No, the Obama Administration is NOT 99 percent supportive of our issues, most of which happen to be the civil rights issues of the 21st century. Let’s review, shall we?
Can’t get married: The President opposes our right to marry.
Can’t have marital rights even where we can marry: The President’s Department of Justice compares our relationships to pedophilia and incest.
Can’t have access to Social Security or other federal benefits: The President’s Department of Justice defends the federal Defense of Marriage Act in court.
Can’t serve our country in the military: The President’s Department of Defense discharges loyal patriots who serve our country under Don’t-Ask-Don’t-Tell.
Can’t even continue to serve our country once we’re outed: The President refuses to issue a Stop-Loss order to end DADT discharges.
Can’t keep a job if we’re outed and the boss doesn’t like it: The President and his party in Congress won’t pass the inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act.
It’s good that everything else Team Obama does support constitutes 99 percent, because 99 percent is exactly how much support they can count on from the gAyTM and the GayOTV this fall.
Enjoy that 99 percent, Team Obama.
This is the most ludicrous mid-term election strategy I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen some pretty bad ones.
I mean, does Obama want a GOP 111th Congress to run against in 2012? Because he and his Team are certainly pissing off enough of the base to ensure a Speaker Boehner.
Well with Rahm as the CoS, Rahm knows how to triangulate, even if he doesn’t know anything else.
Unfortunately for the country.
I expect Rahm to cash out and leave for WellPoint or Goldman before this year is over, don’t you?
The problem isn’t Rahm, anyway; or Gibbs; or Bill Burton; or Brian Bond.
The problem is Barack Obama.
You must understand much like the public option these are just a small sliver of your total rights. Obama is more than happy to bravely stand up for your 2nd amendment right to own a gun even if you are gay or your right not to quarter soldiers. There are a lot of rights out there.
I also like how the White House flunky calls these issues “your issues” proving that they aren’t, you know, “their issues” just by speaking the way he did.
And I most unfortunately must agree with your analysis.
am wondering if some “uppity” soul had the temerity to question POTUS at last night’s Hollywood fundraiser – hence today’s WH vomitus. believe it was held at some big gay producer’s home (of the HRC persuasion, but ya never know)
and yes, Teddy, I also agree with your analysis 100%.
oldnslow and I agreed the morning after Prop8 passed that there was never to be another dime until this tragically unnecessary wrong is righted
Yes that is great language.
Pouting Baby does not like this. He doesn’t understand why Mr. O isn’t telling the truth.
Sheesh, you’d think that your issues were human rights issues and that you considered yourselves human.
yep. last week we were “those people”
Our issues = our money = our votes.
Good luck, Team Obama, getting anything done this midterm without them.
Like being 99 percent pregnant…
Fie on this craven, disingenuous President.
But, but, but… you’re not counting right. It is clear that the White House counts “verbal support” of an issue as “support”. So, they get to count DOMA, ENDA and repeal of DADT in the win column for themselves. They don’t believe you actually have to take action for it to count. In their world the only issue they don’t support is marriage equality. They believe they totally support repeal of DOMA even while they actively defend it in court. It’s bizzaro world at the White House.
But, this shouldn’t surprise anyone. They believe that they supported the Public Option too.
Gibbs at tomorrow’s presser: “Math is hard!”
Yes, impeachment is part of the plan to get elected in 2012.
Same droll WH bullshit as usual… Fight = Capitulate at every turn.
I know.
I’ll go back under the bus now, along with the women of child-bearing age and American Muslims.
Betcha Bobby can count to ONE when I hold up my middle finger, though….
Ruh roh, someone is letting Larry use the calculator again…
Must be 99 out of 1,000
Good post to point all of it out in a list format. All are bad, but I get particularly angry about refusing to do the Stop-Loss order on DADT discharges, which is a very reasonable thing to do. RM has done some outstanding work on this issue, including highlighting 3 military personnel last week who are either choosing to leave or being forced out by DADT. In that segment, RM gave the financial figures highlighting the financial waste that occurs, esp when some highly trained military officer is forced out due to DADT (needlessly I might add).
Whole thing is pathetic and disgusting. Cue Gibbs coming forward to wag his finger and tell us ungrateful lefties to “happy for all that’s been done” for us. Yeah right: like what?
Wow, you’re in a generous mood tonight… /s
They really think they are such an improvement over Bush and that we’re all so scared of Snowbillie Princess that we’ll sit still for anything. I’m tired of it.
This pretty much how the wh works, nothing but noise.
It’s the horrible waste of training money that should make DADT reform an issue for conservatives, you’d think. That they haven’t any interest in that part of this issue shows their hypocrisy on spending — once again.
I’m so glad I still have the right not to vote for Obama in 2012! I just wish HRC would stop having orgasms every time they get an invite from Oboover. It’s ridiculous how they become fawning idiots every time Oboover tells them how he’s working as fast as he can to secure our rights. BTW, I’ve become very supportive of the Dems–just don’t ask me to actually DO anything for them.
I’m also looking at the mentality behind that very, very wrong and almost gleeful statement of theirs. UGH.
Teddy, I agree with you @ 3. Rahm will leave and Obama will be left holding the bag with all those awful things in it. Too bad.
Change nothing but look like you’re changing everything and look really, really, really busy looking like you’re changing things as fast and as hard as you can. Kick that can and look like you’re really busy not doing that at all.
Anybody in the market for a used car from these hard workers?
In some ways it’s easier when I’m openly reviled instead of secretly reviled. I don’t vote for people who hate me. I don’t buy from them. I don’t provide my services to them. I don’t work secretly to defeat them. I do that openly. That’s only fair.
More and more I don’t think Obama will even run for another term. He’s done what he was hired to, entrench the MIC/banksta/corp complex beyond all remedy. I suspect he’d be happy to skip the rest of the bullshit and go straight to the multimillions.
He really seems to almost get off on insulting not only anybody to the left of Mitch McConnell, but especially us queers.
Calculated demoralization is great for the “bigotry of low expectations.” Nope, I expect delivery. As a matter of fact, “Whatcha Gonna Do For Me?” (you go, Chaka!).
That grade must be on one hell of a curve.
As with everything else that comes out of the Obama Administration, the words have to be parsed. Support is not action. Progressives have seen no positive action on this or any of our issues. There is no reason for progressives to support or act on the behalf of Democrats, and many not to.
I’ve played this game before with Bill and Hillary Clinton. I marched right beside Hillary in the Labor Day parade in NYC when she was running for senate. I shook her hand after she promised that Bill would be the best friend the LGBT community ever had when Bill was running for president. Then we got DOMA, DADT, and a shrug of the shoulders.
I’ve also experienced Obama’s 99% support as a public school teacher and seen how that little 1% means supporting Heritage Foundation, hedge funders and billionaires in their quest to destroy public education and teachers’ unions in order to open the cash spigots for profits on school funding.
I will support the democratic party and Obama 99% as well — the 1% that actually matters, like my vote, my time, my money, my GOTV efforts? That’ll be withheld just like they have withheld it from me.
I can’t let the perfect idea of gaining my support 100% be the enemy of the good 99% “meh” they can expect from me, after all.
I too will be 99% behind the Dems. Oh, I won’t donate to them. Or phonebank for them. Or help with GOTV. But I *support* these efforts! I just won’t act on that support.
Oh, and I won’t vote for them either.
But I’ll be a fierce advocate for the Dems, you betcha! Well, as fierce an advocate as Obama has been for me.
What do I know though, I’m just a Professional Leftist! I should probably be drug-tested or something.
So much wrong with this admin in addition to the homophobic policies. Wait till the *Dems* get ahold of Social Security. (Their villifying the loathsome Repubs on this issue is a smokescreen for their own plans to destroy SS.) Now which Fancy Feast flavor do I prefer?
I think Obama has enough ego to run again, but I’m not masochistic enough to give him or any Dem who isn’t demonstrably progressive another dime. In ‘08 I sent in money I didn’t have to help elect him. This time I’ll stock up on cat food instead.
Blue Texan is upstairs!
Another Completely Non-Conservative-Not-At-All-Right-Wing Domestic Terrorist Attacks Police Station North of Dallas, Texas
He will run and he will win.
“Oh I know we didn’t accomplish everything we wanted to and I appreciate that a lot of you are disappointed. But there is a lot of work to do and we need to keep at it to get it done, and that’s why I need you to help me get it done. All of you. Black and white, gay and straight, sane and batshit. The future won’t wait and we can’t afford to miss this chance!”
O BA MA! O BA MA! U! S! A!
Our president is letting his personal belief interfere with his ability to represent all his constituents, which is a problem. Civil unions is just another fancy way of dressing up Separate But Equal but amount to the same shit…and that’s what he supports.
I mean, I don’t care if he has to be dragged kicking and screaming into the current millenia from the dark ages where his soul resides, but he shouldn’t have to be. This is not change, nor is it something I can believe in. It’s more of the same only this time served up from someone I voted for which sickens me.
Looks like another manifestation of the shut-up about your issues strategy, or you’ll be stuck with republicans. The message has been tailored for the gays, just like the one towards the marxist canadian “professional left” which had to be reoriented toward placing the blame on the liberal cable TV pundits to mask the open derision they feel for their base.
At this point, why would anyone think Obama would be uncomfortable with a Republican Congress? Fit together like hand in glove, to coin a phrase.
According to this math I support this White House and the DCCC 99%. I voted in Washington for Larry Kalb, not Rick Larsen and I left my US senate vote blank.
I agree: Obama is not personally committed to gay rights. He is also not pro-choice. Nor is he an environmentalist. He doesn’t think working people have the right to unionize. He doesn’t believe it quality free public education for everyone. As for health care, that’s a privilege, not a right. And Oh yeah: Civil liberties are quaint. And the rule of law is for weaklings.
It is with great sadness that this president and his ‘enablers’ continue the tragic course of telling us whom we can love, who we can or cannot marry, and whom we are beholding to for everything, as they continue to drive we the people into poverty and hopelessness.
Even when an effort to stay positive and take action to reconcile with the numbing effects of each day’s evolving events, it is most often devastating to think that the hint of light that sometimes glimmers in this long dark tunnel on the path this country is traversing, seemingly turns out to be nothing more than a dying ember of the fire of hope, peace, and sanity!
I am so throughly tired of these ugly and heartless people who are succeeding at controlling and destroying so many lives! When will it end?
Puhleaze: There were 12 pieces of LGBT legislation before the Congress this year and one got passed. I would say that their success rate is 8.3%. Not very good percentages when you’re asking to be financed, or work the phones, or do mail outs, or go canvassing, or VOTE FOR YOUR PARTY. Give it up Kaine, Obama, and Rahm. Your days are numbered.
Not only will we be stuck with republicans, they will be stuck with them. Good luck Barry, have a great lame duck session.
It will end when the poor and nearly poor wake up and vote for social democracy like they have in Europe.
And, Obama thinks WAR CRIMES don’t need to be investigated because that might upset the republicans!
That figure sound right to me. Washington is 99% about looking like you’re working and 1% about actually doing it.
They are 99% supportive: consider the tremendous effort they’re making. They do the press releases, the speeches, the appearances, the sub-Committee(s), the drafting of pretty words, the sponsoring of Bills, the co-sponsoring of Bills, the full Committee(s), the position statements, the handshaking, the ass-kissing, still more Committee(s), impassioned words in the Congressional Register, and sound bytes on the talk shows. They bust their asses doing all that and give you a years-in-the-making fabulous show, complete with celebrity guest stars, special events and tee-shirts: how can you say they’re not supportive enough? If you could add up all the time and the money spent you’d be awed, I’m sure.
It’s like getting 99% of the best blowjob in the world!
I disliked gays when I was young and stupid. Nuff said!
That is the most apt analogy I have heard in a while!
Thanks Teddy. This is a really an excellent statement of the extent of the Man’s betrayal of his own promises. Obama makes me see red many times per day, and that always leads me back to the need to organize to get around the current Media-Party-Corporate System of social control. We have only two years until 2012. We need to be ready by then with alternatives to the present choice between two Parties that hate progressives. Either we take over the Democrats by then, or we have a third Party. This situation is intolerable.
Great point, thank you for that.
Civil rights are always “our issues” no matter who the person is or what group they belong to or affiliate with. They are what they are: civil rights. If a black person has concern about a civil rights issue (for example, a Kenyan not being allowed to eat at a Southern lunch counter in the 1960’s), this would be “our issue”.
Hmmn. Yes, that is an unusual choice of a word, “your”.