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State of the Union
 President Obama 8/24
 Supreme Court
 Direction of the country 8/24
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 Consumer confidence 8/24

 2010 8/24
In the News

 Washington gridlock 8/25

 Bush-era tax cuts 8/24

 Mosque near Ground Zero? 8/24
 Islam 8/24
 A good time to invest? 8/22

 Tea Party movement

 The situation in Afghanistan

 The situation in Iraq

 Vice President Biden

 Nancy Pelosi
 Hillary Clinton

 Sarah Palin

 Michelle Obama

 George W. Bush

 Bill Clinton

 Health care reform law

 President Obama's religion
 Gulf oil spill

 Gulf seafood
 Who do you trust to handle . . . ?

 Same-sex marriage

 Future of Social Security
 Labor unions
 President Obama and the issues

 Has the economy hit bottom?

 Automatic citizenship

 Federal aid for the states

 Elena Kagan

 Barack Obama: Provenance

 Energy policy
 2010: Bringing home the bacon

 Economic policy: Obama vs. Bush

 Confidence in institutions

 Regulating Wall Street

 Newt Gingrich
 Mike Huckabee
 Bobby Jindal
 Mitt Romney

 Dick Cheney
 Al Gore

 Rating the parties

 Government: Doing too much?

 Feelings about the government


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 Global warming

 Coping with the main problems

 Threats to the U.S.

 Race relations

 Feelings about the Bible

 Environment vs. economic growth

 Next generation of Americans
 Gays in the military

 Legalize marijuana?
 Ron Paul
 Glenn Beck
 John McCain
 Pope Benedict

 Nuclear weapons
 Harry Reid
 John Boehner
 Guantanamo Bay
 Senate filibuster
 Karl Rove
 Military power
 The U.S. and the world
 Food safety
National Security



 Gun laws
 Health policy

 Same-sex marriage
 Taxes 8/24
 More issues . . .

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Direct Relief
Expediting In-Country Medical Aid for Pakistan
Direct Relief International is expediting the in-country delivery of urgently needed medical supplies to organizations supporting people affected by flooding in Pakistan. ...

Phi Delta Kappa (pdf) 8/25
Slippage in Support of Obama's Education Agenda
Despite high levels of agreement with the administration's agenda shown in two previous PDK/Gallup annual polls, Americans are now less supportive of President Barack Obama's education agenda, according to the 2010 annual PDK/Gallup Poll of the Public's Attitudes Toward the Public Schools. ...

Reuters 8/25
Job fears grip voters, Obama ratings crumble
More Americans now disapprove of President Barack Obama than approve of him as high unemployment and government spending scare voters ahead of November's congressional elections. ...

Pew 8/24
Public Remains Conflicted Over Islam
The public continues to express conflicted views of Islam. Favorable opinions of Islam have declined since 2005, but there has been virtually no change over the past year in the proportion of Americans saying that Islam is more likely than other religions to encourage violence. ...

Gallup 8/23
Obama Weekly Job Approval Average at New Low
President Obama's job approval rating slipped to 43% for the week of Aug. 16-22, down one percentage point from the previous weekly low set a week ago. ...

Washington Post: Chris Cillizza 8/23
Poll numbers in 1994 don't bode well for Democrats
... Some neutral observers and senior strategists within the party have begun to believe that the national political environment is not only similar to what they saw in 1994 -- when Democrats lost control of the House and Senate -- but could in fact be worse by Election Day. ...

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