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Sunday, August 22, 2010


Virtually Speaking

Tonight's guests are Digby and Jay Ackroyd, listen now (8:00 PM Eastern) or later at the link.

Not Atrios

Afternoon Thread

Rain delay

Still Hot

Even after a major thunderstorm.

Someone's Gotta Go To Disney World

There's this weird disconnect in our discourse, where it's expected that people take plane trips, fill hotel rooms, go fill the seats in the local steak house, etc... but that anyone who does such things is spending on unnecessary luxuries.

Kids Today Suck

And it's their fault they don't graduate college debt free and find instant meaningful employment with affordable health insurance.

Where We Are

As Stan Collender says, elites demanded we listened to the bond market up until the point when the bond market started to send a different message, at which point it was "LA LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU MUST DESTROY LIVES OF MORE PEOPLE LA LA LA".

Nobody Could Have Predicted

It'd be one thing if austerity was truly the only way forward, but austerity was pushed by elites as a way of actually helping these economies to convince them to bail out their creditors.

Sunday Bobbleheads

This Week has Karzai and some people to talk about the not mosque.

Face the Nation has Odierno and Attorney General Graham.

Meet the Press (is this a joke?) has McConnell, Armey, Granholm, Katty Kay, Paul Gigot, Jeffrey Goldberg, and Rick Lazio.

Document the atrocities!



The public and CFR members generally see the world as more dangerous for the United States since the Cold War ended two decades ago. And majorities in both groups say the danger of an attack on the United States with a nuclear, biological or chemical weapon is greater now than a decade ago.

More Detail:

This is insane. Utterly delusional. A demonstration of the power of propaganda even in a society with very open communication systems. The survey itself exhibits the propaganda bias; "No major threat exists" is apparently not a choice.

The only threat that remotely compares to a country aiming thousands of nuclear weapons at US population centers, set to launch on command, is climate change. In some ways it is more insidious because it requires a government looking at generational timeframes. But, c'mon. Pakistani instability poses a threat to the US? 85% of the Serious People say so.

And, wonderin' aloud, the threat from Pakistan is that it will launch an attack against India, right? And the Iran threat involves attacking its neighbors. So, why is Israel, not an NPT signatory, not on this list?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

It isn't about uncertainty or appetite for risk, it's about not having any fucking income.

Saturday Night



Nothing else to add to this story.

Afternoon Thread


The Eastern Press

Cranky John McCain turns on his base. No more turns on the tire swing for them!

When Liberalism Doesn't Work It Discredits Liberalism

Aside from the fact that I'm not happy with certain outcomes, if you do liberalism badly then people get it in their heads that maybe liberalism is pretty sucky. The economy sucks and HAMP was a complete failure, whether deliberately or not, and that's what people know.

Pastor Gerson Explains The World

NPR had on Pastor Gerson, a man who had no small part in helping to liberate large numbers of Muslims from their lives, to discuss the Park51 "controversy." He explained the big problem is that the debate is dominated by people on one side who think that Islam is not compatible with plurality, and on the other side by people who think that all who oppose are simply bigots.

The next piece was about a bunch of bigots who are protesting a mosque somewhere in California.

Dumb Ideas Which Probably Won't Happen Anyway

Just to prove there's at least one SUPERTRAIN project I think is stupid.

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Drinking Liberally