Krugman is pissed.
At this point, though, Obama is on the spot: he has to fire Simpson, or turn the whole thing into a combination of farce and tragedy — the farce being the nature of the co-chair, the tragedy being that Democrats are so afraid of Republicans that nothing, absolutely nothing, will get them sanctioned.
When you have a commission dedicated to the common good, and the co-chair dismisses Social Security as a “milk cow with 310 million tits,” you either have to get rid of him or admit that you’re completely, um, cowed by the right wing, that IOKIYAR [it's okay if you're a Republican] rules completely.
There's a reason that Obama picked right-wingers to run the commission, and it's not because he's going to fire them when they come to right-wing conclusions. This is what Obama does, on every single issue. He caves to the right (be it the Democratic right or the Republican right) in the hopes they'll stop being mean to him. It's no longer very surprising, but it's still sad as ever. It's not entirely clear why Krugman still holds out hope that there's some other explanation.
covered this last night, when the boil first burst. (All the news, no matter how painful; that's us these days.) Forgive me if I repeat — the story is that outrageous. My emphasis throughout.
Huff Post, in an email he "sent to the executive director of
National Older Women's League Tuesday morning," Deficit Commission Co-Chairman Alan Simpson wrote:
If you have some better suggestions about how to stabilize Social Security instead of just babbling into the vapors, let me know. And yes, I’ve made some plenty smart cracks about people on Social Security who milk it to the last degree. You know ‘em too. It’s the same with any system in America. We’ve reached a point now where it’s like a milk cow with 310 million tits! Call when you get honest work!
This is Simpson's Macaca Moment. I bolded several items in the quote. All but one refer to mature women and their parts, written to the (female) head of the National Older Women's League. The "310 million tits" image, just by itself, is hideously grotesque. Know anyone "milking" Social Security? And "the vapors"? No sir, today they call it "demonstrating for suffrage"; these women think they should actually vote.
From a man approaching 80, this whole screed reeks of psycho-drama, in a stunning, ugly — and revealing — physical way.
But this is also the Commission's Macaca Moment. Let's count the ways:
1. Alan Simpson, whose views on Social Security are well known, was appointed by Barack Obama as the commission's
Co-Chair. Simpson has very close ties to Pete Peterson and the generation-long campaign to gut "entitlement" programs* like Social Security. Together, they've been working on this for years. Simpson co-runs the thing; he carries Peterson's water; and Obama put him there.
(*What's an "entitlement" program in Washington–speak? Something they're entitled to, and you're not.)
Jane Hamsher on
Simpson and Peterson:
Simpson and Peterson were appointed to Bill Clinton’s Bipartisan Commission on Entitlement Reform in 1994. Both voted to recommend partial privatization of Medicare, and raising Social Security age of eligibility to 70, Simpson [was] awarded “Economic Patriot” award by Peterson’s Concord Coalition in 1996.
2. Peterson also provides the staff for the Deficit Commission, and he's pushed hard forever to free himself and his friends of the burden of these programs. (Again, thank you Mr. President.)
More on Peterson, and Simpson, from the
Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard:
Mr. Peterson has been on a decades-long crusade against Social Security. The day after the first meeting of the commission, which focused heavily on the need to cut Social Security, the co-chairs and two other members of the commission participated in a Peterson event that reinforced the same message. A Peterson-funded foundation is supplying commission staff.
The Macaca Comment characterizes the whole Deficit Commission. It was rigged to do what George Bush failed to do — destroy the inter-generational contract. It wants to take on all three elements of the safety net.
Simpson again:
We are going to stick to the big three [Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid].
Say bye-bye, folks. It's Hello Friskies for grannie, punishment for "milking" Social Security.
Mr. President, don't fire Simpson; kill the Commission. If you do anything less, you will put
your stamp on these comments, these attitudes.
The Macaca has tarred Simpson, and it tars the Commission. If you endorse the Commission, the Macaca tars you too.
And frankly, if that happens, any non-Teabagger Republican with an ounce of charisma will make you the one-term guy who fed catfood to gramps. And that will tar you for life.
Kill this Commission, before it kills you.
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