It's kind of weird living
in L.A. because everyone's so in show business, you know what I mean? This guy gave me his business card the other day, it said 'Actor/Writer/Producer/Director/Rapper.' And he goes, 'Yo dawg, call me for weed.' Read On »
For people that don't smoke
pot, there's very little difference in behavior between when you're stoned and when you're not. Really there's only one difference: when you're stoned, you forget to say, 'Excuse me, I'm about to change the subject.'
The whole first week, I
thought I was psychic. I thought I had new powers all of a sudden, you know. I'd be like, 'Where are my keys? Oh, they're in my pocket.' How did I know that? Oh my gosh!
Let me ask you this
rhetorically -- which means don't answer me when I ask it: would crack be so bad, and would people think so harshly of crack, if it were called 'crackle'?
Don't do drugs; don't do
it -- especially heroin. Heroin's like having oral sex and, at the same time, a puppy's licking your face. You don't want that.
Two young guys appear in
court after being arrested for smoking dope.
The judge says, "You seem like nice young men, and I'd like to give you a second chance instead of jail time. I want you to go out this weekend and try to convince...