Cartoon, 7/26
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In case you’ve been under a rock all day, the infamous website Wikileaks has dumped over 91,000 classified documents on the War in Afghanistan dating from 2004 to 2009 on its website (note: their site is getting heavy traffic due to this bombshell and is going down sporadically as a result). The documents contain potential [...]
File this one under, well at least Georgia isn’t <Colorado, South Carolina, Alabama, Texas, etc.> By this point, most of us have been made aware of the scandals that have plagued Colorado Republicans over the past few weeks and months. Principal in many of our minds is the Republican Primary for Governor, which is taking [...]
Steve touched on this earlier, and a number of people have really asked what we are and what we do. GALiberal is not a traditional news website. We, like most other blogs, have opinions and beliefs that we express. We have candidates that we support. We have views we advocate for. We do report/commentate on [...]
Roy Barnes and the Democratic Party of Georgia are working their grassroots. In recent history, many democrats have leveled criticism at the party and candidates for not traveling OTP. (That is Outside the Perimeter for us non-Atlanta folks.) One reason Porter and Poythress were so beloved by their followers was their ability to leave the [...]
Yes, I knew you all missed me greatly. I thought I would make a few comments before I get back to our regularly scheduled punditry. 1) Thank the Lord I was gone for the election. I voted early, so I had my say, but I’m glad I didn’t have to hear you people yammering on [...]
Two things really. First, they are all getting involved in Georgia politics. I guess that is normal for Gingrich, as he is actually from Georgia. Anyone still wondering why Romney and Palin are getting involved in Georgia politics? I mean, Georgia doesn’t support Gay Marriage or Universal Healthcare (Romney) and we do support Public Education [...]