Today, in California, the Ninth Circuit issued its stay, which means no marriages for awhile. It's the state where same-sex couples lost rights. That never happens in America, but it did. Tonight, the President is in California doing fundraisers. Yes, Hollywood is rolling out the red carpet for Obama tonight -- and whipping out their checkbooks.
Pam has a post with some background on tonight's events via the
Hollywood Reporter (replete with some inside-the-beltway "wisdom" from Jonathan "I'm such connected insider that I wrote a book about Obama" Alter). Pam also wonders why the Hollywood elite, especially the gays, won't ever challenge Obama to deliver on his promises. They like the access -- and don't get it:
The only player quoted in the piece has feet grounded in reality about the complete PR mess coming out of the WH on marriage equality and even then, Bruce Cohen has no grasp pf common sense regarding the political time squandered by administration's foot-dragging.
The area in which Hollywood expresses its dissatisfaction most clearly is over Obama's track record on gay rights. Activist Bruce Cohen, the "Milk" and "American Beauty" producer now working on next year's Oscars telecast, insists that "it's not time to grade him yet -- we haven't even gotten to the midterm exams" but still feels some administration stands are conflicted."We've not had presidential support on gay marriage itself, though Obama said that (California's) Proposition 8 was unconstitutional, which we appreciated," he said. Still, "we're hoping one of the things the case does is make people realize you can't be against Prop. 8 and be against gay marriage."
If only these Hollywood deep pockets would join "Don't Ask, Don't Give" instead of enabling this party and President, the admin and Congress would sit up and take notice.
Perhaps it's time to have protests at these tony private fundraisers as well; stopping the cash flow is apparently the only way to make them see the need to get our sausage packaged and out of the factory.
Um, I know Bruce Cohen is probably really busy, but he might want to watch
this video of David Axelrod on MSNBC. The interview took place the day after the Prop 8 decision. Despite Cohen's hopes, that case isn't making Team Obama understand that people can't be against Prop. 8 and against gay marriage. The President doesn't support marriage equality. His administration is defending DOMA in the courts. Same for DADT. Dig a little and you'll find that he hasn't done much to end Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Servicemembers are still being discharged -- and, even if Congress passes the DADT repeal compromise concocted by Jim Messina and Winnie Stachelberg, we still have no idea when the discharges will end. And, ENDA? Um, there's no sign of ENDA moving in either the House or Senate.
We're not going to be equal until we stop acting like doormats and an ever-available ATM. That's why we launched
Don't ask, don't give. Give to candidates who are strong and good on the issues, yes. Do that. There are plenty. For starters, in California, there's the openly gay, married dad,
Steve Pougnet, who is running against GOP incumbent Mary Bono Mack (she voted against DADT repeal.) It would be great to have a married dad whose life is impacted by DOMA in Congress. That's why we've got an ActBlue page for Pougnet
here.(We're going to be spotlighting some of our allies. We'll be doing live chats with candidates over the next several weeks to give some attention to supporters of equality.)