Former Wyoming Senator Alan Simpson, the co-chairman of President Obama’s deficit commission, has sparked calls for his resignation after sending an offensive and sexist note to Ashley Carson, the executive director of the Older Women’s League. While such calls are reasonable — Simpson’s comments were certainly more offensive than remarks that led to the resignation of other people from the Obama administration — the Senator’s determined ignorance about the basic facts on Social Security is an even more important reason for him to leave his position.
I was also a recipient of one of Simpson’s tirades. As was the case with the note he sent to Carson, Simpson attached a presentation prepared for the commission by Social Security’s chief actuary. Simpson implied that this presentation had some especially eye-opening information that would lead Carson and myself to give up our wrong-headed views on Social Security.
While I opened the presentation with great expectations, I quickly discovered there was nothing in the presentation that would not already be known to anyone familiar with the annual Social Security trustees’ report. The presentation showed a program that is currently in solid financial shape, but somewhere in the next three decades will face a shortfall due to an upward redistribution of wage income, increasing life expectancy, and slow growth in the size of the workforce. The projected shortfall is not larger than what the program has faced at prior points in its history, most notably in 1982 when the Greenspan Commission was established to restore the program’s solvency.
It was disturbing to see that Simpson seemed surprised by what should have been old hat to anyone familiar with the policy debate on Social Security. After all, he had been a leading participant in these debates in his years in the Senate.
Simpson’s public remarks also seem to show very little knowledge of the financial situation of the elderly or near elderly. He has repeatedly made references to retirees driving up to their gated communities in their Lexuses. While this description may apply to Simpson’s friends, it applies to very few other retirees, the vast majority of whom rely on Social Security for the bulk of their income. Cutting the benefits of the small group of genuinely affluent elderly would make almost no difference in the finances of the program.
Furthermore, the baby-boom generation that is nearing retirement has seen most of its savings destroyed by the collapse of the housing bubble that both wiped out their housing equity and took a big chunk of the limited money they were able to put aside in their 401(k)s. Simpson shows no understanding of this fact as he prepares to cut benefits for near retirees.
He also doesn’t seem to have a clue as to the type of work that most older people are doing. While it is possible for senators to continue in their jobs late in life, nearly half of older workers have jobs that are either physically demanding or require they work in difficult conditions. Simpson seems totally clueless on this point when he considers proposals to raise the retirement age.
The key facts on Social Security are not hard to understand. The shortfall is relatively minor and distant. Most retirees have little income other than their Social Security, and most workers would find it quite difficult to stay at their jobs in their late 60s or even 70. We might have hoped that Senator Simpson understood these facts at the time when he was appointed to the commission, but we should at least expect that he would learn them on the job.
His determined ignorance in the face of the facts is the most important reason why he is not qualified to serve on President Obama’s commission. Someone who is co-chairman of such an important group should be able to critically evaluate information, not just insult and demean his critics.
Dean Baker is co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, D.C. He is the author of several books, including False Profits: Recovering from the Bubble Economy.
Great to see you here, Dean. And thanks for telling it like it is.
Another millionares club senator working for the rich bigot billionare crooks out there in Wyoming ( Salt Lake City bedroom community ) who can’t even get throught the sixth grade. Fart Blossoms like him and Orin Botch who make migrants squeeze blood out of turnips working for white ranchers on their free BLM land is going to have to stop someday soon once all those big V-8 pick-up rednecks have to pay for the real price of gas. In a way it’s not so surprising, isn’t Jackson Hole where JF’s boy (Jerry Ford) ‘Shooter Dick’ is from? Ain’t Wyoming the home of Teapot Dome?
Hey, I have a radical idea – how about we not leave 16 percent of the workforce idle or underemployed? That should put more money into Social Security, and anything else that’s financed with payroll taxes, like, umm, you know.
Just a thought.
He’s a repuke. What do you expect, brains? Sense?
My but you people get in such a tizzy over nothing. How many pointless pieces are you people going to write about this non event?
You are bordering on being boring. That’s not good.
Dean, everything you’ve written is correct, of course. But it is also prescisely the reason why boobs like Simpson & Bowles and career empty suits like Rivlin are on this commission.
Contrary to what a lot of liberals and Democrats believe, Obama specifically endorses this kind of corporatism, buffoonery and reverse Robin Hoodism.
It is always interesting when the supporters of the Rs and their conservative ways always feel the need to “move on” whenever one of their mouthpieces puts his foot in it. Yet we can watch them continually rehash the foibles of folks like the Clintons until the end of time. Forgive conservatives who attack others because they know not what they do.
Simpson should have already been shown the door except that his boss is a bit more forgiving of attacks on the middle-class and Social Security than his Administration is when fraudulent video is used to attack significantly less conservative government employees. They protect their own.
Disagree. His determined ignorance is the PRIME reason why O appointed him co-chair of the commish.
Simpson, like the rest of his ilk, are deliberately obtuse when it comes to “understanding” what it’s like for the “small” people. Crooks like Simpson live in their bubble of ill-gotten gains and figure: I got mine, eff you. And frankly, my dear, the Simpsons of this world don’t give a d*mn about the “small” people.
They’ve gotten the prosperity Xtian churches to preach about how, if you’re poor, it’s because you’re an evil sinner and it’s all your fault; or you’re lazy or didn’t work “hard enough” so it’s all your fault. Why should he and his Lexus driving friends, living in the lap of luxury in gated communities, give a sh** about anyone else?
ReThugs have been angling for years to rip off Soc Sec. BHO hired a ReThug to do the job. Who ya gonna blame?
Dear wingnut troll,
Nobody’s fucking interested and nobody fucking cares.
Very truly yours…
If you find it boring go read something else. That’s what I do. You knew the topic before you clicked on it.
Hey! I have, in fact, lost my future $$$’s in the housing crash. I’m really worried about all the money I’ve put into my SS, for the past 42 years. Any heartless creature out there who wants to fight with me about Them Apples, let’s meet outside, and bring your b gloves, buster.
And yet you stay. What kind of person hangs out at a place they find boring? One who desperately needs to get a life.
“His determined ignorance” seems to be why Obama picked him. Were Simpson determinedly ignorant of right-wing non-issues (his apparent field of expertise) he’d be long gone.
Do. Not. Feed.
If you are trolling around for excitement, please try another site.
If exposure to opinion based on facts, intended to get at the truth of the matters being discussed is boring, your commenting and hanging out here mystifies me.
Got that right.
stupid rethug senators. Really? You expected maybe some intelligence?
You’re right. I should know better.
Sorry, sometimes I lose control.
Bilbo & nonquixote:
Heh. I know the feeling.
Sorry, timr, not for you.
“His determined ignorance in the face of the facts…”
I respectfully disagree. W got this ball publicly rolling in 2005-that the “millionares club senator working for the rich bigot billionare crooks” were gleefully waiting to get their hands on all that Social Security money just sitting there waiting to be privatized. Only because of Katrina was the effort abandoned then. But it’s like watching the run-up to the Iraq invasion, there’s a dreading sense of inevitability.
One hopes that assholes like Simpson somehow manage to shoot themselves in the
mouthfoot enough so that the whole crooked enterprise is scrapped forever.Senator Simpson, it’s people like you who give raping the middle class a bad name.
Ha! You made me snort.
Bbbb..but, eeee, I’m hot and bored and it’s only 8:30. What’s a girl to do?
On the upside, Simpson has scored a 1st amendment victory. The Washington Post can now print the word “tits.”
“Starving the beast’ is easy to accomplish if you raise the retirement age and drop the quality of the wages to the point of pension diminishing returns.
Who would be willing to work, to age 70, flipping hamburgers?
What kind of pension would they have?
Conservatives should stop the actuarial babble about ’saving SS’ and just admit they want to kill it–easier for them;easier for those of us who want to stop them.
Hoover was a Republican. His own party tried to brand him as a ‘progressive’ when the economy went south. Perhaps that’s why Obama has suddenly become a Muslim. His own party isn’t doing the name calling yet.
But it’s early in the 2012 cycle.
Just two examples of the lying and the spin used to justify or plausibly deny what are predetermined positions motivated by ideology. Goebbels must be laughing today.
Spin is harder to defeat than a lie because it never stands still or stays the same. That is why the pols like it.
It’s an equal opportunity sin.
I have some nice home made iced tea in the fridge. Sliding a glass down the bar in your direction.
Listening to Scott Horton interviews on on another window.
One down. Six to go.
And why is this MORAN in the news again? Who gave him a crack at the limelight again? Can’t these filthy ignorant greedy parasites get real jobs or is it that they just want to steal more of our lives? Why does he have a say again? Who gave him the air time? Does he collect his SS? Doesn’t he have a pension extorted from us? Does he get paid for the “work” he does on the commission? Who pays him???? Surely somebody that disgusting isn’t doing it for free. Who pays him and why is he on the committee? Who put him on that committee? Who did that???
You’re right and I have some nice sun tea in the fridge too. I’m going to spend some time at teh google researching noetic science. (Putting my boxing gloves back in the closet.)
Note that the president has accepted Simpson’s apology rather than correcting his misleading ignorance. I suspect that is because Simpson is conveying misimpressions that the president wants spread.
Specifically, there is a well-orchestrated propaganda/disinformation campaign being conducted to undermine the public’s faith in the security of Social Security. So far as I can tell, that campaign has been very successful, and Alan Simpson is simply playing his part in that campaign.
Actually, I think it’s five. A few years ago, the WaPo printed verbatim Cheney’s suggestion to Senator Leahy that he “go fuck himself.”
Those lovely plainspoken Wyoming politicians.
If the coming shortfall is due to “an upward redistribution of wage income, increasing life expectancy, and slow growth in the size of the workforce,” aren’t those the real problems? A more equitable distribution of the economic gains made over the last thirty years might have done a lot to help us avoid our current situation. Since that didn’t happen, increasing taxes on those who benefited most will have to suffice. Increasing life expectancy could be addressed by something along the lines of means testing. Besides which, most people who are able to continue working prefer to do so. The obvious solution to the third factor, slow growth in the size of the workforce, would be to increase immigration — which might have the added benefit of causing right wing heads to explode. Too bad we’ve exported so much of a key ingredient to those solutions–jobs.
LOL. Progress in our time, courtesy of the wingnuts. Whoda thought?
If Simpson were black, Obama would have fired him like…yesterday. Obama seems to have a penchant for rich, misogynist white guys (Larry Summers anyone?) Simpson’s not the only one deserving of the description “offensive and ignorant.” The guy that stuck him on this committee to start with owns this title, too. BTW, lots of folks on HuffPo think Simpson was appointed by the Repugs. Folks just can’t deal with the reality of Obama’s betrayal.
“Obama World
Billions for War
Cat food for Americans.”
Yes, get rid of this guy Simpson already!
Any deviation on Social Security is all about GETTING RID of the program.
Anyone who tinkers with or wants to fool around with the Social Security program is essentially AGAINST SOCIAL SECURITY and wants to END the program.
The only thing people should be talking about is how to strengthen Social Security rather than undermine or try to end it.
Normally, I’d expect the AARP to play a pivotal role in stopping Obama, Simpson, and their Catfood Commission. But this from the WSJ is cause for concern:
What lunatic right-wing hack created this commission, anyway?
He seems to think that everyone else lives just like he does.
Which is a sure sign that he’s lost touch with reality, and needs to resign from the commission and retire from public life.
(How much do his pensions run to, and how do they compare to average (and maximum) SS income? He needs to have that explained to him in simple terms.)
It seems far less important what Simpson thinks or says about Social Security than the fact that he was appointed by Barack “the Freak” Obama. The latter is of utmost concern. He should resign his office and become a school teacher — maybe in Kansas — where he might possibly do some actual good. He’s too much the clone of GWB to be allowed anywhere near the Oval office.
The problem is that life expectancy is not increasing for over-60s; the change was due to fewer deaths of under-60s. So that’s a lie.
And the increasing income is extremely relative: more people making big money, but the people who will be depending on SS aren’t the ones getting the big bucks now; the people whose income is going up a lto are the ones who aleeady were making big bucks.
And slow growth in the workforce is due to businesses not hiring people, or hiring but only offshore.
Simpson is an ignorant idjit.
The Uwe Bolls of policy wonks. What raging dick head. I’m so sick of these politicians parading around as if they have even the slightest concern for anyone but their tiny group of old rich fuckers and their Victorian ideology. Our ‘grand-children’ my ass. MIC will be our undoing.
I can’t wait until we can all start working for 25 cents a day, 12 hours a day, 6 days a week without healthcare in intolerable working environments without any regard to worker or environmental safety and no retirement of any kind just so the motherfuckers can usher in the new gilded age.
I am not trying to be a smartass here, is it possible Simpson is in the early stages of dementia? Forgetting things he had to have once known as a Senator, nasty outbursts… I think it’s possible.
I think what a lot of us have a hard time getting our minds around –God knows it’s not rocket science — is that to the Washington elite, the only real people (‘non-little’people)are rich people like themselves. There was always a barrier between the rich and the poor — I remember being taken to a hotel 30 years ago on the west coast of Florida and told that if I wasn’t a Dupont or a Ford, I could forget thinking about taking tea there. But it’s worse today, in part because there are so many more millionaires and multi-millionaires. As a percentage of the population they are always as small as they ever were, but the absolute number is up enormously since the 1960s. Size matters. They are now a society apart, and it doesn’t come into their head that there are several hundred million citizens who are not like them. They confuse us with the gardener.
These thoughts percolated through my head yesterday as I walked through campus looking at the newly arrived students, 85 percent of whom come from that elite class. Nice kids, with no comprehension of how truly privileged they are.
Entitlement disease, only the rich are entitled to anything. Working class folks are not entitled to the pension benefits (SS) they paid into all their working life.
And yet, Obama continues to offer Simpson his full support. Obama is offically sealed in the DC bubble and blind, deaf and dumb to his base on this and so many issues. Yet, he is not a dumb man, so we can only surmise that so many of his betrayals are deliberate with full knowledge of what he is doing.
It’s pretty obvious were in a Class war and the top 2% are winning.
This retard has been railing against SS since his political birth. Unless he has a rare form of dementia that starts in your early 30’s, he’s just a condescending prick tool for the oligarchy.
A classic asshole that pisses down your back and tries to convince you it is raining.
In a modest effort to control my anger when it comes to the initial witnessing of D’oh-bama’s continuing succession of stupidities, I have rationalized his behavior as an underlying attempt to win the love he never felt from his Kansan grandfather.
Wyoming, Kansas seem congruent in the old white attitudes.
It’s likely you’ve got a better take on the problems than I do. My point was that we should address the problems facing the system, not simply lower the benefits paid out. It’s like having a car that needs a tune-up. You can drive it slower and take shorter trips until it dies, or fix it.
The way I see it, cuts in benefits will make SS profitable in the future. Since Reagan/Rostenkowski allowed SS to be taken as general revenue, funds being replaced by T-bills, the next step will be to remove those T-bill obligations. That will put SS directly into general revenue. Since there isn’t a minimum income which is non-taxable to SS, this will be a net highly regressive tax. If say, benefits are trimmed so that 3% of FICA goes into general revenues directly, then that will be a 3% tax hike on the lower/middle classes. Of course, that is something Obama promised not to do…But I think that’s where this is heading.
Don’t you mean to say with malice of forethought?
I am beginning to hope for a blue dress moment for Obama….
They’re only momentary flashes. It would be nice to see him have to get on TV in front of the whole nation admit he is a Republican and is self-loathing enough to leave office with the plight of African Americans to be worse than when he took office while rich white america is richer than ever.
He reminds me of Michael Jackson trying anything in desperate hope of becoming Caucasian.
Strangely like Joe Lieberman’s role in HCR.
We really elected two guys. The one running the country isn’t the one most of us thought we elected however. Barry Obama is a white Harvard educated Corp. lawyer raised by his White Grandparents in the mid-west Barry is a Reagan Conservative Goper and he’s our “real” President and the way he’s been acting makes perfect sense, in this context. The guy we all thought we elected Barack Obama, The black Chicago community organizer is just part of the outer physical facade, the personality part ( AKA Barack) is kept locked away in the recesses of his sick mind , only to be allowed to be in seen in public around and before elections. It’s like the classic Movie the “3 faces of Eve.” I call his Presidency, “The Two faces of Obama.” So far it gets 1 star.
I’ve said it before… people are down right rude.
! out of 4 responses to your post wasn’t polite, yet you lump us all together. Is that a habit?
Add Gin. Slides down better.
Blunt. And you? deliberately provocative — which is very rude.
You appear to be itching for a fight (which by the way, is not protected speech under the First Amendment).
You have tarried here too long for the good that you do. For the love of God, go!
ding ding ding, we have a winner! Thanks for saying it for me. Broke my arm (“crushed” my left radius and wrist, doc said) when a ladder fell out from under me and I stiff-armed the ground, haven’t been typing much.
Enjoy the reprieve while u can ; }