Wednesday, June 22, 2005
6,000 US soldiers have deserted in Iraq
More proof here. And even the Moonie Times confirms it. Read More......
Ok, this is some of the funniest shit I've ever seen
Ever wonder why the terrorists hate us? Maybe this video has something to do with it.And they're right. (You need to click "watch now!" to see it)
Ok, for your viewing pleasure, here's the parody someone did on that horrible video. Read More......
Why does the Bush family hate our flag?
But in case they’re not quite ready to return to actual work, here are a few new constitutional amendments they might debate next:
The 29th Amendment to Ban Flag-Themed Doobie Rolling Papers
The 30th Amendment to Ban Flag-Themed Dog Sweaters
The 31st Amendment to Ban Tacky Flag-Themed Bikinis
The 32d Amendment to Ban Flag-Draped Mothers of Pro-Flag Hypocrites
The 33d Amendment to Ban Flag-Wearing By All Those Who Don't Practice Abstinence
House passes flag burning amendment, terrorism is therefore now defeated
More on Durbin
Personally, I can see how Durbin decided to finally stop the hemorrhaging. He was getting help from the blogs, but it didn't seem to me like he was getting much help from his fellow Democrats - well, at least not as much help as the GOP would have given one of their own members being similarly attacked. The Chicago Trib savaged him (Durbin is from Illinois), and then Mayor Richie Daley totally sold him up the river (your dad would be proud, Rich - not).
While I think what Durbin said was spot on - we are condoning torture, and we are acting like animals, and it's not un-American to defend the principles our country was founded on - it wasn't clear to me what more Durbin could do. Their noise machine was better than ours.
Durbin needed a coordinated and massive and overwhelming response from the left in his defense - equal to, if not larger, than the onslaught the right was throwing at him (even the religious right groups started contact-congress campaigns against the guy) - but our guys don't play that way. Just look at the lynching story.
The blogs banded together and made it a story, embarrassing the hell out of the GOP, putting a wedge between them and the black community and their own racist base. But did you see any help on that story from the Hill or the mainstream civil rights groups? Uh, no.
I rest my case. With friends like that, Durbin didn't need enemies. What's a guy to do?
Markos linked to, by the way, a rather well-done explanation of the Durbin saga from a conservative blogger who actually gets it. Read More......
Kids Hurt By Anti-Gay, Anti-Marriage Laws? Tough, Says Far Right
Geez, we got Newsweek too
O'Reilly says Air America, and apparently Senator Durbin, are traitors and should be jailed
GOP says dead World Trade Center victims would want flag burning amendment
"Ask the men and women who stood on top of the (World) Trade Center," said Rep. Randy (Duke) Cunningham, R-Calif. "Ask them and they will tell you: pass this amendment."I think they had other things on their mind at the time. Unless he means the fire crews and survivors who stood on the ruins of the Trade Center. But again, I really have a hard time believing they looked at the smoldering ruins, the 3,000 dead lying round, and said to themselves "if only we had a flag burning amendment." Read More......
Air Force Academy basically covers up evangelical bigotry
Of course, that might come as a surprise to the cadets who were told by a campus chaplain that they would "burn in the fires of hell" if they weren't born-again Christians. Or the Jewish cadets who were told they killed Jesus.
Even weirder, the report did fault the academy for "failing to accomodate minority beliefs." Huh? What the hell does that mean? Since when is NOT being a born-again proselytizer a "minority belief"? Not to mention, the issue here isn't accomodating minority beliefs, it's telling the evangelical hate crowd to shut the F up and stop harassing students who aren't fundamentalists like this were the Taliban's Air Force Academy. Read More......
Sirota nails it
But the sheer lying isn't what's interesting about this - it's the exposure of the right-wing spin machine that is noteworthy. You see, the GOP feeds off of people who purport to represent progressives and Democrats, yet who carry the right-wing's most shameful lies/stereotypes. Conservatives have an entire infrastructure to get the criticism as far and wide as possible. It's why Melber's piece has now gone from the right-wing New York Post, to a prominent place in the fringe-conservative Washington Times today.Meanwhile, we can't get any Democrats in DC to take up the lynching issue or to file ethics complaints against GOPers like Cunningham and Ney.
This is exactly how it's supposed to work for the GOP: they grab someone who calls themselves "liberal" or "progressive" (usually from a place like the New Republic). This person typically has little - if any - political experience in the real world outside of the Beltway, and is really only interested in promoting their name at the expense of others. Then they get that idiot to validate dishonest right-wing lies in the media. Finally, they then cite that self-proclaimed "liberal"/"progressive" as proof that the GOP's dishonest stereotypes are actually true, no matter how factually inaccurate. It's a brilliant machine, actually - but it is pathetic that so many people in the insulated Washington, D.C. Democratic Establishment play along.
The Democrats don't know how to play to win. They play to make sure they don't get anyone inside the Beltway mad at them. And, the ones who do play to win are called "mean" or "extreme" by their own party. Read More......
Fags and flags
But this is NOTHING like Nazi Germany. Read More......
How To Have Fun Mocking Creationism
Many weeks, almost every story in the section will include some scientific fact that makes a mockery of the arguments of un-intelligent design. Quite simply, it's impossible to stay on top of the latest scientific news without realizing creationism is both hogwash and undercut by almost every area of science you can name. Try and read the science section of your local paper without being tripped up by "facts" and see how far you get. Read More......
Dear "Today Show," your anti-gay contest is quite likely illegal
NBC's Today Show is offering a wedding contest where the lucky winners get a wedding and honeymoon thrown by the Today Show. Great! Except that the rules explicitly ban gay couples from winning.
Check out what the contest rules say:
(Gee. Wonder how NBC feels about inter-racial couples?)
First, uh, bigot much? The marriage of gays is legal in Massachusetts, so where does the Today Show get off banning gay couples?
Second, uh, lawsuit much? I researched a similar issue extensively a few years back - remember Sandals resorts that used to ban gay couples, well a number of US companies were offering contests where the prizes were a trip to Sandals, but the contests banned gay couples. I talked to the ACLU and other lawyers at the time who said that those contests could very well violate public accomodations laws covering sexual orientation in any jurisdictions in America, state and local, where such laws include gays. And in lots of jurisdictions, they do.
So, Today Show, guess what? You may be about to get your asses sued for violating state and local civil rights laws.
Suddenly, the whole Cojo firing is starting to look a lot more interesting... Read More......
Right-wing media not happy that Mary Carey wants to have sex with the Bush twins
Man, I hate when stuff I do gives the White House a bad day.
Now that the presidential fund-raiser is over, hard-core porn star Mary Carey doesn't mind the public knowing about one of her secret desires – having sex with the twin daughters of the president.
Carey was the guest of her boss, pornographer Mark Kulkis of Kick A– Pictures, at the National Republican Congressional Committee's multimillion-dollar dinner with the president here last week.
She made no secret prior to the event of wanting to have sex with Karl Rove, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Pat Buchanan and Alan Colmes – in addition to at least one player from every team in the NBA. But she asked blogger John Aravosis to hold back reporting her feelings about the Bush twins until after she cleared out of town.
"Oh my God, his daughters!" she said. "I'd love to party with his daughters. I'd love to meet them. I totally want to have sex with them. You can write it the day after I leave here."....
Evolution Vs. Creationism: There's No Debate
1. There is NO debate in the scientific community on "intelligent design," which has had decades to inspire some research or findings and proven empty.
2. You can't debate faith -- the people arguing for intelligent design are not scientists, are unwilling to accept any other point of view and therefore will never admit they're wrong.
3. The scientific community has spent the last few decades appearing with these groups, taking them on scientifically, proving why their crackpot ideas hold no water and nothing changes -- so why appear?
4. It's a waste of time in a political arena -- in this case, they figured the board had already decided to rule it was an interesting debate and that kids deserved to hear about it in class. They were right.
Now I'm of two minds about this. NASA finally realized they had to weigh in on the basics of how man landed on the moon because crackpots arguing it was all fake had permeated society and they realized that well-intentioned teachers didn't always have the facts at hand to answer students' questions. Pretending idiots weren't out there (heck, the "hoax" even made it onto a primetime special on Fox) didn't make the problem go away.
In the same way, school boards all over the country -- well, at least in the South -- keep holding hearings and its scary to think the debate would be ceded to pseudo-scientists who can spout lots of complicated arguments that laymen aren't equipped to handle.
On the other hand, this really isn't a scientific debate, is it, so no one should need scientists to argue with these crackpots. Instead of getting into a discussion on evolution, maybe supporters of teaching science in science class should not play that game. Detail all the subjects that supporters of intelligent design would like to see dropped or challenged -- astronomy, biology, archeology, geology, physics, and so on. Once people realize it's not just one particular issue but science as a whole they want to attack, people might wake up. Show how many chapters of a typical science book they'd like to rip up. And trips to the local planetarium are now out of bounds? Hold on, board members might say. Maybe emphasizing that they are completely unwilling to ever change their views makes it a matter of faith, not science. Maybe emphasizing that not a single public university in the country teaches intelligent design as an alternative to evolution will get the point across -- why are you trying to teach kids something that is rejected at every non-Bible college in the country? Point out how not a single atheist supports intelligent design? (But atheists are godless, so who cares what they think.) Argue that fringe theories are NEVER taught to young students -- you teach them commonly accepted fact and if a fringe theory ever gains hold, then THAT will be commonly accepted fact. Yes, there are a lot of other ways to attack these foolish people. But I'm afraid that scientists simply dropping out of the debate will cede too much ground to the bad guys.
What do you think? Did the scientific community make the right decision in Kansas? Read More......
Bush Says Bring It On And Uh, The Bad Guys Bring It On
The assessment had argued that Iraq, since the American invasion of 2003, had in many ways assumed the role played by Afghanistan during the rise of Al Qaeda during the 1980's and 1990's, as a magnet and a proving ground for Islamic extremists from Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries.The officials said the report spelled out how the urban nature of the war in Iraq was helping combatants learn how to carry out assassinations, kidnappings, car bombings and other kinds of attacks that were never a staple of the fighting in Afghanistan during the anti-Soviet campaigns of the 1980's. It was during that conflict, primarily rural and conventional, that the United States provided arms to Osama bin Laden and other militants, who later formed Al Qaeda....
The officials said Saudi Arabia, Jordan and other countries would soon have to contend with militants who leave Iraq equipped with considerable experience and training.
As for how many of the insurgents are foreigners, it seems to me like every day we get a new answer. About a week ago, top military people in Iraq were admitting that early on they saw a big percentage of foreigners, but now the insurgency was dominated by Iraqis (ie. Sunnis). Then a few days later someone else argues the exact opposite. Another New York Times story says the insurgency is now facing a lot of infighting with locals tired of the fanatical foreigners.
Yeah, right, the locals are dying to lay down their arms but keep the insurgency going so they can kill Saudis. Mixed into the story is this detail: during certain raids, Marines report killing 40 insurgents, at least three of them foreigners. That would mean the insurgency was about 92% Iraqi. Read More......"There is a rift," said the official, who requested anonymity, citing the sensitivity of the talks he had held. "I'm certain that the nationalist Iraqi part of the insurgency is very much fed up with the Jihadists grabbing the headlines and carrying out the sort of violence that they don't want against innocent civilians."
The nationalist insurgent groups, "are giving a lot of signals implying that there should be a settlement with the Americans," while the Jihadists have a purely ideological agenda, he added.
Busted: Ohio Scandals snare the Governor
As a widening scandal at the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation threatens his administration, Gov. Bob Taft last night admitted that he had failed to include golf outings on his annual financial disclosure statements filed with the Ohio Ethics Commission.The Gov. has hired lawyers, the Democrats are talking about whether Taft should resign or be removed from office.
A source, speaking on the condition of anonymity, yesterday said that Tom Noe, a Toledo-area coin dealer at the heart of the state investment scandal, told him at Toledo’s Inverness Club in 2002 that he was playing golf there with Governor Taft.
To think, it all began with a simple $50 million investment among friends. Absolute power has corrupted the Ohio GOP absolutely. Read More......
Recess Appointment for Bolton? Don't recess
The two sides remain in the same standoff they have been in for weeks, raising the prospect of a recess appointment, which is not possible until Congress leaves town for its July 4 break. In the meantime, the administration appears intent on criticizing the Democratic leadership as obstructionist while trying to sway a few Democratic senators to its side.On the Today Show, Joe Biden was asked about the possibility of a recess appointment. He said there was nothing they could do. Not very creative, Joe. Here's an idea: don't let the Senate recess.
"We've got lots of options," Karl Rove, Mr. Bush's chief political adviser, said in an interview on Tuesday on the MSNBC program "Hardball." But he added that the "most important option" would be "an up-or-down vote on John Bolton."
I mean, is it that hard to imagine the US Senate having to stay in session over a holiday. It's hard work being running the country -- sometimes you have to work on holidays. After all, we are at war.
If Bush wants to play games, then play hard ball with him.
Keep the Senate in session and there's no recess appointment. Read More......
International arms trade is the 800 lb. gorilla in the room at the G8
With a delicate economy in the US and even worse in France, Germany and Russia, I just don't see these countries giving up billions in sales. Add to that the the close ties in all countries between government and the arms industry, I'm even less confident in change, unfortunately. Read More......
The insanity continues in Zimbabwe
Now Mugabe is destroying vegetable gardens because according to a report on state radio, the gardens are causing "massive environmental damage." This is all happening in a country that is already starving and set to receive UN food aid because of the incompetent and politically motivated farming practices by Mugabe supporters. The opposition MDC is now suggesting that Mugabe is following a Pol Pot-like program of sending people back to the countryside for re-education. It sounds as though he already has the starving population aspect of Pol Pot mastered.