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  1. Is it drive-thru or drive-through? The Stylebook's Ask the Editor has the answer: #apstyle @eifortune
  2. Full service agency or full-service agency? Stylebook's Ask the Editor answers: @ESMcMillan #apstyle
  3. @LauraReiman We added more than 200 food terms to AP Stylebook Online, absinthe to York peppermint patties. Let us know your suggestions?
  4. RT @dorkreporter: As two reporters planning to marry each other, that means we'll vow to love and honor the AP Stylebook until death.
  5. Kick off is a verb; kickoff is a noun or adjective. See both on AP's college football site: #apstyle
  6. @meganpaolone The place to find the spiral-bound 2010 AP Stylebook is Bookstores like Barnes & Noble continue to carry '09.
  7. SXSWi partly crowdsources its agenda decisions. Your vote will help get Stylebook on the docket: #sxsw
  8. The site of the Sept. 11 attack on the World Trade Center in New York is ground zero. #apstyle
  9. @TXChetG We release our new AP Stylebook each spring, and the app update is timed to come out with it. The 2010 is still pretty new.
  10. @patrickJterry Let us know what you found and we will send a finder's fee reward your way for helping make Stylebook better.
  11. You helped us break the 50,000-follower mark. Will you help us get on the #SXSW agenda? Vote us on:
  12. Is there a role for grammar and style in new media? Help get this on the agenda for SXSWi: #sxsw
  13. @HighTalk We hope to discuss your exact question at #SXSW: Hope you will join us in Austin. #SM #PR #journalism
  14. CIA is acceptable in all references. The formal title for the agency's chief is director of central intelligence. #apstyle
  15. Stylebook needs your vote on the South by Southwest Panel Picker. Help us get on the agenda: #sxsw
  16. Are you going to South by Southwest Interactive in March? Want to talk about style and grammar? #sxsw
  17. New to the Stylebook Online pronunciation guide: stabbing suspect Elias Abuelazam (A'-boo-LAH'-zuhm) #apstyle
  18. Should you include http:// on links? The Stylebook's Ask the Editor has the answer: #apstyle @tarahart
  19. SXSWi crowdsources part of the decision for its conference agenda. Your vote will help get Stylebook on the docket:
  20. From the Stylebook pronunciation guide: former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich (blah-GOY'-uh-vich). #apstyle