Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Daily Show on 'terror funder' & Fox co-owner Prince al-Waleed bin Talal

A stunning segment, not because the news is new, but because it's really well analyzed. Funny is just gravy on this very meaty dish (h/t Blue Texan).

Bottom line (for those of you who want to read the meaty bits):

  1. Saudi Prince al-Waleed bin Talal ("the world's 22nd richest person") is the second-largest owner of Fox News.
  2. Billionaire Prince al-Waleed also funds the Kingdom Foundation.
  3. Fox says that the Kingdom Foundation "funds terror groups."
  4. The Prince also funds Imam Rauf, the man behind the Park 51 Muslim community center.

  5. Bonus: Fox & Friends announces points 2–4 without ever naming al-Waleed.
For Fox, this means Imam Rauf is financed by terror-funders. For Stewart, this means that Fox is either Stupid or Evil.

But for us, this is valuable information, including the part about connections to Bush II. Forget the "mosque"; the Saudi royal family's relationship to right-wing and GOP politics has needed a spotlight for years. Thank you, Daily Show, for shining it.

Just wait till the Saudis start flexing their Citizens United muscles. Mr. Roberts, you are truly a "revolutionary force".


(By the way, I'm with Evil all the way, even though Evil can also be "inspiringly Stupid." Why?

Because about 1:55 into the segment (repeated at 5:08), Dan Senor says, "The Kingdom Foundation, so you know, is this Saudi organization headed up by the guy who tried to give Rudy Guilani $10 million after 9/11 that was sent back, he funds radical madrassas all over the world" — with a picture of Imam Rauf, not our billionaire Prince, behind the voice-over.

It's the Prince he's talking about. From Dan Senor especially, that's not Stupid, that's inspiringly Evil.)

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