Alexander Cockburn on the trial of Khaled Sheikh Mohammed, Jeffrey Haas on Fred Hampton's assassination, and poems by Andrzej Sosnowski and Piotr Sommer
It takes sixty votes to pass an amendment and most of the proposed measures for the healthcare bill will never pass. Still, a great opportunity to grandstand over pet issues.
The expediency of Obama's Afghanistan decision was transparent. Satisfy the generals by sending 30,000 more troops. Satisfy the public with a timeline for beginning withdrawals of those same troops, without a timeline for completing withdrawal.
The very same senators who smear the public option are staunch supporters of the Veterans Health Administration--and that really is socialized medicine.
From the "water wars" of Latin America and South Africa to the battle against corporate takeover of agriculture, the revolt that began ten years ago lives on.
What if the president actually decided to take an "off-ramp" from the Afghan War?
Will conservative and liberal objections to the Senate healthcare bill's provisions regarding women's health doom the legislation?
Representative Marcy Kaptur, a longstanding advocate for foreclosure relief, talks to The Nation about prospects for sweeping financial reform.
We must remain vigilant against government crimes and secrecy.
The race to fill Ted Kennedy's seat is on; Geithner is under the gun; The Nation's revered puzzle setter retires.
To save news media, stop blaming the Internet and start thinking about how subsidies could revive a public good.
Filibustering healthcare reform? This is not what democracy looks like.
The poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke fuses lament and praise, and mingles amazement about sheer existence with mystery and terror.
Nelson Mandela was a patriarch, Thabo Mbeki a princeling. Jacob Zuma, South Africa's new president, is purely a politician.
Alarmist tracts about immigration in Europe are debates about Muslims--not with them.
Horacio Castellanos Moya has turned anxiety into an art form and put El Salvador on the literary map.
A Cuban novelist reflects on the consequences of his country's revolution.
Thanks to the political opportunism of the current Commander-in-Chief, the Afghanistan war is still without end or logical purpose.
When the golfer makes deals with dictatorships and unaccountable corporations, all in the name of his billion-dollar brand, he deserves no privacy.
Is anyone ever going to be held accountable for the sweetheart deals that passed billions of taxpayer dollars through the AIG shell game to the banks that caused the meltdown?
We can't stop looking at our first female political train wreck.
The upcoming trial of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed is the best news for the print press since Monica Lewinsky.
The ace that the Democrats have in their deck.
1 Backing up, crash into French bike--America, in short, is fantastic! (9)