Sunday, May 15, 2005

Open Thread

Just realized how it was religion-theme day...from the theocrat's nuclear option to the Newsweek Koran episode to the Catholic Communion caper to Nicholas Kristof's column in today's NY Times..even the Simpsons did a religion show...

Thoughts? Read More......

Catholic Church Denies Communion to Rainbow wearing parishioners

Because the Catholic Church doesn't have enough to worry about, the Associated Press gives the latest homophobic horror:
A Roman Catholic priest denied communion to more than 100 people Sunday, saying they could not receive the sacrament because they wore rainbow-colored sashes to church to show support for gay Catholics.

Before offering communion, the Rev. Michael Sklucazek told the congregation at the Cathedral of St. Paul that anyone wearing a sash could come forward for a blessing but would not receive wine and bread.

A group called the Rainbow Sash Alliance has encouraged supporters to wear the multicolored fabric bands since 2001 on each Pentecost Sunday, the day Catholics believe the Holy Spirit came to give power to Christians soon after Jesus ascended to heaven. But Sunday's service was the first time they had been denied communion at the altar.

Archbishop Harry Flynn told the group earlier this month that they would not receive communion because the sashes had become a protest against church teaching.

Sister Gabriel Herbers said she wore a sash to show sympathy for the gay and lesbian community. Their sexual orientation ''is a gift from God just as much as my gift of being a female is,'' she said.

Ann McComas-Bussa did not wear a sash, but she and her husband and three children all wore rainbow-colored ribbons and were denied communion. ''As a Catholic, I just need to stand in solidarity with those that are being oppressed,'' she said.
You know, some things just speak for themselves.

Although, it is appropriate that The Simpson's is doing a Catholic episode tonight. Too bad the hateful behavior of the Catholic priests isn't just a cartoon. Read More......

Newsweek: Never Mind

From Reuters:
Newsweek magazine on Sunday said it erred in a May 9 report that said U.S. interrogators desecrated the Koran at Guantanamo Bay, and apologized to the victims of deadly Muslim protests sparked by the article.

"We regret that we got any part of our story wrong, and extend our sympathies to victims of the violence and to the U.S. soldiers caught in its midst," Editor Mark Whitaker wrote in the magazine's latest issue, due to appear on U.S. newsstands on Monday.
Oops. But c'mon, it was no big deal. Well, not that big a deal:
The report sparked angry and violent protests across the Muslim world from Afghanistan, where 16 were killed and more than 100 injured, to Pakistan to Indonesia to Gaza. In the past week it was condemned in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Malaysia and by the Arab League. On Sunday, Afghan Muslim clerics threatened to call for a holy war against the United States.
I have a feeling this is not the end of this story.

UPDATE: It really is worth reading what Newsweek has to say. This is not the end of this story....and Newsweek was not the start of it either. Read More......

US mass sterilized up until the early 70s for eugenics program

I can't even believe this is real, except it's from ABC News, so it's real.
From the early 1900s to the 1970s, some 65,000 men and women were sterilized in this country, many without their knowledge, as part of a government eugenics program to keep so-called undesirables from reproducing.
Jesus Christ. Read More......

Open Thread

Have at it... Read More......

Nuclear Option this week??? Looking more likely...

Newsday has a good piece on the nuclear option titled, "Senate on verge of meltdown:
GOP leaders coming close to pulling the trigger on 'nuclear option' to keep Democrats from filibustering president's judicial picks." The article predicts the Senate could go nuclear by the end of the week. And, the piece has one paragraph that explains the whole debate:
Pressure on Frist to act continues to grow as his party's conservative base becomes impatient, and as the likelihood of a Supreme Court vacancy draws nearer with the expected retirement of ailing Chief Justice William Rehnquist in June.
This is not a policy discussion or any great debate about the meaning of constitution. It's about the theocracy.

The right wing wants their judges in place to impose their theocratic agenda. And, Frist wants the wing nuts to be happy when he runs for President. That's why compromise is unlikely. The theocrats won't allow it. I think Harry Reid knows that which is why he has proposed a couple ideas. Frist's hands are tied.

Mostly, the theocrats want their judges on the Supreme Court. Timing is interesting, too. Supreme Court Justices usually retire at the end of the term in June. Think the White House already knows that one or two of the Justices are retiring?

Bottom line is that this nuclear option debate is ALL about the radical right wing agenda. And, they have a scary, hateful agenda. Read More......

Sunday Morning Open Thread

So glad John is back...or at least in a country with easy internet access... Read More......

Condi in Iraq

Condi dropped in to Iraq today...AP has the story:
Rice flew to Baghdad to meet with the senior leadership of Iraq's newly elected government to offer support and ask how the United States can be most useful, she said. Before those sessions, however, Rice addressed a gathering of uniformed troops and U.S. embassy employees in the fortified Green Zone.

"We are so grateful that there are Americans willing to sacrifice so the Middle East will be whole, and free and democratic and at peace," she told several hundred people packed into a former Republican Palace that is now part of the U.S. Embassy complex.
Wait. You're just trying to figure out now how the U.S. can help? And, yeah, isn't it just wonderful to know that you are grateful for all the sacrifice. Do you even know how many families have made the ultimate sacrifice because of your lies?

Shameless liars. Read More......

I'm back, kind of

Arrived in France last night from Morocco. Morocco was all work, but as the flight had to stop over in Paris anyway, I decided to visit Chris in Paris and his wife for a few days of R & R. I had, literally, like 2 minutes of Net access a day in Morocco, but now am back online. Just catching up on the reading. Being away for a week has only increased my concern for where our country is heading. We have to stop these people - the radical religious right and their far-right GOP sycophants - before they destroy our country.

Anyway, I'm typing on a French keyboard so wil stop now (the letters are in different locations than the English keyboard, kind of like a bad Helen Keller joke).

JOHN Read More......

Frank Rich "Just How Gay is the Right?"

Thanks again, Frank Rich.

His column in Sunday's NY Times ask the question so many of us have been pondering. Why is the right wing so obsessed with gays? Rich nails just how gay the right wing is:
"What adds a peculiar dynamic to this anti-gay juggernaut is the continued emergence of gay people within its ranks. Allen Drury would have been incredulous if gay-baiters hounding his Utah senator had turned out to be gay themselves, but this has been a consistent pattern throughout the 30-year war. Terry Dolan, a closeted gay man, ran the National Conservative Political Action Committee, which as far back as 1980 was putting out fund-raising letters that said, "Our nation's moral fiber is being weakened by the growing homosexual movement and the fanatical E.R.A. pushers (many of whom publicly brag they are lesbians)." (Dolan recanted and endorsed gay rights before he died of AIDS in 1986.) The latest boldface name to marry his same-sex partner in Massachusetts is Arthur Finkelstein, the political operative behind the electoral success of Jesse Helms, a senator so homophobic he voted in the minority of the 97-to-3 reauthorization of the Ryan White act for AIDS funding and treatment in 1995.

But surely the most arresting recent case is James E. West, the powerful Republican mayor of Spokane, Wash., whose double life has just been exposed by the local paper, The Spokesman-Review. Mr. West's long, successful political career has been distinguished by his attempts to ban gay men and lesbians from schools and day care centers, to fire gay state employees, to deny City Hall benefits to domestic partners and to stifle AIDS-prevention education. The Spokesman-Review caught him trolling gay Web sites for young men and trying to lure them with gifts and favors. (He has denied accusations of abusing boys when he was a Boy Scout leader some 25 years ago.) Not unlike the Roy Cohn of "Angels in America" - who describes himself as "a heterosexual man" who has sex "with guys" - Mr. West has said he had "relations with adult men" but doesn't "characterize" himself as gay. This is more than hypocrisy - it's pathology.

ALLEN Drury might not have known what to make of Mr. West or of another odd tic in the 30-year war, the recurrent emergence of gay-baiting ideologues with openly gay children (Phyllis Schlafly, Randall Terry, Alan Keyes).
The right wing is filled with gays. A lot of them, like Jim West, are professional gay bashers.

It does seem that those who hate us most have way to much in common with us. From now on, every anti-gay screamer has to be asked if how gay they are. It's a fair question with lots of precedent. Read More......

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