A stunning segment, not because the news is new, but because it's really well analyzed. Funny is just gravy on this very meaty dish (h/t Blue Texan).
Bottom line (for those of you who want to read the meaty bits):
- Saudi Prince al-Waleed bin Talal ("the world's 22nd richest person") is the second-largest owner of Fox News.
- Billionaire Prince al-Waleed also funds the Kingdom Foundation.
- Fox says that the Kingdom Foundation "funds terror groups."
- The Prince also funds Imam Rauf, the man behind the Park 51 Muslim community center.
- Bonus: Fox & Friends announces points 2–4 without ever naming al-Waleed.
But for us, this is valuable information, including the part about connections to Bush II. Forget the "mosque"; the Saudi royal family's relationship to right-wing and GOP politics has needed a spotlight for years. Thank you, Daily Show, for shining it.
Just wait till the Saudis start flexing their Citizens United muscles. Mr. Roberts, you are truly a "revolutionary force".
(By the way, I'm with Evil all the way, even though Evil can also be "inspiringly Stupid." Why?
Because about 1:55 into the segment (repeated at 5:08), Dan Senor says, "The Kingdom Foundation, so you know, is this Saudi organization headed up by the guy who tried to give Rudy Guilani $10 million after 9/11 that was sent back, he funds radical madrassas all over the world" — with a picture of Imam Rauf, not our billionaire Prince, behind the voice-over.
It's the Prince he's talking about. From Dan Senor especially, that's not Stupid, that's inspiringly Evil.)