Bill O’Reilly had Glenn Beck on his show last night, and he seems threatened that Beck sees no reason to cover culture-war issues and very threatened that Beck doesn’t care if gay marriage is legalized. “Do you believe — do you believe that gay marriage is a threat to the country in any way?” O’Reilly asked. “No. Are the gay — will the gays come and get us?” Beck responded. And thus a strange pattern of Glenn Beck making sense continues.
It’s funny when Bill O’Reilly makes fun of Glenn Beck for reporting on important Calvin Coolidge news, but it also shows how Bill O’Reilly is sort of mystified and jealous that dumb ol’ Glenn Beck can get his crazy viewers to tune in for reasons other than to get riled up about their old mainstays, abortion and the gays. Bill O’Reilly has jumped the shark. Crazy comes from within, Bill. It cannot be faked.
Somewhere Bill O’Reilly is rubbing his genitals with a loofah and watching Glenn Beck’s show, crying. [Fox News]
If only Glenn Beck wasn’t a fear-mongering sack of wombat diarrhea (thanks gay Evan!) the other 99.99% of the time…
At your beck and call, billo.
Ironic that as Beck’s eyes dissolve from within that he’s starting to see things a little more clearly.
Proof that even a crazy crying stupid irrational con man clock is right every 12 hours.
Why’s he interviewing Beck - did Palin give him the snub? And how is Beck supposed to “cover” gay marriage? A play-by-play from the bedroom?
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
Unless it’s digital.
If you’re like me the vid didn’t work. I recommend the following substitute:
I thought Evan managed the gay stuff here.
Doc Holliday: They haven’t promoted me to “Manager of Gay” yet. Right now, I’m like “Apprentice Manager of Gay.”
Falafel, Jack. He’s rubbing his genitals with *Falafel*.
The fundamental error here is assuming Glenn Beck means or thinks about anything he says. When Obama starts endorsing same sex marriage, Beck will probably be against it again.
Although I have no personal expertise, I think I can safely say that, if every single human being on the planet, save Bill Oh-Really? himself, were suddenly converted into a Flaming Homo, Bill’s tight, taut butthole would be safe.
Because NOBODY would want to fuck him.
As opposed to, say, fucking him UP . . . .
Isn’t Becky more popular than Billie these days?…. that bitch…
Brain tumor or is he just a good ol’ bipolar?
harry palmer: He’s supposed to do one of his patented Blackboard Exposes on it in which he ties the fall of US civilization to teh gheys. And the Tides Foundation, of course.
Not really germane (yet), but watching Glenn Beck, I’m convinced that if he’d let his hair grow and get a topiary specialist, he’d look just like Gary Spivey.
It’s sad when major wingnuts disagree — it’s like two tanker vessels loaded down with bullshit, one captained by a rabid dog and the other captained by a twelve-year-old on mescaline, crewed by a dozen screaming banshees, passing in the night.
Mad Brahms: And there goes lunch…
“changing of the wingnut guard”? More like “clash of the anus-gazing titans”.
Lono65: Since he’s not tying the fall of civ to the ghey marriage, I suppose we can only assume it’s only a matter of time till he’s outed.
…Somewhere Bill O’Reilly is rubbing his genitals with a loofah and watching Glenn Beck’s show, crying…
Time for a drink. And then a few more. Darn you, Stuef, you sick fuck, darn you to heck!
I think this whole story is just a way for Bill O to send Beckerhead a message that he would like to “fuck the taste right out of his mouth.” Message received!
**Beck thinks the gay is the least of our problems. The muslims and gun-haters will be the death of us.
Hrm. In April of 2009 he thought gay marriage was an attack on Churches.
and he thinks it will lead to polygamy, also, too.
Weird. :\
Hey Beck, the country has always been burning — well except for the 50’s veneer when we invented RocknRoll. And the false-front idyllic 50’s are what Bilbo, and most of these clowns wax nostalgic about.
And beyond the obligatory fear-mongering of these two, Beck is trying to resurrect Cal Coolidge. Why? Because he cut taxes. Hey how did that work out? Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again.
SayItWithWookies: Worst of all, we watched.
C’mon BillO, all of Beck’s fans know that the most pernicious threat we face in this country is Woodrow Wilson.
the beckster’s positioning himself for a run in 2012. with the demonrats firmly in the grip of the muslin antichrist from kenya, and the tardthugs getting stoned on rancid tea and running screaming naked in the night, he sees the middle of the road wide open, sort of like two splayed buns.
Afterward, did they agree to disagree over a refreshing glass of motherfucking iced tea?
If only Ross Douthat supported gay marriage, he could marry Beck, and those two closet cases could be the ultimate right wing power couple–’the intellectual’ writing for the NYT and the ‘populist’ on Fox News. But sadly, Ross wants to live out his microcosm of civilization with some unfortunate woman.
And like that, Beck shattered the dreams of millions of RightWads who always hoped the gays really were coming to get them. (They were going to struggle at first, but not too much.)
Perhaps this is The Beckster’s way of flirting with GOProud. He wants to be invited to their prom.
If Obama came out in favor of Gay Marriage, Beck would go back to his opposition. Every one of his religious and political beliefs is designed to be a troll, even the ones we’d otherwise agree with.
O’Reilly is bawling, “I paid for it and Beck doen’t swallow”!
Nice to see both parties could disagree and still treat one another with respect and mutual admiration. Glenn Beck must have bought Bill a nice new vibrator with which to sodomize himself while propositioning his employees, with nary an interruption by Bill’s far-left monogamist wife to spend time with their children.
Glenn should share the Smart Glasses he found with Billo. They could even swap back and forth taking turns sounding smart.
If that dude’s straight my gadar is busticated fo’ sho’
Jukesgrrl: Win.
Is it too late in the day for one of our intrepid Wonketteers to post something about that horrible “Dr.” Schlessinger woman losing what passes for her shit and flushing what’s left of her career down the crapper?
Not only is he going blind he must a brain tumor as well.
How did FUX news fit those two egos on one stage?
It’s that Glenn Beck University what’s ruined ‘im. He’s turned into a pointy-headed intellectural. Come down from the ivory tower, Kaz Beckistan!
biggiantannoyingthing: Well, Kempf’s disease is acute.
SayItWithWookies: One of the best comments on Wonkette ever. Take a bow.
HA HA O’Reilly called him “The Beckmeister”. (They’re just friends.)
He’s hoping if he supports gay marriage today that he will not be outed tomorrow.
Isn’t it remarkable how the still image in that video makes you want to punch Beck in his stupid dough-filled face? Surely someone in this world has had the pleasure of partaking in this activity.
SayItWithWookies: Yes, that was beautiful.
It’s only a couple weeks until Beck’s big 08/28 event. And only a couple weeks plus one day until start of the 08/29 Project.
Due to the tragedy of human mortality, and the crappiness of pre-1950 video recording, we never got to see, say, Aristotle conversing with Michelangelo, Shakespeare with Joyce, Buddha with Jesus, or Newton with Einstein.
But we do have this. We do have this.
Gorillionaire: Agree. But Sayitwithwookies needs its own show. Sucking all the oxygen out of this lil’ pond.
Not to get off-topic (though not much off-topic), but “Dr.” Laura is an evil cunt. Evil. Cunt.
just to balance things out, glenn is still very much in favor of whitening the 14th amendment.
I do not agree with your statement that “Dr Laura is an evil cunt”
She is a worthless, overrated, thoughtless, evil cunt.
ImBarb: What makes it all the worse is that there are so many young cunts looking up to her as a role model.
For the uninformed, she used the n-word 11 times over the course of just a few minutes during her daily scoldfest. Just trying to make a point, ya know.
Bill O’ loves the gals. The 22-yr-old female producer he made those many obscene phone calls to (you know, the one he had to pay off with a $900,000 settlement to prevent her suing) will no doubt attest he wanted to rub falafels over her breasts and not balls.
Bill O’ is all man.
BTW, is Bill O’s wife already texting with the twat who “married” Limbaugh recently? I’m assuming they have some sort of reality show in the works.
stew: Now be fair. She said it to a black woman being racially taunted by her husband’s friends, so, you know, it’s all cool.
Also, she felt so bad about it that she couldn’t finish the show. Well, at least not until after she finished the first hour.
I swear, these fuckers just take turns. I imagine them backstage: “Do you want to be the crazy one today?” “I’ll flip you for it.”
gurukalehuru: do the conservative media vampires actually have some kind of march madness-style bracket betting system wherein they compete to see who can get away with saying the most insane shit anyone has ever heard?
Maniac vs. Megalomaniac
That was sickening.
No more Fox News clips for a while for me.
iburl: media-savvy retard grifter vs. media-savvy authentically insane visionary retard.
Dr. Laura N-word rant is actually worse than Yahoo!/UPI/Reuters had led me to believe.
Gorillionaire: druranium: Oh thanks — you people are too kind. Although Aguacatero: and the rest of y’all are stuck with me. At least until my boss finds out and fires me.
obfuscator: I’m not sure if there are assigned niches but O’Reilly is more often than not the voice of reason among these people. Two or three years ago he was solidly on the right end of the spectrum. So Beck and the rest of ‘em have been fighting so much to stay to the right of each other that they’re about to out-crazy their own base. And it’s not just the pundits but the politicians too. If in 2004 I told you that in one and a half presidential terms a bunch of congressmen were openly advocating changing the 13th, 14th and repealing the 17th amendment, you probably would’ve said I was crazy. Or else America had elected a black Democrat with the middle name of Hussein.
“Abortion is killing!”
Camus made a pretty good point in The Rebel that the death penalty works, also …. by killing.
I want my five minutes back. And to kick both of them it the truck nutz.
Sorry Becky. I guess he’s just not that into you.
George Will on Afghanistan….Bill O’Reilly on global warming….Glenn Beck on gay marriage….Lou Dobbs on the 14th Amendment….Alan Greenspan on taxes….George W. Bush on immigration….Romney on healthcare…you put enough conservatives together, you might actually get close to reasonable positions.
BarackMyWorld: Hey, it worked for Dr. Frankenstien. Sort of…
You know that all those turds are Fox (in the Henhouse) News are rivals, not colleages. The place is bound to be a snakepit of intrigue.
Does Beck’s Mormon sect support gay polygamy?
Are we guessing today about what meds Beck is on? Whatever it is, I can’t help wanting to know where he gets it. I wouldn’t buy gold from him, but if he’s selling happy pills, i might. Sort of like the Batshit Club for Men.
biggiantannoyingthing: This just shows why Glenn Beck resonates with so many Republicans. It doesn’t matter what you say, as long as you’re criticizing/condemning/caricaturing/calumniating someone else. Those are the 4 “Cs” of Beck University’s curriculum.
iburl: I’m still trying to figure out what self-respecting Black woman would call Laura Schleissinger for adivce on how to deal with white bigots.
Dr. Laura exemplifies a joke we have about aging white women trying (and failing) to cling to their youth. White women don’t go gray, they go blonde.
SayItWithWookies: How is it that you don’t have a book deal?
Beck doesn’t have time to fear the gays because he is too busy being afeared of the black socialist Nazi muslins, everyone knows this.
I’m not sure if its progress that communist subversion and unholy red terror has replaced abortion and dirty movies as hot button wedge issues.
O’Reilly and Beck are morons. So are Palin, Schlesinger, Limbaugh, Coulter, Malkin, Hannity, Rove, Cheney, Fleisher, Myers, Card, Rumsfeld, Abrams, Boehner, and anyone else like them. They’re just simply morons.
statler and waldorf better watch out. there’s competition.
Batshit crazy Beck is just prepping for the future debate on polygamy. This whole “government shouldn’t rule on morality” crap is pre-text so that Jon Stewart can’t replay his anti-gay marriage rants when he starts advocating for multiple-wife-Mormon-marriage issues.
Evan Hurst: Practice, practice, practice !
Until just now, I was happily unaware that Laura Schlessinger still existed on this planet. Of course, mentally, she’s NEVER been on this planet.
Whoever Rickrolled O’Reilly back in the day is probably wishing he had a second shot at it right after Beck’s latent-mo salvo (that’s Twitterspeak for “saliva I’d like to coat your nads with”). O’Reilly’s head would have exploded.
Beck made sense….I am afraid…very afraid
OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin: I doubt the woman was black. It was probably a “set up” like the message board retards that start of with “I’m not a racist but…..” or “I’m a liberal but I think Obama is the worst President ever….”.
And it gave Dr. Laura the chance to throw the word “nigger” around and she will try to claim that she was taken out of context.
I’m honestly surprised that she got to stay on the radio after her nude photos came out about 10 or 11 years ago.
They think that the depression of 1920 was worse than the Great Depression? What are they smoking? The Great Depression was far worse by every single measure except for deflation, in which the 1920 one was a bit worse. The Dow drop, unemployment, production drop, etc…all worse during the Great Depression.
Ah, who am I kidding. I forgot we don’t do facts or math on Fox.
Yes well Beckster is SORT OF from the confused tradition of rightwing libertarians; I’m surprised he doesn’t immediately whip out his blackboard to show the deep, deep connection between President Obama and the world’s first gay man (ya know, Jeebus) as a method to show how black muslins and terrorists have sided with El Ghey…oh wait, I guess he already did that. My mistake, carry on.