Oil surges to over $70 a barrel.
Katrina may be "our Asian tsunami"
1 million evacuated
Katrina is a "once-in-a-lifetime event"
Katrina could leave 1 million homeless.
And with all that going on, George Bush is staying on vacation rather than returning to Washington, DC and doing his damn job. He wanted to be president, it's about time he acted like one.
Read More......
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Sunnis reject Iraq constitution
I heard Bush earlier today saying that this was no big deal as several of the delegates to America's original constitutional congress rejected our constitution too. Of course, a little bit of information is a dangerous thing to an idiot. The sunnis are the sane ones in Iraq. They're also an enormous part of the country. If they're cut out, that means the shias control Iraq along with the kurds. The shias are tied to Iran and the kurds want to slice up Turkey and get their homeland back. Only an idiot would think that the sunnis being cut out of the constitution is anything but a recipe for civil war, at best. At worst, Iran de facto gets part of Iraq and Turkey invades in order to stop the kurds, or even worse, Turkey splits in two and all hell breaks out in a NATO ally.
But hey, ignorance is strength, baby. Read More......
But hey, ignorance is strength, baby. Read More......
New Orleans mayor launches secret plan to get Bush to stop vacationing and fly back to DC to help on hurricane
Bush Vacation Watch Update: Thank God Katrina STILL hasn't ruined Bush's summer vacation
Bush's message to those wimpy Louisianans who think they're going to ruin Bush's vacation by complaining about hurricane Katrina:
Yes, according to the latest news I can find, Bush is apparently STILL remaining on vacation in Crawford while the US faces what is now being called quite possibly the biggest hurricane to strike America in our history.
Now, a smart president would cancel his summer vacation and rush to Washington to coordinate relief efforts, etc. But let's face it, Bush does what he wants (and that usually means party) and his staff NEVER contradicts him, and that includes NEVER interrupting his vacations. Did anyone really expect otherwise? Bush's own wife was under presumed attack at the White House and his staffers refused to interrupt Bush's bike ride. Do you honestly think anyone has the guts to even suggest that Bush get off his ass and return to Washington in order to show leadership?
Why isn't Bush returning to Washington to show some leadership? Funny, you won't find the mainstream media asking that question because then they won't get invited to any more barbeques. Read More......
Yes, according to the latest news I can find, Bush is apparently STILL remaining on vacation in Crawford while the US faces what is now being called quite possibly the biggest hurricane to strike America in our history.
Now, a smart president would cancel his summer vacation and rush to Washington to coordinate relief efforts, etc. But let's face it, Bush does what he wants (and that usually means party) and his staff NEVER contradicts him, and that includes NEVER interrupting his vacations. Did anyone really expect otherwise? Bush's own wife was under presumed attack at the White House and his staffers refused to interrupt Bush's bike ride. Do you honestly think anyone has the guts to even suggest that Bush get off his ass and return to Washington in order to show leadership?
Why isn't Bush returning to Washington to show some leadership? Funny, you won't find the mainstream media asking that question because then they won't get invited to any more barbeques. Read More......
Iraq Supporting Pols Being asked why their kids aren't there
Speaking of chickenhawks, E&P; says expect more of this:
It's a question from the press sure to be posed more and more as the months go on, directed at public officials who continue to support the Iraq war: If you believe in the cause so deeply, why aren't your own kids signing up? Most prominently, President Bush (through his press spokesmen) is now hearing it, but it's now trickling down to the congressional and state level.The Iraq supporters are all too busy trashing Cindy Sheehan whose kid did go to Iraq. Read More......
Chickenhawk Watch: Bush still on vacation while deadly hurricane approaches New Orleans
Just checking in with our Hurricane Bush Vacation Watch, keeping a tab on whether Bush is going to return to Washington to deal with this historically devastating hurricane, or whether he's going to stay on vacation while a major American city faces imminent disaster.
Oh, and as someone already noted in the threads, can't you just see Bush staying on vacation while all this happens THEN touring the damage like he's some kind of concerned hero? Just like Bush, run and hide when the going gets tough then claim victory later. It remains to be seen if the media is going to ask what the hell the president is doing remaining on vacation while a major disaster is imminent.
We'll be giving regular Bush vacation updates throughout the day. Read More......
Oh, and as someone already noted in the threads, can't you just see Bush staying on vacation while all this happens THEN touring the damage like he's some kind of concerned hero? Just like Bush, run and hide when the going gets tough then claim victory later. It remains to be seen if the media is going to ask what the hell the president is doing remaining on vacation while a major disaster is imminent.
We'll be giving regular Bush vacation updates throughout the day. Read More......
Will Bush stay on vacation while the hurricane destroys New Orleans?
Has anyone heard any news about this? Latest I heard he was giving a press conference in Crawford where he devoted like a minute to the carnage coming our way. Let's take bets on whether he continues his vacation while our country suffers a major disaster.
Extra points for anyone who predicts, and is right, that Bush disappears for the day while hiding in a missile silo in North Dakota. Read More......
Extra points for anyone who predicts, and is right, that Bush disappears for the day while hiding in a missile silo in North Dakota. Read More......
Team Bush promoting judicial activism in Iraq?
Now, they are already talking about how the Iraqi constitution isn't a one time thing and can be changed:
"Not everyone loves every article of this document, not everyone is totally satisfied, but there is enough in this constitution that meets the basic needs of all communities and for Iraq to move forward," the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad, said on NBC's "Meet the Press."Yeah, and in America, the Supreme Court has not viewed the Constitution as a one-time document. I believe that Mr. Bush and his right wing supporters call that "judicial activism." So, that's okay in Iraq? I just don't get the sense that theocrats are going to be much on expanding rights. Read More......
But reflecting the turmoil in Iraq over the document's drafting, Khalilzad was already talking about the need for changes.
"Our own constitution, as you know, had to change in order to remain relevant, and this will be the case with Iraq as well," he said. "Constitutions are not just one-time documents. To be relevant they will have to adapt."
175 mile an hour winds heading for New Orleans
Jesus. I knew this thing was coming, but man it's big. I know this isn't politics, but this is news. Are any of you down there?
Read More......
Boston Globe Smacks Rove HARD
I don't know what got the Boston Globe editorial page stirred up (besides the obvious) but they do a smackdown of Rove today:
Rove's record has been consistent. Over 35 years, he has been a master of dirty tricks, divisiveness, innuendo, manipulation, character assassination, and roiling partisanship.Almost couldn't have written that better ourselves. They also pay heed to the fact that the MSM has dropped the Rove story (maybe because of the little "off the record" dinners Rove has been having with reporters lately that Dan Froomkin told us about on Friday):
Rove's connection to the Valerie Plame story was the center of attention in mid-July but cooled fast after Bush nominated Roberts to the Supreme Court on July 19. A LexisNexis search reveals 1,944 stories mentioning Rove in the week prior to the nomination, dropping to 1,111 during the week after. Now, with Bush in Crawford for a prolonged vacation, the story has nearly disappeared -- only 169 references in a late-August week.I agree. I do a google every day on Rove and there's not been much lately. Okay, it's August, maybe, things are slow. But, that is going to change. Labor Day is fast approaching as is Fitzgerald's decision:
Still, more is likely to come out after Labor Day. A special prosecutor, Patrick Fitzgerald, is expected to finish his two-year investigation this fall. His goal was to find the person who leaked Plame's identity as an undercover CIA agent -- a serious offense in the view of Bush's father. He and many other commentators have deplored the idea that the leaker may have been seeking political retribution at the expense of national security.Rove should be doing his little "off the record" chats from a prison cell. That's where lying treasonous traitors should be. Read More......
You just can't make this shit up
An illiterate Rush Limbaugh fan weighs in:
Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2005 17:40:33 EDTRead More......
Subject: america blog
this sight should be named the hate america blog.What a bunch of self rightious egomaniacs and loosers you all sound like.The funny thing is you all make up these wacky theories and then believe them because you all never look for the truth.Only what you want to be the truth I guess.Lissen if you really want to hear the truth tune into RUSH LIMBAUGH.He has more brains in his pinkey finger then all of you wanna bees put together .Truth is painfull but it can also set you free
Bush's failed presidency now threatens the economy
A failed presidency, that's what we have. Say it loud, say it often.
A chorus of economists, government officials and elected leaders both conservative and liberal is warning that America's nonstop borrowing has put the nation on the road to a major fiscal disaster — one that could unleash plummeting home values, rocketing interest rates, lost jobs, stagnating wages and threats to government services ranging from health care to law enforcement.In George Bush's pathetic excuse for "America," quagmires are victory, fear is courage, lies are truth, ignorance is strength, and unprecedented debt is fiscal responsibility. America, at least 50% of it, is getting the president it wanted and deserved. Read More......
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