
Hamdani AP

Mosque near ground zero divides Sept. 11 relatives

AP – Fri Aug 20, 10:19 am ET

Talat Hamdani traveled to Mecca to pray that her missing son, an EMT, was safe in the days after 9/11. She held out hope that his Muslim background had led to his detention as a suspect, considering it better than the alternative. Full Story »

Test Your Skills As A Political Pundit: Play Slate's Election Prediction Game

Exclusive to Yahoo! News – Mon Aug 16, 5:47 pm ET

How Will Health Reform Figure in the Midterm Elections?

Time.com – Sat Aug 21, 4:55 am ET

Four US soldiers were killed Sunday while fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, NATO said, as the insurgents appeared to step up their campaign against officials and election candidates. Full Story »

Defying the anti-establishment anger, Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski forcefully makes her case for another term. "Seniority actually means something in the Senate," she insists at a fundraiser in this southeast Alaska tourist and fishing town. Full Story »

Markets nervous as Australia faces hung parliament

Reuters – 2 hrs 14 mins ago

Australia's two major parties wooed independent lawmakers on Sunday after an inconclusive election left the nation facing its first hung parliament since 1940 and set up financial markets for a sell-off. Full Story »