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Congratulations, %youAre% a star! %userName% starred %you% %time%%youHave% lost your star. %userName% took away %your% star %time%%userName% promoted %your% comment in %postName%%time%%userName% demoted %your% comment in %postName%%time%%userName% replied to %your% comment in %postName%%time%Congratulations, %youAre% a commenter! %userName% approved %you% %time%%youHave% lost your commenter status. %userName% took away %your% approval %time%%youAre% banned. %userName% has banned %you% %time%
Want to be over-involved in your child's life, but can't spare the time it takes to smother them with attention? A service for you: A company is installing webcams at Little League games, so parents can watch from their phones.
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You know what makes a really nice pairing? Watching Top Chef and live-blogging it on Gawker. They go together like fava beans and chianti! Join us in the comments tonight and find out for yourself!
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Music producer Timbaland reported to police that his $2 million watch was stolen. But after a weird suicide scare today he says the watch hasn't been stolen. Kids: Never buy a watch that someone could very conceivably be killed over.
Vladimir Putin, the world's favorite He-man/Russian President shot a gray whale with a crossbow while riding in a rubber raft earlier today. This is getting ridiculous. How will he ever outdo himself now?
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[Michelle Obama appeared to have a laugh at the President's expense today as the couple ordered food from a Martha's Vineyard restaurant while on vacation. Sorry about the crappy weather, guys! Image via Getty]
New Jersey was not among the winning states announced yesterday in the Obama administration's "Race to the Top" contest for federal education funding. The only reason? A single clerical error on its application. And it'll cost the state $400 million.More »
A 30-year-old Japanese man pled guilty to burning down his family's house because his mother threw out his action figures. He says he was attempting to commit suicide because the toys were "partners" he planned to spend his life with.
When it comes to NBC's news-reading Ken doll Brian Williams, we rarely get to see anything below the waist. That's a shame because he says that he's keeping something (ahem) big from viewers.
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Today we related to you the story of Meg Whitman's delightful son Will, who threw a crybaby tantrum at Princeton, all over a softball game on a rugby field. One commenter added to the story in a most insightful way.
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Have you ever been staring at your junk clogged email inbox and thought, "I wish I could talk to all these people on the phone?" No? Well, then prepare to be baffled by yet another weird Google invention.
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Is that footlong cheeseburger not getting the job done for you? Try the Carl's Jr. Philly Cheesesteak Burger. A cheesesteak on a bun? No, a cheesesteak on top of a burger. Hey, it didn't make these Legos fat. [Adfreak]
Twenty television bigwigs have come together to start up a brand new awards show as a rival to the annual Emmy Awards. But do we really need to replace TV's biggest night?
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[Here's the current lineup at the Skyway Drive-In in Warren, OH. Oh you wacky summer-employed teens! Or oblivious assistant managers. Are they in cahoots with this Portland movie theater? Let's hope. Either way, Anne Rice quivers with delight. Via Reddit]
Voice-of-a-generation Allen Ginsberg's former one bedroom E. 12th St. apartment can now be yours for $1700/month. Imagine watching Franco's Howl movie in there! The unit has been newly renovated, but the walls may still reverberate with all those howls. Sigh.
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If you're planning on setting up any kind of online community for your business — and who isn't these days? — know that Facebook has begun suing to protect "the distinctive BOOK portion" of its trademark, starting with More »
Well, this is embarrassing for the Bavarian town of Aßling: Someone trampled a swastika the size of a tennis court into a cornfield there. Now everyone who flies over think they're neo-Nazis. Unless they think alien neo-Nazis did it?
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This is a real thing: fire combines with strong dry winds to create a fire tornado. One happened just yesterday in Aracatuba, Brazil. Here's the footage, taken by someone much braver/crazier than I'll ever be.
Today at Gawker.TV,Glenn Beck says he's the reason America thinks Obama's a Muslim, what's next for Bored to Death and Always Sunny, Louis C.K. finds Osama bin Laden, and a sensitive Brian Kilmeade introduces America to his teddy bear.
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The Marc by Marc Jacobs accessories store on Bleecker Street in the West Village is always a nasty mess of horrible tourists waiting in line. Well, one local resident is imploring her neighbors to fight back.
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The man accused of stabbing a Muslim NYC cab driver hardly has the background one might expect from someone charged with a hate crime committed in a drunken rage.
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Wikileaks has published its most recent catch: a brief February 2010 CIA memo analyzing risks to homeland security if the United States is perceived as an "exporter of terrorism."
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Science fiction has rocked cinemas for a century, and the genre has produced many undisputed classics during that time. But which movies are essential viewing for anyone interested in the genre? We broke down the 25 must-watch science fiction films.
The Way We Live Now: being proven wrong. It doesn't do much for our self-esteem, but then again, self-esteem and a buck fifty will get you a cup of coffee these days. And a buck fifty's nowhere to be found.
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Today in news about California governor candidate Meg Whitman's famouslyawful offspring: younger son Will Harsh throws a tantrum and challenges a Princeton professor to a fight over a rugby field that, the young heir thought, belonged to him. More »
Critiques of major media outlets are common these days, except when they're so good they render further critiques moot. This video from the Onion News Network which mockingly paints Time Magazine as aimed at children is a perfect example.
How would you travel if money were no object? Perhaps, like Beyoncé and Jay-Z, you'd rent a 180-foot, Italian-made Benetti Luxury yacht that goes for $377,000… a week. Worth it? Let's take a look.
A new poll shows that one-third of New Jersey voters think the Jersey Shore guidos act out because they're from New York. Will the Garden State leave this issue alone? The state clearly has bigger image issues to worry about.
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Yep. He has one right now. Also today: Cruise's wife gets in bed with two people, but only one man, Scream 4 adds some more victims, a Glee rumor appears true, and some sexy nerd ladies arrive at SyFy's doorstep.
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Chris Young, running for mayor of Providence, recently appeared on the local FOX station for a disastrous interview. The worst part? Choose: a) Young bringing/reading notes, b) saying that he attends church for fun, or c) serenading the befuddled interviewer.
Do you know Tila Tequila? How about Tila Ngyuen? That's how I knew her way before the Juggalo poop-throwing fiasco. Let me explain how she got famous.
Welcome back to Midweek Madness, in which we roll around in the dirt dug up by In Touch, Star, Life & Style, Ok! and Us. This week: Pixelated blobs at the True Blood wedding! Travolta's weave fridge! Spiced Hamm sandwich!!!
Ex-Senator Alan Simpson is a co-chair of Barack Obama's deficit-reduction commission, and many liberals fear that he'll take a wrecking ball to Social Security. And now that a grumpy, comical email rant of Simpson's has leaked, liberals are downright livid.
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In your backwards Wednesday media column: Major Garrett leaves Fox News, Sharon Waxman waxes on about her competitor, a VQR editor's suicide considered further, and a man from the future speaks out.
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Broken friendships produce the bitterest feuds, which explains the big beef between Steve Jobs' Apple and Bono's Elevation Partners. Now Elevation is investing in Pandora, the beloved internet radio site edging ever closer to competition with Apple.
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On last night's Late Show, Drew Barrymore was busy telling David Letterman about her perfect pooches when, suddenly, he started to roll up his sleeve, revealing several scars/bite marks that he says came from Sully, his "Satan" dog. Video inside.
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