August 23, 2010 08:30 PM
Open Thread
Miss USA, Rima Fakih, the first Arab-American to hold the title, competes in the Miss Universe pageant tonight. Her, ahem, costume, which (the LA times reports) does nothing for world hunger, is a tribute to President Obama's peace initiatives. The President is scheduled to watch a Sox game tonight.
UPDATE: John Amato
The new site design is up. There are plenty of new features that we'll explain a little bit later, but in a few weeks we'll be introducing our own C&L "Diary" section to the site. That means C&L readers will be able to upload your own embeddable videos and write your own posts. It should be quite entertaining and informative. Anyway....enjoy.
looks light enough for Dancing With The Stars .
Much less dance!
I would love to be involved in making something like that, though. What fun!
"Courtesy is owed. Respect is earned. Love is given." --Unknown author, found in Guide to Texas Etiquette by Kinky Friedman
I go to teach a few classes and come back to find a new look.
I like it!!
. . . but I kinda miss the yellow.
The world is full of Kings and Queens
Who blind your eyes and steal your dreams.
It's Heaven and Hell, oh well.
- Ronnie James Dio
fiver, where've you been? It's good to see you back!
I've been lurking at C&L a little bit, but mostly I've been working. All work and no play make Jack a dull rabbit :(
The world is full of Kings and Queens
Who blind your eyes and steal your dreams.
It's Heaven and Hell, oh well.
- Ronnie James Dio
Always take time to play!
where ya been? Yo seem to come then go...
OK, no yellow, but we get AVATARS!!!!
Yeah! That's a red '73 one-owner Guild. It's in the shop right now, finally getting the neck re-set; been needing it for a while.
"Courtesy is owed. Respect is earned. Love is given." --Unknown author, found in Guide to Texas Etiquette by Kinky Friedman
Nice clean design.
Ron Paul ironically supports the mosque. Muslim, black guy with a beanie, what's the difference? No one expects the Presbyterian Inquisition! Ex-marine convicted of killing pregnant colleague. Make sure you keep up on your Vitamin D. Court cell-blocks stem research. Firm and state to pay a total of $100 million for bridge collapse. One hundred and twenty sickened by AL ammonia plant. Johnston hopes the manufactured Palin attention will rub off on him. You mean there could be more?! Funny that we've ahd so many recalls during the Bush years. Come on in, the water's fine! Spike tells it like it is.
Not bad at all.
Great photo, Evet!
Adorable even.
and snazzy.
I spit on those who would deem this a token gesture. So what if the money spent paying those who planned and assembled this garment would have built five wells in the Sub-Saharan, or immunized a hundred, or whatever.
These petty truths are mere idiocy concocted by those who are not patriotic. America revels in its beauty, and I - a pro-America citizen of this world - can only offer praise to those who made the dress. It isn't PR in papier-mache form! It's geniune, honest, sincere, wonderful.
People sneer at this, calling it 'shallow' - saying: "why didn't she just buy a modest dress like some other beauty queen - I mean they're principly judging her body, face, ass and breasts...not her dress sense!"
Disgraceful. The clothes make the man...or in this case woman. Why must you denigrate what is natural to humanity. It's like criticizing rock stars who jet around the world to support something called 'the environment' whilst kerosene is pumped into the air faster than some well-aimed buckshot from a Cheney gun is pumped into a man's heaving chest!
What I mean miss the point. It isn't how much fuel and pollution is done while the rock stars allegedly 'save the planetoid' , or how fast a large jaded man swings his firearm - it's the deed in itself. The fact the dinosaur rocker made his speech! The fact the buckshot did hit the man and caused a heart attack. Justice was done and the objective was met; speed and what filthy liberals term 'hypocrisy' or 'idiocy' doesn't come into it.
Be proud Miss USA. Wear this dress with pride - don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You, my dear, are a heroine in our times.
Pete, editor at
It's hard to tell which way this leans.
I was crystal clear; your glib ignorance speaks volumes about your liberal mentality that just reads too much into things. Won't you ever learn that facts or truth are second to the passion and heart of Miss USA's flaunting?
The sensible processes of vanity and display, whether in be in a well-staged photo-op or a pageant...these all come above feeding the poor or saving lives! That's why the salaries of those who create such are justified - we have the money, we have the freedom. If some other schmuck hasn't got the cash that's their problem - we give them enough in taxes as it stands!
I find it telling that you were unable to decipher my explicit message, or be it intimate ramble, to see these true, heartfelt views. This is what we must prioritize, I think I speak for many USAans when I state: Screw the starving, the poor, the so-called 'misfortunate'. I want our beauty queen in a nice patriotic dress, I want my President with a well-paid legion of aides arranging great photo-ops, and I want the government budget for appearances and PR doubled in 5 years. Justice.
Pete, editor at
where's the blog roll?
We're updating so much that we have to prioritize.
What a great 'look', and it's nice to see that like FDL, you're turning into a regular little network with all the links across the top. Very nice.
As a designer, I have opinions on the new look, but I'll just say congratulations on the launch and thanks for all the great content!
You look so pensive...
I'm smoking a cigarette.
so the martini is just out of frame...
it gets rid of the problem we've had with the overwrapping.
It got bad again the last couple of days and I was very frustrated.
"Courtesy is owed. Respect is earned. Love is given." --Unknown author, found in Guide to Texas Etiquette by Kinky Friedman
another overwrap. Sigh, I guess we'll just have to get used to it.
clear your cache, but really get firefox. Once you do, you'll kick your own ass for not doing it 5 years ago.
I was sooo hoping I wouldn't have this 'text drifting off into the ads issue' anymore......
I do like the new site...but I would be here regardless of the 'look'...C&L's the first site I visit every day, and then many many times hence.
Firefox. I finally did it, and still have Internet Explorer too. I can use either. No wraparound with Firefox. I'm diggin' it-- greatly!! It takes just a few minutes.
I sure hope so. That was driving me nuts.
A little different, but I'm sure I'll adjust to it.
Good to see you back, fiver.
"Don't think it won't happen just because it hasn't happened yet."
--Jackson Browne
Come on John, block the BP ads already!
how do I put up a picture?
then you upload it on your edit page, click the button that says user. and save
miss_kitty. This was the image of a cloud that looked like an Angel just after my mother passed.
it looks like a beautiful pink flower.
right across the street and the cloud is right obove and between them.
Thanks for clearing that up...
better visual in the original picture.
I don't tell many people this story, but the night my mother in law passed away, we had visited her in the hospital. I had place our then two year old daughter on the edge of the bed to comfort my MiL and she asked my daughter to sing "You Are My Sunshine" with her (she called my daughter her little sunshine). After they sang together, my daughter kissed her good bye, we promised to see her the next day and we went home.
Cut to that night. In the middle of the night, my daughter starts crying inconsolably, which was very unusual for her. I try and try to calm her down and can't, so I decided to bring her back to our bed. She lay down between my husband and I and I thought she'd go back to sleep. But instead, she suddenly sat up and started singing "You Are My Sunshine" again. Puzzled, I got her to lie down again only to have the phone ring. At the exact minute that my daughter started crying, my mother in law lost her battle with lung cancer.
Now you can scoff, but I believe with all my heart that my mother in law wanted us to be together when we got the news and that she let us know through our daughter that she was with us in spirit.
How did this get to be a reply to miss kitty and not to ron? forgot to clean your monitor after your last spit-take?
Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust.
Strange things happen...
... I live in Seattle and my parents lived in Oceanside Cal. and the day my mother had heart
failure I came down with a 102* temp that lasted through to her death. The moment I came
down with it was the moment I knew mom was in trouble and the next day my brother called
me to inform me what happened. I knew that time was short and flew down the next day to
be with her through the five days I could get off from work. The next day after I left was the
day she died and my fever ceased. I never told the hospital staff or my family about my fever
for fear of restrictions, etc.
I totally believe and understand your story, but then I'm also a yogi/yoga teacher (and ESL teacher).
My image is by an artist called Alex Grey. Bing him if you want to see some of his work. It's very yogic/ethereal stuff (and looks great under black light). The title is "Oversoul": you can BING-images him. Not a
googleranymore!I first saw his work in a head shop in Osaka, Japan (during a six-month window when magic mushrooms were totally legal-- glitch in the law) buying magic mushrooms. It was under a black light and looked fabulous!
I Binged it for ya:
the whole dang day I can hardly type....
I like the improvements....good job.
but it'll take me a while to get used to it.
I think the subject line and the poster's name should be offset by different colours.
Did anyone see the Daily Show with John Stewart today, about the funder of the Muslim recreation centre near ground zero?
Same funder that also owns FOX Theatre?
The funder FOX Theatre would not name?
Make me wonder how long FOX Theatre has before they close the doors and turn the lights out.
I hope that is very soon.
Daily Shows he's done....then the Colbert Report right after was freakin' hilarious! I laughed so hard I nearly fell off the couch! If you didn't see it, check it out on Worth the trip.
thinks we should change the law they put in place so they can extend the tax cuts.
I'm just posting to see what my avatar looks like beside my comment. I know, simple mind....
#1) Great look C&L team. Great job!
#2) The "LINK" "BOLD" "ITALIC" "STRIKE" "QUOTE" keys do not function properly.
I can not use shortcut keys to edit during typing of message.
Link key reboots post back to scratch. GRRRRRRRRR!!!
#3) The site has some formatting issues. I'm on IE VISTA and it appears as if the old format problems
have not been addressed. It appears as if type is set to wrap around and to read posts, one needs to either
scroll to the right or space in format as I have done tonight so that the post reads through normally.
#4) Ms USA is no more a devout Muslim than I am a Roman Catholic. My homosexuality does NOT draw me farther into the Church as does her near nude outfits draw her farther into a Mosque. I am no more welcome in a Roman Catholic church with a lover showing affection (holding hands) than Rihma is welcome in a Mosque wearing most of her daily outfits.
#5) That said, she is one gorgeous lady...
#6) NO EDIT BUTTON??? :(... found it... :/#7) I miss the "Post NEW Comment" at the top of the thread...
#8) Video liknks broken for D/L and play both WMD and Quicktime.
Nice touch C&L.
It is nice to have an avatar. It is so much easier to identify individual posters and also shows off my absolutely wonderful Photo-shop skills. Woot!!!!
Plus my avatar show that while I am a Canadian, I realize that our country will go down the toilet, if we allow our economic infrastructure to be disassembled and shipped off to lands with slave labour. Just like America has done, so that the rich can be richer, the military/industrial/congressional complex can be mantained, and that lobbyist can control Americas future. ................. Or not.
See, Asia is booming, like we (North America) used to be back in the 1950s (except Japan). There are cranes in every city as skylines grow and infrastructure projects abound across Asia.
Today the Korean government announced it will give tax breaks to companies for every worker they hire, in the new budget. They want to help low-income wage earners. That's one reason public transportation is excellent and is kept very cheap ($1). Quite a switch from North America!!!
So high-tech!! How do we put in our personal avatars?
Go to your account (top right), click, edit profile. Look down near the bottom. Very easy.
...much better.
besides the great people and such,this was great BECAUSE it wasn't cookie cut to look like all the was fun and easy to follow a thought or subject. the colors the format the side to side,grteat for the old folks,(i'm 59).i hate this new shit.i know i am not alone. feels like i lost a friend.fuck
nice transition. I like the new digs.
Trying to figure this out after waking up to my cat being sick all over the bathroom floor. Not a good way to start the day. How do I know when a new comment comes up? I saw the flashing button at the bottom that said one new comment was up but when I clicked on it, it said something like mark all as read or something but I don't know where the new comment is. I think maybe I best go back to bed.
Say what you mean. Mean what you say. But don't say it mean.
When the New Comment box flashes, open it up and click on the User name you want to will shift your screen to that comment, and mark it as "read". If you just click the "mark all" button, all the new comments will be cleared.
"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati" - Red Green
Thank you so much. I look forward to the day this is all second nature to me.
Say what you mean. Mean what you say. But don't say it mean.
At the "mosque" dust-up video, the anti-American comments are streaming in every few seconds.
Sorry, I don't like it. The old blog was great because it was not like all the other blogs and some papers on the net.
For an Old Fart like me, the type is too small, the design too busy and it reminds me of Facebook, which I do not belong to.
"Snot Here, Captain"
how unbearably gauche, proof that tacky knows no racial or ethnic boundaries.
Is this from Funny Or Die?
keeps on cranking them out
big eyes big teeth big hair
ready to breed with the nearest clown
I read a lot of blogs and the C&L yellow always helped me know where I was among them. Would it kill you to have SOME yellow somewhere? I read you twice a day.
The person who defines Reality wins.
I've nothing to say. I just wanted to check out the new cool interface....
widget isn't working properly.
Are poisoning us. Corporations in general are destroying the country.
I have a pic and a sig now! Wooooo
Let me show you how the guards used to do it.
She looks like a Marvel Comics Hero!
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