LOGO: Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines. A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.2010 Webby Award Winner for Best Political Blog   Robert Scheer - The Great American Stickup
August 20, 2010
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‘The Tillman Story’: Myth, Mystery and Celebrity

Thanks to the Establishment’s truly spectacular mishandling of his case, Pat Tillman left the country of celebrity and entered the land of myth, innocently, even perhaps tragically.
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AP / Mark Lennihan

Shorting Economists: The ‘Experts’ Keep Getting it Wrong

Why have economists been so wrong so often? It turns out that their measuring sticks are woefully inadequate.
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ground zero
AP / Mark Lennihan

Ground Zero for Tolerance

The irrational attack on Muslims everywhere by the GOP's leadership is not only deeply subversive with regard to the American ideal of religious tolerance but also poses a profound threat to our national security.
A/V Booth

Salon’s Glenn Greenwald called Howard Dean’s suggestion that the proposed Islamic community center near Ground Zero be moved the “worst thing I’ve seen him do.” Here, Dean attempts to explain himself.

Dr. Laura Schlessinger is still sorry about that whole “n-word” incident from earlier this month. So sorry, in fact, that she went on “Larry King Live” Tuesday night to talk about it—and to announce, “I’ve made the decision not to do radio anymore.”

The “Daily Show” host goes after Google for doing evil and tries to get to the, er, meat of Net neutrality.

Arts and Culture

Norman Birnbaum, the noted sociologist and thinker, analyzes two worthy new books, by Thomas L. Jeffers and Benjamin Balint, on the longtime editor of Commentary and the magazine he shaped.


Thanks to the Establishment’s truly spectacular mishandling of this case—will they never learn, you can live with screw-ups, never coverups?—Pat Tillman left the country of celebrity and entered the land of myth, innocently, even perhaps tragically.

Wyclef Jean

Former Fugee Wyclef Jean is making the most of his professed intent to become president of his native Haiti. Since announcing his bid for Haiti’s highest office, he’s met some resistance, including from an irked Sean Penn ... (continued)


The Questions Education Reformers Aren’t Asking

Mike Rose notes that no one in power is asking fundamental questions about the purpose of education and whether much-hyped reforms might do more harm than good.


This is a radical break from journalistic convention, I realize, but today I’d like to give credit where it’s due—specifically, to President Obama. Quiet as it’s kept, he’s on a genuine winning streak.

History has become a damning package of inconvenient truths—and those truths are often shunned because they threaten today’s most powerful ideological interests.

Why have economists been so wrong so often? Certainly theirs is a tough job, since the global economy is a complex creature. Yet it turns out that their measuring sticks are woefully inadequate. Indeed, they aren’t even sure what to measure.

Nothing tests a president like standing up against a wave of fear and prejudice, even at potentially great cost to his own party and prospects.

ground zero

The irrational attack on Muslims everywhere by the GOP’s leadership is not only deeply subversive with regard to the American ideal of religious tolerance but also poses a profound threat to our national security.

The globalist militarism that remains the dominant force among the American policy class in Washington (Democrats prominently involved) now has its members talking to the press about its new use of “the scalpel” rather than “the hammer.”

Salman Hamdani died on Sept. 11, 2001. The 23-year-old police cadet raced to Ground Zero to save others. His selfless act cost him his life.

None of America’s problems are likely to be tackled in a serious or successful way as long as we continue to spend our wealth on armies, weapons, wars, global garrisons, and bribes for petty dictators.

Blooming in every corner of the country are high-tech command facilities for fighting terrorism, battling crime linked to national security, coordinating disaster responses, enhancing infrastructure protection and more. The desire for them is insatiable, and Congress seems ever the enabler.

Ear to the Ground

The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is raining on Uncle Sam and BP’s well-capping parade. Researchers at the institute say a 22 mile-long, 1.2 mile-wide oil plume deep under the Gulf’s surface is degrading much slower than the government’s more optimistic claims.

There’s almost too much crazy going on here to cope, but Media Matters does a bang-up job of explaining how Sarah Palin (who told Dr. Laura N-Word “don’t retreat ... reload!”) and Glenn Beck are planning to “reclaim the civil rights movement” with a rally on the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “dream” speech.

The Rocket is headed for the docket. Roger Clemens has been indicted for allegedly lying to Congress about his steroid use. How foolish of Clemens to testify without first procuring an insurance company or a bank, or offering his services as a military contractor. Doesn’t he know how Washington works?


The trend of geographical location is coming to Facebook. “Places,” the new feature to be implemented in coming weeks, will allow Facebook users to phone home not only their personal information and consumer preferences but their actual physical location to their friends (and advertisers).

American Apparel, the paradoxical clothing firm that weaves together good labor practices with ridiculous acts of misogyny, is hanging by the proverbial economic thread as its stock plunges to an all-time low and industry experts begin to seriously doubt the company’s future.

With the last American combat brigade pulling out of Iraq this week, the U.S. is turning much of the security effort there over to a small army of civilian contractors under the State Department. 

In news that reflects the weakening pulse of the economy, the Labor Department reported that initial claims for jobless benefits rose last week to a seasonally adjusted level of half a million, the highest since last November.


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A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
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