Fox Adds “Persecuted Christian” Meme To Its Demagoguery Of “Ground Zero Mosque”
Reported by Ellen - Thu 7:29 PM
As if it were not already demagoguing the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque” (not at Ground Zero) enough, Fox News has deliberately kicked up its hate mongering another notch by suggesting that the mosque is getting governmental preference over a nearby church. But as any “fair and balanced” news network ought to report, there is no valid comparison between the two situations.
Continue reading »Fox “News” Anchor, Shannon Bream, Takes Up The Christian Cross
Reported by Priscilla - Thu 6:30 PM
Court cases involving an affront to Christian cross are huuuuuuge on Fox & Friends. But, while “Fox & Friends” is part of Fox’s “opinion” line-up, “America Live” is supposed to be “news.” So, one can understand the steady drumbeat about persecuted Christians on “Fox & Friends.” But if “America Live” is a “news” show, shouldn’t it take a more “fair & balanced” look at issues that pertain to judicial decisions regarding Christian cases. Oh wait, Fox is America’s Christian newsroom. I forgot, silly me.
Continue reading »Fox News Helps Promote California’s GOP Secretary Of State Candidate
Reported by Ellen - Thu 3:26 PM
Add Damon Dunn, the Republican California Secretary of State candidate, to the growing list of those who have used Fox News discussions to make fundraising pitches. But that was only after Hannity ran an infomercial a profile of Dunn one night, only to be followed up by a fawning interview with Sean Hannity on another. Dunn concluded his appearance Tuesday night (8/17/10) by making a fundraising pitch. There was no objection from Hannity.
Steve Doocy Advances New Anti-Mosque Meme Of Discrimination Towards Christians
Reported by Priscilla - Thu 3:09 PM
The anti-mosque right wing, aided and abetted by Fox “News,” is trying to show that that the Islamic cultural center is getting preferential treatment over a Greek Orthodox church, on the WTC site, which still has not been rebuilt. There is no comparison or connection between the structures. The church is snagged in negotiations with the NY City Port Authority over public funding and technicalities related to building in the WTC area. The “mosque” is privately funded and because it’s two blocks away, it doesn’t face the logistic challenges that the church does. Not surprisingly, the loudest voice in the right wing anti-mosque cacophony and Murdoch tag team member, Pam Geller wrote that the mosque was getting preferential treatment. So cue Fox News to pick up Geller’s ball and run with it.
Continue reading »Jon Stewart Imitates Glenn Beck Re News Corp.'s $1 Million To GOP
Reported by Ellen - Thu 1:04 PM
In a word: Perfect! Oh, and very funny, too.
Continue reading »Fox Promotes More Anti Islamic Rhetoric of 9-11 Family “Authority” Debra Burlingame
Reported by Priscilla - Thu 11:07 AM
Debra Burlingame’s main claim to fame is that she is the founder of “9-11 Families for a Safe and Strong America.” But she is also a right wing partisan with the creds to prove it. She and Liz Cheney co-founded “Keep America Safe.” She is a member of an extremist anti-immigrant group, “9-11 Families for a Secure America” which is a nativist group launched by SPLC designated “hate group” Federation for Immigration Reform” and whose board member, Peter Gadiel, has made the rounds of Fox “opinion” shows in which he has articulated his anti-immigrant sentiments and accused Obama of being a liar. Burlingame, who is the sister of a pilot killed on 9-11, also made the rounds on Fox when she opposed plans for the establishment of the International Freedom Center at “Ground Zero” because it was too multi-cultural and not sufficiently anti Islamic terrorist. (After a segment on “the Factor,” she got into a bizarre conflict with a defender of the Center and had to be comforted by Brian Kilmeade when she started crying.) So it’s no surprise that Fox “News” would feature her on “Hannity” and “America Live” this week – ostensibly to discuss the lower Manhattan Islamic cultural center, but in reality to discuss her dislike of Obama and her fear of creeping Sharia. In addition to her TV appearances, Fox “News” also played the entire “Keep America Safe” commercial in the “context” of doing “news” about mosque opposition. This morning she appeared on Fox & Friends to do more Fox News Muslim bashing. Although she doesn’t speak for all 9-11 families, Fox “News” obviously doesn’t care. “News” anchor, Shannon Bream, actually said that Burlingame “has the authority” to speak out against the mosque thereby granting Burlingame an undeserved legitimacy and creating a false narrative. “Fair & Balanced” indeed!
Continue reading »After 6 Pro-Drilling Segments in Alaska, On The Record Airs One Against
Reported by Ellen - Thu 1:55 AM
Greta Van Susteren wound up her Alaska/Palin/drill-a-palooza series last night (8/18/10) with two more pro-drilling-in-Alaska segments: one with Sarah Palin in which the two BFF’s took an “up close” look at Valdez and one with a vice president of Shell. In addition to those two, Van Susteren also aired three pro-Alaska-drilling segments the night before and one from the night before that. That makes a total of six drilling a-go-go segments. Last night, after the Valdez and Shell segments, Van Susteren aired one segment featuring a different view: with Congressman Jay Inslee, who gave a cogent argument against drilling in ANWR (raising the same concerns I noted). So there you have an example of Fox News' fairness and balance: Six segments with one view, one with another. But wait, there's more.
Continue reading »Glenn Beck Attacks Obama For Being “In Lockstep” With Hamas For Supporting Ground Zero Mosque, Then Exhorts People Of Faith To Stand Together
Reported by Ellen - Wed 6:28 PM
Glenn Beck’s latest demagoguery: suggesting our president is a terrorist – and a Muslim terrorist at that – by saying he’s “in lockstep” with Hamas. Why? Because President Obama and a Hamas leader support the building of the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque.” Of course, Beck didn’t accuse Michael Gerson, a senior aide and speechwriter for George W. Bush, of being “in step” with terrorists, nor did he accuse the numerous prominent Christian and Jewish leaders and scholars who have thrown their support to the project (and condemned Beck’s rhetoric). Instead, chickenhawk Beck made sure to pick a target he knew would not hit back. Then, as if in response to his critics, Beck made a splashy (and self-promoting) pretense of endorsing all faiths.
Continue reading »Mosque Madness –The Murdoch/Pam Geller Nexus
Reported by Priscilla - Wed 3:55 PM
The type of commentary, about the proposed NY City Islamic cultural center, coming from the right wing and their Fox News mouthpiece, seems to be another manifestation of that fine, American tradition of inflaming base bigotry toward those seen as foreign or different. That urge for scapegoating is frequently seen on Fox “News” which has lots of card in its “fear of…” deck. Lately, they’ve been playing the fear of radical Islam card in their coverage of the Manhattan mosque. Salon has an excellent timeline of how this mosque hysteria developed from the initial article in the NY Times (12-2009), which cited how two Jewish leaders and a 9-11 family member supported it, to a May article in Murdoch’s NY Post (May 2010) with the banner headline about the “WTC Mosque” and Geller’s article, the same day, titled “Monster Mosque Pushes Ahead in Shadow of World Trade Center Islamic Death and Destruction." Geller then reported on her upcoming protest against the mosque. Shortly after, Andrea Peyser of the NY Post wrote that the mosque “was a mistake.” She followed this short piece with a lengthy article about “Mosque Madness at Ground Zero.” At that point, “the mosque story spread through the conservative — and then mainstream — media like fire through dry grass” with Geller appearing on Hannity and various right wing media outlets picking up the story. From there the rest is Fox “News” history as Fox provided a “megaphone” for those opposed to the mosque including Fox talking heads like Brian Kilmeade who says that the mosque is a “provocation” and who promoted 2 anti-mosque petitions. Fox “News” dubbed anti-mosque right wing Obama/Islam/immigrant hater Debra Burlingame an official spokesperson for the 9-11 families. The Fox hate site, “Fox Nation,” fanned the flames. And so it goes. The fear of Islam card was well played by Murdoch, in tandem with Geller and her fellow professional Islamophobes. Thing is, it isn’t a winning hand. America is better than that!
Fox & Friends Mention Imam Rauf’s Connections To George W Bush & The FBI While Advancing More Anti-Mosque Agitprop!
Reported by Priscilla - Wed 2:38 PM
Up until today, neither Fox hosts nor Fox guests, on shows that I've reviewed, mentioned that the “controversial” Imam of the Manhattan Islamic cultural center has ties to the Bush administration and the FBI. Sean Hannity claimed that this member of the Muslim clergy wants to “shred our Constitution” and “is anything but moderate.” Hannity even asked if Rauf should be in the country. A number of anti-mosque Fox guests have repeated the meme that Rauf dislikes the US. Unofficial 9-11 “spokesperson,” Debra Burlingame said that Rauf is a liar and is funded by terrorists to which Fox “news” anchor, Shannon Bream, didn’t bat an eyelash. But funny, the real information is out there with only a quick check of “Lexis” or even just plain “Google.” Sam Stein, at the Huffington Post, has put it all together. It was mentioned this morning on Fox & Friends; but during the segment, Gretchen Carlson continued to advance the same old, same old Fox/right wing anti mosque propaganda.
Continue reading »When Propaganda Isn't Enough: News Corp. Donates $1 Million To Republican Governors Association
Reported by Ellen - Wed 12:20 PM
As if Fox News were not a big enough gift to the GOP, now comes word that its parent company, News Corp., has donated $1 million to the Republican Governors Association. As The New York Times reported, the donation was one of the "biggest ever given by a media organization... The News Corporation’s contribution was one of three donations of $1 million or more that the Republican group received in the last quarter."
Continue reading »Steve Doocy Cheers “Pro-life” Victory
Reported by Priscilla - Wed 11:01 AM
As the mouthpiece for the right wing, Fox “News” is also a conduit for those who are against a woman’s right to reproduction choice. The most egregious example of this is the Bill O’Reilly campaign against Dr. George Tiller – a campaign for which O’Reilly won a "courage" award from a “family values” group and which added to the climate of anti-choice hatred which resulted in the death of Dr. Tiller (whose death is seen as “justifiable homicide” by many of Bill’s “pro-life” pals.) Planned Parenthood “sting video” producer, Lila Rose was given a warm welcome by Hannity (here and here) while O’Reilly endorsed her latest video. Radical, anti-choice Catholic priest, Father Frank Pavone, was interviewed by Martha MacCallum who recently tsked tsked about a British pro-choice TV ad. Fox & Friends provided a shout out to the anti-choice lobby in their recent piece which promoted a video done by an anti-choice law firm which was representing an anti-choice haranguer of women (whoops, praying Christian) walking into a Planned Parenthood. And today, Steve Doocy, who once said that "the bible opposes abortion," during a discussion smearing Nancy Pelosi for her support of abortion rights, provided hosannas in the highest for a “pro-life” victory for students who can now wear their anti-choice couture to school. During the segment, the student’s Christian lawyer was able to articlulate standard anti-choice rhetoric, thus providing a shout out to Fox & Friends anti-choice fans. Funny, when a federal judge said that the rights of a Mississippi lesbian student were violated, when the school prohibited her from attending a prom, Fox & Friends were mum. They obviously know their demographics very well.
Continue reading »Bill O’Reilly Plays Nude Part Of Video Done By “Pinhead”
Reported by Priscilla - Wed 10:03 AM
Last night, Bill O’Reilly bestowed his prestigious “Pinhead” award on Erikyah Badu for having incurred a fine and six months probation for stripping naked, during her performance video for her song, “Window Seat,” at the site of the Kennedy assassination in Dallas. While the video is lengthy, with the majority of it showing Badu in various states of undress, Bill showed the last part where Badu is naked – but pixilated so it’s all good. Gotta love those “traditionalist” family values!
Continue reading »Van Susteren’s Drilling/Palin PR-Palooza Continues
Reported by Ellen - Wed 12:15 AM
Greta Van Susteren followed up her ANWR drilling/Palin lovefest of the day before with three more segments with the same obvious design: promoting drilling in ANWR and promoting Sarah Palin as an energy expert. Only the backdrops were different. This time (8/17/10), we rode with Palin and her husband in a plane, visited a resident outside ANWR and visited Valdez in a boat. In all three cases, Van Susteren swallowed without question Palin’s pro-drilling rhetoric, fed her questions and dropped little helpful comments designed to advance Palin’s rhetoric. Van Susteren even left unchallenged Palin’s ludicrous claim that drilling in ANWR is a “national security need.”
Continue reading »John Bolton Urges Israel To Bomb Iran In Eight Three Days
Reported by Ellen - Tue 8:42 PM
Fox News contributor and chickenhawk, John Bolton is still coo coo for bombing Iran. Apparently having given up on the previously hoped-for strike by the United States, Bolton is now urging Israel to attack. Now. He originally gave the Israelis eight days to do it. Now Bolton has reduced his timetable to three days.
Fox News’ Shannon Bream Promotes Demagoguery Of “Ground Zero Mosque” And President Obama
Reported by Ellen - Tue 4:55 PM
Substituting for Megyn Kelly, Shannon Bream hosted yet another in Fox News’ endless series of inflammatory segments about the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque” on America Live today. Bream’s guest for the segment was Debra Burlingame, billed as merely a 9/11 victim (her brother died in one of the hijacked planes). In fact, Burlingame is well-known as an anti-Muslim, conservative activist who also spoke at the 2004 Republican National Convention. Bream made no mention of Burlingame’s bias. Bream also blatantly maneuvered the discussion to include President Obama into Burlingame’s attacks comments.
Where's Hannity's Outrage About Sen. Levin Getting Hit With A Pie?
Reported by Ellen - Tue 1:42 PM
Less than a week after Sean Hannity was in a Hanctimonious snit over a Democrat wishing that Sarah Palin had been on Ted Stevens' (crashed) airplane, a protester hit Sen. Carl Levin in the face with a pie. So what did Hannity have to say about that on his Fox News show? Nothing. There was no discussion about it on Hannity last night (8/16/10).
Continue reading »Fox “News” Finds Another Muslim Opposed To Mosque – From Right Wing Lobby Group!
Reported by Priscilla - Tue 11:27 AM
In its relentless campaign against the lower Manhattan Islamic cultural center, Fox “News,” is attempting to show that even Muslims oppose the building of the “mosque.” So far, they’ve corralled two Canadian Muslims, and two Muslim converts to Christianity. But these Muslims appeared on Fox “opinion” shows. Today, on what is considered an actual “news” show, Bill Hemmer interviewed an American Muslim, Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, founder of the “American Islamic Forum for Democracy” who said Obama shouldn’t have “engaged in this,” the building the mosque is “wrong,” and that Muslims behind the building of the mosque should spend their money on combating terrorism. He said that he’s looked at 9-11 “as an American” and that 9-11 is not “a place to sell Islam.” While he spoke, shots of “Ground Zero” were shown. The chyron was “American Muslim Group Says President Is Wrong on Mosque Issue.” Not surprisingly, Hemmer pulled out the poll that shows Americans opposed to the Mosque. (Thank You Fox News!). Jasser smeared Imam Rauf as an “apologist” whose views discourage Muslims from “hard reform.” As if on cue, Jasser articulated the right wing meme that Rauf has made disparaging remarks about American foreign policy and “who we are as Americans.” After hearing Jasser’s comments, which echo those of the right wing opposition to the mosque, I decided to do a little googling. What I found wasn’t surprising.
Continue reading »Bill O’Reilly: Opposition To Mosque Not Religious But Muslims Murdered Americans On 9-11?!
Reported by Priscilla - Tue 7:12 AM
Bill O’Reilly, in his infinite wisdom, doesn’t think that the leader of our country should speak out about an American Constitutional thingie called “freedom of religion” as related to the Islamic Center controversy in lower Manhattan. In last night’s talking points, he opined that Obama had made “a big mistake” in telling a group of Muslims that the Islamic community in NY City had a right to build an Islamic cultural center which includes a mosque. Then he claimed that Obama “walked back” his comment by subsequently saying that he wasn’t addressing the wisdom of the endeavor. He asked why Obama won’t comment on this “inappropriate” action which “even some Muslims “understand.” He then played a segment, from an earlier show, in which a Canadian Muslim (since when does Bill go to Canada for affirmation!) spoke against the mosque. (FYI, Raheel Raza published an article, in the right wing “American Thinker,” about the Islamist threat to Canada part of which appears to be Muslim lawyers who sued right wing Mark Steyn (Hannity “sub”) regarding what they considered to be Islamophobia in an article in a Canadian magazine.) And while Bill said that opposition to the mosque doesn't involve freedom of religion, he noted that some 9-11 families oppose the mosque because members of the Islamic faith killed their loved ones. He showed a poll which indicated that the majority of Americans (not those living in Manhattan) oppose the mosque and that Obama is going against “the will of the people” by supporting the right of Muslims to build their mosque. Hey Bill, can we talk?
Continue reading »Greta Van Susteren Helps Sarah Palin Promote Drilling In ANWR
Reported by Ellen - Tue 2:25 AM
Greta Van Susteren is in Alaska for a three-day lovefest series with Sarah and Todd Palin. As Van Susteren put it, she'll present “the inside story about oil drilling in the United States… For the next three nights, YOU get the real story about the 10-02 area, ANWR.” Judging from the first installment, what she meant was that WE get the Palins’ version of the story without any independent reporting or pesky opposing views. In this segment, Van Susteren never seemed to feel the need to either find out and/or report about how little oil is expected to be recoverable from ANWR and the decades it would take to get it.
Laura Ingraham Was For The Ground Zero Mosque Before She Was Against It, reported by Ellen,
Religions Unite to Denounce FOX NEWS, Gingrich and Palin, reported by Guest Blogger,
Sean Hannity’s Memory Lapse About Conservative Death Wishes For Democrats, reported by Ellen,
Neil Cavuto Loves Free, Fat American Kids?, reported by Priscilla,
Jon Stewart On Mosque Hysteria, reported by Priscilla,
Fox & Friends Promote Anti Mosque, Anti Obama Message From 9-11 Family Member, reported by Priscilla,
Fox News Contributor Charles Payne Likens Missouri Health Care Vote To Tiananmen Square , reported by Guest Blogger,
Despite Evidence To The Contrary, Cheryl Casone And Fox News Panel Try To Blame Obama For High Unemployment, reported by Ellen,
Juan Williams Wants More Media Outrage Over Black On White Crime?, reported by Priscilla,
Glenn Beck Criticized For Progressive View On Gay Marriage!, reported by Priscilla,
Father Jonathan Morris Isn’t Asked About Mosque Controversy?, reported by Priscilla,
Cavuto Gives Florida GOP Candidate Marco Rubio A Little Help, reported by Ellen,
Brian Kilmeade Promotes More Anti-Mosque Activism, reported by Priscilla,
Both Cavuto Panelists Have The Same Negative Views Of $250 Checks For Seniors, reported by Ellen,
Hannity's White Supremacist Pal Convicted Of Threatening To Murder Three Federal Judges, reported by Ellen,
Why Hasn't Fox News Reported On Laura Schlessinger's N-Word Harangue?, reported by Ellen,
Sean Hannity Still Desperately Seeking A Sestak Crime, reported by Ellen,
Ben Quayle Changes His Story Again On Fox & Friends, reported by Priscilla,
Bill O’Reilly Says Jennifer Aniston Dissing America’s Dissed Daddies , reported by Priscilla,
Megyn Kelly Baselessly Validates Ben Quayle’s Inflammatory Campaign Ad, Ignores "Dirty Scottsdale" Revelations, reported by Ellen,
Glenn Beck Poses As Uniter, Suggests He Supports Gay Marriage, reported by Ellen,
Brian Kilmeade Is “Friend” To Refusnik “Hard Hat” Islamic Center Opponent, reported by Priscilla,
Projection? Bill Bennett Misinterprets Harry Reid’s Comments As Suggesting That Hispanics Come to U.S. To “Get On Welfare”, reported by Ellen,
Gretchen Carlson Does "Fair & Balanced", reported by Priscilla,
Glenn Beck Attacks Robert Greenwald And Brave New Foundation Over SB 1070 Billboard: “This is Who’s Controlling Your Country!”, reported by Ellen,
To Discuss Fox News' Fairness And Balance, O'Reilly Calls On Fox Business' Charles Gasparino, reported by Ellen,
Steve Doocy & Brian Kilmeade Get Into Bras, reported by Priscilla,
Gretchen Carlson Does Another Biased Rifqa Bary Report, reported by Priscilla,
Megyn Kelly Does Some Spinning, reported by Priscilla,
Steve Doocy Doesn’t Like “Dopey” Rules That Discriminate Against Conservative Patriotic Students!, reported by Priscilla,
Time For Hannity To Man Up About Blaming Clinton!, reported by Ellen,
What Happened To Hannity's Interest In The BP Oil Spill?, reported by Ellen,
For The Second Week In A Row, No Democratic Guests On Fox News Sunday, reported by Guest Blogger,
Glenn Beck Compares Obama To Lucifer., reported by Ellen,
Steve Doocy Provides Pulpit For Conservative, Persecuted, Patriot, Pupils, reported by Priscilla,
Fox & Friends & Persecuted Patriotic Students, reported by Priscilla,
Vacation Police Hannity And Malkin Exchange Conspiracy Theories About Michelle Obama’s Trip To Spain, reported by Ellen,
Your World’s Guest List Not Very Fair And Balanced, reported by Guest Blogger,
Megyn Kelly Gratuitously Prods Gary Sinise Into Attacking Obama DOJ Over Military Absentee Ballots, reported by Ellen,
“Fair & Balanced?”, reported by Priscilla,
Fox & Friends Promote Pro-Arizona, Anti-Immigrant Song, reported by Priscilla,
Newt Gingrich Gets An Earful About His Marriage Hypocrisy, reported by Ellen,
Conservative Ted Olson Demolishes Chris Wallace’s Attack On Prop 8 Ruling , reported by Ellen,
Jon Scott Looks At Prop 8 Coverage Through Right Wing Homophobic Glasses?, reported by Priscilla,
Bill O'Reilly Explains Why He Thinks Black People Want White People's Money, reported by Ellen,
Fox & Friends Play The Fear Of Monkey Terrorists Card, reported by Priscilla,
For Glenn Beck Fans, Freedom Is Gay Themed Book Banning?, reported by Priscilla,
Fox Nation Readers Discuss Shooting Obama, reported by Ellen,
Hannity Dismisses Patriot Act Concerns, Obsesses About People Seeing Him In A Speedo Via Google Earth, reported by Ellen,
Sean Hannity Vilifies Muslim Cleric After Giving Free Pass To Catholic Priest, reported by Priscilla,
Laura Ingraham’s Banshee Freak Out Over Michelle Obama’s School Nutrition Program, reported by Ellen,
Glenn Beck Supports White Nationalists On Twitter, reported by Guest Blogger,
Martha MacCallum Don’t Need No Stinking Tolerance, reported by Priscilla,
Don't Let The Internet Go The Way Of Big Oil And Big Banks!, reported by Ellen,
Neil Cavuto And Dana Perino Whine About Blaming Bush, Forget About Attacks On Clinton, reported by Ellen,
Islamophobe Pamela Geller Tells O’Reilly “I Love Muslims”, reported by Ellen,
Neil Cavuto Not Happy About Prop 8 Decision?, reported by Priscilla,
Fox Fans Support Gay Marriage? Who Knew!, reported by Priscilla,
Fox News Website Engages In Gay Baiting Re Prop 8 Decision, reported by Priscilla,
Fox & Friends Clayton Morris Refers To 14th Amendment As "The Anchor Baby Amendment" , reported by Priscilla,
Fox & Friends Clayton Morris Validates Tucker Carlson’s Anti Islamic Bigotry, reported by Priscilla,
Is There Any Right Wing Extremism Out Of Bounds On Fox News?, reported by Ellen,
Megyn Kelly’s Fear Mongering About Amnesty Contradicted By Fox News’ Actual Reporting, reported by Ellen,
Gretchen Carlson Promotes Planned Parenthood Praying Protester, reported by Priscilla,
I Am Glenn Beck - And You Can Be Too!, reported by Alex,
Did ADL, As Reported By Megyn Kelly, “Blast” Plans For NY Mosque?, reported by Priscilla,
One Fox News Photo Worth A Thousand Words, reported by Priscilla,
OOPS! Fox News Mistakes Shirley Sherrod For Maxine Waters, reported by Ellen,
Fox News Hypes “Do It Yourself” Health Care Reform Lawsuit Against Obama Administration, reported by Ellen,
No Democrats In Fox News Sunday Lineup, reported by Guest Blogger,
Megyn Kelly's Regular Go-To Guy On Immigration: Lou Dobbs, reported by Ellen,
Fox News Website Promotes Video Made By Christian Anti Choice Law Center , reported by Priscilla,
A Feisty Democrat Hits Back On Megyn Kelly's "Democrats Running Away From Obama" Meme, reported by Ellen,
“Fair & Balanced” Bill Hemmer Advances Fox Meme: Delayed Border Troops Adding To Border Chaos, reported by Priscilla,
Steve Doocy Suggests Obama Politicizing Border Troop Deployment, reported by Priscilla,
Party of Personal Responsibility? Sarah Palin Blames The Media For Her Low Approval Numbers, reported by Ellen,
Sarah Palin Brings A Cheat Sheet And Hand Notes And She Still Gets The Facts Wrong, reported by Ellen,
Fair And Balanced Discussion Of Schlafly's "Unmarried Moms" Comments Except That Fox News Hearts The Conservative Pundit, reported by Ellen, Sneers At Wyclef Jean Even Without A Reason, reported by Ellen,
AZ SB1070 Author Calls Ruling Blocking Key Provisions “A Huge Victory”, reported by Ellen,
From Rodeo Clown to Would-be Scholar: Glenn Beck "Exposes" Obama’s Progressive Agenda in Documentary Series, reported by Guest Blogger,
Al Gore Cleared In Sex Assault Case - Hannity's Case Falls Apart, reported by Ellen,
Fox Nation Reports On "Fastest White Man In History", reported by Ellen,
Donald Trump Fear Mongers About Eliminating Bush Tax Cuts, reported by Guest Blogger,
Tell News Corp. Shareholders To Renounce Beck's Violent Rhetoric, reported by Ellen,
Fox News Obsesses About Obama On The View, reported by Ellen,
Instead Of Defending Their Record, Fox News Attacks Howard Dean, reported by Ellen,
"Democrat" Doug Schoen Jumps On Fox News' Race-Baiting Bandwagon, reported by Ellen,
Hannity Repeatedly Pushes Michelle Malkin Into Suggesting Obama’s A Racist, reported by Ellen,
Shirley Sherrod To Sue Andrew Breitbart For Defamation, reported by Ellen,
Fox News’ Fairness And Balance: Two Competing Republicans, reported by Ellen,
AZ Governor Brewer Joins Hannity’s Incendiary Rhetoric And Fundraises For Her Legal Defense Fund, reported by Ellen,
Vote For NPR Over Fox News, reported by Ellen,
Brave New Films Examines Toxins in Nail Cosmetics, reported by Ellen,
How Long Until Beck Incites Murder?, reported by Ellen,
Fox Nation Erupts In Threats Of Violence Over Arizona Immigration Ruling, reported by Ellen,
Breaking News: Judge Blocks Portions Of AZ Immigration Law, reported by Ellen,
Laura Ingraham Uses Boy Scout “Diss” to Smear Obama, reported by Priscilla,
Has Bill O’Reilly Been Seduced By “The Gay Agenda??”, reported by Priscilla,
Fox “News” Promotes Bogus Obama Boy Scout “Diss”, reported by Priscilla,
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