Sweden Withdraws Arrest Warrant for WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange
This one definitely doesn't pass the smell test. How flimsy did the charges against Julian Assange have to be for them to be withdrawn in 24 hours?
Rape warrant against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange cancelled:
Swedish authorities have withdrawn an arrest warrant for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, stating that the accusation of rape against him was unfounded.
The move came just a day after a warrant was issued by Sweden's prosecutors' office in Stockholm in response to accusations of rape and molestation in two separate cases.
"I don't think there is reason to suspect that he has committed rape," the chief prosecutor, Eva Finne, said.
She made no comment on the status of the molestation case, a less serious charge that would not lead to an arrest warrant.
Assange has denied both accusations, first reported by the Swedish tabloid Expressen, which were described as dirty tricks on the Wikileaks' Twitter account. Read on...
to bring this guy in so they could torture him to death for fun and revenge,
They should have tried the Racism!!! card. That would have rallied everyone. . everyone would suddenly be saying . . Bring that Racist in man!!!
This was the first inept attempt to discredit and defame Assange. And right on cue Diane Sawyer said "We'll it's out there." What a flimsy attempt at excusing a flagrant lie.
Guess it would be too much for these cowardly lame asses to discover the real truth when you can just be a highly compensated lackey of corporate interests.
the conspiracy theorists are having orgasms again I see.....
Oy vey!
Interesting. If Bush were still in office he'd already be dead.
... becomes much more tractable when you simply assume all is just a succession of innocent causalities.
Look What the bury your head in the sand and everything will go away crowd has let us country sink to.
a scorned woman, or man for that matter. Or a delusional stalker. Or anyone who disagreed with Assange. Low on my list would be a CIA attempt to discredit Assange.
the documents he's already disclosed to the public have done their damage....and those can't be taken back.
But, I wouldn't totally discount the level of revenge and lunacy that lurks within some CIA/military intel. sections. They were willing to follow Darth's orders to apprehend and torture innocent teenagers....???!
He'll argue black is white just to be the one who argues.
Were he arguing that it was one specific thing, and doing so vociferously, then maybe you'd have a point...But, lacking any evidence that this is the CIA- and hunches, fueled by paranoia or not, are not evidence- he's correct in stating that you can't automatically assume that this is CIA-driven.
Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust.
... it must be the intelligence branch of the Salvation Army. Obviously.
...and apply it to another situation.
David Letterman had a stalker who claimed to be his wife. The stalker continually broke into his home, and scared the living shit out of him. The stalker eventually died- suicide, iirc. Everyone said she was crazy.
Now Harvey Pekar was a frequent guest on Letterman's NBC show in the '80s. During his last appearance, Pekar criticized Dave as being a water-carrier for NBC's parent corporation, weapons systems and toaster developer GE.
So, using your logic, Letterman's "stalker" was actually a CIA operative unleashed on Dave because he allowed Pekar to expose Operation Mockingbird. Letterman's "stalker" didn't commit suicide, but was assassinated by her handlers before she could out herself as a CIA op.
Makes sense, right?
Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust.
pointing out inconvenient facts or ,as in this case, the lack of any facts whatsoever. It beats accepting uncritically every loony theory that comes down the pike.
Too bad the CIA doesn't believe in the internet's ability to remember everything. Hubris--that's what it is. And of course you would make excuses for them.
I guess the idea of the CIA having people with intelligence and integrity in their employ is last year's meme. I guess I didn't get the memo from Progressive Central on what I'm supposed to believe this week.
ahhh the voice of reason. This guy has a lot of enemies. The CIA is probably the least of his worries.
... disclosing US intelligence documents it is bound to really piss off Swedish women and be completely irrelevant to US Intelligence Agencies.
That is the most obvious logical conclusion!
as was the case in Canada pi$$ed of a lot of dead sons mothers. That I can tell you for sure.
... what conclusions would that be: that the Canadian government tried to cover up friendly fire? And that is wikileaks fault how?
Never mind with the answer, you obviously have an agenda...
Not that you want facts but here you go. In one ear and out the other no doubt.
Read very carefully oh misguided one. Especially the DIRECT quotes from families who spoke DIRECTLY with soldiers who were there.
These are real people. This is real damage and grief these leaks are causing.
Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust.
Another message via the foil hat?
If you actually spent the tiny amount of time to think about what you wrote, you'd realize how dumb it sounds...
How many stalkers or scorned lovers have the ear of swedish prosecuters, you freakin dolt?
plus the CIA would have to FIND HIM - and make sure he didn't have some sort of trump card to release if he were killed. Plus they'd have to consider international outrage had an assassination attempt taken place.
It's much easier to attempt to discredit him
I think you know this.
I think you are just arguing your dumb point for arguments sake.
What a tool
... for a foreigner you seem to be very tuned with the Obama administration and what US intelligence agencies may or may not have in their priority lists.
and are not sure if he was born in the US so if you are trying to argue that Americans know what is going on better than people outside the country you have your work cut out for you.
Since Bush was elected the second time the world thinks the US is full of idiots and you can hardly blame them. Because it is!
... that has fuck what to do with what I just wrote?
BTW, as an American who has traveled and studied a big deal, please keep your condescension where it belongs, near your rectal cavity preferably.
but I am impressed you have owned a passport. That is also quite the rarity in moronistan! Especially the south! You must be a real important feller there. What country did you travel to? Hawaii?
Emergency! Emergency! Everyone ground their foil hats!
that is exactly how they operate. It's not like they have all the time and money in the world right?
If the CIA wanted him gone he would have been gone a long time ago.
He didn't just pi$$ of a bunch of gov'ts. He pi$$ off a lot of regular people. Military familes. He pi$$ed off a lot of private contractors to. This goes does not have many friends. Progressives on blog sites and hackers in Finland or whereever are not going to protect him from the sorts of hornets nests he has stirred up.
that you mention would have the ear of a Swedish prosecutor?
Julian, basically being a nerd* from Australia, is probably not the kind of international playboy that would have many a scorned lover in Sweden... so that seems unlikely..
And the people you mention are primarily in the US... Doubtful how many could set in motion a rape charge in a foreign country.
Again I refer to Occam's razor, which in this case, would dictate that he may have either:
A) actually done something that might be blownup into a rape charge - BTW check out Sweden's molestation statute.. it's VERY broad.
B) someone with some actual PULL wrt sweden's govt (maybe someone at interpol, or even from the US org directly) had them plant the charge to discredit him, which would also explain why the "rape" component didn't stick...
Sure a lot of people don't like him. The real question is, of those people, WHO has not only the PULL to make a false charge happen in sweden, and the motivation to actually go through with it - which would take REAL WORK, for anyone...
After all, Glenn Beck has plenty of enemies in his OWN COUNTRY, but I haven't seen any rape charges surface against him. This goes to my initial point about your broad spectrum of haters... very few of them actually have the power and inclination to make something like this happen...
Which leaves my A) or B) proposition above to be more likely...
*we can smell our own =)
Irrespective of the rape laws of most countries, a prosecutor is usually duty bound to investigate any credible or even some incredible accusations of criminal wrong doing.In some instances when the accuser is asked to sign a sworn statement, they will back off, knowing that there is a penalty for lying. So actually no crime or even a hint of a crime needs to have taken place. The very speediness of the withdrawal and the fact that it was the prosecutor's office and not a judge, could indicate that this is the case.
I doubt this will be the only thing they try. The establishment is terrified of the next leak. I think WikiLeaks is holding back to do as much damage right around election time as they can. I wonder if now Julian Assange will only venture out in public with a full detail of bodyguards. The bad guys are after him.
the problem is the leak itself not who or what or how it get's out there. They could make Assange and his website disappear but the leaks would still get out one way or another.
The military knows this so spare me with your poorly thought through conspiracy theories.
it's botched attempt #2. Have you noticed that lots of times when there's an article about wikileaks that allows comments (not just here, other blogs and news outlets too) there's immediately commenters who claim WL is CIA run disinfo, or other garbage attacking WL.
I'd love to track down the originating IPs.
Remember when we could think of America as a just and noble nation. Thanks to Bushco, the repugs And Obama not recinding these kinds of policies have turned us into the countries we used to make fun of. I wonder when Yakov Smirnoff will start doing his old routine again except instead of talking about Russia he will be taling about America.
We need to get our country back from the hands of the stupid. The repugs and now the tea baggers are taking us down the worst possible road and it doesn't look like the dems are going to do anything to stop them.
that you would connect all those dots already and decided you hate your country without even knowing the first thing about what is going on or who is involved.
So yea it's sad. More like pathetic.
"Since Bush was elected the second time the world thinks the US is full of idiots and you can hardly blame them. Because it is!"
- written by you, "meatrobot," at 1:38.
"We need to get our country back from the hands of the stupid. The repugs and now the tea baggers are taking us down the worst possible road and it doesn't look like the dems are going to do anything to stop them."
- written by "Dahgrostabph-r-i" at 7:40
"...you would connect all those dots already and decided you hate your country without even knowing the first thing about what is going on or who is involved."
- your reply to "Dahgrostabph-r-i" at 1:13
Your comments in this thread, taken in toto, make you sound either needlessly argumentative & insulting or willfully ignorant. Which is it?
P.S. I have dual Canadian & American citizenship, so you're out of luck for any attempt to disparage my comment on the basis of nationality.
And......your point is? Unless of course you want to show you can look up other peoples posts. In that case you get a gold star.
I guess this tells us that just maybe there really is some stuff we DIDN'T "already know" in the WL documents.
You know, Mr. Assange has seemed a little depressed lately - probably about his rapist tendencies - could suicide be far behind?
Note to Julian: Don't take any small plane trips.
...look for the term "accused rapist" to be attached to future references to Mr. Assange.
I keep thinking about Alvin Greene when I read this.
I said I could smell elephant shit.
Looks to me like some of the people that could get in trouble over these leaks are getting scared. I hope so I hope it brings a lot of people down!
especially when your hope is that of a glass half full and even the to hope it's empty.
Hold on to those dreams. They will take you far! Ha.......sigh.....
Amazing. Christanic terrorists angry at WikiLeaks for exposing their Christian terrorism and crimes against humanity, filed fraudulent claims.
Typical Christianity.
piss off, you bigot.
This has nothing to do with religion, jackass.
Who are you to say it has nothing to do with religion?
BTW, will you be advocating or advertising your religious affiliations on this blog? If so, you better thicken your skin.
who are you to say it does?
the article, nor any of the other stories even mention it.
way to pull something out of your arse
DamOTclese was clearly being a jackass.
You are too for defending that tripe...
"advertising your religious affiliations"
Maybe I'm a muslim...
Maybe I just believe that religious bigotry, is still bigotry.
Maybe I'm just an American
Name calling is not debate. It's deflection, and it is a sign of weakness in an argument. Try harder. You did have some good points above.
for shouting down bigotry when I see it...
Once the bigotry is out there, the debate is already not a debate.
You jumped the shark by defending it IMNSHO
I would not expect you or anyone to apologize. That is, unless the name calling was mean spirited and intended to keep others from presenting their own opinions. Was that what you intended to do?
I admit it.
I'd do it again.
More people would have, had the word Christian been replaced with Jewish.
And whatever my actions caused with regard to silencing others, I am okay with that. Here's why:
If someone is going to cast about bigoted dispersions, there is no point in changing their minds. The debate is already over. And bigotry is wrong. It's foolhardy, and worthy of the label "jackass"
I wasn't the first one to throw around the ugly, but I don't back down from it either. And I'll respond in kind. DamOTclese got the response they deserved. No more and no less.
dispersions should have read aspersions... i'm still on my 2nd coffee =P
They issued an ARREST warrant to ask questions about a possible charge of rape or molestation.
Shortly after this hit the wires, they said there was not a possible charge of rape or molestation, so there was no need for an arrest warrant.
Character assassination 101. Keep mentioning rape or molestation, better yet: Pedophilia. They will stir up the shit.
CNN banner: Wikileaks founder not suspected of rape.
Oh really, this is journalism?
This is character assassination.
What about the multitude of heinous crimes and their perpetrators documented through the Wikileaks Afghan files?
What about them?
This is *likely* a character assassination attempt.
It's the simplest explanation, it fits the few facts we *do* know, and the motives of the parties involved are very clear, and the precedent for such an act is as old as government itself.
Until more information is revealed, I'd have to consider this to be the most plausible scenario, outside of Assange actually having commited some variant of the crime for which he is accused. I think that that scenario is the other likely event. However, I'll withhold that judgement pending the results of the "molestation" charge. Sweden's molestation statute is pretty broad, so maybe they just think they can run with it, but I have faith in Sweden's judicial system to sort the matter out.
If he is in fact, innocent, the next place I'd look would be an attempt by the US govt to engage in character assassination.
It's not that I think it's likely that he's guilty of the charge. It's just that I think that Sweden's criminal court system is pretty fair, and is a good forum to sort out the accusation. It's unfortunate for Julian if the charge is baseless, but winning this case will make him a clear martyr - and so it will be good for him PR wise if he beats it I think.
This is a miscarriage of justice, it is a miscarriage of journalism.
The Swedish authorities MIGHT have issued an arrest warrant for questioning, because they had legitimate questions about something and there is some concern that he would disappear.
They have now RESCINDED the warrant for QUESTIONING. Why? Because they have NO legitimate questions.
There should never have been any mention of any POSSIBLE relation to RAPE or MOLESTATION. Unless the warrant was charging THAT. The warrant was for questioning.
No mention of something not charge, either by them or by the SO CALLED journalists.
Rape or Molestation are two words which linger forever. They are charges for which there is no BODY to view. Except there should be clinical analysis.
The prosecutor(s) should themselves be investigated.
They no doubt feel free to do this because he will not stay put anywhere long enough to bring libel charges against anyone. He would have a field day if he did. He also probably would be assassinated for real.
Let's play , shall we? Who benefits the most from this incident? It does not benefit the CIA or the US gov. to even try to run this false flag operation, it wound up making the Swedish gov. look bad. The responsible Swedish press, to my knowledge, didn't even run this story. Mr. Assange is not the sole arbiter nor even the source of Wikileaks. Therefore of no real value as a target of any consequence.
After the release of thousands of documents with source 'content' from the US and Nato commands and the Afghan gov., including gun camera video, only one low level data clerk has been incarcerated.Did this one soldier have access to all this info? If so isn't that a serious security flaw? This supposedly was all raw data. While I cannot lay claim to having read all the documents, what I did read had already been reported by the press from other sources all over the world. In my opinion, without any real facts to back it up, that leaves Wikileaks.
but I do find your logic quite sound.
As a justification for this reasoning?
That was my first thought, until I saw your post.
and places.
because an encrypted file called "Insurance" was on Wikileaks web site. All they have to do is release the unlock code, and everyone can have the files.
If it's encrypted and only they have the unlock code,who's to say what's really in it, except them?
The "insurance" idea has merit, and it's been done many times.
As far as the post from idendoit in response to this
"If it's encrypted and only they have the unlock code,who's to say what's really in it, except them?"
And considering the deeply damaging info ALREADY RELEASED, who WOULDN'T assume that the "Insurance" contains some very embarrassing data indeed. The precedent is definitely there.
because it sure sounds like you claimed that Wikileaks itself had the most to gain from Julian's rape charge...That's so WTF that it can't possibly be what you were saying is it?
No real value as a target? I think you are ignoring the public perception factor, which is a large part of the dynamic...
In the public eye:
Wikileaks has embarrassed the US govt
Julian Assange is the "face" of Wikileaks
Ergo, if he is discredited, Wikileaks credibility is called into question...
The average joe will probably not be digging around further than that, especially if that's what gets the media play.
Ergo, Julian's credibility is a high value target for the US...
Julian himself, may not be...
But if this is about perception at all....
Killing him will be too obvious, won't it? Especially since he is not of the "brown persuasion."
“because it sure sounds like you claimed that Wikileaks itself had the most to gain from Julian's rape charge...That's so WTF that it can't possibly be what you were saying is it?”
There is no bad free publicity. What better way to lend yourself credibility than by discrediting yourself? This is ancient psyops that goes back as far as politics. Start a rumor or pay someone to start one about yourself that won't stand up under close scrutiny, before the other guy does.
“No real value as a target? I think you are ignoring the public perception factor, which is a large part of the dynamic...”
I don't see where the public's perception of Mr. Assange, at least in the US, is all that positive.
“In the public eye:
Wikileaks has embarrassed the US govt
Julian Assange is the "face" of Wikileaks
Ergo, if he is discredited, Wikileaks credibility is called into question...”
See above.
“The average joe will probably not be digging around further than that, especially if that's what gets the media play.”
The 'average joe' , as I have experienced him/her isn't even aware of this story.
“Ergo, Julian's credibility is a high value target for the US...
Julian himself, may not be...
But if this is about perception at all....”
See above.
I think your assertion is a bit far fetched, but now that I understand what you were getting at, I can see the plausibility of it...
I doubt your hypothesis though.. Occam's Razor and all that... =)
I agree wholeheartedly with you. Any assertion without proof can be far fetched.That's why I labeled it a game.
some assertions are more plausible than others.
you might have a point. However, as corporations own this country, who cares how embarrassed they are? Hands, please?
Of course it was the CIA who set up these two young women- doubtlessly with the offer of a tidy sum- if they accused Assange of rape. Just about anyone in the U.S. embassy is a likely culprit, although who it was really doesn't matter.
What would make me nervous would be discovering I was on the same flight with him- his days are numbered.
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