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Laura Ingraham And Dick Morris Agree: Purpose Of Ground Zero Mosque Is To “Indoctrinate” American Muslims In "Revolting" Sharia Law

Reported by Ellen - Thu 2:45 PM

If Fox News’ and right wing concern about the so-called ground zero mosque, actually an Islamic cultural center named Park 51, is out of sensitivity to 9/11 victims, then why is there such a non-stop parade of inflammatory anti-Muslim rhetoric and nightly demonization of the imam and his wife? Does Fox News think that is balm on the wounds of 9/11 victims? Is stirring up Islamophobia a way of healing? Last night (8/25/10), Dick Morris hate mongered about the Islamic cultural center and Muslims, in general, by claiming that the purpose of the so-called mosque is to “counter the assimilationist tendencies of Muslims in the United States” and to “recruit people, train them, indoctrinate them in” "revolting" sharia law. Laura Ingraham, substituting for Bill O’Reilly told Morris, “I’m where you are on this issue.”

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Will Michelle Malkin Condemn Death Threats On Fox Nation?

Reported by Ellen - Thu 12:55 PM

Michelle Malkin visited Fox & Friends this morning to deflect blame for the stabbing of a Muslim cabdriver in New York City by - what else? - attacking the left. The sanctimonious sourpuss sneered, "It happens habitually time and again... there are people n the left with a kneejerk impulse to indict the right." Malkin went on to say she had a "catalog" of "bilge-spewing comments at Think Progress." But if Malkin's upset with what she found on Think Progress, I'd like to know what she has to say about the comments on Fox Nation, Fox News' online community supposedly devoted to civility and tolerance?

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Steve Doocy Provides Publicity For Bill Donohue Crusade

Reported by Priscilla - Thu 10:43 AM

Bill Donohue, head of the "Catholic Anti-Defamation League" but not a spokesperson for the Catholic Church, is on fire. Not with the flames of the “Holy Spirit,” but with anger towards the management of the Empire State Building because they refuse to light up the building in honor of Mother Teresa’s 100th birthday which occurs today. In May, the blustering Donohue who, if put into an old school nun’s habit would be my 6th grade teacher who took sadistic pleasure in hurling erasers into the class, was given free PR on Fox & Friends, in May, for his jihad (whoops really wrong word) “crusade” against “little preppy boys” at the Empire State. He used the opportunity to scream about “bigotry” towards Catholics. (And he’s such an articulate representative of Catholics, eh?) As an added benefit to his F & F appearance, he was able to promote a petition urging the Empire State to light up their building in the colors of Mother Teresa’s habit. And today he’s baaaack on Fox & Friends in order to promote tonight’s Catholic League protest rally in front of the Empire State. He brought with him his new Jewish BFF, Jackie Mason, whose brand of “humor” includes referring to African American politicians as “schvartzes” – a Yiddish term that, according to the NAACP which criticized Mason’s use of the term to describe NY Mayor Dinkins, has racist connotations. But as with “the war on Christmas,” Mason sides with the “goy” on this one and appeared with Bill O’Reilly to defend poor Christians who are so maligned by “happy holidays.” Bill is no fan of Jews; but he’s obviously willing to accept Mason because he’s not a Hollywood Jew who hates Catholicism and likes anal sex. (You think I’m kidding?)

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Discussing Boehner's Speech On The Economy, Van Susteren More Challenging Of Democratic Guest Than Republican

Reported by Ellen - Wed 4:08 PM

Fox News' "Democratic" host, Greta Van Susteren, held what she put forth as "fair and balanced" reaction to Minority Leader John Boehner's speech yesterday calling for President Obama to fire economic adviser Larry Summers and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner. It's true that there were two segments with Congressional representatives: Mike Pence and Debbie Wasserman Schultz. But Van Susteren's behavior with the two was markedly different. Guess which one got the vigorous challenges from the host?

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Laura Ingraham’s Attack On Russell Simmons Omits Key Detail

Reported by Priscilla - Wed 12:37 PM

Laura Ingraham is a great, big Christian. We know that because she wears a great, big Christian cross! And like her fellow Christian cross fans, she is doing her best to circulate the meme that African American hip-hop mogul, Russell Simmons, makes “stupid,” and anti-Christian comments. (Breitbart's headline, on "Big Hollywood" is "Russell Simmons Blames Christians For First WTC Attack?" Malkin's cites "Russell Simmons’ Def History Lesson Jam: Christians Bombed the WTC in 1993?") The right wing have their nice, white, Christian panties in a wad because Russell Simmons, during a discussion of the NY Islamic cultural center on last week's Larry King show (August 19th), said that "If you're blaming Muslims for the attack on 9/11, then you need to change your mind. We didn't- did we blame Christians at the first World Trade attack?” The next day (August 20th) he “tweeted” that he “Made critical error on CNN last nite. Was thinking of last major terrorist attack on US soil in OKC by McVeigh & misspoke.” Laura Ingraham, filling in for Bill O’Reilly on last night’s (August 24th) “Factor,” played the video of Simmons' CNN comment and snarked, “that’s scary, stupid. For making those comments, Mr. Simmons is obviously a pinhead with a capital P.” She didn’t note that Simmons admitted to having made a mistake. So is Ms. Ingraham too lazy to do the necessary research for a “fair & balanced” report or knowing the truth, did she deliberately avoid reporting on it because the propaganda value of an African American saying a “scary, stupid, thing” was more important? Ingraham didn’t have, as I did, a Catholic education. So perhaps she should check her Cathechism for “sins of omission.” Laura Ingraham omitted a key part of this story. Russell Simmons, who makes a valid point about how another terrorist attack on Americans was committed by a Christian, deserves an apology.

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Alan Colmes Smacks Down Laura Ingraham On Ground Zero Mosque Hysteria, Then Gets Smeared by Ralph Peters

Reported by Ellen - Wed 1:53 AM

Alan Colmes did a terrific job on The O’Reilly Factor last night (8/24/10) as he argued with substitute host Laura Ingraham about the “controversial” imam and his wife spearheading the so-called Ground Zero Mosque. Colmes not only put up a vigorous defense of the couple, he confronted Ingraham for refusing to allow him to talk (“Let me know when I can respond to your question”) and, most importantly, at least partially reframed the debate from defending the imam to going on offense: “Laura, you are guilty of smearing a man by taking one sentence out of context and ignoring the number of things he has said that are indeed bridge building.” In fairness, when she wasn’t talking over Colmes, Ingraham took it all in stride and with good humor. But her following guest, the retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, a Fox News “strategic analyst” with a history of extremist, violent rhetoric, opened his segment – supposedly about Iraq, nothing to do with the mosque – by smearing Colmes.

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Fox News Gives A Little Boost To Marco Rubio

Reported by Ellen - Tue 8:59 PM

It's hard not to notice Fox News' favoritism toward Florida Senate candidate Marco Rubio. But you'd have to be blind not to pick up the Rubio cheerleading on the screen in a segment about his race from yesterday's America Live.

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David Limbaugh Gets A Warm Fox News Welcome To Sell His Hate Mongering Book

Reported by Ellen - Tue 6:12 PM

Once again, Fox News demonstrates that there’s almost nothing too incendiary that can be said about President Obama on Fox News. David Limbaugh, author of yet another anti-Obama screed, has been warmly welcomed on at least two Fox News programs to hype his Beckian, Obamapocalypse rhetoric. Limbaugh was not just favorably received and validated by Sean Hannity but also by “objective” host Megyn Kelly. Kelly did offer some challenge to Limbaugh but it was the kind of challenge you give to someone with whom you have a rational disagreement, not the kind of challenge you give to someone unhinged with hatred for our president.

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The Daily Show Probes Fox News' Terrorism Backer

Reported by Ellen - Tue 2:30 PM

Several Fox News hosts have pointed to connections between the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque" and Saudi Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal as evidence that the mosque is connected to Islamic extremism. Yet none of the hosts revealed that Prince Al-Waleed is the second-largest shareholder in News Corp., the parent company of Fox. Jon Stewart put this lapse under the Daily Show's microscope! Were the omissions stupid or evil? We report, you decide... and have a good laugh.

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Greg Gutfeld Attacks Pro-Choice Women & Planned Parenthood In Bizarre Anti-Choice Rant!

Reported by Priscilla - Tue 2:23 PM

Greg Gutfeld must have been such a cute little altar boy at St. Gregory’s Catholic Church in San Mateo, California. But despite Catholic teachings about “purity” and not abusing one’s body, when Greg grew up he worked at a “lad” magazine in Britain (“Maxim”) and, by his own admission, drank a lot. But now that he’s on Fox’s “Red Eye” he must be back in the embrace of holy mother church as shown by frequent appearances of Fox News’ resident clergyman, Father Jonathan Morris, who teaches Catholic dogma on “Red Eye.” As you probably know, Gutfeld is now into teaching tolerance. He wants to open a gay bar, next to the Manhattan Islamic cultural center in order to prove just how tolerant he is and just how homophobic Islam is. The Catholic Church condemns homosexual behavior (it’s fine to be gay just be celibate); so I don’t know what his church’s teaching would be on Gutfeld opening a gay bar in an area where there are other gay bars that the local Muslims don’t have a problem with. But in accordance with his church’s teaching, Gutfeld is anti-choice and so not tolerant towards those who advocate for women’s reproductive freedom. He recently did a take down (August 19th) of the Emily’s list “Mama Grizzlies” ad, in which women, dressed as bears, state that unlike Palin’s Mama Grizzlies, these Mama Grizzlies want their female cubs to live in a world of reproductive choice. Granted, the bear headgear is a little strange and worth some snark; but Gutfeld used the commercial in a bizarre rant that promoted all the standard anti-choice talking points which included an insult to pro-choice moms and grandmothers along with Planned Parenthood.

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Will Brian Kilmeade Continue To Accept Funds From “Radical Madrassa Funder”

Reported by Guest Blogger - Tue 1:59 PM


On Monday’s Fox & Friends (8/23/10), in yet another attack discussion about the so-called “ground zero mosque,” Brian Kilmeade and guest Dan Senor used Saudi Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal, described as a funder of “radical madrassas all over the world” to tarnish Dr. Feisal Abdul Rauf, the imam of the proposed mosque, because Prince Al-Waleed also “funds this imam.” Well, guess what? Al-Waleed also funds Kilmeade’s salary.

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Will Laura Ingraham Speak Out Against Fox News’ “Muslim Extremist” Shareholder?

Reported by Ellen - Tue 1:20 AM

In her Talking Points Memo last night (8/23/10), O'Reilly Factor substitute host Laura Ingraham addressed what she considered unfair accusations of Islamophobia. As part of her refutation, she re-aired what has been a widely-aired segment (she didn’t mention that the clip has been used to illustrate her hypocrisy on the mosque) showing her conducting an approving interview with Daisy Khan, the wife of Dr. Feisal Abdul Rauf, the imam of the so-called "mosque at Ground Zero."

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"Tolerant," "Civil" Fox Nation Full Of Death Wishes For Muslim College Students

Reported by Ellen - Mon 10:13 PM

On Friday night, Sean Hannity wondered why America is considered hostile to Muslims. Maybe this thread on Fox Nation about the first Muslim college to open in the United States can help him understand. Fox Nation may boast about its tolerance and civil discourse but, as we have posted many other times, a quick glance at its comments indicate an entirely different picture. Unless longing for the death of college students and threatening arson is Fox Nation's idea of tolerance and civility.

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Help Media Matters Air Ad About News Corp's Donation To Republican Governors Association

Reported by Ellen - Mon 5:32 PM

Dear readers, I don't like to use this blog for fundraising and I very rarely do it. But Media Matters' proposed ad for the O'Reilly Factor is just too good and too central to the purpose of this blog not to get behind. As we previously reported, Fox News' parent company recently donated $1 million to the Republican Governors' Association . That's shocking enough. But Fox News has failed to discuss this corporate involvement in politics beyond 37-seconds of airtime. Media Matters' ad tries to correct that imbalance. We see it as helping Fox News report so that its own viewers can decide.

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FOX News Won't Give Event Coverage To Beck's 8/28 Rally

Reported by Ellen - Mon 4:01 PM

Co-authored by Aria

On his August 17th radio broadcast, Glenn Beck confirmed that his 8/28 rally will not be given event coverage on FOX News. Instead, he said he was told, he will receive "news segments.” Beck quickly claimed that he didn't know why the decision was made, but the rushed, resentful tone of voice suggested that whatever he had been told he did not like.

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Steve Doocy Suggests “Anti-Christian Sentiment” Behind Opposition To Vermont Cross

Reported by Priscilla - Mon 10:17 AM

The good Christians on Fox & Friends have never seen a cross story that they didn’t embrace. Opposition to Christian crosses also dovetails nicely with the persecuted Christians who always have sanctuary on Fox & Friends. This morning, good Christian Steve Doocy interviewed a woman who is involved in a case that pits the First Amendment against local zoning and land use policy. But rather than just stick to the facts, Doocy suggested that opposition to this 24 foot cross, on private property, might be because of “anti-Christian” sentiment. See folks, this is Vermont and Vermont is liberal and because they’re liberal they hate Christians. Jesus Christ….is there no depth that Steve Doocy and his fellow Christian soldiers on Fox & Friends won’t stoop in order to push the persecuted Christian agitprop!!!!

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After Hate Mongering About “Ground Zero Mosque,” Hannity Wonders Why America Is Perceived As Hostile To Muslims

Reported by Ellen - Mon 2:13 AM

Unrepentant bigot and Islamophobe Sean Hannity, who has used his prime time television hour to fear monger that Sharia law “is creeping into the United States,” that “terrorists have infiltrated these extremist mosques that exist... here in America,” and that Obama’s Muslim advisor “shared the following thoughts about spreading Sharia law – take a look at this!” sounded genuinely puzzled as he wondered aloud why the United States is perceived as anti-Muslim. I guess all that plus Rush Limbaugh using the term “Imam Obama” to smear our president, and Newt Gingrich comparing the “ground zero mosque” to Nazis is just what goes for “robust dialogue” in Hannity’s mind.

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Frank Rich Explains Why Fox News' "Ground Zero Mosque" Coverage Betrays Petraeus

Reported by Ellen - Sun 11:07 PM

You know how Fox News always makes such a big show of devotion to General David Petraeus? Apparently, the love only goes so far. In a contest between loyalty to Petraeus and political expediency, helping the GOP has won out at Fox News. Frank Rich breaks it down brilliantly.

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Hard Hat Refusnik Mosque Opponent, Andy Sullivan, Attacks “Ruling Class” In Return Fox & Friends Appearance

Reported by Priscilla - Sun 3:15 PM

“Hard Hat” and right wing partisan, Andy Sullivan, who is refusing “to lift one finger” to work on the Islamic cultural center in lower Manhattan is very grateful for the “friendship” extended to him by Fox News in the form of two segments, on Fox & Friends, during which he was able to promote his “Hard Hat Pledge.” This “Pledge” is a petition, on his virulently anti-Obama website, which is extended to all those who wish to publicly declare that they won’t work on the cultural center. So are we surprised that he appeared on this morning’s Fox & Friends in order to promote the “Hard Hat” rally being held, today, against the building of the cultural center. Unlike Brian Kilmeade’s interview, in which Kilmeade validated everything Sullivan said, this one was a little less friendly.

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FoxNews.com Readers Advocate Shooting Liberals As "The Only Known Cure"

Reported by Ellen - Sun 3:11 PM

It looks like FoxNews.com attracts the same kinds of readers as Fox Nation - and uses the same lax moderating. Our astute reader, Todd D. found and reported a comment recommending "a bullet in the head" as the "only known cure" for the "incurable disease" of liberalism. After Todd reported the comment, it was eventually removed (but not after he captured and forwarded to us a screen grab). But a like-minded reader endorsed that strategy more than 14 hours ago and his comment is still there.

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August 22, 2010

Bill O’Reilly Criticizes Justin Bieber & Kim Kardashian For Bad Behavior!?, reported by Priscilla,

August 21, 2010

Back to School at Glenn Beck University, Part IV: More "Free-Markets-Good-Government-Intervention-Bad" from "Hope 102" at Glenn Beck University , reported by Ellen,

Fox News Guest Shrugs Off Death Threats Against Ground Zero Mosque Family: We See Death Threats Happen All The Time, reported by Ellen,

Neil Cavuto Compares Government Spending To Being Lethally Addicted To Smoking, reported by Guest Blogger,

August 20, 2010

The Fox News Pundits Blame Obama For Perception He’s A Muslim, reported by Ellen,

Jon Stewart Connects The Dots Of Terrorism To Fox News!!, reported by Ellen,

Ann Coulter Is Right Wing Judy Garland?, reported by Priscilla,

Glenn Beck: Religious Leader? Cult Guru? Or Psychotic!, reported by Priscilla,

When Will Hannity Return His Salary To Saudi Arabian News Corp. Shareholder?, reported by Ellen,

Fox News Regular Suggests Obama Is Really A Muslim, reported by Ellen,

August 19, 2010

Hannity's Ground Zero Mosque Obsession Eclipses Withdrawal Of Combat Troops In Iraq, reported by Ellen,

Fox Adds “Persecuted Christian” Meme To Its Demagoguery Of “Ground Zero Mosque”, reported by Ellen,

Fox “News” Anchor, Shannon Bream, Takes Up The Christian Cross, reported by Priscilla,

Fox News Helps Promote California’s GOP Secretary Of State Candidate, reported by Ellen,

Steve Doocy Advances New Persecuted Christian Anti-Mosque Meme, reported by Priscilla,

Jon Stewart Imitates Glenn Beck Re News Corp.'s $1 Million To GOP, reported by Ellen,

Fox Promotes More Anti Islamic Rhetoric of 9-11 Family “Authority” Debra Burlingame, reported by Priscilla,

After 6 Pro-Drilling Segments in Alaska, On The Record Airs One Against, reported by Ellen,

August 18, 2010

Glenn Beck Attacks Obama For Being “In Lockstep” With Hamas For Supporting Ground Zero Mosque, Then Exhorts People Of Faith To Stand Together, reported by Ellen,

Mosque Madness –The Murdoch/Pam Geller Nexus, reported by Priscilla,

Fox & Friends Mention Imam Rauf’s Connections To George W Bush & The FBI While Advancing More Anti-Mosque Agitprop!, reported by Priscilla,

When Propaganda Isn't Enough: News Corp. Donates $1 Million To Republican Governors Association, reported by Ellen,

Steve Doocy Cheers “Pro-life” Victory, reported by Priscilla,

Bill O’Reilly Plays Nude Part Of Video Done By “Pinhead”, reported by Priscilla,

Van Susteren’s Drilling/Palin PR-Palooza Continues, reported by Ellen,

August 17, 2010

John Bolton Urges Israel To Bomb Iran In Eight Three Days, reported by Ellen,

Fox News’ Shannon Bream Promotes Demagoguery Of “Ground Zero Mosque” And President Obama, reported by Ellen,

Where's Hannity's Outrage About Sen. Levin Getting Hit With A Pie?, reported by Ellen,

Fox “News” Finds Another Muslim Opposed To Mosque – From Right Wing Lobby Group!, reported by Priscilla,

Bill O’Reilly: Opposition To Mosque Not Religious But Muslims Murdered Americans On 9-11?!, reported by Priscilla,

Greta Van Susteren Helps Sarah Palin Promote Drilling In ANWR, reported by Ellen,

August 16, 2010

Laura Ingraham Was For The Ground Zero Mosque Before She Was Against It, reported by Ellen,

Religions Unite to Denounce FOX NEWS, Gingrich and Palin, reported by Guest Blogger,

Sean Hannity’s Memory Lapse About Conservative Death Wishes For Democrats, reported by Ellen,

Neil Cavuto Loves Free, Fat American Kids?, reported by Priscilla,

Jon Stewart On Mosque Hysteria, reported by Priscilla,

Fox & Friends Promote Anti Mosque, Anti Obama Message From 9-11 Family Member, reported by Priscilla,

August 15, 2010

Fox News Contributor Charles Payne Likens Missouri Health Care Vote To Tiananmen Square , reported by Guest Blogger,

Despite Evidence To The Contrary, Cheryl Casone And Fox News Panel Try To Blame Obama For High Unemployment, reported by Ellen,

Juan Williams Wants More Media Outrage Over Black On White Crime?, reported by Priscilla,

Glenn Beck Criticized For Progressive View On Gay Marriage!, reported by Priscilla,

Father Jonathan Morris Isn’t Asked About Mosque Controversy?, reported by Priscilla,

August 14, 2010

Cavuto Gives Florida GOP Candidate Marco Rubio A Little Help, reported by Ellen,

Brian Kilmeade Promotes More Anti-Mosque Activism, reported by Priscilla,

Both Cavuto Panelists Have The Same Negative Views Of $250 Checks For Seniors, reported by Ellen,

August 13, 2010

Hannity's White Supremacist Pal Convicted Of Threatening To Murder Three Federal Judges, reported by Ellen,

Why Hasn't Fox News Reported On Laura Schlessinger's N-Word Harangue?, reported by Ellen,

Sean Hannity Still Desperately Seeking A Sestak Crime, reported by Ellen,

Ben Quayle Changes His Story Again On Fox & Friends, reported by Priscilla,

Bill O’Reilly Says Jennifer Aniston Dissing America’s Dissed Daddies , reported by Priscilla,

Megyn Kelly Baselessly Validates Ben Quayle’s Inflammatory Campaign Ad, Ignores "Dirty Scottsdale" Revelations, reported by Ellen,

August 12, 2010

Glenn Beck Poses As Uniter, Suggests He Supports Gay Marriage, reported by Ellen,

Brian Kilmeade Is “Friend” To Refusnik “Hard Hat” Islamic Center Opponent, reported by Priscilla,

Projection? Bill Bennett Misinterprets Harry Reid’s Comments As Suggesting That Hispanics Come to U.S. To “Get On Welfare”, reported by Ellen,

Gretchen Carlson Does "Fair & Balanced", reported by Priscilla,

Glenn Beck Attacks Robert Greenwald And Brave New Foundation Over SB 1070 Billboard: “This is Who’s Controlling Your Country!”, reported by Ellen,

August 11, 2010

To Discuss Fox News' Fairness And Balance, O'Reilly Calls On Fox Business' Charles Gasparino, reported by Ellen,

Steve Doocy & Brian Kilmeade Get Into Bras, reported by Priscilla,

Gretchen Carlson Does Another Biased Rifqa Bary Report, reported by Priscilla,

Megyn Kelly Does Some Spinning, reported by Priscilla,

Steve Doocy Doesn’t Like “Dopey” Rules That Discriminate Against Conservative Patriotic Students!, reported by Priscilla,

Time For Hannity To Man Up About Blaming Clinton!, reported by Ellen,

What Happened To Hannity's Interest In The BP Oil Spill?, reported by Ellen,

For The Second Week In A Row, No Democratic Guests On Fox News Sunday, reported by Guest Blogger,

August 10, 2010

Glenn Beck Compares Obama To Lucifer., reported by Ellen,

Steve Doocy Provides Pulpit For Conservative, Persecuted, Patriot, Pupils, reported by Priscilla,

Fox & Friends & Persecuted Patriotic Students, reported by Priscilla,

Vacation Police Hannity And Malkin Exchange Conspiracy Theories About Michelle Obama’s Trip To Spain, reported by Ellen,

August 9, 2010

Your World’s Guest List Not Very Fair And Balanced, reported by Guest Blogger,

Megyn Kelly Gratuitously Prods Gary Sinise Into Attacking Obama DOJ Over Military Absentee Ballots, reported by Ellen,

“Fair & Balanced?”, reported by Priscilla,

Fox & Friends Promote Pro-Arizona, Anti-Immigrant Song, reported by Priscilla,

August 8, 2010

Newt Gingrich Gets An Earful About His Marriage Hypocrisy, reported by Ellen,

Conservative Ted Olson Demolishes Chris Wallace’s Attack On Prop 8 Ruling , reported by Ellen,

Jon Scott Looks At Prop 8 Coverage Through Right Wing Homophobic Glasses?, reported by Priscilla,

August 7, 2010

Bill O'Reilly Explains Why He Thinks Black People Want White People's Money, reported by Ellen,

Fox & Friends Play The Fear Of Monkey Terrorists Card, reported by Priscilla,

For Glenn Beck Fans, Freedom Is Gay Themed Book Banning?, reported by Priscilla,

Fox Nation Readers Discuss Shooting Obama, reported by Ellen,

Hannity Dismisses Patriot Act Concerns, Obsesses About People Seeing Him In A Speedo Via Google Earth, reported by Ellen,

August 6, 2010

Sean Hannity Vilifies Muslim Cleric After Giving Free Pass To Catholic Priest, reported by Priscilla,

Laura Ingraham’s Banshee Freak Out Over Michelle Obama’s School Nutrition Program, reported by Ellen,

August 5, 2010

Glenn Beck Supports White Nationalists On Twitter, reported by Guest Blogger,

Martha MacCallum Don’t Need No Stinking Tolerance, reported by Priscilla,

Don't Let The Internet Go The Way Of Big Oil And Big Banks!, reported by Ellen,

Neil Cavuto And Dana Perino Whine About Blaming Bush, Forget About Attacks On Clinton, reported by Ellen,

Islamophobe Pamela Geller Tells O’Reilly “I Love Muslims”, reported by Ellen,

Neil Cavuto Not Happy About Prop 8 Decision?, reported by Priscilla,

Fox Fans Support Gay Marriage? Who Knew!, reported by Priscilla,

August 4, 2010

Fox News Website Engages In Gay Baiting Re Prop 8 Decision, reported by Priscilla,

Fox & Friends Clayton Morris Refers To 14th Amendment As "The Anchor Baby Amendment" , reported by Priscilla,

Fox & Friends Clayton Morris Validates Tucker Carlson’s Anti Islamic Bigotry, reported by Priscilla,

Is There Any Right Wing Extremism Out Of Bounds On Fox News?, reported by Ellen,

Megyn Kelly’s Fear Mongering About Amnesty Contradicted By Fox News’ Actual Reporting, reported by Ellen,

August 3, 2010

Gretchen Carlson Promotes Planned Parenthood Praying Protester, reported by Priscilla,

I Am Glenn Beck - And You Can Be Too!, reported by Alex,

Did ADL, As Reported By Megyn Kelly, “Blast” Plans For NY Mosque?, reported by Priscilla,

One Fox News Photo Worth A Thousand Words, reported by Priscilla,

OOPS! Fox News Mistakes Shirley Sherrod For Maxine Waters, reported by Ellen,

Fox News Hypes “Do It Yourself” Health Care Reform Lawsuit Against Obama Administration, reported by Ellen,

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