• September 6, 2010

COME ON BLACK PEOPLE, It’s about time you acknowledged all the great things Republicans have done for you in the last 50 years! You ARE the Tea Party!

1998-throwback site Bare-Naked Islam treats the Muslim issue with smart commentary and reasoned discourse. Haha, just kidding, it’s just the worst batshit-crazy paranoid trash-dump of truly bizarre xenophobic bullshit you’re likely to see. Just remember, Islamaphobia isn’t real, it’s just a media fantasy perpetuated by your Wonkette: MUSLIMS ARE LIKE DOGS…… ……except Muslims use mosques [...]

A very nerdy-voiced Marxist was savagely grabbed at by a crazed American flag fetishist last weekend because he KNOWINGLY trespassed on the Restoring Honor Rally’s sacred no-sign holy ground. This heroic rascal-less woman was clearly in the right, as these blatant Muslims flagrantly broke the First Commandment by putting the gods of Allah above his [...]

Seems like Republicans may be coming to terms with the disgusting queers they talk so much about denying civil rights. The Log Cabin Republicans’ own less-fabulous Homo-con features appearances by several gay-haters who are suddenly interested in “discussions” (cock gobbling) with the gay group: Suddenly, it’s becoming less of a stigma for bigwigs to associate [...]

Health Care reform’s nefarious “laws” will rise from the murky depth of Obama’s black heart and obliterate America’s most treasured and at-risk population, health insurance companies. [NCPA] Viking conservative Erick Erickson puts it all in perspective for his toddler-aged readership: apparently winning a primary doesn’t equal winning an election. [RedState] Just like how homophobia isn’t [...]

It is time for our final installment, in which Ayn must pay for her foul deeds … and economic justice is most certainly served.

Glenn Beck and friends are getting sweet-tats all over Washington DC right now, but not on the green or yellow lines, because that’s where the black people congregate to play craps on the Kill Whitey Express. The gays finally converted the innocent virginal maiden Ken Mehlman into their cult of appletinis and progressive dance music. [...]

A video game from 1998 CONCLUSIVELY PROVES that Marxism is a lie. [Ludwig Von Mises Institute] The Huffington Post and some Islamaphobe blog are in a juicy spat because HuffPo reported the Islamaphobe’s Islamaphobic ads were taken down when they were actually not taken down, prompting MASSIVE RETALIATION via blog post. [AtlasShrugs] One day after [...]

Look at this hot piece of apple pie: he’s ultra-masculine, loves smoking cigars, fetishises puppets, and most importantly, HATES MUSLIMS. This super-hunk, Doug Giles, introduces us to our terrifying future in AMERICANISTAN where Sharia law rules and skunk puppets are no longer permitted to confuse Shania Twain with John Lennon. Shania Twain, incidentally, is one [...]

This is it — the penultimate edition of Ayn Rand’s graphic novel Chick Tract! Come and join Ayn in the objectivist climax of our story, there’s only one left after this one, baby!

The Cordoba Victory Party Mosque continued to inspire America’s best passions all over our xenophobic idiot-state, even after our own Muslim president cowardly came out in favor of its “constitutional” right to exist. Famous clown/Senator Carl Levin got smacked in the face with a Cordoba pie. A man whose name supposedly means “a frothy mixture [...]

Hairy Reid’s pimping past is finally coming to light, thanks to a polygraph received by his former campaign manager. The results are to be revealed on a future episode of The Maury Show, where Reid will fall for a sexy decoy before finding out that he IS NOT THE FATHER. [RedState] Hooray! “Christian Civilization” is [...]

The art of protest balladry has long been associated with America’s lesbian-pinko Bob Dylan left-wing, because of the record companies and their bedrugged teenaged audiences. But finally, as it did at CBGB in the 1970s, the art of the song has found a flowering scene on YouTube, where conservatism speaks, nay, SINGS!

Goody Ayn ingested a potent dose of peyote in our last episode of Ayn’s Ultimate High-Times Comic. This episode follows her spiritual journey and is sure to harsh your mellow, stoned readers.

Professional baby-maker and virile tabloid hottie Levi Johnston plans to run for mayor of his meth-addled hometown, bravely standing up against the old-guard fat cats that populate Wasilla’s city hall/methadone clinics. Judge Vaughn Walker personally lubed up the slippery slope in California, mandating gay marriages for everyone. Michelle Malkin’s testicles got tied up in a [...]