Authorities are getting ready for massive Swine Flue vaccinations, and are apparently attempting to educate the public on the concept of post hoc ergo propter hoc. I.e., just because one event precedes another does not mean that that event caused what followed.
You're walking down a street. You sneeze. In front of you two cars crash into each other. Just because you sneezed and then two cars crashed does not mean your sneeze CAUSED the cars to crash.
Same problem with the Swine Flu. Lots of people are going to get heart attacks, strokes, miscarriages, and more right after they get their Swine Flu shot. Many would have gotten those things anyway. How do we tell whether the shot caused those things, or whether they were destined to happen, even without the shots? In 1976, a lot of people freaked out when things happened after their shots, and eventually the shots got shut down. How do we know what reactions are truly linked to the shots?
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Early Morning Swim
15 minutes ago