at least he hit some highlights, esp how Gibbs’ comment about Canadian health care was so wrong-footed considering Candidate Obama’s campaign promises to provide something similar to Canadian health care and NOT sell out to BigPharma.
Sam Stein on Tweety made some ridiculous comment that basically the dfh super liberal lefties weren’t “for” BHO early in the campaign; rather we were “for” Edwards. What that had to do with anything is anyone’s guess, but somehow in Stein-world that sorta-kinda exonerated Gibbs and BHO for their crappy attack (neat trick from the Veal Pen). Gene Robinson wasn’t much better. They were totally in the bubble villagers spouting not much.
Meh: what I got out of it is that we’re supposed to STFU and stop pointing out how corporatist and sold out the D’s are. The usual “threat” is: you’ll end up with Bible Spice, if you don’t vote D.
At this point, my response is: SO??? What is the difference?
Both Ds and Rs love rightie voters bc they want propoganda (as KO said last night) and are easily manipulated. Both Ds and Rs hate and despise leftie voters bc we have the temerity to question their tactics, call them out on their b.s., and do our research in order to present the facts about how they’re ripping us off.
I’m with you. I’m only starting to come to terms with how deeply corrupt it is.
I’m from the wrong side of the tracks, and, I’ve come to believe that obfuscation and indirectness against fucking liars empowers the fucking liars.
besides, I can’t write stuff like
“I come not to praise Ceasar,
but to bury him…”
Who cares? It won’t make any difference. All Gibbs was doing was being honest about how BHO and all his insiders feel. So Gibbs is gone? SO??? Won’t change a thing.
The Obama administration needs to understand that its base is on the precipice of a “Steve Slater Moment”.
The progressive Democratic base is about ready to pull the slide chute and deplane with a hearty “FU” on the way off the Democratic plane that has been commandeered by corporatist bosses.
No amount of administration finger wagging is going to change that.
Exactly! If ‘retarded’ and ‘on drugs’ are the terms allowed to be on-the-record, imagine what’s said behind closed doors.
I am ready but the polls show a different story. Based on my experience, I am surprised. What do you all make of the polls?
What progressives must do and do quickly is realize the White House is an arm of the Professional Right.
Bush dumb presidency created a situation in which a real progressive could take the White House. (Clinton was not a New Deal Democrat, remember he gave us NAFTA)
Thus the creation of trojan horses by the Professional Right. Obama and Hillary were no threat to the powers that be, because both were Republicans dress as Democrats.
Gibbs comments the other day, were not by accident, he expressed how the current White House feels about progressives. Everyday the actions of this White House are anti progressive and pro conservative. Ask Elizabeth Warren, Obama will not appoint her, but he will appoint a Well Point Executive to manage the Bob Dole Health Care Plan he got the other phony Dems to pass)
The idea of the OBAMA Hope A Dope is simple
Step 1, destroy and piss off the progressive base of the Democratic party, so Obama friends the republicans can win in 2010. (Obama could have took the FDR path and been a great Democrat, instead he followed Bush and Hoover, this was not by mistake)
Step 2, Obama acts like he hates working with the republicans, but everything they want Obama gives them.
Step 3, Obama tells progressives in 2012 he needs their help to fight the republicans, and once elected he screws the progressive again.
Thus the Obama Hope A Dope is complete.
Remember progressives how many times did Gibbs attack conserver Dems and republicans for killing the Public Option? Not one time! because Obama, Rahm, Gibbs, Axelrod, helped kill the Public Option.
I agree about the polls. In last night’s MSNBC line up they showed polls that purport to state that something like 75% of D voters are “satisfied” with BHO. That number might be somewhat inflated, but I don’t believe it’s that incorrect, either. When I talk to most “average” D voters, they are NOT that informed about what’s really going on.
When I start expressing my deep concerns about BHO to the “average” D voter, I find myself treading carefully bc most of the D voters that I know still live in complacency that BHO is a “nice person” (a comment that’s made to me often, which drives me nuts. It’s akin to the “I’d like to drink a beer with W” comment), who is “trying his best.” Or I get the comment: it’s all the fault of the bad, bad Republics who “won’t let” BHO & the D’s do what’s right.
Left blogistan is pissed off with BHO & the D’s, but the average D voter? Not so much. But one must do what one can to educate, educate, educate…
I noticed that the Washington Post’s Ruth Marcus took a shot at Jane this morning for comparing Robert Gibbs to Spiro Agnew.
If you really wanted to punish Robert Gibbs, why not leave him where he is? It’s hard to imagine that he’d be less miserable than he is now, were he relieved of his responsibility to appear daily in the White House briefing room, and subject himself to the howling mob the White House press corps has become…he certainly doesn’t appear to be enjoying himself, does he?
I agree. You’ve nailed their strategy on the head. Tell you D friends and neighbors in words that they can understand.
Ouch! I think that comparison is a bit over the top. Maybe, their more like the Pinkertons, that the companies used to break up strikes in the 19th and 20th century.
A good point. I don’t particularly care whether Gibbs stays or goes. Speaking for myself, I don’t see Gibbs as “the problem.” Gibbs is just a representative of what the real problem is, which is the corruption of the Democratic party (and Republicans, too).
Gibbs, in many ways, was just being very honest about how they all feel about the left… they hate us because we tell the truth, because we actually have the nerve to hold their feet to the fire, because we do our homework, look up facts and confront them with their lies and b.s.
This is my experience as well. Most of the D’s I speak with aren’t pissed off @ BO in fact they see him LOL as actually a victim of the GOP. They don’t get that he just uses the GOP as a foil.
I strongly disagree that this is displaced anger. The corporate wing of the Democratic party has always held the progressives in low esteem. We’re too “ideologically pure” for the likes of Rahm an Bill Clinton. I think by calling it displaced anger you are trying to nullify your own cognitive dissonance regarding the Dems. You WANT to believe that your party has not forsaken you so it must be that Gibbs was expressing displaced anger. Just like many progressive WANT to believe that Obama is really on their side so it must be the Republicans and the Blue Dogs who are responsible for everything that has gone horribly wrong.
There is way too much evidence to the contrary for those of us looking at the situation objectively. Face it folks, the Dems just aren’t that into us. Time to find a new partner.
True enough, but with all due respect, o sister my fierce Sister, it’s not all Madison Ave’s fault.
In addition to propagandists selling us politicians like toothpaste, as Chomsky has said, let’s not forget the decades of psy ops and other attacks, brought to us by the fine people who are weaponizing at least two of the things that most make us human (psychology and mythology) at APA for DOD.
I’m saying, some of the dysfunctions of our American minds are no accident, they’re the deliberate effects of taxpayer-funded “domestic strategic disinformation campaigns,” and the like.
One of my favorite things about FDL is the generally high level of humanism found in the comments. Only occasionally does one come across eliminationist or other dehumanizing trash talk.
That’s why I’m always saying, we’re not stupid, crazy, quasi-human (as in epithets such as “sheeple” and, pardon me for saying so, “veal pen”), or inherently evil. I’ve never liked the “veal pen” metaphor for that reason. I doubt it’s doing much to reach our unconvinced friends.
What are we, then? We’re getting jacked. Jeff Kaye and others have done mind-blowing work in this area.
Maybe it’s a measure of the effectiveness of psy ops, that we rarely incorporate their very existence, let alone effects, into our narratives of how we got here and how to get the hell out.
Don’t Gibbs’s words show just the arrogant tip of the totalitarian iceberg that is Top Secret America?
My point exactly!
Good analysis. The political landscape has been pushed so far to the right these last 40 yrs. that today a so called Centrist Dem. President ( AKA Billy Clinton or Barack Obama) is far to the right of Richard Nixon! The right has managed to continually move the goal posts rightward as the game is being played and nobody even notices. Even reform itself is given right wing framing before it starts . The result is we get reforms that actually push things even further to the CORPORATIST position. Look at the terms popularly used by both Gopers and Dimocrats these days. “The Public /Private Partnership, Privatization etc . et al. Nobody even questions what these terms mean anymore. if you do your just pushed out of the debate and called a “professional Leftist” ( another Reich wing frame accepted by the Dimocrats.
Oh hell yeah! It’s on… now, how do all of us 4th graders, instead of running home and playing wii, organize ourselves to BYPASS the 6th graders and take the 8th graders on directly?
Here in Massachusetts, the 4th graders voted for the cute and convincing 8th grader because there was no 6th grader who was worth voting for. But there’s a different game in the schoolyard this time around, and there’s a brilliant and tough 4th grader trying to organize us for a genuine 4th grader revolt. There’s a 4-way contest for leader of our state school, 3 boys running against 1 tough-as-hell, smart-as-hell 4th grade girl. You can watch her being bullied here, and listen to her being bullied here. And the 6th graders might learn from how well she fights back.
Ultimately, we 4th graders need to start studying up on ways to take advantage of our strength in numbers. I’m working on one way, called Democracy Day, but it needs to improve if it will actually start to re-shape the political playing field. What else can we do as the little pipsqueak 4th graders who are just starting to learn that the 6th graders have been using us all along. We’ve been giving them half our lunch money out of fear that the 8th graders would take all of it. There’s GOT to be a better way to use our lunch money!
Your right. The Dinocrats aren’t much into us anymore. They’ve found they’re knit-ch in the political market and they’re fight with the GOP to maintain it. Both parties are CORPORATIST, just different flavors of this faith, kind of like being a Protestant or Catholic . Both , are Christian in they’re basic beliefs but they worship Christ a different way with different rituals etc. These religious differences are real among the faithful but to those of us that aren’t Christians not so meaningful. In the case of Corporatist the faith they believe in is CAPITALISM. The Dims are the neo-liberal faith ( Protestants so to speak and the Gopers are the Catholics ( the old believers in the pure faith as they see it.) All the rest of us are in the political wilderness as they both see it. SOCIALISTS, Democratic Socialists, Commies, Left radicals and other religious groups that are beyond the pale and only relevant for election time talk. That we don’t want to accept our role the way the religious right ( the tea party) doesn’t want to accept it’s similar role in GOP politics is our problem.
Displaced Anger – I think that’s very very possible Peterr. It’s either a real version of displaced anger or a more calculated decision to use that kind of venting to make the President look strong when he’s not (see, he’s holding back the crazy left) and to make the President look more attractive to some group of people that he thinks hates the left enough to admire him for not “giving in” to it, but still likes the left enough to want to vote for him and his Dems instead of just jumping onboard the Republican express.
Bad calculations, either way.
I got something different from that n=bit about how the DFH’s were not for Obama in the first place:
What I took from that was that it was completely unrealistic of the W/H to expect the DFh’s to be his sheerleading squad since they were not “his” supporters in the first place.
I took him to mean that the W/H has no business a) feeling betrayed whne criticized from the left, and b) expecting that post election the lafties would suddenly get in lockstep.
I think, that they thought (“they” being Rahm) that the lefty pundocracy was going to be the mirror image of the righty puntocracy which was all rah-rah for Bush no matter what horrible thing he did, they always had his back.
Hence Rahm getting exasperated and calling the lefties “fucking retards” and Gibbs saying that lefties need to be drug tested.
They had completely incorrect assumptions about what we would do (despite the fact that DFH’s have been pretty clear all along about what we wanted to see happen–and there are FDL archives to prove it), and are feeling frustrated and betrayed because their judgement of us was wrong.
Not unlike large swaths of the electorate who had incorrect beliefes (founded on statements made by Obama both as a Senator and as a candidate) about what Obama would do in office. So the electorate feels frustrated and betrayed because their judgment of him was wrong.
The only difference is DFH’s never mislead naybody about our intentions
This is why I have started to vote Republican. Yell at me all you want but as I see it, I’m not only withholding my votes from the Dems, I’m canceling out one of the Obama apologist’s votes. I get two votes and more impact that way.
If my fellow progressives aren’t willing to hold their party accountable, then I’ll just have to help them out a bit.
And no, I’m not the least bit fearful of a Republican getting into office. Why would I be? If anyone here can give me a coherent reason that isn’t full of fear and false equivalencies that I’ll be happy to reconsider. It seems obvious to me that nothing will change until we have the courage to make our leaders accountable.
Why that does not seem obvious to everyone else is one of the great mysteries of my life.
The ONLY poll that counts will be the one taken this November, on voting machines
I think this also goes a bit towards the vicious prosecutions of the Bush whistleblowers. They know enough to know what they don’t want the “professional left” or even the everyday person to know about what they have been doing. The result is they combine their present frustration with criticism and their fear of what leaks and whistleblowers could do to them, and vent it all on the very whistleblowers who helped get them elected.
In the turtle and scorpion fable, “the left” is the turtle that gave them a chance. That only leaves one role left for the Obama admin.
I think it’s common knowledge, at least among FDL readers, that hippie-punching is a safe, enjoyable Washington pastime. In contrast to taking on the right-wing, something to be avoided even if you have to fire people who didn’t do anything wrong. :-(
Heh – first read ‘Bo’ as a typo of ‘BO’.
Two words:
Gibbs doesn’t like you people anymore than Rahm does. I’m glad someone has articulated the “professional left” label. It is a true threat to this country.
Yep – and that’s why they want to go after the “professional left” before they get a chance for more people t get more information. They know what took down the Republican machine eventually – and they know it wasn’t a lot of Dems who were trying to be as much like the Republicans as possible – they know it was that the push on the left was getting enough info out that informational osmosis, slowly, took place and made Americans want change. They know they promised that change and they know how successful Rove and Bush were on a 4-6 year cycle with selling talking point responses to bigger issues.
So for now what they are doing is discrediting their substantive critics (as opposed to the crazy tea party critics who discredit themselves nicely) the way anti-war Americans (not lefties, Americans) were discredited as being traitors to the nation; the professional left are being traitors to Obama and to all the great and good things the wonderous leader is trying to accomplish, they are “just like” the Republican critics (except for the substance)
So the same lower information voters who got sold on “they hate us for our freedoms” and “Iraq/911 Iraq/911″ and “anti-war Traitors!” and remember this one, “they just hate anything Bush does bc he’s Bush, no matter how right he is” (gee, that one resonates a lot right now) are the ones they want to sell to now with “professional left traitors to Obama” and “poor Obama, mean Republicans, mean lefties, he tries so hard …”
75% won’t hold. They know it won’t if anyone begins to actually focus on substantive criticism from the left and for that, the tea partiers were a welcome diversion. They focused the “professional left” on discrediting them and they were fun infotainment for the major networks too but as they lose steam, something has to be the next area of focus. So Gibbs is donning his Rove persona (they do remind you a little of each other, don’t they?) to sell talking points and hoping to sell enough of them, not really to get Dems elected in 2010 or even 2012, but enough to keep Obama in office.
Bc in the end, they are still sure that no matter what they do to the professional left, they will either stay home or hold their nose. They can’t imagine them ever doing anything else.
Well…I think to vote for Rethugs just rewards their bad behavior and doesn’t hold them accountable for the Bush years. It also re-enforces their belief that everything they want to do to the country in the future is right and just and even you (and all who think like you) just told them so with your vote. But, to each his own. One man, one vote and all that.
I agree wholeheartedly with this, but speaking as someone living in the poster-child state for pissed off voters electing a Republican because he played himself as the outsider against the establishment… you are NOT moving your agenda by voting for the Republicans.
MA voters were sick and tired of the establishment machinery and elitist influence– that includes BOTH Kerry and Kennedy. Kerry’s recent BS yacht scandal sums it up pretty well, as did the Kennedy clan’s seeping hypocrisy over Cape Wind. Martha Coakley was the presumed winner and was so condescending and stale (think Al Gore, 2000) that people perked up when Scott Brown added some flavor to the campaign. Coakley was so bumbling and off-key that she unintentionally struck a strong anti-populist tone, creating an opening that Brown drove his pick-up truck through. But here’s the moral: 18% of Brown voters said they voted for him because the Democrats didn’t go far enough on health care reform. And electing Brown doesn’t get us ANYWHERE closer to enacting meaningful reforms. I’ll give you this — it sends a signal. But it’s a signal that does not register on anyone’s radar screen. When we withhold our votes, or worse, vote for the “worser” of two evils, we are being counterproductive and reactive.
What we need to do is to organize alternatives that fully register our voices, our vision, and our dreams. By not voting we give that up. By voting for Republicans we do worse than give that up… we lend support to the lie that reactionary right-wing politics has popular support. It doesn’t. We still live in a progressive majority nation that has been so badly abused and manipulated that is completely disempowered and voiceless. My approach is working to build a political alternative. For a number of reasons I’ve been supporting the Green Party for about 10 years, and I think it’s starting to pay off. In MA we have a very exciting gubernatorial candidate who can ride the Scott Brown wave, but give voters something to vote FOR instead of AGAINST. But there are other approaches too that I think are wiser than simply voting for the Republicans in order to teach the Democrats some kind of lesson that they will never heed… because they’re simply an extension of corporate America who does just fine under Republican control.
If Gibbs and Rahm are saying such nasty stuff in public, what do they say behind closed doors.
If either of these two were a black woman (Shirley Sherod) or a 90 yr old journalist (Helen Thomas), they would get thrown under the bus. Pretty sad when a known tax cheat is running the US Treasury.
You want to hear crazy? All of this nonsense may stem from the Administrations fear of Glen Beck.
There’s one thing that hasn’t been mentioned much around FDL. Doesn’t Gibbs’ rant indicate that we are really a burr under their saddle and that they are taking notice of what we are saying? If they didn’t have some fear of us, this would never have happened. IMO
I can understand why you choose to vote R. For me, I can only do that IF I am in favor enough of the R candidate to vote for them. For ex, I could never bring myself to vote for Carly Fiorina in CA. I know too much about that huckster to ever vote for her. But will I vote for a third party or just sit out the election? Perhaps. I can go that route, and that is what I would advise for anyone who simply cannot stand to vote for the R’s or for particular R candidates.
I agree that it doesn’t make a huge amount of difference anymore. I loathed, detested and despised the W Admin that was foisted upon by the Supremes. That said, everyone was pretty clear about what the Rs would most likely do – and for as much as I detest W, he pretty said clearly who he was and what he planned to do.
In terms of certain issues, W was, sadly, more transparent that BHO has been. I didn’t like or approve of most of what W did, but I knew who he was and what he stood for. So while there was disgust for what he did, I wasn’t that surprised.
BHO?? For a candidate who promised transparency over and over during his campaign, BHO has been very lacking in transparency now that he’s in office. He has lied to voters over and over and renigged on almost every single campaign promise. BHO’s mouthpieces, Rahm & Gibbs, have been more honest in revealing exactly how they feel about the leftists. We’ve complained – as BHO told us to do during the campaign, after he was elected and as recently as at the Netroots Nation conference – yet now we’re dissed, chided and verbally abused for doing the very thing that BHO TOLD us to do.
How much clearer does it have to get? They want a compliant, complacent populace who will just roll over and “take it” from them without question and without complaint. Plus, they want us to accept their lies and propoganda as “good enough.” Well, the left has never accepted propoganda, and we don’t want to be fed lies and fairy tales. We’re willing to do our own research and homework, and we’re willing to hold their feet to the fire.
I may not vote R, but I will NOT vote D, either, just in the name of “avoiding” getting Bible Spice foisted onto the nation. What’s the difference???
It has been mentioned throughout these many threads, but I think it’s gotten somewhat lost amongst the various discussions and tirades. Plus it got a brief mention last night on KO.
Indeed. THAT much is a good thing. heh
Michael Moore on KO last night quoted David Frum (a quote of a quote of a quote), who apparently said something like: the Republicans fear their base, while the Democrats hate their base. Or words to that effect.
I would amend that to: the R’s and the D’s manipulate the rightwing base because most of them are willing to believe propoganda. The Rs AND the Ds hate and despise the leftist base because we won’t buy their propoganda, we are willing to do our own research and homework to present them with the facts, and to hold their feet to the fire.
And that’s the bottom line. And yes, even if by osmosis, somehow the FACTS pushed and pushed and pushed by the left do eventually get through enough to cause some change. That’s why BHO won. NOW the Ds don’t want us dreaded dfh liberals telling the truth once again.
Hence the verbal attack against the “professional” left… which I took to mean more us out here in left blogistan that the MSNBC crew (but also them, as well).
It is “nice” in one way that they are “worried” enough about us to actually attack us, but it’s disgusting that the purport to actually “represent” the base. Pull the other one, Gibbsy.
As others have noted, the anger is anything but displaced. Gibbs committed Washinbton’s major sin–he was being honest.
From the start, Obama Democrats have displayed a haughty contempt for their fellow Democrats. Certainly this has been my experience. During the primaries–which closely resembled World War II–one got the distinct impression that the Obamacrats wanted to purge the party of its impurities (i.e., the majority of Democrats who liked candidates other than Obama). Obacrats greet virtually all dissent with ad hominem attacks.
For example, one of the favorite techniques of Obama’s supporters was to call their fellow Democrats racists. This astonishing behavrio meant either that the Obama supporters honestly believed most Democrats are racists, or they were willing to use it as a weapon to win a primary. In either case, the Democratic Party is toast.
Well, that and they’re trying to put some distance between themselves and “Liberal/progressives”, which is fine with me. IMO, they are giving liberal/progressives a bad rap. They may have campaigned on our agenda, but after they got elected, they went the other way, and I’d like more folks to know that they are not us.
I’m sorry, but I have to disagree with the premise of this entry. There is no displaced anger here. The placement is perfectly in tune with the sentiments of this administration.
And the two words that come to mind are ROTTEN and CORE, as in these hucksters and the entire system are rotten to the core.
You’re making a mistake here I think in giving Gibbs et all a pass. Displaced anger? You honestly think they HAVE anger at the other wing when Mr.”I never campaigned on a public option” got his way?
Canadian health care. And European. Or as real humanists-who used to be Democrats call it-basic human rights. You think Obama and any of those filthy sucking weasels in the Senate gave two shits about providing health care? HA. They only ever give a shit about keeping their own job and benefits for life. I’m tired of the charade.
They have no anger at the other side-it’s once again great theater. They want US-the supposed Democrats-I don’t know how any of us can ever call ourselves that anymore-when Obama is not a Democrat-to take the crap they shovel as “good enough” and “historic” and smile and be happy. They are PISSED the peasants aren’t happy.
Some of us are smarter than than that. And that is exactly what they are angry at-US-being too damn smart and uppity for our “own good.” I got two words for Gibbs and his fake Demo president. Let’s see if they are smart enough to guess them.
Look at the voter intensity polls. Basically, 60 to 35, GOP vs. Dem. The great majority of Dems may be satisfied, but they aren’t thrilled. What did all the money and activism and hope get them? Not much.
Many may “approve” but not care enough to get to the voting booth.
The progressive establishment has tried supporting third parties and it doesn’t work. Progressives have tried primarying the blue dogs and it doesn’t work. The Dem establishment is too strong. I agree that voting for the Republicans is a horrible alternative but nothing you have said shows me any other path forward.
In order for third parties to work, the progressives have to be united. That will never happen. In order for primaries to work, the executive branch will have to mind their own business. That will never happen. The system is broken and the longer people keep thinking that all we have to do is try a little harder, the longer the system will remain broken and we will continue to lose ground.
It is like the war in Afghanistan–when do we decide it is a lost cause and leave. We know when we leave there is the possibility things will get worse and the Taliban will retake control. Does that mean we have to stay in Afghanistan forever? Does that mean we have to keep sending more troops over there and trying a little harder. At some point you have to accept defeat and acknowledge your strategy is a failure. I have accepted that our current progressive strategy is a failure and I hope more of you will eventually reach the same conclusion so that we can find an alternative way to affect change. At this point, we are not helping.
I choose to work within the broken system by corrupting the system to my advantage. While I agree with you that the Repubs might see my vote as a sign to keep doing what they are doing, it is not my job to hold them accountable. The tea partiers are doing that for me. My job is to hold the Democrats accountable and the loss of my vote and the loss of one of your votes is the best that I can do under these horrible circumstances. That is the only path forward that we have not tried and that seems to have at least the possibility of moving us forward.
If you decided to withhold your vote then great. But you are in the minority. I have not met anyone yet in my 43 years that has been willing to withhold their vote. They all end up voting for the least objectionable candidate because they think that is the responsible thing to do. So my vote for a Republican is merely to take out one of those votes. It is the most effective way I can think of to change the system.
oops–this was in response to onitgoes at 82
We are having a huge effect. Imagine how much more of an effect we would have if the progressive community started threatening to vote for Republicans. The more they know that we will no longer “hold our noses” the faster we can bring about real change.
It is time for some tough love guys.
Only a moron politician believes the average American has liberal or conservative tattooed on their butt.
The average American wants:
Free healthcare. Generous retirement benefits at an earlier age than 67. Free college education. Free childcare. Free nursing homes. Decent wage jobs. An end to outsourcing. Huge taxes on companies that send factories overseas. Tax rates for the rich in the range of Ike, not Bush.
The average American is tired of:
Democrats and Republicans who sneak and lie deliberately and vote for coporations, not people. Cable and MSM that pay attention to pr politicians, who are bought by the elite and are nothing but toadies. A society that brainwashes the working person into thinking they are dirt because they didn’t go to Harvard and inherit a fortune.
Is that center, left, right or just common sense?
Oops–my response at 90 was to onitgoes at 82
My sense is that some higher ups at the White House are reading our boards to see what the urine soaked peasants are thinking. I know I would if I were a political animal, and I am!
Well said, onitgoes.
Sadly true, I’m afraid. The Democrats will take their anger out on progressives, because they know that progressives will not ever stand up for themselves. And that dysfunctional relationship is hurting the Democrats as much as it is us, because the former won’t make themselves the party of doing the right thing, and right now that’s what they need to be.
It’s fun to see you people so upset about Gibbs.
All you need is to peel off 5% of the votes from the Dems (with a third party) and they will always lose the presidency. This is how you beat the jackasses at their own game. Leverage, leverage.
That’s why Nader was on to something!
I disagree. The fact that Progressives intend to replace dem officials with progressive candidates shows an equal if not greater disregard for the dem party itself. Haven’t heard about anyone other than Howard Dean intent on changing the Party. Progressives can support Dean, but nobody’s waiting for that to happen.
The epithets are absolutely necessary to make it clear to DINOS and their supporters that we are not the same.
Example: recently, there were canvassers out on the street in my neighborhood, handing out literature about dem primary candidates. Onee who stopped me and asked, “Are you a registered democrat?”
I politely replied, “No.” The person immediately moved on to asking this of the next passerby, not another about me.
Next time I was approached by one of these people, I responded “No. But if you’d like to get out of that veal pen, I’ve got some literature I can bring back for you.” THAT got his attention, and maybe caused him to have some internal diaglog that I’d like to encourage among the submissive segment of the D’s “base.”
Beyond that…while I do know that psyops are carried out domestically, I’m a fan of Occam’s razor. The most elegant explanation of the acquiescence of the populace in this country to crappy politics/policy is that we’ve been sold a bill of goods and most don’t realize it or don’t want to admit it.
It’s amazing how little you absorb from your time here. Are you paying attention at all?
Sadly Nader and the Greens both seemingly walked away from what they did in 2000. I know I was looking to Nader for some kind of leadership in the aftermath of that devastating election… devastating in the sense that Floridians, and mostly black Floridians, were disenfranchised, and that there wasn’t an organized voice for a fair resolution of the election results. Even with the media consortium doing the research and finding that Gore received more votes than Bush in Florida, there was so little outcry, and they even buried the sad fact under a misleading headline that Bush would have won anyway (because Gore’s recount team wasn’t pursuing a full recount of the votes). Devastating because the Supreme Court exposed itself as a corrupt political force, and NOT part of an actual system of justice. And devastating because all of us allowed — Nader included — Bush to walk in to the White House and take over our presidency.
The only refrain I heard from Nader was all the reasons why he didn’t spoil the election. He failed to say “you’re goddamned right we spoiled this election! Our 97,000 votes in Florida made all the difference… and THIS IS WHY WE DID IT… ” He ran from it. And instead of effectively pointing out all the reasons why Bush DIDN’T win in Florida, and being a legal thorn in the side of that constitutional crisis, he was silent. So yes, Nader and the Greens were onto something, but we got scared in the face of the hot hot heat.
I agree with you that voting for a third party creates leverage, because it registers our votes and is a precise measurement of our strength. Sadly we are weak, and disorganized, and as figaro says, progressives are never united. But if more of us throw in together to build real and growing alternatives to the corporate political machinery… then we’ll get stronger. It’s a benefit to have a concrete tally every year of just how many people are registered progressive or green or whatever. It’s a benefit to have that roll call on election day, when push comes to shove, of just how many people were willing to say basta! to the powers-that-be, to vote our values and our dreams rather than vote out of fear. In Florida 2000, 97,000+ said it loudly and clearly. But then we all fell victim to progressive infighting and 2004 was one of the worst demonstrations of progressive disunity. The Greens ran Cobb, Nader ran independent, and combined they got less than 37,000 votes in Florida. But worst of all, they didn’t have a voice in that election.
And that’s the biggest point about building the political alternatives to the corporate duopoly. By contesting every election and putting candidates on the ballot year-in and year-out, not only do you give voters a real choice… not only do you measure your real standing more accurately than any other measure… and not only do you create leverage by doing so… but you get invited (actually, you have to fight to secure this too) to include your voice in the political discourse. Nader and Cobb and the Greens and Naderites were voiceless in 2004. Progressives who supported Kerry in 2004 were voiceless too. All those Dean supporters and Kucinich supporters who got in lockstep were basically shutting themselves the fuck and hoping for the best… but we have to start to speak up, loudly and proudly, and organize ourselves if we have any dream of changing things for the better. I concede that might mean voting FOR other parties, or joining in coalition with other parties, or deciding not to run third-party candidates in cases where it is strategically called for. But by and large, we need to fully and fundamentally transform the political system itself, and we don’t do that by shutting up.
Saw the following two words (and one symbol) scrawled on the wall next to public housing today:
Obama = Bush
So that’s me (younger), my dad (older life long Dem), and some anon turk182 in public housing, oh and a few people on this thread.
My two words for Gibbs and his boss:
Fuck off
thank you.
so close to a thread ignoring….
OIL ME…squeeek squeeek..OIL ME
The polls don’t matter. What matters is Dems aren’t voting in the primaries. My Blue Dog is getting voted out and her opponent doesn’t even campaign. I plan to vote for Sestak and that’s it.
What I wonder is the sort of nasty stuff they’ll have to say when over a million lefties show up in DC for One Nation on 2 Oct.
Hey Gibbs …
Jack an Jill went up the hill
each had a dollar and a quarter
Jill came back with two and a half
do you think they went up for water?
Now that Iraq will become the number one oil producer in the world soon, do you think the war was not really about oil now?
Or is that just a lefty thingy?
What you say makes sense. Those who don’t keep up with media beyond their local news do tend to think. They eleected jo, and he must be doing just dandy. Education doesn’t seem to work that well. He is their man in their party and they trust him to do the right thing. Unfortunately that apparently describes 75% of Democratic voters.
You know that Gibbs was just repeating the sentiments he’d heard exchanged around the table within the WH. He just forgot he wasn’t with his usual limited approving audience.
Let’s just be sure to grab a sufficient number of beers on the way out.
That is so perfect that I just had to see in print one more time.
It ain’t no fear of mine. I’m with you. Vote R. Fuck the Dems.
We think alike. Nader had the best strategy. Of course, like you said, you have to weather the storm. This plan could be successful if we were united. Also, a mass movement outside the system in addition to the “leverage” strategy would destroy the right wing Democrats for good. Of course, I’m more of an anti-capitalist so I don’t believe in the system–but this is certainly a start in the right direction!
I agree. I too will be voting Republican because it doubles the Dems pain.
I suggest all re-register in a leftist third party (can always temporary switch registration to vote in Democratic primary for “slamdunk” candidate).
The more repugnant and batshit crazy Republican, the better as they can be dislodged more easily in 2, 4 or 6 years in the future. The purpose of voting Republican is to get the encrusted/incompetent/corrupt/corporatist Dem incumbent out.
The current political system is a clusterfuck and needs to be destroyed (moronic brainwashing in elementary school not withstanding). Voting Republican also accelerates the collapse.
Why not start a leftist/progressive party?
Whose side is the Obama administration on?
I think this is the question many are asking, especially those who helped elect Barack Obama president (as well as helping Democrats gain back control of Congress), concerned U.S. citizens who were fed-up with the Bush/Cheney administration (and Republicans in general), because after eight years it was quite obvious which side Bush/Cheney and the Republicans were on.
In the case of Bush/Cheney and the Republicans, no fence straddling. They always fell and continue to fall on the side of multinational corporations and the wealthiest.
In the case of President Obama and his administration, we keep getting mixed signals, indicating that he is trying to straddle the fence, to somehow merge/balance hardcore corporatist/investor-class/lobbyist-driven conservative policies with more citizen-user-friendly worker-friendly family-friendly children-friendly small-business-friendly poor-friendly liberal policies.
Yes, President Obama and Democrats in Congress have made significant progress (especially when compared to the hardcore conservative years of Bush/Cheney and the Republicans, when so much damage to our democracy and the American dream occurred), but for every two steps forward by Democrats they seem to give one step back to the culture of corruption and greed conservatives (whether Republicans or Blue Dog Democrats). Thus, the mixed signals.
And Robert Gibbs can dis liberal Democrats all he wants, but it only comes across as the Obama administration defending Republicans (and conservative Blue Dog Democrats), instead of the Obama administration falling fully on the liberal side of the fence, siding with those advocating liberal policies meant to buttress our flagging economy from the bottom up, while looking across to those on the other side of the fence and yelling “Go F*ck Yourselves!! You’ve all f*cked-up things enough. Silence!!!!” (hat-tip to Dick Cheney).
What’s happening in the Gulf of Mexico is just another example of mixed signals. It’s a crime scene. Forensic evidence needs to be collected. BP wants to have it’s hired private contractors do the collecting of any evidence (mainly to lessen BP’s liability). President Obama’s DOJ is blocking collection of forensic evidence by independent Gulf Coast scientists, similar to BP trying to hide from independent scrutiny and analysis the amount of oil actually gushing into the Gulf of Mexico (once again to lessen BP’s liability). What kind of mixed message is this sending?
As per sadlyyes @ #27…
total corruption, populace on Prozac, no pushback…
We can argue, suggest, analysis/paralysis, and give eloquent and righteous commentary until we are blue in the face and exhausted. If this represents some type of catharsis, at the end of the day the question will still remain, did anything significantly change on the main stage, regardless of those in the wings? …and more importantly, did the audience recognize the event?
I have the utmost respect for my fellow FDLr’s, and come here daily for sustenance and clarity…but these folks we try to speak to and rail against on either side of the divide, RepubReichWing or DemoReichWing, are simply different by the nature of their chameleon skins…but still remain lizards chasing flies.
I am beginning to regretfully and agonizingly believe that perhaps it will or would be advantageous to quit all this self-flagellation manifest by the frustration with the governance of these sociopath leaders and their mouthpieces…and have the Repubs take back the houses as they seem eager to do with ObamaRahm’s aiding and abetting…so we can eventually get some idiot, dumb as a bag of nails, dipshit prez like ‘wonder woman’, wink, wink, you betcha ass in there and finally bring the whole house of cards down and start over! Scary, catastrophic, but very possible per the dumb and somnambulant general voting populace!
“Whenever seeking to light a new light, there will always be some burning!”
Yes, President Obama and Democrats in Congress have made significant progress
That’s really not true.
I’m seeing things this way more an more. Never bought into the half a loaf bullshit. Obama and his ilk are far more damaging to our interests than the right could ever be. Only Nixon can go to China; only Obama can destroy the last traces of the New Deal. Notice how all his bullshit right wing policy is being touted as progressive, even by “leading” progressives. Insidious, vile and much more undermining of “truth”, “reality” and “democracy” than Bush’s crap, which was at least unashamed and proud of its evil and therefore somewhat honest.
Also, the right pushes America’s face in corporatism and one hopes does so in such an overt way that people get turned off. They did in 2006 and 2008, but look where it got them? Yes, time for another dose of batshit right-wingers. Let them see that you have to create a true alternative; the Democrats aren’t it, and never will be. No, they’re worse in fact.
Don’t throw your vote away, indeed.
hmmmm… well, ok, perhaps your analysis is a bit more spot-on than mine, and I may have been feeling a bit “defensive” in my “take” on what Stein said. I agree that most of the pundits last night, including Stein & Robinson, stated that it seemed as if BHO/Gibbs/Rahm, etc, were surprised that the left didn’t automatically embrace and cheer for everything that BHO did… in much the same way that rightwing voters tend to do (unquestioningly) when a Republic is POTUS.
Your “take” is valid, but I don’t think my aggravation has much to do with the fact that BHO was not my first “choice.” So in that I have to argue with Stein, anyway. My aggravation is with the fact that BHO patently lied during the campaign and has renigged on almost every single “promise.”
Plus BHO keeps telling us to “hold his feet to the fire” – as recently as at Netroots Nation – but yet, when we do just that, we’re verbally abused.
Being smart or educated really doesn’t make that much difference if the voter in question doesn’t bother to really find out what’s going on. And most voters simply do not pay much attention at all. The crappy corporate owned media, of course, just adds icing to cake with their sins of ommission and commission.
Most of my friends & family members – both D and R – are woefully lacking in any real knowledge about what’s happening. It takes time and interest and work, and having some passion for it helps.
Most voters are just happy if their candidate wins. They live in hope (misguided) that their candidate will do “the right thing.” In the olden days, that attitude wasn’t totally misguided, but these days??? People just don’t know how ripped off they are. And that’s for sure.
Caveat emptor applies more and more to everything in politics.
Sadly, I’m inclining to agree with your analysis more and more.
Given that most voters do not pay attention, that would perhaps be the only way to get their attention. Ugh. Strong painful horrible medicine!
It’s their MO, say one thing in public, say something completely different the next day behind closed doors, but still do the evil, regardless!
Thanks for your well-thought response. You make some good arguments for your actions, and I will take it under consideration.
It’s really hard… to know what’s the “best” thing to do in these circumstances. Strange days.
Yes, indeed. Albeit I take some cold comfort in the fact that Gibbs was aggravated enough to attack us dfhs. Something’s getting them, I guess. May it aggravate them all the more in coming days, cuz I sure as heck ain’t easing the pressure one little bit, fwiw.
Here I am late again
To me it’s obvious BHO speaking through Gibbs is handing the repugs one really huge stick with which to destroy the dems.I just get this really overwhelming sense of intentional destruction.
You should date it two decades earlier, possibly three.
Howzcum the White House isn’t frantically telling him to pull over to the side of the road and Blackberry his resignation in immediately?
I dont think the anger is displaced at all.Obama and the White House is not upset with the right bcz they are alligned with them. They are pissed off at us ungrateful progressives who stupidly expect the president to do what he campaigned on.
I’m not voting Republican. . . unless you count voting Republican to cancel out my partner’s Democratic vote!
The only difference between Repukes and Dems is that Repukes are in lockstep and cannot dissent or offer an opinion differing from their leader.
If Obama desires the elimination of constructive criticism and internal analysis and commentary, then he needs to switch parties.
The jury’s still out (for me) as to whether he and his cadre of Blue Dogs are not really liberal Republicans in disguise. Time will tell but it’s not looking good right now.
As for Mr. Glib Gibbs, he’s become quite the assclown so full of his own power and arrogance that I can no longer tolerate watching him. He’s become a disgrace to his party and has alienated the progressive wing totally.
If Mr. Bozo stays around, the damage to Obama will increase within his base. He really doesn’t have much wiggle room at this point with his numbers tanking.
He will have to jetisson Bozo soon or suffer dire consequences to his party in November and in 2012.
This was Mr. Glib’s “swan song”.
He’s become a liabiity now to the president at a time when he cannot afford one.
I surely will not knock on doors any time soon since they have such disdain for those who put them into office and who pay their salaries right now. As for money, the pleas come in daily. They’ll now be pitched into the circular file.
Morale of the Gibbs Story: Never bite the and that feeds you or you will starve soon.
Let’s face it: Obama and his Wh blue dogs are upset that they cannot stuff propaganda down our throats like the Repukes do to their base. It’s as simple as that.
By the time 2012 rolls around, it will be a choice between rabid rightwing extremist Republicans and Liberal Republicans. The Democratic party will no longer exist without it’s progressive base.
The universe is unfair to the poor Democratic Party!
On the right, the Smart and Rich Republicans get what they want from the Party and luckily they can easily manipulate the idiots in the party to do what they want.
This contrasts with the Democratic Party where the intelligent party members on the left do NOT get what they want and, unfortunately for the Democrat elite, are too smart to be easily fooled.
Easy does it there, my much admired firedog friends, things aren’t so dire that we need to call Dr. Kevorkian for America itself, do we? Can’t we heal ourselves from within?
Wouldn’t that also be like killing the patient to cure the disease? And then what, we grow organic veggies on the composting corpse of the body politic? Sounds like a bad sci-fi movie, not to mention public policy.
Besides, hasn’t the strategy ofdestroying Villages in the name of saving them already been discredited? Sorry to disagree, and I know you’re only half-serious, but still: ‘Scrap it and start over’ is a non-starter, IMO.
My two words for Robert Gibbs?
Bite me.