Wednesday, November 23, 2005

And talk about being obsessed with gays

The Catholic Church is fixated on gays. Sometimes, it's all they can talk about:
A day after the disclosure of a new Vatican directive that deters most gay men from joining the priesthood, some priests say they are shocked by one easily overlooked clause. It says that spiritual directors and confessors in seminaries "have the duty to dissuade" any candidates "who show deep-seated homosexual tendencies" from joining the priesthood.

These priests said this would turn the confessional and spiritual counseling sessions, which seminarians previously regarded as private and supportive meetings, into a tool for weeding gay men out of seminaries.
If they paid as much attention to weeding out and punishing child molesters, they wouldn't be in so much trouble. The Catholic Church is trying a bait and switch. If they bash gays, everyone will think they are dealing with their real issues. They aren't.

But talk about attrition. If they stick to this plan, the Church will run out of priests fast. Read More......

Right Wingers want referendum to overturn Mass. gay marriage law

These theocrats are obsessed with gays...just obsessed. They must literally sit around all day and talk about homosexuality. What's up with that?:
Backers of a proposed constitutional amendment that would outlaw gay marriage in Massachusetts said on Wednesday they had more than double the number of signatures needed to put the issue to voters.
So, they want a public vote. And their proposal would not only nullify the current law, it would prevent civil unions. Still a long way to go before that happens:
But gay rights lawyers threatened a legal challenge to stop the ballot initiative, underscoring deepening tension over the divisive issue a year after Massachusetts became the first U.S. state to legalize gay marriage.
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Thanksgiving Eve Evening Open Thread

A brand of turkey, and a shot? Who knew? I don't know if I'd go for it, but for the President, may I suggest a...

1/2 shot butterscotch schnapps
1/2 shot amaretto almond liqueur

Add Amaretto first and then layer Butterscotch schnapps on top, don't mix. Add whipped cream if desired.
Open Thread Away - just watching a marathon session of Weeds On-Demand. (Pay attention TiVo, this On-Demand thing is pretty cool.) Real wholesome family entertainment for Thanksgiving Eve ;-) Read More......

Cheney to keynote Delay fundraiser

There's something poetic in a liar helping a crook. Read More......

GOP flip flops on NYC 9/11 fund

Make up your mind there Dennis. You're starting to look like a rudderless leader who has woken up to the reality of a midterm election coming and no support from the public. Surely you are not afraid of the public response to your steady stream of handouts to the corporate world but more budget cuts to working Americans, in this case injured and sick firemen, police and volunteers who battled the 9/11 emergency?

Hastert and the GOP have a lot of tricky decisions ahead and none of them are very attractive because they're going to have to step on a few toes and piss off big donors or voting blocks if they have any hope of trimming the budget. Pull up a chair, get some popcorn and watch the show. This is going to be entertaining to see how they dig themselves out of this hole. Read More......

AP: Gay GOP Congressman Kolbe to retire

I'm sure the GOP will miss having an openly gay member of Congress:
Rep. Jim Kolbe, a leading proponent of free trade and the only openly gay Republican in Congress, has decided not to seek a 12th term next year, associates said Wednesday.

GOP state Sen. Toni Hellon said the 63-year-old Arizona congressman told her of his intention to leave Congress and "do other things." Another political associate, who spoke on condition of anonymity because Kolbe has not yet announced his decision, also said Kolbe had decided not to seek re-election.
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Wednesday Afternoon Open Thread

It's snowing in Portland.

What's going on in the rest of the world? Read More......

Dear British Press: Get us the secret memo, we don't have an official secrets act

Someone in the comments made a great suggestion. Someone in the British press should email us the classified UK document that shows Bush wanting to bomb Al Jazeera. Our email address is in the upper left hand corner of this site. Fortunately, we don't have an Official Secrets Act. Read More......

Bush wanted to bomb Al Jazeera

Because in a free democracy, that's what you do when you have a media outlet that doesn't give your version of the news. You simply bomb them and kill them.

Tell me again why this doesn't sound like Germany circa 1933?

We have lost any credibility we ever had as a beacon of democracy and freedom.

Oh, and by the way, Tony Blair was trying to claim this report was wrong. Now he's saying he'll arrest any British journalist who publishes the details of the classified memo that proves this is true. Sounds to me like Blair just confirmed that the story is true.

Not to mention, how ironic is it that Blair is threatening to harm journalists over a story about Bush threatening to harm journalists. Read More......

DoD classified White Phosphorus as "chemical weapon"

Even by the US's own standard troops have used chemical weapons in Iraq. More on the RAI broadcast story about WP being used by the US in Iraq:
The assessment was published in a declassified report on the American Department of Defence website. The file was headed: "Possible use of phosphorous chemical weapons by Iraq in Kurdish areas along the Iraqi-Turkish-Iranian borders."

In late February 1991, an intelligence source reported, during the Iraqi crackdown on the Kurdish uprising that followed the coalition victory against Iraq, "Iraqi forces loyal to President Saddam may have possibly used white phosphorous chemical weapons against Kurdish rebels and the populace in Erbil and Dohuk. The WP chemical was delivered by artillery rounds and helicopter gunships."

"When Saddam used WP it was a chemical weapon," said Mr Ranucci, "but when the Americans use it, it's a conventional weapon. The injuries it inflicts, however, are just as terrible however you describe it."

"Given that the US and UK went into Iraq on the ground that Saddam Hussein had used chemical weapons against his own people, we need to make sure that we are not violating the laws that we have subscribed to," he added.
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Condi: just ignore what Iraq's government said about killing our troops

Earlier this week, Iraqi leaders agreed on a statement that specifically stated that killing occupying forces was not terrorism. They basically said that it's justified to kill in the name of resistance which really means it's okay to kill US soldiers and marines?:
In Egypt, the final communique's attempt to define terrorism omitted any reference to attacks against U.S. or Iraqi forces. Delegates from across the political and religious spectrum said the omission was intentional. They spoke anonymously, saying they feared retribution.

"Though resistance is a legitimate right for all people, terrorism does not represent resistance. Therefore, we condemn terrorism and acts of violence, killing and kidnapping targeting Iraqi citizens and humanitarian, civil, government institutions, national resources and houses of worships," the document said.
The Iraqi leaders made it clear that while they oppose terrorism, killing US soldiers isn't terrorism. The document had a decidedly anti-US tenor to it. So, what's the US reaction? Your Secretary of State said don't believe what they wrote. She applied the Bush/Rove lens to that document. In other words, just because they said it, doesn't mean you should believe it. The Bush administration says things all the time that aren't true. They just assume everyone else does the same thing:
QUESTION: The Iraqi factions, who don't always get along, have been meeting with the Arab League and others as they prepare for next month's elections. A statement they did agree on says that they recognize the legitimate right of Iraqi citizens to resist the occupation forces. How do you explain that to the parent or the spouse of an American serviceman or woman on the ground in Iraq, getting shot at every day, that the people they're fighting for, the people they're trying to protect to bring these elections and this democracy about, say that the people who are shooting at them have a legitimate right to do so?

SECRETARY RICE: Well, that's not how I read the statement, John. I do think there were many, many voices at this conference -- and by the way, the Iraqi Government was there, but so were many, many people who were not -- and the purpose is to try to give all Iraqis a sense of stake in their future. But the line about resistance was very quickly followed by, but of course we condemn terrorism and of course violence should not be sanctioned. I think what they were trying to do was to get a sense of political inclusion while recognizing that violence and terrorism should not be a part of resistance. After all, do Iraqis really want to -- any Iraqi, sitting around that table, want to suggest that killing an innocent Iraqi child standing at a bus stop is legitimate? Or that killing Iraqi soldiers who are lining up at recruitment centers is legitimate? Or even that multinational forces -- who by the way are there under a UN mandate -- are somehow legitimate targets?

I don't think that that was what was being communicated. But I would just remind people that this was a really broad range of voices, and the Iraqis who have governed themselves by violence and coercion are now trying to do it by compromise and politics.
This is outrageous. Yeah, they said they oppose terrorism, but US forces are viewed as occupiers, so that's legit. Rice and Bush are covering for a government that wants to kill our young men and women.

And, the GOP claims to support our troops. In reality, they are supporting a government that sanctions killing them. Read More......

Mean Jean: I'm the victim here

She really is a piece of work that Jean Schmidt:
Judging by her words yesterday -- the first after avoiding the public for three days -- Schmidt doesn't understand what the fuss is about, and sees herself more as victim than villain. "I am amazed at what a national story this has become," she said in a statement. "I have been attacked very personally, continuously since Friday evening."
Yeah, that's right. Everyone else is bad. Poor Mean Jean. Nobody loves her, nobody even likes her. Read More......

Thanksgiving Eve Early AM Open Thread

Open thread away!

I'm waking up to snow flurries in New England. It's beginning to feel a lot like, oh, not Christmas, just a really bad travel day! Where are you all headed this holiday?

I've decided that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. There is no religion, no gift buying, no bull. Just a good reason for a gathering of family and friends (and the next day off from work). What could be better? Read More......

Fox News: Fair and Balanced once again

Covering the most extreme Christian fundamentalist right to the pro-torture, pro-war, pro-Big Oil right. As long as you fit into that broad category, everything is OK at Fox News. Read More......

Bush blinks. Pentagon proposes timetable for partial withdrawal from Iraq

Excuse me? Within days of Murtha proposing a withdrawal, and he's eviscerated for suggesting it, Bush is now floating a partial withdrawal?

I'm sorry, but I thought telegraphing our moves in advance only emboldened the terrorists. Now the terrorists know to wait until next fall, when we have fewer troops, to then launch their attacks. Not to mention, the article goes on about how this isn't a political move, it's being done based on the military need. Uh huh. Less than 24 hours after the Iraqi government told us to get the hell out and, by the way, they're now saying our soldiers are legitimate targets, Bush suddenly pulls a partial withdrawal out of his ass. It must have been the 3 GIs killed in the past 24 hours that told the Pentagon things are looking up, that's why they're suddenly talking about a withdrawal.

The worst president ever just blinked. Read More......

Repeat after me: The war in Iraq had nothing to do with oil. Our leaders told us so.

A textbook example of neo-colonialism, with the new constitution that's not really a constitution, Iraq is handing over it's oil business to US and UK petroleum firms. It's not as though Iraq could use a few hundred billion dollars to rebuild after years of blockade and then war and what average Iraqi citizen would not want BP, ExxonMobil and Shell to bleed the country of profits? And what patriotic American would not want their son or daughter to die so Big Oil can generate new profits? Those Iraqis need help and thankfully our dear friends in the petroleum business are there to help with profit levels well above the norm compared to other oil locations. Uh huh, this war had nothing to do with oil at all, especially if you are talking about a US or UK oil company.
According to the report, from groups including War on Want and the New Economics Foundation (NEF), the new Iraqi constitution opened the way for greater foreign investment. Negotiations with oil companies are already under way ahead of next month's election and before legislation is passed, it said.

Yesterday's report said the use of production sharing agreements (PSAs) was proposed by the US State Department before the invasion and adopted by the Coalition Provisional Authority. "The current government is fast-tracking the process. It is already negotiating contracts with oil companies in parallel with the constitutional process, elections and passage of a Petroleum Law," the report, Crude Designs, said.
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