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Well, thank goodness

By: Attaturk Friday August 20, 2010 1:39 am

Remember when Prince used numbers instead of words and it was the only non-cool thing he did?

As already mentioned, Glenn Beck, last seen going into “true archeological” findings related to Native Americans (ask anyone with a seeing stone and a magic hat), is having a rally on August 28th. Specifically held on the same day and in the same place as Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech.

And why?

To “reclaim the civil rights movement.”

Yes, because in the good ol’ days of Washington civil rights rallies the original “owners” knew how to march!

But the other news is that now the world’s proudest defender of a First Amendment cafeteria plan, Sarah Palin, will be helping Beck (and the NRA, in honor of MLK, of course) reclaim the civil rights movement as it used to be…a place for white conservatives to speak of the joys of saying “N-word”, the insensitivity of “Muslims”, and the need for funny shows like “Amos-n-Andy” to come back. Hey, while she’s at it, maybe Palin can reclaim contralto from Marian Anderson?

Family Time and Movie Time Means Inception

By: Rayne Thursday August 19, 2010 8:01 pm

photo: hangdog via Flickr

I took some time away today to go and see a movie with my son. I’ve owed him some personal parent-kid time for a while; sometimes these kinds of activities are less-than-happy, like going to a sporting event. I grit my teeth and smile a lot; he pretends he’s concerned I’m bored, and we choke through the time together.

But today we’d both agreed more than a month ago we wanted badly to do this together. We went and saw Inception, for a second time.

It was a blast. I think my son’s finally grown up enough that he can tackle some very complicated topics and really chew on them. The first time we’d seen the movie we must have talked for two hours straight afterward, confused and excited by what we’d seen.

Today was different only because he’d brought a friend — and the friend liked the movie, but didn’t understand much of it. So our post-movie discussion was dampened.

Tomorrow I expect he’ll be chattering away about the movie once his friend leaves for home after an overnighter. (They’re playing video games and yacking with a friend in Korea right now, not thinking about the movie at all.)

But I’m still thinking about the movie, still unable to put some pieces together even after seeing it twice. My son already asked me on the way home to put it on my list of DVDs to buy as soon as it’s released so we can see it again.

What about you? Has there been a movie you wanted to see more than once? Has there been one which you shared with family and still enjoyed? And how do you spend quality time with your loved ones — does it include seeing a movie in a theater?

And if you saw Inception, what the hell happened to Saito? I still can’t figure that out!

Is Armstrong Williams in the Pay of Mexican Drug Cartels?

By: Teddy Partridge Thursday August 19, 2010 7:15 pm

Armstrong Williams, about whom it must always be first asked, “who purchased this new opinion of yours, Armst?”, has a new opinion about marijuana legalization in Mexico. It appears perfectly aligned with the Mexican drug cartels’ opinion of marijuana legalization. So, Armst, I gotta ask — which Mexican drug boss purchased this opinion of yours and paid you to type it up for The Hill?

US Chamber of Commerce Apologizes For Misogynistic Blog Post, But Don’t Be Fooled

By: Michael Whitney Thursday August 19, 2010 6:30 pm

After getting roundly whacked by basically the entire internet, the US Chamber has officially apologized for its blog post yesterday that suggested women seeking equal pay have a “fetish for money” and suggested women should “choose the right partner at home.” But don’t let it fool you: the US Chamber has for decades advocated in private the very sentiments posted to its public blog yesterday. We just got a look behind the curtain.

FL Gov: Brutal Republican Primary Helps Alex Sink Take Lead in New Poll

By: Jon Walker Thursday August 19, 2010 5:40 pm

Thanks to a brutal Republican primary battle between Attorney General Bill McCollum and billionaire Rick Scott, Democrat Alex Sink has been able to take the lead for the first time in Quinnipac’s newest poll.

Tax Cut Extensions and Estate Tax Repeal Would Double Federal Deficit in 2014

By: David Dayen Thursday August 19, 2010 4:50 pm

The CBO released their budget estimates for the next ten years today, under current law. It shows that this year’s deficit is estimated at $1.342 trillion dollars, certainly a very high number and almost entirely attributable to the low tax receipts and high automatic stabilizers of the Great Recession. But by 2014, the deficit actually shrinks by well over 60%, to $438 billion dollars, before gradually increasing again. That 2014 deficit is just 2.5% of GDP.

The operative word here is “current law.” Because that assumes a whole host of tax cuts will expire and revert back to their previous state. It also assumes that Congress will not meddle and change those tax laws. If they do what is expected, just for the year 2014, they will double the federal deficit.

Prop 19: National Black Police Association Endorses Marijuana Legalization

By: Michael Whitney Thursday August 19, 2010 4:00 pm

Great news from our friends at Law Enforcement Against Prohibition: the National Black Police Association, a 38-year-old advocacy group for African American law enforcement professionals, has endorsed Prop 19, California’s marijuana legalization initiative.

Under Dodd-Frank, Regulators Could Rein In Executive Pay at Financial Firms

By: David Dayen Thursday August 19, 2010 3:10 pm

Zachary Goldfarb at Washington Post points to a little-noticed section of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law that regulators could use to set limits on executive pay packages at the largest financial firms. The section 956(a) rules would apply to any financial firm with over $1 billion in assets.

Litmus Test for Democrats: Here’s $700 Billion, Should We Gamble It on Wall Street or Invest in Main Street?

By: Scarecrow Thursday August 19, 2010 2:33 pm

Yet another foolish Democrat, this time Missouri Senate candidate, Robin Carnahan, thinks we should extend the Bush tax cuts for the richest Americans, because “now is not a good time for raising taxes.” Are they truly that clueless about what the choices are?


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