
Michele Bachmann AP

SPIN METER: GOP hot, cold on Constitution

AP – Mon Aug 23, 4:13 pm ET

Republican Rep. Paul Broun of Georgia won his seat in Congress campaigning as a strict defender of the Constitution. He carries a copy in his pocket and is particularly fond of invoking the Second Amendment right to bear arms. Full Story »

Texas' Tom DeLay is one step closer to a trial

Time.com – Tue Aug 24, 1:05 am ET

Money laundering case against DeLay moving forward

AP – Tue Aug 24, 3:11 am ET

Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay is moving to the next round in his fight against criminal indictments in Texas, where he faces money laundering and conspiracy charges. Full Story »

Afghan poll a chance for change, or more of the same

Reuters – Mon Aug 23, 10:50 pm ET

Imagine an election where candidates are unable to campaign in their own electorates, too scared even to hang their pictures outside campaign offices. Full Story »

Rain drenches Obama's Martha's Vineyard holiday

AP – Mon Aug 23, 5:25 pm ET

He may be leader of the free world, but President Barack Obama isn't exempt from a summer rainstorm like the one that blew across New England on Monday, swamping his Martha's Vineyard vacation. Full Story »