Some "real" journalists understand how to blog. That would include Jake Tapper at ABC (and Ben Smith at Politico). Jake and Ben understand that blogging isn't a stereotype. You don't throw credibility to the wind, and wantonly embrace sensation, simply because you no longer have an editor. But ABC figured it wanted to "blog." And everyone knows that "bloggers" are sensationalists who have zero credibility, so ABC decided to jump on the fictitious bandwagon.
About a year or two ago, ABC decided that it wanted its online presence to go more FOX News meets the National Enquirer. Whether it was The Note or ABC's "breaking news updates," everything has gotten a tad too sensational. For example, "Elisabeth Hasselbeck of 'The View' Invited by Sarah Palin to Appear at Two Weekend Rallies" is not "Breaking News" (that was an ABC email dated October 21, 2008).
This brings us to
today's "news" from ABC's "blog" that a Planned Parenthood state affiliate is giving out gift certificates for abortions! Don't believe me? Check out today's email news update from ABC:
"ABC News: Gift Certificates for an Abortion?"
Oh my God, turn on the red fire alarm, it's a SCANDAL!!!!
Except it's not.
Once you actually read the ABC story you find out that the gift certificates aren't "for an abortion" at all. They're gift certificates for services at Planned Parenthood's clinic. That could be to buy condoms or birth control pills, get HIV testing and STD testing, testing and treatment for urinary tract infections (oh I can see it now "ABC News: Gift Certificates for Urine?"), LGBT services (ABC News: Gift Certificates to turn your kid gay?), men's health check ups, and more.
It's a freaking gift certificate to help you pay for America's out of control health care costs. How is that a bad thing? How is that a scandal?
Shame on ABC for buying the religious right line and sensationalizing a story that isn't sensational at all.
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