Earlier today,
I wrote a post noting that the RNC, which is basically an arm of the McCain campaign, had already started running negative ads against Barack Obama:
The RNC is already running negative ads against Obama. Those ads are bought and paid for by George Bush.
Even the Rupert Murdoch owned
Wall Street Journal called it the "first anti-Obama ad":
The Republican National Committee released their first television ad targeting Barack Obama on Sunday. The spot is running in four states—Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin—and will air for ten days. The 30 second ad, “Balance,” features images of both candidates and both touts John McCain’s record and criticizes Obama’s on energy policy.
To be clear, an attack from the RNC is an attack from the McCain campaign. According to McCain's own
campaign officials, the McCain campaign = the RNC. Or as one of them told
“The McCain camp is funded jointly” is how one adviser describes it.
The Obama campaign has made it clear they won't let any attack go unchallenged. So, today, the campaign started airing
its own ad. That's what freaked out the McCain campaign. The Obama campaign ad appropriately links McCain to Bush. It is Bush, after all, who is raising the money for McCain to run the negative ads against Obama.
Like their candidate, the McCain campaign is very thin-skinned. Like their mentors in the Bush administration, the McCain campaign doesn't hesitate to lie. So, despite all the coverage of the RNC attack ad, today, the
McCainiacs disingenuously accused Obama of launching "the first attack ad from either campaign."
This claim of the first negative ad is a bizarre argument coming from the McCain campaign. It just isn't true. But, it's the kind of campaign spin that can only work if the political press is as malleable as we all think. It'll be a test to see if the political reporters fall for the McCain campaign's spin or if they actually call them on it.
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